I , .¥-i m-J" rnrnmmm* visitor t OP A WEEK ftflUrTOYCITY AS SEEN BY PLAlNDBALHt BB> AND HANDBD Df BY otm FUKlfDS Hermaii Steffes k the in Chicago. John Bolger was a Chicago visitor OM day last we«k. Mr. and Mrs. R. Turner visited friends in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Turner spent Sun- <uy evening at Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Nap Lezotte and children were Lake Geneva visitors Sunday* Mr, and Mrs. Henry Crepil of Round Krs.*ary Warmley of Msirfafc, IU., in i|iaMliii|l a few days with XtHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Will Statu of Solon the week-end in the Martin Inane. and Mr*. Roy Smith of Solon passed Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. R. Turner. A1 Wegener of Chicago passed last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kelter. Alfred Bonslett of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of his parents in this city. Miss Louise Weingart is spending the week at Crystal Lake at the home of Mrs. E. LangTen. Mrs. Hennefin and children of Chi cago spent Wednesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kelter. Mrs. Martin Efferts and grandson of Chicago are spending the week with Mrs. Anton Schneider. Henry Freund of Waukegan was a Kankakee Inter-State Fair WmU*i Great#*! Oalloor KatortaineMl SEPTEMBER 14,15,16,17,18,1925 Complete Livestock Agrimltaawl Ifapasltiei Ma" * flffi&Bx&ffiak*"* M REDUCED RATES Off ALL RAILROADS LEN SMALL, Secretary, Mikifcw open i "Worn will want many items for the children, Juniors and Seniors, in Shoes, Hose and other Wearing apparel. We are* prepared to serve you with good, dependable merchandise at moderate prices. > V > Our line of School 'Shoes is very -'::;icoii«plct©B f ' ' JUtA in Ladies' and Young Ladies' styles in popular shapes and styles, priced from $4 to $7.50 per pair. Boys' and Tooths' in good, sturdy quality $2.50 to S6.00. Misses' and Girls' to suit the most exacting in style and quality, from $2.50 to $4.50. ' ^ Baby Shoes We have many broken lines in nearly all sizes to close out at a big discount. We have several new lines of Lace Shoes, Oxfords, and Pumps* from $1,50 to $3.00. in tan and black, popular styles, for $2.75 to $8.00 Men's Shocat and Oxfords * flexible sole Work Shoes. New Flannel ?nd Fancy Serge Dresses^Silk Dresses, Linen, English Broadcloth and English Print Dresses, priced from $2.00 to $13.00. • Yours truly, If-; M. J. Walsh «j»' and Mm. ' " * H. K. tniknfchrh spas* tfe* weekend wtth his ffcadty is the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stetien. Fred P. Freund of Chicago ww a visitor in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley GuffSrt of Solon Mills were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. FVank Ward were Miss Irene Huff, Miss Brittoo and Fred Britten. Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Perkison of Chicago were Sunday guests in tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Winkle. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wegener and Dr. and Mrs. Offenlock of Chicago spent Wednesday afternoon in the Kelter home. r Mr. and Mrs. Matt' Lauras and daughter, Elisabeth, and Miss Louise Weingart attended the Aurora Fair Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Steffes and daughter, Agnes, spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Meyers at Orchard Beach. Misses Theresa and Viola Brefeld arc spending several days in Waukegan as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. BrefeWL Mr. and Mrs. Art Rasmussen and daughter, Jeanne, of Chicago passed the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward. Misses Irene and Alice Brahan, and William and John Brahan of New London, Wis., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albert of Chicago have returned to their home after spending their vacation in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Math Steffes, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Brefeld, Mr. and Mrs. George Viney and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Viney were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. William Welch and daughters, Mildred and Helen, Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froelich and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin spent Thurs< day at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede, Mr. A Mrs. Arthur Bergeson, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Kressman and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gerhman of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Louis Wrede. Telephone No. 108-R. Stof fel & Reibanspergcr Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOI8 0. t THORNE QTVIL BirafflKB AXS LAND stmvsroa Algonquin, lUlnota •t. I Phone 117-B WEST M'HSNRY Wife tad Hasbtad Both ID With Gts "For years I had gas on the stomach. The first dose of Adlerika helped. I now sleep weii and all gas is gone. It also helped my husband." (signed) Mrs. B. Brinkley. ONE spoonful Adlerika removes GAS and often brings astonishing relief to the stomach. Stops that full, bloated feeling. Brings out old, waste matter you never thought was in your system. This excellent intestinal evacuant is wonderful for constipation. Bolger Pharmacy. DRS. N'CHESNEY & BROWN amoirouTi) DENTISTS Dr. J. W. Brows, Dr. R. M. Walksx Eatabliahatf over 41 yean aatf •dlt doles el oM Maad Pioneers In First-Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices Ask Tour Neighbors and Friends About Us S. E. Cor. Clark & Randolph 146 N. Clark St., Chioago PHONE CENTRAL 20*7 Daily 8 to 5; Sundays 9 to 11 GASOLINE 5S-60 feat #ectrie modation of our customers attorn- Knox Motor Sales ^ ; Authorized Ford Dealers Phones 30 & 31 enry Boy Kent was a Tuesday. M. C. Klein was eago Tuesday. Leo Conway of Chicago was a Weekend visitor in McHenry. Fired Schoewer was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Dr. A. I. Froelich was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Lee Turner^ of Solon visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Turner Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hickey and Mrs. H. Ritter were Elgin shoppers Thursday. Mrs. Mary Green attended the funeral of Mr. Chase at Ringwood Monday. Miss Mercedes Bolger and Tom Phalin were McHenry visitors Tuesday night Stanley Gustaveson of Chicago passed the week-end with McHenry friends. Ed Ayiward of Hebron spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. P. Frett motored to Wisconsin Sunday and spent the day there. D. Norton of Chicago visited Mr. ami Mrs. H. N. Durland over the weekend. Mrs. Alice Bowles of Chicago is a. guest in t'ie home of Mrs. Margaret McCarthy. Mrs. Mary S. Powers and daughter, Kathleen, were Waukegan visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Garrity were week-end visitors in the home of P. J. Schoewer. Mrs. Gustavo Trapp of Chicago visited Mrs. Delia Matthews over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Robison of Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. William Welch Monday. Miss Charlotte Frett and Edward Frett passed last weak in Wisconsin visiting friends. Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughter, Shirley, were Tuesday afternoon visitors in McHenry. Mrs. J. J. Dweyer of Chicago is spending the .^fllek in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Vliller. Mrs. Marion Cropley and Mrs. V. Alms of Solon were McHenry visitors Friday evening. Mrs. Lou Lawrence of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wegener Monday. Miss Garnet Cooley of New Holland, Ohio, is spending the week with Miss Jennie May Cooley. Mrs. R. J. Real and daughter of Chicago are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schaefer. Mr. and Mrs. R. Sherburne of Nebraska were recent guests in the home of Mrs. and Miss Sherburne. Mrs. James Powers and children returned to McHenry recently after an extended visit in Sycamore, 111. Mrs. Thomas Maher of Chicago is spending the week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. J. Schaefer. Mrs. A. Siever and son, Clarence, of Chicago are spending the week with Mrs. J. Mentell at Pistakee Bay. George Chase of Kenosha spent a few days last week as a guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller. Mrs. Maxwell Beth and Mrs. William Beth and daughter, Cora, were McHenry visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Brussingham of Chicago spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kelter. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bishop spent Sunday with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Freund in Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. L Ritter and son of Chicago visited Mr. Ritter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, H. Ritter, over the weekend. ! Orvill Tulley and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ewin of Chicago spent Sun-j day as guests in the home of Mrs. Louise Lawley. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kinnigge, Mrs. j Mary Biggs, and Mrs. Paul Wood of j Crystal Lake were visiting friends in; McHenry Saturday. Mrs. Laura Ken and daughter, Ruth, Miss Charlotte Madden and Mrs. Mary Green spent Saturday evening at Woodstock and Harvard. Mr. and Mrs. Almy Wiswall and son, Austin, of Chicago are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe and other McHenry relatives. Friday afternoon guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Kelter were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spy and children and Mr. and Mrs. Bron and son of Chicago. .... « Mrs. Ray Smith and children of Libertyville visited with Mr. and Mrs Peter Diedrich the latter part of last week. Mr. Smith came Sunday and the family returned home that eveninjF. Mrs. Christina Schrener entertained as .guests in her home Sunday Mr* and Mrs. Al Rowe and daughter, Betty, John Schrener and Bert Dnskell of Elgin, Patrich Keller of Elmhurst and P. H. Moulton of Joliet, Mr. and Mrs. John Brown and five children, who have been visiting for some time, in the home of Mrs. Brown's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Matt Miller, returned to their home in Tulsa, Okla. Tuesday, where Mr. Brown is the owner and manager of a large theatre. Misses Thehna and Madeleine Fuher of Terri! Haute, Ind., who have been visiting in the William Zenk home for several weeks, have returned to their home with their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fuher, who spent several days recently in the William Zenk home. Mr. and Mrs. William Zenk and family entertained as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kimball, Mr, and Mrs. William Bauman and family, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Shirman, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Selpien and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Newman and daughter, Frances, all of Elgin, and Mr. and i Mrs. L. C. Fuber and family of Terre Haute, Ind. -- -N.i'3 This Freedom ' He was slightly intoxicated when he ft"* before the judge and when he was fined ten dollars for saluting another gentleman in the nose with his Iron Mike, he was indigant. "Call this a free country/ he said, iwhen a genlman hasnt the right to use his own fist?" "You're right to use your fist," said' the judge, "ceases where the other mon*snose begins." CIpMatery l« Old "TSTiurt of upholstery originated la the Esst. It is known thst from the fltties the Egyptians used up Mltterad couches and chairs and the ileum, their neighbors, who were •••NHI In the art of weaving, Intro dated the tich Woven draperies used bsth for covering the seats of furnitm nd tat (he draping of wallik f T T T T I JIT* fkktiNi Wanted Welcome, Mischief, if thou Beajaadn Wanklla. t% T 1ft ran in Lowly Oluliano da Sangallo, the great Its!' Ian architect, contemporary and asso Hate In the building of St Peter's Rome, of Michelangelo, Bramante and Raphael, entered the service of Pwri U as a mapsa to the year 1MB.. :" - Thmy Now Think DifiFormi Sultans and priests of Turkey at oae^ time considered smoking so serious a crime that In many rases torture aad death was the punishment meted out to those Indulging in it. BsS-jMyuig «| 4000 years ago, cad s MB koea used ever la «M country, ladaStag ball is a medsn favaatfsa. •rigfaated la Ooopentowa, & *, I IMS. Balsa ware drawn an Soft fl MML Beysmfc v.',r V- '•« . Twabft Cl mtalis! tT ft bo good is aohle, bat ta taad others how to bo good fc aeMsvaad less trouble.--ifark Twala. '; m mm THE is « "branch 6f this hank that is within walking distance of every farm home. It is as near as your mailbox. * J • « ' Now, it is possible to deposit and draw money by R. F. D. Your letters are given immediate'attention. We respond .by return mail. n West McHenry State Bank Bank That Service Built CREAM Here's-A Message Every bit of cream used in the mannfsotare of M'HENRY ICE CREAM comes to this factory thoroughly tested and pasteurised and is absolutely pure before it is allowed to leave the eresm station. Purity lUift the ingrfetKiMta used fe the production of our Ice Cream is the first thing taken into consideration. Therefore, this comlpany is safe in its guarantee to the* public of a pure, haa&ifol food, for Ice Cream is a food--not a fad. t you say Ice Cream, don't -forget to also say McHenry McHenry, Illinois ^ mi