; r ' ' " T H E M c H M T E Y P L A I N D I A L K t T H T O S D A Y , T O B l 1 6 , 1 9 2 7 &,•1 -^PV1*1 I"* U . I *M IU S- LIPll ll m ' * v. 4 FA»g: % Jane 1st to July lOtfi Price* on Quality Matings Pure Bred Farrow CM*. 100% alive delivery. 100 200 S. C. White • Lefhorns...i$ 8.00 $15.50 S. C. Brown Leghorn*.... S.00 Barred Rocks 9-0® S. C. Reds. 9-00 A neon as ....! ; - White Rocks •« M.0® Rose Comb Reds 10.00 Buff Orpingtons 11.00 White Wyandottes 11.00 Heavy Assorted 7.50 Light Assorted ...... 6.50 15.50 17.50 17.5® 17.5® 19.5® 19.50 21.50 21.50 14.50 12.50 RAGSOK IEBS j&r most ev'rything they had, it certainly is mighty bad to lose your crop and leave your home while angry waters swirl and foam and wash away the house and barn, a feller's tempteQ to say "darn." I told Sary Jane that she should sell a case of eggs, by gee; to help those folks out in their loss, we'll give the cash to the Red Cross. We aint got much, but still we can shell out to help our fellow man! Tatters" every week? Are you in- SSoecial Matings Sc a chick higher J terested in The Plaindealer? Is there mi Quaiitv Matings. Farrow Chix j anything we can do to make the paper for May 15 to 31 delivery l/2c a chick more interesting to you? Be there a man with soul so dead who has not to his banker said, why do you turn my hot checks down, you've ruined my credit all over town; and then the banker tells him right FOLKS: Do you read the "Ragson back. we must turn 'em down or hold the sack; it s birds like you with the ready pen who make life hard for honest men. higher than above prices. All flocks American Cert-O-Culd. Order today at these prices. D. T FARROW CHICKERIES Dept. 500 Peoria. Ill, If so, drop ideas, or ACMLBA6&CHICKS ^ AJ 4%. ACME CHICKS are INSPECTED AMERICAN us a line and tell us your better yet, call at the office and let's talk it over. We are always open to suggestions. While we realize it is not possible to print a newspaper, every feature of which will interest everybody, we uo try to get out a paper that will contain something of interest for every reader. Some read only the personals, others want the general news of the county, some produced from! want only sport dope, neighborhoods CERT-O-!are interested in country correspon- CTTLD^ flocks Eve^chick"a purebred! a" are interested in advertisel/ ULJJ I JOCKS, cj I ments, and possibly some people even Low Prices--June 1st to July 10th.; rea(j the editorials. Anyhow, we try Quality Mating-- . 100 200 j to gjve you your money's worth. If LOW PRICES--June l"6th ,to July 10th j ^ou have any suggestions as to how we can better the service we will welcome your advice. We are not one of the kind that knows it all--or even a very big part of it. Sw C. White Leghorns....!. 7.00 $13.50 S. C. Brown Leghorns .... 7.00 13.50 Barred Rocks 8.00 S. C. Reds 8.00 White Rocks ....i..--* --9-0® Rose Comh Reds 10.00 Buff Orpingtons .jf I®-®® ' 1 IflAA 15.50 15.50 17.50 19.50 19.50 19.50 12.50 14.50 I'm back here on the farm again, a-playin' checkers, while the rain keeps falling; if it ever stops so we can start to plant our crops the hired man will have a job, his backward j spring has sure played hob with plant- i , v . . I ing time out on the farm, bad weather re-outlining the cupid s DOW on Mr lots of harm. My neighbor; lips. v - , White Wyandottes ...10.00 Light Assorted 6-*>0 Heavy Asstorted 7.50 Special Matings GOLD MEDAL CHICKS 2c each higher /war, direct from this ad and sai?e|causes time. May prices--^c, _p_e_r c-hhiicckk , says we ll never get a crop this year, u,_ Jia on(1 iBnfT.M Charles Lindbergh, spectacular young flyer evaded the coeds when he was in college, and disliked university social life, thus raising himself to the top of the^scale of this column's esteem. Charley has gotten ahead, as men will who do not take time off to putter around in the channels of coeducational social flubdub. We have never known a man of real achievement who either was or had been a lady-fusser. A man, and particularly a young man of school age, can be interested in either his prospective labor or in the girls, if his success with the latter is marked, he will be a dud with the former. Coeds have a definite place to fill in the scheme of things, but that place, for his own good, should not be in the school boy's mind. Wpiere is thtf old fashioned girl who used to spend Saturday mornings breathing into lamp chimmneys and cleaning them with an old newspaper? She is apt to have a daughter who spends most of her time breathing into a compact mirror and higher than above prices. Reference: Merchants and Illinois Natl. Bank, Peoria, 111., and the Editor of this paper. ACME BABY CHICK HATCHERY A. Hirsh, Manager ^ • 70® Broadway, Peoria, |11. it's top blamed wet, he sits and worries all the day, but I just grin and start to play another checker game; by jing, the hired man just jumped my king! MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS AT all been flooded out LOWEST RATES. Give number of , acres, value, and amount of loan de- j sired. Our examiner makes your territory. 1% GOLD MORTGAGE BONDS of Midwest Farms Syndicate of Kewanee for sale. A very safe and profitable investment. Write for information. We'fein't so badly off at thatr away dfiV.Ti sMth where it is flat, along the Mississippi's route the folks have: th7*approach7ng step"of "these I felt ^ I'm paying cash for everything, so now I'm feeling like I king! My head is up, I'm stepping high no matter who is passing by! I spread my wide and manly chest among the strongest and the best! Back just a dozen years ago, alas, the bills I used to owe! The blacksmith and the groceryman, Tom. Dick, and Harry, Pete and Dan--at • p i n old Interesting Bits of News Taken From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty aBi * , Twenty-five Year* V , Ago «** Jm They've lost! SAVINGS BANK OF KEWANEE Kewanee, Illinois ' C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Kar, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) Q|Bce Honrs--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and !7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. June, 1887 George Rothermel is building an addition to his residence which will not only give him more needed room but add much to the appearance of his building. Workmen commenced on; Tuesday putting up a store opposite; Perry & Martius on the lot bought of E. M. Owen by P. D. Smith. It is to be a 24x60 and two stories high. Who is to occupy it we have not as yet been informed. We saw at the warehouse of R. Bishop & Son a fine single carriage, just from the manufactory of Studebaker Bros., South Bend, Ind., which they" had ordered for Mr. J. Sturdevent of this village. It is certainly the finest carriage we have ever seen, and cost, we learn, $350. Commissioner Weutworth is now at work grading the street running east from the Depot which when completed will be a great improvement to that locality. He is filling and raising the street in a manner that will remedy the mud hole that has always been found in that section. Afderman C. B. Curtis has been treating his residence to a new coat of paint, which much improves its appearance. Fred Snorr has also been painting in and around his residence and we notice a very remarkable improvement. B. N. Smith of Woodstock has been secured as orator for McHenry in the 4th of July celebration, Items listed under the McHenry market are as follows: butter, 15c; cheese,. 12c; eggs, 10c; potatoes, $1 per bushel; arid flour, $9 per bbl. Phone 181 McHenry, 111. WM. M. CARROLL Lawyer (Mee with Kent & Company Every Wednesday ftone 8 McHenry, I1L '^jWephone No. 108-R. , • Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of • property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, :: ILLINOIS J. W. WORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 'Audits Systems Income and. Inheritance Tax Matters. Member of Public Accountants Association of Illinois Phone 206-J McHenry, I1L Phone 126-W. Reasonable Rate* A. H. SCHAEFER Draying ' McHENRYr ILLINOIS Insure--In Sure --Insurance WITH W m. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone M-R McHENRY, ILL (Beforc you buy,., eJedric refrigerator by allmeans see the UNIVERSAL COOLER SEE Universal Cooler an<| you will recognize that it" is only simple truth when w| say "Universal Cooler Is aa outstanding contribution ia die field of electrical refrig* •ration." Into it have gone die best engineering talents this country affords*--the finest materials and crafts* ananship available. It is uo* qualifiedly guaranteed. Ift every detail, Universal Coolct is a quality product and yet so moderate in price as to cause expressions of genuina surprise. It is quiet in action--so simple that there is practically noth» ing to get out of orderpositive and automatic in action. Whether you want • fine self-contained electrical tefrigerator or want the refrig* crating units installed in your present ice box, Universal Cooler will meet your oeai fully, satisfactorily and economically. See Universal Cooler today. chill tremors in my knees--no, not because they'd have it so, but bills are bills, I'd have you know! One gloomy morn, I said "See here--why do you not reverse the year ? You're living now one year behind, and that is working on your mind! Pile up your cash one year ahead, then you can quit your seeing red!" Oh, happy thought, I saw at once where I had played the chump and dunce; I saw at once without a doubt my calendar was wrong side out; I saw at once my almanac was folded wrong and out of whack! I figured saved, curtailed, denied, econoi*ti£ed on every side, I bought as little as I could, I patched and darned, and sawed *my wood! By vigilance and steady nerve I built at last a cash reserve; I reached the point where I could say, '"At last I have the cash to pay." CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY Freight Claim Department June 9, 1927 File RU-63079 Joseph Van Blerck, Inc. 461-8th Ave., New York, N. Y. E. Hunter Boat Co., McHenry, Illinois. Please take notice that on July 8th at 11:00 a. m. THE CHTCAGO and NORTH WESTERN, JR. A I L W A Y COMPANY will sell at public auction at its freight station at McHenry, Illinois, 1 crate Gaso Marine Engine, shipped by Jos. Van Blerck, Inc. From Plainfield, N. .J., 8-21-26 consigned to order Jos. Van Blerck, Inc., notify E. Hunter Boat Co., McHenry, Illinois, shipment having been held the required length of time in accordance with the State Law of Illinois and no disposition furnished. THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY CO. . By W. C. Johnson, Freight Claim Agent. NOT ALL WISELY LED BY INSTINCT Animal Instinct Is not the Infallible, divinely Inspired affair th<it Is commonly supposed, accordiug to Dr. William E. Ititter. Many times Instinct causes an animal to do things in the wrong place or at the wrong time or else to repeat an act unnecessarily, thus wasting energy. Occasionally instinct, misapplied in tUis way, nay do the aniuial actual harm. An instance of the senseless repetition <rae to Instinct may be found In li»« % !«wek; < i ;tt i-ks far ,e holes than he ever Alls and (ills many more than he ever empties The same repetition ol activity was demonstrated by a young monkey, it was literally fed up on peanuts at the end of a visiting day, yet when balked in an attempt to reach them put up a good fight, only to discard the nuts the minute thef wee# talned.--Hygeia Magazlna PICTURES MAY BE OLD EGYPTIAN ART According to a report from South Africa, two men searching for cattle in Rhodesia found some queer-looking pictures painted In a shallow cave under a boulder. They sent photographs of the pictures to Dr. S. P. Impey, a South African authority on rock paintings, who pronounced them specimens of Egyptian art "There are hunerreds of crude bushman paintings In caves all over South Africa," declared Doctor Impey, "but these are clearly of a different technique from anything discovered before. There are 11 figures. apparently minstrels, playing 8trlntjled Instruments unknown to bushmen. In the cave Is a large rock where the artist must have rested, using a long brush to reach the roof. The painted figures wear Egyptian costumes, while bushraen's figures are always unclothed."--Pathfinder Magazine. DENTISTS / McCHESNEY & BKOWN (Incorporated) Dr. L W. Brown Dr. R. M. Walker Established over 50 years and still doing business at the old stapd Pioneers in First Class Dentistry at Moderate Prices Ask your neighbors and ' Friends about us. & E. Cor. Clark and Randolph St, 145 N. Clark St., Chicago Daily 8 to 5, Sundays 9 to ll Phone Central 2047 , CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN .RAILWAY COMPANY Freight Claim Department June 9, 1927 File RU-63078 Joseph Van Blerck, Inc. 461-8th Ave., New York, N. Y. N E. Hunter Boat Co., McHenry, j CHICAGO Illinois. Please take.notice that on July 8th at 11:00 a. mr THE CHICAGO and N O R T H W E S T E R N R A I L W A Y COMPANY will sell at public auction at its freight station at McHenry, Illinois, 1 crate Gaso Marine Engine, shipped by Jos. Van Blerck,. Inc. From Plainfield, N. J., 9-1-26, consigned to order Jos. Van Blerck, Inc., notify E. Hunter Boat Co., McHenry, Illinois, shipment having been held the required length of time in accordance witlv the State Law of Illinois and no disposition furnished. THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY CO. By W, C. Johnson, Freight Claim Agent. June, 1902 After an illness of nine days, John Peter Weber died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Mary Karges, in this village. Funeral services were held at St. Mary's church, Rev. Barth of* ficiating. Several young ladies have rented N. H. Pike's cottage at the mouth of the river where they will establish themselves Saturday for a ten day's outing. Besides eight girls from Elgin, those who will enjoy the outing are Misses Elsie Hiowe, Rose Reynolds, Addie Conyne, and Rosa Justen of MfcHenry, Miss Carson of Valparaiso, and Miss Melier of Chicago.. It seems that the government has not entirely abandoned the idea of buying a tract of land in this vicinity for military uses. The engineers are now surveying the tract of land on the west side of the Fox River and will go next to survey the land on the east side, beginning in the vicinity of Lily Lake, on the county line. Stoffel's hall has been leased by Valley camp, No. 97, M. W. A., for a term of years. Mr. and Mrs. Stoffel have been efficient managers, having built *up a reputation for the hall sec^ ond to none in the county. The Woodmen will make e^ery effort to keep up the reputation the hall has gained. Their first dance will be given on the evening of July 4. * T. P. Walsh will commence work again Monday morning after several weeks of idleness caused by the injury of his kriee. Jack Miller, who has been employed in the Barbian Bros., cigar factory, the past few years is now working for N. E. Barbian. Leo Jackson of Chicago, who was visiting in McHenry last week, has returned to the city, fully believing that long drives in the country are not what they seem. Teamsters who drive heavy wagons and pleasure drivers are very anxious that the pitch holes on Main street be filled. The heavy rains have washed the gravel out in so many places that the road resembles a miniature mountain range. The Universalist Society parsonage fund has now reached the sum of $1,200, As soon as the •members 'can get together, plans will be made to go ahead with the work. The building will cost about $1,600. Had Idea Auntie Might Find Use for Dolls Billy's aunt, who had been visiting the family, was packing up, to go home. She had once suggested taking little sister's twin dolls with her, as a relief from the state of overpopulation that existed in the nursery, and Billy thought he was but doing his duty when he brought the dolls to the door of her room. "Aren't you going to take the twins, Aunt Mary?" he inquired, with a triumphant glance at llttl^ sister's sorrowful face. "Not this time," replied Aunt Mary. •'I can't find a place to pack them nofw." "I should think you'd want to take them anyhow. I should think you'0 need 'em. Don't you thhik you'd better have 'em with yon for bait?" • solicitously Inquired her nephew.--Indianapolis News. Sitter Ha* Long Vigil Believing that her seventy-year-old sister, Mary, was only in a trance and would recover, Caroline Raywell, sixty-eight, guarded the body for three weeks before the two were found recently In Hull, England. The body was lying on a matting before a roaring fire, and was surrounded by loaves of bread and other food. Magnetic Checker Men A recently devised checkerboard is of metal and the men are made with a piece of magnetized steel in them so that once placed they remain so until moved by hand. There can be no accidental movement. The innovation is especially adapted for use on shiphoard and trains. 666 > Is a prescription for uolds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Fever ancl Malaria. Jtt kilk the gerna. See the Universal Cooler on Demonstration at our Store H. E. Buch & Co. Batteries, Tubes and B""« Accessories Wwne 48 Gmmm WL • " 11 " ' ' ' " (^pyri£ite^^2^5^Jaiveraa^ori«^orgJ ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Estate of Albert S. Parks, Deceased The undersigned, having been ap pointed Administrator of the Estate of Albert S. Parks, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the August Term, on the first Monday in August next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated Qua 25th day of May. A. D. 1927, ' 62-S . N. J. JUSTEN, Administrator* ; AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY Freight Claim Department June 9, 1927 File RU-6S080 Joseph Van Blerck, Inc. 461 -8th Ave., r New York, N. Y. E. Hunter Boat{Co.( McHenry, Illinois. Please take notice that on July 8th at 11:00 a. m. THE CHICAGO and N O R T H W E S T E R N S R A I L W A Y COMPANY will sell at public auction at its freight station at McHenry, illinois, 1 crate Gado Marine Engine, shipped by Jos. Van Blerck, Inc. From Plainfield, N. J., 9-7-26, consigned to order Jos. Van Blerck, Inc., notify E. Hunter Bdat Co., McHenry. Illinois, shipment having been held the required length of time in accordance with the State Law .of Illinois and no disposition furnished. THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY CO. By W. C. Johnson, He: It wouldn't be much trouble for us to marry. My father is a minister, you know. She: Well, let's have a try at it, my dad's a lawyer.--Exchange. Teacher: Johnny, if four men are ^ working 11 hours a day and-- |f Johnny: Hold on, teacher, nix on them non-union problems, please.-- Sheet5 Metal Workers Journal. $ Worth Knowing Some of our customers bank only by mail: Others bank by mail only occasionally. A felf fnay not know they have the privilege of banking by mail. ^.;v;^verywte-._ should ^ know:-; o^'-.|aicelle^J facilities for giving prompt attention to Written ^communications for ^service. This is one of many features that is making our bank ja alluring to & growing list of customers: 1 . Fox River Valley State Bank "The Bank That Helps Yon To Get Ahead" McHenry Illinois Big Free Show NEXT WEEK STARTING MONDAY NIGHT GAY'S MQSSP. IPDICJNE CO. 10«People«10 On a large electric lighted platform--Show grounds at WATTLE'S SHOW LOT Free Free Free i Plenty of room to park can. i x Liner Has Nine Deck* Constructed of a special steel, which is stlid to have high elastic qualities, especially suitable to battle ocean waves, a liner was recently launched at Malfoncone, Italy. It has nine decks. Is 631 feet long ana has a gross tonnage of 24.000 tons^__----__ Another Infant Prodigy Catherine Clcika of Biddeford Maine, has unusual linguistic ability for a child of only five years of age The little girl speaks fluently Rumani an, German. French, and, of course English. Had Vte for It Gallant Guest (to hostess as they walk to the table)--And may I sit on your right hand? Hostess--No; I'll have to eat with that. You'd better take a chair. Sacred Bowl Found in Pueblo Discovery of a sacred bowl, representing an antelope, has been made In the ruins of Elden pueblo, uear Flag staff, Ariz., by the Smithsonian Instl tutlon, says the Dearborn Independent. Safe Advice P4^l---bo you rhlnU ihl> medicine will do me good? Hank--Yes, If you follow tlons: "Keep bottle iluhtly I KNOX MOTORf SALES I ? T T Y T T T tY ffY T T J T T Tt tT T T T T ? T «?> Exctustitoe in CAlR.S^ J • Fordson Tractors direci- iirked.' Freight Claim Agent. A Blinding Color i Detroit man who Is color bllhd oan discern only yellow, the other day he went on a shopping tour and believed he had purchased a smart new brown suit. When his wife observed It she gasped, and tben burst Into tears. It was a violent grew. What Do You Mean? Jerry--I'm afraid I'll get confuted when I meet your dad. Jean--Don't worry. He'll help you oat. A Clever Financier Jerry--Did you borrow money to bay that car? Ted--No, not quite thgt,7_l bought the car to borrow money. ' Solo Singing I ham niways thought there Is something ridiculous about solo singing. There is a good deal of screaming and yawping And I do not care to see any moutli open to Its greatest extent--E. VV. Howe's Monthly. Pmrehmaed in Quantitie§ ' Red tape doesn't come by the ya*4 ^hut bolt.--A tch I won Globe. Level Balance JTbtngs even up. if youtn Is sophisticated than It used to be, age is more JuveaUe. old y T T T T T tT T rT T J T T y T if T T -NT ' RADIO Tirestone f T T Tf T T T T T T T T T T T T T T J T i TIRES "Where Your Dollar Buys Most" \ ' •>f/r •