. •wv.yi; • iusmjN4P..iP|M-'/AP*ii|p iwu< U • \.<m PLAINDEAIJO, THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1927 mtm m^ytT rr jt*rsg*gyT -1T£ CANT PLAY THEM ALL so mE PLAY THE BEST* SHOWS 7:J#-9--0« THURSDAY - FRIDAY March 17-18 "SPANGLES" < wi'k Marion Nixou and Pat O'Nalley a host of others. The Circus is Coming •; And the Comedy "EXCUSE ME" SATURDAY * -March 19 "The Forlorn River Zaae Grey's Latest "Nuf Sed" with VAUDEVILLE And the last chapter of "Buffalo Br Next Week THE SILENT FLYER" Featuring the Gread Dog Silver Streak SUNDAY •• March 20 Matinee 2:15 Introducing the HELODY.N&STERS In the latest illustrated song hits F "• wi-d by JANES KIRKWOOD BETTY COMPSON • V4»' "tlElifKE GOT' with VAUDEVILLE And the Fox Comedy "BIG BUSINESS" TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY ' March 22-23 MtTACORD ii HE RIDING RASCAL And the Comedy "THE LITTLE PE8T" Tuesday Evening A BARRE OF FUN That's Just What it Is, and all kinds of useful presents given •way--"It's the Best Ever." THURSDAY - FRIDAY March 24-25 HARRY LANGDON in "TIE STRONG HAH" And the Andy Gump Comedy "ANDY TAKES A FLYER" Plaindealers at Bolgers "UVOLE BOB" AND HIS SAFETY CLUB "Piedl Piper" of KYW Great Favorite With Clildm Members of the "Carh the Linit," Club TVou sands of parents throughout the famd give thanks for the safety IMPASSABLE ROADS PUTS BUSINESS AT STANDSTILL Activities in McHenry have been somewhat at a standstill for the past week owing to the bad condition of the roads. For a few days the only roads leading to our city which were in fair condition were the Johnsburg roads, and it was necessary to use ard gwyi behavior of their children to] these as a detour to reach Woodstock a g-enial. plump "Pied Piper" of Chi-; and even Crystal Lake. The state c*cv. He is Walter Wilson, better | detour around McCollum's Lake bekwwn to his host of children as: came impassable and has been closed ••Uncw Bob" of KYW. _ to all travel. Tbe broad grin and the twinkling J The j^n who are employed at Ter-!lead on their opponents and kept little eyes of "Uncle Bob" cannot be. n Cotta are going back and forth dodtrine: a point or two ahead or besx. aaAu.es wW8 DISTRICT KEKT McHenry Defeated By Crystal Lake Friday Night By Score of 26 to 22 McHenry was eliminated from the final games of the District Basketball Tournament at Dundee, by Crystal Lake on last Friday night by a 26-22 i score. The game was a close and fast one from the start to the finish. McHenry at one time had a five point seen by the growing number of chil-j^ the tnin and others who are emdren tha* listen to his stories every ployed out of town are staiying on the evening, but they reveal themselves j0b until means of travel become imin his chuckle and captivating voice.' prove<j. His plump physique and his round face Mystic Workers can't be noticed through the receiver ^ Mystic Workers will hold their but they have been uncovered through re?ular at the home of Mrthe good humor and kindliness he has| ftnd Mfa p H Weber next Wednesspread through the land. i Here, at last, is a Pied Piper fol-j lowed by thousands of children n, VISIT MRS. MARY NOONAN ON whom the utmost trust and confidence, SEVENTY-SEVENTH BIRTHDAY is placed by the parents. He has even; Mrs. Mary Noonan was pleasantly gathered a strong following of surprisedat her home on the Ringgrown- ups to such an extent that they wood road Sunday by members of her fete him and shower him with honors j family who came to spend the day wherever he goes. ) with her, the event being her seVenty- For '"Uncle Bob" has outclassed the I seventh birthday anniversary. A little talks he has been giving the delicious dinner was enjoyed by those children from 6 to 6:30 every evening present and Mrs. Noonan was the from KYW. He is wanted now at i recipient of many pleasing gifts. Kiwanis and Rotary meetings. He is • those who spent this pleasant day with called to many cities where the mayor! Mrs. Noonan were: Mr. and Mrs. Will and special delegations greet him at Noonan of Elgin, Mrs. Clarence Tutthe train. Medals are presented to him for his benefactions and he is banqueted^ through the length and breadth of the land. Yet through it all "Uncle Bob" still sees to it that his young fans hear him every night--Sunday is his only night off. His magnetic personality tie and two sons of Dundee, Amos Noonan and May Noonan. Birthday Party Miss Ernestine Freund entertained sixteen of her friends at a party given at her home last Saturday afternoon from 2 until 7 o'clock, the event being has won him so great a following that j »n celebration of her birthday anhe i« regarded as the greatest letter | niversary. The afternoon passed very receiver in radio land. From 250 to pleasantly at bunco and games. In 300 letters a day--nearly all from bunco first prize was won by Anita childran--is an average In these the j Bacon, second prize by Hazel Kramer children confide to him more than and consolation by Ethel Granger. The PHILLIP PETERSON DIES AT HOME IN MARENGO Phillip Peterson, 65 ytars old, well known resident of Marengo and. the vicnity, and also well-known in this vicinity, died at his home on East Grant Highway, Marengo, Wednes, day evening, March 9, 1927, at 6:30 o'clock, following an illness from a complication of diseases. He was bom at St. Charles, August 31, 1861, and va? married to Miss Ida Ream of Hampshire on June 19, 1884. The deceased is survived by his wife, one son. Arthur, of Round Lake, and two daughters, Rufcy and Martha, Mild throughout the entire game, but Qf Marengo; three sisters, Emma of 3n the final period the Lakers' seemed to gain in shooting ability and landed two unexpected basekts in such a short time before the end that McHenry was unable to regain the lead they had been enjoying. Nevertheless the local boys feel that they put up a good scrap and are taking the defeat with a light heart. MfcHenry overcame Harvard in an easily won game resulting in a 25-17 score. Another encounter of the tournament that was especially good was the game between Elgin and St. Charles for eligibility for the final games. This game ended in favor of St. Charles that St St. Charles, Carrie in Florida, and Ab bi^ in California, and three brothers, John in Wisconsin, Oscar of South Chicago and Caleb of St. Charles. He lived at Volo for several years where he bought the Wright farm and where he and his family lived until 1912, when they moved to the vicinity of Union and Marengo, where they resided until last December, at which time they moved to Marengo to make their home. * The deceased was a member of the Blue Lodge, A. F. and A. M., and the O.E.S. at St. Charles: a Royal Arch _ . . , . . .. ^ Mason, a member of the Cryptic This victory is the first one fcoanciI and ^ Bethel Commandery • • fnlnS JS .Ye -W°". 0Ver of Elgin and of the Tebala Shrine of Elgin since 1919, and as the two teams Rockford. have always been rivals the game j _ , , was an interesting one. f. Fu"e/al services *eld • , . . . ^ _ , „ . ! t h e l a t e r e s i d e n c e S a t u r d a y a t 1 2 In the final game at Dundee Sat-, 0'cl0ck, March 12, the Rev. M. F. urday night St. Charles won the meet Freeman officiating. The Masons of by defeating Crystal Lake 35 to 28. i gj. Charles and Marengo had charge they do in their parents and for his gracious and wise replies the parents are thankful. Every letter is answered and those from sick children are answered in person Here is where Mrs. Wilson comes in, for she has the big job of answering these letters girls also engaged in four contests in which prizes were won by Virginia Engeln, Gladys Warrington, Evelyn Smith and Marguerite Johnson. The little hostess received many beautiful gifts and happy wishes for her birthday. A delicious supper was served center of attraction. Those present were: Virginia Engeln, Harriet Boger, Evelyn Smith, Gladys Warrington, Marguerite Johnson, Hazel Kramer, Anita Bacon, Marie Freund, Rita Martin, Ethel Granger, Florence Trent, Evelyn Karls, Bernice Unti. Beatrice Weber, Hazel. Howard, and Maxine Bacon. Uncle Bob's greatest benefit is his j w*>th at pretty birthday cake being the "Curb is the Limit Club," which he organized a few years ago. A letter applying for membership is all that is required to enter, and there is only one requirement to remain a member and that is--safety while in the street. "Stop at the Curb" is his warning, "Count ten and look both ways before crossing the street." As a result of this daily admonition "Uncle Bob" has saved many young lives and he has gained a great following. M!ore than 200,000 children are members of this club in "Uncle Bob's" opinion and new mefhbers are coming in so fast that he cannot count them. Many more write him about their birthdays, so he may flash greetings to them over the air, others ask him t«, sing their favorite songs and others went to hear some story they have in mind. Practically all are heeded, even to the singing. For "Uncle Bob" used to sing and play piano at the early movie houses before he went into radio. His talents are unlimited now. He has even gone into vaudeville to please the thousands who want to see him. But that is a secondary feature of his work. He gives his time to the children who tune in each evening to KYW. Social Wheel The last year's officers of the Social Wheel entertained the present officers at a one o'clock luncheon at the home of Mrs. George Kuhn last Friday afternoon. The afternoon was spent at bridge, with prizes being won by Mrs. George Kuhn, Mrs. Frank Hitchens and Mrs. Andrew Eddy. Those who were present to enjoy the afternoon were: Mrs. H. Stephenson, Mrs. F, Auditors Meeting: Notice is hereby given that the Board of Auditors of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry, 111., will meet in the Town Clerk's office, West McHenry, 111., on March 29, 1927 at 7:30 p. m., to audit any and all bills against the Town. Bills may be left with the Supervisor or the undersigned. Dated this 15th day of March, A. D. 1927 41-2 jCHARLES B. HARMSEN, ' Town Celrk Birthday Surprise Party Mrs. Roy Smith delightfully entertained friends at her home Thursday evening, March 10, when a surprise party was given in honor of her husband's birthday anniversary. The evening was spent in playing cards. At a late hour the hostess served delicious refreshments. A lovely angel food birthday cake adorned the center of the table. The guests departed wishing Mir. Smith many morie happy birthdays. Mrs. A. J. Schneider and Mrs. Andrew Eddy. Entertains Friends Mrs. Josephine Pouse pleasantly entertained a few friends at cards on Wednesday afternoon. Bridge furnished entertainment for the guests and high honors were won by Mrs. T. J. Walsh and consolation went to Mrs. George Kuhn. Refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. F. O. Gans, Mrs. Earl Monear, Mrs. J. R. Smith, Mrs. George Kuhn, Mrs. Andrew Eddy, Mrs. T. J. Walsh, and Mini. Ray Powers. COMMUNITY MEETING. HELD AT SOLON MILLS On the evening of March 11 a community meeting in the hall at Solon Mills was an event much enjoyed -by all in attendance. The main purpose of this meeting was tc raise funds to send three delegates to Springfield to interview Gov. Snail ana hio road engineers relative to getting a road laid oat to extend .. . , t ^ . from Fox Lake through Spring Grove j • surPnf<* at the,r home and Solon Mills and on west to con- wJI™ . ,a ur«.^, evening, the nect with road extending through Mc- | the,r flfth WeddT* an" of the services. Interment was at Woodlawn cemetery at McHenry with members of Bethel Commandery of Elgin acting as escoit. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy and son, Clarron, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy attended the funeral from this vicinity. Fifth Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Martin were Henry and Richmond. niversary. The evening passed pleas- The object was well achieved byi h^g* fu™ishi"* !nt\r' • * < tainment for the guests and refreshments were served. The host and hostess were presented with a gift from those present. me&ns of a basket social. Ladies prepared well filled, nicely trimmed lunch boxes which were sold at auction. Every box was started at $1 and the bids usually soon ran up to $2 or $3. The highest paid being $5. The total for this sale mounted up to near the $100 mark--$97 plus. The Farm Bureau picture machine was called into requisition and E. M. Phillips, the tdviser, responded with several good reels of motion pictures to help out with the program. He also made a short talk prior to showing the pictures. In spite of the pouring rain that fell all evening a good crowd was present and both old and young enjoyed the occasion very much. The delegates selected to represent this route before the Governor are W. H. Gardner, R. R. Turner and C. L. Oabern. Eleven Years Oil Hitchens, Mrs. Florence Smith, Mrs.i $fag jeannette Bishop entertained J. R. Smith, Mrs. Josephine Pouse, at Mrs. Thies Entertains Mrs. J. C. Thies pleasantly entertained a party of ladies at her home last Thursday afternoon. Cards furnished entertainment for the 'guests and prizes were won by Mrs. A. J. Schneider. Mrs. Andrew Eddy, Mrs. N. H. Petesch, Mrs. George Johnson, Mrs. George Kuhn, Mrs. E. G. Peterson and Mrs. G. Stevens. Refreshments were served at the close of an enjoyable afternoon. her home on Saturday, March 12, the occasion being her eleventh birthday anniversary. Eleven of her girl friends came and spent the afternoon very pleasantly in playing games. The first prize was given to Ruth Nye, second to Wanda Smith and third to Clara Freund. Luncheon was served at five o'clock, the table decorations being in pink. A birthday cake with eleven candles adorned the table. Miss Jeannette received many very nice gifts as a remembrance of the occasion, also an extra birthday cake. The children, all wishing the little hostess many more happy birthdays to come, all had a pleasant time. Those present were: Marian Weingart, Louise Weingart, Ruth Nye, Wanda Smith, Clara Freund, Aileen Kilday, Margaret Bishop, Catherine Bishop, Lucille Blake, Evelyn Justen, Alvera Smith and Jeannette Bishop. Taxes! The county treasurer has authorized this bank to receive taxes. We will appreciate your paying them here. West McHenry State Bank. 40-tf 1 I IP"' t- *. Royal Bunco Club The members of the Royal Bunco club were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. Henry Freund on Wednesday afternoon. Three tables of bunco were played with first prize being won by Mrs. John Keg, second prize by Mrs. John Engeln and the consolation went to Mrs. H. F .Cannon. Refreshments were served at the close of a pleasant afternoon. This will be the last meeting until after Easter. A large variety of Spring and Summer Suits and Topcoats Tailored to order at $25.00 v.MEANING and DYEING Phone Crystal Lake 127-J, reverse charge* and our Crystal Lake Tailors Lodtz & Lodtz Wm. Carroll. Attorney EXECUTORS NOTICE Estate of Mathias Blake, Deceased The undersigned, having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Mathias Blake, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court, of McHenry county, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term on the first Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 15th day of March, A. D. 1927. 41-3 MATH M. BLAKE, Executor. Customer: You don't seem to be very quick at figures, my boy. Newsboy: I'jm out of practice, sir. Y' see, most of de gents say: Keep de change."--Case and Comment. Censors have ordered New York theaters to clean up and the latest box receipts show that the£ are cleaning up.--^Southern Lumberman* Social Wheel The Social Wheel will meet at the Universalist church parlors on next Thursday afternoon. Members are requested to be at the meeting promptly at 2 o'clock. Pot luck lunch will be served and each member may invite a guest. Auction! CHARLES LEONARD, Auctioneer Having no further use for the following surplus machinery and horses, I will sell at Public Auction on the old Olm stead Farm, one-fourth mile north of Ridgefield on Tuesday, March 22 Beginning at I p. m. the following * - property, to-wit: FIVE HEAD HORSES consisting of 1 team gray mares, 6 and 7 years old, weight 2800, 3 good farm-work horses. MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Fordson tractor, Oliver Fordson ; 2 bottom plow, tandem Fordson disc, 1 IHC 7 foot tandem tractor disc, 1 2- bottom John Deere horse plow, 2 bottom P & O horse plow, both with extra shares, single row Moline Cultivator, two row IHC corn cultivator, 2 drag carts, 2 Moline 6 foot mowers, extra knives; 3-section* spring tooth Weed drag, 3-section iron frame spike drag, 3-section wood frame spike drag, 2 double wagon boxes, old double wagon box, 12-foot dump rake, Moline side delivery and tedder, Moline hay loader, 10-inch IHC feed grinder, field hay stacking outfit, 2 breaking plows, 2 sets farm harness, Cow Boy tank heater, hay ropes, 30 gal drums, and a lot of small tools. . Card of l%ank)s * fft this manner I wish to extend my sincere thanks to the public and to the committee for the recent benefit which was given in my behalf. MRS. ALBERT KUNZ Afternoon Bridge Club Mrs. C. H. Duker entertained the Afternoon Bridge club at her home on Wednesday afternoon* Two tables of bridge were in play and Mrs. E. G. Peterson received high honors. Delicous refreshments were served. FOR SUPERVISOR I desire to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of supervisor of McHenry township at the coming township election, Tuesday. April 5, 1927. 4<M STEPHEN H. FREUND Classified ads «re winners ANNOUNCEMENT !»# p ri I desire to annomice that I have opened a thop for the |?I*EANING--PRESSING--REPAIRING > Aof both WOMEN' In the Rooms Over BOLGER'S DRUG STORE ! " And am now ready to receive work of that native. Satisfaction/guaranteed. - Mrs. Anna Howard H: 'V ! '-i; S K E R UPPL IE You,ll find a complete line of such goods in our superb stock. . 1 CIGARS Our assortment includes the best domestic and imported brands. PIPES From the lowest grades and prices np to the aristocratic meerschaums. TOBACCOS All the popular brands of plugf cut plug, fine-cut, cigarette tobaccos, etc. Tobacco Pouches, Cigar Holders, Cigar Oases, Cigarrtte Cases, Cigarette Papers, Pocket Cigar Cutters, Lighters etc. Buy your smokes here. . % Thomas P. Bolger "The McHenry Druggist" Phone 40 TERMS--All sums of S25 and under, cash. Over that amount a credit of; 6 months time will be given on good bankable notes satisfactory to the No The best way to get rid of old, razor blades is to take them to somelclerk and bearing 7% interest place to be sharpened and not call for them.--Brandon Sun. Beautiful new styles in ladies', slippers and pumps. Brickaon Dept. Store. ! property to be removed until settled for with the clerk. 8. T.OLIVER TAXES! "SwSr- . • - ' .r' " appreciate your paying your j-w • u. • Authorized by the County West McHenryState Bank "The Bank That Service Built >1v 9f w*. Ckftfc. •A ». w. Wm jjdfck. ,-A'i .i:aa i MllifaffriiiTrt - I 11 I'-i'Mhi »'• - *. ..J.. t'fa