Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1927, p. 4

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" "i: THE McHENRY P ALES, THUESDAY, DBO. 29,1937 »««•*< ,w_ •{»'-* & «• n rt 11%-* yk«,<V*v <v< _ ; » « «C A< * -. *x lUfi M'HENRY PLAINDEALER j ___________ Published «nqr Thursday *t XeHauy, DL, If Chaihi F. B--tefc. $n*<' Entered as second-class mattsr at tk br Uw act of May 8. 1879. at Mcflwy, IDL, - Oahairiprt-- One Year Ms Mofldte • ».•*•••»»•'»' »'• «« • • *• » • • • «V* • ••!»*•••#•••••••••••••• .Sl^SS A. H. MOSHKR, >mi > nm< »iMi»•»••••••»»»••••»»•••»»•»»•••••••»•••• ?$*• t" „ •*i&r ' . - j - • WW j.'O '* '*- •• 8&S Wishing^ Tyw a JVeU' Ifeor ' Mildd 1 -V •' '«v «%>•- ' To our friends of long standing! To our acquaintances--Greetings! and to those we haifrt yet to meet and know. Greetings! Agatha Shop BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE Cost $8,000 four months ago. Will take $560 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4 room apartment. 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved fram§; 8 pc. walnut dining room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 pc. walnut bedroom set; complete with spring and mattress; library table; 5 pc. breakfast set; lamps; chest of silverware. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd., Chicago, 111. Phone Sunnyside 6190. 26-6 mm »»»••»»»»»»»»»•»•»»»»•»»•»•»•»••»••»» A NEW YEAR'S MESSAGE TO OUR FRIENDS Now, as the curtain is being drawn back on a new year we come with our good wishes for you. We trust that your associates, in whatever line you follow, will be agreeable and kind, that those near and dear to you will be happy and contented. And in it all and through it all may you go smiling through the year because you have been blessed with all manner of good things . Green Street Phone 251 <M«I »•»»»•••»»•»»»»»»•»•»••»»••••»»•»»•»»• * • * k- ' i - ii:' :*¥•:, t, For your past favor--and with a hope of your continued friendship--we pause to send forth earnest greetings and wish for a prosperous New Year. McHenry Flour Mills William Spencer, Prop. I'- ,••• •, :r5. P ,-v y. • 5 CLASSIFIED USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR RENT--Wentworth home on Wlaukegan road. Inquire at Marshall's Bakery. 29-tf "wanted"" Mrs. Gertrude Kuns WANTED--All kinds of housework, by the day. Will stay evenings with children. Phone 105-R. Mrs. Paul Knester. 80* DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON RAND 1925 Ford coupe; new balloon "tires, bumpers, waterpump, spot light, lock wheel. $140.00. Ford Tudor, $60.00. Has Overhaul job, $60.00. Buick touring with winter top; tires nearly new. Only $125. Late 1926 Ford touring; lfln new. Only $175.00. 1928 Dodge Special sedan demonstrator; new car guarantee. $850. Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line 6f trades in % ton and 1% ton in closed OK open body types. JAMES MORROW A SON. Phone 186 West McMeary, ID. MAN WANTED--as general help in home. Tel. 528-J-2. #0 WANTED TO BUY--40 or 80 acres, sloping south, with or without buildings. State price, town, location. Ed Schlaupitz, Grayslake, 111. 29-3* WANTED--Family Washings. Will call for and deliver. Mrs. Henry Blair, Route t, McHtenry. Phone 619-J-l. 27-tf. FARM WANTED--Hear from owner good farm for sale. Cash price, particulars. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 27-5 WANTED--All kinds of old and worn out cars and all other junk. San Hirschman. Phone McHenry 178. 22-tf. ".-.f .. . ,*r - I III fltft"! initial! WONDERFUL VALUES IN USED CARS 1923 Buick-6 Touring .$145 1923 Buick Touring ...$95 1^24 Star Sedan ................$95 1925 Star Touring .......~~...«4l85 4-wheel brakes. Ford Speedster . ....$20 All these cars are in good running condition. REO McHENRY SALES Riverside Drive McHeary LOST v LOST -- Small green pocket-book, somewhere in business district. Phone 93-Mu 30 LOST--Tire, 32x6, mounted on disc wheel, between Richmond and McHenry. Finder return to E. G. Shinner & Co., Richmond, HI. 30 MISCELLANEOUS TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf FOR SALE--One yearling red Duroc Jersey boar; some choice spring boars. These boars are sired by Supreme Cal's Wonder and by The Promoter. All pure,.bred and eligible to register. W. E. Whiting, West McHenry, 111. Phone 620-R-l. 24-tf FOR SALE--Here is a real bargain in a used truck. 1927 Ford truck, like new, closed and comfortable cab, large stake body. Ruck steel axles. Extra low speed ,heavy hauling. Four new Firestone tires. Truck looks and runs like new. Guaranteed. All for $275.00. Terms if wanted. We will bring truck out to show you. Blameuser- Egan Chevrolet, Niles Center, 111. Phone Niles Center 100. SO HARNESS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING-- by Robt. Patzke. Phone 99-M, West McHenry, 111., corner Third and Main streets. 26-tf McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR EXPRESS--We handle express to and from Chicago. Chicago freight department, 411 W. Superior St. Phone McHenry 213-W. 25-6 NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING --On M. H. Detrick farm, known a the Hanly farm. 28-tf TYPEWRITERS Sales and Seryice. 1 Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 849. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf FOR SALE--Registered Holstein bull, TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble 7 months old, at the Birchmont Farm, to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repair- Walter H. Brandenburg, Ingleside, 111. ing dona on all makes. Also fluff and 30-2. rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 13-tf DRAWING PAPER AT THE PLAINDEALER Sheets 24x36 inches. j-u-LTtf>«*tAi"W¥'WtfVW<WTf>riii~ii~»i~ii -- -- -- -- -- ^ Closing Season Dance | A BIG CELEBRATION ON NEfW YEAR'S EVE •I ii Louis' Crystal Ballroom l ^Fox River Grove, HI. DECEMBER 31, 1027 LUNCH SERVED FREE YOU Watch for the Opening Dance JUST A KINDLY GREETING To wish you health, happiness tod prosperity ^Sthroughout the New Year. How grateful we are to you, our friends, for •^"iyour loyal support during the past year. If it is ' to be our pleasure to serve you in 1928 we'll be .T found putting rorth our very best efforts to £. jftprit every trust placed in us. ^ fe'- *i• * John Bxda ^S^THE SEASONS GREETING fttre* ^Flwne 161 We take this opportunity of expressing oif heartfelt appreciation of your past patronage and wish a Happy New Year for you. o ; , Marshall's Bakery Sly1'* 'wjl!""" * 'Wf*JW»?W ' "MMiMjivijti m ;*rir '• WW*- ' .v-vv w v '-fr ^ - v, 'Mr*. Gertrude Runs, 32 years old, died at her home on Riverside Drive on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 22, 1927, at 4:20 o'clock, after a short illness resulting in bronchial pneumonia. Her death occurred less than a year after that of her husband ,who passed away on Jan. 28, 1927, leaving her with the responsibility and care of three small children. Her life was a noble one and her death came as a great shock and will be a great loss to her family for whom the Christmas season will always be one of saddness with thoughts of her. Mrs. Kunz was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weber and was born on the old homestead on the Pistakee Bay road where her girlhood was spent. She was born October 18,1894. She had always lived in this vicinity where she was educated and where she was married to Albert Kuns in June, 1922. The deceased leaves three children, Robert, Grace Katherine and Rose Mlarie, besides her father and eight sisters and one brother to mourn her death. The sisters and brothers are: Nicholas, Mrs. Wilttam Bishop, Mr°. Louis Wolf, Mrs. Nick Pitzen, Miss Barbara Weber and Mlrs. Herbert Simon of Mkffenry and Mrs. M. Maxwell, Mlrs. A1 Kagel and Miss Hilda Weber of Evanston. She was a member of St. Mary's church and of the Catholic Daughters of America and of Riverview Camp, Royal Neighbors of America. Funeral services were held a St. Mary's church on Monday morning, Dec. 26, 1927, at 10 o'clock with interment at St. Mary's cemetery. Card of Thanks We wish in this way to thank our neighbors and friends, the Catholic Daughters of America and Royal Neig'hors and Rev. Fr. Nix for their sympathy and assistance in our recent bereavement. We also thank those who donated cars. Nick Weber and Family. SARA M. McMILLEN Sara M. McMillen was the daughter of John and Hannah Thurlwell. She was born at McHenry, 111*, Sept. 23, 1866, where the early years of her life were spent. In 1886 she removed to Lincoln, Neb., which was her home until 1926, when she removed to California on account of ill health. She was married to J. Wayne McMillen, June 20, 1889 at Lincoln, Neb. Mrs. McMillen united with the M. E. church of M!cHenry, 111., in early life. On removing to Lincoln, Neb., she united with the Presbyterian church, where her membership remained to the end of her life. She as an earnest Christian and spent many years in active Christian work. She was a loyal member of the White Shrine of Jeruaslem, and the Order of the East, era Star and for many years was an active worker in the W. R. C. Mrs. McMillen had been a great sufferer the last ten years of her life, yet with it all, naturally being of a sweet disposition, was cheecful and happy. Died at Arroyo Grande, Calif., Nov. 22, 1927, at the age of 71 years, 1 month and 30 days. • She leaves to mourn her departure her husband, one brother, J. H. Thurlwell of Ben-os, Calif., two sisters of McHenry and Crystal Lake, 111., one half brother of Tulsa, Okla., many nephews and nieces and a host of loving friends. Misses Dorothy and Jean Mktthews were Chicago visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Cowen and Mrs. Frances Overton of Harvard and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonslett spent Christmas in the R. I. Overton home in McHenry. Harold and Vernon Knox, who are attending school at Notre Dame, are spending their vacation at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Knox. Frld W. Bennett, Attorney. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of John D. Fleming, Deceased The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of John D. Fleming, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of MJcHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the February Term, on the first Monday in February, next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having .same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 28th day of November, A. D. 1927. 28-3 Richard M. Fleming, Administrator. diSfefiSs'iJ?'1 'M-:, GOOD REMEDY FOR BAD COUGH "A hard persistent wearing cough kfpt me awake for several nights, and when my druggist recommended Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, I was eager to try it. In less than two days my cough was entirely gone," says this satisfied user from Nebraska. No opiates, no chloroform, a really valuable remedy for coughs, colds, throat and bronchial irritations. Accept no substitute for Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Get the genuine. Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist. FIGHTS 18 YEARS TO GET RID OF GAS "I had stomach trouble for eighteen years. Since taking Adlerika I feel better than for years and have not been bothered with gas."--L. A Champion. Even the FIRST spoonful of Adler ika relieves gas and often removes astonishing amount of old waste matter from the system. Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bo^s, Adlerika will surprise you. Thomas P. Bolger, Druggist. Consistent advertising Is ferine mte FOR THE NEW YEAR f \\ 1 - 1 To give all thai buy here even bettef service. '-vv * - - . Our rah now ^ K A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Phone 111 £ i i h By using a whole page, we could not tell you more sincerely how much we value your friendship, than in this small spaoe. We wish you the best Fortune for you, '.V- # > ,. V: j. J. Vycital PboM 98-M W OUK % 1 1928 i Greeting MAY--^ . •" You have strength, wisdom, courage and determination to achieve every worthy undertaking in 1928. Accept our earnest thanks, please, for the business you g4ve us in 1327. £ t i •»»»»••»»»•»»+»»»»»»»•»»»»»»»»»»•»»•»»»»»»»»»»»•••»»» CENTRAL M MARKET ThePlaoe To Tradi QUALITY EAT S The Kind Phone 80-M Have you prepared for that NEW YEAR'S DINNER We ttre ready to take care of the meat and fowl portion of it with quality %nd prompt service the first consideration. We buy poultty and veil Wallace Woodburn, Prop. ' PUBLIC DANCE AT JOHNSBURG HALL on MONDAY, JANUARY 2,1928 Music by the v^. FOX RIVER SKYLARKS . Tickets, $1.00 »»»»»»IIMHMMIMMMH »+M 4

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