Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1927, p. 6

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% isfcp|\ I • T1 >* " ' 'i •' -"V - f:' : Wrnm^m f HK M'HBWtT PtAlNPgAtiB, THURSDAY, KB. 10,1987 , ' > 1: Tl4* Telephone Service I Must Go On ® T v^-.# . HE blizzarda of winter and the^ cyclones and thunderstorms of summer are the implacable enemies of the telephone service. Experience covering many years has enabled the Bell System to develop the best forms of protection and the best weapons of defence i*i this warfare. v Modern improved construction and the development of a highly trained and alert organization have made interruptions much less frequent and have cut down the average length of time in which seiVice is suspended. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM OncPsiiey • One System • Universal Service ffVERY telethon* £j added to this system during the Past ten years has required an average invest' ment higher than for those installed ten years ago. This con• dition will apply to each telephone added for many years, if Present price levels hold. The company is powerless to control these advances. SPRING GROVE rV Keen Values in Living Room Pieces TW dwi^fiinsr, the fMWetmction and the finish of these Living Room Sets place them in a class by themselves* especially when you know that back of the unseemingly low prices stands oar guarantee of your complete satisfaction. Jacob Justen & Son Furniture and Undertaking Phone 103-R * McHenry Electrical Wiring and Repair Work We are prepared to do all kinds of electrical house wiring or make any changes in your present equipment. Experienced workmen j»re employed to give prompt service and high class work. When in need of anything in the electrical line, call on us. We also do plumbing and heating. H. E. BUCH & CO. Batteries, Tubes and Radio Accesories Phone 48 Green Street Mrs. J. C. fSirlong entertained the Lotus club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Edd Bell of Ringwood was a guest of his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Esh, and family, Wednesday. Mrs. Fanny Carr spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Edna Sweet. Mr. and Mrs; Walter Watts of Solon Mills were in town Thursday. Mrs. Watts called on Mrs. Martin Butler in the afternoon. Mrs. James Foulke was a Chicago passenger, Wednesday. Miss Robbe entertained a lady friend from Evanston over ^Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bowen enter tairied a few neighbors at their home Saturday evening the event being in honor of the former's birthday. Refreshments were served and all enjoyed the evening. Wedding bells are ringing, Dan Cupid has been busy. - v : , Miss Beulah Carey left Tuesday for San Antonia, Texas, where she will be married to Mr. Fred W. Readel of Chicago, Saturday, February 12, at which place they expect to make their future home. Mrs. Maggie Feltes entertained Mrs. Kate Orvis, Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby, and Mrs. Annie Sanders, Thursday The atfenioon was spent in "500,' after which a dainty lunch was served and all enjoyed a pleasant afternoon. Ned Hasslegrave left for Jackson, Mich., Thursday to spend a few weeks with his brother, Robert and family. Pete Justen of McHenry transacted business here Monday. Mrs. Maude Carey and children, Edwin and Sylvia, motored to Woodstock, Friday. Walter Watts of Solon Mills transacted business here Monday. Mrs. Alice Wagner and mother, Mrs. Kate Orvis, motored to Ringwood, Friday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and family. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and two children, John and Hazel, motored to Alden Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shotliff. A. C. Parfrey motored to McHenry Saturday. -- Clinton Sanders and Jarald Pierce motored to Richmond, Monday morning. Math Lay was a Thursday noon passenger fo Chicago. Miss Inez Bacon is spending a few days with Mrs. Edna Sweet. P. G. Hoffman, Reed Carr, Henry Sweet and Mrs. Bertha Esh attended the funeral of Joseph Richardson on Sunday afternoon. Martin Brinkman called Monday morning at Mark Pierce's. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Esh and family of Waterto^n, Wis., motored here on Sunday and attended the funeral of their uncle, Joseph Richardson, at Richmond. They remained over until Monday in the home of their sister, Mrs. Bertha Esh. Martin May and George Esh drove here Sunday, returning Monday. Glen Esh returned with them. Mrs. Behmes was a Chicago passenger Friday. Clair Furlong spent from Saturday until Monday noon with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Math Rauen motored to McHenry, Sunday. J. J. Freund spent a day in the city the past week. Frank May slipped on the ice and was quite badly hurt one day last week. At this writing he is on the gain. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson motored to McHenry Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweet motored to McHenry, Thursday. Miss Inez Bacon returned with them to spend a few days. Mrs. Pete May is again able to be around again after having a very bad attack of the grippe. Lester Bell left for Michigan to spent a few days with his father, John Bell. John McGinnis of Chicago spent over Sunday with his family here ifr. Worstrom and son, Roy, of F<Tx Lake transacted business here Monday. Miss Agnes Weber, Mrs. Joseph Brown and three children motored to McHenry, Saturday afternoon. Nine-cent sale at Erickson's Dept. Store, beginning Thursday, Feb. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Steve King and Miss Florence Smith visited Mr. and Mrs*. Jacob Steffes, Sunday. < Mrs. Ray Horick visited Mrs. S{ H. Smith, Wednesday. Joe Hettermann, Henry Hetter*. mann, Fred Smith and Otto Adam$ attended the automobile show at Chicago, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams visited Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Hayworth and Alex Freund of Chicago visited in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith, Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. John Stilling and fam* ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling, Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Kempfer and Helen Smith were McHenry callers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller visited with relatives in McHenry, Sunday. Mrs. John Pitzen visited Mrs. Kemfer, Sunday. j Mr. arid Mrs. Peter R. Freund visited with Mr. and M!rs. Joseph Miller, Monday night. The Fan Tan club met at J4rs. Marian Lay's, Sunday night. Miss Angela Miller entertained a few of her friends at her party Sunday night. The evening was spent dancing and playing games. A delicious luncheon was served at a late hour. Those present were: Misse$ Agnes Thompson, Marie Miller, Beri tha Justen, Esther May, Anna Britzi Marie Mertes, Carolyn Miller and Alvina Miller; Nick Adams, Haroldf- Bell, Harry Foley, Ernie Freund^ Charles Freund, Ed Thompson, Larry Elfman, Albert Justen and Russelff Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Huff spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Josepl| Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob B. Schumacher, Sunday. The Afternoon club met at Mrs. Jacob Miller's last Thursday. First prize awarded to Mrs. Frank Kempfer second to Mrs. Peter A. Freund, consolation to Mrs. Hubert Michels. Miss Dora Schaefer, of the St. Frances convent spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer. Mrs. Ben Kennebeck and Alvina Schumacher were McHenry callers," Friday. Jacob A. Miller had an»accident while working on the new home of Stephen H. Smith, where he slipped and fell off the scaffold and broke two ribs and cracked four. Miss Rose Thelen of Chicago visited her mother, Mrs. Mary Thelen. Alex Freund of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Smith. You will be pleasantly surprised at the generous values offered for 9c, beginning Thursday, Feb. 17, at Erickson's'Dept. Store. ELECTION NOTICE Proposed Park District " TO ALL ELECTORS, MEN AND WOMEN: Public notice is hereby given that oil " Saturday, the 19th day of February A. D. 1027, at polling places as designated by the County Judge of McHenry County, in the State of Illinois viz: - . Polling Place No. 1--City"Hall in McHenry, McHenry TownshipvCounty of Mc- " Henry and State of Illinois, Polling Place No, 2--School House alfe School District No.'17, McHenry County*/ Illinois, located on the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of section No. lV. township $o. 44 North, range 8 East of the . third principal meridian, Nunda Townshipy McHenry County, Illinois, all of said potting places being situated within • Sections five (5), six (6)j sev& :',, fj), eight (8), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), V twenty (20), twenty-nine (29), thirty (30), thirty-one (31), and thirty-two (32), township number 1.' forty-five North range 9 East of v the third principal meridian, McHenry Township, County of Mfi- Henry and State of Illinois. / Sections twelve (12), thirteen 03), fourteen (14), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22), twentythree (23), twenty-four (24), twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), •twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight (28), thirty-three (33), thirtyfour (34), thirty-five (35), and thirty-six (36), township number -- forty five--(45)--North range--8 -- BILL BOOSTER SAYS: OTRADC NUrm TVA6 natows VUWO ADVEKHSE, BECAUSE TVAEM AUUANS GWE THE\R. BEST IU SERVICE AUD VALUE. \ TOADS \)jrm TUEkA BECAUSE TttE\R ADS BRIWGr BVJStUESPTDTfcWUjUCrf OUW FOR. TUEVA, BUT RjR. ALL OP OS. \ TRADE WITH TWEM BECAUSE YUEM DESERVE IT East of the third principal meridian, McHenry Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Sections five (5), six (6), seven (.7), eight (8), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), and twenty (20) township forty-four (44), North range 9 East of the third principal meridian, Nunda Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Sections one (1)> two (2), - eleven (11), twelve (12), and thirteen (13), township number forty-four (44) North, range S East of the third principal meridian, Nunda Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, . . and all being situated in the proposed Park District to be known as "Fox fiiver Valley Park District" • an election will be held for the purpose of voting "FOR PARK DISTRICT" or ^AGAINST PARK DISTRICT", as to whether the legal resident voters of said proposed Part District in said Townships of McHenry and Nunda, McHenry County,' Illinois, will organize all of the territory embraced insaid proposed Park'District/ viz: . Sections five (5), six (6), seven (7), eight (8), seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), , twenty (20), twenty-nine (29), , . thirty (30), thirty-one (31), and thirty-two (32), township number forty-five North range 9 East of the third principal meridian, McHenry Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Sections twelve (12), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), twenty-one v ; (21), twenty-two (22), twentythree (23), twenty-four (24),4 - twenty-five (25), twenty-six (26), twenty-seven (27), twenty-eight ; (28), thirty-three (33), thirtyfour (34), thirty-five (35), and thirty-six (36), township nujnber forty-five (45), North rang^ 8 ; East of the third principal meridian, McHenry Township, County , of McHenry and State of Illinois. Sections five (5), six (6), spven (7), eight (8). seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), and twenty (20), township forty-four (44) North range 9 East of the third principal meridian, Nunda Township, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Sections one (1), two (2), eleven (11), twelve (12), and thirteen (13), township number forty-four (44), North, range 8 East of the third principal meridian, Nunda. Township, County of McHenry"^ and State of Illinois, all being a compact area, into a Park District to be known MFox" River Valley Park District." Also to elect five legal resident voters as Commissioners of said Park District, the said election having been duly called by the County Judge of said County of McHenry in the State of Illinois, in accordance with the prayer of proper petitions now on file in the office of the County Clerk of said McHenry County, Illinois, under an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois to provide for the organization of Park Districts, (Apprbved June 24, 1895, m force July 17 18fl®r)'*and all acts amendatory thereto. The polls of which election in the respective polling places hereinabove designated, will be open at seven o'clock in the morning and continue open until five o'elock in the afternoon of said day. Dated at Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, this 25th day of January A. Jk 1927. JCounty Clerk• JOHNSBURG The Jolly Eight club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Thelen, Sundiay. Five hundred was played, high honors going to Mrs. Frank Kempfer, first; Mrs. William Meyers, second; and Mrs. Joe King consolation. A delicious luncheon was served. Mrs. John Merter is visiting with relatives in Michigan for a few weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Thelen visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Neiss, Friday. 23 24 25 26 These are the Days when the coal bin always seems .empty. us the next time you need coal. Prompt delivery will reward your request. You can put nothing better in your bin than Keeps You MTarm Pocohontas Coal Always a full measure of heat, with a minimum amount of ashes. * 4 '• . + , Phone 46 * • What are they thinking of you and your car? ENRY LUMBER Quality and Service First West McHenry CO. You never allow yourself to get all bewhiskered and • »#un down at the heels. Yon know better. You know it's ft reflection on your character-- your prosperity. Same with your car! Car condition reflects owner's (pharacter. A car can be as jt>ld as Methuselah and still •fnaintain its dignity. But Ihere is no excuse for a permanent rundown look--not so long as there is a C8n of •--Acme Quality Motor Car finish. ° QUALITY Motor Car Finish fn all popular colors; each ives the exclusively beauiful color effect of colors imixed by color experts, and .. ^reflects the 40 years of experience behind ACME QUALITY Paint-*Vmrni*h < Before you buy any paint come in and ace u*. Wc are here to serve y ^ WM. H. ALTHOFF Farther than ever beyond the reach of imitation 825 Every one knows that when announced a year ago, the Pon» Six was an extraordinary automotive development. The General Motors Re» March Staff pioneered Pontiac Six basic design. The great General Motors Proving Ground provided an unparalleled opportunity to perfect that design without regard to time or cost. And General Motors combined purchasing power assured minimum costs . quality materials. Obviously, the Pontiac Six was then beyond duplication. Obviously, it is today still farther beyond the reach of imitation-- •--became die Pontiac Six now carries this important ad> ditional attraction to buyerst In a period of more than a year, it has served tens of thousands of owner* in performance, reliability and economical operation, to a degree of satisfaction far beyond their fondest expectations! f^wKee $*, <82$ l» <»7S. OiUwdSta.c--»o Si*. tt02Sto $1299. AM fftiM m fmcMr* BoMm Vy S--f » Ttmt fmymtM T CONWAY MOTOR SALES, McHaarjr, lUbMb HjArmP.»»n*/ UftT niaPeiVri West McHenry l. A* - TIHmOa

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