; i »< i i i COFFEE TBY OUR SPECIAL 3 lbs. for $1.00 ^ - * Brand Coffee £ Straight Santos | MILLER'S STORE Phone 114-B McHenry, HIT-* ••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••» East Side Garage GAS and OIL ACCESSORIES Abo Moving and Long Distance Hauling HERMAN SCHAEFER Phone 49 Prepare for Easter Beautiful materials--luxurious iriUra, dainty wash fabrics, comfortable and stylish slippers and oxfords, all will pass in review on Easter Sunday. The clever wife will dress her family in the smartest styles and at a reasonable cost Our store is especially well stocked with attractive dress materials both silk and cotton; delightfully soft and dainty silken lingerie and hosiery. Shoes for all the family in wide variety and styles. In our grocery department you will find a complete line of imported and domestic food products of the highest quality. Store West McHenry SUPERVISOR'S STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF TOWN A full statement, of the financial affairs of the Town of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, existing on the 29th day of March, A.' D., 1927. To Balance received from ! last year's balance $46648 Amount received from County Collector, being balance of ,* i tax for 1925 less his com- . mission, 4,191.08 X™ount received from dog ^ tax . 71.40 Total Amount received from all sources $4,719.36 Contra. Total amount paid out and the account. of which the same was paid, are as follows: Amount paid Judges and the Clerks, spring: election, 1st district ........$ Amount paid for hall rent Amount paid for posting election notices and return ballots Amount paid Judges and Clerks spring election, 2nd " Wilrlct ...it:, Amount paid Judges and Clerks spring election, 3rd District .......... Amount paid for Hall rent, 3rd District Amount paid John Boyle for Township meetings Amount paid John Boyle for fees as Highway Com 1,2112.00 Amount paid Wm. Simes, fees as Thistle Com Amount paid Wm. Althoff for 1926 assessment Amount paid McHenry Plaindealer, publishing Treasurer's report and election notices, ietc "..... Amount paid A. J. Froelich, fumigating sewers Amount paid to Wm. Hepburn for fumigating sewers ...... Amount paid to Thos. P. Bolger, fumigating sewers Amount paid Joslyn & Joslyn, professional services, in Sohms case Amount-paid Rinehimer Bros. Mifg. Co., for election booth Amount paid Chas. B. Haimsen, 4 trips to Woodstock Amount paid Chas. B. Harmsen as Town Clerk Amount paid S. H. Freund, Poor Master Amount paid town Auditors, two meetings Total Amount paid out for all purposes 3,707.42 Being a balance in the hands of the Supervisor of. 1,011.95 Dated at McHenry this 29th day of March 1927. Stephen H. Freund, Supervisor. 36.00 5.00 &Q0 S6.00 36.00 10.00 210.00 138.00 850.00 49.00 8.00 65.00 MARCH HONOR ROLL First grade, Mary Lenore Kent, Louise Stilling, Ardelle Voltez, Adalia Wosnuk, Frank Johnson, David Kamholz, Arlyn Turner. Second grade, Evora Carlson, Lawrence Huck, Janice Klontz, James Mc- Andrews, Curtis Newman, Rosa Popp; Miriam Sayler. Third grade, Katheryn Donavin, Adele Froehlich, Ruth Reihansperger, Virginia Wosnuk. Fourth grade, Shirley Covalt, Cheater Howard, George Johnson, Evelyn Karls, Richard Vycital, Robert Vogt, Felia Unti. Fifth grade, Guy Duker, Hazel Howard, Beatrice Weber. .Sixth grade, Harriet Boger, Virgina Engeln, Ernestine Freund, Marguerite Johnson. ( Seventh grade, Floyd Covalt, Marie Kinsala, Jaunita Keg, Robert Peterson, Jack Purvey, Eugene Sayler, Stanley Schaffer. Eighth grade, Elvera Antholz, Agnes McCabe, Dorothy Fisher, Harold Lindsay, Lowell Nye, Margaret Trent. *16 593.00 56.00 16.00 199.20 150.00 28.00 "KICKED OUT OF COLLEGE" TO BE GIVEN ON MAT 5 YouH laugh till your sides ache when you see Leviticus, the ace of spades, in the comedy entitled, "Kicked Out of College," by Walter Ben Hare, to be given under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid society. Another good laugh is sure to be yours when you see Salamanca Spivins the colored wash lady who has her troubles when she tries to collect for her laundry work from the college students. She, with Leviticus, the handy man, whose first love is custard pies are planning to go to the circus and--Come to the Community high school, Thursday evening, May 5, and see what happens. It will be worth your while to see this mirthproducing play given by the best local talent. Don't miss it. Tel. 154 Even If We Didn't Give SERVICE If we just passes a Gooavctu Tire over the counter, took your money, said: "Thank you," Mid "Good-bye," you would get a mighty good ^investmentintire mileage. BUT WE DO A LOT MORE THAN THAT WHEN YOU BUY A GOOD YEAR TIRE FROM US. - We put it on--pump it up--insp^et your wheels and rims--make it our business to see that it delivers maximum mileage and troublefree service for you. Our tires are all "firsts"--from fresh, new stock. Your size when you need it. Backed by onr money saving Goodyear Service. Bring your Tube problems to us for a money saving solution with -- 600DYEARS. Bohemian May Claim His Place in World When one doesn't know where his jaext dollar is coming from he may become a bohemlan or a bandit. It all depends on his type of mind. The former alternative Is that of the merry, uplifted soul, the latter of the sinister, usually malevolent one. The bohemlan sort is good company |f he hasn't drifted into predatory jbabits. He Is always ready to enter lain you with his mind and is cordial to your own efforts' toward geniality. He is not too severe on your occasionally limping wit and his laugh Is generous. We ought to value and cherish him more than we do, though he be a ne'er-do-well. Everybody can't make money; and It takes so little to make this bright spirit happy. Usually he Is talented, but if he isn't he is soothing to the frequently lacerated souls of those who are talented, isn't the nature that "Just rests you" a blessed one, meant to gladden a tiresome day? If his disposition Is to lean somewhat on his friend, the man of oak, well, the oak can stand It It Is, In fact, what the oak is looking for and welcomes.--F. H. Collier in tba St Louis Globe-Democrat Mothers' Club The Mothers' club was pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. William Althoff last Friday afternoon, April 1. Mrs. Althoff and Mrs. P. M. Justen were hostesses, while Mrs. E. E. Bassett had charge of the program and Mrs. John Knox supervised the games. Miss Charlotte Erickson gave a piano selection, Arlette Newman gave a reading and little Eleanor Althoff entertained with songs. In the games the prize was won by Mrs. Gerald Newman. A round table discussion on Af "Childs' Activities" was conducted Mrs. George Johnson. f Lunch was served at the close of an enjoyable afternoon. The cM> made plans to observe Mothers' Dn v at their next meeting. Report of Financial Condition of McHenry Community High School Receipts , Hot lunch L $10.80 Sale of Marengo tickets far County Tournament 19.95 Hot lunch 11.25 C. W. Hill, ck. No. 460. Deposit on tournament game, not cashed 5.00 B. A. Prise, expenses and returns from Marengo 1927 tottrn..... 71.56 Hot lunch 9.00 Candy sales & 17.00 Expenses and returns from tournament at Dundee, 111..... 72.56 Return from Mr. Stringer for Dundee expenses • 6.00 Disbursements v Riverside Cash Grocery and Market for hot lunch supplies 29.61 Marengo Athletic Association • for County tournament 20.65 Knox Motor Sales for use of car to Huntley 5.00 Thos. P. Bolger for Alcohol and Vick^ Vapor Rub 1.35 J. C. Thies & Co. for candy 40.00 Illinois Bell Tele. Co 2.82 Wm. Althoff, for megaphone made to order 2.50 J. C. Thies & Co. for candy...... 8.45 Thos. P. Bolger "for alcohol, liniment, vicks, etc. 3.65 Riverside Dairy for holt lunch milk 8.62 Vogt's Drug Store for medicinal articles 4.55. Mr. G. G. Stringer for expense money to Dundee tournament 40.00 Mr. John Wirtz for transportation to Marengo 6.00 Vycital Hardware for % dot. small fish poles @ 15c * .90 Vycital Hardware Co. for large and small size rope 1.72 John Karls for Huntley, Elburn and Crystal Lake game lunchesl3.50 •A. G. Spalding & Bros, for 1 iron shot 3.00 Lowe & Campbell for baseballs and track watch 12.64 Illinois Bell Tele. Co. for toll for April ;... 4.80 MtAWimi PAPES--24x36 IH. AT THE FLAOIDKALBf^ I ry your •vi " Taxes! The county treasurer has authorized this bank to receive taxes. We will appreciate your paying them here. West McHenry State Bank. 40-tf Any item of Jewelry which you may select here will prove a most acceptable Easter gift for those you are planning to remember. Brownie Kodaks $2.00 and up, Latest Sheet Music, Piano Rolls and Phonograph Records, Radios and Accessories, Pianos and Sewing Machines. NYE ' Jewelry, Music & Radio Shop Suits and TALK ON BOYS' HOME NEXT SATURDAt A talk on the Boys' Home will be given at the high school auditorium on Saturday, April 9, at 2:30 o'clock. Mr. Blair, secretary of the Illinois Aid society will discuss the welfare work for boys, conducted by this society. The Boys' Home in McHenry is under the supervision of the Illinois Aid society, as are also a number of other homes throughout the state. It is hoped that the interest of McHenry people in the home will prompt • large number to be present. Thert will be no admission charge. Daughters of G. A. R. held their regular meeting at the' M. W. A. hall Tuesday afternon. A pleasant afternoon was enjoyed by those present. The next meeting will be on April 19 and will be a social one with cards and bunco furnishing the entertainment for the guests. AUGUST NORDQUIST DIES IN MONTANA News was received here the first of the week of the death of August Nordquist of Guyser, Mont., on Friday, April 1. Mr. Nordquist was born and raised at McHenry and will b« remembered by many friends here. $15.00 to $30.00 SHIRTS • TIES - GLOVES HATS-GAPS Tine Shoes, $4 to Cash Prion McHenry SPECIAL for Saturday, Sunday and Monday 29x4:40 Pathfinder Balloon $8.90 Walter Freund and Radio batteries--Battery charging Wd repairing---Tire Repairing and Vulcanising Phone 120-R EVERYTHING GUARANTEED ilNh: Your Profession It la in the nature of man to abns) his own profession. In his own profession he realizes his limitations, but he blames them upon the profession and not upon himself. On the other hand, seeing things from outside, he Imagines that other professions are easier than his own and that If he had entered one of them he would have gone higher. In his own profession he is Inclined to note only the failures; in the others his eyes are on the successes. Between disloyalty to his profession and disloyalty to himself he Instinctively chooses disloyalty, to his profession.--Baltimore Bon....... Explaining Small Checks Checks may be drawn for less than fl, though there is a federal law stating that they are not lawful. Many Individuals and even governments, make checks for an amount less thao $1. but they are not intended to circulate, being only Intended to pay the amount of the check to the person the i check is made payable to. A check j Is not lawful money and consequently j cannot be passed as lawful money. A check Is a personal credit InstrumentI used in place of momy. Odd PMOWM Old Order The "Odd Fellows," as such, were formed in the Eighteenth century, but with the intermediate link of the trade guilds they stretch back to Roman times. From a marble monument found at Lanurium, near Rome, it Is clear that the practice of combination for providing decent burial, and periodically spending a convivial time in each others' company, was a feature of the life of the ancient Romans, and those two objects (with others) have always been part of Odd Fellowship. Some, Indeed, contend that the Bosaaa legions founded lodges la Britain I-- London Mall. trisk Proverb "Better own a trifle than want i great 4mL" Jott Like Extra Help Did yon ever stop to think that these are bousecleaning tools that lessen labor in the house Just as proper eqoipmcDt in the •hop Is better than makeshifts? Here are a fcw Mpcra needed in every home to make the woman's work eesier and more effective. \ NO SENSATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Yet the Ford Continues to be the Best Value to be Had DID YOU EVER STOP TO FIGURE THE PRICE 4 ^ FORD FORDOR SEDAN CAN BE BOUGHT FOR WITH THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT A Big Fluffy Duster, 11.25 Window Squeegee 40 Floor Polishing Kit, special $5.00 4-ft Step Ladder.-- $2.80 3-fn. Wall brush, spedal, .79 WM. H. ALTHOFF 8ARDWARX Five Wire Wheels Balloon Tires Bumpers, Front and Speedometer Dash Lamp Windshield Wiper Rear View Mirror Pyroxylin Finish Vaporizer $ Delivered in McHenry AND THAT THE NEAREST COMPETITOR S FOURDOOR WITH THE SAME EQUIPMENT DELIVERS FOR OVER $800.00 You Save Over $175.00 by Buying a Ford Bay a Ford and Bank the Different" SALES Authorised Phones and31 ft •J<r