Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Sep 1925, p. 6

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SOLON MILLS 'lip. end Mrs. William Roucin of Bound Lake arc visiting in the W. H. Gardner home. Those from here who attended the Elkhorn fair were Mrs. V. Aim and family, Bert Sutton, Mrs. Reno and •on, Richard, Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson, Mrs. E. E. Oropley, Mr!" Pal- •dee, George Pester, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson and children, Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Hardy and son, Gerald, Mrs. H. G. Reading and.Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell spent Wednesday evening in the Dean Thompson home at Lake Geneva. Mrs. Nellie Hodge and daughter, Mrs. D. Thompson, from Lake Geneva, were callers on friends and relatives here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilpatrick of Fox Lake spent Thursday night in the Charles Westlake home. Mrs. Mabel Johonnott and son, Sheldon, who have been spending the summer with Mrs. Fannie Johonnott, left for their home at Terre Haute, Ind,. Thursday. Mrs. William Dilley of Harvard is here caring for her mother, Mrs. Fanniie Johonnott. William Overton and son, Dwaine, are transacting business at Woodstock thMr*?nd Mrs. C. D. Wright and Frank Wright of Elgin were Sunday guests in the A. C. Merrell home. Mrs. T. M. PaJaske and children re turned home from Chicago Sunday evening, after spending two weeks' vacation with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Staines spent Sunday in the Martin May home at McHenry. Mrs. Nellie PhilMps of Richmond was the guest of Bliss Bird Hodge one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Math Schaid were in the J. P. Miller home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Staines were Sunday evening callers at Math Schaid's. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hints of Chicago spent the week-end with the letter's mother, Mrs. Mary Aubert. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stoffel of Woodstock called on the latter's-sister, Mrs. William Staines, Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Math J. May spent Thursday at Elkhorn fair. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Justen entertained as guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bowers. Mrs. Art Aubert and her friend, Chairs of Cozy Comfort Why not add at least one easy Chair to the Furnishings of your home before cold weather sets in! We havfc the newest styles for your, choice. - Jacob Justen & Furniture ud Undertaking :; McHENBY, ILLINOIS < • To CHICAGO From McHenry--Gray* Lake Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "loop." Lr. McHenry 655 am 11:45 am 3*0 pas 7*0i Lt. Gray* Lake 8.08 am 12:28 pm 3:43 pa 8:13 Air. Waukegan 850 an, 1:10 pm 4:25 pa 8M Alt. Chicago 1022 am 2:17 pm 6:27 pm lOtSS Air. Milwaukee 1035 am 2:19 pm 5<27 pm 10:30 CMcag* Narth Stan A Httwaaktc R.R.C*. McHenry Hoase t ticket j Northwesters Hotel McHrarjr IS f OFFICES I McHenrv tt-R Mrs. August Wagner, of Chicago were callers in the home of the <bn|er's mother, Mrs. J. S. OtbbS, over Sunday. Edward Hart of Wisconsin was a Monday visitor in the Vogel and Brennan homes. T. M. Yanke of Beloit, Wis., spent a couple of days last week with his brother, George Yanke, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westlake, accompanied by Glen Kilpatrick of Chicago^ attended the hall game at Burlington Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell left by auto for Orlando, Fla., Monday, to accept a position Mr. Bell has there. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Thompson of Lake Geneva. George Vogel and da ugh tear, Geof* gia Brennan, spent the week-end at Elkhorn and Burlington, Wis. Georgia Brennan, who is attending school at Woodstock, spent the weekend with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Staines spent Sunday in the Martin May home at McHenry. Gus and Stanley Aim spent the week-end in the Victor Aim home. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Vogel spent Saturday morning in their home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Couch of Harvard and Gwendolyn Overton of McHenry spent Sunday with Mrs. Fannie Overton. Sam Smith of JanflSville spent several days at George Vogel's. Mr. and Mrs. James MeCannon and children of Woodstock were Sunday guests of the latter's mother, Mrs. Ida Westlake, who is laid up with a broken bone in her ankle. Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson drove to Burlington Sunday and spent the d«y. Mr. and Mrs. George Vogel and daughter, Mrs. Brennan, and Betty Jane and Sam Smith attended the Elkhorn fair Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Sewerte of Evanston, and Mrs. A1 Bennett of Fox Lake were callers in the Jack Pester hone one day last week. Mrs. Emma Merville of Zion City was a recent visitor in the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Ralph Thomas. Mrs. Henry Vogel and son, Harold, of Tryons Grove were Thursday evening visitors at George Vogel's. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Alcott and Mr. and Mrs. J. Sherwood and children of Waukegan were Sundaty guests of Mrs. Lotus Overton and children. Roy Cover of Chicago and Edgar Hart of Edgar, Wis., were callers in the home of Fannie K. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Parker, Mr. and Mrs. George Yanke were Saturday evening callers in Woodstock. James Jackson and Earl Monear drove to Winona, Minn., on a ten-day business trip. Tom Gaggin and Robert Smart of Antioch were Sunday callers at Geo. Vogel's. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Turner were business callers on Friday at Crystal Lake and Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. George Yanke and son, Donald, visited relatives at Elkhorn Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Yanke of Silver Lake spent Sunday in, the Charles Vogel home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear of McHenry spent a couple of days last week *with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson. William Dilley of Harvard spent the week-end with his wife here, who is caring for her mother, Mrs. Fannie Johonnott. Mr. and -Mrs. Charles Osborn and family sprat Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. C. Westerman, at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Wilder Bartelt of Woodstock were Sunday guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chet Osbom. Alfred Parker of Chicago spent the week-end with his family here. lir. and Mrs. William Barry of Chicago spent the week-end in their summer honte here. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cover and Mr and Mrs. James Hart of Chicago were Monday guests of Mrs. Fannie K. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hardy and Mrs. Fannie K. Overton attended the O. E. S. meeting at Richmond Monday evening. Mrs. Lulu Hermann and Mrs. Lotus Overton transacted business at the county-seat a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrell spent Tuesjday in Woodstock. . W! RINGWOOD - 1 The meeting of the "Home Circle" at the home of. Mrs,..E. C. Hawley Wednesday afternoon was tfretl attended. Dwane Overton of Solon Mills was a Thursday morning caller in Ringwood. Joseph Lawrence attended the Elkhorn fair on Thursday. Andrew Hawley Spent Thursday night with his sister at North Crystal Lake. Mrs. Delbert Bacon of North Crystal Lake was a Thursday afternoon caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Dick:Kazelka of Minneapolis spent Thursday in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen attended the Elkhorn fair on Thursday. Mrs. William DuesiAg and children called in Ringwood dn "Wednesday evening. • Bert Sutton of Solon was a Thursday afternoon caller in Ringwood. Dr. N. J. Nye. of McHenry called in Ringwood on Thursday afternoon. Lewis Hawley and John Buckland spent Thursday evening at Woodstock. Miss Mary Jencks, who has been visiting here, has returned to her home in Libertyville. John Miller attended the funeral of his mother at Huntley on Wednesday. Mrs. Walter Peat and daughter, Mrs. Floyd Carr, of Greenwood spent Thursday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Laura Brown. Mrs. Hazel and Robert Thompson of Chicago spent the week-endwith their children, who board at the home of Miss Ellen Hall. Miss Wynne Kelley and Richard Kelley spent Saturday evening at McHenry. Mrs. Charles Peet and two daughters spent Saturday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. George Harrison. Mrs. Tiny Carlson and sons of Oak Park spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Hawley. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener and daughter, Marian, of West McHenry, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLean of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson spent Sunday, with their brother, Charles Carr. • H^rSustTS^aTTer ipant-Sahdiy with her pactfftfta it Richmond; Mri and l£rC 15. W. Brown spent Saturday evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Webster and family of Greenwood spent Sunday afternoon in the Irving Merchant home. Mrs. James Rainey has been numbered among the sick this week, but is improving at this writing. Quite a number from Ringwood attended the ball game at WUmot Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughter, Shirley, spent Sunday night and Monday with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Rossing and daughter, Dorothy, visited Richmond Relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepherd and two children were Sunday callers at McHenry. FretraS fflfotored to Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Ray Horick spent Monday afternoon With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Smith. Mrs. J. B. Hettermann and children and Martha Hettermann motored to Burlington last week Thursday to visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Krift. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blake and children of McHenry spent Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bauer. - JLmpAhmr LufU Seals at the bureau of standards Indicate that good leather and leather goods are not damaged by being kept in storage for many years. JOHNSBURG Mrs. Richard Guyser entertained a group of fifty Thursday evening at Kempfer'shall at a shower in honor of Miss Martha Huff. The evening was spent dancing. Refreshments served at a late hour. Mr. an# Mrs. John M. Pitzen enjoyed the day Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer. Miss Helen Smith is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ray Jloriek, at Woodstock. Any make sewing machine repaired. Phone McHenry 1S2. tf Mrs. Joe Nell and children of Woodstock wer$ visiting with relatives here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and family were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping Sunday. Frank Kempfer, left Tuesday to attend the St Francis college in Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Schoen left Monday for their hoatie in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann, ftvrf Mnth Adams and Anthony The Bankings y -Vv -l ' Vv#! Is one* of the beet habits in the world for a bo f. And the sooner he learns it, the better off he is. It teaches him thrift and system, and makes his life more purposeful. ' An account that shows a substantial and growing balance gives him confidence, contentment and security and builds character. Open such an account for a boy and you will teach him not only the true value of money but also will give him the best character-builder there is. , We always encourage boys in the banking habit by treating them in a considerate and friendly manner. Every boy who comes into this bank is madeto feel that he is just as welcome as his father. <: r {The Bank tfhat helps yon get ahead McHenry _ , Jffiioia riMtiih iM : -y Telephone No. 1<*-B. Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agent for all classes of property in the bast companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS Ptywa 12ft-W. Raaapnahlt lUtes Ai H.6CHABFBB Draying JftcHENRY, ILLINOIS NATIONAL TEA CO. QUALITY GROCERS Cor. Green and^lm Sts., McHenry, 111* i HiHii'Mx IHI» i.i) i* in 11 • in H i * ii i i' The Thrifty Housekeeper Knows that cleanliness ii'hhte rule not the exception in aM1 National Tea Stores; that thjs cleanliness il«a protect tion to her and her family. Specials for Friday and Saturday? Fluff and RasRnS* made to order |BC | PAPP PHONE IU ruo. D. rwrr WEST MCHENRY, ILL , KAPING & SON Dredging Contractors Channels and Shovebuilders Ingles kle, IU. Phone Fox Lake 126-M KINZ BROTHERS Long Distance Hanting Good Service at all times Careful and Obliging Phoie 204-J McHenry, E Soap P and G WHITE NAPTHA 10 bars 38c Milk ALL BRANDS TALL CANi 3cans 28c Minute TAPIOCA 3 oz. pkg. . lie Fairy SOAP Oval Bar 05c Criseo per lb. Shop • f • •• * FttrfiTture repairing and made Unorder ^ P. J. LANDT IhM Refinishing and Antique Work ^ a Specialty. Phone McHenry 57-J Insure- In Sure-Insurance WITH Wm. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 93-R McHENRY, ILL 1(13). t THORNf CIVIL ENGINEER AND LAND SURVEYOR Algonquin, Illinois M YOUR CLASSES WQttY YOB? to the eyes." That's because a man who knows lenses also knows and fits frames. Dr. Henry Freund,'Optometrist 'Next to Brda's Hardware Store, McHenry, 111. ' Every Evening fiom 7 to 9 e&c«ptSaturday. Jkflday W«daeNhgslraB 9a.m. to 9 p. m. Main office. Waakcian, IU. £ -- DRS. M'CHESNEY & BROWN (SWOirOIATt) DENTISTS Dr. J. W. Biowa, Dr. R. M. Walker EatabUalMd om 4S iw, md atUI dolac llwaliiaai at old atand Pioneers In Pirst-ClaM D*aB*try «t Modwttt Prlcee Ask Your Nrighborilad ' Friends About Us S« C. Cor., Clsrk & Randolph ,146 N. Clark St., Chicago PHONE CENTRAL 20*7 Daily 8 U 5; Sundays 9 to 11 -We carry a line of-- Feeds AS FOLLOWS: > GRAINS -- Corn, cracked corn, wheat, barley, kaifir corn and buckwheat. Ready mixed scratch grains --course, medium and. fine. Laying mash, baby chick mash, grit, oyster shells, meat scraps, bra^n, millings and Red Dog flour. We do not deUver and .our vsteea are saade accordingly. ; McHenry flour Mills West McHenry, III. Taffy Pars Our Own Fresh Baked per lb FANCY NAVY 9 "** SAILOR QUEEN 9aUllOn Tall Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PfCftBfYSS NATIONAL BRAND PURE FRUIT SNIDERS VdUII|V ]arge bottle COFFEE 40c Peas GREEN LAKE BRAND No. 2 Can 2 for .+%....... Fruit Salad Gw*a» Juice Q A te M^cZTOME &e - "' Not the few Items advertised, but ALL Merchandise at ALL times at Money-Saving prices. f 7 FULL LINE OF FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES ""

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