Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Jun 1927, p. 4

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: »' ;• ' Srf THE McHKNKY PLAHTDEALKR, THURSDAY, JTJHE 9,192Tli •«* *v~.f'.. 9. y,\i. -v,~. : ••-.•: : ' C "•:'. ,'vi"-."V : " fsRSSM 1 HE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published em| Thursday at McHeary, IIL, hj Charles F. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, 1HL, vd- •:4»t the act of Ma; 8. 1879. Sabaeriptioa Rates One Tear .. Six Months .12.00 .$1.00 »*l»»•»»••»»»»»»»»»•»»•••••»•••»»•••»»•••••••»»»»»»»» • Classified Column '«'• V FOR SALS A. E. MOSHSR, Editor and Manager McHenry Country Club Sunday, June 5 was a big day at {be McHenry Country club with 121 fegistrations. The nine hole course was never in as good shape as it was on Sunday and it was thoroughly enjoyed by all who played at this time. The greens on the new nine holes SURPRISED ON NINTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Sch&efer observed their ninth wedding anniversary on Sunday, June 5, with several invited guests to spend the day with them. During the evening they were surprised by several guests from Chicago who knew it to be their an- GOOD USED CAR BUYS 4927 6-eylinder Standard Six Baiek Demonstrator. 1924 6-cylinder 4-pass. Buick Coupe. 1922 6-cylinder 4-pass. Buick Coupe. 1926 Tudor Ford; new tires and paint. OVERTON * COMfEN Phone 6 West McHenry TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Impaired and Rentals, r Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L, KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf USED CAR BARGAINS FOR RENT have been planted with creeping_bent ,,,versary an(j came to extend constolon under the supervision of the i peculations and good wishes. Guests Robert Leasley Nurseries with the (jay were; Mrs. Raymond Beal able assistance of Albert Purvey. I toe an(j daughters, LaVerne and Shirlev average green planted with creeping May Mr and Mrs E B Wurm, and Jterit stolon is usually ready for play Mr 'and Mrg A j Ponsold all of in sixty days and^ with Savora ® I Chicasro. Guests who assisted in the •weather conditions the McHenry ciu j surprise of the evening were: Joe should have its eighteen hole course (Twanan of Chicago who is the inin shape for playing by the lirst j s^ruc^or a^ the New Orchard Beach Golf club and M. C. Greenwaldt, also one of the officials, Donald and Ethel Verheeck, Loretta Tivnan, W. D. of B. 37 -tf WANTED 1926 Dodge Special Business sedan FOR RENT--Furnished room. Also iriginal finish, looks like new; good roorns *or ^gbt housekeeping. Phone tires. For quick sale only $665. McHenry 124-J. 62-tf. 1926 Dodge Business coupe. Orig- FLAT FOR RENT--Inquire inal finish; good tires; evcellent buy. p0ppj ^est McHenry. 1924 Dodge Business Sedan; new paint job; good tires; good buy. 1926 Ford coupe; good tires; paint is nearly new. Reasonable price. 1925 Ford coupe in good condition, price $185. 1924 Ford TudoT sedan; new tires; Excellent condition. Reasonable price. JAMES MORROW & SON, Phone 186 West McHenry, 111. WANTED--A partner in a growing and well established business on a well paying basis. Who can furnish his service and at least $5,000 cash to put into the business? Must act at once. For particulars address The Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 1-2 WANTED TO RENT -- A modem house of five or six rooms, F. G. Schreiner, McHenry, 111. Phone 64-R. 1* Chicago and Herbert Tivnan and J.! 24-46 Minneapolis Thresher. C. Collins of Kentucky. 3°-55 w°od Bros. Thresher, ! ! 21-36 Wood Bros. Thresher. WANTED--First class cook for Sundays only. Call 657-W-2. Ask for Mre. Petersons 49-tf. part of August. • Manv events have been planned for the seLn, one UnOHl h. .1- S ThU * ft MACHINERY FOR SALE ready been completed, and the sum- • MacCourt, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Tivnan' 24-44 Racine Thresher. mer promises to be a busy and 1 d son^ Robert Mr. and Mrs. M.!26*46.Case Thresher. » teresting one. The second play of Veheeck,and daughter, Virginia, of 28-44 Rumley Thresher. the tournament for the A. H. Pouse - - r>. •*. i cup was played Sunday, June 5. A. K. Burns won over Ed Smith 2 «p and 1 to go. J. N. Sayler won lOVer Dr. Johnson 5 up and 3 to go. George Kronin won over N. H. Petesch 5 up and 4 to go. Elmer Galitz won over E. E. Bassett 4 up and 3 to go. The semi-finals will be 18- hole play, between June 11 to 14 inclusive. J. N. Sayler will play A. K. Bums and George .Kronin will play Elmer Galitz. RINGWOOD, up and Washington streets last Friday. Attention is also called to the' ROAD IN THE CITY OF McHENRY, agency, we offer at cost our stock of Finder please leave at Plaindealer of- BUttdng contest to be held Sunday, | McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS," i new Oakland sedans. J. C. Burkart fice. ~ 1 Thi, js to be 36 consecutive j will be received by the Board of | & Son, Harvard, 111. NOTICE OF PROPOSAL FOR BIDS ;2"36 £*** , _ . , ^ . ,j Six-roll McCormick Husker. Sealed bids for the construction of ; six-roll U S Husker a local improvement, consisting of a John Deer; F*0rds0n p'iow. _ connected system of sanitary sewers i pactory rebuilt Oliver 3-bottom Plow. Henry, DRUCE Phone 100 in a portion of Ringwood Road as provided in an ordinance entitled "AN ORDINANCE FOR A CONNECTED SYSTEM OF SANITARY SEWERS j : , IN A PORTION OF RINGWOOD! FOR SALE--Because of giving WANTED--Farms of all sizes and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent & Company, Mc- 38-tf SHELDON Grayslake, III, 52-2 1-2* LOST LOST--Gray handbag between Pearl hole's on the practice green and ladies j ^ g^dav ! BARLEY FOR SALE-William Juswill be allowed to compete. This 13 i of June A D lb27 at the iourof1 a ten, Ringw ood, 111. new event with a lin_ e. of sixjpraes 101 .O AJ une, A. u. wit, at tne nour oi A'illAAir MISCELLANEOUS so be sure to enter this event. Eighth Grade Exercises 1-3 PIANO TUNING--regulating and repairing. Chas. Diehl, Woodstock, 111. Phone 274-J. 1-4* 1:30 o clock p. m. m the Council FOR SALE--Two old sows witk 18 Chambers in the City Hall in the City i pigg Xel. 636-W-l Michael Justen, Mf McHenry, Illinois, at which time: 2, ' 1-tf RESULTS! B -- |and piace gaj(j bids will be publicly! : K»nt & Oimmnv iPhe eighth grade promotional^ex- > pened jn 0pen session of said Board I FOR SALE--Black stallion, 12 year$ _a)Kises of the McHenry Grade school and publicly" declared. The plans, j old. vaight about 1900. Being sold £an ren^ ^.^at flat! •were held at the high school auditor- profjjes specifications for said j because cf death of owner. Inquire pnT, «_j _ u.,v. ^ t ln_ j, ,a .. ium last Friday afternoon at 2:30 improvement are on file at the office [Mrs. Frankie Stephenson, Ringwood, -- I o'clock. The graduating class o^ 0f ^he City Clerk in the said City of | 111. twenty-three students were seated i McHer.ry, and at the office of the upon the stage which was prettily engineers, the 52-2 WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWflELRY . „ -- REPAIRING-- Located at "Tempus „ . Wells Engineering ]F01* ®ALE--1926 Tudor Ford; good Fugit» on Elm St., JMcHenry. Mort decorated with ferns and white car- Company Geneva, Illinois. |condition; reasonable. Inquire at Rjtt. 50-tf nations, the class flower. The men.-j ^.11 proposals o^ bids must be made j McHenry State Bank. 51-tf ------ -- --•---- bers of this class who are about tolCn blanks furnished by the said Board poR SALE Used Frisidaire refrlir xr * i , ?ewing„ Machine and T" K,ieh Z I;"" 'r-™?'the City f«'£ Mn 162- b-pjs chosen blue and white for their class i McHenry, Illinois, and must comply j gjze box Can be seen at Mr Le Mctienry. 50-tf coIom and their eiwouraging motto.i with the instructions to bidders there- boon's, 'pistakee Bay. Bargain at FOR PROMPT REMOVAL of all dead may be | $250, installed. H. E. Buch & Co. animals, call Woodstock Rendering 49-tf Co., Phone 1646-J-2 and reverse charges. Prompt service and cash Plaindealer s at Bolgers paid-for the same. 51-3* is "Ever Onward." The splendid pro-. to attached. Said blanks may be gram which was given at this time i obtained at the office of the City i phone 48 is as follows: ! Clerk <©r at the office of the engin-' School Days March J. F. Barthjeers. High School and Grade Orchestra I All proposals and bids must be Overture J. Baumann• accompanied by check payable to the} CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS March Selected | order of Peter Wf, Frett, President Council Room, June 6, 1927. W. N. Sears, Director 0f the Board of Local Improvements;' The city aldermen met in regular Salutatory Dorothy -Fisher 0f the City of McHenry, Illinois, in | session Monday evening with alderSmiles m Style his official capacity, certified by a J man Overton presiding, as Mayor pro Boys' Double Qtiartet Beading--"The David Jazz"... .Perry responsible bank for an amount which tem. Aldermen present: Doherty, is not less than ten per centum of Prophecy ........-Elvera Antholz Barcarole--Moffman Lowell Nye Hearts and Flowers--cello Helen Weber accompanist -- Elvera Antholz. Valedictory Harold Lindsay Qass Song Class Sjfesentation of Diplomas C. H. **Duker. The class roll of these graduates who have completed a successful year Uhder the direction of Miss Kinney are: Elvera Antholz, Howard Berniser, Rollo Chamberlin, Ira Dowell, Rolland Ensign, Dorothy Fisher, Mildred Gans, Harold Heimer, Marion Xrause, Harold Lindsay, Agnes Mc- Cabe, Eugene Nye, Lowell Nye, Harold Patzke, Melvin Rainey, Raymond Ifcothermel, Gerald Steilen, Robert Mildred Gans;the aggregate of the proposal The contractor will be paid in vouchers and bonds which will bear interest at the rate of six (6) per centum per annum, payable annually. No proposal will be accepted unless the party offering them shall furnish satisfactory evidence to the'Board that he has the necessary facilities, ability, equipment and finances to fulfill the conditions of the work proposed to be done, should the contract be awarded to him and all bidders will examine the Ordinance, maps, plans, profiles and specification and also the locality in which said work is to be done and judge for themselves the surrounding circumstances and conditions affecting the cost and nature of the work. The successful bidder will be re- Sutton, Neil Thurlwell, Margaret quired to enter into a bond in a sum Trent, Harold Vycital, Helen Weber, JRichard Wegener. i For Miss Miller A miscellaneous shower was given In honor of Miss Caroline Miller,-who is soon to be a bride, at the home of her sister, Mirs. Joseph E. Freund, on Thursday afternoon of last week. The afternoon was spent in playing "500" and five prizes were given. •First to Mrs. J. J. Rothermel, second to Mrs. James A. Miller, third to Mrs. Joseph F. Wagner, fourth to Mrs. Frank Hironimus, and consolation to Miss Evaline Hironimus. A five o'clock dinner was served. Miss Miller received many very beautiful gifts. Those present were Mrs. Edwin Vogel from Janesville, Wis., Mesdames Joseph J. Rothermel, Jacob A. Miller, John Engel, Frank Hironimus, Joseph Lenzen, Joseph F. Wagner, John Molidor, and Frank Masquelet, and Misses Evaline Hironimus, Angela Miller, Florence Rothermel, Frances Johnson, Caroline Miller. equal to one-third the amount of such bid with* securities to be approved by the said Board, conditioned for the faithful performance and execution of the work. The Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois reserves the right to reject any and all bids, as authorized by law. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, tjHn 8th day of June, A. D. 1927. PETER W. FRETT President. S I. OVERTON. Secretary. HERMAN KREUTZER. # Board of Local Improvements of the City of MJcHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. „ 1 i - ' ?.• • V. , c. tK:. - .. L...:.. Mr-- f' h y" l; &' !'• iL. • If- Wedding Anniversary A party was given at the home of Mrs. Stephen Engels on Sunday evening, May 29, to celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary and the anniversary of their son Arnold's birthday. ' Thft'S? present were Messrs. and jMesdames Nick Justen, Maurice Eiberger and Michael Shahia, Misses Frances Young, Rosina Glossen, Florence Freund, Agnes Thompson, Doris Eiberger, Viola Engels, and Ben Killer, Nick Adams, Alfred Freund, Wayne Eiberger, John Glosson, Peter Justen, William Thompson, Buddy Munderb, Joseph Britz. The evening was passed in playing games and at a late hour refreshments were Miss Hironimus Entertains Miss Evaline Hironimus was hostess to a group of her friends at her home on Tuesday evening of this week, at a three-course dinner. The guests were Mr and Mrs. Frank Morgan, Miss tfelen Kettilworth, Mr. Dan Kelly and Mr. Ira Woodward, all of Antioch and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cook of Kenpworth, Illinois. All present report a most enjoyable time. First Aid Talk Mr. J. A. Riley, First Aid instructor of the Public Service Company of Chicago, recently gave a very interesting talk on "Safety" to 60 pupils of the St. John the Baptist school at Johnsburg. Mr. Riley also discussed the same subject before 30 pupils of die Johnsburg public school. Card of Thaaks We wisli to thank the friends and relatives for the beautiful floral offerings, the kind assistance and sympathy shown in our late sorrow. Laura Leech. My. and Mrs. J. E. Pufahl and family. Mr. and Mis. Barry Leech and family. • Lake Geneva is still hopeful of seeing President Coolidge this summer. Latest reports from the famous summer resort indicate that the president will spend a week or more as the guest of William Wrigley. Police attaches of the sheriff* office, bey scouts, and posseb of neighbors have combined in country-wide search for 2-year-old Richard Morrison of Joilet who disappeared from the front yeard of his home late last week under mysterious circumstances and squads of police were ordered to jail all men who might be under suspicion as morons on a theory that the boy might have met a fate similar to that of little Walter Bchmitt of Frisby, Kreutzer, Overton-and Thennes, Mayor Frett absent. The minutes of the regular and special meetings were read and approved. The following bills- were read and approved by the finance committee: H. C. Hughes, manholes on Center street $225.00 H. C. Hughes, intersection John and James streets 136.40 H. C. Hughes, city property on Center street 184.00 G. E. Still, Co. elk. special assesments 20, 21, 22 : 30.00 Central States General Elec Supply Co., supplies 60.69 John F. Brda, paint and other supplies 10.00 Raymond Lead Works, sup 175.00 L. A. Erickson, rent of polling place May 31st 10.00 McHenry Cartage Service Co. labor 5.25 Legal Adviser Pub. Co. election supplies 5.40 F. EL Wattles, Board of Local Improvements, 14 meetings 70.00 R. I. Overton, Board of Local Improvements, 14 meetings 70.00 John Thennesr, Board of Local Improvements, 13 meetings.'. 65.00 John P. Freund, labor on Streets 8.13 McHenry Plaindealer, printing..48.00 Mayme Buss, com. on collections of water rents 41.54 Ambrose Schaefer, freight and drayage 3.81 George Meyers, hauling gravel and grading streets 83.75 Neptune Meter Co., W.W„ sup..,134.81 Chas. S. Ensign, labor on W.W. 16.00 Frett Bros. &. Freund, sidewalks 32.20 A. P. Freund, gravel 51.00 Chas. S. Ensign, labor on W!W. 12.77 Jos. W. Freund, insurance on city hall * 75.60 Carey Elec. Shop, labor and' ^ material 204.07 Thos. P. Bolger, fumigators, etc 11.30 Meyer and Wenthe, dog tags 2.50 111. Bell Tel. Co. phone calls........ 9.00 Public Service Co. mdse 1.20 Public Service Co. power for electric pump .88.40 Public Service Co. mdse. - 1.64 Public Service Co. mushroom lights 5.00 Public Service Co. street lights..l05.88 Public Service C&. street lights 118.46 Phil Guinto, services as assistant marshal, 5 weeks 125.00 Phil Guinto, services at cleaning, streets, 5 weeks 100.00 John Walsh, services as city marshal 115.00 ( CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Council Room, May 20, 1927. The city council, with Mayor Frett presiding, met in special meeting on Friday evening for the purpose of appointing an auditor for the city books. Aldermen present were: Doherty, Frisby,. Kreutzer, Overton and Thennes. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Thennes that J, W. Worth give a complete audit of the books of the city of McHenry, and to install a complete new set of books for the future use for $275.00, an audit to be made back to the orjginal assessment payments. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Overton that A. H. Mosher give the city a price on twelve ordinance books. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Thennes, to adjourn. Motion carried. PETER W. FRETT, Mayor. |L .F. CONWiAY^ If* very busy times at lOstend. ^Farmers axe rushing to finish planting corn. Very few are done. Little Mary Paull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Paull, is visiting her grandma in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Harwood and family of Greenwood were Sunday afternoon callers on friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart and son, Roy. accompanied Earl Sherman, wife and daughter up near Hebron to look at a farm Mr. Sherman has in view for their future home. No bargain has been made. He is just considering a purchase. The rural route from Woodstock through Ostend has changed number again. At first it was 8; after a few years it was changed to No. 5, and agsin changed to No. 3. The Greenwood grocery truck made its regular Monday call .on farms here, but the Ringwood meat truck failed t5 put in*an appearance. Clarence Freund son of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Freund ts driving a team helping finish tip the cement road at McHenry. Whether it's groceries, clothing, shoes or household necessities you can save many dollars by going to Erickson Dept. Store first. West Side Club The members of the West Side Card club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Henry Heimer last Thursday evening. Five hundred was played and first prize was won by Mrs. Kinsala, second by Mrs. Emma Freund and consolation by Miss Eleanor Kinsala. Refreshments were served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Delia Matthewg. were appointed to canvass the vote 3. The result showed Raymond S. Howard elected alderman of the Second Ward, the total vote being 27. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Doherty, that Raymond S. Howard be duly elected alderman of the Second "Ward. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby that the reports of the collector and clerk be accepted as read1. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Kreutzer that the Mayor appoint a committee to appraise the city property and report to the auditor. Motion carried. The following committee was appointed: Doherty, Howard and Thennes. Mlotion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby, that the "Carey bond" of $50,000.00 be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Kreutzer, that the "Guinto bond" of $500.00 be accepted as read. M°tion carried. s Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Howard that the "Conway bond" of $1,500.00 be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby, that the $20,000.00 bonds be sold, the purchasers to pay for all legal matters and printing of bonds. Motion carried. Motion by Kretuzer, seconded by Howard that the $20,000.00 bonds be sold to Francis Bonslett for the amount of $20,150, the purchaser to pay for all the printing and legal action connected with said bond. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Thennes, that public Service Co., be instructed to remove the center suspension from the Centerville bridge. Mk)tion carried Motion by Thennes, seconded by Doherty, that the Public Service Co. install a light 100 feet south of Boone Creek bridge. Motion carried. Motion by Frisby, seconded by Kreutzer to adjonrn. Motion carried R. I. OVERTON, Mayor, pro tem R. F. CONWAY, Clerk. Mrs. Meyers Entertains Mrs. Paul Meyers was hostess to the Bunco club Wednesday afternoon. Three tables of bunco were in play and first prize was won by Mrs. Glen Gunderson, second prize by Mrs. Paul Meyers, and low prize by Mrs. Henry Freund. , "Hie next meeting will ue at the home of Mrs. Roy Smith. To Present Plly Tbe members of Riverview Camp R. N. A. will give a play at the close of their regular meeting on June 28. Meeting will be called early so that the play may start on time. Miembers may invite their husbands and friends. o. *-'< k:\- < • we added to pur Silk Hdsiery \ Silk to hem, at. -m 81.75 pa* ' «-• ' •• V* ' A Light Weight Service, &ilk hoot extend- r ^ tending several inches above knee to T.;;;jgtt --...$1.40 pair; With Rollin'g Runstop Feature Phone 179 OS. * McHengr, m. it. - • »»< M I t •»• 'I1 • -I'*'»* r't' I' !• !• •»'|||< •»»»! t I I »»»••!•+» Something New « Plate Lunch Have you tried one of our delightful plate lunches we serve each noon. A real meal for 30 ce#}. Announcing^ a New Milk RouYe - I am now delivering Borden's milk each day, anywhere in McHenry or along the river up to and including ' Pistakee Bay. A phone call wffl bring me to your door. x ' - '• ' • •• * Louis Bonslett »»4»••••»»•»»••<»»»•»»»»•» John Walsh, services at sewer lift 15.00 R. F. Conway, special election, Phone calls, postage and sup 6.15 H. E. Ruch, fittings 20 Western United Gas & Elec Co. May gas bill 65 Gilbert Hjowayd, fumigating 60X)0 Walter Donavin, labor as city plumber .206.06 Stoffel and Reihansperger, insurance ' i»iiJ99.85 Wm. Ahrens, hauling gravel ;...66.5© McHenry Lumber Co. coal 10.71 Wm. Althoff, tin plates lor fumigating 120 Doherty, KrentTar and ^paaas Bargain X Naah Advanced Six Sedan demonstrator. .. Low mileage and in excellent condition. 7-7 Hew ear ftaraster It will pa; jrw ta iOT««tigat*. O. A. Stilling on Shore of Beautiful Lake Elizabeth ALL LAJRGE LOTS Or any other day; there is a man on tabe ground at all times w£o will cheerfully give you full information. , HAEGELE'S HICKORY POINT is frafrj? between Genoa Junction and Twin $pke0i*WSscoi Md|enjrj, Every lot has privilege if * Ikantiful Battung B^ach and Boat Landing. • ^ J.. j:. :'i* '• ' >T T IMPROVEMENTS Of Own d lHorrK m the Shore of cBeautiful Lake Elizabeth »»»»»»»»»»»»»•»»»»»»»»»»•» mm 4L : A:. .-nM, • M.'" V* » Mi*-. .1-X.

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