Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jul 1925, p. 9

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fji. (CoatMnpifr from front ptfi) Kite McBkftfjr fans got a real kick olit of ttts ifrert writer's IWi sm^WliRlfirNCiii to at the sparkling plays palled off tqr tt« Grays as lock. Evidently SfU isn't used to watchtec fist working ycung athletes. If Mesaser •oald tie a can to some of the old fel lows who should be in the old folks home instead of trying to play baseball, maybe some of the fans down there would also become accustomed || watching ¥peppy" baseball. / " The tabulated score: McHenry-- R H PO A E Xosier, If. \0 14 2 0 Gross, 3d b. ......1 ' 2 8 8 . 1 Tornquist, ss. .... .0 1 -'f 1 0 Kern, 2d b. 1 I | 2 0 Davison, p. ,1 2 0 1 0 Kingsley, c. ......0 1 / > -d 0 Rogers, rf. I( Jj f o o Rtepas, cf. . . . . . . .*2 ' 2 0 0 Baasch, lb .0 2 10 0 0 Shawt,tf. 0 fl 0 0 0 SUughter, rf. .....© 110 0 16 . ; ;•'« 17 80 9 I' J Sa*in*. ' * H PO A E :tin*, mP-WX:... ..1 . t. * 4 1 Koepping, 2d b. ...1' i 9 0, cf-p. ! 1 1 0 Otis, rt « 0 0 Smith, Jf. © 2 2 0 0 Anderson, 3 b. ... .0 ft 121 Pay 1 b .0 6 » 0 0| Olson, c • 1 0 Miller, xt . .1 1 0 0 0 Moss, lb.. 0 0 4 0 0 4 12 10 17 2 hy Innings McHenry ...1100 00200 2--6 Elgin 000030010 0--4 CONE OUT OFIBKUCBR •**» Why* ' . 4r* fig:- . Do all your summer cooking on an old style range. Take a vacation from the kitchen and cook in one of our Ranges, equipped with "oven ASK FOR OUR P RICES Western United Gas and Electric Company &?Jt. CoWfO, Dlst. Mgr., Ufcia. IU. No. t, 000,000 Goes to Chicago Motor ClvA m the litis c Secretary of State Emmerson hasl 1,000,000 number goes issued to the Chicago Motor Club Ve- scout car of the club. SUMO number 1,000,000 for pas- j driven by the veteran ®T*- There were hundreds of, Groham. and it rovers the fof this number nnH Score- j between the Rocky Mountain* and the tary Emm er sun. decided it should go j Atlantic Coast from the Canadian Uae sr to John to the motor club as the largest representative body of motorists in Illinois, and because they had made formal application for it in 1923. License number 1 has for years been issued to Sidney Gorham, a director of the Chicago Motor Club and the Two base hits: Lee, Koepping, Crangle, Otis, Smith, Kern. Three base hit: Otis. Home run: Repas. Double plays: Gross to Kern, Gross to Raach. Base on balls: Off Davison, 2. Struck out by Davison, 8. By Miller,6. McHcary to Burlington Next Sunday McHenry will travel to Burlington, Wis., next Sunday where they will take on the home club in the season'3 first encounter^ These two teams have had many a tough scrap during the past three seasons and the fans are alwys assured of real battle when these two clubs meet. Burlington may justly claim one of the • finest little ball parks to be found anywhere in this section and the McHenry fans always welcome the opportunity to make the trip to that city. No doubt a large following of local fans will accompany the team to the Wisconsin city. On Labor day the Grays will again tackle the Algonquin Indians the game to be staged as one of the attractions at a big celebration to be held atCarpenter's Park Carpentersville. Bring in that job of printing fceftoe you forget it. We can give you better service if you will cooperate with us. Heroin - flrug la an acetic •Btet r»f mw*. phlne, chemically known as diacetylmorphine. It is a white, crystalline, neutral, slightly bitter powder. It 1a only slightly soluable in water, but freely ao when a dilute acid is added. The use of the drug in medicine practically dates from 1896, and there la still a diversity of opinion ar to itl action and value. to the Gulf of Mexico.' It is fitting indeed that the Chicago- Motor Club should receive this 1,000,000 number as the club and motordom have grown up together in Illinois. Bring in that job of printing before you forget it. We can give you better service if you will cooperate with us. Hmrmmtf Rmputatin Bmd Hermes waa the patron of theft and perjury. According to my thology, when only a few hours old, he stole 50 oxen from the sacred herd of Apollo, drove them backward and forward to confuse their tracks and then walked backward, herding them backward, and concealed them. Apollo forgave him and made hUa a part mm of the bent Simiplm Mmaam am awl There Is an easy way by which tte height of a tree can be computed by measuring its shadow. Take a stick of definite length and measure the shadow of the tree. Find the length by the shadow of the stick by holding It at right angles to the ground. Multiply the length of the tree's shadow by the length of the stick and divide hJ the length of the (tide's shadow. Fine job printing is done at the Plaindealer shop. We hire expert printers and use the best materials on the market. The prices are right so there is nothing more to be desired. JfomaR {mothering Plmc-- •he coliseum of Rome seated 87,000 people. We do not find any definite statement concerning the capacity of the forum at Rome. The Forum Homanum was the market place and center of political oratory of the city. It was not equipped with seats, but was the gathering place of large crowds. The length of the forum Is 102 meters; Its width from 45 to 46 meters. By BERNARD LONG Featuring the Famous Every; piece guaranteed in writing for a year f Special at m wmm < Illinois ,; : -'i/< .. c \ ' «wj. Westers Union,) Hf^OT to git, have I, pan and bagvJIgage, right offn this yere gold placer, to let that big over-growed comp'ny operate Its dredge?" "Nugget" I>an's wrinkled features registered mounting wrath as the lawyer and Big Charlie, manager of the Sierra Gold Dre^Wtag company, snapped assent almost in anlson. " "Right of eminent domain--we can go through your ground--riftght as well be reasonable and sell,'* the lawyer enlightened. . Nugget Dan spat slowly and turned keen gray eyes on Big Charlie. "Yo'r comp'ny has millions to my pennies, I reckon," he drawled. "And I got a moughty slim chance in the courts." "Tou are behind the times," grinned Big Charlie. "Our dredge will take out thousands while you tinker with your pan for a few dollars a day." Nugget Dan gnawed off a fresh bite of plug. "What you offferin' mer he queried. "Five hundred dollars," from Big Charlie. "Five hundred dollars!" ejaculated Nugget Dan, wiggling his tongue over broken teeth. "Why, this yere ground is wuth full $10,000 If she's wuth a cent. She's wuth more. Don't believe Til sell fer a cent less." "Then," announced the attorney, briskly, speaking for the company, ••we'll make a counter offer--five hundred dollars, and fight It out in the courts!" Big Charlie nodded assent. Nugget Dan rolled a cigarette and strolled down the gravel working, plunged in deep thought, then he strolled back to the two dredging officials. "You offer me $600, and she's wuth $10,000. Yo'r dredge will go through here, llftln' sand and gravel in them big buckets, and take out $20,000 ofTn this 20 acres--if it takes out a cent I reckon I'll hold to the claim" he announced and strolled down the slope to his cabin. But the old placer miner did not Intend tot let It rest there and face a battle in the courts. That same day he went to see Taylor Whitney, lawyer of th,e old school, friend of his early mining days. "All I ast," said Nugget, "Is that you glt through a Injunction or some other breed of court order from Jedge Graham flxln' the appraisal of them experts as the lawful price 0' my ground." "Leave that to me," said his old friend. "ThatV only fair, seeing that the company has Its own expert appraisers, and I am sure Judge Graham will acced#' • week later Nugget Dan received a notice from Taylor Whitney, the lawyer, that the court had granted the order desired. The company had been served with like notice. Next morning early Nugget came out of his cabin with shovel and pan to go to work as usual In his gravel, washing the "pay dirt" in the creek until the yellow color was separated from the coarser material. As he bent at the creek he heard voices and recognised the figure of Big Charlie, with three strangers. "Hello, Nugget. Ready to get down to business. Here are our appraisers ready to sample the ground." The old miner rose slowly and extended a bony hand to each of the young men. "If you 'uns don't mind, I'll pan fer yuh," volunteered the oldtimer. "That's what we expected to ask-- if you dont mind," one of than asserted, smiling. Nugget had guessed aright--that these "newfangled" appraisers, fresh from the school of mines, expert as they were In the technique of mining, would make a sorry spectacle at the old trick of panning. Nugget set to work, smoking Innumerable cigarettes, and panned the gravel at spots indicated by the appraisers, until samples were taken at 50 spots on the 20 acres. Finally the sampling was completed, and Nugget Dan went with the appraisers to their little assay office at the dredging camp. "Samples show this ground la very rich In gold--that 20 acres ought to be worth $20,000," announced the experts. Big Charlie was surprised, but Satisfied. He wrote out a check for $10,- 000 and handed It to Nugget Dan. That afternoon Nugget drifted In to see Attorney Taylor Whitney. "How did you do it?" demanded the attorney, eyes twinkling. "Them cigarettes," drawled Nugget, as he rolled another,, "them cigarettes was loaded with special Nugget Dan mixture, part terbaccy, part gold dust. 1 smoked one fer every pan." "You old son-of-a-gun 1" "Wouldn't a done It," declared Nugget Dan, earnestly, "If I wasn't sure them hell-diggers would glt their money back from that air claim. But 4&M ^on't make a hull lot of profit lr r • -Volcmno** Dying Volcanic eruptions, which are regarded by scientists as safety valves for the emission of gases and steam generated In the earth's Interior, are much less frequent than formerly, due to the thickening of the earth's crust. Geology shows that from the Cambrian to and through the Paleosoic ages the surface of the earth was dotted with volcanoes as thickly as the rind of an orange Is covered with pores. At that time the crust of the Kith was considerably thinner. . ^ j (p* |ef e) ^Inoua 8001 sn «,«op SIM Oil Jno MQSM4 «>•} TO* xsnT<n*J &I3A )ou 8jb sn ;o emog •serog pejiuQ aqj jo lainsBej) jsjb fifcmH i««q»iw JO jstn «i iiw "nop •M) e<n nuopt aoBj asoq* vsm ma **ip>amU9i ** McHenry Country Club C. N. Owen was the winner of the Stenger cup last week and Fred Justen was the runner-up. Sunday plays are now quite heavy at the Mettenrjf gulf links and the number of playvrs on week days b doable that of last year. William Lormer, the third, was the winner of the flag tabraament, July 26. H. N. Petesch was second in rank, Earl Whiting, thiMi/aad Joseph Me- Omber, fourth. « . The qualifying round for the Pouse cup is being played this week. The 82 players having the lowest scores will play for the cap, handicap allowances made. ADDITIONAL PERSONALS John Aylward of Elgin spent Sunday with McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nelson of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bar- Eriekson's Clearance Sale is still on, but ends Saturday night. Get some of these bargains before it is too late. bian and Mr*. Mary Greei|'> Mr and Mrs. W. G. " sone motored to Kiiboara, Wife, Wednesday and spettt tfcrse days ing the Dells of Wlseoute and pointa of interest. £e, dke Poor The pedeetrian Is given right of way at all crosswalks except those eeatrolled by traffic police, aad vafctdee are given right of way over pedestsfaas between intersections.--Washington " 3T'5'K5»f * Keep posted you drive into town, make our' bank your first call, even if you have no business to transact. For it is very likely that we will have Something of interest to tell you, or learn from you. We try to keep in close touch with the farming needs and experiences of our territory, and serve as a clearing house for information affecting farm economics and all developments that may help our friends to a progressive and prosperous t*' '.*•/ - -T * * > j West McHenry State Bank "The Bank That Service Built" -There Va Difference in- ICE CREAM The first requisite in the jnanufacture of Ice Cream is quality. We use nothing in 6ur cream but the purest of. tnaterials~the. best the mar* k e t can p r o v i d e , . - v . . . . . . . Then the next thing ii cleanliness. McHenry Icej Cream is made under thf. strictest sanitary conditioner Thirdly, comes Servient We are prepared to take care of our trade with promptness on deliveries. When you say Ice Cream, don't forget to also say McHenry , y V. '"a--'-- •' • .ih'•: • McHENRY ICE CREAM CO. McHenry^ Illinois - V Ss J 'h-ii 'f >4$-: '^rb "-v.,* :& * &r 1 M;, laf i. - ' ~ i * m. %• tA T-ftfr-, 1." ' ^ ,.tlf -iir^ . . . .

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