Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jul 1927, p. 4

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F\,'fti • ~ S i \r tN; . } , ' f , 8 5 »v ^ ^ *$%; TBI HcHKKKT PLAHTDKALKR, THURSDAY, JULY 7, 1M* a: I ^ 'ft? J r..w ?* m ~ i*# > «**o4$- '•'•* V. *. t . -• *~rv- . ^ yf * * * " **? :••. - ':•: •;.• -_"" . : ' •*'•' {' . ••• y. v '.. • ' t/ .•'•• '. - .-.. -." ^ • ""^.f..':1 ' i •: '•*,'•*'*:» - . '5- a : X ? 'fc It tWi* Srffc' ' pv I"* 1 HE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER Published every Thursday at McHenry, III., by Charles F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, IU-» on-! dn the act of May 8, 1879. Subscripts Rates One Year %%»• • »i»**»'«»• •.*« • »*•»» •»..••• .$2.00• Classified Column I I I I I I I M I I I W>»»t«M»»>MW>IMKW»«>WMMWMiMI FOB SALS Six Month) i f f » . » * » • * »• »IV» «* « « « » » » • • •AJ "M $1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager JCvery man Is good for something-® even If giving advice to others. Blessed are the reformers. They never have to worry about unemploy* ment On®' of these days an early-bird bandit will encounter turning worot The collector for an Installment house says his Job Is no sinecure as so many people do the stalling. Inventor Had Vision of Modern Locomotion In 17S6 an American Inventor, Oil- T«r Evans, applied for a patent to use the steam engine for vehicles, but ' was refused by the Pennsylvania legislature, says Dr.'Frank H. \izetelly, managing editor of the Standard dictionary. in 1SS0 or 1801 Brans commenced applying the noncondensing engine to a steam carriage, but changed his GOOD USED CARS AT BARGAIN PRICES 1926 Dodge Business Coupe. 1926 Dodge Special Business Sedan 1924 Dodge Business Sedan. 1923 Dodge Deluxe Sedan. • 1923 Dodge Business Coupe. 192Tf Willys Knight Sedan. 1925 Ford Coupe. 1925 Chevrolet Roadster-- 1925 Chevrolet Touring. -; 1925 Oldsmobile Coach. And many more to choose friMtt. Easy Payment Han ' TYPEWRITERS, i Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. *L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf COOPER'S SAPONIFIED CRESOL-- For disinfecting barns after TB testing. Sold by Dr. J. E. Wheeler, West McHenry. * 38-tf WANTED The elders of the family are now inbating that even the "old-fashioned winter" has gone out of style. plans and turned his attention to mill j pj,olie jgg driving by steam power. Later ho WANTED--Salesman to solicit drycleaning in McHenry and vicinity. Mu^t come well recommended. Good We have a complete line of trucks cpj|wmsBion. Prefer someone rein % ton and 1% ton in closed or siding in McHenry. Apply in person open bodv types. ?J. b7 letter„?t Ermine Cleaners Inc., JAMES MORROW & SON, Highwood, 111. reverted to the idea of steam lceomo- , FOR SALE--Class cabin boat, fully tfam and wrote: "I have no doubt 'equipped, 28 ft. 11 in. by 7 ft. 4 in. that my engine will propel boats beam, draft 24 in. Used only two „ against the current of the Misslsslp- months. Power plant, Hall Scott . West McHenry, HI. WANTED--Farms of all sises and descriptions for cash or exchange for income property. We specialize in quick deals. Kent & Company, Mc- 38-tf The man who places his mart ta p, and wagons on turnpike roads with fourcylinder motor with capital conlife as the dollar mark most often obtains only s vaccination mark. 11 was recently announced that the public debt stood at $26,596,701,64S.0L The once cent stood for luxury tax. great profit. ... The time will come when people will twivti In stages moved by steam engines from one city version. Fox River Valley Boat Co., McHenry, 111. 6 HELP WANTED WANTED--Lady to solicit dry-cleanto another, almost as fast as birds can j GOOD BARLEY FOR SALE--80 ing in McHenry and vicin_it y. Must fl* fifteen or twenty miles An hour, j cents per bushel or 85 cents ground, come well recommended. Good com- 7. . A carriage will start from Wash- j William Jus ten, Ringwood, 111. 5* mission. Prefer someone residing in I tagton In the morning and passengera ! m pdivati? FAMIIY McHenry; "^?p'y *n P®1"8®11 °* ^y The Chicago physician who demands Ijjj brea^fa«t at Baltimore, dine at F™V PRIVATE FAMILY \etter at Ermine Cleaners Inc., Highmore spinach for children need not ex- I -• -- - i--WQOd. 111. 5 pect to become the children's favorite We have decided to let him live a little longer--the fellow who Invarl ably says that It never rains but it pours. •Pmh.i.l.a d^e .lp vh,i a an-da sup I»n„ New YVrotrrkk ttthie* i --Gaited Morgan riding horse, also W00H ||1 p<my both black and White. Perfectly sound and gentle. Ben Dietz, Phone 653-W-2. 5 Headline writers always lnslft on calling tliem "clever cracksmen." Thlt is wide of the truth. All criminals are stupid. same day. ... Engines will drive boats ten or twelve miles an hour, and there will be hundreds of steamers running on the Mississippi, as prodieted years ago." MISCELLANEOUS RESULTS! FOR SALE--4-burner "Reliable" ga3 Kent &_ Company stove with oven In good working ^ ^ thaThou^eT order. Tel. 69-M. Mrs. Joe R. Can rent that flat! Siuith. Can find a buyer for that land! 18-tf An rffort Is being made In New York to prevail the volunteer play censor from becoming an unsalaried press agent. Possum Trot, Ind„ has fourteen residents and twenty-eight dogs with no figures available relative to the Ilea population. Yoan Have Wrought Havoc in Great City FOR SALE--Registered Holstein bull WAXCH CLOCK AND JEWELRY Tbm modern traveler who visits the and heifer calves Two miles north REPAIRING_ Located at "Tempus of Pamphjr- »' ^ Furit" « Elm St, lfcHenry. Uort lla, Perga, now called Murtana, finds * Ritt. , 50-tf shepherds pasturing their flocks amid pqr SALE--1926 Tudor Ford; good ~ ; ~~ ~ " rains ot walls and towers, stons pll- condition; reasonable. Inquire at FOR ALL Sewing Machine and lars, carved cornices marking sites West McHenry State Bank. 51-tf Victrola troubles, call 162. B. Popp, of splendid mansions, and a decaying ; West McHenry. stone aqueduct built to supply a largo FOR SALE--Barley, ground or rolled. number of inhabitants with fresh wa- i $40 per ton. Wm. Jus ten, Ringwood, 50-tf Delicate questions arise In the discussion of whether >ertaln groups of citizens shall he allowed to vote and. If so. how mo'h! The aviator who lost bis engine while 2,0tk) feet in the air was probably trying to start a new kind of Insurance business. ter. At a little distance la a magnificent theater, or, what time has left of It, one of the largest of the vast open air affairs In existence. There Is also a great stadium, used probably for foot races, gymnastic displays, or even for chariot racing. All these ruins are In a fair state at preservation, considering that flf* 111. Loose leaf work is a specialty of 3-3 the Plaindealer job department. WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OP A WEEK IN OUR CITY teen or sixteen hundred years have Seen By Plaindealer Re- «°ne " •""* <",c* f014 dtI * porters and Handed In A lame duck is always the bene- | flefory of a considerable amount of ] publicity Calculated to commend him j to private emptoymenL I left to decay. By Our Friends St. Bernard's Millennium TThere are three Bt. Bernards fig- Tripe is now retorted to be a lux wry in Paris. This ought to be a grand opportunity tor folks wbo believe In abstaining from luxuries. Mrs. Stephen Heimer is spending this week in Chicago. Mrs. George Lindsay was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dowe were .About the mly question that ap pears to be popul.-irly important with Prince Carol ot ttumania and his suite H "Where do we go from here?" wring In history besides St. Bernardino but the one which Is most generally known Is St. Bernard of Men, t,h o,n ,. who w. as .t he o.n e w. ho estab-_ recen.t v.i s.i.t ors in E™l gi.n Ushed the hospices In the Alpine ^ ^ . „ , ., snows that were originally Intended to take care of the pilgrims making their weary way over the mountain passes from the Rhone valley of Switzerland, to the plains ef Italy, at Aosta. The noblest breed of dogs in y A- Philadelphia physician says that the scantily clad dapper sets a good example, something tbe flapper will net consider complimentary at all. Jacob Buss of Behridere spent day with relatives here. Misses Hazel and Lois Bacon were Lake Geneva visitors the Fourth. Miss Gladys Rietesel of Chicago is spending the summer at her home the world has done Its full shar^ In here. spreading the fame of this saint who ^ Mary Kelley of Chicago spent has occupied a place In the popular the week_end at her summer home Another pretty reeso^ab'.t *beon tB that some producers put on that kind of a pla.v because that is the kind of a pla.v that some producer? like We would be better satisfied If soma-. one would tell us why it is "three cheers," instead of two or even five cheers: and what is the feminine for "colonel"? . -- mind for 1,000 years. There is some uncertainty as to the exact time when this St. Bernard roamed the earth, but the locally accepted date has been taken for tbe celebration of the millennium of the birth of this patron of the mountain passes. Chicago is going to bnffd'a memo rial to the cow that kicked over th* lanrern and started the great fire, bu» California will never build an earth „ qn-ike memorial. -- Monster of Cruelty Nero, emperor of Kome fri-m 54 to 68 A. D.. was tbe last of the line that descended from the Caet-ar family. Ge was one of the most wicked monsters of whom history contains an account. Among those he murdered were his mother and two of his wives. He invented specially cruel deaths for tives here, the Christians whom he falsely ac here. Mrs. Vida Cotrell of Chicago was a guest of Dr. and Mrs. Klontz, Saturday. Miss Ruth Whiting of Chicago is a guest this week of Miss Berteel Spencer, P. H. Webster was a business visitor in Chicago th* first p.rt of|--K,^. the week. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander were Chicago visitors on Wednesday of last week. Michael Weston of Woodstock spent Monday as the guest of rela- Nuke and Howard Vasey and Charles Rowley visited at the Dells over the Fourth. Mrs. Helen McAuliffe of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Walter Brooks. 4 Mrs, Tom Thonnesen and Mrs. Geo. P. Freund spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. M. J. Weber at the Elgin hospital. Mr. and Mrs. George Chamberlain from West Allis, Wis., spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. Stephen Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. William Perkinson of Chicago were week-end guests in the home of M!r. and Mrs. T. W. Winkle. J. C. Peterson of Chicago spent the week-end with his wife who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkle. Mr. and Mrs_ Fred C. Herman of Maywood visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer over the week-end. Miss Agnes Steffes returned home "J" Saturday after spending a week a? ^ the guest of Miss Katherine Kasch at Hillside. Miss Margaret Stenger of Waukegan and Harold Smith of Chicago were calling on friends here Saturday evening. Carl Sc'nmitt of Pittsburg, Pa., ; spent the holidays with his wife and children in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. August Price and Mr. and Mrs. William C. Bauman of Elgin were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Zenk. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Heimer and son, Hartley from Winnetka, George Cloidt and Mrs. Clara Bradley of Chicago spent Sunday with" Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer. Miss Dorothy Knox attended the wedding of Miss Esther C. Powers and James C. Burke at Elgin last week at which time she sung Rosewig's, "Ave Maria." Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bohlander and children of Theresa, Wis., spent a few days the first of the week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander here. Mrs. J. D. Beatty, Mrs. P. J. Heimer, Mrs. John Engeln, Mrs. Math Engeln and daughter, Dorothy, attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary E. Smalley at Woodstock, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cobb and son, Edward, Mrs. Herbert Bardish and son, Bobby, and Mrs. Frank Cobb of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. Mrs. Kathrina Althoff, Mrs. Martha Althoff, MIrs. Eva Steinbach, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steinbach and daughter, and John Schwab all of Kenosha, spent the Fourth witn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer. Dr. Emily Rorer who is on the staff of the American hospital at Chicago, is enjoying her vacation abroad and is now traveling in Europe. Dr. Rorer is well-known here having spent some time with her grand mother, Mrs. S. Button. Mike Lavelle of Streator, III., was a week-end guest in the home of Mrs. J. B. Buss. His wife and children who have been spending the past week tn the Buss home returned home with him. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz had as their guests over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Strain of Richmond and the Misses Helen and Estelle Wrightson and William Wrightson, John Broderick and Joe Cobell all of Chicago. Mrs. - Agnes Coppinger who has been a guest of Mrs. Antone Schneider for the past four weeks left for her home in Chicago last Friday. Her two daughters, Margaret and Mabel, spent several days with her while in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Longenbach and son, Howard, left last Saturday morning for Shelbyville, 111., to spend the week-end with relatives. Miss Dora Stretch, sister to Mrs. Longenbach returned to McHenry with them for a two weeks' visit. The tirp was made by motor. F. H. H. Club Miss Mildred Gans entertained the girls of the F. H. H. club at her home last Wednesday afternoon. Several games of five hundred were played with first prize being won by Frances Hughes and second prise by Marion Krause. Savings deposits made on or before Friday, July 15th will draw interest from July 1st. West McHenry State Bank. Resources over $800,000. 5-2 Adding machine rolls at the Plaindealer office. ' . " * * Satisfied Customers know that they get the very highest and safest quality food when they trade here. Join their ranks, make daily visits to this store and Warn what food satisfaction means. Phone 179 McHeirV.'lK * Ready to Serve You | , We* are always ready to serve yon with the choicest of the season's cool drinks for warm weather. Join the many who make it a daily habit to drop in for a refreshing mid-d%y drink or ice cream. KARLS Channel Lake Pavilion (Inc.) v IS OPEN Dancing Every Night and Each Sunday Afternoon Until Labor Day . a-. BILL DONAHUE and the Greatest of Campus Orchestras will furnish the music for the entire season. This famous orchestra played at Deauville, France, all last summer and made a wonderful hit. We have spared no expense to make our pavilion the wonder of Northern Illinois, and challenge the world to beat our decorations. See them and be convinced. BIGGER THAN EVER -- STILL THE BIGGEST KITCHEN CONVENIENCE Mr. and Mrs. Sargent of jehicago Mr. and Mrs. Otto Herman and son, Ray, of Norwood Park spent the week-end as guests (of Mr. and Mrs. George Kramer. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cloidt and Mi and Mrs. Sommerfield of Chicago were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer. The French have decided to incorporate the wor-i "home" In their vocabulary. and It is certainly very gratifying to know some one intends to carry on its aw. , Hold-up men opetate with startling boldness txith day and night. Tbe days of. the automobiles are more desperately picturesque than those of the old time stngec<«ach. ensed of burning Rome. He was on were Sunday guests at the C. J. Ben-j Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Kroll and daUghthe throne when St. Paul was a prls- der home. j etr °f Franklin Park spent the 4th oner In Rome, and when he was put to Ri(.hard stenger of Waukegan was with Mr. and Mrs. William Zenk and death. The army, led by Galba, turned the ^est o{ McHenry friends over ; f amdy sou-.h of towTi against Nero. He either committed' Fourth I Misses Marie and Clara Meyers and suicide or was put to death by a , Corinne Petelle of Chicago spent 'small band of soldiers. . , Thomas Slavin is spending several; Saturday, Sunday and Monday at the ^days as the guest of relatives at Meyers Voltage. McHenry. A. New York vagrant pleaded for mercy frum the court, displaying a Carnegie tnedal for having a woman from drowning The court ruled be should have continued to save. A great chanjre Is gradually com lag over the South: A North Carolina ^udge has ord^r^d < uspidors out of his court, .and in several sections of Texas the r i.n "d<>rg" Is now silent. A hold-up man used to wort af night . Now he insists on limiting his hours of activity to air. sunshine and plenty of rest are as good fat a- robber as for toonest ftait'V. It has b£et ruled In Winlsor. Out. that a rooster has a right to crowjl he remain in his own backyard It's something else again, probably, when he ascends to the ridgepole to broad cast The English have at last taken th* word 'obey" from the marriage cere •aony Queer--that's the only thing n * bride coul^ honestly promise--the love and honor depend on the Ectloca oi the other party. _'Moon and Cloud, Weidrahein of Chi- • fjoj' Jar Impression that spent the week-end with Mr. and full moon has the power, to clear away Mr<; stepehn Heimer clouds disappears slowly, notwith- Mr and Mr5 Arthur Selpein of standing the almost unanimous pro- E1 in t gundav evening with Mr. nounceraent of modern scientists'ard Mrs WilUam Zenk. j against It That may be largely due The McHenrv band furnished music j to th* fact that so great an authority for the carnival at Crystal j in his day as Sir John Herscbel re- Lake on July 3 and A . - j garded the Idea as probably correct Mr and jjrS Edward Holle of After a study of the Greenwich ohser- Chicago were week-end guests in the vati-.ns It was suggested that the im- Martin Conway home. j pression may be due to the fact that Weston Bacon of Ravinia was a ; a change from the cloudy to the clear wee^-end guest in the home of his state is much more likely to attract racther. Nellie Bacon. ! attention when there Is a full moon in Miss Frances Brandt of Chicago the sky, and. many meteorologist#• jc spending a few\.\veeks in the home j agree with this. ' ; j ()f ^ auntj Mrs. Ray Page. j ' Mrs. George P. Freund and ^ sons j at Navigator visited her sister, Mrs. M. J.^Weber Gt-orge Vancouver was born land in 175S. He served as _ - - Sliipman under Captain Cook during SpenceTf Sunday. i Miss Cecelia Thomas has returned Vancouver later «"iedonthewort turned home of exploration In the Padfic ln 17^ of the week' from a several he surveved the shores of what Is now . Vancouver Island. <*»£' ^lth ^>cago relative,. j Mr. and Mrs^ A. Johnson and family of Chicago spent Sunday and Mon- j day in the home of John Stoffel. j Mr. and Mrs. Cap Bickler of Chi- Mrs. Edward Hayes and children of Minneapolis, Minn., are spending a few weeks in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ellen Whiting. f Making your kitchen an easy place | in which to worjc is notLAcostly process if you use the foresight to come here and make your selections. ^ ^ F ? T T in Fnr • at St. Joseph's hospital, Tuesday. • mt<t-' Mj" and Mrs. Fred Doolittle pi • una- ited in the ,h ome o_fr uM.r. a. nd the latter's last voyage to the Pacific, which ended with Cook's murder by British Columbia. and Vancouver city are named after him He died In England in 1793, leaving a (totalled account at Ms voyage*. • _ American citizens abroad nm* fee «nd will he protected. The tear old Gong, There's No Place Like Bome," Slight, however, save a great of trouble If it could become more or I #f a national anthem. T* G«!U. Ui)i ib-pu has decreed 'that >%omeo wbo bob their hair must go .'to prison until tbe hair grows out aftd |e fined <900. What's that abeot the |k«fi<l of dvlllzatioof cago spent Sunday and Monday with relatives and friends in McHenry. Famous Academy Mrs. J. C. Peterson of Chicago "The Hu\al uOHdemy, which now has * spent last week in the home of her Its home in Rurllngton house, Plcadtl parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkle. !y. London, England, was founded In Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lonergan /of l«68, under the patronage of King Chicago spent Sunday and Monday tjeorge in, with the famous portrait with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDonald, •winter. Sir Joshua Reynolds, as first Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McArdle of president The Royal academy holds Elgin spent last Sunday as guest* of ! •nnual exhibitions, and It provider i Mr. and Mfcnt*. William Zenk and fam-! ifie nest instruction free to poor stn i ily. dents of talent, to whom It grants \ Mrs. S. 1. Dienlien and daughter, scboiarsblps enabling them to con ' Evelyn, of Chicago spent the weektlnue their studies ta painting, < end in the hone of Mr. and Mrs, Mat tars and architecture. Steffes. I Mjissia OsUs Vaacy aai GOOD USED CARS at in Dodges -- Chevrolets Oldsmobiles I MORROW & SON DODGE BROTHERS DEALERS--McHENRY, ILLINOIS

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