Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1927, p. 3

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'"•\»w-»»*.' -T-**'"!'" a*1 *'." A'\'<-**«"*' J-W4WIJNWW yiWWJfUWPW-' x./w* r,? ivtfw:• rTFrr'w^ wmmrn THURSDAY, APRIL fi, lf§T uppmfpm s,. WEEKLY PERSONAL COMERS AND GOERS OF A • WEEK IN OUR CITY *• As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends • " , * •• •• " fl#d Foss spent. Monday at W«-;:df. CCK. Miss Vera Bass wu a Wapkegan visitor Sunday. M: s. J. E. Freuud was a Chicago Mrs. John Stilling .was an Elgin visitor Thursday. Miss Loretta Stefles was an Elgin visitor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A Purvey visited at DesPhunt's Sunday. Miss Agnes Sioey of Chicago called on friends lire Sunday. Miss Lillian Buss spoilt he weekend with friends at Aurora. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobh visited relatives at Elmhurst Sunday . Miss Eleanor Kinsala visited relatives at Burlington, Wis., Sunday. Miss Lenore Cobb and George Hermai. sen visited Elmhurst Sunday. Misses Florence and Eleanor Conway were Elgiil visitors Thursday. Miss Irene Conway of Elgin spent vis:tci Friday. Sunday in the M. A. Conway home. ALL BETTER ;r / jffigh grade used cars today tear little re- .feemblancfe to the used cars of yesterday. . j.. &oads are better, garages are better, auto- '* tnobiles are better and owners take better „ y • .Care. And we know better than to try luad &uild good will with bad goods! JAMES MORROW & SON : * Waukegan and West McHenry A USED CAR IS ONLY AS DEPENDABll# * AS TH& JDeAI^JR WHO SErtXS <T . . luu . J Win r. " DRIJCE & SHELDON Phone 100 Grayslake, I1L BART-PARR TRACTORS, E-B PLOWS and DISCS, WOOD BROS. THRESHERS, U. 8. HUSKERS Hudson and Essex Cars Miss Hilda Weber of Chicago spent Sunday with her father, Nick Weber. Mrs. A1 Ha gel of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. A. Kunz. William B. Tonyor. and Martha Tonyon visited at Burlington, W?s., Sunday. George Herman sen of Chicago was a Sunday guest in fhe F. E. Cobb home. John Sutton of Chicago visited friends and relatives in this vicinity Sunday. Misses Theresa Brefeld and Charlotte Frett were Waukegan visitors Monday. Mrs. A. Gransden of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thies. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sayler and children were guestg of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schiessle Visted the la Iter's parent^ at Woodstock one day last week. William Thies of Chicago spent j Easter in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mtf. Jacob Thies. Misc Mary Brefeld of Elgin spent Easte/ in the home of her parents, -Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefeld. v Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Miller and son of Chicago visited in the home of Mr. fnd Mrs. John Stilling Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Shephard and children of Ring-wood were Sunday guests in the J. F. Claxton home. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guffey of WYstern Spring? Sunday as guests Mr. and Mrs. Maitin May. Frank Cleary and daughter, Charinayne, of Elgin spent Easter as the guests of M. A. Conway and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heimer r.f Chicago spent Easter Surday with the former's mother, Mrs. Josephine Heimer. M'ss Clara BarMn-t returned to her liome here last week, after spoiling a v w weeks with her sifter si Des- Pmines. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns and son of Oak Park were Sunday guests in Ihe home of Mr. and Mrs. George Johnscn. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and two - daughters Margaret and Mayme of Elgin were Sunday guests in the M. A. Conway honro. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLaughlin and daughter, Julia, of Ringwoo.1 spent Sunday in the Thomas McLaughlin home, east of Fox River. Lester Sherman spent Monday evening at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. A.' C. Herxog visitad at Freeport Monday. Dr. R. G. Chan.ber'in spent Monday evening at Woodstock. Haity Morris of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. Richard Stenger of Wafcikegin spent Sunday with friends he*-e. Mrs. John P. Weber and daughters were Chicago visitors Friday. Jack Sloan of Chicago spent the week-end •with his wife here. Mrs. Ellen Ensign spent the weekend with relatives at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer and family visited at Waukegan Sunday. Miss Edna Giest spent her Easter vactaion at her home at Urbana, Ind. Mrs. Anna Barron spent her Easter vacation with home folks at Ridgeway, Wis. Bernie Newman an«! Walter Vogt, Jr., 3pent Sunday and Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear spent Eigstef Sunday with relatives at Solon Gilbert The km of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday with friends here. Mrs. Stephen Heimer of Chicago spent a few days last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John O'Connor and son were Sunday callers in the M. A. Conway home. Mrs. Charles Pick and Miss Anna Pick of Chicago spent Friday and Saturday at McHenry. Miss Frances May of Woodstock spent Easter in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. Mrs. Oliver Lawrence and Mrs. Harold Kelley of Ringwood spent one day last week with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Elsholz of Elgin spent Easter Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Stringer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefel.l and daughter, Catherine, of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of the former's parents, Mr. an! Mrs. B. T. Brefeld. v Laste Mills. Mrs. Ralph Smith of Chicago spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. John Young. George Stenger of Waukegan Spent Friday and Saturday wit'i McHenry friends. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Colman of Chicago were -Sundiy guests in the Fre-i Karls home. Leo Dwyer of Huntley was a Monday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs P. J. Doherty. ' Albert Frett of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald and Mrs. Linus Newman were Chicago visitors Friday. Edward Frett of Chicago spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs Albert Frett. Leo Rothermel of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rothermel. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander of Chicago spent Sunday as guests of Mrs. Martha Page. Misses O'Dwyer and Misner spent their Easter vactaion with home folks near Madison, Wis. Mr. ard Mrs. F. A Conley o* Ch!- cago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Mrs. Rankin and daughter of Chicago were Sunday guests in the. Al- A Sticker A novelist was present at a gathep. tng of artists and during the evening was called upon to make a speech. "Gentlemen," lie said, "as this Is an assembly In which art Is largely represented, I feel It Incumbent upon me to say a few words on the subject of painting ^ ; "Speaking personally, ray only efforts in that direction were on ah occasion when 1 enamelled our bath. My friends said to me, 'My dear fellow, It's no good your going in for painting unless you're prepared to •tick to your work,' and," continued the author, "I did." You'll hunt a long time before finding a specialist with his teeth, tonsils and appendix out.--Sherbrooke Record. Miss Mildred Kinsala, Robert Web- *** Fnt\ ll°Tne- . .. » 1 Mr. and Mrs. W4 F. Burke visited er, Clara Schiessle, Helen Weber and Herman Kreutzer saw the baseball game in Chicago Sunday. Past Matrons' and Past Patrons' night was observed at Woodstock chapter, O. E. S., on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mrs. A, J Schneider and Mrs J E Wheeler of McHenry chapter attended this meeting. 'iultltl -j uu-in/mJ inr.m'n ru uum nfn ri r v n -- • • • . • • i n - Lay Them Right Oyer the T TTHEN your shingle roof urast be replaced yon need DO YY longer suffer the houseful of dust and dirt, litter, annoyance and expense of ripping off the old shingles. Leave them where they are and lay Johns-Manville Asbestos Shingles right on top of them. Then youH have a roof that is fireproof and everlasting; you'll get the benefit of the splendid roof insulation afiorded by the old shingles and, moat important of all, you will have re-roofed for the last time. RE-ROOF FOR THE LAST TIME WITH JOHNS-MANVILLE ASBESTOS SHINGLES Lay J ohns-Manville Asbestos Shingles right over the old wooden •hingles nn^ you eliminate roofing troubles and expense for all time because Johns-Manville Asbestos Shingles will last as long as your building stands. They're all mineral nothing in them to rot or burn; they will not warp, curl or split ; they never need paint; they're easy to lay and they are most attractive in appearance. Does your roof need replacement? If so, it will pay you to get full information about this method of re-roofing with Johns- Manville Asbestos Shingles. See us at once. We can do the for you quickly, easily and economically. , Wfite, call or tekpleoae fer 6ill ^McHenry Lumber Co. , Quality and Service First Phone 46 West McHenry in the M. Knox hom.' at T.'rra Cotta cne clay last week. , Misses Angela Pttesch and Elizabeth Gogt attended a bridge luncheon at Winnetka Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers of Chicago were Sunday guests in the George Meyers home. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Maxwell and children of Chicago were guests of relatives here Sunday. M iss Margaret Long of Elgin was an Easter truest in the home of her aunt, Mrs. Peter Dolierty. Mrs. Rausn and daughter, Marie, of Chicago spent Monday in the home of Mrs. Anton Schneider. Walter Knox and son of Chicago were Easter guests in the home of Mr. and Mirs. Edmund Knox. One Zoia of Woodstock visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty Monday evening. Miss Grace Stenger of Waukegan &i;ent Friday and Saturday as a guest of Miss Miriam Sayler. Dr. Molliman of Chicago was a week-end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stilling. Mrs. Jesse Wormley and daughter, Dorothy, and Mrs. T. W. Winkle visited at Woodstock Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan of Chicago spent Easter in the home of t" -* latter's father, George Meyer.s Miss Julia King of Chicago „spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John King. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting and family of Lake Geneva spent Sunday it. the home of Mrs. N. E. Babrian. Mrs. Roy Smith entertained her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and baby of Chicago Saturday. Miss Grace Hanson of Chicago was an Easter Sunday guest in the heme of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Knox. Miss Florence Keller of Mliwaukee, Wis., was the guest of her sister, Miss Esther Keller over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Moulfon and daughter of Chicaa^ pp<^t Faster in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Krause. Mrs. Frank Rosing, in company with Mrs. Nick Molidor, did her Easter shopping at Waukegan Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Roderick of Woodstock were Sunday guests iu the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. George Wirfs. Mrs. Gerald Newr an and mother, Mrs. Alma Thomas, visited Mrs. J Rainey at Ringwood one day last week. Miss Anna Young of Spring Grove spent several days last week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary K. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and children of Chicago spent Sunday iii the home of the latter's father, Mat Weber. Mt and Mrs. Fred Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. Velk of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer. Master Carl Stenger, Jr., of Waukegan spent a few days the last of the week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh. Robert Taylor returned to the home of his sister, Mrs. J.) VV. Fay. the last of the week, after f.per ding a few weeks in Chicago. Ross Wheeler of Chicago ard his sister, Mrs. Kena Osterman, of Waukegan were Sunday guests in the George Meyers home. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller and children of Zenda, Wis., were guests of the latter's sisters, Misses Gertie and Xatie Weber, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Brien and family of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. O'Brien's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thies. Mrs. Joe ,A. Schaefer and son, Elmer, and daughter, Eleanor, of Johnsburg visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schaefer, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fellingham, who have spent the winter at Woodsborough, Texas, returned to their farm Chicken Feed We make our own POULTRY SCRATCH AND MASH Both excellent feeds and prices moderate. Try a Sack Today NcHenr] flour Mills \Ves1 McHenry, 111. The Big Closing Out Sale Still Continues We have real bargains in every line of Merchandise carried. Everything priced at wholesale cost or below. So hurry and Share in the Big Savings. Sweaters and Slipovers, just the thing for.spring and summer at about one-third or less, too many values to quote prices. , Underwear for the whole family, all $l.d() - grades, now o n l y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75^ All $lv25 .grades, noir<....;.... . . 95^ All 85c grades, now,... * Bathing Suits reduced one4hird . All $.100 Suits, now....................... .$2.00 , All $5.00 Suits, now.................. $3.50 * Buttons, Laces and Trimmings at about J price Dsress Goods, all 50c grades, now only. • • 35c > ; 75c and 85c. grades, now .. . . . . . .> • • . • .' «•- • • 55c ^ $1.50 graces in Silk or Wool, now only,..;; $1.10 ; Shoes in spike and milady heels, plain and---^ .3 ^ancy, $6.00 grades, now. * .v*.".-........*'.-$4.50 .<$5.00 grades, .now. New up-to-date Styles. . • A Big Saving in Misses', Children's,.and Youths' Shoes 'Oxfords and Pumps. ' 1 •*-? M. J. Phone 117-R Main St To CHICAGO From McHenry--Grays Lak* r Convenient, dependable service by North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "Loop" Lt. McHenry 7:30 am 10:30 am 8:10 pa Lv. Grays Lake ' 8:10 am 11:10 am StSO pm Arr.Waukegan EdM» Ct^ 8:52 am 11:52 am 6:22 pm An. Chicago 10:05 am 1:05 pm 8:05 pm Arr. Milwaukee 10:35 am 1:10pm 7:3ft pa Chicago North Shore & MOwaakee ILlLCo. WEBER & SCHIESSLE Local Agents West McHenry V CHEVROLET 1-Ton Track Complete wtdb '680js£ h Quality Features of the worlds most popular gear-shift truck. Th« famous Oiiwotcf titu head motor ha* been BE mo r • de pe n dab I e--w4tli< w operating economy* Chevrolet Is the world's most popular gear-shift truck because it offers, at amazingly low prices, scores of quality features not found on any other haulage unit in the low price field. Included In this list are numerous recent me* chanical improvements of the utmost importance, such as--AC oil filter and AC air cleaner to protect the motor from excessive wear and to maintain at its peak efficiency the smooth, effortless power for which Chevrolet's motor has long been famous. Other new features are an improved transmission and new gear-shift lever; a new and more c o n v e n i e n t l y located emergency brake; crowned fenders; a new radiator of greater cooling capacity; a new 17-inch steering wheel--and even bullet-type headlamps to give a distincdve touch of smartness! If you want the utmost in commercial transport** don combined with true economy, come to our salesroom and see the im* proved Chevrolet Truclcl Htivv, citra-le.ved •emi-el! •pr-ingt--k( parallel to the i --effectively cu.Klon tk. chtiiii againtt ruxl ikockii The runtd Chavrolat abundant nn_ •famine for th« bwrtatc fcll |l»l«| (mIcWm parf Mt nle •Wait# tad -1-- tnlip iil2^L.!680 'T~Tr-*'495 z&izmnss t2=I~"395 M tisecsrtiacsi' l-To. .T3tc^'610 " iliiliii thrw transmit provide radot • t aulm »•»«' audit coodlttoo. 3S: Hettermann Motor Sales Phone 191 : IVest McHenry QUALITY AT LOW COST a&.i.'assE:

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