Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1927, p. 6

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wm *}„*?5 • ,- •'•' :>-J""/.' ~ *' - '" THE McHKNRY PLAIKDEALKK, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80, 1927 m*?2 I •<, " * #•' » *. 1 . si VOLO Wti Bell Taggert, Maggie Duers and Mrs. Harold Stroker of Wauconda visited at D. V. Wait's Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gussie Townsend were Waukegan visitors Saturday. E. A. Turner of Waukegan transacted business at Joe Vogt's Friday. Miss Marie Shippert attended the football game at Chicago Saturday. Joseph Vogt is driving a new Nash Bcd&n* Mrs. Frank Tower of Elgin spent Wednesday with M*s. D. V. Wait. Mrs. D. V. Wait visited Mrs. Wm. Vandenboom at McHenry Saturday. James Nish spent the week-end with his mother at Wauconda. We are glad to hear that Mrs. Earl Davis, who has been confined to her bed with rheumatism, is able to be about in a wheel chair. Douglas Wait, Jr., of Chicago spent the week-end with his grandparents, Mjr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait. Mrs. Joseph Vogt spent Thursday and -Friday with Miss Fetilen at Grayslake. Mrs. Fannie Tower of Elgin is spending several days in the G. A. Townsetid home. Miss Mary Vogt and Mrs. C. G. Benweli were McHenry callers Monday. . . John Rosing is going to have a sale in the near future, the family is going to move to Chicago and his brother, Frank, is going to occupy the farm. Mrs. John Rosing entertained her friend, Miss Lillian Winters, of Chicago over the week-end and Mrs. Rosing and children are returning to Chicago with her to look for a flat which they intend to occupy in the near future. Miss Emma Vogt who is attending normal at DeKalb spent the weekend at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner motored to Chicago Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Sherman of Woodstock were Sunday callers at the E. Fisher home. Mrs. Essie Fisher and Mrs. Elisabeth Bacon spgnt Thursday with Mrs. Libby Carr at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis and family spent Sunday in the Howard Davis home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son> Richard, and Ellwood Dowell spent Monday evening in the E. H. Meyers home. ^ Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid and daughter. Lillian, spent Thursday in the E. Fisher home. Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon and daughter, Winnie, spent Wednesday with Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mrs. Leslie Davis and daughter, Marion, were McHenry shoppers on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son, Richard, were in Wauconda Sunday. Mrs. Clinton Raven and son, Richard, spent" Friday with hter mother, Mfrs. Richard Dowell. Essie Fisher and son, Lloyd, were Grayslake business callers Saturday. Lloyd Dowell is now staying at the Dowell Bros. home. ' • -' Mrs. Ira Smith is oai the sick list at present. Miss D. Berler spent the week-end at her home at St. Charles. November 4, bazaar at the Volo M. E. church. Rev. C. W. Loughlin is to preach in the Volo and McHenry churches this coming year. We are glad to welcome him back. Elwood Dowell called on John Passfield Saturday afternoon. Mrs. St George and Mrs. King"and daughter, Marion, were Waukegan shoppers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passfield and son, Roy, were McHenry shoppers on Thursday. Merian King spent Tuesday afternoon with Marjorie Eddy. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Passfield and son, Roy, were Grayslake business callers Saturday. John Passfield was a business McHenry Cartage Service Company We specialize in hauling rubbish, ashes, cans, etc. We will make weekly calls. We will also do expressing of all kinds at reasonable rates TOR QUICK SERVICE CALL McHENRY 38 ><••»»»»•••»• »»»<<• •*+**»•» Mt»»< Frett Bros. & MASON CONTRACTORS and '?-7 CONCRETE BUILDING UNITS Mr Telephone McHenry 600-M-l or 86-R EAST SIDE GARAGE GAS AND OIL ACCESSORIES Wednesdays 1 Qt. Moblloll with every S Gal. Om All work guaranteed and prices right Wilkinson & Meier MILLER'S STORE Jos. 1. Miller, Prep. GENERAL MERCHANDISE "A Good Place to Trade in All Kinds of Weather" jJ Phone 114-R McHenry, 111. I The same medicine can't cure all ills ... That's why Devoe makes a special varnish for purpose &'r ipy • y: caller at the Binks home Saturday morning. George Passfield of near Crystal Lake was a Friday evening caller at the Lloyd Eddy home. Mr. Bink was a Saturday afternoon business caller at the Henry Passfield home. 1 HoWard and Clarence Hironimus called on John Passfield Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Orvil Snell and son, Harry, and Miss Irene Dowell and Mrs. Jos. Passfield called at the Passfield home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Willard Darrell and grandson, Robert Darrell Matthews, and" Mild red Hoffman called on Mrs. H. Passfield Friday afternoon. Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter, Marjorie, spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Herman Dunker. Initiation of the freshman class of W. T. H. S. was held Friday evening and by reports they must of had some time. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and Mrs. G. A. Vasey spent the week at Champaign and Edward Lusk who was taken sick while attending school there is returning home with them. - Mrs. Lloyd Benweli visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey Wed nesday. Mrs. Essie Fisher and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son, Richard, were Volo business callggs Saturday. Mr. and . Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, were Sunday callers at the George Dowell home. Mr. and Mrs. William Knippel and daughter called on the George Dowell family Sunday. Mrs. Orvil Snell and Miss Irene Dowell and Mrs. Joseph Passfield were Waukegan shoppers Friday. Zelma Russell and Bessie Klontz spent the week-end at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. RusselL Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy And daughter, Marjorie, were McHenry McHenry shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. King and daughter, Marion, were in McHenry Saturday evening. Walter Crook and Orpha Russell spent Sunday in the Clyde Wright home. Mrs. Sharlet Knipfel who has been visiting at the S. J. Russell home is returning to Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Vasey and family called at the H. Passfield home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Passfield and son, John, and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter, Marjorie were Sunday dinner guests at the Joseph Passfield home. Mr. and M!rs. Alvin Case and son, Harry, and daughter, Shirley Ann, called on the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Converse Sunday. Mrs. S. J. Russell and daughter, Alice, and Mrs. Sharlet Knipfel were Sunday callers in the Lloyd Russell home. Mr. King who is employed at Chicago spent the week-end with his wife and daughter here. Mir. and Mrs. Henry Stadfield and son called at the S. J. Russell home Sunday evening. Jason Walton and Walter Crook are building a new granery and garage for H. Passfield. Mrs. H. Passfield and son, Roy, were McHenry business callers Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy and daughter, Marjorie, spent Sunday evening with the latter's parents. John Rossendeutcher of Chicago spent Sunday at Volo. Mrs. Katherin Molidor and Mrs. Peter Stadtfield were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs.- Liby Dobner of Budband, Neb.' is visiting her brother, Jim Kirwin. Frank Rossendeutcher of Crystal Lake was in Volo Monday. ^ Jim Kirwm has been on the sick list. ^Mrs. John Lenzen is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Will Hironimus at Round Lake this week. Harold, Dorothy and Letah Vasey were Monday callers at the Tom Vasey home. Miss Georgia Vasey who is attending normal at DeKalb spent the weekend at her home here. Mrs. Tom Vasey spent Monday at a hospital in Chicago visiting her mother who is a patient there. Mrs. Vasey reports that her mother, Mrs. Wilber is getting along as well as can be expected and that if her condition is favorable will be able to leave the hospital Wednesday. * Robert Vasey started filling silo this week. No school at the Vasey school on Monday as the teacher, Miss Ethel Fritzgerald went to Springfield on business. Lloyd Eddy was a McHenry business caller Monday evening. Marquerie Steindorfer spent Sun day with Beatrice Wilson. Let us fit you to those new shoes you are so much in need of, also those zippers you promised yourself last year. Erickson Dept. Store. Mr. and Mrs. George Weiland of Chicago were Sunday yisitors at the Joe AUwiler home. Mr. and Mrs. John Lay and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. Math Schmitt and son, Arnold, left by car for Oklahoma Monday to visit with relatives. Mrs. McCafferty, Mrs. Edna Sweet and son, George, motored to Rockford Thursday and spent the day with Mr. McCafferty who has been spending the past two weeks there. Mrs. Nick Klein and two children, Dorothy and Edwin, and Miss Marcella Hergott left for Meyers, Iowa, and Adams, Minn. Mr. Klein and Mr. Reading left Wednesday. Mr. Klein expects to meet his family at Osage and continue their journey. On Tuesday, Oct. 11, occurred the marriage of Miss Mpttie Nulk and Mr. John Steinke of Chicago at Crt>wn Point, Ind. The bride is well known here as she has spent most of the time in the home of her parents, but the groom is a stranger in these parts. He is the brother of Mrs. Clara Behrnes. Their many friends extend congratulations. They expect to make their future home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Freund, Mr. and Mrs. Anton Freund left Wednesday morning for a visit with relatives in Iowa. Miss Nora Breti and Miss Agnes Weber were Chicago shoppers Friday. Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby attended the W. R. C. pot luck dinner at Richmond Friday. William James of Antioch was a caller in town Thursday. Mr. and Mlrs. Frank Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wagner and two sons, Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner and^ son, Vernon, and Mike Wagner of Chicago and Mrs. Julia Gabe and son of Woodstock motored to Elkhorn to attend the birthday party of the grandchildren of Mr. and Mbrs. Henry Henly. William Bretz celebrated his birthday Friday evening by inviting about fifteen guests to help, celebrate. All present declared William a wonderful host. A miscellaneous shower was gi\ Friday evening by the young ladies society in honor of Miss Lillian Rauen of Kenilworth, who expects to become a bride, Oct. 26. Lawrence Foulke who is attending school at Madison spent Sunday with his parents. There will be church held at the Methodist church here Sunday at 2:30 o'clock. Everyone is cordially urged to come. Rev. Bohr will be the pastor. Mrs. Howard Christensen was very pleasantly surprised on her birthday Thursday evening. About thirty of her friends gathered for a real good time. Cards was the amusement of the evening and a wonderful lunch prepared by the guests. She received many pretty and useful gifts. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Gust Roupke, Jr., and son, Lavern, Mr. and Mrs. William Boneman and son, Woodrow, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zofmstroff and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Zomstroff and three sons, Harry, George and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellhert and children, Mr. and Mrs. H. Seidchlay and son, Miss Beatrice Halderman, John Ellhert and daughter, Edith, and son, Herman, Herman Franks, Vincent Feltes and Lavern Whiting. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Esh and family of Watertown, Wis., spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mrs. Bertha Esh and family. Mrs. Edna Sweet and son, George, spent the first of the week with the former's mother, M!rs. Maine at Rockford. Now is a good time to take cold, why not prevent it by buying some of our underwear. It comes in many different weights and garments suited to everyone's taste. Erickson Dept. Store. NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO all persons interested that the Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois, having let the contract for the improvements consisting of draining, curbing, grading and paving of ELM STREET in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, and popularly known as Paving District Number One, and the same having been completed, and accepted by the said Board on the 1st day of August A. D. 1927, and the said. Board of Local Improvements having filed in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, on the 15th day of October, A. D. 1927, a certificate showing that the said improvement conforms substantially to the requirements of the original ordinance for the construction of the same, the cost thereof, the amount estimated by them to be required* to pay the accruing interest on bonds and vouchers issued to anticipate the collection of the assessment for said improvement, a hearing will be had on said certificate, as to the truths of the facts therein stated, at the Court House, in the City of Woodstock, on the 7th day of November, A. D. 1927, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. or as soon thereafter as the business of the Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said cause before said day and may appear on the. hearing and make their defense; Dated at McRenry, Illinois this 16th day of October, A. D. 1927, ' PETER W. FRETT, HERMAN J. KREUTEER, R. I. OVERTON, Board of Local Improvements of the City of McHenry, Illinois. 20-2 M Now is the time to thhifc about getting those new blankets. We have a large assortment to choose from. Erickson Dept. Store. ; >>•'• ,.v , In the New Carey Building wreea Street McHenry, Ulinow Saturday* October 22 *-11 BOWLING and BILLIARDS 4 ALLEYS 4 TABLES Entire New Equipment, All Brunswrck-Balke-Coilender v/ Clubs fire asked to make reservations for Tournaments Ladies are Cordially Invited " ;* Come in and inspect this new Modem Reoreation Room. Emil Gier and Earle Monear, Props. '•*! 5* LOWEST PRICES IN HISTORY AT THIS GREAT TIRE SALE GUM EACH Devoe varnish to made to do a specific thing as thoroughly and as well m that thing <•«" be done. That*a why we veil-- Devoe Pale Interior for interior «£• right surfaces, Devoe M a rble Floor Finish forfiocn and linoleums, Devoe Yacht Spar for exterior use, - Devoe Aquaspar for aU turfactf requtiirriinngg special ' water. protection Devoe Rubbed Effect fot producing, thit finish untfentti ktmd. rubbing JOHN F. BRDA McHenry, 111. ,'%sk • < *! * ' ? it?-#* JPRINO OROV« Mr. and Mrs. John Sanborn and two daughters of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with relatives and friends herii. Donald Winn of Chicago spent Sunday with his sister, Mlrs. Joe J*. Wagner. • Mr. and Mrs. John Steinke of Chicago were over Sunday guests with L. J. Nulk's, the latter's parents. Mrs. Steinke of Chicago is spending the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Clara Behrnes. Chester Stevens entertained twentythree guests at a picnic dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed VariDj^ke and M!r. and Mrs. Ashell Stevens of Waukegan were among the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson and son and daughter of Lake Geneva called" at the Reid Carr home Sunday. Mrs. Johnson will be remembered to her friends as Mabel Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Meyers and I daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Charles I Miay and son, Charles, Jr., were Sun-1 day dinner guests of their parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. Anton May.~ | #3 bargains in Accessories Prices for This Sale are for CASH only Tires will be installeif on your car Free. BUY NOW! - ' - ' * History's Lowest Tire ifriees-6et Tour Require- 1 Intents Sor Balance of Tear at ^ These Great Savings KNOX MOTOR SALES is 30 and 31 5fWhere Your Dollar Buys Most" Authorised Ford and Atwater Kent Dealers McHenry, Illinois / A,

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