Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1927, p. 8

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- -v- £ MCHENKVS HOME OF AMUSEMENT «*WE CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST? SHOWS 7:30-9:00 % w. THURSDAY - FRIDAY Nov. 10-11 Monte Bine in 'THE BUSH LEAGUER' * ,• ' ' with ..' •••.... >'/ Clyde Cook, Lelia Hyatna and the comedy '"MY MISTAKE" SATURDAY Nov. 12 Jack Hoxie in "ROUGH AND READY" A Blue Streak Wester# VAUDEVILLE with Pathe News Reel And the First Chapter of the Adventures of "BLAKE OF SCOTLAND YARD" What Ever You Do--Don't Miss This One SUNDAY Nov. IS Matinee 2:30 Reginald Denny "THE CHEERFUL-- FRAUD" Itfs a Special with BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE And the Pathe Comedy - "YOUR OWN BACKYARD" TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY Nov. 15-16 "MmrEE LADIES" with May McAvoy lie llonance of a Cigarette Girl TUESDAY SILK PILLOW NIGHT Elegant presents for the lucky MM awl a real show for alL THURSDAY • FRIDAY Nov. 17-18 "THE JOY GIRL" SOCIAL AND CLUB DOINGS Of WEEK (Continued from front page) a very happy little girl on Saturday, Nov. 5, when she celebrated her sixth birthday anniversary with the aid of eighteen of her schoolmates and friends at a party at her home on Mlain street. TTie afternoon was spent in playing games with prizes in the various games being won by Evelyn Schaefer, Lorraine and Gordon Knox and Alice Nickels. At the close of the games a luncheon was served with the table prettily decorated in pink and white, while the nut' cups, favors and candles added much to the attractiveness of the table with its centerpiece of a beautiful birthday cake adorned with six lighted handles. The little hostess received many pleasing gifts. Those present were: Evelyn Weingart, Mary Erickson, Helen Musser, Lucile Beicker, Adele Feltz, Alice Nickles, Lily Brda, Bruce Klontz, Raymond Powers, Harry Ferwerda, James and Joseph McAndrews, Marilyn Griswold, Evora Carlson, Harry Conway, Lorraine andGordon Knox and Evelyn Schaefer,« , -- Social Wheel The Social Wheel met at the Universalist church parlors on Thursday afternoon of last, week with about twenty members and guests present. The business meeting consisted of election of officers with the old corps of officers re-elected for the new year. The officers are: President, Mrs. Andrew Eddy; vice-president, Mrs. J. R. Smith; secretary, Mrs. Florence Smith and treasurer, Mrs. H. M. Stephenson. After the business of the afternoon was completed cards and bunco were, tHI enjoyed with the prizes at cards being1 won by M!rs. H. L. Ritter and Mrs. F. O. Gans. In bunco the first prize was won by Mrs. Florence Smith and the consolation by Mrs. Lawless. A bounteous pot-luck supper was served jit the close of the afternoon. The next regular meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. T. J. Walsh. . :. Eastern Star • • 'H» members of Hebron chapter, O. E. S., observed worthy matron's night on Wednesday of last week at which time Mrs. Ony Wheeler acted as conductress. On Friday evening, Nov. 4. Mrs. Ony Wheeler fiUed the station of Esther at the Worthy Matron's night .at Lake Geneva. On Monday evening, Nov. 7 Mrs. Ony Wheeler, filled the office of chaplain at Lownsburg chapter, Barrington. On Friday evening of this week Marengo chapter will observe their guest night and at this time, Mrs. Ony Wheeler will fill the station of Electa. On Monday evening, Nov. 14, Mrs. Ony Wheeler, will act as Esther at a meeting of the Antioch chapter. Card Party at Lilymoor The members of the Eastern Star of this city sponsored a card party at Lilymoor on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The afternoon was very much enjoyed by the ladies at the roomy and pleasant clubhouse situated on the shore of Lily Lake. A cheery fire burned in the large fireplace and added much to the comfort and attractiveness of the Toom. Bridge, five hundred and bunco were played during the afternoon and refreshments were served. At bridge the prizes were won by Mrs. Plant and Mrs. George Lindsay, at five hundred the winners were, M!rs. Charles Rietesel and Mrs. H. Hoppe and at bunco the prizes were won by Mrs. Harvey Baron and Mrs. D. I. Granger.* Happy Ten Card Clnb MJss Dorothy Knox was guest of honor at a party given by the Happy Ten Card club at the home of M*. and Mrs. A. L. Purvey on, Sunday evening:. A delightful evening was spent at cards, music and dancing after which refreshments were served at a late hour. The prizes for high scores at cards were won by Mrs. C. E. Martin and Walter Walsh while the consolations went to Miss Eleanor Phalin and Ray Conway. A guest prize was also presented to Mass Dorothy Knox. Those present were: Messrs, and Mes4ames Edward Sutton, Richard Fleming, Ray Conway, Clarence Martin, Earl McAndrews, Clarence Whiting, Walter Walsh and Misses Eleanor Phalin and Genevieve Knox, Mrs. Mary MlcCabe, Will Quinn and M. A. Conway. Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Mlat Steffes. The evening passed pleasantly at cards with the frist prize being won by Mrs. Mat Freund, second by Mrs. Theo. Winkle, third by Mrs. Jacob Schaeffer and fourth by Mrs. C. Joos. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. R. J. Frisby. Bridge Part/' " Mr, and Mrs. Joe Smith entertained at bridge at their home on John street on Sunday evening. Two tables were in play with the high score being made by Mrs. George Kuhn. The guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn, and Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. Card Party Mrs. George Miller was hostess, to several of her friends at a card party at her home on Tuesday afternoon of last week. The afternoon was spent at cards, with high honors being won by Mrs. Ed Sutton and the consolation by Mrs. M. A. Sutton. The guests present were: Mrs. M. A. Sutton, Mrs. Ed Sutton, M)rs. Albert Vales, .Mrs. Herman Schaefer, Mrs. Mary McCafoe and Miss Dorothy Knox. Progressive Twelve The members of the Progressive Twelve card club were entertained by Mrs. J. W. Rothermel at her home on Wednesday afternoon of last week. The afternoon passed pleasantly at five hundred with the first prize being won by M!rs. George Worts, second by Mrs. A. Krausevand third by Mrs. J. W. Rothermel. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. A. Krause. * Royal Entertainers The Royal Entertainers met last For Mesdames Walsh and Gibhs Mrs. Jack Walsh and Mrs. Charles Gibbs were guests of honor at a party given by Mrs. George Westerman and £Iiss Mary Costello at the former's home at 219 Morgan street, Elgin, on Monday evening. Mrs. Gibbs and Mrs. Walsh were visiting in the home of their sister, Mrs. B. Costello, on Ann street. Bridge, five hundred and euchre were played, the favors in bridge going to Mrs. Edward Larkin, In five hundred to Mrs. Edward Malone and in euchre to Mrs. Frank O'Flaherty. Honor favors were presented to Mrs. Walsh and Mrs. Gibbs. . Afer the playing a two-course luncheon was served on the small tables o® which peach and amber colored appointments were used and lighted amber tapers tied with peach tulle! Guests other than those named were: Mesdames John Ay 1 ward, Steven Walsh, George Bolger, Peter Wester* •|an, Emma Schmitz and B. Costello flttid Miss Mary Kenneally. Entertain Faculty £ Mr.. and MSrs. Gordon Stringer delightfully entertained the teachers of $he high school faculty at their home ®n last Thursday1 evening. Bridge furnished the entertainment for the evening, with high honors going to Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker, while Mrs. Hay McGee received the consolation. Stay-a-While Club >• * V, Miss Theresa Knox was hostess to * the members of the Stay-a-While JBunco club on Thtftsday evening of ypesfc week. Mts. Peter J. Schaefer .'•^and Peter Schoewer receiving prizes - /for high scores and Mrs. Fred C. ^Schoewer and Peter J. Schoewer reconsolations. LOOM teaf work is a 'tt* Plaindealer job f^V m u 1 Sipyri(?ht 19#? art Schaffaer & Marx R E M E M B E R NINE YEARS AGO TOMORROW When the guns at the Front were silenced - and homesick boys turned their faces to their own Mothers' Club Fourteen ladies were present at the meeting of the Mothers' club at the home of Mrs. E. G. Peterson on Friday afternoon of last week. After the round table discussion conducted by Mrs. Peter M. Jus ten the afternoon was spent at games and a short program, and plans were discussed for the entertainment to' be given soon. Popular Twelve „ The members of the Popular TwelVfe Qard club were entertained at the home of Mrs. Nick Freund on Friday afterndon. Five hundred was played during the afternoon' with the first prize being won by Mrs. J. Miller, second by Mlrs. Simon Michels and 4hird by Mrs. J. W. Freund. v< ' Emerald Bridge Club Albert Vales entertained the members of the Emerald Bridge club at her home on Friday afternoon of last week. Two tables of bridge were in play during the afternoon with the first prize going to Miss Louise Schenider, second to Mrs. Ben Dietz and third to Mrs. Harvey Nye. The guests present who comprise the club were: Mesdames Ed Sutton, M. A. Sutton, A. L. Purvey, N, J. Nye, Harvey Nye, Ben Dietz and Miss Louise Schneider. - Five Years Old Little Miss Mlarjory Duker entertained a few of her little neighbors and friends at a birthday party at her home Monday evening to celebrate her fifth birthday anniversary. Games were played and a happy time was enjoyed by the little folks.. A birthday supper was served and a beau tiful birthday cake with five candles was the center of attraction. The little guests were: Geraldine and Doris Jane jKennebeck. Jennie and Harry Ferwerda, Helen Buch and Guy Duker. \ C. D. of A. The Catholic Daughters of America will hold an initiation in St. Patrick's Jialf on Sunday, Nov. 13, at 1:30 o'clock. This will be followed by a •banquet at Justen's hotel at 5 o'clock. All members urged to attend. Coon and Possum Several clever hunters enjoyed the benefits of a lucky catch at a stag party at the Peter W. Engeln home on Saturday evening. A coon and possum supper was served with John Engeln acting as chef. The supper was a wonderful one agd much enjoyed by those present. Brifee Party MSM. Raymond Powers entertained at bridge at her home on Court street on Tuesday afternoon. The party at which a neat sum was realized, was given for the benefit of the Universalist church. The first prize at bridge was won by Mrs. A. J. Schneider, second by Mrs. N. H. Petesch and low prize by Mire. R. A. Thompson. Those" present were: Mesdames N. H. Petesch, Minnie Miller, George Llnd-^gp say, R. A. Thompson, E. E." Bassett,, Andrew Eddy, J. R. Smith, J. W. , ^ Smith, Charles Rietesel, Earl Monear, ;^. F. O. Gans, T. J. Walsh, Joe Smith,". - Albert Vales, Lillian Cox, H. A. As- "Y\- malsky, A. J. Schneider, H. C. Hughes,^ H. F. Cannon, Henry Freund, Foss and Josephine Pouse. * £* • ; -.a;, immm " iP Well Dressed People Wear Tewelry Correct in Stvle 9 Come inv Let us help you ehoose Jewelry that will reflect f the " same appreciatior of style that you express in your home, your car, an your personal apparel. Nye Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop Phone 123'J West McHenry ' - *i d Your Photograph For Every Event Jphe Suitable Present Arrange for your sitting today. Then when you need photographs you'll have them to give. Our prices will please you. Nielson Studio Formerly Bobb Studio Phone 113-J McHentf •o When a great nation's heart swelled with pride at the courage and heroism of youth. _ Tomorrow--Armistice Day-r-we live regain those stirring times; cheer the boys who came back; remember with honor those who rest in Francf*^ In commemoration of this day this store will close M 10:30 a. m. Friday for the rest of the day' McGee's Clothing Store In the New CareyJBuilding MjpHenry, Illinois To Holders of Second Liberty Loan Bonds: •x • * ' ... ' Second Liberty Loan Bondi have been called for redem] tion on November 15, 192 and will cease to bear interest on that date. The bonds should be presented on of prior to Nov. 15, 1927. This bank will be pleased to handle the sale of exchange of these bonds ior anyone desiring us to do so. West McHenry State Bank "The Bank That Service Built" •

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