Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Jun 1927, p. 5

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V * v ' 7 / - * V* ~ % ^ V 4 1 1 >" ^ <***- * * ; * - 7 * *' -w ", •*' * THUBSDAY, /UK* SO, 1927 •t« * ^ BKDIOATION AT VOLO SUNDAYi VgBIWWtf V.jv^* ti§vitatien Extended to Public For TwmwIm on My I--New Ckwnh and School At 10 a. m. Sunday, July 3, the Catholic parish of Volo will celebrate the dedication of its new completed buildings. A very beautiful Gothic church building and also a modern two-story brick school edifice have Jtpen erected 1$; the people of Volo, ,£tid vicinity. The celebration will begin with the dedication of the school, to be followed by the "blessing of the church, after which a solemn High Mass will be celebrated. The visiting clergy will assist the Bishop in the ceremonies. The sermon on this memorable occasion will be delivered by a former pastor, Rev Frances Epstein, now pastor of Wheaton, IU. The parish of Volo is already sixty years old, but has always numbered only about fifty families, so that the work undertaken by the pastor, Rev. George L. Schark, who is at the head of this parish now for the past eleven years, requierd the etxreme assistance from each and every member of the congregation. As many of the former parishioners who have contributed to thi« work in the past, have since moved to other localities, we, the pastor as also the Church Committee take this opportunity- to invite these to come to the celebration next Sunday, and see the fruits of sacrifices they made at the time they were parishioners her*. All friends of the parish are also invited to come and be with us on this golovfe dayHT94MH4H4Tn>bttib this joyous day at Volo. The church and school buildings were erected by the firm of Hutter Construction Co., of Fond du Lac, WANT TO RENT loot, two months, July Mid August td to to 20 passengers. Owner to operate it, George Renehan Telephone 100 •> •j; ~ libii Lake, m. Ton Need a New Tlri or Tire Repairing This shop is always ready to supply the best Our complete stock of GOODYEAR and MOHAWK highpressure, balloon and track tires is ample to outfit any oar or truck. The prices are as low as quality will permit. J On repair work we guarantee satisfaction, both on tires and batteries. We are prepared to do rebuilding, vulcanising, etc. Tour troubles should be taken to an exclusive tire and battery shop. That's us. WALTER J. FREUND West WcHenry, Illinois Wis., the largest firm of contractor* in that state. The buildings are of steel and entirely fireproof construction, this being th® only church bo built in Lake county at the present time. The furnishings of the ehurch are in harmony with the building, being designed and carried out in Gothic design. Volo enjoys the benefit of a church and school now that would be a credit even to any large parish of a great city. NOTICE OP AWARD OP CONTRACT Public notice is hereby gften that at a meeting of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, held on the 21st day of June, A. D. 1927, at 1:30 o'clock p. m. a contract was awarded for the construction of a local improvement as provided by Special Assessment* No. 22, County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, Docket No. 3023, for a connected system of sanitary sewers in a portion of Ringwood Road, in said City of McHjenry, McHenry County, .Illinois, including all necessary manholes, house junction branches and vitrfiied stoppers, all connected and completely installed in place including excavations and back filling, to £ M. Schefiow, Contractor, at his W price of £842.00. R. I. OVERTON Secretary of the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 28th day of June, A. D. 1927. 4 TOTALS PLATED AT COUNTRY CLUB FALSE FRIEND STOLE IDEA OF MAGAZINE Benjamin Franklin Victim of Duplicity. The first mags sine In the Uatted States was called the American Magaaine, and was iseoed In Philadelphia February 18, 1741. by Andrew Bradford, printer, business rival jb( Benjamin Franklin. It was edited by John Web be. It appears that the Idea of starting a magazine In this country, on the lines of the famous Gentleman's Magasine of London, originated with Franklin. Bat he Incautiously divulged his scheme to W«M», with the result that Bradford offered his publication to tlie Colonies three days before Franklin's General Magaslne was out Neither publication lasted very long, however. Webbe's expired with Us second number and Franklin s with Its Sixth. The Saturday Evening Poet, another Franklin publication, dates to but It was not originally a mag- KPMH>- To CHICAGO Convenient, dependable service by , ' _ North Shore Meter Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you tothe heart of Chicago--the"Loop" ' READ DOWN Central Standard Ttmt Lt. McHenry 9:49 am 1 i34*pir"- Lt. Grays Lake 10:23am 2:08 p« 7t23pw Arr.Waukegan<MbbOD 10:52am 2^7 pa* 7t*2pai Arr. Chicago lfeOZpas 4.-05p* 9tMpv Arr. Milwaukee lfc07pss 4KMpm •tMpei WEBER & SCHIESSLE Local Agents West McHenry to the Revolution, 16 magazines had been launched tn America. They Included such titles as the New England Msgs sine of Knowledge and Pleasure, begun in Boston In 1758; The American Magazine and Monthly Chronicle, started in Philadelphia to 1767. None survived more than a few years. Charles Brockden Brown, the first Imsrtcan novelist, established In New Terfc In 1796 the Monthly Magazine and Literary Journal, which lasted three yean. And In 1801 there wss launched in Philadelphia the Pert Folio, which survived until 1827--a rssaarkable record among early periodicals. An excellent magazine of this time was the Anthology and Hoeto ® Review (Boston, 18U&-181D. to which Everett, Ticknor and John Qolncy Adams were contributors In the center? thereafter there were published many very good magazines which no longer survive, or perished •oon after their birth. Washington Irving was for a time .ue editor of the Analecttc llagaslaa, Issued la Philadelphia from 1813 to 1830, Graham's was a widely popslated periodical from 1840 to 1800; The Dial (Bootee. 1040-44) was edited to torn by Margaret Fuller and Ualpto Waldo and the Knickerbocker Me# flourished from 1888 to 1800. Century and BL Nicholas are published today, but not the Arena. Osatary was founded la 1870, St Nicholas la 1071. SHOES! SHOES! BUT THXM IN McHSNBY st the. iters9 Econoi Shoe Store >y GOOD LINES We we now carrying a complete line of Men's Goodyear Welt Elk Sole, Ventilated Oxfords Aii at -* - $2.481 £2*98 Men's White Canvas, rubber or leather soled ^ Sample Oxfords, sixes 6, 6 Yz^ 7_^. --- Men's Work Shoes at C- CI-$2.49 «*d up Children's White Stockings, Rollins Brand, 15, 19, 25c We take orders for Shoes and deliver the third day* Guaranteed to fit or deposit returned. Bldg. Green St At tha M has chsnged!" pbHassfhlealty said Gap Johnson of Bmapu* Ridge. "My children ban bletwii they never thought of a few years ago. Take the picture show, for instance. They'd go to church or school or atebby the eearthouse, and prob'ly gst to fighting for exercise or something that-a-way. But at the movies then Is always something to cheer 'em up. No sooner do they get seated tn the Oriental Qrotto than they begin rowing and kicking about what they see on the screen, and pretty soon they get to yelling and fighting ox.. what this feller is doing or that feller Is going to do. I gener'ly let 'em go on till they draw knives on each other, and then I slap "esa down and It's all over la a ftor minutes."--Kansas (Sty Tli EUaer Gallitz Wins A. H. Pease Cap; L. A, Brickson Takes Harry Morrfe Competition The finals in the A. H. Pouse cup tournament were played Sunday, June 19, between Elmer Galiti and J. N. Sayler with the former carrying home the second cup he has won this season. On Sunday, June 26, the Harry Miorris competition was held with the first prize of a McGregor wood driver being won by L. A. Erickson, the second prize of nine Silver King golf balls was won by Ray Page, third prize of six Silver King balls by J. N. Sayler, fourth prize of four Silver Kings by William Hoeft, fifth prize of two Silver King golf balls by William Bonslett, sixth prize of two Silver King balls, by Ed Smith. The tournament for the president's cup is the next on the program and the first matched plays will be made between July 2 to 6 inclusive. The players will, ha. matched as follows: Player Handicap Ed Smith '• • -.15 A. K. Burns 8 K. H. Petesclt Wm. Bonslett George Johnson --1? Ray Page ENTERTACfMBWT GIVEN BY TOVERVIEW CAMP The entertainment put on by the members of Riverview Camp, R. N. A. at their hail Tuesday was well attended and enjoyed by all the members of the camp and their friends. Hie Melody Masters furnished several pleasing selections and the Vales brothers gave a piano and saxophone duet. Solos were rendered by Mrs. Kilday and Mrs. Laura Kent, after which two fancy dances were given by Mjss Betty Hahn. Miss Mildred Gans gave a reading and little Miss Eleanor Pries pleased the audience with a song. The comedy entitled, Tlie Doofunny Family" was then given by twelve of the members who filled their roles in a very capable manner. The treasury of the society will be enriched several dollars as » result of this entertainment D. I. Granger 4 E. If. -Galitc 9 W; C. Galitz .. E. E. Bassett , Joe McOmbgr L. A. Ericksoa Wm. Hjoeft Louis Smith Dr. Johnson J. N. Sayler A Blind Bogey will be played on July 24 with a fine line of prizes, may enter this event. _ .. . Social Wlieel ^ --?• "Sirs. "H L. Ritter will entertain Che Social Wheel at her home this, Thursday afternoon. 17 ......17 14 .....17 A loose leaf duplicate system of keeping your accounts will save hours of work in sending out your monthly statements. Ask the Plaindealer. job department to explain it to you. ENTERTAINS FRIENDS AT McCULLOMS LAKE William Vastine, Jr., of Rogers Park entertained several friends and former Loyola classmates of his at the summer home of his parents at McColIum's Lake last week. Three automobiles brought the merry crowd of young people to McHenry Where they immediately proceeded to enjoy themselves with boating, fishing and swimming. A delicious picnic dinner was served at noon, to which ample justice was done by all. The follow* ing girls and boys made up the gathering: Joel Ostrahder, Samuel Mc- Mahon, Genevieve Kearns, Katherine Kearns, Thomas Kearns, Charles Cuny, Margaret Roche, Zoie Guerw ault, Gerald Cuny, William Vastine Jr , Estelle Whitman and MSarwyn Brennan. Mrs. n H. Vastine, Mrs. J. C. Vastine, Mjrs. A. Monahan and Mrs. J. Ostrander chaperoned the party. At a late hour the young people motored back to Chicago, voting their host one of the finest of entertainers. Ladies' AM Society . The Ladies' Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. G. Sattem on Thursday afternoon *>f next week. This will be the last meeting of the society until September 1, hut the members will pay $1.00 a month for the months of July and August, in which there will be no meetings held. The farmer's horse would start, go slowly, then stop. The farmer had trouble starting him again. Traveler: "Is your horse sick?" Farmer: "Not that I know of." Traveler: "Is he balky?" Farmer: "No, but he is so darned afraid I'll say 'whoa' and he wont hear me that he stops every once in awhile to listen."--The Case Eagle. Teacher (in arithaMTtfe class?: "Tommy, if Mr. Jones ktid Mrs. Joa«i aad the baby were going out, many would there be?* Tommy" "Two and one to carry.' --Boys Life. y A professor says monkeys mm• from man. We've seen a number at men in the act of making the change. --Moose Jaw Times For a Glorious 4th Whether you spend it quietly Around the house doing long deferred odd jobs--or make a week-end motor or t^jrou'll find we've anticipated jam wauta. Specials for Home Use Turf ffirignrsr . Grass Hooks * • S"2l0; . .45. i ^ lj5-in. Iliinoy Lawn Mower_l.„ ..^». 16.00 ' ito'/ Lunch Kits j£l.90 to 2.50 ; 'vr Pint Vacuum Bottle 1.1ft . Scout Knives ; • . ,t .00 i v4 .. Fishing Tackle, special ontfit 4.2& > ; A fuil line of Excelsior Artificial Bail" ' - W.a Althoff Hardware West McHenry, Illinois • « Plaindealers at Bolgers GRAHAM BROTHERS TRUCKS « i tijr «r~ James Morffrw & Soa . Walkman and West McHenrv Fresh Fruits and Vegetables While ywi are thinking about Fourth of Jnty celebrating, don't forget the necessity for good .things to eatr ^EjUs market is stocked to snpply ererytiiing in Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Whatever your taste calls for ask ns first We deal exclusively in these lines, therefore the market is right near your door, We have so many good that it is unnecessary to list them here. Just come in and pick them out. .. . ' • • & Chicago Fruit Market Vert Door to Consumers' Economy Shoe 8torex Berner Bldg. Green Street • ••••••••••••I 11 MM > 14 »»• For Sale One carload of choice I Holstein Milkers and Springers on the William 1! Pomrening farm, located II on highway 61, between Richmond and Ringwood. All cows T. B. tested. Will !: guarantee a 60-day retest. < I Will take shippers in trade, cash or good bankable notes, bearing 7 per V, if- BAOTTOS MHIIMMMMMMIMIMI i Call at the Dairy or Phone Your We Have WKaFYSu Want When You Want It hone IT'"- rM\- 1. 5- a* • J ^ i - Hi

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