Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1927, p. 7

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•PR m L<% ;*iv, . MS*• THS H'HENST PLAINSEALER, THUESDAY, JAN. 10,1927 ^E" * ; 'It • <Y 1 h:&: W^' *y: \ fe/":' J VOLO Arthur Monahan and Miss Vinnie Bacon vere McHenry callers Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter returned to their home at Dundee, after spending the week at rim former's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. George Dowell. William Nichols just returned from a hunting trip in southern Illinois. £eorge Case is on the sick list. Milton Dowell was a caller at 'the George Dowell home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk was a Sunday caller at the John Blomgren home. ' Mrs. M. Clark and Mrs. T. Bacon attended the birthday party of Mrs. •George Darrell last Tuesday, it being her seventy-ninth birthday annivercary. Mrs. Lesie Davis was a caller at the George Case home Monday. A great many of the farmers of this vicinity are engaged in opening tile roads. Frank Baeon was a Wauconda call «r Monday. Henry Passfield was a Monday call- •r at the Frank Wilson home. Tuesday, January 18, occurred the marriage of Anthony Wegener, •on of Mrs. Marguerete Wegener of Volo, to Miss Una Weiser, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Weiser of Volo. After a wedding dinner the young couple left on a honeymoon trip. ^ Walter Vasey called on his cousin, John Passfield, Sunday. Frank Wilson and Lloyd Eddy were JkEcHenry business callers Wednesday. The infant son of Mrs. Orvill Sneal has been on the sick list but is much improved at this writing. Roberta Dowell has been on the sick list. Marjorie Eddy spent Monday after* noon at the Frank Wilson home. Clifford Wilson was a McHenry caller Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and Mrs. Henry Passfield were Waukegan business callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard passed through Volo on his way to Waukegan Monday. Eloise Wegener was a caller at the Eddy home Monday. Lloyd Fisher was a Volo caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter, Marjorie, called on the former's parents at McHenry Friday. [urn to Re-s^le Prices fir the Truth It is common knowledge that Dodge Brothers Motofr Cars command exceptionally high prices at re-sale. As re-sale prices are established by the public--not by the manufacturer-- they may be accepted as an accurate reflection of public experience. Could there be a more eloquent tribute to the stamina and enduring worth of Dodge Brothers product? TOURING >...$ 875 COUPE $ 925 SPECIAL SEPAN DELIVERED James Morrow & Son Wauke&aa and West McHenry Patraatea Your Nmmr--tDodgm Ray Pasfield was a McHenry caller Tuesday. Miss Lois Braughton was a Thursday evening caller at the Eddy home. Joseph Freund was a caller at the "Mat Rossdeutcher home Monday. Bubby Schaefer and Seth Richardson were business callers aft the Eddy home Friday afternoon. Essie Fisher and son, Lloyd, and Leslie Davis were hauling ice Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter spent Sunday afternoon at the Henry Passfield home. . There was quite an exciting time"at the Lloyd Eddy home Tuesday evening when a gasoline lamp which Mr. Eddy was lighting exploded, and the room became a mass of fire, but fhanlrw to the bus driver, who stopped and put the ftro out by using a fire extinguisher. Only slight damage was done. Mrs. John Rosing is ill with influen TO, Mrs. D. V. Wait attended the installation of officers of the Eastern Star at Wauconda on Friday evening. Miss Mary Vogt has gone to Crystal Lake for a prolonged stay. Levi Wait has been on the sick list. Mrs. William Vandenboom, formerly of this vicinity, underwent an operation in a Chicago hospital this past week. We are glad to learn that she is getting along nicely. Our. roads are pretty well blocked with snow and the high school students are having their troubles getting to and from their schools. Floyd Wait spent Sunday with Frances Neish. On account of the, severe cold on Friday, the Fort Hill school was closed. The four Town send students were absent from school on Monday on account of the impassible roads. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk have rented the Clough farm, near Wauconda for the next two years. Spring goods are arriving every day. Start your spring sewing early. Erickson Dept. Store. MOTOR CARS SINOWOOD Mrs. - Clay Hughes spent Tuesday in Ringwood. John Schaeffer of McHenry was a Sunday caller in Ringwood. Mrs. Delbert Bacon was a Tuesday afternoon caller in Ringwood. John Kottner of Spring Grove called in Ringwood on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krohn and daughters were Monday afternoon callers in Ringwood. C. D. Bacon was in 'Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. C. W. Brown spent Wednesday at Janesville. Ray Conway of McHenry was in Ringwood Tuesday. /SShhiiir ley Hawley is visiting her aunt in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Olsen were recent callers at Richmond. Miss Irene Anderson of Crystal Lake spent Tuesday afternoon with Ringwood friends. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Howe of Greenwood were Ringwood callers Tuesday. Mrs. Harold Whiting and two daughters, Ethel and Ardis, of Chicago spent Wednesday in Ringwood. Miss Arlyne Merchant of Solon Mills spent Wednesday afternoon with her aunt, Mrs. Jack McLaughlin. Thomas Kane of McHenry was a Ringwood caller on Wednesday. •V. r A Story That Will Make You Smile How well designed, well printed circulars, letter heaff and all the other forms needed in your business will help ' business, is a story that will make you smile with cfe- / ^ light. That is just the story we want to tell yon, and will tell yoa ; II You WU1 Phone X70 McHenry Plaindealer liMllTl Mi l Rev. Hoover of Greenwood was calling on friends in Ringwood Monday. The Social Wheel of McHenry met with Mrs. W. A. Smith on Thursday last. Miss Beulah Barthoff spent Friday with her grandmother, Mrs. Charles Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephensen entertained friends from Chicago over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Hughes of McHenry spent Sunday in the James Ladd home. C. W. Harrison was a caller at McHenry on Tuesday. Miss Agnes Bigelow returned last Thursday from Wisconsin, where she has been visiting her mother. Mrs. Cossman went to Elgin for a few days' visit this week. There was a splendid service at the M. E. church last Sunday afternoon when Mr. Harwood. of Burma gave an interesting talk of his work there as teacher, also of the customs and costumes of the people. He had some of the latter with him and gave a demonstration of how they were worn in that country. Hand woven silks and cottons were garments shown. All enjoyed the talk very much. >»' Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd were recent callers at Williams Bay. Mrs. Emma Brown entertained the Home Circle at her home on last Wednesday to a chicken pie dinner, Mrs. Jay Crtety and Miss Agnes Bigelow assisting. A very good program was given. The next meeting will be Feb. 9. Miss Mildred Jepson has be* nsick for the past week. Miss Laura Weter was a week-end guest of Hebron relatives. Mrs. Frank Fay is numbered anlong the sick at this, writing. Mrs. Charles Stephensen spent Tuesday morning on the Charles Carr farm. Mr. and Mr*. Leonard Carlson were recent callers at Chicago. . Miss Jessie Schroeder has been numbered among the sick and not able to go to school. Mrs. Henry Heinz of N. Crystal Lake was a Ringwood caller on Tues-' day. Little Doris I«urence, who has been seriously ill, is improving at this writing. Miss Mildred Jepson has been num bered among the sick for ten days. Frank Gould, who has been absent from the Bowman factory for ten days, has returned to his work. Miss Bertha Justen is spending a few weeks with relatives and friends ChicAcro. Mrs. Henry Heimer of McHenry spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Karl Bradley, and family. Mrs. Hannah Walker and son, Fred, spent Tuesday with Miss Stocking at Greenwood. Miss Dorothy Carr of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Matsen of Chicago spent the week-end with the Tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pearsen. Miss Elaine Bradley was a week-end guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Henry Heimef. John Boyle of West McHenry was a Ringwood caller on Monday. Miss Nellie McDonald and Miss Cora Beth were Sunday guests of Miss Julia McLaughlin, it being her fourteenth birthday. The three girls spent quite an enjoyable day. Miss Helen Brennan of Chicago spent Saturday evening in Ringwood. John Kottner of Spring Grove was a recent Ringwood caller. James Thompson spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson- William Merwin of Gurnee spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fav. Arthur Hitt of Elgin was a Monday morning caller in Ringwood. Kirk Harrison of Elgin spent Monday morning in Ringwood. Mr. and Mirs. Leonard -Carlson have moved into the M. L. Welter flat, which they recently rented. Wayne Foss of Greenwood spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Rillah Foss. Miss Frances Helms and sister, Virginia. spent Sunday morning in McHenry. Have you seen our Spring goods, which are arriving every day? Come in and look them over. Erickson Dept. Store. - , days. Mrs. Darrell received many pretty and useful gifts which will always be a reminder of this happy event. Those present besides the hotesses, Mildred Hoffman and Neva Stubbings, were Mesdames Mary Clark, Elizabeth Bacon, Loretta Seymour, Mary Granger, Clara Smith, Ida Darrell, Laura Cook, Mary Harris, Jane Johnston and Louise Werden. Mirs. H. L. Brooks is spending a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Louise Rohman, in Chicago* Willard Darrell was a business caller at Waukegan Monday. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake and Miss Myrtle Darrell of De- Kalb spent the week-end at the home of their parents hero. Mrs. Elvera Darrell passed away suddenly at her home here last Thursday evening at 11:20 o'clock from an attack of heart trouble at the age of 79 years and 2 days. The obituary will appear in the next issue. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and family and Mrs. Clara Smith attended the funeral of Mrs. Leon Smith at the Wait-Ross chapel in Elgin last Friday. Burial took place, in the Wauconda cemetery. M!rs.<<Ji£ra Smith was an over night "guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jos. S. Haas at Wauconda last Friday. Harry Matthews, accompanied by Andrew Amann, took a truck load of the latter's pigs to Elgin Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and family and Mrs. Clara Smith and Leon Smith of Elgin were Friday night dinner guests at the B. C. Harris home. Our line of groceries, fresh fruits and vegetables are always complete. Erickson Dept. Store. SPRING GROVE On Friday morning the community was shocked by the' news of the death of Mrs. Myrtle Brenkman, which occurred at her home Thursday night. Mrs. Brenkman contracted pneumonia about three weeks ago and it seemed from the beginning that her case was hopeless. She leaves her husband and two small sons. Funeral took place at the home Monday afternoon. Interment in Wilmot oomotery. Mrs. Carlson cf Minneapolis called on friends hero Friday. Mr. and Mi*s. Math Lay motored to Johnsburg Sunday evening and were accompanied home by Miss Agnes Schmitt. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Butler returned home Tuesday after spending the past three weeks with relatives in Inidana and Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber, Miss Emma May, Miss Agnes Weber, Mr. and Mrs. William May, Art Kottner and Georee May motored to Chicago and attended the wedding of a friend. P. G. Hoffman returned Tuesday, after spending the past week with relntives at Terra Cotta. Mrs. James Foulke and Mr.s Charles Behmes were Chicago passengers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sweet, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby and Frank Reading motored to Hebron Tuesday evening and attended the open installation of the Rebckahs and Odd Fellows. e Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber are the owners of a new Chevrolet car. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson spent Sunday in McHenry. Mrs. Ada Carr and Mrs. James Foulke were Chicago passengers Friday. Word was received here Sunday of the death of A.- D. Winn at Bristoll, Wis. Mr. Winn is the father of Mrs. Joe Wegner. Mrs. Math Lay and sister, Miss Agnes Schmitt, were Chicago passsengers Monday. N. N. Weber and daughter, Agnes, entertained Miss Eva Weber, George May and several friends from the city to dinner last Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. John Rauen motored <to McHenry Sunday afternoon. George Vogel and son, Edwin, of Solon Mills transacted business here Monday. Clair Furlong and Leo Lay of Chicago spent Saturday evening and Sunday with their parents. N. N. Weber transacted business in the city Thursday. Dr. Furlong returned hone Saturday morning after a few days spent at Ottawa. Have you seen our Spring goods, which are arriving every day? Coin® Hin and look them over. Erickson Dept. 1 Store. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Henry Block, Deceased. The undersigned, having been af* pointed Administrator of the Estate of Henry Block, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he wfll appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the March Terra, on the first Monday in March next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpoae of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are Mi* quested to make immediate pay*** to the undersigned. Dated this 10th day of January, $1 D. 1927. -SK •' CHARLES B. HARMSEN, 32-3 Administrator. f * a superlative, close-coupled fivepassenger enclosed car t / the Town Brougham * * a new version of * Fisher coach-craft * * a striking example of Buick beauty * * with performance that startled the motor car industry * * especially an engine vibrationless beyond belief* At yomr earliest opportunity ask your Bmick dealer to skow and demonstrate the new Town Bromgkam to yarn. fHE GREATEST BUICK EVER BUILT Overton & Coweti Buick Dealers 6 WN ykv >s»i rovements • J"< vi "•'J--- k 1'", ' . - ,, HEVROLET *f;-i •m mm* SLOCUM'S LAK* Mrs. H. J. Schaeffer ^nd Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry spent last Tuesday afternoon rt the home of their parents, Mi*, and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Chicago spent last Wednesday an<r Thursday at the Blomgren home. Mrs. Allio Grantham spent three days last week with her sister at Elgin. Mr. ami Mrs. W. E. Brooks spent l-'Ft Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook at Wauconda. James DeCola, Anson Ross and Frank Ferney of Chicago spent last Tuesday at the G. J. Burnett home. Mrs. Earl Converse, Mrs. P. B. Mc- Gill and Earl Davis visited the lat- ! ter's wife, who is recovering from a recent operation at the Woodstock hospital, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kelley and three childern of Pingry Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood and daughter of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. A1 Wilson of Palatinespent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham. Mrs. Albert Stubbings, and two chil-| dren of Wauconda visited relatives at] Oak Glen Farm. j W. E. Brooks attended the funeral] of Charles Moray at Waukesha, Wis« last Wednesday. Charles and a compm'on. a 19-year-old youth named Merritz, were drowned early Sunday morning when the former drove his Hudson coach into an air hole in the ~ ice on Pewaukee lake. Mrs. Elvera Darrell pleasantly entertained ten guests at a two-course one o'clock luncheon Tuesday, Jan. ! 11th in honor of her seventy-ninth birthday anniversary. The table was beautifully decorated with favors In floral design place cards and a gold and white birthday cake. An enjoyable afternoon was spent in a social chat of past memoiiM ^f girihoct AC Air Cleaner A C Oil Filter New Coincidental Lock Combination IgaidoQI Diiro Colors Nftv i ta.soliaa Gauge NctufR adiator Nctf Bodie* by FUher New Remote Control Door Handles Nnv Tire Carrier New Bullet-Type Head Lamps New Windshield on Open Models New large 17-inch Steering Wheel New Heavy One-Piece Full-crown Fender* Windshield Pillars Nairower to provide perfect, clear vision New and Improved Transmission New Brake and Clutch Pedal Clovuse Pwwtlin nrmlw draft on floor of at New Universal Joint Spp:~~ New Hardware New Running Boards: * The COACH $ P»i wwm ^rv M« i MpAsC 595 Marvelous beauty, luxury and style! A host of improvements that raise to an even higher level the Chevrolet standar4 of quality! And, in addition, amazingly reduced prices! That's why the Most Beautiful Chevrolet is everywhere re* garded as the greatest sensation in America's greatest industry! Study the list at die left. It's improvements and features like these which are found on the very best of high priced Sality built cars! It's improvements and itures like these that make the Most Beautiful Chevrolet mechanically finer, more satisfying in performance, and the value the equal of which has never before been offered by any maker of quality automobiles! Cora# i*X Spccial fhowin§ all this week. *V-TM / ' ' .' -.'i. ; • ' --with These Amazing Price Reductions! Se .. *625 sSah . *695 i fik 525 COUPE - Former Prlee IS4S Formee Price $735 Tbe SPORT $"7"| e T*«riM C* $ CAMUOLET # er brink few MUd' RwhUSaet VHce i wU itaai 4m vfcaafc "y »- - S2t' Hettermann Motor Sales Phone 19i : • ^ West Mctienvf • • ? m % - m?-'. 1 1-Tee Track (Cfceeeie Omty) HMvendndoaaB AO Mm I. «• k.FVnt. Mick.

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