Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Aug 1927, p. 7

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•47^ THE McHENEY PLAINDEALXR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 18,1927 1 During the period from Jan. 1, 1925, ."to August 1, 1927, according to report {issued by State Auditor Oscar Nelson, , (the state banking department, by careful effort and by securing better protection for depositors and other creditors in some instances through mergers, consolidations and liquidations, has managed to keep the number of IbankR forced to close their doors down to 37, of which the department was able through salvage and sale of assets to make full payment to creditors in 14 instances. Three were reorganized and reopened and 11 placed In receivership, while three are still In the hands of the department. Of the receiverships, eight have been the "result of heavy deficiencies doe to official defalcations. Due to these causes, consolidations and the like, 100 banks ceased operation during the • two and a half-year period, all of these 'with one exception being down-state banks. New charters were Issued for 63 banks, of which 41 were for associations organized to serve largely In suburban Chicago and rapidly growing communities adjacent thereto. The Madison Construction company, Edwardsville, has been awarded the contract for the stretch of hard road from Bunker Hill, In Macoupin county, to Alton. Other contracts awarded Vere: Route 13, Section 24 S. St. Clair county, pavement; to W. C, Johnson. Belleville. Route 121, Section 143 B, -Douglas-Piatt county, bridge; to Casey •Construction company, Casey. Route 121, Section 142 B, Moultrie-Fiatt county, pavement; to Ztmmerly Brothers ~ Construction company, Paris. Route 91, Section 114, Peoria county, pavement; to L. B. Dyer Construction company, Brinifleld. Route 121, Section 130, Macon county, pavement; to Ernest. Berns & Co., Indianapolis. Superintendent of Schools J. Ed •Taylor has received 27,500 tickets for distribution to county school pupils for use on Monday, August 22, which will be school children's day at the state fair. Tickets for Springfield pupils will be given out by J. Harry Winstrom, city superintendent of schools, to the principals who will see that the children get them. Bishop Griffin will supply the parochial schools, while tickets for children outside of Springfield will be distributed by the school officials of the various districts. ^ Gov. Len Small, Director fttaiMUtf at the state department of agriculture, and Walter W. Lindley, general manager of the state ,.fair. made an inspection tour of tne fair grounds recently and noted progress. Two parallel fences around the new race track are being rushed to completion. They are made of steel and concrete and engineers claim that posts and mesh would withstand the blow of a racing car if it were to crush Into the fence at a speed of 100 miles an boor. The state department of rehabilitation reports that It costs $248 to put a disabled man on a self-supporting basis as against approximately $300 spent every year for the maintenance of people in charitable institutions. At a total cost of $143,178.00, 472 cases were restored and given remunerative occupations, making the per capita cost $903, which tnctades administration expense. « An order for a leeee ol the old North Western station by the Chicago A North Western railroad to Marshall field ft Co. failed to get the approval of the Illinois commerce commission. The restraint holds up the contemplated construction of a $15. 000,000 warehouse Involving, the air rights over railroad track a The build lng was to have extended over nn arc. of three blocks above the track*. Abraham Liaooin Stanfield. stuv representative from theTwenty-secor..: district. Is de^d, having attained »!i;- age of sixty-seven. Mr. Stanfield tin lahed his seventh term In the genera Assembly July 1. He was first elected to the lower house In 1914. For the ;t>ast two terms he has been chairman of the elections omnrotttea. ' , A requisition has been Issued by Governor Small on the governor of Indiana for the return to Montgomery county of Virgil Spears, who is under Arrest at Anderson, Ind. He is wanted on the charge of forging his father's tuune to a, check for 922J8 on a FH1- more bank. The state division of highways plans ths completion of the hard road from Rochester to a point near the intertvban belt, which Is a short .distance east of SprlngfteM. If the new plan of mixing natnral with manufactured gas proves successful Jacksonville users may have a reduction In gas rates, according to J. P. Alvey, division superintendent of tike Illinois Power & light company. War on bacteria In Illinois will continue for at least two more years. Contracts were doeed recently be- ' tween the state health department and several manufacturers of biological supplies to furnish ammunition In the fr>rm of vtccioes and sera with vMch tfee battle will be waged. Jmat Look at it It 9402 the world was as cocksnrt end felt that It knew everything about everything, but look what Columbus found. You never know as much as there la to be known.--Atchison Glob^ Synthetic Feed Combtf Synthetic food taken from the light 4)f the sun and from the nitrogen of the air by chemists will be resorted to in solving the world's food problems as DODglatlonincrease^^lj^jredieUKL WffltYPpWtS OOttSEB AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends J. D. Beatty of Chicago spent last week at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway attended the Aurora fair Sunday. Mt. and Mrs. A. L. Purvey attended the fair at Aurora Sunday. Mrs. Laura Kent called on friends at Marengo Sunday evening. Mrs. Laura Kent was a visitor at Genoa City, Wis., Tuesday. Miss Audrey McDonald is spending the week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting at- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Walsh attended tended the fair at Aurora Sunday. Mr. Tulley and his son, and family of Chicago visited Mrs. Lawless Sunday. Jame4 (Perkins and daughter,_ Adeline, were Chicago passengers on Sunday. - Mrs. F. C. Boger spent several days this week with friends and relatives in Chicago. Mrs. George Kuhn returned home Saturday after spending several days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. P. H, Weber and daughter, Helen, attended the Aurora fair Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede of Chi- Frank Gans was a Chicago visitor "Monday. Fred KamholiwasaChicato visftor Monday. - George Kane wag an Aurora visitor Sunday. Miss Clara S toff el was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. CoYalt were to Chicago Thursday. \ Miss Vera Buss spent Sunday at the Fair at Aurora. Floyd Hopper was a Chicago visitor over the week-end. Junior Karls of Chicago visited in the Fred Karls home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Landwer of Woodstock visited friends here Sunday. Miss Doris Bacon of DeKalb spent the week-end at her home here. John Rakow spent the week-end in the home of friends at Manhattan. Mr. and Mirs. A. D. Loomis of Woodstock were McHenry visitors Sunday. Miss Rita Bacon is spending a few days this week with relatives at Fox Lake. BCrs. George Wirfs spent a few days last week visiting at Woodstock and Aurora. Mxs. Mary Noyes of Barrington was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ellen Ensign, Monday. Miss Frances Vycital of Chicago is sending her vacation at the home of her parents here. M^s. Edward* Comiskey and Mrs. Emma DeCamp of Chicago visited friends heie Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Glosson and children of Waukegan visited in the Fred Karls home Sunday. Mrs. Joe Paul and daughter, Mary, cago spent Sunday with the former's •; visited in the home of parents here. Mrs. B. Frisby, Sundav. Anton Starck of Zenda, Wis., spent j Leander Hughes returned to Chilast week in the home of Mr. and i ca^° after spending: several days with Mrs. Joe May. i his father, James Hughes. Fred Thurwell, Jr., of Niles Center! Mrs- L- H- Dibler of Woodstock was is spending the week as the guest of a guest in ^ home of her daughter, Robert Thurwell. | Mm- E. H. Nickels. Monday. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and, Mr\ and Mts' Henry Glover are daughter, Adele, visited at the Aurora • spending this month as guests of fair, Tuesday. I their children at Kenosha, Wis. Miss Merle Erickson of California! Mrs- P- N- Musser of E1Pin visited was a guest in the L. A. Erickson in the home of her "other, Mrs. D. A. home Sunday. *. | Waiting, a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Lonergan of1 Mr- and Mrs. R. A. Thompson at- Chicago were calling on McHenry tended a P^nic of relatives and friends Sunday. friehds at Gage's Lake, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minstgrom of! Miss Laura Karls-of Chicago spent Rockford were Sunday guests in the • week-end in the home of her L. A. Erickson home. i Parents, Mr. and Mts. Fred Karls. Miss Elizabeth Miller, Mrs. A. L.! Misses Genevieve and Irene Walsh Purvey and Mrs. Walter Walsh visited o{ Fox Lake were cAllers in the home at Crystal Lake Monday. of Mrs- B- Erisby Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs? Fred Berkholder and ! Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, childreft of Chicago spent Sunday at Bobby, of Chicago, were week-end the B. J. Bender home. , visitors in the Fred Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker and chil- j Mrs- w : A- Sayler spent several dren are enjoying a ten days' visit days the first of the week in the home with relatives in Indiana. her sister, Mrs. G. A. Hanly at Mrs. J. H. Miller spent several days Elgin. last week and this week visiting rela- 1 Mr. and M?rs. Ira Marshall and tives and friends in Chicago. daughter of Chicago were guests of Miiss Maud Granger of Chicago ' Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich one day spent the week-end in the home of recently. her sister, Mrs. R. A. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. John Watson and son, Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron John and James, of Chicago were Sunvisited in the home of her sister, Mrs. day guests in the home of Mrs. B. R. A. Thompson, one day recently. j Frisby. M. A. Conway and "daughter, Ele-1 Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Sattem and anor, P. J. Conway and George Miller children motored to Chicago the last attended the fair at Aurora Sunday, of the week, where they visited rela- Mrs. M. Honeyer and Mrs. E. Wilk- tives. ining of Chicago Heights were Sun-1 Mt. and Mrs. Earl MeAndrews and day guests in the John R. Smith home, family visited at Lake Forest Sunday Mrs. Lewis MJcDonald and mother,; where they were present at a family Mrs. Linus Newman, called on the reunion. Misses Ames at Terra Cotta, Monday, j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales and Mr. and MSrs. A. L. Purvey visited daughter, Marie, and son, George, their son, Jack, at the Boy Scout • visited relatives at Fox River Grove camp at Pleasant Lake, Wis., Tuesday. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe returned Friday from a two weeks' vacation spent with relatives in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Erickson and Mrs. Ellen Ensign left for Barrington Monday where she will spend the week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary Noyes. Mts. Ellen Ensign returned the last daughter, Vivian, of Genoa City were: of the week after spending several guests in the L. A. Erickson home Sunday. Mr- and Mrs. Jerry O'Connor of LaSalle visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linul Newman, Monday evening. SIT Mr. and Mirs. Edward Dowling of days with relatives at Woodstock and Greenwood. Romo Bobb spent several days last week with his mother, Mirs. Ada Bobb, upon his return from the University at Madison, Wis. Mrs. Mollie Givens and family were Chicago spent the week-end in the I Elgin Visitors Sunday where they home of their parents, Mir. and Mrs. called on Richard Givens who is very F. O. Gans. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and children returned Tuesday from a motor trip to Michigan, where they visited relatives. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaeffer and children are enjoying their vacation visiting friends and relatives at Wauconda and Chicago. Arthur Boger and Miss Jeanette Mprean of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Boger.. Mrs. J. D. Beatty and her guests, Misses Katherine and Margaret Beatty and Mirs. Spencer Ward, spent a few days this week in Chicago. Mr. and MTS. John Peterson of Chicago spent a few days last week in the Theodore Winkleh qme, having just returned from a motor trip to Rhinelander, Wis. Mr. and Mirs. George H. Johnson and family left Sunday for a motor trip through Wisconsin and Minnesota Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson were Elgin visitors Sunday evening. Mrs. George Phalin and baby daughter, Mary Terese, left the Woodstock hospital Sunday and will remain for a while in the home of Mrs. Phalin's parents, Mr. and Mr.c. G, C. Peter'before returning to their home here. Mr. and MSrs. Phil Thomas will leave this week for a motor trip to Washignton, D. C., where they will visit relatives, after which they will return to Wynona, Minn., where Mr. Thomas will be engaged in the construction work for the Wydell company. Letters have been received by friends here from Dr. Emily Rorer, who is now at Paris, France, where she expects to remain for two months. She reports a wonderful trip and is enjoying many 'points of interst. Dr. Rorer is the granddaughter of Mrs. S. Sutton of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wormley and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Winkle and son, Leo, returned the last of the week from a trip to Ottawa, where they attended the funeral of Peter Winkle. On their return trip they visited Starved Rock and also visited Mr. Wormley's mother at Mendota ill at the hospital there. Misses Gladys and Bernice Hitchcox returned to their home at Rockford the last of the week after spend, ing their vacation with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Held and son, Joseph and Mips Elizabeth Menger of Slinger, Wis., spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wirfs. Mr. and Mfc*s. Floyd Colman of Chicago are spending their two weeks' vacation at the home of the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Gillmore and daughter, Marie, of Congress Park were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Nickels several days of last week. Mrs. Pat Moriarity and daughter, M!rs. Harry Hartley and Mrs. Harry Kist of Chicago visited in the home of their sister, Mrs. George Worts on Thursday of last week. My. and Mrs. George Kamholz and little son of Chicago who are spending several days at Delavan Lake, Wis., called on their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly and Mr. and Mrs. Browning of Chicago were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Nizzie Holly, Sunday, surprising her in honor of her birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rossman and sons, Robert and Donald, and Katherine Kirkpatrick of Carpentersville motored to the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Rossman, Sunday. O. G. Treadway of Chicago visited McHenry friends ovei 'he week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Elsholz of Elgin visited in the home of their daughter, Mrs. Gordon Stringer and family, Sunday. Week-end guests in the home of Mrs. David Johnson were: Miss Virginia Conser, George Paul, Clementine Rines of Chicago; Frank Dannant of Los Angeles, Cal.; and O. E Sheldon and granddaughter of Woodside, Long Island, 1*1. Y. „ Mrs. Catherine Young and daughter, Genevieve, accompanied by Mrs. George Young, Mrs. Stephen Smith and and Mrs. Anthony Freund of Joe Weber attended the fair at Aurora Sunday. Mrs. A. Li Purvey was a Woodstock visitor Tuesday. Miss Lorraine Engeln is spending the week with her aunt at Volo. Airs. Robert Patske and children were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Laura Kent and daughter, Ruth, were Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser of Chicago visited in the Mat Weber home Sunday. George Meyers and Mrs. William Marshall and family visited at Forest Park, Monday. Miss Leola Schaeffer of Crystal Lake is spending the week in the F. E. Boger home. Stanley Cobb is spending a few weeks at Chicago where he is visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller and son of Chicago were week-end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith. Misses Clarice and Marie Miller went to Chicago Tuesday where they will spend the week with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Young at Ringwood Thursday evening. Miss Harriett Boger spent last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Schaeffer and family at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Houlihan of Chicago were callers In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Dalin and baby of Austin were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurwell Sunday. Mr. and Mts. Dobler and Mr. Juby of Elgin were callers at the home of John Vycital of Washington, D. C., is spending his vacation in the home of hi<s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Vycital.. Frank May of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe May. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and daughter, Mrs. John Dreymille'r, were callers at the G. E. Shepard home at Ringwood one day last week. The Misses Tron. Harold Rosener and Loyal Bose of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rietesel, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Simpson and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Martin of Chicago were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Weber Sunday. Mrs. John P. Weber and daughter, Bernice and Beatrice motored to Chicago, Tuesday. Misses Bernice and Beatrice remained in the city for the week, where they will visit relatives j and friends. Dinner guests In the home of Mrs. i B. Frisby on Sunday included her six j daughters, who had not all been to-1 gether for several years, and who | thoroughly enjoyed this reunion, j Those present were: Miss Anna Fris-! by, Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Mrs. Mollie j Givens of this city, Mrs. Margaret Hitchocx of Rockford, Mrs. John | Walsh and daughter, Genevieve, of j Fox Lake, and daughter, Marjorie, of I Chicago, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter; Warner and family of Elgin. | Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nye were in Ringwood Friday. Mrs. Leslie Olsen was the guest of freinds at Ringwood, Friday. - Miss Pamela Rietesel spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Young of Ringwood spent Saturday evening in the Peter Weingart home. Leo Smith of Chicago Heignfcs spent Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Compton of Woodstock visited their daughter, Mrs. A. L. Purvey, Tuesday. Mr. and M"rs. Walter Brooks and son, James, left the first of the week for a vacation trip to Canada. Peter Engeln drove to Chicago on Sunday bringing home his wife who was at the West Side hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Weber Sunday. Mrs. Elizabeth Krause and son, Clarence, of Woodstock are spending a week's vacation with relatives here. Job Vasey and son are spending several weeks during the harvest season at their farm at Raymond, S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Buss and daughter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young at Ringwood Thursday evening. Dr. and Mirs. A. I. Froehlich and daughter, Adele and Miss Miriam Sayler Were Chicago visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Carney and children of Elmhurst were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Elliott and children of Austin were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurwell Sunday. Miss Emma Fay left Saturday for Elgin where she will spend a few weeks in Jhe home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fay and famifr. Mr. and Mrs. Winfied-Arfderson and Miss Ella Enckson of Rockford were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson. Mrs. M. J. Klein of Chicago spent last week at the home of her niece, Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer, Dr. Kline joined his wife for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George F. Garrity and Miss Irene Garrity of Chicago speilt Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Garrity's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schoewer. Peter Engeln and three daughters, LaVerne, Lorraine and Betty motored to Chicago Friday where they visited Mrs. Engeln at the West Side hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blake and sons, Will Frett and Frances Frett, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake,. and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schmitt and son, Bob, motored to Starved Rock, Sunday. ^On their return trip they tciok in the Aurora fair, Monday. Miss Mildred Freund returned on Monday from a pleasant two weeks* visit with her brother, Rev. R. C. Freund, at Elgin. She al§o spent a few days with her friend, Miss Kathryn Wakeley, who resides in Elgin. Miss Mary O'Brien of Oak Park is spend inf the week with her aunt, Mrs. Ben Wegener. Mrs. C. A. White of Ford City, Pa., is visiting with her niece, Mrs. John J. Barhian. Mrs. Frank Prosper of Lincoln, Neb. is making an extended visit with her cousin, Mr*. John Barbian. Misoes Alma and Evelyn Justen returned home Saturday, after spending a week with friends at Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz were in Elgin Wednesday where their two children, Janice and Bruce had their tonsils removed at the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe M. Schoewer and daughter, Ruth, of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Schoewer. Frank B. Birch and son, Howard, and Alex Justen left Monday for a 1 motor trip to Canada. On their return trip they will stop at Cass Lake, Minn., where they will spend one week fishing. it Was a Good Show fin a New York movie theater % w+> <*®t night, six spectacle cases, eleven vanity bags, three books, one fur neck piece, one fountain pen, seven lead pencils, three canes, one Umbrella, two notebooks and a package of groceries were gathered up that had been left by their owners.--Capper's Weekly. SHOES! BUY THEM IN McHENRY • _ - at ~ Consumers9 Econpiny '•z-mr Berner Bldg. ' 0--. 'itl •'I'Smi Green St. I KPaPjE}- To CHICAGO From INcHenry--Grays Lake Convenient, dependable service by « North Shore Motor Coach North Shore Motor Coaches connect at Waukegan with fast North Shore Line trains taking you to the heart of Chicago--the "Loop" READ DOWN Control Standard Tim* Lv. McHenry 9:49 aria 1:34 Lv. Grays Laloe 10:23 am 2:08 Arr.Waukegan(BamOU 10:52 as 2:37 Arr.Chicago 12:02 pa 4:05 Arr. Milwaukee 12:07 pa 4K>9 6:491 7:231 7:52 | 9:051 9:091 Chicago North Shore & Milwaukee ILILOtt WEBER & SCHIESSLE Local Agents West McHenry x 'i !/&l •:r& •, „•< •rWi-J'S • '• ' • -'afc There's a Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tyson and chil- Ringwood were visitors at Milwaukee, dren, Mr. and Mrs. George Wells and i Wis., on Wednesday of last week. They lbs. E. JPtttcher of Chicago were, were accompanied home by Si?*®" guests in the home of Msr. Laura Edulfa and Edina, who spent a few Kent, Sunday. days visiting relatives here. Tiresfotte GUM-DIPPED TIRf For Every Car on the High ways A 1 .-MM • - '^1 No matter if yours is the smallest and lightest, ear , . Upon the highways, the largest type of passenger ear or feven the greatest bus or truek--there is a Firestone Tire y. jtfeat U built for and adapted to your car, 4 Hi'- ' •• v • •; v . - Furthermore: Firestone Tires will prove more I 'l iatisfaotory than any other tires you have ever used-- 0 they surpass all othe* tires in providing Safety, Comfort and Economy--they are the only Gum-Dipped Tires^® Gtim-Dipping is that extra Friestone manufacturing „ process that means so much added mileage and service ? ^ you, but costs not one extra* penny. We are re&jy to provide yon with Firestone Tim now--come in! Full Size Balloons High Pressure A?1^ - de WW KNOX MOTOR SALES "WHere Your Dollar Buys Most" r«r« mmd Mwattr Km A«th»rlM4 ihtlir^ Phones 30 and McHenry, fflinots "Wt •winrnfMiriiiii

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