SWW! THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, JUNE 16; 1927 - ' • **£ ,.% ?:* v*~cW ^ ; .. *t V ' , V, « i THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER ^Published vrmry Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Ckiriti F. Renich. Entered u second-class matter at the poetoffice at McHenry, DL, outer the act of May 8, 1879. Om Year .. Six Months Subacriptioa Ratal .4.$1.00 ....$1.00 OSHER, Editor and Manager > CtjrJo: Once upon a time there waa , It night club manager who could cubttart. . . V ' . . : - "Kdlson Turns to Rubber. Blade So did Lot s«wife; with famous results. . It appears to us more and more that -v p|f the yellow ra/ee <1i>sire is to be f, it*ate<1 white Sometimes it seems as though wh©- CVter is running tlie earthquakes had .« grudge-against Japan. "Ambition used to lead a young man •••*&hitch his wagon to a star. Now ha l-liBsta upon being the star. v* Every ambitions detective should ba ,encouraged to make his mark, except oa the evidence, with his thumb. A "get-rich-quick" performer used to show some mental ingenuity^ At present be merely turns bandit lea: of culture In Latin Amer- Chile buys six new destroyers. Classified Column FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT--For tested cattle. Good pasture land in Richmond Twp., near McHenry Twp., line, Tel. Richmond, 685. WANTED Russia has laughed at England probably In the belief that a cat «aa look at a king. So far static doesn't seem to bave heard that congress has passed a bill to clear the air. - toow that we are going to have sunlight In our rood 'he dinner :&ble will be a perpetual summer resort > X .V Since we are to have *elevlsioB; W»e will have to see that his face is dean' before be goes to the telephone. Saxophone players are wanted for our army bands. This is not a mote in the direction of disarmament. GOOD USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICHS 1926 Dodge Business Coupe. < 1926 Dodge Special Business Sedan ^924 Dodpe Business Sedan. 1923 Dodge Deluxe Sedan." 1923 Dodge Business Coupe. 1925 Willys Knight Sedan. 1925 Ford Coupe. 1925 Chevrolet Roadster. 1925 Chevrolet Touring. 1925 Oldsmobile Coach. And many more to choose from. u Easy PyTe + nt,Pla% . . WANTED-A partner in a growing We have a complete line of trucks and weii established business on a in Ms ton and 1% ton m closed or paying basis. Who can furnish open body types. his service and at least $5,000 cash JAMES MORROW & SON, to put into the business? Must act Phone 186 West McHenry, III. once. For particulars address The GOOD USED CAR BUYS Pla^ndealer, McHenry, 111. U2 1927 6-eylinder Standard Six Buick WANTED--First class cook for Sun- Demonstrator. 1924 6-cylinder 4-pass WANTED--Girl for general housework in private family at Riverdale. Write to Mrs. Halperin, 6814 Clyde Ave., Chicago, III. 2 WANTED-- Position. Stenographic^ or clerical. Miss Mary Brefeld, Phone, 88-M. 2 FIND THAT INDIANS ENGAGED IN TRADE days only. Call 657-W-2. Mrs. Peterson. It Is claimed by a biographer that the prince of Wales never shirks his bit True enough. Or keeps his saddle. As science progresses, so does the germ. Influenza appears to be an oldfashioned "bad cold" highly magnified Princeton (s raising the question whether chess is a sport If the chess eoerh gets a nigher salary than the president it is. A psychologist advances the theory that one reason why young men commit suicide is that old men talk and Write too promiscuously. The skeptic's position Is simply that whatever the young modernist happens to call his painting it will probably be an assumed name. k"Buddhists of Asia are about to send atesionarie* to America. A little of our religion for a little of youra, la their maxim of reciprocity. .t When you read of a horseshoer's college graduating a class of twenty- five, you know Instinctively that it isn't situated ID Det r^t. ^ | a "* •- # A minor f>6et, explaining his writing methods, says he has the old-fashioned habit of jotting down ideas on his cuff, possibly with a piece of chalk. 1 -- - - ^ An editorial writer lays down the Why not a memorial to the Unknown Raccoon whose supreme sacrifice has made the winters safe for sophomores? Ask for 49-tf. -i ------ WANTED--Farms of all sizes and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent & Company, McHenry. 38-tf Speaking of the value of farm products, they had a commanding position in the front lines during the World war. Men appointed to the new federal radio commission ought to know the difference between a superhet and a neut Panama may feel that the Pacific sea captain who wants it to declare war on the United States la asking a good deal. Many a man who plays cards for money spends a portion of bis spare time telling his boy not to play Derbies for keeps. The Tonopah vein is understood to be the richest gold strike in the general neighorhooo of Reno since the development of alimony Kissing la bad 'for tht health, according to In eminent scientist To which we would retort that the good are said *0 di^ young, doc. - . Buick Coupe. 1922 6-cylinder 4-pass. Buick Coupe. 1926 Tudor Ford; new tires and paint. * , OVERTON * CO¥fEN Phone 6 West McHenry FOR SALE--Ford truck in good condition. Will sell cheap for quick sale. Ed Mischke, Center street, West Me- MISSING--Since Sunday, June 5, a Henry. 2-2* white pig. Finder, please notify new 22-36 J°sePh A- Schaefer, McHenry. Telep phone, Richmond, 935. 2-2 LOST FOR SALE--One brand Case thresher, never used. Freund. Phone 654-M-2, McHenry. 2 FOUND FOR SALE--Because of giving up PAITMn _ r ~--: -- agency, we offer at cost our stock of ^ Bunch of keys. Owner new Oakland sedans. J. C. Burkart m,ay J?a^a.me. by„?ay1?? ior thl! & Son, Harvard, 111. ^2* a(*- Ted Schiessle, West McHenry. 2 BARLEY FOR SALE--William Jus-, ten, Ringwood, 111. 1-3 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE--Two old sows witk JS pigs. Tel. 636-W-l Michael Justen, 111. Phone 274-J, Route 2. 1-tf PIANO TUNING--regulating and repairing. Chas. Diehl, Woodstock, 1-4* FOR SALE--1926 Tudor Ford; good condition; reasonable. Inquire at West McHenry State Bank. 61>-tf TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. - Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L» KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf RESULTS! > Kent & Company Can Mil that house! Can rent that flat! Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf WATCH, CLOCK AND JEW{ELRY REPAIRING-- Located at "Tempus Fug it" on Elm St., McHenry. Mort Ritt. 50-tf COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB test; ing. Sold by Dr. J. E. .Wheeler, West McHenry. 38-tf FOR ALL Sewing Machine and Victrola troubles, call 162. B. Popp, West McHenry. 50-tf Loose leaf work is a specialty of the Plaindealer job department. Announcement from Paris that skirts for spring are shorter is not expected Return that a man cannot smoke and j t0 ^ring any protest from the manu ink at the same time. If be is also j [acturerg 0f smj stockings. 2a ying a flute, this is probably true. ' t, _ . _ , „ , Trying to sec everything that hap after a fellow gets down ln # greeting circus simple f* hran- 9P|nBOh- rais,n* w*ole | compared t0 -geuing 9 dozen or more wheat bread and mineral oil there Ifen't a great deal of room left for food. compared to getting radio programs all in one night It becomes a question whether European music and dancing can send over a sufficient supply of art to keep up with the supply of American money. A German scientist states that the human Jaw exerts 800 pounds preaaure in chewing meat. No fljrnres are given on jaw-power when chewing the rag. An "expressionist" is a«young man In the art line who can depict an abatract idea perfectly but cannot be depended upon to draw a recognizable egg. No censor should be expected to serve more than one or two years, in view of the demoralizing influence to which he is Intensively subjected. The twelve-year-old girl who subdued her father with a rolling pin probably will become famous as an advocate of primitive domestic arts Whistling Is said by a beauty editor to be, conducive to Cupid's bow tips, but it also has a tendency to attract all the airedales ln the neighborhood. Chinese who came to this country are lucky in having nothing more serl ous to worry about tlnn an occasional hand at cards or a game of mah-Jong A blacksmith who Inherited a fortune intends to keep on shoeing horses, being assured of work by the growing popularity of horseshoe-pitching con testa. The D. & A. Is accosef of being backward in literature, but the system of Income tax returns cannot fell to make this a nation of expert, mathematicians. Some man who Is wise enough to open a galosh storage house will be rich enough to retire by the time his customers call for their property In the fall. It is j&aid that there are few wh kers in the halls of congress nowadays. This means more and better crumb trays in the capital cafeterias, have no doubt One perceives an article headed, 'How to Have Soft Pretty. White Hands." No matter what It says, there is a simpler formula. It la called dlsb- "Prehlstoric peoples scorned eggs as food"--Toledo Rlade. However, as a matter of public duty they might have eaten them instead of banding them down to posterity. A New Yorker advertises the loss of an Indentification tag bearing his name and adress. The suspense, until he learns these particulars, must be terrible. Something else that four out of five have acquired at the age ot forty la an impression that 'one. tooth-paste isn't so much different from another in any vital .espect Halt of the paintings by famous artists never were painted by them, says an an authority. Thus your "old master" may really be only a voung mistake. ^ "Lost City of Nevada , Once Populous Place There was a large elty In the Moapa valley ln Nevada at the time of Christ where salt was mined, cotton grown, and where the weaving and dyeing of cotton cloth had reached a high state of development, writes M. R. Harrington, archeologlst, in the Outlook. Mr. Harrington with an expedition from the Museum of the American Indian in New York unegrtbed a city of over five miles In length, officially titled "Pueblo Grande de Nevada" and popularly known as the "Lost City." One of the burled houses was discovered to contain 100 rooms. Bushels of charred corn were found, which led to the belief that there was a large farming population. "But farming and hunting were not the only occupations open to these Novadans of 20 centuries ago," writes Mr. Harrington ln the Outlook, "for the weaving and dyeing of cotton cloth had reached quite a high state of development. Scraps of textilea turned up In our diggings, crumbling rags that were really precious, that showed coarse weaves and fine, which proved dyeing In red and blue and yellow, in purple and black. Doubtless the cotton was grown here, too. "We also discovered that, the Navada of Christ's time had a mining Industry, even as now--at least as far as salt mines are concerned--and that the Lost City people worked a series of mines of this sort to a really remarkable extent The largest salt mine In which they left their 'visiting cards' showed ancient workinga back In the mountain three to fonr hundred feet from daylight. So much of this salt was mined that It seems hardly possible it could nil have been need at home; some, at least must have- gone into trade with tribea.** . Would Harnett Galea One of the most novel propositions In the matter of navigation ever advanced Is that for which a French mariner named Fieron stands responsible. The Frenchman thinks that advantage may be taken of the favorable winds at the edge of a cyclone for facilitating navigation. By means of observations with the barometer and other instruments he would ascertain the direction ln which the storm is gofng and so shape the course of his ship that it would be carried along by the sweep of the atmosphere, without becoming involved ln the dangerous center of the storm. This proposal to treat cyclon«s as friendly aids to navigation may strike one as an extravagant play of fancy, but It Is soberly advanced by Fieron, who, it is said, has made certain successful expcrimeifts in this new method of sailing the sea.--Waahlngton Star. . Archeologists Have Proof in Relict Found. That trade relations existed between the prehistoric Indian groups in America, though they were separated by geographic barriers and tribal enml ties, is further evidenced in a collection of archeologlcal objects from the Columbia River valley, ln the state of Washington, obtained by the Smithsonian Institution. The relics were gathered and are now being classified by Herbert W. Krieger, curator of ethnology at the National museum, under the Smithsonian. Among the artifacts found by Mf. i Krieger at the ancestral homes dfr* serted by the Columbia River Indiana more than 100 years ago are catllnlte pipes from Minnesota and pipes from the Pueblo region ln the Southwest; abalone shell charms from Alaska; hallotls shells from southern California, and dentalium beads from the Pacific coast The type of subterranean house Is identical with that to be found in Alaska, the Aleutian islands and Siberia. Yet the Columbia River Indians had no means of transportation to take them over the mountains and they were hekt to the river for their food supply. As a tribe they were nonmigratory, hut individuals made casual tripa for trading ""I hunting purposes. Mr. Krleger's study has established the link which haa bean missing to show the continuity of culture among the early inhabitants of America from British Columbia to the Pueblo tribea of the Southwest Customs sifted through from one community to another, much as the Indians themselves spread, no doubt, from Asiatic ancestors who drifted ln ages ago. That the Columbia River Indians established themselves in the valley before the time of the domestication of the the pig, sheep and horse in Asia, before the invention of the wheel or the cultivation of cereals seems evident from the reconstruction of their civilization. The Columbia River valley was thickly settled, possibly the most populous Indian center of early times, according to Mr. Krieger. For 600 miles, from The Dalles ln Oregon to the Canadian border, ,the camp sites and burial grounds line the river banks. 3%gse Indign^ werg masters of the stone v^Trker's art, as the Smithsonian collection shows; they cultivated only tobacco Hfld got their food from the"river and froS roots! ?The dead were cremated with their possessions, or burled in cemeteries on islands in the river. 8amples of the picture writing practiced by the Indians abound.^' The markings are about half an Inch deep, usually made ln columns of basalt Animals, such as sheep, goats, deer and elk were commonly represented; also the human figure; conventional designs, such as the rising sun, and mnemonic or memory writing, consisting of arbitrary signs understood by the members of the tribe. The writing was apparently more a means of artistic expression than a method of conveying thought, according to Mr. Krieger. Only one picture- of a horse has been found. It was the introduction of the horse about 1750 which broke up this old civilization in the Columbia stiver valley, for with the horse, the group became mobile. It Is an interesting fact that the horse ln North America spread from a nucleus formed by a few which escaped from Coronado's troops in 1541. One of the eastern railroads ifow has a locomoilve capable of attaining a speed of 120 miles an hour, but nothing is said about bow many miles it gets out of a gallon. The scientist who says that a defense reaction against an inferiority complex caused the World war but he hasn't explained what will pre: vent the next one. =r . Sweden and Belgium have agreed never to go 10 war now that the crown prince it Belgium has married Princess Astrlrt ef Sweden. All the fighting hereoftei will n« strictly within the family.- ~ A scientist has discovered "ex rragalactlc nebulae" five qulntilllon miles away, which is about the dis tance that "extragalactlc" is from the average man's understanding. --' Paris reports the discovery of a varnish which Is sai«l to give the tone quality of a Stradivarius to an ordinary fiddle. We have shellac arotfnd here that gives the tone quality of a sea lion to a locker room tenor. Anarchists masquerade at; communists and bolshevist8. They are not as easily disposed of as was poor Johann Most who, after declaring himself an enemy to government, was cornered under a bed and consigned to hopeless ridicule For all practical purposes a mart can be said to be immortal as soon as nine persons have taken the trouble to write books emphasizing the point that he didn't amount to much. A Danish explorer is heading fot the arctic to investigate the origin of the Eskimos. If a few more white men get the urge to go up there, It is more likely to result ln the Eskimo's finish. Her End Opunt von Hoogstraeten, who recently took out his first papers toward naturalization, said to a New York reporter the other day: "I am not the mercenary wretch that aome people nretend. Why, some people pretend," he went on, with a grim amlle, "that I'm as mercenary as the girl in the roadhouse story. "A very nice old gentleman proposed to a girl in a roadhouse. She was beautiful--one of those nude dancers, In fact--and the old gentleman took her hand in his and proposed eloquently. Then he wound up: " 'I am not young, but a man, darling, Is only as old as he feels.' "She laughed and patted his withered cheek caressingly. " 'Oh. I ain't worrin' about that end of It grandpop,' she said. 'What I want to know Is, are yoa aa tieh aa you look?*" Bread Upon the Waters " This little Incident has been reported to us: A woman got on a Back Bay car and, fumbling for her purse, she foand she had left it at home. "I'm afraid I shall have to get off at the next stop," she said to the conductor. "I havent brought any money with me." x Just then a newsboy who was standing near her said: "Here, lady, I got a dime to lend yer." She looked at the boy and took the proffered coin. "Thank you," she said. "I'll pay It back If joa will give me your iddress." "Don't worry about dat," he replied. "I'm the kid you gave half a dollar to las' Christmas when you bought a paper from me on de corner. I ain't forgot you. I'm aellln' papers there yet." She smiled at him aad when he left the car he was about the proudest boy In town.---Boston Transcript BaptitmcU Superttition According to an old English superatition, says the Dearborn Independent when children of different sexes were brought to the font at the same time the boy -must precede the girl; otherwise she was In danger of having a beard wben she grew up. Hit Wife at Monitor1: Often the judgments of the tmreftn of industrial relations are laid deep ln human nature. A New York manufacturer advertised in the newspapers for young women of a particular type. Girls who took employment ln his factory complained of his attentions to them, but none was willing to appear publicly to prosecute him. The authority of the state was invoked, with the result that the manufacturer promised no longer to advertise for employees of any special style or complexion. But the further compromise arranged by the state is described ln the Induatrial Bulletin in these words: "It was agreed that the manufacturer's wife remain In the place of business so that no further trouble of thla kind should occur." Most husbands will agree that the arbitration was well salted.--New York Sun. A shrill siren pierced the air. Traffic along the busy thoroughfare for 21 blocks was instantly halted. Drivers palled to the curb. Pedestrians^ lamped into doorways. A red fire wagon streaked through the intersection at 67 miles an hour. The chief was late for lunch. The glum-looking party ov^r in the corner is the one who has Just been taken up for the first time on hit proposition that If everything Isn't perfectly satisfactory your money will be cheerfully refunded. Vanilla Mott Popular Vanilla is the most popular Ice cream flavor. Manufacturers report that 55 per cent of the output is vanilla. 10 per cent chocolate, nearly 8 per cent strawberry and nearly 2PT per cent of other flavors. »»<.»»»« 111 I< 1 » » » • « • » • • Bargain Nash Advanced Six Sedan demonstrator.... Low mileage and in excellent con|- dition. New ear gnarant^ J It will pay yoa to investigate. Puture Exmcutivet Although the " white-collar" Job haa been the target of much criticism and satire lately, It is from the ranks of the "white-collar" workers that most of the executives in the business world are drawn, ^according to Alfred PI Sloan. Jr., president of the General Motors corporation, ln an article In Liberty. "It is a mistake," Mr. Sloan says, "for the man who hopes to reach an executive Job ln the factory to start at a machine or workbench. The young man who leaves «t . :;~i he reaches the eighth gradi would better start as a shop workman/He may hope to viae to a foreman's job. But the future executive would better start as a shop clerk In a email plan^ keep his eyac* ou«a. otf rtu','.. Five Eeliptet Thtt Year Two eclipses of the moon and three of the sun, as well as the return ot several period 1? cor-^r - <;tuong the astronomical eveuU aitued for 1927, says Popular Mechanics Magazine. Of the eclipses, only one will attract much attention. It occurs oa June 29 and will be visible in England early In the morning, tho f\tet «clipse seen there for two centuries. June 15, an eclipse of the moon will be witnetBsed throughout the United States at 3:18 a. m., eastern standard time; the moon will be completely hidden by a shadow of the earth. The other eclipse of the moon takes pi ace in December but will not be visible in the United 8tatea. Workmen't Compentation Arkansas, Mississippi, Florida and North and South Carolina have no workmen's compensation laws. The District of Columbia has a compensation law covering public employees only. " * r> Ended Bear't Career Here's the season's hottest bear •tory, as related by "Lucky" Lonlssi Larue, pr pector from the Flndlay Forks country of Alberta. Louis was fishing for trout and had Just hdoked a big fellow when he felt a hot blast on * his neck. Yanking the trout over his. head, he turned around to look straight down the gullet of a grizzly, poised to catch the descending fish. The bear's Judgment was bad; the fish hit him a slap on the nose, and the hook Impaled Itself on his Jaw. " The prospector dove Into the river! with the grizzly In snappy pursuit The race was about even across the • stream. Lame lost so much breath yelling to his partner that he barely held his own sprinting across the meadow to his shack. His partner • heard the yelps and with great sangfroid snapped up a stick of dynamite, lit the fuse and hurled It at the bear Just as Louis tumbled through tha door. Bear, fish and hook disappeared. Call ot Sea Strong v /Healdents of the Antipodes retain * atrong love for the eea, it wag evJ. denced recently when the Norwegian whaling ship Nellson-Alonso put Into Hobart, Tasmania, in need of 28 men to complete its complement for a cruise in the Antarctic ocean As soon as news of the ship's mission was given out, the Norwegian consul had to suftimon police to keep order outside his office, says the Sydney Bulletin. More than 800 men applied, though the wages were only $20 a month with a bonus of about one-half cent for every barrel of whale oil obtained. The 28 men selected included only three who had previously been to sea. Seven had been retail clerks, and the others Included two bank clerks, one surveyor, one engineer, three farmers' sons, a former Jockey and a schoolboy. 0 • • \ T x. /A e bweeping is J> 4 ot Quite < Such Hard Work When You Have a Real Good Broom " OOLD EAGLE AT $1.00 . BLUE JAY At 95# Are brooms that sweep cleaner, better and fofr a longer time than most Brooms. ^ \ . Smith I Phone 179 Jrqs. McHenry, 111. • »»if if 1 »•»»< >t 1 •»•»»»» H Something New * Plate Lunch Have you tried one of our delightful plate lunches we serve each noon. A real m£al for 30 cents. • Try one today. KARLS* Fear lets There may have been cases where the office sought the man, but we don't believe the latter ever actually hid.--Ohio State Journal GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCKS ft t m a-Toi • •< • James Morrow & Son Waukegan and West McHenry The rage ot the A. E. p. on hewing soldiers called "Sammies" was as nothing beside the probable ire ol the Northwestern Mounted Police when the report gets back that the movie industry now calls them "Mountiea." Cood Um for a Nickel The public Is reminded that abottt | the only thing a &-<ent piece can do today is to open a aavlngs account Which may be taken as showing that while spurned in the marts of trade the nickel Is not too proud *0 go to Work.---Boston TranRcript. W JOYCE KILMER PLAYERS CHICAGO'S FOREMOST CATHOLIC DRAMATIC GUILD In a Super-Production of William Roeder's Latest Dramatic Success "CONQUERED *ot a Moving Picture--A Play of the Myrtery of MysteriM. 01,„, |» CMUMCtten Witk tk« JaUlM Celebration of St. John's Church McHenry Community High School Auditorium Special Added Attraction: Alvernia Symphony Orchestra ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY Seats on sale at Bolger's Drug Store--Nye's Jewelry Store After Fir day, June 17 Friday, June 24th, 107-S»5 Sharpt ROMANCE! BIGOTRY! INTRIGUE] iiii'iinnii'imiHwww &£,