Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1927, p. 3

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PICNIC ITEMS the holiday Quality Butter Guueaeii Fig Bars Beechnut Peanut Butter i« 25c Mustard *a*>njai otj« 13c Hydrox Ginger Ale 15 0& Bot 15c 8CONSIN CREAM DAISY Lb. AlouimcftRiaiic ESTASUMID 1IS9 WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A . WEEK IN OUE CITY J I F F Y FtrTonr CALLOUS JIFFY Callow Plaster is made to'fit-your callows. Ptit it on that painful spot--within a week you will peel the entire callous clean off the foot. Also Jiffy for Corns and Bunions. Each 25c. ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED tfioBuis ¥. fid&fcr n s ay is the til tobuyaBuick Mayis die month to buy your Bokk. The rich harmonies of Corooaoon colon in. Duco, the graceful Imes and splendid beauty a# Fisher coachcraft symbolise the very spirit ed And Bukk's remarfcabk perfnrmaiw-e will thtfll you. Speed along wkh the rush of the wmfcriae She a floating cloud wvtr the crest of the UL The pkanantest port of the year's drrag h ahead of yoo. Boy your Buick Nowt VNIN IITTIk AUTOMOBILII ARB »Wlt BUICK WILL SUILD TH1M Overton & Cowen MckDMlcn As Seen By Pl&indealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends tnnk Schreiner spent Monday at Waukegan. Miss Pearl Claxton spent Saturday in Chicago. Frank Schreiner spent Wednesday in Chicago. Lester Page was an Elgin visitor Friday evening. Dr. D. G. Wells was a Waukegan visitor Monday. Mrs. Simon Stoffel was a Cheiago visitor Wednesday. Miss Vera Boss was a Waukegan visitor Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Goodell WSs a Chicago visitor Wednesday. ,• Miss Vera Foulds spent the weekend with friends here. John Thelen of Chicago Spent tbe week-end at McHenry. Arthur Boger of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. . Mr, and Mrs. George Hermansen spent Sunday at Elmhurst. , Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton, spent one day last week at Elgin. ' , Floyd Thompson of Chicago visited relatives here last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Fisher of Elgin were MfcHenry visitors Friday. Mrs. Fitzgerald of Chicago spent IViday in the N. E. Barbian home. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller of Zenda spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. H. B. Schaefer and Mrs. Geo. Schreiner visited friends in Chicago Friday. Mr. and MrB. A. K. Burns of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives here. Mir. and Mrf. Alfred Richardson of Spring Grove visited here Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and little son of Waueonda visited relatives here. Saturday. Miss Germer of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of her sister, Mrs. N. H. Petesch. F. E. Covalt attended a meeting of the Splinter's club at Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Griffith of Grand Haven, Florida, visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt and Miss Esther Keller attended the races at Aurora Saturday. Joe May of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin May. Mr. and Mrs .R. E. Sutton and children of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives here. Miss Mary Brefeld of Elgin spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mrs. Elizabeth Krause and son, Clarence, of Woodstock visited at McHenry Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pich and Anna Pich of Chicago spent the week-end at their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nye returned home the last of the week from their honeymoon trip to Ohio. Mrs. Joe Justen, Mrs. Ben Justen and Mrs. Will Justen were shoppers at Elgin one day last week Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brefeld and daughter, Kathrine, of Chicago spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. a Mr. and Mrs. W. Guffey of Western Springs were week-end visitors in the Martin ff. May home. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Engstrom at St. Charles one day last week. Mrs. Wi A. Sayler is visiting her sister, M*-s. G. A. Hanly, at Elgin this week. Mrs. Hanly is very ill. Mr. and Mrs. Martin and Mir. Seehuns of Chicago were Sunday guests in the George Meyers home. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chicago visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell Saturday. Mfc\ and Mrs. Irving Hart of Chicago spent the week-end as guests of the Misses Gertie and Katie Weber. Mrs. Gertrude Bunker and daughter, Louise, of Madison, Wis., called at the home of Mrs. B. Frisby Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dibler of Woodstock visited in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Ed Nickles, the first of the Mr. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers and aughter, Marcella, of Chicago were unday guests in the George Meyers fiome. Mrs. Edward Holle of Chicago spent several days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Father O'Rourke went to Polo, 111., ^Wednesday, where he attended the funeral of the father of Rev. Joseph Longeran. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McCormick of Chicago visited in the home of the Misses Gertie and Katie Weber last Wednesday. Mrs. F. E. Cobb, and son, Stanley, visited relatives at Elmhurst Sunday. Miss Ethel Jones spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mrs. Martha Convey, Mrs. Kenneth Paul and little Miss Betty Baron of Ridgeway, Wis., visited friends and jrelatives here Monday. Mrs. Mary Kaiser, Mrs. Emil Schneider and Mrs. Downs and little son of Woodstock called on Mrs. Ella M. Wheeler last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Fred Ferwerda spent a few Jf days the first of the week with her son, Charles, at Champaign, who underwent an operation for appendicitis Mjonday. Mrs. P. N. Mlusser of Elgin is spending a few weeks in the home of her mother, Mrs. A. Whiting, where she is recuperating from her recent illness and operation. Miss Florence Carey and her cousin Mass Erma Carey, of Wilmot, Wis., returned home last week from a visit in Florida. They motored home via D. C., and report a most Mrs. W. F. Vogt visited at Elgin Monday. Will Whiting spent Tuesday in Ringwood. Mrs. John Stilling spent a day last week in Chicago. ^ Miss Lillian Freund spent the weekend in Chicago. Mr. fend Mrs. Ray Conway were in Waukegan Thursday. Mrs. Leslie Olson visited in Ringwood last Wednesday. Mir. and Mrs. Blackmer were Chicago visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mts. Henry Foss were Waukegan vistors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog spent Tuesday in Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Whiting Woodstock visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff and family visited at Volo Sunday Miss Irene Conway of Elgin spent Sunday with home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Pierson were shopping in Woodstock Monday. Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin spent Sunday in the M. A. Conway home Mir. and Mrs. Frank Rosing and family visited relatives at Volo Sunday. Mr. and Mjrs. Allan Noonan and children were Chicago visitors Tues-- day. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wagner visited relatives at, Ringwood one day last; week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and family visited at Grayslake last Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Graves and son of Woodstock were McHenry callers on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith visited with friends at Grayslake last Thursday evening. Miss Margaret Aylward of Chicago was a Sunday gueet in the M. A ^Conway home. Misses Florence and Eleanor Con way visited at Waukegan last Thurs day afternoon. George Hutson and daughter, Zel ma of Woodstock called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. Leslie Olson and Mrs. Martin Stoffel and son spent Tuesday afternoon in Ringwood Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler of Woodstock were Sunday callers on Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. M)r. and Mrs. John Aylward What are they thinking of you and your car? You never allow yourself to get all bewhiskered and' run down at the heels. You know better. You know it's • reflection on your character-- your prosperity. Same with your car! Gar Condition reflects owner's character. A car can be as Old as Methuselah and still maintain its dignity. But " there is no excuse for a permanent rundown look--not , §o long as there is a can of Acme Quality Motor Car ; Finish. ACME QUALITY Motor Car Finish In all popular colors; each ?jves the exclusively beauiful color effect of colors imixed by color experts, and • }reflects the 40 yean of experience behind JiCMEQUALITY Piint+*V*rni*h Before you buy any paint come in «nd see us. We ai« bye to serve you. t* 1" Washington enjoyable trip. „ Masses Mildred Kmsala, Eleanor Kinsaia Helen Weber, Clara Schiessle and Robert Weber visited at Silver Lake, Twin Lakes and in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowhans at New Mnaster, Wis., Sunday. of Elgin were guests in the M. A. Con way home Sunday. Walter and Dorothy LaSalle Chicago were Sunday guests E. E. Bassett home. Mrs. Philip Peterson and daughters, Ruby and Martha, of Mar&igo visited in this city Monday. Mrs. E. C. Schneider and son of Grayslake were Sunday callers in the Theodore Winkle home. Mrs. George Kuhn went to Chicago one day last week where she attended the funeral of a relative. George H. Johnson attended a meeting of the Splinter's club at Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of the latter** father, George Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Camerer and family of Freeport visited in the home of Mrs. Ada Bobb over the week-end. Mr. and Mfe~s. Peter Glosson of Waukegan were callers in the Fred Karls home on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Fraxer and sons of Chicago were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marshall. Miss Kate McLaughlin spent one day last week in the home of her brother, J. F. McLaughlin and family at Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Frett and children of Wheaton spent Sunday in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barbell and family of Freeport were entertained in the home of Mrs. Ada Bobb over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Glover and daughter and J. P. Glover of Kenosha visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glover Sunday. Frank Duram of Chicago is spending the week at the Hersog cottage on Fox River as the guest of his ai*> ter, Mrs. A. C. Herzog. Mr. and Mrs. Meritt Cruickshank and Mrs. Lee and daughter, Virginia, of Elgin were Sunday guests in the Richard Thompson home. Mb*, and Mrs. John Brefeld and daughters, Norma, of Waukegan spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mr. and Mrs. John Stringer and daughter, Marvel, and Mr. Bartell of Elgin visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frett and son and Mrs. Fryer and daughter of Chicago visited in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frett, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Beller and daughter, Mbnica, and Miss Isabel Niesen returned home the last of the week after spending the winter at H o t S p r i n g s , A r k . * Mk\ and Mrs. T. W. Winkle entertained their children on Sunday. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson and Mr. and Mi-s. William Perkison of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Wormley and daughter of this city. Mrs. A. J. Schneider, in company with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson of Ringwood, visited in the home of Mrs. Martha Harrison and daughter, Laura, at Waueonda Sunday. On this day Mrs. Harrison celebrated her 86th birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Conley and guest, A. Ford, of Chicago visited in the home of Mrs. Conley's parents* Mir. and Mrs. J. J. Frett Sunday. Mr. and MYs. George Shepard and family and Harvey Hamilton of Ringwood were McHenry visitors one day last week. N. L. Sorenson of the XJ.S.S. "Colorado" spent the week-end st the home of Mrs. Agness Wentworth. Mr. Sorenson is on a two weeks' leave of absence while his ship is in the Brooklyn Navy Yard, awaiting repairs. Mr. Sorenson has had many interesting things to relate of his visits to Australia, Honolulu, Panama and Cuba. Hie expects to return to California with hii ship about the first of August. USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS DRUCE & SHELDON Phone 100 Grayslake, 111. m *. HART-PARR TRACTORS, E-B and JOHN DEERE PLOWS and DISCS, WOOD BROS, and J. I. CASE THRESHERS, U. S. HUSKERS, GRAIN ELEVATORS AND DRIVE BELTS Hudson and Essex Cars WM. H. ALTHOFf HARDWARE West McHenry, DL Big Sale of Fox River Chix 25,000 to 30,000 per week OASH AND CARRY PRICES FOR MAY Barred Rocks, White Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, White Wyandottes, Rhode Island Reds, per hundred .... $12.00 White Leghorns, Brown Leghorns, Anconas, per hundred - $11.00 Salesroom open Tuesday and Friday nights during May FOX RIVER HATCHERY Telephone 1537 63 Grove Aye., Elgin, HL jr| •'* 4 '"•<§ I 'J "-"1 ?.i Durable Reed Furniture To enjoy have the the outdoors this summer, you must proper furniture for your porch or sun room. That you will see just what yon want here, at prices you wish to pay, we are certain after a careful inspeCtion Of our nflflr stocks. '• Jacob Justen & Sons z greatest won by a low-priced q, Wtltttti New and Finer TIAC SIX Pondac Six is making history again!... Last year it broke all world records for first year sales of a new make of car! This year that record is being surpassed in a spectacular way, for today's Pontiac Six is new and finer--and offered at new low prices!. •.No other car so clearly typifies Pontiac" s present-day value supremacy SM2S » SUM. AB CONWAY MOTOR SALI8 McHenry Illinois as the Sedan at $775. Never haa any low-priced six been built M such rigid quality standards. And] never has any car of lis type wos*' each wildfire success!.. • Here h true quality in design! Hera la tew sups emacy in pcifwaaacd D»he the car yourself and learn whet General Motors resources isaks possible In a six Sedan at $7791 !&t^S s-i i l l \ «v.

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