. «** i» * - «*. j* * .am**** r*fesr-. fkaZ'^T **.•> **?»*"#**• &.ir .. jr * »* * vrv^ r?^ * „• MJ 'ivf': •54; "- • aaLkrIW %i .': .>9i " n , , • • -->• ••-. r- :*"j;--tif>jTi*"'J>. WAfei: ••:<>•: !f ..sv-i.v . r^fr THE McHENBY PLAINSKALKK, THBBSDAY, DEO. 22,1927" BOMB OF AMUSBMBNT CANT PLAY THEM ALL SO WE PLAY THE BEST" SHOWS 7*0-9:00 THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dec. 22-23 ONE-ROUND HOG AN" J. Jeffries, the Best Loved •f World rkuanima a Thriller with a Real Cart and the MECHANICAL COW* nTii'iii' iti". ' naiiiigi^.Sii ••4S SATURDAY Dec. 24 7 Ken Maynard • Inatcst Cwrtoy Star • •, > in /SOMEWHERE A l,..;' SENORA" with VAUDEVILL* Also Patke Worlds Latest 1?B*« And the next chapter of the Great Adventure Plagr "BLAKE OF SCOTLAND YARD" 8UNDAY MONDAY Dee. 25-26 Matinee 2*0 Rin-Tin-Tin The Wonder D«* in ,€$AWS OF STEEL" And Pathe Comedy "GOOD CHEER" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Dec. 27-28 Billy Dove in "THE STOLEN BRIDE" THURSDAY - FRIDAY Dec. 29-30 OLD-TIME FIDDLERS' CONTEST All the Old Favorites Still Retained and some New Ones Added DONT MISS THtt ~ In" Conjunction with ifo Regular Show "REX" The Kin* of Wild Horses and the comedy "S A XIPHOBI A" * SUNDAY Jan. I New Year's Day Jackie Coogan in "THE BUOLE CALL" ; ~ v Coming Jan. 2-3-4 "^PftE BIG PARADE" ST MARY'S PUPILS ENJOY XMAS PASTY Once more the venerable old walls of St. Mary's school rang with the joyous, silvery voices of the carefree day, Dec. 21. The dainty red and white paper chandeliers, the cozy, olcll-fashioned fireplaces lending with their bright colored candles and hand-manufactured mantle clocks, a touch of hominess gave evidence of the artistic ability of St. Mary's pupils. Santa Claus seems to have been particularly lavish this' year for he left in each of the school rooms an elaborately decked Christmas tree. Perhaps this unlooked for touch was effected by his view of the attractive sand tables depicting Christmas scenes of the mean, lowly birthplace of Our Blessed little Saviour, of jolly shoppers, kind mothers -with chubby little rosy-cheeked tots who love to stare at pleading little orphan dolls w at dashing toy electric trains, and of a modern church and village commemorating the birth of the Babe. No doubt about it, Santa was very much pleased with the results, but if his jolly spirit lingered until the next morning, Wednesday, Dec. 19, he would have chuckled quietly as the tots in wide-eyed, open-mouthed, amazed wonder stared as though bewitched at the marvel wrought over night. A few faint awe-filled little "ohs" and "ahs" were followed" by a storm of hand-clapping. After the first rapture wore off the enchanted groups returned to themselves and settled down to enjoy the programs and parties in the individual rooms. Readings were given, songs sung Is SOCIAL AND C DOINGS Of Daughters of G. A. R. The members of the James B. Perry Fortress of the Daughters of the G. A. R. held their regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon. At this meetinc the initiation ceremonies took place and annual inspection was held. The state inspector, Mrs. Florence Barth of Chicago was present to inspect the work of the officers and other state and national officers present- were Mrs. Ruby Drury of Waukegan, commander- in-chief; Mrs. Gertrude Gerald of Libertyville, department commander, and Mrs. Mabel Goggins, a member of national board. These officers were presented with gifts from the local fortress and responded with short, interesting talks. This meeting brought to a close the first year of the James B. Perry Fortress which has proved to be a most successful and prosperous one. The same corps of officers h>»s been elected to fill offices for the coming year and the prospects are bright for another' successful year for this society. Rpyaf Pyy* CluV Mrs. J. J. Marshall entertained the members of the Royal Bunco club at a Christmas party at her home Thursday evening. The home was pretty with Christmas decorations and a Christmas tree upon which a gift for each guest present was found. Three tables of bunco were played during the evening and first prize was won by Mrs. Fred Nickels, the second by f^eryoiie present. A large crowd was Mr*. Henry Freund, third by Mr, R and the dramatisations of Christmas I ent to ,,nj„y the games and the! «»»**• and low I*1"* "™- John stories were also presented in the in- j entertaininent of the evening which dividual rooms. The sight of the|drew t(} a doge with the giving of flush-cheeked, twinkling eyed young-jrefreshments< T sters, chattering gayly and munching, M this me€ting plans were also fluffy white balls of pop corn and i, for tfce cominp installation of other sweet meats offered, would | officers which wIil uke place on Satsoften the heart ^>f any Scrooge if | urday J|m ^ win be a join there be any at the present age. installation with the Modern Wood When the noon-day/ bell tinkled i , ^ Tmroniiu tv», . R. N. A. Christmas Party The members of the Fox Valley Camp, R. N. A. enjoyed a Christmas party at their hall on Tuesday evening with all the fun that usually prevails at such al&athering. The hall was elaborately decorated in the Christmas colors of red and green with a brightly lighted Christmas .tree on which were' found gifts for The Altar and kosary society held its regular meeting at the K. C. hall on Wednesday aftennoon of last week. Election of officers was held at this time and those elected to for the new year were: President--Mrs. M. A. Vice-president--Mrs. Mary Powers. Secretary--Mrs. Laura Kent. Treasurer--Mrs. Peter Doherty, After the meeting a social was spent at cards. The diamond h ,had been donated to the society given to Howard Wattles. Juveniles' Xmas Party Juveniles of Fox River Valley camp, R. N. A., enjoyed a Christmas party at the close of their regular meeting at the M. W. A. hall on Saturday afternoon. The hall was prettily decorated in red and green and a very pretty Christmas tree was the center of attraction for the children. An in-, teresting program was given by the Juveniles, after which Santa Clans arrived with a gtft for everyone. Several of the mothers were present to enjoy the afternoon, also. The Juveniles presented their director, Mrs. Charles Ensign, with a pleasing [v'~ t i Grocery and Market Christmas Shoppers With a Big Dis play of Meats and Groceries . men and also with the Juveniles. The forth its invitation to lunch the line | jnstallation the juvenile officers that proceeded from the doors was | v.m bably place first with the ccoommppoosseedd eennttiirreellyy o-off wweellll--pplieeaasseeda,,1 ( director, Mrs. Carri- e E-- nsi-gn, as in lively youngsters who unanimously j ulH officer and the assistant di agreed that a, jolly aid time was had, -- - -- ~ Public Cand Party Bridge, bunco and five hundred were played at the public card party held u«t.-1 at Niesen's cafe on Friday afternoon. , a joint 1 The Prizes in bunco wore won by Mrs. j ' Fred Beller, Miss Mildred Joos and j Mrs. Mat Baur. In bridge the prize i was won by Mrs. A. Krause and in j five hundred prizes were won by Mrs. H. L. Ritter, Mrs. Ben Hiller and Mrs. J. D» Baatty. by all. BilNGWOOD rector, Mrs. Ray Howard, as Ceremonial Marshal. C. D. of A. Xmas Party On Saturday, Dee. 18, Santa Claus gladdened the hearts of many children at the annual Christmas party given by the Catholic Daughters of America. Each child present was remembered with a gift and also a box filled with nuts, candy, etc. The venerable Sisters of St. Mary's school and the Rev. O'Rourke, Nix and Dummermuth, who were also prosent, helped to make this party a suecess. Good old Santa himself handed each Mrs. Henry Stephenson was a Chicago shopper Friday. Mrs. Louis Hawley and children spent a few days recently aa the guests of Chicago relatives. Allen Bradley of Chicago was a visiter here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes, Mrs. E. E. Whiting and Miss Marjorie Whiting were Waukegan shoppers on Saturday. ^ . uooa oia oanw iiun»en Mrs. Herman Molidor of Vol© spent j and every chUd his gift. The many Friday as the guest of her mother - - j here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy, son, Junior, and daughter, Bobette, were Waukegan shoppers Monday. Hadley Thompson of Greenwood was happy faces was reward in full for those who helped to make tkk p|rty one long to be remembered. Married Thirty Years Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Bassett entera Sunday dinner guest of Floyd Foss. | ujned "Foursome" at their home «« /II 1 ~ ~ DaaI tlMfl AM Rlopin on M- - ai-n street on Saturday evening in honor of their thirtieth wedding an niversary. With the weather unsuit Mrs. Charles Peet waa an Elgin shopper last Wednesday. School Notes Primary honor roll: Clarence x^d; golf the efforts of these am, William Dodge, Zane Grey. Neil: rg to bridge and a pleas- Harrison, Charles Thompson, Stanley j evening was spent around the Young, Richard Kelley, Mae ^a A Ker' cheery fireplace. Two tables of Dora Anderson, Alice Mae Low, Amy j brid were in piay with high honors Lawrence, Florence Adams, Lucille, to M^>g jj Johnson and Peet, Mlary Celine Adams, Esther i ^ Sayler while Mrs. J. N Lawrence, Jean Wlhiting,, Elmer . ' 'TT Schaefer. Upper grade honor roll: Ellen Smith, Elaine Bradley, Irvin Walker, Paul Walkington, Jessie Schroeder, Helen Harrison, Vivian Whiting, Mercedes Smith, Darlene Merchant, Virand George H. consolations. Sayler Johnson received the r°nce, Brown, Roy Welter. Social Affairs The Jolly Sixteen Bunco clnb Come Join Our Next Big Ex cursion To the Lower Eio Grande Valley of Texas Special train of Pullman sleeping and dining cars. Three good meals a day. Wonderful side trips to Houston and Matamora, Old Mexico. Bathe in the Gulf cf Mexico. We are making special rates to those who wish to inspect our irrigated farms and C'trus Fruit Lands. We operate our own private cars and provide every convenience and cobfort of home to our guests. Hie cost of the trip is lower than you ever dreamed of. You will never /forget this delightful excursion with its luxuries and comforts. Leaving Saturday, Dee. 31, 19S7 6 Days - '. For Our Big New Year's Party For further information, literature, address t BEN STILLING & SON s Phone McHenry 164 Make your reservation Early, Fred W. Bennett, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE of John D. Fleming. Deceased 'Hie undersigned, having beeh appointed Administrator of the Estate «f John D. Fleming, deceased, late of Notice A meeting of the members of the Belgian Draft Horse company will be lield at the West McHenry State bank Saturday, Dec. 31; The company desires to close its books on that date. All stcckhBJders should bung in their stock certificates and receive their share of balance now in bank. 29 FRANK WATTLES, Pres. JOHN M. PHALTN, Sec. Royal Banco CHib The members of the Royal Bunco club surprised Mrs. Paul Meyers on - Monday afternoon, the event being in ginia Welter, George Thompson, Don-1 honor of hej. birthday anniversaryaid Adams, Lyle Franzen, Helen ^ The guests were weK«omed by the sur- Whiting, James Thompson, James prjsed hostess after which bunco was Lawrence, Cecil Rager, Mina Law- p|ayed during1 the afternoon. First Francis Harrison, Leonard pHze wag won by Mrs. Paul Meyers, I second by Mrs. N. F. Steilen, while I the low prize went to Mrs. John R. ... j Knox. Mrs. Meyers was presented entertained at the home of ftlrs- t;en, with a set of rose color goblets as a Justen on Thursday afternoon. After b}rthday _ift from the guests. several games of bunco were played it was found that Miss Dorothy Peet had won the first prize, Mrs. William McCannon. second; Mass Bertha Justen third and Mrs. George Young the consolation. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton E. Martin entertained a few friends on Friday evening. The evening was spent in nlaying five hundred and at a late hour delicious v refreshments were served. Those who enjoyed the gathering were* Miss Arline Harrison, Clarence Pearson, Messrs. and Mesdames Llovd Benwell. Jay Cristy, Leon Dodere and Kenneth Cristy. The Home Circle met at the home of Mrs. Jay Cristy last Wednesday with Miss Agnes Bigelow. Mrs. Emma Brown and Mrs. Jay Cristy as hosteSs. A chop suey luncheon was served at 1 o'clock which* was followed by a trood program. Later there was a grab bag containing ten cent articles which afforded considerable amusenrant and pleasure for the guests. Defeated at Belvidita The basketball team of the Community high school journeyed to Belvidere last Saturday night where they met defeat at the hands of the Belvidere team by a score of 3 to 8. On December 28 the high school team will play the alumni team and on Dec. 30 they will meet the Hebron team at Hebron. Emerald Bridge Clab : Mrs. Ben J. Dietz was hostess to the members of the "Emerald Bridge club at her home on Friday afternoon. A pleasant afternoon was spent at bridge and the first prize was won by Mrs. Albert Vales, second by Miss Lou Schneider and third by Mrs. A. L. Purvey. Miss Lou Schneider will entertain at the next meeting of the club. 1 The choice of the meat course, for the Christinas dinner is a most im» ' ^'4.^ ' portaut concern. Our assistance in aiding you to select what you prefar , $ starts with providing you the choicest offerings to be found anywhere. ; ifrf ' Then we assure you prompt attention to your orders, and prompt d*» ^ ^ livery will be made when and where you specify. \ V Prize beef from the International show will be on sale this week. Don*| forget to order Cranberries, Celery, Stuffed Dates, Mixed Nuts, Orangey . Apples and Pumpkin--all for the Xmas dinner. FRETT'S GROCERY and MARKET Phone 3 Wert McHenry m'-:X Linger Longer Bunco Club Mrs. George J. Miller was hostess to the members of the Linger Longer Bunco club on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Bunco was played and prizes were ^awarded to Mrs. Harry V. Clark, Mrs. Fred C. Schower and Mrs. Louis McDonald. F. H. H. Club Dorothy Wormley entertained the members of the F. H. H. club at her home on Wednesday evening of last week. Five hundred ^ras played and the first prize was won by Gladys Warrington and the second prize by Mildred Cans. What there is for Christmas at " N Y E ' S Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop A Larger Store this year with Gifts Suitable for All Forester Meeting A meeting of Foresters was held at Johnsburg Thursday evening of l%st week, Dec. 15. State Organizer Adolph Fisher of Elgin and Charles Wiedermann, also of Elgin, were present. A large number of Foresters was in ~ attendance. Refreshments were served. \1 ^ ..ji*et ~tk' V 9eU Schaefer apd the County of McHenry and State of j GOOD REMEDY FOR BAD C^UGH Illinois, hereby gives notice that h° "A hard persistent wearing cough will appear before the County Court j kept me awake for several nights, of MjcHenry County, {it the Court j and when my druggist recommended House in Woodstock, at the February Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, I Term, on the first Monday in February, next, it which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having same adjusted. All persons indebted to said - Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 28tli day of November, A. D. 1927. 28-3 JUchard E Fleming, ^Administrator. was eager to try it. In less than two days my Cough was entirely gone," says this satisfied user from Nebraska. No opiates, no chloroform, a really valuable remedy for coughs, colds, throat and bronchial irritations. Accept no substitute for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Get the genuine. Thuaas P- Eclser, Druggist. Plaindeaten at Bolg«ri» 11th Hour Christmas ShoppingSuggestions Here we are giving a few items very desirable Cor gifts and at attractive prices: % Children's Aluminum Tea Sets Tool Chests Sandy Andy Toy* -. Toy Automobiles Mamma Dolls, special $1.35 $2.50 and $3.75 75<* to $1.50 --S1.25 to $4.00 Mechanical Trains Electric Trains .00 Carving Teapots Sleds L75 $11.00 $3.00 ~ 75d to $2.00 $1.35 to $3.15 Va.H. Althoff Hardware West MdBoiryi; "The Gift Supreme" Pen and Pencil Parker. Kodaks and Cameras--Eastman. Leather Good3--Cook's guaranteed. Fancy Glassware, plain, frosted, and colored. Clocks--wall, mantle, boudoir. New Electric Radio" Besides Pianos and Radios there are Records, Sheet Music, Piano Rolls and Small Musical Instruments. Qive a Diamond--"the Everlasting Qift" A gift of Jewelry,reflects good taste. . •Besides Diamond Rings and Watches yo4u will find: Chokers and Necklaces--pearl and crystal. Chains--Waldemar, belt and wrist. * . , Bags--silver mesh and steel cut bead. Pins and Brooches--permanent white gold. Cigarette Cases and Lighters--Gold finished. Toilet and Manicure Sets--gents'.and ladies'. 1 SON urim Community Silverware Rogers 8 It •JmM "Elgin Time is P«rf^ct Time" West McHenry, Illinois •2