Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Jun 1927, p. 5

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** •••* • _ •- V>-:" , • • ' • ' THE McHENRY PLAIHDEALER, THURSDAY, JUKE 2, ' i * v ' • " S *;T rv •- f: . k. •v..'\ •- '-it' *r.-. ratsmis . COMERS AND 00BB8 OF •' WEEK IN OUR CITY ; As Seen By Plaindealer Be- ! porters and Handed Kb ^ By Our Friends G. A. Hanly of Elgin visited here on Tuesday ' Frank Hughes attended the horse ' fraceh at Aurora Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pich of Chicago spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede of Chiy cago spent the week-end at McHenry ' M5sb Caroline Miller of Wilmette ^^kt pent the week-end at her home here. Fred Schiller of Chicago spent Memorial Day with McHenry friends. Mr. and Mrs. Moriarty of Chicago "visited in the Paul Meyers home on f?undayf Mrs. Richard Fleming went to Al- , gonquin last Thursday to visit her mother. \ Misses Pamela and- GWdys Bieteeel < - A®* Chicago spent the weelr-end at their •;^;jJiome here. ' ' . ; Mrs. P. H. Moulton and daughter of • ^^fEhnhurst visited relatives here the •; " Vfirst of the week. V . Edwin Bolye, John Boyle, W, H Vastine and J. Chester Vastine spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. Ruth, Ethel and Ardis Whiting of Chicago visited friends and relatives here over Memorial Day, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Long of Crystal Lake spent Memorial Day in the Peter Doherty home. Mrs. Leach and daughter, Laura. ' Went to Lake Geneva, Wis., last Week for a visit with relatives. Miss Eleanor Phalin spent several \Jflays at the convention of the Daugh- <$ers of America held at Pana, 111. Mrs. Glen Robinson of Woodstock -visited m th© home of her parents, Mr. and Mks. W J. Welch Memorial Day. Mrs. Matthew Miller and daughter, Mhrion, of ^Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs J. H- Kennebeck. • Misses Rose and Josephine Stoffel .. Iff Chicago visited in the home of their •» (parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel jever the week-end. Misses Marie and Catherine Baer and Edward and Raymond Baer and Jean Doherty spent the week end in • fthe M. J. Freund home. ------4-- Miss Rovena Marshall is enjoying a . - two week's vacation from her duties . ,;»t the local telephone exchange and •}fe spending part of the time in Chicago Miss Minnie Knox visited at Woodstock Friday. Mat Freund attended the races at Aurora Monday. Miss Eleanor Conway was a Woodstock visitor Friday. T. L. Kimball of Chicago was a McHenry visitor Sunday. _ J Miss Lou Schneider spentalew days last week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Howard of Elgin were visitors here Sunday. Miss Mayme Aylward of Elgin was visiting friends here Sunday. Warren Holley of Chicago spent the week-end with friends here. Ed Martin of Woodstock visited his sister, Mrs. E. E. Bassett, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rothermel and family visited at Elmhurst Sunday. MSss Mlarjorie Phalin of Chicago spent the week end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and family visited at Genoa City Monday. Mrs. Nizzie Holly of Chicago was visiting friends bere over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Diets left the last of the week for a motor trip to Colorado. Raymond Baer of Chicago spent the week-en^ with friends and relatives here. ' Mr. and Mrs. John Wattling of Chicago were McHenry visitors Mowday. . Mr. and Mrs. John Bolger of Woodstock visited relatives here Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson and Mr. and Msr. August Guhr and daughter, Dorothy, spent several days last wee"k at their McCullum's Lake cottage. Charles Dalstrom, and daughters, Myrtle and Marian, and Mr. and Mjrs. Gus Land spent Sunday and Monday at their summer home on McCullum's Lake. Attorney' and Mrs. Raymond M. Wienke and sons and Miss Pauline Kennebeck of Chicago spent the holidays in the John H. Kennebeck home on Maple avenue. Mrs. William Vastine and her son, William, Jr., entertained Miss Estelle Wittmann and Samuel McMahon of Chicago at their cottage on McCullm's Lake last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Vastine, Mr. and Mrs. J. Chester Vastine, William Vastine, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. James J. Boyle And daughters, Ellen Marie and Mary Etta* Spent the week-end at their cottage on McCullom's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers and family of Woo<tetock, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Egan, Mir. and Mrs. Marcellus Meyers And daughter, Marcella. Mr. and Mi's. Martin Seehnus and John Gulachson of Chicago were entertained in the George Meyers home over the week-end and Memorial Day. A HARD (JOB fifs about as much of a job for * society climber to penetrate the "400" as it is for a Used Car to get access to our display floor. The car MUST HAVE THE GOODS. / • JAMES MOBBOW ft SON Waukegan and West McHenry • A l&eo CAB IS ONLY AS DBPEWDABU& AS THE- DE-AL&R WHO SE-LL5 IT mssL Richard B. Walsh of Chicago visited hiF parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, Saturday. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Hartley of Chicago visited the latter*B father. John Pint, Sunday. x Walter and Dorothy La Salle of Chicago spent the week-end in the E. E. Bassett home. Mrs. J. P. Sknith of Chicago, formerly of this city visited old friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams of Austin spent Memorial Day in the Frank Tlurwell home. Mrs. Anna Webster of Chicago was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkle over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Schumann of Chicago were guests of Mrs. A. Schneider over the week-end. Dr. and Mrs. Martin ef Naperville visited in the home of M!r. and Mrs. W. F. Vogt Monday. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Wray and daughter, Rita Dhu, of Elgin called on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young and daughter of Ringwood were visitors here one day last week. Miss Grace Stenger of Waukegan was the guest of Miss Miriam Sayler the first of the week. Mrs. M. Oillis of Woodstock was a Sunday guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Peter Doherty. Misses Laura Michels and Elizabeth McCabe visited at Waukegan a few days the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Dowe and Miss Florence Zens of Waukegan spent the week-end with relatives here. >» Mr, and Mrs. Ed Becking of Woodstock called on Mrs. Sarah Sherburne and daughter, Anna, Sunday. Mrs. C. A. Frasier of Osceola, Neb., visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith, several days last week. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mansfield of Woodstock visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett Sunday. Gene Zoia of Woodstock and Marie Callahan of Chicago weie guests of Mr. and Mrs. P., J. Doherty Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Elliott and children of Autsin visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell and family Sunday. " George Paul Goettsche and Gus Goettsche of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mrs. David Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Carnye and children of Ehnhurst were Sunday guests in the home of Mi:, and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. Josep^t Hoffman of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of the latter's mother, Mrs." J, Heimer. Marvin Carney and friend, Russell Bridges of Chicago visited in the home of the former's uncle, F. E. Cobb on Saturday. M!rs. Peter W. Frett entertained her mother and sisters, Mrs. Joseph Unger and daughters, of Chicago over the week-end. Mk". and Mrs. George Shepard of Ringwood spent Sunday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Claxton. Mr. and M}rs. W. R. Wilson of Chicago visited in the honve of the former's grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Sherbarne, Sunday. • * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dowling of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and M!rs. F. O. Gans. Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison and family of Elgin spent Memorial Day in the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Vfs. Arthtir Groom" of Elburn and Mrs. Baumgarten and children of Naperville were guests of Mr. and M!rs. W. F. Vogt Sunday. Dr. Emily Rorer of Chicago called on her grandmother, Mrs. Samantha Button Sunday, Dr. Rorer expects to leave in two weeks for a trip to Europe. Mr. anch Mrs. Harvey •. Barron entertained several guests at dinner at their home on Memorial Day. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. George Mix of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, J&r. and Mrs. August Wille and little son, George, of Crystal Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. George Stoffel and daughter, Rosemary. During the afternoon the party motored, to Mundelein. SAGE SAYINGS He who hopes expects It the best seldom Any, observant mancan ase good grammar. A practical •Joker can seldom understand wit When friends meet ceremony often goes op In smoke. . r Forbear to Judge, for we are sinners alL--Shakespeare. Pep woo^irrt rreeddeeeemm the of taking the wrong course. Bach experience a man % him either better or worse. Politeness sometimes beats the almighty dollar under the wire. The faruM*r can give yon spades even If he bas no card to hand out Tolerance from the very beginning la what helps make a happy marriage. As long as a man can control his temper he lent his own worst enemy. It Is easy enough to change yoar mind after yon have palled the trigger. Giggling girls may grow^np into grim old women. Keep on laughing, glrla, We have troubles enough without making more by Ill-considered remarks. The man who boasts of being a cynic Is usually more foolish thsn dangerous. It's the man who cant do things that Is always telling others how to do them. Which would yon rather hate knocking at your door, Opportunity or Dame Fortune? A successful man Is one who makes his mistakes when they doo* count against him. Besides one's mode of speech, What one has of common sense Is acquired, (n the botae. Canadians Slow to Take to the Skis Skis were In use in Scandinavia long before the Christian era. and Xeno phon relates that ancient Armenian? Vea h*d their horses trained to walk over the deep snow on • similar vice. Their Introduction In America, how ever, was comparatively recent Lord Frederic Hamilton, who traveled widely In the interests of the British court, related: "l can claim to be the pioneer of the ski on the American continent for In January. 1887. 1 brought over to Canada the very first pair of skis ever seen In America, i used to const down the Toboggan slides at Ottawa on them amidst universal derlflon. I was told thajt however useful skis might Be in Russia, where I had learned to use them, they were quite unsulted to Canadian conditions. and woulfT never be popular there as the old-fashioned "raquettes' were infinitely superior."--Kansas City *** mtm . Cars Quickly Cleaned A washing machine for raliroeff passenger cars ifi being tried In France. The outside of a car Is washed in two or three minutes and tbe machine does the work of 240 washers with pails, brashes and rsgs. The machine Is a shed over a track. Four vertical,- revolving "brushes," to which are attached a multitude of rags, wipe the car clean as It passes between them under many epra.vs of water. " 1^1 1 " VJm Like Magicf tha modern electric refrigerator keeps foodttufis fresh and sweet with "automatic cold" --it also freezes ice cubes and d a i n t y desserts -- convenient, dean, dependable! Any of thm attrmdiw9 •hdric refrigerator* jon display in our afar* aiff be purchased tit* tmy "LHt* by LitW way. Cmtt to tham. PUBLIC SERVICB COMPANY OP NORTHERN ItUMOK i J. A. Schabeck, Diet Mgr. Telephone 28S 11# William Crystal-Lake Portable Pott Bom » Two Inventors In Cologne, Germany, have designed a small box which enables a resident to pest letters without going out Of doors. The device consists of a special post bos divided Into two compartments. In one side tht postman places the letters for delivery (when there are any) and from the other compartment takes any letters for transmission. • inefficiency Efficiency Tm sorry sir," she exclaimed. It's In my contract" "Have you been reading any books on efficiency 7** "Yes, but 1 got so Interested In them that I found they were Interfering with my regular work." mtSONALS Mro. Ray Conway visited at Woodstock Friday. C. W, Goodell visited relatives in Wisconsin Sunday. Miss Genevieve Knox was a Woodstock visitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Passfield of Wauconda visited friends here Mkmday.. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Eddy visited relatives at Marengo Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Freund and family visited at Waukegan Monday. Mr. and Mrs. James Roach spent the week-end with relatives at Rockford. Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin was a Sunday guest in the M. A. Conway home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Colman of Chicago visited in the Fred Karls home Sunday. Mrs. Dan Collins of Elgin was a guest in the M. A. Conway home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and family visited relatives at Rockford, Sunday. Mr.« and Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of Waukegan were McHenry callers on Monday. Mrs. Josephine Heimer spent the first of the week with relatives in Chicago^ Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward , of Elgin spent Sunday in the M. A. Conway home. ^ Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin entertained her sister, from Montana the firtt of the week. Miss Hilda Weber of Evanston visited in the Louis Wolfe home over the week-end. Arthur Peterson, of Round Lake was visiting in the Andrew Eddy home on Memorial Day. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and family attended the rlices at Aurora Memorial Day: Mrs. G. A. Himler of Puyallup, Wash., is spending a few weeks in the T home of her daughter, Mrs. Floyd E. Covalt. Mrs. Kelley and Miss Jensen of Waukegan visited in the Fred Karls <hom« Sunday. Mrs. H. Mayer and children of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Henry Glover Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Wauconda visited in the Andrew Eddy home Sunday. Mrs. Ml Flum of Chicago was a welcome guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn Monday. Mrs. Phillips and family of Elgin were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurwell Sunday. Mrs. Phillips and son of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Herzgo Mrs. Philip Peterson and daughter of Marengo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A Eddy Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Krause and family and Mrs. P. H. Moulton and daughter visited at Elmhurst Sunday. Mrs. P. C. Kessler of Chicago •tfas a guest in the home of her brother, Math Freund, one day last week Dr. and Mjrs. W. C. Besely and H. R. Bennett of Woodstock visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Perl and son, Raymond, of Chicago called on Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Herzog Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brasen of Chicago enjoyed a day with the former's sister, Mrs. George Kuhn, Monday, Mr. and Mrs. William Karls and children of Chicago spent Sunady in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. John Erickson and Mrs. Ritter of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson. Mr. and Mrs. Schade of Chicago visited in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. Henry Freund, on Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. John Peterson of Chicago were guests of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Winkle, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Purcell son and Louis Wolfe of Chicago Sunday in the home of Mr. and lbs. Louis Wolfe. r Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and little son, Carl, spent Monday in the home of their parent^ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Mr. and Mrs. Stacker sons of Chicago were guests in the hooei of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frett over the week-end. Mr. and Mjrs. Jack McCarroIl of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loomis of Woodstock spent the "first of the week in the home of their daughter, Mrs. James Perkins and family. John Bolger went to the Woodstock |; hospital on Wednesday of last week # where he underwent an operation for • the removal of tonsils. Miss Margaret McDonald of Chicago visited friends and relatives here ^ last Thursday and Friday and attended the funeral of Mrs. P. J. Cleary. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Selchow and son1 Fred, and Mrs. Amelia Gerhke and . daughter, Emma, of Union were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz Sunday. Mr and Mrs. J. A. Watson and children of Milwaukee, Wis., were McHenry visitors Sunday. Mrs. Watson vrtll be remembered by friends here as Miss Harriet Lamphere. Mr. and Mrs. William Eaton and children, Lucile and Harry, who have1 been touring in Europe for nine months are visiting in the home of Dr. and Mirs. Henry Freund. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Miller entertained several guests for the day. The guests were: Mir. and Mrs. Georgei Mix of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs.' August Wille and little son of Cyrstal lake., Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Barron and Mr / 4 and Mrs. George Stoffel and little^ daughter. V & '4 f.-'J -I ••• The Bride's With our splendid facilities for handling special baiting' orders, we are certain you will be especially well pleased with the service we can give your wedding dinner wishes. Special decorations for the bride's cake. Any design can be ordered special. • ' ^ You will find DAY-LE BREAD on sale at all McHenry Groceries and Markets - - MARSHALL'S BAKERY ~Cfreen St. McHenry* 111. ALL Getting Sleopp Mrs. Downing--Why are you bathlug your head In cold wster? Her Husband--To keep awake. Pre called the doctor for my Insomnia and ril feel like s fool If rm asleep when be gets here. Bowling Popmlar Sport Bowling has made such rapid stride* ID popularity during tbe last twenty five years thai many predict another decade will see tbe greet Indoor game ranked wjth the major sporting activities :. A Word of Advice CWIege Boy--What d* J®s thlefc ef g>? basket ball playing, dad9\ * Bricklayer--You'll never aimnurt ftocli It you don't learn to stop qui ir when, thf. pjMftl^ blows. »-.a.c:~4c.-:-. .-'J" . V Welcome Lifhte fcfce Sfaatacket is tbe first Ug*ttM» lighted when coming Into the New York harbor from Europe. Others lighted are tbe Fire Island lightship •Pd tbk Ambrose lightship. til prise scsasmlcal SMB. ami# fc* to a cenMpestett, Is the Miew Who get married In his back yard ae fhat the bene could get tbe rice.-- Transcript skf- OTHER IMPROVED FEATURES With the new Pyroxylin finish, Ford cars now come in five pleasing ai)<l distinctive colors. „ V ^ •**.' iST* • •' "ft* *•*' -- Yoh may have your choice of Maroon, with nickeled radiator shell for any of the closed cars, while ** either Gun Metal Blue or Phoenix Brown is available for the Touring _ \j car and Runabout. All colors are attractively accentuated by body s t r i p i n g o f c o n t r a s t i n g s h a d e s . - _ . . . . m While you will be pleased with these new* colors, there are also many . ?: other improvements to consider, not only because they make the Ford car a better value than ever before but because they contribute much to safety, comfort and performance thoroughly in keeping with preeeai- < day motoring requirements. ' . • - ,.v . • • . • i ' "" v .>,»*: The all-steel bodies are. roomy, comfortable and safe, while ballq$ft tires improve the riding qualities. Increased gasoline mileage, smooth- i er engine operation, more power and other advantages are brought about through the use of the new carburetor vaporizer. • T^ese are but a few of the reoenjt iia|Mrov^nents that Jhaya ttM at no additional cost to you. . • Economy of operation, dependability, long life--these are things you can take for granted because Ford design, Ford quality of material and Ford workmanship have been proved in the hands ofr over fourteen* million motorists. Itord quality was never higher than it is today. It is constantly guarded by innumerable tests and inspections that are rigidly adherent to in all Ford plants. And remember that back of the Ford car is the Ford service organisation. No matter where you go, Ford service awaits yon. Ford dealers are prepared with every modern facility to give yon prompt service so that you may enjoy ypuj^ car to the fullest fitgPt 1 Touring Car--$380. -»<•• Tudor--$496 & 'M Fed, B. Detroit Fordor--$546 Starter and tow balloon tires standard with all body trpm TTlntil _ ^Can come eqaipped with fhr* wire wheeb. ^ v - 'thr*" Phones 30 and 31 J*'"- j w . ' S , ' 5 s » v McHenry, Illinois^ .rsa r

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