Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Aug 1927, p. 7

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dkLLila&i SLOCUM'S LAKE *---vw^---' * "Mr. and Mrs. Largerlund and two children of Chicago, Mrs. Strom and (Children of Mankato, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Luak near Waueonda were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren. Arthur and Mae Pfannenatil were Sunday guests at the home of their sister, Mrs. Carl Ohrwall of Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. Geary and son were business callers in McHenry Saturday. George Rosslein of Cary spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mrs. Joe Haas spent Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, and Miss Alma Dowell attended the Aurora fair last Thursday. ~ FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE comes at the end of a succesful career. Prepare yourself for a position in a line where advancements come by taking one of the following courses: - Secretarial, Commercial, Stenographic, * Comptometer, Typing and all combinations; ENROLL NOW FOR SEPTEMBER 6TB; 't S Catalogue Free--Phone, Write or Call METROPOLITAN BUSINESS COLLEGE " >37 South Wabash Ave., at Monroe St.. Chicago ' You'll exclaim at the style and the saving. There's style in this deaning and dyeingshop. And it's reasonably priced for you. ^UE. BEFORE AND AFTER "For Your Appearance*8 Sake" Mrs. Anna Howard CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143-W Located over Bolger's Drug Store Would you like to get a big measure of plus-mileage from your tires? Of course you would. Well, here's how. Drive in today and let us equip your car complete with a set of-- . - . McCLAREN TIRES These tires are guaranteed to give 10% more mileage than any other make. Also guaranteed against stone bruises and blowouts. The women, especially, appreciate this freedom from tire troublfs. WALTER J* FREUND West WcHenry, Illinois EstablishaSummerHome on Beautiful Lake Elizabeth (One of the Twin Lakes) Drive Up Sunday Or any other day. After viewing Haegele's Hickory Point Subdivision You will look no further. All large high lots--$500 and up., 12 miles from McHenry, between Genoa City and Twin Lakes, Wii«,. Terms to Suit Every lot has privilege of a beautiful bathing beach H boat landing. All Improvements In BATHING--BOATING--FISHING Be Sure to look at Hickory Point First Full information on the ground or-write HAEGELE ICE CO. Mrs. F. B. Carr of Spring Grove is spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. J. Geary were business callers in Wauconda last Friday. Mrs. Page Smith and children were Elgin shoppers last Saturday. Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Albert, and Mrs: F. B. Carr spent Monday afternoon at the home of Mjjs. Sigrid Blomgren. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell and Arthur Wakarow went to Aurora Sunday to visit Ora and Charlotte Peck. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Brooks spent Wednesday and Friday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, Mrs. F. B. Carr spent Saturday afternoon at the home of the former's sister at Crystal Lake. Mrs. Carr remained over Sunday. Claire Smith and the twins, Douglas and Mae, and Mrs. Clara Smith attended the birthday party in honor of James Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williaips of Crystal Lake last Wednesday. Miss Myrtle Darrell ik spending the week at her sisters' home in Crystal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Detrick of McHenry were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wheelock of Chicago spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. ai^d Mrs. Harry Matthews. " R. C. Burreson of Chicago" was a caller Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Bropks. Mrs. Ella Wiant of West Chicago, and Mrs. Ruth Ludwig of Ghicago j spent a few days last week at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Willard Darrell. Mrs. Henry Geary spent last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Schaefer at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell attended the Aurora fair last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son, James Howard, spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Melvin and Harry Bink of Oak Park, spent .the week-end at the Ardelow farm. Almost time for school to start and have you thought of how many new things the kiddies require ? Bring them in and let us fit them with what they need. Erickson Dept. Store. JOHNSBURG Miss Rosa Pitzen and Mildred Schaefer called in the Anton Schmitt home one day last week to help cook for the threshers. Miss Rosa Miller from Chicago was visiting her parents over Sunday. Mrs. John P. Schaefer and daughter, Anita, motored to Woodstock one day last week to yvisit Mrs. Lloyd Roderick. Mrs. Elvira von Ammon and William Cipted from Chicago visited John P. Schaefer and family over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzen called on Ben Schaefer and family last Friday. Regina Klein called on her friend, Anita Schaefer last week. Mrs. Henry Thelen and Mrs. Math Miller motored to Arlington Heights to visit relatives. Mrs. Arthur Thelen and children and Mrs. J. P. Miller and children called on their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Math«J. Miller last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Guyser and family of Chicago stayed with Mr. and Mrs. William Oeffling over Sunday. Alois Steffens and John Nett of Johnsburg motored to "Spring Grove Sunday. Marie Klein of Chicago and Arthur Klein of jSpring Grove were home over Sunday. Mrs. William Oeffling and Mrs. Joe Michels called on Mrs. Peter Oeffling last week. The bargains are many and now is the time to stock up on dress materials. Erickson Dept. Store. Attend the anniversary Bale at N. J. Justen & Son's store, West McHenry, Friday and Saturday of this wetk. Bargains in furniture. Bargains in hardware Friday and Saturday of this week. Anniversary sale at the Wm. H. Althoff Hardware, West McHenry. Don't miss them. Richmond were callers in town Saturday afternoon. Mri and Mrs. James Foulke and family attended a family picnic at Union Grove Sunday. , Among the folks of Richmond who attended the St. Peter's bazaar Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Richardson and children, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krause, Mr. and Mrs. H. Chevillion, Mrs. Florence Wilson and son, James, of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roenz, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hoff. N. N. Weber, Rev. Fr. Schuneck, Mrs. Joseph Kattner, Mrs. William Freund motored to the city Wednesday to purchase for the bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gabe and son, Dick, of Woodstock spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner and attended the bazaar, Mr. and Mrs. Cooley of McHenry spent Monday with their daughter, Mrs. C. Richardson, the latter returned home with them and spent Monday. The Nippersink bank was the scene of a happy crowd Sunday where the Bell family held a reunion on the lot owned by Glen Esh. A picnic dinner was spread at noon where all did ample justice. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell and son, Harold, Mrs. Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bell, and neice, Miss Edith Harrison, of Nebraska, Ed Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Bern Bell and two daughters, Evelyn 4 and Bernice, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bell, Solon Mills, Mr. and Mrs. James Bell and children, Harold and Ethel, Lester Bell, Louis Bell, Ringwood; Mr. and Mrs. Keen of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Esh and family, Watertown, Wis.; Mrs. Bertha Esh and family, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel, and son of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bell and two children of Keystone. Alfred Richardson motored to McHenry Monday evening. Art Franzen of Fox Lake was a caller here Monday. At noon hour Monday our, city was startled by the whistle calling the fire department. The Weiland Dairy Co. ice house was on fire, and the high southwest wind was in a favorable quarter. The Richmond and Fox Lake fire departments quickly responded to the call and the fire was confined to the ice house which was completely destroyed. These chilly days make us think of the coming winter and time for warmer clothes. Flannel and wool dress materials in very attractive patterns at Erickson Dept. Store. Attend the anniversary sale at N. J. Justen & Son's store, West McHenry, Friday and Saturday of this week. Bargains in furniture. Helen and Jean Brimer of Chicago spent the week with friends here. Miss Mary Vogt spent Wednesday with her sister, Mrs. C. BenwelL The Ladies' Aid met at the Volo M. E. church on Thursday afternoon and a very pleasant time was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaiser and son of Waukegan called at the Fred Converse home one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bomer of Wauconda visited at D. V. Waits, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk, daughters, Esther and Ruth, and Miss Agnes Meyers of Ivanhoe expect to leave on Wednesday for a few days trip to Northern Wisconsin, where they will visit the Rev. D. H.. Fleet and family Cumberland, Wis. James Neish is visiting relatives at Wauconda this week. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Howard Converse, September 1. William Sigrist, Mary and Frank Vogt attended the rodeo at Grant Park, Chicago, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Wait and Mr. and Mrs. C. M Cleveland motored to the Lotus beds Sunday. Mrs. Jay Vasey and children attended the family reunion at Yorkville Sunday. *" Attend the anniversary sale at N. J. Justen & Son's store, West McHenry, Friday and Saturday of this week. Bargains in furniture. We are well supplied with all your needs for canning. Just give us a ring and we will deliver your order promptly. Erickson Dept. „ Store. Bargains in hardware Friday and Saturday of this week. Anniversary sale at the Wm. H. Althoff Hardware, West McHenry. Don't miss them. East Side Garage GAS and OIL / ACCESSORIES Also Moving and Long ' Distance Hauling HERMAN SCHAEFER Phone 49 BUY IT IN McHENRY SPRING GROVE Mr. and Mtg. Metz and Mrs. R. Metzger and son, John, of Chicago were over Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Behrens. Mr. and- Mlrs. Martin Butler visited in the home of his brother, George, at Lake Geneva Monday. Ted Oxtoby of Woodstock spent Sunday with his uncle, Richard Ovtoby and attended St. Peter's church fair. Alvin Boner of Waukegan motored here Thursday. Justen returned with him after spending a few days the first of the week with Arnold Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Nebger and family and neice, Miss Anna Thoman, of Chicago spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Math Nimsgrem and family. Thomas McCafferty and Harry Adams motored to Madison, Wis., on Thursday, returning the same day with a load of fish. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Oxtoby attended the soldier's reunion at Waukegan pa Thursday. ' Mrs." James Foulke and sons, Lpw> ell and Robert, were Friday shoppers in the city. \ Miss Marie Fitzpatrick of Chicago who has been enjoying the past two weeks with her uncles returned home Sunday everfing. Mrs. Stienke and son, John, of Chicago, Mrs. Charles Behrnes and Miss Dorothy motored to the city Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sweet entertained two carloads of relatives and friends from Rockford, Sunday, in the afternoon they all motored to the Lotus bed at Grass Lake. Miss Dorothy James of Rockford has been spending the past few weeks with relatives here returned home the first of the week. She was accompanied by Mrs. Kate Orvis and Mrs. Joe Wagner who spent a few days with Mrs. Laura James. Robert Foulke is enjoying a week at Union Grove, Wis., with his uncle, Walter Price. Charles Rush and soil, Leonard, of TERRA COTTA volo ; Misses Vera Vasey and Dorothy Dillon were Waukegan shoppers on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Townsend entertained relatives from Wisconsin Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and M s. D. V. Wait were Waukegan visitors Monday. Several from this locality attended the of Mr. Frank Davis at Grayslal e, Thursday. Mrs. J <>e Vogt and son, Frank, were Waukegi.n shoppers Saturday. Mrs. Tohn Rosing entertained company from Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Cleveland of Chicago spent the week-end at ^he Levi Wait home. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey wore in Woodstock Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bauman and I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gill and daughter from Chicago spent Sunday,at the Fred Converse home. Miss Elizabeth Bliter who is to teach the Fort Hill school and sister of St. Charles, called at Ed Bacon'fr Saturday. Rev. Lordall a former pastor of Volo, M. E. church was a visitor at Lew Lusk's Thursday. Douglas Wait, Jr., is visiting his mother and . sister at Jefferson Park this week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis of Carpentersville visited at the home of Henry McMillan, Sunday. Miss Florence Knox spent Thursday and Friday with relatives in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Anderson and daughter, Ruth, are enjoying an automobile trip through the West. Miss Eva McMillan of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Irv ing Lawrence of Chicago visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wingate attended the fair at Aurora one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and son, Quentine, of McHenry called at the home of M. Knox Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago were recent callers at the home of Henry McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Knox and daughter of Sycamore visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Knox and daughter remained for a few days' visit. Mrs. Gauls and daughter, Iris, of Elgin called at the home of Henry McMillan Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Frisby and sons entertained relatives Sunday. Mrs. George Dunkley and son, Billy, of Elgin called on Mrs. Henry McMillan Thursday. Glenn Sund and Miss Marion Lowe and Watson Lowe of Cary were calling on friends here Sunday. James Green of Woodstock is visiting relatives here this week. ~ Bargains in hardware Friday and Saturday of this week. Anniversary sale at the Wm. H. Althoff Hardware, West McHenry. Don't miss them. The bargains are many and now is the time to stock up on dress materials. Erickson Dept. Store. Attend the anniversary sale at N. J. Justen & Son's store, West McHenry, Friday and Saturday of this week. Bargains in furniture. Close Out Sale Being compelled to close this store and give toy entire time to my Antioch store, I shall offer still bigger bargains than ever before/ This offer to last until the last day of Aftgust. Women's latest style Ties, Pumps and Strap Slippers, $6.00 to $7.00 value Children's Gunmetal and Patent Leather Ties* values $3.50 to $4.50 $4.85 $1.98 Men's Tan Oxfords, values to $6.00 to close out $3.45 Boys' Black and Tan Shoes, not all sizes $1.98 Men's Silk Socks, 75# P*r P1^ or 3 P&ir for $1.00 Men's Golf Hose 3 pairs for $1.00 Men's Work Shoes Leather and Uskide Soles, not all sixes $198 Compare these prices anywhere and see if you can beat them. * Every pair guaranteed as represented. - Consumers' Economy Shoe Store T. G. Rhodes* Jr. Berner Bldg. Green 8t. Re-roof for the Last Time TTPHE "beat way" b to have Johns-Manvill# Rigid Asbestos Shingles, laid right over your old roof. Re-roof for the last time. Then your roof will last as long as the house stands. Repair bills will be cut to the minimum. No more atv noying leaks--no more danger from flying, burn*' ing brands. Write, call or 'phone today for further particuf lars. It will be a pleasurf to inspect your roof and to give an estimate of the low cost of asbestos shingles. !IS Or "V Itf \ ' •9, r McHenry Lumber Co. Vul McSMtjr, dL ft *1. f •"•cr KNOX MOTOR SALES ' 4 Lincoln--^ --Fordson Authorized Sales and Service ATWATER KENT RADIOS POOLEY RADIO CABINETS BASCO "A AND B" ELIMINATORS DIAMOND "B" BATTERIES FIRESTONE TIRES AND TUBES PAPEC ENSILAGE CUTTERS WILJORD POWER SHOVELS v "Where Your Dollar Buys Most" Phones 30 and McHenry, Illinois , •

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