Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1927, p. 3

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t P;+{cx*, ¥;.<<•& THE M'HEHEY FLAINDJ5ALBR, THURSDAY, VBB. 10,102# WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS 07 A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends George Miller was an Elgin visitor Sunday. Miss Arleen Harrison attended a party at Ringwood Saturday night. Frank Ensign was a Crystal Lake visitor on Wednesday night of last week. Charles Owen of Chicago spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. L. H. Owen. Leo Conway motored to Chicago *me day last week where he attended the automobile show,, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller and daughter, Elizabeth, visited friends Park Ridge over the week-end. Jack Thies was a Woodstock visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes were Woodstock visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Laures were Chicago visitors Sunday evening. Leo Conway and Henry McCabe were Waukegan vistors, Wednesday. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent the week-end with home folk3 here. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog and Mrs. Glover were Chicago visitors on Monday. W. J. Walch attended a Modern Woodman meeting at Crystal Lake last Wednesday night. Miss Elizabeth Vogt of Champaign spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt. Mrs. S. S. Chapell and daughter, Marian of Evanston spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Friends of Mrs. Ray Thomas of Morton Grove will regret to hear that she recently underwent a serious operation at the Lutherftn Memorial hospital in Chjfeago. MILLER'S STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE "A Good Place to Trade in All Kinds of Weather" Jos. J. Miller, Prop. Phone 114-R McHenry, 111/ J ~ • <• Friday and Saturday Cash and Carry Specials PRUNES, large 2 lbs. 25<* APRICOTS, Choice, .................... .716729^ ARMOUR'S SPAGHETTI 2 P*gs. -15^ CLOTHES PINS .2 doz. 5<£ EXTRA STANDARD CORN ...... .% cans 25^ PEAS, Extra Standard ............ . « . cans 25 * TEA, Sundried Japan, .lb. '48<^ BAKED BEANS, Campbell's .........g cans 25«^ SPAGHETTI. Franco American ........2 cans PINEAPPLE, Sliced or Crashed . can 20<^ SHREDDED WHEAT 10<* BROOMS, a bargain at 39c SALMON, Fancy Red can 35^ MAPLE SYRUP, 22 os. jug 25 JOHN STOFFEL . West McHenry, Illinois • Reduced Prices on Tires and Batteries This shop is making some attractive reduced prices at this time on all Tires, Tubes and Batteries. Now is the time to fill your needs and save money. A visit to this shop will convince anyone that it will pay to invest now. Let us quote, prices. Walter J. Freund Tire and Battery Shop _ _ - WEST M'HENRY, ILL. Stop Your Pain W © v . ® **"' m am*-- With CRIMSON HEAT Analgesic 111 it--rm it--Walch Pain and Soreness Vaflisfa i" .J works tt«wSyt£rouffh tb* pcMaCjroor pwt to the •pkaiinn.f aunl dj dorinmtw* sa tnbda bmloooade lMfro m«» tthhee caoamr--faot»rd-. ! odfo we storm tthhe reUrf ^hfoeljjocwc*n. y*e jOon^d INmMmeTdiiiagt eltyh ea nd of pain almoat instant rel(ieMf. as Too vaTnhiaeh epea; itnh ei taoopceen aeaigahaft Jeoftfe--ta athnadt m coinueld I-- n doita bape pmeoavne.d Jwoiinthtaoaauptp laa^i mlimUbeirt anpda infr eeb. ecSoemrae awriatahcelvaaa tjtrh aUtt Qhaecrxea cratimaai.d e vpeariny wmmmmt. Iiiumi norm«J and atair- CreolMieav edI nb j> eCtReIM SOarNe BwEithA T'w iean dtoe rfttaakl et o•c SIt3tlSe Safa irws:;E.*£rffi3 CRMSON HEAT Slops 1 IIMM Mnt Hio h! Off oh! UORWiBvrww Soro Joints Stiff 1 ggmmggi Wmok a? it«hiaHt tihliea apiia|iiiina nh*a1a e ngtoirneel.y ,v aannd- stthuabtb oTrOnO maries erfrye ea tf rolmas t y--ousor rlleidail i1s eIf ththaat ti t yioau a cctauna lslyca rUceelsy. HnMi Know IMs By ExpariMM knIof wy owuh aatu f•fe r blyio«sui iiEs hotuhlid» raasarkable. pwwwting, painrkailcWkendg poeinoptmle enTt hiian k two hapta iint wnaomuldin gm eapna into abne dr ida oofr snyeosuar. rMida no f upIt yerajgrh tm innodw to wgiteht ChaSnIMdrSeOdsM e f HoBthAeTn. alraes dto insge sansds a3im,riMsE amfry !t£imre. £Bse ft* it Iwj Miss Mary Kinney spent Saturday in Chicago. Mrs. C. W. IDontx WM S Chicago visitor, Friday. Mrs. J. R. Smith was an Elgin visitor, Thuisday. Harry Fay of Elgin was • McHenry visitor, Tuesday. Mrs. Treadwell was tf Chicago visitor, Wednesday. Mrs. George Kuhn was an Elgin visitor, Thursday. Miss Mildred Welch was a Chicago visitor, Saturday. Joe Wrede was a Chicago visitor over the week-end. \ Roy Kent was a business caller at Lake Geneva, Monday. E. E. Bassett ww a Crystal Lake visitor Wednesday night. Earl McAndrews was a Crystal Lake visitor Wednesday. Leo Conway was a business visitor at Kenosha, Wis., Tuesday. Mrs. F. M. Ensign spent Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Ben Hutson of Woodstock visited friends here Tuesday. -Simon Stoffel attended the automobile show in Chicago, Friday. Elmer Kottke of Chicago was t guest of Elmer Koerner, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog: spent a few days this week at Rockford. Margaret McCabe of Waukegan spent Sunday with home folks here. J. E. Pufahl attended a superintendents' meeting in Chicago Saturday. Miss Vera Foulds of Berwyn was the week-end guests of friends here. Mrs. Harold Cairns was a guest of her sister in Chicago several days last week. Herbert Fenske of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the Charles Rietesel home. Mrs. N. F. „ Steilen and daughter, Angela, were- Waukegan visitors on Tuesday. Lyle and Floribel Bassett spent Sunday as guests of Miss Kisch at Evanston. George Meyers and Mrs. William Marshall and children visited at Waukegan, Sunday. Mrs. Walter Brooks and son, James, spent several days last week with Chicago relatives. George Kane spent Sunday in Waukegan. Floyd F4m spent Monday in Richmond. Floyd Foss was an Elgin visitor Saturday. Miss O'Dwyer spent the week-ead in Chicago. / Miss Vera Buss spent Sunday in 'Waukegan. Leo Stilling spent Tuesday evening in Woodstock. Miss Misner was a Chicago visitor over the week-end. Mrs. Raymond Powers, spent Monday at Waukegan. Miss Clara Miller was • Chicago visitor one day last week. P. S. Webster of Chicago greeted his friends here Monday. Mrs. Will McCannon of Ringwood spent Monday in McHenry. Miss Verona Niesen was a Woodstock visitor, Friday evening. • Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Warrington Were Chicago visitors, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Covalt and children spent Sunday in Chicago. Dr. arid Mrs. C> W. Klontz attended a party at Richmond Thursday evening. : Leo Conway and Miss Ruth. Kent motored to Waukegan Sunday evening. Mrs. Martha Page and Mrs. Albert Purvey were Waukegan visitors Sat* yrday. Harold Bacon, Gus Freund and Robert Weber were Libertyville visitors, Saturday. Richard Overton of Champaign spent a few days last week as the guest of his parents here. Mrs. J. H. Miller and daughter, Elizabeth, spent the week-end as guests <>f Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Carey were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonslett at Crystal Lake, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Frett were called to Wheaton Sunday by the serious illness of a niece. Robert Green, Joe Weber, Albert Barbian and William Bickler were Waukegan visitors, Sunday. Lewis McDonald and Fl6yd Foss spent Thursday in Elgin Masonic School of Instruction. Mrs. Adeline Appleton of Seattle, Wash., was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt this week. Mrs. Helen Salvage of Muskegon, Mich., spent several days in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Chamberlin this week. Miss Hilda May left Wednesday Mrs. Laura Kent visted her cousin, Mrs. Ed L. Howard, at Woodstock or. Saturday evening. Miss Verdell Marckoff of Shabbona, 111., was the guest of friends here over the week-end. Albin Anderson of Northwestern University spent several days at his | morning for Western Springs, where home, west of town. ' ~ * ~ v THOMAS P. BOLGER Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jkckworth of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mi*. Mat Laures. Mr. and Mrs. McArdrews of Chif- ago spent Monday in the home ef Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin May. Miss Mayme Keg of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Keg. Miss Pamela Rietesel of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rietesel. Mr. and Mr;-. Rosing and children visited in the George Frett home at Johnsburg one evening last week. Mrs. J. H. Miller and daughter, Elizabeth, are spending the week with friends and relatives in Chicago. Clarence Baron of Hebron spent a few days the last of the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron. Mr. and Airs. George Schmitt of Chicago spent Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Laures. Mrs. George Young of Ringwood spent one day last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Mrs. Roy Smith is again able to be out, after being confined to the house for n^prly three weeks as the results of a fall. Little Bobby Harrison of Elgin spent a few days last week at the Koine of his grandmother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McOmber and daughter, Marian of Chicago, spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith. Mrs. Fuller Boutelle and soil, Earl, of Lake Geneva were guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith and son and Mrs. Ada Smith of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson. Mrs. Cora Hartinan and Mrs. Maud Fratikeberger of Orangeville, Wis., spent the week-end as guests in the home of their sister, Mrs. Ada Bobb. Mrs. Edward Holle of Chicago spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Her husband joined her here for the week-end. * John Givens, Joseph Hettermann. Gerald Carey and Charles Mertes attended a meeting and banquet given by the Chevrolet dealers at the Palmer house last Friday evening. REPLACING WINDOWS IN AUTO CURTAINS HOLLOW GRINDING . OF ICE SKATES Also repairing and overhauling of Sewing. Machines and Victrolas done perfectly, , No matter how badly your rugs are worn, we weave them into new ones. We also weave Rag Rugs. B. Popp Phone 182 West McHenry she will visit in the home of v her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Elliott and children of Austin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs." Frank Thurwell. Mr. and <Mrs. E. G. Peterson an ! son, Earl, Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. James Perkins motored to Chicago, Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Park Musser of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dunne and little son of Lake Geneva were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whiting. While cranking a car Friday even ing Jerome Sievert had the misfortune to dislocate a bone in his elbow with the result that the injured arm is being carried in a sling. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Engeln and Mr. and Mrs. John F. Knox attended the auto show in Chicago last Friday. In the evening they attended the Woods theater, where they saw Syd Chaplin in "Better O." Ray Conway spent Friday in Elgir.. Mrs. Ed Kelter spent Friday in Chicago. H. C. Hughes spent Saturday in Chicago. Gecrge Johnson was a Chicago visitor, Friday. , LeRoy Conway visited relatives at Elgin, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Walsh were recent Elgin vistors. ' State Engineer SamaMt VMS an Elgin visitor, Saturday. Mrs. George Johnson was a Chicago visitor last Thursday. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin spent Sunday with home folks here. Miss Mabelle Wheeler is spending the week with "friends in Chicago. Majorie Phalin has accepted a position as st^lographer in Chicago. Miss Mary FleiViing was the guest of her brother, Richard, last week. Mr. t.nd Mrs. Floyd Colmar. of Chicago were Sunday guests in tae Fred Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin and children spent Sunday with relatives et West Chicago. Mrs. A. Krause and daughter, Marian, spent the week-end with friends in Chicago. • Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Diet* and tiiece Miss Eleanor Dietz, were Chicago visitors, Wednesday. Walter Forbtrg of Chicago was a business visitor at the McHertry Country club. Friday. Mrs. Anna Howard and little son of Elgin spent the week-end with her father. Mathias Webei*. Miss Mary Brefeld of Elgin spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mrs. Lawrence Senten of Chicago was a guest in the home cf Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls, Sunday. Mrs. Alma Thomas was the guest of her daughter, Mrs. James Rainey, at Ringwood last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Karls. Mrs. F. 0. Gans and daughter, Mildred, spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Dowlii^: in Chi- John E. Pufahl spent Saturday in Chicago. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago spent 'Sunday in the home of of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Henry Purvey and daughter, Edith, of Crystal Lake were Friday visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey's. Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld and little daughter, Norma, of Waukegan spent Sunday in the B. J. Brefeld home. A. Conway visited relatives at Elgin Sunday. Miss Lenore Coff and George Herntansen attended the automobile show in Chicago, Saturday. Miss Frances May of * Woodstock spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr& Martin May. Miss Eleanor Dietz of Chicago is spending this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Dietz. Arthur Marks, one of the employees of the state on the bridge construction work, returned to his home at Elgin, Saturday. Miss Angela Petesch returned to her school duties at Chi>mpai.^n, after spending the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch. Herman Nye has accepted a position at the Hoy Pharmacy at Woodstock. Mr. Nye assumed his new duties Monday morning of this week. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Dietz and niece, M iss Eleanor Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. William Pries and Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr spent Monday evening at Waukegan, where they attended the Majestic theatre. VINOL HELPS NERVOUS RUN-DOWN MAN *Befo*» taking Vinol, I was rundown, nervous and irritable. Now, I feel like another person."--R. McCoy. Vinol is a simple, strengthening iron and cod liver compound in use for over 25 years for sickly, nervous women, run-down men and weak children. The very FIRST week you take Vinol, you begin to feel stronger, eat and sleep better. Contains no oil--you'll like its pleasant taste.--Thomas P. Bulger, Druggist. Sale Feb. 14 to 19, Inclusive M I L K Pet, Bordens or Carnation 3 tall cans 26c BROWN SUGAR .. POWDERED SUGAS RAISINS, BULK CORN MEAL 4 25<* •3 lbs. 25d 2 lbs. 19^ 6 lb®. 19 it O A T S Armours or Quakers 3 fktfs. IVORY SOAP ......... ...3 small 19^ IVORY SOAP . . . . . . .3 large 33d CHIPSO ..... .large pkg. 19<i CRISCO . ......1 lb. can 25^ Campbell's Beans or 3 cans Tomato Soup 23 GOOD LUCK OLEO .... . .. lb. 25 BULK OATS . . . . . . . . . 5 lbs. 17^ LIMA BEANS . . .2 lbs. 25«£ COFFEE, Famous 8 o'clock lb. FLOUR S£eSweet 2pkg8- 21c The Great Atlantic & Pacific Tei Co. Qreen Street McHenry T VNO COAL NO ASHES NO DIRT NO WORRY Results Obtained from HEATING Your Home with All parts are entirely automatic, dependable and safe * An even temperature is maintained, assuring more healthful living conditions Our Special Rate Makes Gas Home Heating Practical and Economical . J* CALL US FOR INFORMATION PHONE 167 « • . V 1 Western United Gas & Electric Company IMMMMMMIMII GAS AND ELECTRIC HEADQUARTER3 IMIIIIIimMIUHnillMIMMMIIIIMIMIIMIMIMIi'l illMMMMMIM

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