Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1927, p. 6

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re*?! •!«* '• ^ «P*'W '•»» »11'« »jwaw 'l'"»»« IJ ' ll||ll| 11*11 |I I^Sl •IU J- If |J|piP«pp|PKpiiM|li i/)\; t;w< w;r\p v *•,, t • ' *" t - !-"v ,i;4'v "t.^:*' »TS ^" \':*)-yti;'s "»• ;-..>'.v^- P"*-V*V f- •IWM f *» * ^t|W *V7pTV7^«v.,> *j*T, ^ >p THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1927 ••' \ - ••• / ; S¥ W^/il T ^ •'" » , . , ' ' " • '/ ? • i•'.';?? •$4- V * v*j Y-," f 1; KINO WOOD Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown and Lteonard, spent Thursday at Janesville. Miss Alice Wilcox spent Wednesday evening in Ringwood. The Home Circle met with Mrs. James Ladd on Wednesday afternoon, quite a crowd was in attendance. Lisle Hopper and Ben Stevens spent Thursday at Janesville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephensen spent Wednesday afternoon at the county-seat. Miss Nina Lawrence, spenf Thursday visiting at McHenry High School. Earl Whiting spent Wednesday at Waterloo, Wis. Miss Byrd Hodge of Solon spent Thursday with friends in Ringwood. The eighth grade of the Ringwood school wrote examinations: at McHenry on Thursday. Mrs. Leslie Olsen assisted in'jthe post office on Wednesday in ^he absence of S. W. Brown. ; . Mrs. Abe Lawrence and sons spent Friday afternoon in Burlington. Miss Laura Welter spent the weekend in Hebron. I Mr, and MJrs. Nick Young and daughter Adele spent Friday evening at McHenry., Mr. and Mrs. Moore spctiit Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. George Stevens. • • Mrs. Ella Newman and children and Mrs. Alma Thomas of McHenry spent Saturday with Mrs. James Rainey. J. V. Buckland has been entertaining her neice and husband, Mr. and Mrs. George Dixon, who returned from their winter home at Orlando, Florida, also their daughter Mrs. Brockman and family of Kenosha. Miss Jayne Goued of Elgin spent Easter with ner grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Miss Lillian Smith was quite ill Saturday and Sunday and not able to attend school the first of the week. Mrs. Jack Wolfe and son Jack, Jr., of Woodstock were recent Ringwood callers. Mrs. Harold Whiting and daughter Ardis of Irving Park spent Easter with relatives in Ringwood. Dick Rossman was a Saturday evening caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Franzen and children spent Sunday at Spring Grove, from there they went to Glen Ellyn to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wegener and daughter, Marion, of McHenry spent Sunday in the Abe Lawrence home. William Giddings spent the weekend with Hebron relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Betzer and Mr. and Mrs. James Conway of Lib-' ertyville called in Ringwood on Sunday. James Thompson spent the weekend with her parents« Mf- ®nd Mrs. Ed Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Lapine and three children of Maywood spent Sunday in the ,W. J. Beth home. Joseph Young and family spenf Easter Sunday with the Albert Big- £ers family in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens are entertaining company this week. Jack McLaughlin, wife and daughter, Julia, sp?nt Sunday at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of W. McHenry spent Sunday afternoon in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Biggtrs of Oak Pnrk spent a few days this week in the Joseph Young home. Several from Ringwood attended COFFEE TRY OUR SPECIAL 3 lbs. for $1.00 Brand Coffee A Straight Santos MILLER'S STORE Phone 114-R McHenry, 111. 1111 lit I I I ! You Notice the Difference Instantly We amply quote owners when we say that Dodge Brothers new five-bearing crankshaft, together with other improvements announced at the same time, has literally revolutionized the performance of Dodge Brothers Motor Car. ^ * In zest, flexibility and smoothness » of power delivery, you will go far up the price scale to find its equaL And the best test of that is per- » sonal experience--which we will be glad to provide at your convenience. James Morrow & Son Wankegan and WtSt McHenry W Alto 8«lI D»p»md*bl9 Um»d Car* the show at Johnsburg on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Welter and family called in Spring Grove on Sunday afternoon. Henry Foss of McHenry spent Monday morning in Ringwood. Mrs. Mike Freund and Miss Julia Huft of Spring Grove spent Thursday with Mrs. Nick Young and daughter, Adele. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Nimsgrem and children of Spring Grove spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Miss Adele Young and Mrs. Leonard Carlson were Friday morning callers at McHenry. 6 " Among the Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn were, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Balfe of Williams Bay ,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuetze of Monroe, Wis , Miss Marion Hepburn of Huntley, Stanley Roe of Wheaton and Frank K. Block of Kenosha, Wis. Mrs. Steve Ingalls of Spring Grove was a Monday afternoon caller in Ringwood. Misses Regina and Dorothy Rauen spent the week-end with their parents at Spring Grove. Bert Sutton of , Solon was a Monday afternoon caller in Ringwood., Mr. and Mrs. William Justen spent Monday in Chicago on business. Robert Thompson of Chicago spent Sunday with his children at the home of Miss Ellen Hall. Mrs. Karl Bradley and little daughter, Alice, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder and daughter were Sunday evening callers in Woodstock. Mr. and M!rs. Clay Rager and family spent Sunday afternoon at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bnchert, of RichmonJ spent Sunday in the C. Dr Bacon home. Mr. ar.'i Mrs. Walter Huff and fam ily were out-of-town callers on Mon- L. Irwin and James Miller of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Litwiler of Round Lake and Anson Davis of Wauconda were callers Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett. Herman Carr returned Monday to Chicago after spending the week with relatives on Oak Glen farm and at the William Funk and G. D. Stroker homes at Wauconda. Willard Darrell was a business caller in Waukegan Monday. George Roesslein was a Crystal Lake caller Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett enjoyed dinner Wednesday night at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Lyle Litwiler, in Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Haas of Wauconda were visitors Tuesday at the Jiome of the latter's sister, Mrs. Clara Smith L. Irwin of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. G. Burnett were business callers in Ringwood Friday. Mrs. Martha Murphy was a guest Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell on Oak Glen farm. . Miss Helen Bernier of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jack Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stoixen from Lakes Corners were callers Saturday at the home of W. E. Brooks. Mrs. Martha Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert Darrell and Miss Myrtle Darrell of De- Kalb were guests at dinner Sunday in the home of the latter's sister Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews. W. E. Brooks was In Waukegan on Monday on business. Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick and Frank Trecola of Chicago were guests on Thursday at the G. Burnett home .. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Williams and* son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. William's mother, Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews spent Friday with relatives on Oak Glen farm. Mrs. Matthews rema SPRING GROVE day, Mrs. Ruth Hopper and son Elmer j over until Saturday. and Mrs. Jennie Spauldin^ and Miss] Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris of Wau Cora Flanders spent Tuesday afternoon at N. Crystal Lake. L Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bacon spent Monday afternoon in Woodstock. K. M. Bradley spent Monday afternoon at McHenry. • Mrs. Robert Antcliff of Genoa City was a Tuesday caller in Ringwood. Mrs. Langley of Detroit and Mrs. Crawford of LaGrange and their children are visiting in the Frank Hitchens home. > E. J. Hansworth of N. Crystal Lake was a Monday morning caller in Ringwood. - Mrs. Agnes Jericks and daughter, Mary, of Libertyville spent Sunday with her father, G. A. Stevens. Mr. and MTS. Clay Rager and family spent Sunday evening at the Genoa' Gospel church. Mr. and Mrs. George Bacon of Antioch were recent callers here. Floyd Carr of Greenwood spent Thursday morning in the S. W. Brown home. Mr. and Mrs. Gust Pearson and daughter, with Grace and Mildred Lynch spent Sunday in Lake Forest. tolr. and Mrs. C. A. Matsen spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Emit Johnson and son Arthur from Lake Forest spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gust Pearsen. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butler of Chicago sent Tuesday in the Frank Hitchens home|. William Coates spent Monday with his daughter, Mrs. Alec Anderson. Miss Ethel Whiting spent Easter with friends in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son Stanley were Sunday callers in McHenry. Henry Vogel was a recent caller in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson and family were Sunday evening callers in McHenry. Edward Thompson, Jr. of Chicago spent the week-end in Ringwood. Lawn, garden and flower seeds are all to be had at Erickson's Dept. A public card party will be held at St. Patrick's hall Sunday evening, ^beginning at 3. Lunch. All invited. conda visited Sunday at the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Page Smith. W. E. Brooks and son Chesney were business callers one day last week at Griswold Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler of Barrington were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's parents on Ardelon Farm. Mrs. Martha Murphy and Mildred Hoffman were dinner guests Wednesday at the home of their cousin, Mrs. Neva Stubbings in Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Labaree and son, Charles, and daughter, Olive, of Bristol, Wis., spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham were guests Sunday at a birthday party in honor of the latter's sister, Mrs. Lynn Kelly at Pingree Grove. Mrs. Martha Murphy, Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert Darrel, visited Thursday at the home of Mr. and Msr. William Fink near Wauconda. Itfr. and Mrs. H. D. Bink of Oak Park and daughters, Eleanor and Ardine spent the week-end at their farrii home near here. Arthur Pfannenstill was a Sunday visitor in Ivanhoe at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pfannenstill. Mrs. Richard McGill and Mrs. Page Smith were shoppers Friday in Elgin. John Blomgren, Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Anderson in Algonquin. A public card party will be held at St. Patrick's hall Sunday evening, beginning at 8. Lunch. All invited. Make your windows look attractive with some of our smart new curtain materials. Erickson Dept. Store. BROTHERS motor cars Mrs. Maude Mierrell and Mrs. Clyde Bell of Solon Mills were callers here last Friday. Miss Mae Keefer of Elgin spent over Easter with the home folks. Miss Edith Cole of Elgin was a guest over Easter with Mrs. J. C. Furlong. Those from here who attended the Easter services at Solon were: Mr. and Mrs. James Foulke and family, Mrs. Carlson, Miss Margaret Allinder, Mrs. Ruth Oxtoby, Mrs. Furlong, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr, Mrs. Fanny Carr, Miss Lois, Lomena, Lonceal and Glendale Esh, Misses Doris, Lillian and Bertha Martin and Miss Edith Cole of Elgin. , Mrs. Minnie Bfustleman of Chicago was a weekend guest in the home of her father, \Just Roepke. Arthur Robb and Earl Benson of Evanston spent a few days the. last of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Sye Robb and family. Mark Pierce and son Allan and Mrs. Cora McGee motored to Janesville and spent a few hours with the former's wife who is ill at that place at this writing is on the gain. M)r. and Mrs. A1 Pipping motored to Johnsburg Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner held a family gathering at their home Sunday, about thirty being present. Mrs. Ben Pierce and son, John, were callers Saturday at Mark Pierces'. On Thursday evening a happy crowd of twenty-eight relatives and friends gathered as a surprise at the home of Chester Stevens the event being Mrs. Stevens birthday. Five hundred and dancing was the amusement of the evening and a dainty lunch was served at 12 o'clock. Those present were: Silas Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Seliam Pierce, Gerald Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winn, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Cole and son, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Shotliff and son, Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr, Mrs. Furlong and son, Clair, Mrs. Sarah Winn and son, Paul, K. Lopeman and Miss Emily Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pierce and family of Bristol were Easter guests of and Mrs. James Foulke. Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby, Mrs. Van- Eavory and daughters motored to Kenosha Saturday. Mrs. J. Krumpen and daughter, and Mrs. Kattner of Richmond called here Saturday. Mrs. Wm, Bretz and daughter Nora motored to McHenry Saturday evening. John McGinnis of Chicago spent over Sunday with his family here. Mrs. C. Parfrey was a Friday passenger to the city. Mrs. Miark Pierce is steadily on the gain. Her friends hope for her speedy recovery. Silas and Lysle Pierce motored to Richmond Wednesday and called on Mrs. Elizabeth Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deithorn and family were among the Sunday guests at F. J. Wagners.' Lawn, garden and flower seeds are all to be had at Erickson's Dept. A public card party will be held at St. Patrick's - hall Sunday evening, beginning at 8. Lunch. All invitpej. Customer: Give me a bottle of ginger ale. Waiter: Extra dry, sir J * Customers Rather. -ftsa-- pretty thirsty.--Answers. mm Knew thm Sign* The old adage that "Straws show which way the wind blows" was never better Illustrated than In the career of the late Valentino. He had been playing minor parts with equally minor success but one morning he rushed on to the set wreathed with smile*. "Why so happy thks morning?" asked Douglas Conrad, his director. "My dressing-room was broken Into last night," exclaimed the beaming Valentino. "Ton are happy because yon were robbed?" gasped Oonrad. "Ton havent gone crazy of anything, have you?" "No, no," cried Valentino. "The thief stole eight of my pictures I Sueceas la at hand t" So On, Ad Infinitum A family moved from the city to th* •Dburbs and were told that they ought to get a watchdog to guard the premises at night. So they bought the largest dog that was for sale In th« kennels of a nearby dealer. Shortly afterwards the house wa» entered by burglars, who mad£ a good haul while the dog slept. The householder went to the dealer •nd told him about it "Well, what you need now,H he said, "is a little dog to wake up the big dog." -- Pittsburgh Chronicle Telegraph. She was only a coal dealer's daughter, but gosh, where she had bin!--Our Navy. Big Sale of Fox 4 |I|HICKS HATCHING EVERY DA* 25,000 to 30,000 chicks pel? week.' Visit the greatest Baby Chick Market in Northern Illinois. Special discount on chicks if called for. Get our prices before you buy. » FOX RIVER HATCHERY Telephone 1537 63 Grove Ave., Elgin, 111. C. J I F F * - - - <--- ® for CORNS Will Take Off Corns We know you will be surprised and justly so, too. We were surprised when we tried them. They positively will take that Corn off. Also Jiffy for Bunions 'and Callouses. Each 25c. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED Thomas P. Bolger Congress had 25,000 laws proposed and only 998 passed. This is one line of work in which an inefficient percentage of accomplishment is highly commendable.--Southern Lumberman. SLOCUM'S LAKE Thit coupon and 25c entitle the underlined to one 35c can of Acme Quality Enamel-Kote, any color, and a tpecial 20c Paint Brush. Name... Guests over the week-end at the George Burnett residence were: Mrs. C- Grantham and son, Walter, Dr. and Mrs. Brunswick, Mir. and Mrs. Roy Mouser and son, Lorenz and daughter, Leah, of Chicago. Miss Mildred Hoffman and Neva Stubbings of Wauconda motored to Waukegan and Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Thursday. What an opportunity! Think of being able to get The New It'll AT 5 Swttfi at it OtM*t --with "Positive Agitation" Jar a first payment of-- 4B* --balance monthly K• m small amount* f We have just what yon want for the parlor, sun parlor or bedroom. RUGS and Now is the time to get ready for spring and summer. We have a complete line of beautiful Rugs and just the things you will want in the furniture line. Imagine --the rest trt convenient monthly payments, jar The New HOOVER It MlATSu it Swutft tu a Cltaai (Comptete with Dusting Tools) This is the famous, new "Positive Agitation" model, universally acclaimed as the finest of all electric cleaners. Phone TODAY for a - demonstration in your home. Complete Outfits for the Kitchen and Dining Room SPECIAL OFFER To acquaint you wiih Acme Quality, we are making e special cf f r for • abort iirr.t only. V You will Scarcely know your own rooms Just a few strokes <?f a paint brush are all that stand between you and a home interior that visitors will admire and envy. Scuffed up floors, marred woodwork and furniture, walls, ceilings, even the radiators, can be magic-? ally transformed with ACME QUALITY Paint^Varnish Specially pleasing is the color range in No-Lustre Finish Flat Wall Paint forwallaand Enamel-Kote for interior woods and furniture. Before you buy any paint, come i0 and kc ua. We are here to serve yofe WM. H. ALTHOFF ^ HARDWA&K Test McHenry, Hi. Grand Opening of Antioch Palace AND RECREATION AUDITORIUM * One mile south of Antioch, on Illinois State Highway No. 21 The Most Elaborate Ballroom in Northern Illinois MODERN MARVELOUS MAGNIFICENT 8:00 P. M. TWO DAYS 8i00 • J?* M. Green ao4 El.m Sts. McHenry, Illinois Saturday and Sunday April 23 and 24 PUPILLO & GIANNOTTI Present The Floridians A Versatile Twelve-Piece Orchestra Direct from the Mira Mar Hotel in Florida Hailed as the Greatest Mus - Attraction of the Southland Splendid Rythm! Modern Harmony! Oriental Effects! Vocal Refrains! V v; Syncopation! Jazz! PARK PLAN DANCING, BOWLING, BILLARDS, POOL, REFRESHMENTS, r GRILL Admission 25c RICHARD MACEE, Proprietor N. J. BRUCK, Advertising Manager Wm. J. ASHTON, Master of Ceremonies

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