Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Feb 1927, p. 12

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THE M'HDOtY PLAUlDXALn, THTOSDAY, riB. M,1927 V ^ Argument Ended Whan Hungry Diner Acted "I beg your pardon," said r crusty •M bean to the generous fragment Of pork with which it was making a portion of pork of beans, "but yonr contiguity Is insufferable." "Go wan," retorted tb* port. , *Go Wan back to Bosting!" •'Coarse westerner!" said the bean, "•astern sissy!" answered the pork. "At least," said the bean with great dignity, "we are not uncivilized. We come from the fount of culture: We have background--" "YeahT" said the pork. "Your background la a lot of common, ordinary dirt. That's ail It is. I come from the great open spaces--" "Where pigs is pigs." "Ill say so. And what's mora, we're proud of it. We're the backbone of the nation--•" , , "[Ftou're all fat," said the bean. "Can't see your backbone for It" "Get back In the pot," yelped the pork. - "Boor!" -screimed ih4: betn "Stockyard boorV" ;• "Chicago jnoroiii""screamed aM the other beans. At that moment", the argument was settled by a man from • Little Rock, Ark. He ate the contestant*.---Kansas CSty Times. . Two Parts of Life The uttered part of a man's life, let us always repeat, bears to the un- Uttered, unconscious part a small unknown 'proportion. He himself never knows It, tnuch less do others.--Carlyle. . • . But Why Quibble Over Small Matter of Name? A San Francisco woman tells of an entertainment she wished to give to some friends, at which she desired the services of a mandolin quartet, of which one of her servants had Bpoken on many occasions. She, therefore, commissioned the maid to ask the quartet to come- to the house and play for her guests. That evening three colored men bearing saxophones appeared on her porch, and one of them announced himself solemnly as "de leader of de mandolin quartet" "But where Is the fourth musiciant" asked the lady. "We all is here," said the leader with pride. "We's de mandolin quartet" "But aren't those Saxophones you have in your hands?" feebly inquired the lady, , "Yas'm," said the man patiently. "Yiis'm. Dey's three of us, an' we plays de saxophone, bat we all's de mandolin quartet" . / \ If She Were a Widow Clyde Gerard knows a wife who confided to her chum that she would like to be a widow for a few months just to see how she would look to other pien. We have no idea how she Would look to other men: but we fancy we know what the other women would say.--^-Capper's Weekly; Which It Worse? We ask you. man to man, which is worse, profanity, or declaring that something 'Is "perfectly darling?"-? Little Rock Democrat. F, Dollar Day Specials at Real Spot Cash Savings tor Saturday, Feb. 26th Women's Silk and Wool Hose, pair .75c Chambray Work Shirts „ 59c 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, 5 yds. , ...„ $1.10 Men's Pajamas ................ $1.19 Flannelette Petticoats, regular 69c ; 39c Flannelette Gowns, ...i.....;............... .85c and $1.00 Women's Knit Slips 49c Boys' Mackinaw Coats, regular $4.25 $1.00 Raincoats, regular $4.00 $1.00 Leather Jackets, horsehrde leather $12.50 Sheeplined Coats, regular $10.00 .............................. $6.75 Sheeplined Ulster, regular $18.00 ............................... $13.75 Boys' leather Coats, regular $9.95 ...........w....v. $7.50 Boys' all-wool Lumberjacks . - . -- - J . ; ; : - - ' , , ; ; $ 3 . 7 5 Boys' Sweater Coats, $3.25 to $4.00 $1.00 Bed Blankets at 25% Discount. ° Groceries Spaghetti, F. American, 3 cans ,...„..25c Pineapple. Oood Kind, can „20c Salmon, fancy red, can ....... 32c Corn Flakes, large, 2 for a.--. 25c Post Bran Flakes , 10c Baker's Cocoa, V2 ft. 18c Raisins, seedless, 2 lbs. 25c Pure Preserves. 1 lb. jar ...............--. 25c; 2 lb. jar 50c Table Tumblers, dot. ...... -- 35c Toilet Bowl Brush J5c John Stoffel West McHenry Electrical Wiring and Repair Work We are prepared to do all kinds of electrical house wiring or make any changes in your present equipment. Experienced workmen are employed to gives prompt service and high class work. .«« When in need of anything in the electrical line, call on us. We also do plunfbing and heating. E E. BUCH '& CO. Batteries, Tubes and Radio Accesories Phone 48 Green Street Crystal Smd to Hold World's Oldest Drink Is the Academy of Natural Sciences tn Philadelphia there Is what is thought to be the oldest drink in the world, unless there are some older ones embedded in the earth, which is where this one came from. It is a specimen of calcite crystal in which there is a cavity several inches long and in this there is about a half a gill of liquid, presumably water. The institution is the oldest In the country and the specimen has been there almost from the beginning, but nntil recently it has never been on public view. During its stay at the academy there has been no noticeable diminution of the material Inclosed in the specimen. There are other such specimens, but this is the largest known and has qualities which make it quite valuable In the eyes of the scientists who are watching it to see If the contents become changed in any way. This was uncovered In Rossle, N. Y., in 1838. , In one variety of blue quartz from Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in addition to the bubble there are minute crystals which are constantly in motion, which has possibly been continuous for millions of yeafis. *' .}* 1 QSQSBbSI liITLLr INOIS News Notes Early Montm . Montmartre, the hill of Paris, derives Its name perhaps from the Latin, mons martyrum, but probably from the fact that back In the Roman days a temple of Mars w^ts located on the summit, says the Independent. For many years it remained a little village famous for Its windmills and gypsum quarries, then a convent for Benedictine nuns was erected where the temple once stood. In 1860 the wall separating: Montmartre from Paris was destroyed and little by little artists began to congregate there because living was comparatively cheap. Montmartre awoke to a new life. It became the cradle of the nation's art. "It was frequented by such men as Dumas, Daudet and Verlaln. Beranger dodged desperately about Its streets. It saw Gautier in scarlet trousers and Baudelaire, reeking In filth, pouring forth Mis beautiful verse. Cafes were the main source of Its inspiration. Waxing Candlous Henry Drummoud, author of "The Greatest Thing in the World." in his lighter moments (and he bad many) was full of gayety, frequently displaying a unique and versatile form of wit. He was one of a group assembled one night at the home of Drummond's minister. Dr. Marcus Dods. During the supper, which had to be taken by candle flight, one of the candles began to droop. One of the young men set it upright, then it drooped to the other side. Finally It became a subject of remark. Someone called it a most wicked candle; another said it should be sent to Greece, and sundry other jokes were leveled at the unfortunate light giver. Finally Drummond said, very earnestly, he thought the conversation was beginning to wax scandalous. Cheap Sacking Material No material is manufactured at a smaller cost than gunny. It Is a strong, coarse sack-cloth manufactured chiefly in Bengal from jute, but to some extent also in Bombay and Madras from sunn hemp. It Is also manufactured In Dundee, Scotland, from jute Imported lrom Bengal, and In a small way of late years in the United States. The weaving of gunny Is a great domestic industry In India. It gives occupation to men, women and children. Boatmen employ themselves weaving in their spare moments, as do farmers, carriers and even domestic servants. The weaving is performed upon the rudest kind of loom, consisting merely of a few sticks and poles fastened together with twine. Area of New Orleane The city of New Orleans occupies a strip of land between the river and Lake Pontchartraln, with the latter of which it is connected by two canals. The corporate limits of the city embrace the whole parish of Orleans, which includes a portion of the west bank, where is located the town of Algiers. The official boundaries thus enclose an area of almost 'J00 square miles. However, the inhabited portion, located for the most part near the river's bank, covers only about 40 square miles. All the Difference All men are horn equal, but It is what they are born equal to that makes all the difference.--Gopd Hardware. if'V'V FULL MEASURE COAL Keeps You W arm Pocohontas is full measure Coal, not only is the accurate weight we give you but also in the amount of heat energy it develops under the most trying conditions. A certain way to learn about this Coal satisfaction is to ORDER A TRIAL TOR. Phone 46 TVf-TJENRY LUMBER ff) Xf A v M- .1. Quality and Service First # West McHenry . ' V l he Peoria county Republican convention selected its 25 delegates to the Fifth district convention on March 15 and Instructed them to vote as a unit for Justice Stone. The state senate has provided for the erection of monfiitients on the battlefields of France, appropriating the sum of $300,000 to investigate and inspect suitable sites. State Motorcycle Officer Paul E. Clendenlng of Elgin, former Elgin high school football star and later a candidate for sheriff, was killed when his automobile upset. Announcement of a campaign to raise a $5,000,000 centenary fund for Knox college, Galesburg, was made at a banquet celebrating the ninetieth anniversary of the founding of the school. Cadet Col. R. A. Cone of Champaign, chairman of the committee, and Miss Helen Bess Finch, also of Champaign, led the grand march at the 1927; military ball held at the University of Illinois. Miss Henrietta Glos, pioneer resident of St. Charles, is dead, following a long Illness. Miss Glos was, seventy-five years old and had been a resident of St. Charles all her life. She was In buslnekb there for a number of years and passed other years in traveling. Prince William of Sweden has tentatively accepted an Invitation to attend the thirty-third annual convention of the John Ericsson Republican League of Illinois, to be held In Jollet on March 9 In conjunction with the second annual conclave of the John Ericsson Republican League of America. Falling into a well thlrty-flve feet deep, Mrs. George C. Mitchell of Fairmont clung to a small pipe for more than an hour before assistance came. The coming of a neighbor for a bucket of water was the means of her discovery. She was too weak to climb Into the bucket that was lowered for her, so wses rescued by ropes passed under her arms. 1 Fears that the European corn borer had struck for a second time within the boundaries of Illinois were quieted when State Entomologist W. P. Flint, co-operating with the college of agriculture, University of Illinois, identified the supposed corn borer sent in from Paris as nothing more than the smartweed borer, an Insect which is harmless to cultivated crops. Roy D. Keehn, Chicago lawyer, who has served as judge advocate of the Thirty-third division of the Illinois National Guard, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, for four years, was appointed, tnajor general In command of the division by Gov. Len Small. He succeeds Maj. Gen. Milton J. Foreman, who was retired on January 26 because of the army age limit The senate passed the house bill providing for the 'creation of a committee of three senators and three representatives to seek the adoption of uniform fishing and hunting laws of Illinois and adjoining states. It also passed the Hicks bill to provide for deferred payments of assessments covering the cost of property condemned in connection with public improvements. Because of his refusal to put out a fire he had started In some dried leaves In front of his home, William Collins of Danville, fifty, veteran of the Spanish-American war, was shot and alppost Instantly killed by a neighbor, Henry Stewart, also a veteran of the Spanish-American war, who lived In a shack to the windward of tbe Collins place, and was getting the smoke. Stewart surrendered. Illinois agriculture faces 1827 with an outlook for profitable live stock production on the one hand and, on the other hand, a prospect of little improvement In grain prices, even if only average yields of crops are harvested, it was declared in a report released by H. W. Munjford, the dean_of the college of agriculture, tinlrerslty of Illinois. Ther^ls no prospect for njaterial increases In tfie total demand for farm products, and farmers therefore should give attention to the most of production and prospective supply of agricultural products as they affect this state, the report said. ] Senator Thomas J. Courtney of Chl-< cago announced that a bill he introduced is intended to prevent a repetition of the Frank L. Smith case even on a small scale. "The bill provides," he explained, "that no member of the commerce commission, no assistant commissioner, or other employee of the body shall be the beneficiary of campaign contributions from public utilities made either directly or Indirectly to him or to any political organisation backing his candidacy for any office. It not only prohibits the acceptance of such benefits, but It forbids the giving of such donations." •sThe Henry County Bar association has elected the following officers: President, Henry Waterman of Geneseo; vice president, Clark Ahy of Galva; secretary-treasurer, William Ewan of Kewanee. " John Looney, former publisher ol the Rock Island News and convicted murderer, lost his appeal to the Supreme court when .the court affirmed the decision of the Knox County Circuit court. Looney, reputed vice lord of Hock Island, was sentenced to a 14- year term for the murder of William Gabel, s saloonkeeper. Early Majolica The earliest date found on an Italian luster-piece is 1489. The only men acquainted with the use of luster were I'esaro, Gubbio and Deruta, and after a vogue of 80 years it became a lost art about 1570. The craft has been revived with varying success, but the new enamels cannot compare in beauty with the old models. The finest specimens of majolica were made In northeastern Italy. Vases, pitchers, plates, bottles and odd-shaped flasks were the moat commonly decorated objects, but tiles were sometimes made for floors and Name From Bible Tbe biblical name "Amana" means •Relieve faithfully" (Glaub treu). The community which bears this name was first called "Bleib treu"' (Remain faithful). This was so difficult to express in an English word that the biblical one was choseh. Comic Tragedies?' A boy came to the desk of one of the branch libraries with a request for "mystery stories" for his mother. On being raked by an assistant what type or author his pother preferred, the boy answered confidingly: "Well, I think she might like something moi* light and cheerful than she has been getting. Those "Sherlock Holmes" stories made her nervous*. Havent you got anything with a pleasant, snappy murder in it. that she can read without getting nervous whan she is all alone in the house?"--Indianapolis News. CrimtnaU Lack Education We don't believe criminals are better educated than they used to be. At least their work doesn't show any improvement over that of the last decade. They still use the same blundering. bulldozing methods, and haven't evolved a new idea In a generation.-- Philadelphia Inquirer. "WiretP Sent hy Pigeon* Before the. Invention of the electrictelegraph, carrier pigeons provided th» fastest known means of transmitting messages, and were even used by English stockbrokers to get early report* on the market. The carrier pigeon is useful because- J)t his accuracy in returning to hi* home, and the speed of his flight H» must be carefully trained over a long period. Pigeons have been known to carry a message as far as 800 miles in one day. During the Franco- Prussian war they were used by both armies to carry messages, but the Invention of telegraph and wireless ted to their abandonment. •»$*' ; r / - - 5," > Marvelous Stone Craft . The pyramids of Egypt, built, ac~" cording to some modern scholars, between the years 4731 B. C. and 4454 B. C., are in some places so skillfully fitted together that the naked eye cannot detect the points of junction. When 1/ou Wash With ajfew LittU by Little" Way ELECTRIC WASHER Payment Protection Every Federal Washer sold "Little by Little" is covered by a Payment Protection Certificate. Sometimes, for important reasons, payments cannot be met and then they are made for you. Ask about this wonderful protection which comes witbouWadditional cost to you. Simple to Operate, a Pleasure to Use A minimum of effort is required to do your washing with the new Type "C" Federal--all control1^ switches are conveniently located at the right hand side of the washer! Without taking a step you can Gperate the simple controls for motor and wringer. The swinging wringer locks in five positions. Clothes Washed at Home are sweet, clean and thoroughly sanitary. They last longer, because of your care in handling them. A Federal washer takes all the hard work out of laundering and saves dollars and dollars of your housekeeping money--for little luxuries, perhaps. Come in --see it today. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake Telephone 280 J. A. Schabecic, District Managm 4 •IDANMCOVn lA other low-priced six will ever give you this Home Life of the Ancient* Discoveries in an ancient tomb Invariably disclose the fact that Jpwelry sad furniture were abundant while the "comforts of home" were scarce,-- Washington star, • -" v Triumph in Adversity By adversity are wrought the work*, el greatest admiration, and all the fair examples of renown out of distress and misery are gr«wn.--DanieL It fo not beyond d&c|realins of possibility that some day there will be offered a newly created six, closely approximating in basic design and price the Pootiac Six as introduced I year ago. But even If that car does make its appearance, it will lack one powerfal inducement to ownership that is of paramount importance in contemplating the Pondac Six: Its design and construction will have been proved by millions of miles of actual service in the hands of thousands of owner g. And that u essential, even in a car which woi testedand developed asthe PorvtiacSixwas for over three years prior to its announcement I Design and construction so convincingly demonstrated means more than the elimination of fundamental weaknesses. It means peace of mind from one year's end to the other--and that is what buyers have aright to get, no matter how much or how little they pay! e Shfc SS2S lw SS7S. Odhl*a H* mi(«i»IIII n Pmlw SIB, IIM5 f <!.»*. AS fONWAT MOTOR SALES, McHmry, IMath K ST • "-rV ^- 1, gjj-fr ifYi,\ihf ft' W f li •

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