Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Sep 1925, p. 7

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and fant&f «41BM Lucy Stevens of Sunday callers at us. ; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Cropley were ^Sunday callers at the home of W. S. ,f* 'wn at4tingwood. Arthur Bell motored to BarUttfften |un Monday. I |. Mr: and Mrs- Kauer of Chicago vis- •« ( i *n Cartes Foley home last ft j' '"tiweek, Mr. FoMy returned to his home /iwith them, following a week's visit at , their home. i ** r Arthur Merria i* serving on the ' jury at the couAv was a call- 10 IS V u A1 Bennett er In the Mrs. CtmM at Twte Antoa Mr. and MH. Varies Vofri and children spent Saturday at Elkkorn, Wis., with relatives. Mrs. Wade Sanborn spent part of last week with her nether, Mrs. Trunman Abbott, at mngtrood. W. P. Stevens and G&B Ehrke and family spent Sunday with Chester Stevens and family on English Prairie. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell were Sonday callers on Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cairns near McHenry. Miss Emily Cole departed Monday for Maywood, where she will teach in ie Dnnge Auspices McHenry Council, -iKnights of Columbus Fox Pavilion ^ *4; WEDNESDAY EVENING, SKPT. 1« >{ '%->• .'V'. ./BgVt „ _ • ^ Admission, $1.00 Couple P'*;"^A Itearty welcome and a good time for all v Kankakee Inter-State Fair W«UPl Grwhit OatiMr Eat«rtalaiMat SEPTEMBER 14, IS, 16,17,18,1925 fwplif Liveatoek and Agricultural Espodtioa 4600 Mima * W. L~d to REDUCED RATES ON ALL RAILROADS l!"111'11' •• ; LEN SMALL, Secretary, Kauafcak**, IlHatii. <•?> JTk • - •• «. oMW *~WB'1 Joiunhott and *hv Henry <*8an a* fWAftC E. G. Hall of Cfakago was a caller at Clay Hardy's on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Gyssey of Western Spring*, Mrs. Clara Spaeth and daughter, Loretta, of Chicago^ Hilda and Francis May of McHenry were entertained in the Mr. and Mrs. William Staines hone Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sotton, daughter, Florence, and worn, Roy, were in Burlington, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vaci and son, Jack, Mrs. Jack Lambert and son Kenneth, of Chicago, spent the week-end with the George Vogel family. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Clark of Blue Island were Friday callers at the Willian Staines home on their return trip from the Delia of the Wisconsin river. Mr. and Mrs. George Lindsey of McHenry were Labor Day guests Ih the hope of the letter's sister, Mrs. Rob Sutton. Mr. and Mrs. Willian Sulivan of Marengo spent Sunday in the William Br en nan home. Mr. and Mrs. Art Anbert spent the week-end with the latter*s mother, Mrs. J. S. Gibbs. Lyman Johonnott and his lady friend of Chicago spent Labor Day with his grandmother, Mrs. Fannie Johonnott Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley and son, Thomas, of Chicago spent the week-en<Hn the Breman and Vogel home. Mrs. Bertha Miltamore and sons, Harvy and Edward, of Waukegan and daughter, Mrs. John Brink, of Chicago called at the home of Mrs. Fannie Johonnott Sunday afternoon. , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vogel of Elkhorn, Wis., were Sunday visitors with the former's parents. Eddie, Clarence, Gus and Roy Aubert and their families spent Labor Day with their mother, Mrs. Mary Aubert. m " /4-' J\ S*- V" $8-60 Test »> W'.'V , i " / J $- • ft: I. S^r| \/V " V -. s " 4 ... Sf, 5'w» ^ "VM Two electric pumps for the acconi M"3& •v " Tl -X:4& ** c ' 4^- • *-%• v'"'• !• 7 ". g - ' J X * " • '4 ^ ^ Authorized Ford Dealexa Phones 30 & 31 .. vy, v. j.,- ' ' " JZ~~ • • X: "H Certainly Is a Smart-looking Car" it*a whet ovoiyono has to aay > haa aeon ttio latest Ford cart. Hut auoh attraotivo motor ctr> looid bo offorod without the ktost increase inprioea,aeemed edible to a public loo# familwith Ford values. Veteothuaiaam for the smart new imwaruioe can never supersede Jhe frot that it is the quality of Materials and workmanship that! MI made the Ford the wotid'S leading automobile value. New'; |>eaut7 has not crowded out traditional Ford reliability. ie very volume of Ford output manda absolute aocuracy of bvery working part. The ateady of production is dependent \ parts fitting together perfect- Wiinaccuracies would interrupt ^iod delay assembly. And to this isk» must be largely credited, uniformly fine performance! freedom from trouble oI afl ?ord cars. cars now shown ip oolor unusually pleasing; new and icr upholstery gives an artistio harmony to the oars. Bright nickeled radiators feature the closed pars and nickeled headlamp rims Ire on att types. The fenders are larger and longer, and the running boards are wider. >mfort is increased by the cars' >wer Renter of gravity, by the deep, wide seats, by the |dded foot room, and by many J>ther refinements that contribute i£o your ease, convenience and fafety. [ere is the ideal oar for a woman's »ersonalvuse--good-looking, rustworthy, easy to handle and| texpensive to maintain. Herei too, is agnractioal oar for anyfuK [ly--that every member of the; family can enjoy; Bird Hodge called on firtaada-at Richmond Thursday. Howard Newell BurBngtaa wms a Sun4hy visitor atGeorge Vegal^. School opena Tasaday, September 8 with Genevieve M. Peterson as teacher of the upper grades and Miss Bernice Smith as primary teacher and Miss Bird Hodge as teacher of music. Mr. and Mrs. George Yanke and family were visiting in the home of the former's brother, Oscar Yanke, and family at Silver Lake Sunday. Mrs. Tone and grandson, Kenneth Alwin, who has been spending the summer here with her daughter, Mrs. H. Buchanan, returned to their home at Milwaukee Monday. L. Rirhp dson, accompanied by Fred Wiedrich and his two sisters, May and Flora, attended a barn dance at Billiter'a near Woodstock Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hogan and children of Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of George Elfers. Mrs. George Westlake had the mis fortune to fall and break two bones in her leg last Wednesday. She is getting along as well as can be expested at the present time. Mr. and Mrs, Will Cowen of Harvard spent Sunday in the home of the letter's mother, Mrs. Fannie Overton. Mrs. Cowen remained over Labor Day. Mrs. Ida Westlake, accompanied by Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick, of Fox Lal», motored to Woodstock on Friday and had an X-ray picture taken of the former's injured foot. Mrs. Victor Aim spent Friday at Fox Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Bartlett of Woodstock were Wednesday evening callers in the C. L. Osborn home. Miss Emily Cole and brother, Gerald Hardy, accompanied by Miss Mabel Siegler, were Wednesday callers on friends in Woodstock. Mrs. F. M. Palaske and children are visiting relatives in Chicago for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley drove to Lake Geneva Friday evening to see the latter's sister, Mrs. Eleanor Hodge, who has just returned from the hospital at Rochester, Minn., where she submitted to a very serious operation. Miss Viola Steins returned to her home here, following a visit at Westera Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Ferstein of Chicago were week-end guests in the summer home of Mrs. Evanhoflf. Mrs. E. E. Cropley spent the first of the week with her niece, Mrs. Wilder Bartlett, at Woodstock. Stanly and Gus Aim of Chicago spent the week-end in the Victor Aim home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bury and eon of Chicago spent the week-end in their summer home here. Mr. and Mrs. Will Schroeder and daughter, Evelyn, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Earl M on ear of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Junes Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. C. Chapman and Miss Annabell Osborn of Elgin spent Sun day and Labor Day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Osborn. Mr. and Mrs. William Steins and family and Mrs. Clara* Spaeth and daughter, Loretta, spent Sunday evening at Sunnyside Beach. Our pastor, Rev. Harvy, held services here Sunday, after a month's vacation. i Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bapp of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with the former's brother, William Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell and Mr, and Mrs. E. E. Cropley were guests of Mrs. Nellie Hodge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Edir and family spent Sunday and Labor Day in the home of Mrs. Mary. Aubert, Mr. and Mrs. Harold English and family of Chicago spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Geiser, Mr. and Mrs. Lewi# Turner and Floyd E. Eckert, Solicitor Stat* of Illinois, McHenry County, ss. Ih the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, September Term, A. D. 1925. Harry B. Hoagland; Complainant vs. Bessie C. Hoagland Defendant. In Chancery--Bill for Divorea. Notice is hereby given that above is the title of the Court and the •s of the parties to a suit which -is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been Issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodaock, County of McHenry and State of Blijnois, on Monday, the 28th day of September, A. D. 1925. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal iof said Court, at my office in Woodstock, this 22d day of August, A. D. 11926. CHAS. F. HAYES, Clerk. ^Circuit Court Seal) lS-4t family of Aurora spent Sunday with the former's father, Robert Turner. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Bery and Mrs. Fannie Overton are improving their homes erfth new coats of paint. _Hr. and Mrs. H. G. Reading, Mrs. Clay Hardy and daughter, Emily, and son, Gerald, were entertained in the Phillips home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James McCannon and family of Woodstock spent Friday night with the latter's mother, Mrs. Ida Westlake. Miss Mabel Lumley of Elsworth, Wis., is visiting in the home of her uncle, George Vogel. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pester visited Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bennett of Fox Lake over Sunday. Joe and Charles Aubert of Chicago spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Mary Aubrt Mr. and Mrs. J. Pester motored to Libertyville on business, with the former's brother, Mat Pester, one day last week. Mrs. Alfred Parker and children spent the week-end with the former's mother. ""• Mr. and Mrs. William Brennan and Mrs. Victor Aim entertained Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher of Spring Grove and Gus and Stanley Aim of Chicago at dinner Labor Day. son, Jack, spent Monday at Leona Cropley, who has ing at LibertyvflBe the past three ytars, left new duties at going to teach the coming; :• W?m M'M 1 mmm'. •* •! ^ -st. v; MM Fluff •nd RieRus* made to ordef nMaVaS.. aB - Pi fulPrrP WEST MPCHHOENNREY 1,6 }I LL« The River •f* ,,A , the Great Lakes to the Gulf, America's pestes.-; •v A river flows majestically. Through thfc heart of the coon-- it-takes its course, broadening audi deepening ts Jewel* v » nvers empty their flow into its current. Farms and cities on,:, Us banks find it a source of industry and a means of aupply. j '" Through the country runs another river, as continuous;^-- It a* the Mississippijin its flow. It is the river of thought , . •hich, day and night, moves through the land and vital-i. - ^;| ' "4?" l^c nat'onal I" source lies in the people's knowl-* - *. . edge that communication with all parts of the country isV / '• JJossihle. It is a stream that deepens and broadens and! grows stronger as thought is added to thought, as the mind '*•- >- •f one community joins the mind of another. • America's national telephone system is a channel for tUr for Bell System service unites all sections of the coun-> fy- It leaves no gap iii the pathway of communication. Ifc, ,»lnows no off-duty hours, nor any cojner of the nation it too remote to be reached. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE Ca BELL SYSTEM One Policy • One System . Universal Service T :W. *3: V7' I^ JTME FAIR .%:.V <r '4 T! , " •: '7WJ? 51 ' ^ X': ' *>4 "'1 $140,000 in Premiums and Purses Auto Racing Horse Racing Night Show Horse Show Baby Show ; Dog Show ' Great Display of Bine Ribbon || Live Stock ' W J*'*.'.*-'-' • ' , rree attractions - Fine Work# Spectacle Nightly F]o^AutoPax^ing^ FreeCampCrowd? 'Sr.. -. ' V ? : : •.v.- i • Rates on All Railroads Runabout Touring » Oaa#a . «, IMO Tudor Smdtm - * 290 FurdorS*Umt- D«imxiaeM« rta * UP atarter wuaeaef Prtem i. *. b. DrtnM mo i SEfc YOUR NEAREST AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER KNOX MOTOR SALES McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 3* 'ji'-.• 1v. ' . v, !»• »»ea MMtMMMM t ea# Lakes Ball Room N C I N 6 EVERY i Wednesday an4 Saturday Evening* Beginning Sentember li f, 'I Roads Now Open From Lake Geneva to Twin Lakes

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