Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Mar 1927, p. 7

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THE HEHIANNR PLAIHDKALER, TKURSDAY, MARCH 17,1927 iOHH8BUE&!*^-^' John Stilling visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling on Thursday afternoon. _Mr. and Mri. John Schmitfc and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Schmitt visited with Mrs. Mary Schmitt Sunday. MV and Mrs. Steve King visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Steffes on Tuesday. Ray Hetterraann was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. s Mrs. S. H. Smith visited Mrs. Mary Ifcnyan Sunday. I Martha Tonyan visited with relatives in Wheatland, Wis., Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Michels and •Mi Donald visited with Mr. and Mrs. Steve King Wednesday evening. Miss Agnes Schmitt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Tfcelen Saturday. Mr. ttnd Mrs. Jacob Freund of McHenry and Mrs. Christina Brefeld of 'Chicago visited with Mrs. H. W. Hettarmann. Thursday afternoon. Miss Catherine Freund visited with her parents Mr. and Mlrs. Math Freund a few days last week. Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan visited with Mrs. Catherine Tonyan Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thelen and son 'Visited Mrs. WT«ry Schmitt. Sunday. Mrs. S. H. Smith, Mrs. Joe Michels and Mrs. Joe Thelen visited Mrs. H. W. Hettermann Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer and Mrs. Pitzen motored to Chicago on Monday. Mrs. Sauritz daughter, Dolly, and son, Joseph, of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. Kempfer, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Guyser and family of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling Sunday. Frank iKempfer visited with llis parents a few days last week. The Jolly Eight club met at the home of Mrs. John M. Pitzen. Five hundred was played, high honors being awarded to Mrs. Peter Freund, first, and Mrs. Joe King, second. Mr. and Mrs. (CJeorge Zorn and daughter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michels last week. Mrs. John Pitzen visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. DRoyfiu..uuDA!!S of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nuel a few days last week. Helen Smith was a McHenry caller Saturday. Field and Garden Seeds at Erickson Dept. Store. VOLO q4 GiftBoAd good for $10: Worth of merchandise of four own selec- :tion at the Public Service Store--is being given free with every Federal E l e c t r i c Washer. This Is for a limited time only. I Come in Today! PUBLIC SERVICE (COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS * 101 Williams St. •"'ii'lL Sekabeck, Dist, . Crystal Like ' The "Tramp" social to have been held at the Volo M. E. church Saturday evening, March 19, has been postponed until Saturday evening, March 26. Everyone dress in their most "trampy" looking clothes and come out for a good time. Miss Ethel Fitzgerald spent the week-end in Milwaukee. Philip Peterson a former resident of thi^ place died at his home in Marengo Wednessday morning after an illness of several months. Many from this vicinity attended the services at McHenry Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of .Wauconda spent Sunday at the L. V. Lusk home. Frank Wilson left Saturday for Seattle, Washington, called there by the seiious illness of his mother. Miss Johnson closed school Friday, for a visiting day, she visited Chicago schools. Blanche Converse spent the weekend with Esther Lusk, visting the Gurtiee High School Friday. Mr. Lusk and several of the high school pupils attended the basketball tournament at Waukesjan. Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Jay Vasey and daughters, Georgia and Helen, visited Sunday at Bert Vasey's. Grace Kirwan is spending a few days with her sister at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brehning of Elgin spent Sunday with Rose Dunell. John Pitzen of Johnsburg is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Henry Stoffel. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wegner spent Sunday at DeKalb. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Molidor of Liberty ville spent Sunday at Ben Ro sings. The old Volo church built in 1869 is being torn down to make room for a new hall which will be built soon. Mrs. Jay Vasey spent Monday evening at Wauconda. Joe Vogt shipped a carload of cattle to Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen motored to Chicago Monday night. "Mis? "Ruth Lusk spent the week-end with Wauconda relatives., Field and Garden Seeds at Erickson Dept. Store. AN ORDINANCE | Regulating and Governing Gasoline and Oil Stations in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY .COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Mc- HENRY, COUNTY OF McHENRY AND STATE OF ILLINOIS. Section 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person or corporation to build use or carry on the business of a gasoline or oil station in the city of McHenry, except as hereinafter provided. Section 2. That no building or structure to be used for the storing or selling of gasoline, or lubricating oils shall be constructed or built in the city of McHenry without first obtaining from the city clerk a permit signed by the said clerk for such construction or building and further complying with all the ordinances and laws regulating the building and construction of such building to be used for the storing or selling of gasoline, or lubricating oils. Section 8. That no building or structure shall be built or erected within the citf of McHenry if such building or structure is to be used as a gasoline or oil station or for the storage or selling of gasoline, or lubricating oils and no permit therefor shall be issued by the City Clerk of the city of McHenry, when such SLOOUM'S LAKE Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill and son, Arthur, were callers at Crystal Lake Monday. Emmet Geary of Fremont township spent Monday and Tuesday at the home' of his parents here. Mir. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree of Elgin spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham. Mrs. Henry Geary who has been ill is slowly gaining. Miss Myrtle Darrell who is attending Normal at DeKalb spent the weekend with home folks. Mrs. H. J. Schaeffer of McHenry spent a few days last week in helping care for her mother, Mrs. Henry Geary. & Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham and children spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wilson at Palatine. Harry Litwiler and Mr. Fitz of Round Lake were callers at the G. J. Burnett home last Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Granger spent the weekend with Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Andrew Amann spent last Friday in Chicago. Mrs. John R. Knox of McHenry spent the week-end in helping care for her mother, Mrs. Henry Geary who is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham enpersons interested that the city council of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement be made consisting of the construction of a connected system of cast iron main water supply pipe connected with the main water supply system, together with all necessary valves, valve boxes, fire hydrants, connections and fittings, all connected and completely installed in place in and along a portion of Waukegan road, Crystal Lake road, Mill St., Grove street and Main street, in said city, as provided for in and by an ordinance passed by the City Council of the said city February 19th, 1927, and approved by its mayor on Feburary 19th, 1927, entitled "An Ordinance for a Connected System of Cast Iron Main Water Supply Pipes in a Portion of Waukegan road, Crystal Lake road, Mill street, Grove street and Main street, ip the city of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois" the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the city clerk of said city of McHenry, and having applied to the County Court of McHenry County for an assessment of the costs of said improvement according to the benefits, and assessmets therefor having been made and returned to said court, which assessment is divided structure or building is located in any j tertainod the Wauconda euchre club of the residence portions of the said st their home last Saturday evening Tire for Saturday and Monda# Munch 19 and 21 GOODYEAR, U. S. OR FISK OORDB Biie 30x3'4 $7.75, * GOODYXAK OB TJSK BALLOOH8 Sixe 29x4.40 #8.75 Walter J. Freund Tire ana Battery Sho|> To CHICAGO Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the"Loop" Lv. McHenry Lv. Grays Lake Arr.Waukegan ***•<*. Arr. Chicago Arr. Milwaukee 7:30 am 8:10 am &52aia 10:05 ait 10:35 am 10:30 am 11:10 am 11:52 am 1:05 pa 1:10 pa 5:10 pa 5:50 p« 6:22 pm 8:06 pn 7:35 p* ft SCHIEbSLM I city of McHenry, unless, prior to the obtaining of the said permit, the person, persons, or corporation so desiring to build or construct such oil station shall have obtained the written consent of a majority of the owners of frontage ofthe property on both sides of the street and for a distance of six hundred feet on each side of the proposed building or structure to be used as a gasoline station. Section 4. That if any person, persons, or corporation desires to build or erect any building or structure to be used as a gasoline station or for the purpose of storing or selling gasoline, or lubricating oils in the business district of the said City of McHenry, then application for a permit to so construct said building shall be filed with the City Council of the said City of McHenry for their consideration, and upon their giving a permit to so erect or construct said building, then the City Clerk shall issue a permit fcr the same. Section 5. If any person, persons or corporation desires to erect any building or structure to be qsed as a gasoline station, or a building for the storage or sale of gasoline or lubricating oils in the residence part of the city of McHenry, then the written consents of a majority of the property owners as above described, together with the application shall be filed with the council and if, after consideration of said application, by the City Council and consent being given then the Clerk shall issue a permit for such structure or building to be erected. Section 6. That with every application for the construction or erection of a building or structure to be used as a gasoline station or for the construction of a building to be used for the sale or storage of gasoline, or lubricating oilsi shall be deposited with the said application the sum of twenty-five dollars, as a permit fee, which fee shall be returned to the applicant in the event the application be denied. Section 7. That every gasoline station in the City of McHenry or every structure or building used for the purpose of storing or selling gasoline, or lubricating oils shall on or before the first day of May of every year file application with the City Council for a license to so operate, and maintain such gasoline station, building or structure, and shall with such application, deposit the sum of five dollars for each pump, and five dollars for lubricating oil, as a license fee for the same, which license fee shall he returned to the applicant in case the application be denied by the City Council, but in the event the application be allowed, and the permit granted, then the City Clerk shall issue a written permit or license authorizing said applicant to so maintain and operate such gasoline station or structure or building for the storing or selling of gasoline or lubricating oil. Section 8. In the event any person, persons or corporation shall operate any gasoline station or buy, maintain or use any building or structure for 0„ storing or sale of gasoline and lubricating oils in the city of Mc- Kt-nry without complying with the provisions as above set forth then the gasoline station, building or structure so operating and being maintained without first complying with the provisions contained in this ordinance are hereby declared nuisances. Section 9. That rf any person, persons or corporation shall operate or maintain a gasoline station or any structure or building used for the storing or selling of gasoline or lubricating oils without first complying with the provisions of this ordinance, such person, persons or corporation shall be fined a sum not less than twenty-five dollars, or not to exceed two hundred dollars. Section 10. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication according to law. Approved: F. H. WATTLES, Mayor Attest: R. F. CONWAY, City Clerk Passed: March 14, 1927. Approved: March 14, 1927. ,JPublished: March 17, 1927. Ten games of euchre were played. The ladies high score was made by Mrs. Albert Stubbings, Mrs. Crabtree of Elgin received second prize and Mrs. Walter Banks, consolation. J. D. Stroker received the gnets high score Thomas Garvin the second prize and C. E. Wheelock received the consolation. A pleasant everting was concluded by the serving of delicious refreshments. Willard Darrell attended a business meeting at Waukegan last Thursday. John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson, Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren spent last Thursday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk near Wauconda. Mrs. G. J. Burnett spent last Friday afternoon at the Henry Geary home. Ray Dowell spent one day last week on business in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Pfannenstill and sons, Arthur and Will, and Mrs G. J. Burnett were business callers at McHenry and Ringwood last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer and two children spent Saturday evening at the Blomgren home. Beautiful new styles in ladies slippers and pumps. Erickson Dept. Store - fa. M. Carrel, Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE •slate of John J. BaiMaa, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of John J Barbian deceased, late of the County of He- BJenry and State of Illinois, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the May Term, on the first Monday in May next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted, All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to* the undersigned. Dated this 8th day of Much, A. D. 1927. Gartnda Traffic Dodger a EMinmd Definition of a pedestrian: A pat* an who Jump* --^ ~ into tei^, annual installments bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent per annum; the final hearing thereon will be had on the 28th day of March, AJX 1927, at the hour of ten o'clock a. m. or as soon thereafter as the businesa of the court will permit. All persona desiring may file objections in court before said day and may appear at the hearing and make their defense. Dated at McHenry Illinois, this 7th day of March A. D. 1927. HOWARD WATTLE!^ Peg son appointed by the President at the Board of Local Improvements of the city of McHenry, Illinois, to spread said assessment. 40-2 NASH Leads the Worty in Motor Car Value ing is never tiring --when you drive a Nash "S j; SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE In the niatter of the petition of the City of McHenry, McHenry County Illinois, to levy a special assessment for an improvement in said city con-i sisting of a connected system of cast iron main water supply pipe, etc., in and along a portion of Waukegan road, Crystal Lake road. Mill street and other streets in said city of McHenry, McHenry County, 111. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to all A cheerful willingness to answer your hand on the wheel is one of the very first things you notice, when you drive a Nash. In many ways, Nash has provided for the ease and comfort of the arms that steer the car. In getting into or out of a tight place at the curb you will particularly notice the slight effort needed. When you turn a corner, you'll welcome the shorter wind>up of the, steering wheel. In an emergency, this short turn of die wheel means quick responsive i--and m accident averted. Nash steering is easier--faster--less tiring on the arms and wrists--infinitely safer in dense traffic. Nothing has been spared to build a more delightful car to drive. This steering mechanism is, beyond question, the most expensive type built today for cars in the Nash price field. Like the steering, every detail in the car reflects the Nash determination to lead the world in motor car value. Another instance of die outstanding excellence in Nash design is the 7-bearing motor--without a doubt' the smoothest typ€ in ail the "H^|i George A. Stilling Garage MM. Special for this Week enameiea gas range with tne new porcelain lined ventilated oven $ 78. 00 The ventilated oven saves up to 8 per cent in food shrinkage and retains more of the natural flavors and juices than when prepared in any other type of oven. This is due to the circulation of fresh hot air in the oven. In addition to these features the work is dona, more economically, as no heat is lost through radiation. The oven is uniformly heated--'there «ue hot spots or cold comers. Invest your savings in Western United preferred stock R. F. GONWAY

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