Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 May 1927, p. 4

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IWIPfPfsipi PLAlK$lALXR, MAY 26, 1927 I UN Amrnmmmm THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER '>'• • ' Published < Tsry Thursday at McHcnry, DL, by Charles P. 1 tsatch. Entered as second-class msttsfr et tie pestofic# gk lfcHenty, icr the act of May 8, 1879/ 11L, «a- Ose Year . . . Six Months . < Sabecriptiea Rates K a * e e e « * e e e e * e ' e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e a a « a e e • 90 ,...$L00 •w -- A. H. MOSH^R, Editor and Manager Wrong Definition, bat--' David A. Sciiulte, the tobacco king Wbo by an Investment of $27,000,000 Id the beauty bus in? 8* has made him- •elf a cosmetics king aa well, said at a dinner In New York: "I suppose our business men succeed marvelously because they are fcarvelous workers. They don't know What leisure means. " 'What Is leisure, papa V a little boy asked his millionaire rotifer one •venlng. . ,, "The millionaire, without rooking op from the mountain of papers on his task, answered; * ** 'Leisure, my son, la the spare time granted us bj an all-wise Providence tor clearing up various Jobs of unfinished work.'" , Old Tomb« Uncovered , A large number of [./imltive tomba, believed to date back to the time of the Trojan wars, have been discovered near Porto Ferraio on the Island of Elba. They are extremely rudimentary, several skeletons having keen found in each ttoub, which Is composed merely of roughly hewn •labs of slate. Nearby are the ruins of the very ancient city of Alslcach, which, as Virgil recalls In "Aeneid," furnished 800 warriors against the Greeks during the Trojan war/ In the same neighborhood the remains of an ancient oven used for smelting iron has been found. The excavations are being continued. PRINT SHOP CALLERS * SAkJTA C1AUS CALLS i cawt K Bothered [ RUMMIU& 1VI MERE EvSlyf NEAR ReuewitoG MV SUBS«UF»noU, so VOUI JFST TAKE THAT MOMS* J AMD MARK ME TEU NEARS AMEAP Classified Column FOB USED CAB BARGAINS 1924 Ford touring with winter top; general condition very good. Price only $75. ' Nearly new 1-ton Ford stake body; closed cab; starter; good tires, etc.; very reasonably priced. 1922 Studebaker touring; California top; excellent tires; price $250. 1926. Dodge Business sedan; good paint job; five good tires; wonderful buy. Price $695. 1923 Dodg<e screen trtfek; tires nearly new; motor in A-l condition; a real bargain. Price $275. 1924 Dodge Business sedan; five good tires. This is in excellent condition. Price $450. 1927 Pontiac Laudau; only a few months old car. Can be bought at a reasonable price. JAMES MORROW & SON, Phone 186 West McHenry, 111. FOR SALE--Hiree-piece parlor suite, •elour with cane; 9x12 Wilton rug; 8x10 rug. Call 38. 50-tf. • ^ iy* TYPEWRITERS ,.$3j Sales and Servicg, t • Repaired and Rentils. -Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 649. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf FOR SALE--Used FVigidaire refrigerator; good condition; extra large sire box. Can be seen at Mr. Le- Moon's, Pistakee Bay. Bargain at $250, installed. H. E. Bnch ft Co. Phone 48. 49-tf FOR SALE--Firewood, $1.00 per load. Hunter Boat Co. Phone 7. 45-tf COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESGL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. ' 88-tf Pointer for Inventor* ^= It is. Impossible to obtain a patent a anything that has been In pnblle se for two years. GOOD USED CAR BUm * 1926 Chandler Coupe. : 1923 Buick 5-pass. Sedan, 1924 Buick 4-pass. Coupe. £*- 3. 1926 Buick Standard Six. OVERTON & CO¥fEl|& - Phone 6 West McHenry UPRIGHT PIANO $10--Apply for this piano now. Exchange for player or Grand. Cable Piano Co. 167 E. Chicago St., Elgin, Illinois. 51-2 roB RENT FOR RENT--Pasture for tested cattle. Phone 630-R-l. Walter J. Walsh. 60-tf. FOR RHNT--Thirty acres of plow land adjoining McHenry. Inquire of Ben Stilling & Son. 48^tf FLAT FOR RENT--Inquire of B. Popp, West McHenry. 87 -tf WANTED FOR SALE--One 14x30 ft. cement silo, good as new. For quick sale, $100. L. H. Dietz, Ivanhoe, 111. Postoffice Miundelein. Phone 608-M-2. 51. WANTED TO RENT -- A modern house of five or six rooms. F. G. Schreiner, McHenry, 111. Phone 64-R. 51* PERMANENT WAVING done by EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ONLY Claire Beauty^Shoppe r , Main Street tafc Block West of Community High School ALL BEAUTY WORK DONE For Appointments Call 208-R FOR (SALE--2(}-foot 'speed boat. "WVte D. A. Cox, 4215 Washington Blvd., Chicago. SI* FOR SALE--1926 Dodge coupe, run but 5,000 miles, also one Reo truck, $200. Bruce Stirling, Pistakee Bay Road, near Chapel Hill. Phong 72-W. 51* ' WANTED--A good German cook and two girls to wait on table. Call Crystal Lake 103-J-2. 51* WANTED TO TRADE--16-ft. Evinrude boat for canoe. Boat is in good condition. Phone 643-R-l. 51* FOR SALE--Small motor launch and canoe. Bruce Stirling, Pistakee Bay Road, near Chapel Hill. Rhone 72-W. 51* WANTED--Girl for general housework in- private family at Pistakee Bay. Phone 636-R-2. 50-tf. WANTED--First class cook for Sundays only. Call 657-W-2. Ask for Mrs. Peterson. 49-tf. FC . SALE--Breakfast set, table and WANTED--Farms of all sizes and six chair:, tea cart; delph blue, with descriptions for cash or exchange for hand-painted border. Bargain. Bruce income property. We specialize in Stirling, Pistakee Bay Road, near quick deals. Kent & Company, Mc- Chapel Hill. Phone 72-W. 51* Henry. . 38-tf <> FOR SALE--A used Garland cook stove in good condition for $15. Call Stubby Smith at Johnsburg, or Mrs. B. Olsen, Riverdale, phone 624-R-2, Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Monday. 51* MISCELLANEOUS May 28th RIVERSIDE PARK PALACE DANCING EVERT NIGHT SNAPPY ORCHESTRA ON SATURDAY NT&HT Just a nice place to get a real Sunday dinner and a | good sandwich any day. I PRICES REASONABLE HIVE US A TRIAL - , One-half Mile North of Barton's Bridge ; Jjy^(DJapn^T, Pro||. , FOR SALE--Shavings for ice or for bedding. Jos. J. Mertes, R-l, Pistakee Bay. Tel. 76-M. 51 FOR SALE--1926 Tudor Ford; good condition; reasonable. Inquire at West McHenry State Bank. Sl^tf i FOR SALE--One black mare, 8 years i old, wt." 1400; also a number of used jfarm machines. A. P. Freurtd, R. 3, j McHenry. Phone 654-M-2. 50-3 Consistent advertising* is rare to bring result*. ^ RESULTS! Kent & Company Can self that house! Can rent that flat! Can And a buyer for that land! 18-tf WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING-- Located at "Tempus Fugit" on Elm St., McHenry. Mort Ritt. 50-tf FOR ALL Sewing Machine and Victrola troubles, call 162. B. Popp, West McHenry. V 50-tf FOR PROMPT REMOVAL of all dead animals, call WVodstock Rendering Co., Phone 1646-J-2 and reverse charges. Prompt service and cash paid for the same. 61-3* PERSONALS Mrs. J. E. Wheeler, Mass Arleen Harrison, Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. Martha Page attended * meeting of Woodstock chapter, O. E. S., at Woodstock Friday evening. Miss Florence Kinsala spent Tuesday at Waukegan. Mr. and Mfcs. Rudolph Gerding of Chicago called in the P. H. Weber home Saturday. M)rs. Ben Fisher and son of Elgip were McHenry visitors Friday. George Kane visited at Waukegan Sunday evening. Mrs. Ray Hankermeyer of Waukegan spent Monday evening here, Gilbert Thelen of Chicago spent the week-end here.,. JOHNSBURG Mr. and Mrs. Steve King visited Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith Sunday. The children of District No. 12 will have their commencement exercises Sunday, May 29. Mrs. Abe Lawrence of Ringwood visited Mrs. Mary Tonyan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. William Stilling visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling one day last week* v .v.,;. SPECIALS for Saturday, May 2$ 35# Flag Sets, to go on automobiles, five flags in cluster, with bolts and clamp, per set_ : "Jnstrite" Motor Jugs, 1 gallon sixe, just the thing for picnic parties, «!*_ Celluloid Spent Visors, each '1 35# Ladies' and Misses' Raincoats or Slicker*, eaph_$2.69 Ladies' Gingham House Dresses, each si.oo Mercerized TaBle Damask, pink border, per y4.__' 65# Plain white Cups and Saucers, per dozen 41.50 Horse Shoe Water Glasses, per dozen . 39# *Vt lb. box "Baby Stuart0 assorted Chocolate c&ndy -- - __ -#1.00 i^5c Boxes of Parlor Matches 19# fey owr "Kept Fresh" bulk Coffee, 3 grades all high quality, per 30*. 40#. 50# i" ' ttandui'd grade canned Corn/'Pe&s, Tomatoes, ^ Hominy and Sweet Potatoes, per can Legion Poppy Drive The Kirls °f the high school wish to announce that the Legion Poppy drive will begin Friday evening and last throughout Saturday. There is very little we can do to show our gratitude to the men who gave their arms and legs and eyes that we might be safe. A poppy on your coat lapel on Memorial Day will show that, at least, we have not forgotten. Linger Longer Bunco Clab Mrs. Frank Meyer entertained the meipbers of the Linger Longer Bunco club at her home on Green street, Wednesday afternoon. May 18. The prizes wefre awarded to M^rs. Ted Schiessle, Jr., Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer and Mrs. Charles Mertee. A most delicious luncheon wad served by the c*08e °' S&uies. >£;";• , ^Cemetery Notice The ' Officers of the Woodland cemetery association request that those caring for lots at the cemetery to kindly throw thedr dried flowers, cabs and other refuse upon the pile made by the caretaker, rather than along the fence, •Which detracts from the appearance of the grounds, and makes added work for the caretaker. »LGDT/ wnm SCOTT WATSON "Good Fortunes'* Bad Luck CAPTAIN BRIOSTOCK WBAVBR is not known so well as some of the other famous pirates, but It is doubtful if any of them wye more successful at their trade than he. A native of Hereford, England, be learned his flrst lessons In piracy under the notorious Captain Anstis who turned over his own ship, the Good Fortune, to Weaver after the pirate leader had captured the Morning Star. At flrst the Good Fortune proved to be "good fortune" for Captain Weaver, Indeed, for in it he captured no less than 60 sailing vessels in the West Indies and on the banks of Newfoundland and many of them proved to be rich prizep. Here Is the list, as recorded by one pirate historian: "In August, 1722, he took a Dutch ship and out of her got 100 pieces of holland, value 800 pounds sterling, and 1,000 pieces of eight On November 20, he plundered the Dolphl, of London, of 900 pieces of eight end 40 gallons of rum. "Out of the Don Carlos (Lot Neekins, master) he stole 400 eunces of silver, 50 gallons of ram, 1,000 pieces of eight, 100 pistols and other goods, "Out of the Portland, ten pipes of wine valued at 260 pounds sterling." His prosperity soon came to an end, however, and in May, 1728, we learn of Weaver, dressed in rags, begging from door to door In Bristol where he was telling a tale of how he was an honest sallorman who had been captured by wicked pirates and had but lately escaped from them! So well did he play his role that he was soon dressed In fine Clothes, carrying ten pounds sterling or more In his pockets and lodging at the Griffith inn, the best hostelry in the town. • But this new-found prosperity soon led to his downfall. One day on the streets of Bristol he met a sea captain who claimed acquaintance with him and Invited him Into a tavern for a drink. There the captain reminded Weaver that he had once been a victim of Weaver's pirate crew who had stolen all of his cargo of liquor. However, he said, Weaver had used him well, so he was disposed to let bygones be by-gones If Weaver would give him four hogsheads of cider. When Weaver refused the captain be trayed him and he was hanged. (£, 1*t* Wnt«m N»w»pap«r Uolo«,> Crimson Heat Otben may claim to be u (rood, bat titers is no Mubatitute for-- CRIMSON HEAT A Rub for Pains, Aehes and Soreness The Rut Aid Foe OMs fas Chest, Meorttts, Wstal stla. HlMuutit Pains. Lssibsn. Sttft Meek, Headache, BaefcaeflM* Cr--p, tpsralns, Aching Feet, Sore Joints snd Masrtes. Um it -wherever pain, inSunmation. eongeation or itch)nir exiBte. A hoaaebold neoaaaity--keep It on hand always, lnaiat upon getting the genuine CRIMSON HEAT. Look for trademark on package. In handy to baa, 60c. Tour druggist will set it for you. Or if jroa prefer we will tend it postpaid upon receipt of price. THE ALFEN CO.. 1127 Pine St.. St. Lost* Ha THOMAS P. BOLGER "The McHenry Druggist" Underwear Modes DALBY BRAND--1||, ^ Silk Tricolette Vesta.. F Silk Tricolette Bloomers Silk Tricolette Slips, 5-in. hen Silk Tricolette Nightgown^ fV?'vs£ $1.50 $2.50 $4.50 £4.50 LA MODE BRANDBRayon Kick-a-Way Bloomers • • ^ Rayon Kick-a-Way Bloomers, extra six4. Rayon Vests Non-Kling Sateen Bloomers.......... Lingette Bloomers, 14 to 16 years..__ '.r-'-v'7'.-r •• All Good Color# Phone 179 $1.00 -$1.15 85^ 85^ 05<* McHenry, DL f f k * ^ P: ;; Fountain Lunches In addition to serving especially pleasing Ice Cream and soft drink combinations, we also *1 have ready for quick service a range of very ' I . delicious sandwiches. ^ • f; " . . KARLS' • * ' .".J. Memorial Day Monday May" f This store has a full line of 1 CANDIES, FRUITS, ETC. * the visitors on this Holiday McHENRY ICE CREAM Bulk or Brick v SPECIALS FOR THE WEEK-END Cherry, Strawberry, Chocolate, Vanilla ai^t New York ("V A loose leaf duplicate systett of keeping your accounts will save hours of work in sending oat your monthly ptatement*. Ask the Plaindealer job department to explain it tO-f»5br f* • ^ -TT-! 1 . .r. . .E, H. Wiite, Attorney ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of Catherine Frisby, Deceased The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Catherine Frisby, deceased, late of the County of MicHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which tifne all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make imediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 5th day of May, A. D. 1927. . 49-8 GERALD if. CAREY, Administrator ' Ex-Officio. 10 4 Dept?StariP Phone 154 West McHenry A Challenge , Tfce Quality Hill Athletic chtb of West McHenry challenges any indoor team in the city to a game of indoor baseball to be played on the Quality Hill field on W!aukegan road. Any team desiring to accept this challenge may communicate with the manager, Jake Stoffel. Call at Frett's Market, or phone him. No. 3 or 9. • •»»••»»»»•<«««<<»»»•»»»»»• Banco Club .Mia. N. J. Justen was hostess to the members of the Bunco club at her home Monday evening. The first price was won by Mrs. Henry Hei&ici, second prize, by Mxs. Mat Laures and consolation by Mrs. Elizabeth Lavres. An assortment of new Ukuleles and all the late sheet music At Nye's Music Store, West McHenry. 51 V ' ;' Bargain Nash Advanced Six Sedan demonstrator.... Low mile | age and in excellent con < > Hew car guarantee | It will pay yon to investi- >tV G. A. Stilling ' * Garsg* i | » M M M H> » < l » M Ml Lots in Point on Shore of Beautiful Lake Elizabeth Lots $500 and Up ALL LARGE LOTS Or any other day; there is a man on the grotmd at all times who will cheerfully give you full information. HAEGELE'S HICKORY POINT is just 12 miles .from McHenry, between Genoa Junction and Twin Lakes, Wisconsin t Terms to Suit YOU! Every lot has pjfrijegt of a Beautiful Bathing Beech and Boa$ Landing, - .. ^%LL IMPROVEMENTS IN . Onm% 0 Home <m the M$re of 'Bamtifid Lake Elizabeth I V ' 2,1m. i. 'SJ&jbLL-aiiS.i d _ •> £ I' „ ' , - At-- i fr---

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