Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Sep 1925, p. 11

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fS • j Hear it cwckles k* ^fl/1 fftClf* /|f r'-^ou knead it ThewelUtoeiloaftfaat «•<* 1--tlViWi IMWIilm ; aad* It (ft# fteocte of bwid miWu. Send for free book^i ^The Art of Baking Bread* fc -1 :fr! i, , * ^ V •'. Fordnraatem Yeast Cot 173Q Notch Ashland Ave. Phir^n.n Hosiery at w Tremendous Saving HlGH-GRADE dlk hosiery is put within ewybody's mdsm by the TRIBOND PLAN. Nothing Bee it has ever before been offered to die public vJ-Over 3V»o satisfied wearers of TRIBOND { HOSIERY have proved the quality of our mochan- <&se sad the extraordinary saving by buying the •TRIBOND way. Write without incurring any oblige. lion for specimen copy of our puschsse plan with fiill information. 1 A J. THERE IS ONLY ONE TRIBOND SALES CORPORATION THERE IS ONLY ONE TRIBOND QUALITY THERE IS ONLY ON* TRIBOND PLAN New York City B 150 Broadway a (Eflrpnratum story in one word" Urite" b A* whole story of }r .'cttBs fabrication in one wocd. Oil mast h:\. / eoAar#~-^nd MHHHRIB' desa %: f & Your search for the moat dependable •0 la ended and longer aarvlue from m |m ear la e tUe one word for perfect I? PS--cil Bluffy Iowa MonaMotor Ofls & Greases Maine Hen Lore A contributor to a Cleveland newspaper, tailing of a ben winning through heavy traffic with a bright ribbon dangling from her tail feathers, adds: "Evidently ahe had been struck before." Tut! tut! Ia it possible that tbe writer has never heard of that time-honored method of "breaking up" a setting hen by attaching a bit of red cloth to her tail-- red flannel preferably T Just why flannel has never been satisfactorily explained, bat flannel baa always been demanded by the good folk who believe la this plan, and happy waa tho boy who *as called upon to affix the streamer and then watch the craxy antics of its unwilling wearer.--Portland Preas Herald. Officials Take Place ef Police in Desolate Islet. Longyeer City, bpltxbergen.--Europe baa assay dictators whose names are household words all tbe world over, but Spitsbergen has a few less known rulers who understand the an of running a community virtually single-handed to perfection. They are Chief Engineer Sigurd Westby at Advent Bay, Director H. Dresselhuys ai Green Harbor and Director Knudsen St Kings Bay. Each of these men. who are In charge of the local Interests of different coal companies, wielda virtually autocratic power, aad wields It wisely and justly, Judging by results. Not Yet in Possession. By tho treaty of Versailles Spitsbergen became Norwegian territory, bet King Haakon has not yet taken official p< -session of the Islands, and pending the enforcement of the Sval bard law, now before the Norwegian parliament, there is no Norwegian governor, law court, policeman, customs officer or tax collector in sll Spitsbergen. It Is the coal companies' writ that cons throughout the archipelago or as much of It ss Is Inhabited. Forced to Be 8trlot. ' Rules sod regulations have to be pretty strict In mining camps with boating populations like those In Spitsbergen. Unauthorized drink traffic is put down with a stern hand. The companies' understandings with ship esptains is that any clandestine liquor trading by their subordinates Is sot to be tolerated. Of course, smuggling occurs once tn swhile, but detection entails very severe penalties on guilty parties, who have their credit on, the companies' books docked by $25 for a first u tense. Subsequent Infringements may entall social ostracism and deportation from the island, but the extreme penalty Is seldom enforced. recent instance occurred In tbe Empire colliery. Anthony Kopnlski and his son, while eating lunch, were attracted by the peculiar actlona of two rats which continually annoyed them. Five times they drove tbe rats away by throwing pieces of coal at them, but each time the rodents returned. This a roused the suspicions of the elder Kopnski, who, directing his son to follow him, went out of the pit. They had proceeded only about 20 feet when the roof crashed in, bringing down such e mass of coal and rock that would require three weeks to remove It. The ability of tbe rats to warn the miners of approaching danger has resulted in many of the men making pets of them. The average miner hesitates to kill a r^t, especially if he Is working In a chamber where caveins are likely to occur where there is bad air or gas. 1K9WBT, ELL. Bishop Brings Body of Saint Christina . Mub. New York --In a plain oak box the bones of St. Christina, virgin martyr of the Thlrrt fllPV Post ATI AmAfU*. - »• - - v...VMM ouii pre* paratory to being taken "to the Roman Catholic cathedral at Cleveland, Ohio. The bones were tho gift of Pope Plus XI to Bishop Joseph Schrembs of Cleveland In recognition of the $200,000 which the Cleveland diocese contributed to the erection of a "house of catacombs" in Rome. Bishop Schrembs. Bishop Michael Gallagher of Detroit and others returned from a four months' holy-year pilgrimage on the liner Homeric recently and were met by a delegation of middle western clergy and laymen. They brought the following message from the pope: "America has been the band of Providence for the Impoverished and unfortunate nations of the world, and the world will never forget America." V{Wii Friondahifi^^, which was prote<$if) 1>y a family at Danville, Pa„ when It fell oat of a nest, has become tbe Inseparable companion of a fox terrier. Frequently the bird ridee around on tbe dog's back. One ungrateful man doea an Injury to all who stand in need of aid.--Syrus. Free--this Color Chart <r . that telU how to decorate any room in ^ the house for lea* than $1.00 Write today. Before you spend s single penny for decorating, learn all about King Wall Finish--the remarkable wall finish that is making it easy for home owners to decorate. Low co»t--easy to apply--the most attractive color combinations--and the last word in sanitation. Those are the things you get when you decorate with KING WALL FINISH. Isn't it worth investigation} Write today (or name of nearest desier and FREE Color Chart, showing 19 beautiful colors to choose from. THE CHICAGO WHITE UAD *. OIL CO. 15th Sjt. and S. Wutm An^ Chicago, 111. Wall Finish Some men have no fixed price, bat proceed to sell out to the highest bidder. gome die of heart failure and some Uve with head failure.. It Is as easy ty suppress s first desire as It Is hard to satisfy the desires that follow. Rats Warn Miners of ' Impending Roof Cave-in Wllkesbarre. Pa.--Hats in the anthracite coal mines on many occasions have demonstrated tbey are friends of the miners In giving them warning ef approaching danger, a, I Mark Would Have Been Proud of Her Blue Laws for All California Co-Eds (irkeley, Cal.--Women freshmen who enroll in the Unlveraity of California will learn that the women's executive cum mittee has been active during the summer vacation. In outlying a campaign to promote Intellectual pursuits rather than frivolities, the committee let It be known that It will not tolerate: Coming home from dances after one o'clock. Entertaining msscullne friends sfter 10:30 p. m. Hose rolled below the knee. Too generous use of rouge and lipstick. All extremes In dress sad conduct. Indulgence In cigarette* Patting parties. * * . Drinking intoxicanta. *. V"*®] Notice will be serve# 66 all women students that violations of the code will mean trial before the women's committee. I ;i >lr^» j T * •> "c. •ssr ? * I " - AtM- Sedsw |775#/. MORE POWER) MORE; PULL!. MORE PEP! Transportation Cars -f*"' Fatettt /. a. A. Lsnhg, Jfci COMMERCIAL CHASSIS . . . $42) ROADSTER $)2) TOURING . , . ... $525 1 COUPSTUt v i COUPE? . • • • m • $675 COACH •*. i',. . i. /a , « $^95 SEDAN , ,• .. , , • -;i • $77) DURANT MOTORS* Inc. #jjo West 57th Street, New York; General Sales Dept.--1S19 Broadwsy, New York V 'lkf/tn Mud Service Stttitms thrtwghent the Vailed Ststit Csatd* *mi Alexin ffumtvt • itisfeth, lit J. tt •p y • & vfc 'ft 5 J j i y risi Mkh. OikM, Ctt Toroan, Oat A man can laugh and laagb and be a villain still. "Do It now," also applies to s premeditated loaf. The first photograph to be made of lira. Kicbard Porter Davidson, formerly Mlas Betty Hanna, granddaughter Of the late Mark Hanna, wlth her daughter, Daisy Gordon Davidson. Ifes baby has been hsmed aftsr. sar matstnul grandmother. -ir on Road Magnate Gives EmfJloyee and Rival New Dimes. New York.--Harold Riley, who was driving a big Standard Oil tank truck, stopped as be rounded s turn on the hilly road between Rlverdale and Bloomlngdale, N. J., and came to a stop as he saw a gasoline truck of tbe Tidal Oil company approaching. Charley Stout of Dundee Lakes wus driving it. • "I<eave any bnalneaa for mef said Charley, coming to a stop. "1 pretty well oiled up tbe whole country," said the Standard Oil man. A costly closed car coming from Rlverdale atopped between them. A door opened and an old man In a gray ifw I Tobacco From All Countries am Never discuss a man's salary with him unless he starts It. i MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is especially prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, IBVind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefpotn, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the #Ssimilatk>n of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Tt avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Afcsohrtelv Harmless-No Ofliates. Physicians everywhere recommend ft. m I I cap and gray duster stepped brlakly out on the road. Pleased by Recognition. "We're lost • boys." he said to the two drivers. Then, addressing himself to the driver of the red Standard Oil truck, he asked: "Can you tell me the way back to the Oakland- SufTern roadT* "Oo hack to Rlverdale and take the right turn, Mr. Rockefeller," said Riley. "You recognise me. ehl" said the oil man delightedly, extending his hand. "I certainly do." raid Riley. "Glad to meet any oil man," said Mr. Rockefeller, shaking handn also with Stout, who had jumped down from his seat on the rival truck. "Always glad to meet a man tn the oil business, but, of course (shaking the Standard Oil driver's hand agaln>,, tbe Standard Oil Is my flrst love." Dimes Begin to Appeas. "Just s minute, boys," be said to the drivers. "Now, Riley, that's for yon." He gave the Standard Oil driver one of his famous fresh minted dimes. Then he Inquired about their families--found Stout had one child and Riley none, so he gave each of them a dime "for the wife" with his "compliments" and an extra dime for the baby. - ' A new full set of Champions every 10,000 miles will » greatly improve engine performance and pay for themselves in oil and gas saved. ObsHigXfci WwJsdftilbM Bw foratt awrcan, 75c. Min dpwiorinu >. 5,000 JWIIHWHOM ttbtm byT OM Midi Inww ifcf s*»* dM dmM»-rlbktd car*. Cbampkm Spark Plug Ob. Toiado, Ohio Oot*i ] Florida Lands; Specialists in subdivisions, lots, acreage /;t, ,', l and farm lands--improved and un- i improved--also orange groves. Tell ^ vgj as your wants and we will send de~ sciiptions. If yOu own Florida prop" ..J.j2- erty and want id sell. Use * with us. ;v UDDON-MARSHALL • ' Realty Corp. I,? i\ Peo Building Pott Plcroo,] Bwkw-'mm --rwi'S iB • Nifhs*^--st An actual ptnoml tiptriuct. To dupltcato. Don't mlw thlo. Worth BSVKRLT, 1411 W. nth. Boattlo, ... ^ R)B SAME--1M AC1»; H wr« «wM&|> 0 JO mile* N. W. of Chicago, dw iUU raa4.': Vary fertll. «oll. fair buildlan; |1H SMI" aero. YAWT * SELIO. DKBHWILR SIS DaUy SmU; HU4*-Mra * woioa; sa» V • unnooeaoary. He profit avoir dollar. A"- whlrlwtad aallar. P«rtlc. frc*. Moaata A4t, .• Sarvlca, tSTSVb Monet a. Coa Aacalaa, CaUt :1; Head SI for roll Pond "MASCO," the ! feet Pipe Tobacco. Res price II H; I! Smooth aa cream, clean and pure. aroma. Martin. 1T1 Sydney, St. •Paul, Dry C'lea«ita>, Dyetaa Baataaaa. motnjr-i Start youraelf: become ladepandent 2t; e«p tella. Three valuable formula* |1 ArSMK'. ; ? CleanalnK Co.. 600 Waatport. Kanaaa City, Tor Hale--ISO Aer«a AdJolala« City ' ' The moat daairable dairy and atock tana ta|j- Ueorjla. Population 10,000. W« (row «MHv eatlro year. W. J. J08KT. Assortaw^ Oa.. AOBNT8 WASTED--TO 8ELL nAlMOS ' Splendid money-maklnc propoattloa. WrtlSl for particulars Fl'KHR A 8TEMMKR CO., 2T0: South Wei la Street. CHICAGO, 1LI* AOKNTtl WANTED--Men and woman maka ..a 160% profit, aell to every home, >toro aaS1*!-?, ' I restaurant. Write for free aample and arepe-- Is# i altlon. S. A R. Product Co.. 9ulllvaa, III ^ > tjj.| £ BOY8, OIRL^--L,*arn to orsanlxe aad aoa*1") ' Vjj§ 'l duct a fraternity, aororlty or clnb. Send ^ today 16c, book full Inatraetloaa, poitpald. O~ reen-h a-l sh- . ST C-h amb- er* St.. New Tork.^.f HINDERCORN8 kinaaa, ate.. feav i>a> (lMa. HImoi .. parkmFS" mmh 11 laQih i a ksjapljs i sawM^n^ su,l ~ amSjBStiSUL . Saawvaa OarasL W. N. U, CHICAGO, NO. S7-.1l Permanent rpads art a fftwstnmt an cx£c*m m I Ben D. Hill, tobacco specialist of the Department of Commerce, Inspectkig some of the samples of foreign tobacco collected as he toured all parts •f the world so that American exporters may be advised of the preferences of Jfce smokers In each and every coon try.- 4 * ' Like* Chain Gang > Knozville. Tenn.--After various acts M petty mutiny and efforts to escape ft-om the coonty workhouse, one of the convicts, a burly Canadian, baa become enamored with tbe place and refuses to leave, even though his sentence ha? expired. The prisoner now aeems to actually ; ejoy the hard manual work. Aged Woman Says Girls Swimming Is Age Wonder Boston. -- That girls actually go swimming at Nantaaket and other public beaches Is the greatest change tn manners that Mrs. Ezra Brown, one of Cohasset's oldefet realdenta, ha^ ^ ticed in her ll>ng life. Tbe dearly loved elderjy lady.whose, house is a favorite visiting place of the young and old people in the town, declared on the eve of her ninety-asc> ond birthday that she doesn't begin to be as much Impressed with the radlu, automobiles, telephones and other signs of progress that have cropped op daring her lifetime as she ia with the way young girls have change their manners. She only wishes bar mother could see the girls of -today tbioklng nothing of disporting themselves on the beach and In the water. The Nantasket of her girlhood was visited only by men bathers, and the girls of her day would rather have died than taken a swim with people present. q i a a Ls\iL, s-* t . A'j; l^>comotlve8 of the Uganda railway, in the land of no coal, are being converted from wood to oil burners. Consume 5»000y(HK) Snskcs for Foo4t Medicinc Tokyo. -- Tbe medical virtues attributed only to the rattlesnake in America are held In Japan to extend to most of tbe ophidian tribe. The demand.1 for snakes for medicinal purposes is so large that Zea San, tbe moat famous snake catcher In Tokyo, declares tbe annual consumption to be between 4,000,000 and 5.006,000 for the country as a whol * and between &000 and 6,000 In tbe city of Tokyo alone, it is thought. Eighty per cent of the unfortunttra reptiles are charred and powdered, or else dried and made Into capsules and pills. Only 20 per cent appear undisguised upon the table boiled, baked or roasted. In the vicinity of Mount Joukl and Ehlgagen the most snake-haunted ra> gions of Japan, some 200 men maka is specialty of serpent catching. '» *• .1' • I How Much Are Poor Roadi ^ Costing You? StPOQ.000 of America'a I8j000j000 motor vehi* ties are recognlasd as an econotnic necessity on the farm. Is your car giving the full efficiency of which it is capable--Tuid st the lowest cost per mile possible? Not if you are jolting over bumpe and rots. Not if you get stuck in the mud. In addition to the time you thus lose along the way, you alao pay from one to four cents a mile more in gasoline, tire and repair bills than you would pay on permanently paved highways. Think, too, how many so-called improved roads have gone to pieces within the past few ' yean, thereby piling up huge maintenance and rebuilding coats. Contrast all this with the record of Concrete Roads--due roads that have repair built out and maintenance built in. Finn, rigid and unyielding, free of bumpe, ruts, holes, mud and dust, they are, in every way, the most economical road* Tell your highway officials you want acre Concrete Roads. Such an investment My you big dividends year after year. • V WBk'Z . #•, Let us give you PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 114 West Waahmgton Street CHICAGO i \ S1. fr minesfO' rgmuzi to Impt*** amd Frtwrf lie Us** ufCumuwt$ Offices la jo Cities " J , K :'\h c 45. • ' ' I j •1. ,v.fai

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