Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1927, p. 6

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THX XoSSNRY PLAINB1ALIR, THURSDAY, DEC. 29,1927 "iP-'Si , ,.^*r -•; . --v'-'- '•' • "** ~ ' m-i i »»<<<»»»»»»»••»••»»»»<»»»••»»»»»•»»<»*<•»»•»•»••••»••• , £ ^ ' "•-•' •->'• - ! iv yti* | S*»/\ •' 5- tt »C" 1-9-2-8 f * ^We hope it will lie especially bright and pr$£*. viperous for you. We'll do our best to add t®t '1 vour iovs if we are privileged to serve you. •: : *;{ ' r " * tttfain) West McHenry P-L-B-A-S s i: Accept this little -Message as a sign of <wtr appreciation of your patronage and good will. May your trail through 1928 be marked with good health, peace and plenty. r Ben J. Smith Borden's Pasteurized and Degreed Products Phone 657-R-l RtNGWOOD s. • ••< >111 We Extend CORDIAL GREETINGS • ' f and the best of good wishes for the New Year to all our patrons everywhere. 4 And our deafeigs with yon have been most pleasant. * Hettermann Motor Sales West McHenry Central Garage Jotoburg Social Affairs Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson very delightfully entertained their Evening Bridge club at a Christmas party last Thursday evening. At 6:30 a most delicious dinner was served and the holiday colors were carried out in every detail of the table decoration with a tiny decorated tree centerpiece. After dinner the guests gathered around the large, handsomely decorated Christmas tree on which were gifts for all. James N. Sayjer very capably carried out the roll of Santa Claus and much merriment prevailed during the distribution of the presents. The remainder of the evening was spent in playing bridge and prizes were won by Mrs. Henry C. Hughes and Anton J. Schneider. On Thursday evening the pupils of the school had their program and Christmas tree at the M. W. A. hall. There was a good attendance and the program given by the children was very much enjoyed by all. Santa Claus was present with a gift for each child. Saturday evening the children of the Pentecost Sunday school gathered at the M. W. A. hall where they enjoyed a Christmas tree. The program was under the direction of Miss Marian Hepburn. Among the interesting numbers were some violin solos by little Miss Miry Jenks of Chicago. Again the children were made happy with gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy entertained a large company of relatives and friends on Monday at a Christmas party. At 1 o'clock a delicious chicken dinner was served and during the afternoon the time passed quickly at cards and conversation. In the early evening supper as served and then the guests gathered around the pretty Christmas tree where the gifts were distributed. Twenty-one present to enjoy the day were: Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cristy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Cristy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Whiting and family. On Christmas day Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison were hostesses at a large dinner. Those present were: Miss Lillie Darby, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Darby of Grayslake, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet, Misses Alice and Marian Peet, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Harrison and son, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harrison and son, Earl of Ringwood and Miss Lora Harrison of Evanston. The Jolly Sixteen Bunco club met at the home of Mrs. William Mc- Canhon last Tuesday. A two-course chicken dinner was served and the afternoon was spent in playing bunco with high honors going to Mrs. Ben Justen, second to Miss Agnes Thomp son, third to Mlrs. Viola Lowe and the consolation to Mrs. Steve Engels. A erift was presented to Mrs. Paul Meyers in honor of her birthday anniversary. The day's festivities were completed by the serving of a three course supper. The teacher and pupils of the Harrison school had a pretty tree and a program Friday afternoon. Harrison-Thomas Nuptials A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C. Harrison on Christmas afternoon at 4 o'clock when their youngest daughter, Ella Elaine, became the bride of Mr. James Stanley Thomas. The bride was very sweet in a dress of green crepe romaine and she carried an arm bouquet of pink roses. The couple was unattended and at 4 o'clock they took their places beneath Christmas decorations of evergreen and misletoe where Rev. Hoover spoke the words that made them man and wife. The bride is a graduate of the McHenry high school of the class of 1925. She attended the Normal school at DeKalb for a year and at present is teaching in her home district. The groom is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas of Greenwood. He is a graduate of the Woodstock high school of the class bf 1924. He employed by the Bowman Dairy Company. Their many ffiends throughut the community join in wishing them many happy years of wedded life. The wedding was attended by only close relatives of the couple. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Clayton C. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison and son of Ringwood, Rev. and Mrs. Hoover and Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas of Greenwood, S. J. Thomas and Miss Irene Thomas of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Milford Smith of Round Lake and Mir. and Mrs. Louis Scheuer and baby son of Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley, Mrs. Holder and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hawley and daughters, Shirley and Marian attended a turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon in Crystal Lake Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake were Monday visitors in the E. C. Hawley home. E. J. Hopper accompanied by relatives from Elgin drove to Galena where they visited Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brush and son, Richard, of Elgin visited relatives here Saturday. Agnes Forth and Jim Forth or Kansas visited relatives here recently. John V. Buckland and Miss Flora Taylor attended an Xmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gratton in Woodstock Saturday evening. Miss Irene Anderson was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stephenson ate Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Ladd entertained at a goose dinner on Christmas day. Their guests were Mr. and M*rs. H. C. Hughes. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon and Mrs. Libbie Allen of Woodstock called on friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer of McHenry were Waukegan visitors Monday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn and Miss Marian Hepburn spent the holidays at the home of Mir. and Mks. Robert Scheutze in Monroe, Wis. Kenneth Cristy and Jay Cristy went to Chicago Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Matson and little son of Chicago spent the weekend in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Pearson. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown and Leonard ate Christmas dinner at the home of Mrs. Mayme Harrison in McHenry. Harold Jepson and Mass Lorena Jepson are home from college to spend their, vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Jepson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whiting and Misses Ethel and Mercedes Whiting spent Monday with friends here. Mrs. Evans of Woodstock ate Xmas dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Beth and son, William, of Chicago visited in the William Beth home over the holidays. Miss Jessie Schroeder is visiting in the Harold Whiting home in Chicago this week. Mr. and MJrs. Albert Biggers of Chicago visited over the holidays in the Nick and Joe Young homes. Mr.v and Mrs.. Floyd Merchant of Woodstock were Monday guests of Mrs. Emma Merchant. Malcom McCraig of Chicago is spending the week In the C. C. Harrison home. Mr. and Mfrs. Frank Hitchens and Byron spent Christmas day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Butler in Elgin. Mrs. Butler returned home with them to visit here for a while. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler entertained at a Christmas eve dinner, Their guests being Mrs. Emma Brown^f Mir. and Mrs. Frank Hitchens and son, Byron, and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith. Miss Ona Zuth of Chicago spent Tuesday with Mrs. William Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Krohn entertained at a family dinner on Christmas day. Mrs. Walter Harrison went to Chicago Wednesday evening where she met a party of friends and,attended the theatre. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Baumwick of Elgin called on freinds here Tuesday. Wayne Foss, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mrs. H. C. Hughes were in Elgin Tuesday. Warren Jones of McHenry spent Xmas in the home of Mrs. Rilla Foss. WAUCONDA Mr. MMi Mrs. F. H. Dickson and children spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Libertyville spent Tuesday evening here. Mrs. Julia Broncheon spent the week-end with her daughter in W»u* kegan. William Fink and daughter, Elizabeth, were Waukegan callers Tuesday. Mrs. William Daiey and Mrs. Dean Kirk were Chicago shoppers Tuesday. Viola Geary is spending a few days with her little cousins, Audrey and Arbutus Grantham. Mrs. Mary Riley (nee Courtney) and daughters of Alberta, Canada, arrived recently to spend holidays at the Laura and Jerome Courtney homes. Mr. and Mrs. Shannon returned to their home in White Lake, Wis., Sunday, after spending several weeks at the tiincoln and Basley home. The many friends of Mrs. Loretta Seymour will be pleased to hear that she is improving and able to sit up for a short time each day. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Dunning of Elgin called on Mrs. Harriet Ruggles Wednesday. Mir. and Mrs. William Geary and son, Edward, and Mrs. Alice Geary and daughter, Edythe, and Mrs.. Ella Cornwell spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer at McHenry. Mr. and^Mrs. D. L. Putnam and Mrs. Jennie Stoddard were Waukegan callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. George Broughton and family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shaeffer at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kammes of Wheaton spent Sunday with relatives. Warden Elmer Green and wife of Joliet called on Mrs. Laura Cook on Thursday. • Mrs. Laura Cook entertained Mrs. H. K. Harris and M!rs. Clara Smith on Thursday. Ira Fisher was a Chicago caller on Monday. Mrs. Fisher returned here with him. Mr. and Mrs. David Page of Elgin called on M!r. and Mrs. E. H. Dahms Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Scheid and daughter, Lillian, were Barrington callers Wednesday. ' Mrs. R. C. Kent returned home from the Victory Memorial hospital at Waukegan Wednesday. A trained nurse is in attendance. George Prouty passed awaqr it his home here Thursday. All stores and markets of this village will be closed on Sunday mornings, commencing January 1 and continuing until April 1, 1928. Dorothy and Clyde Peck of Chicago spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs, Edythe Peck. Mrs. Amos Keeler of Barrington and Mrs. Leslie Bonolo and daughter, Jane, of Chicago visited at the GraothRpfc, home Monday. ; Briefly Told Roof and walla, be they oottage or mansion, <)o not Make home; ratlier It tr the^atroosphewe of natwal the Intimaofee thought, &e joys and sorrows endured together, the never failing svmpafky-^da^t bond Invisible yet fflTonger tMa death. :v& '1 »»»>•»•»•»»»•»»»»»»»»••»»»»••»»»»•»•»••«••»»»»•»»••••« * t "" ! w* • 4 p < P • ' • •<?>• > • SS-**yti • - 4 * "" -'F opus * > iS; > :'i 1 P < • •i', ^ *"? *• - Nif' 4 • i.. ' • * > • - . < » r <• ' <• i'f • :••• - * * • 1 », .8 • ' *"- ** J - W * * ' > ' " _\n -k -f*- , Nothing is too good for tis who have made this business what it is today. Therefore we pause in the rush of a busy season to plan this brief message in the hope that it will reach those who have been so good to m. •Whether it was dimes} or dollars' you spent with us we appreciate your business. We hope to add many new friends to onr list during the coming year. Wm. H. Akhofi Hardware^ Main Streets West McHenry 4 * Phone 65-J MAY SUPER BLESSING ABIDE WITH YOU IN 1928. ' J : .*?; .1 J Willi 1/Ccy AJ/piCtioRyXl OK % ' • _ THE RELATIONS OF 1927 We are looking forward to a continuation' Of pleasant associations in the days that ftre ii; come in 1928. - : • Nye ' Jewelry, Music and Radio Shdp Main Street West McHenry Phone 123-J ¥r-- Spmmoh Impmrmttom Free speech b to a gyeat people what winds are oceans and Malarial regtons, whfclr waft away the elements of dlseas^ and brhfcg aew atMnents of health. And where free speech Is stopped, miasma k. bred and death cornea ittst -- Btenry Ward Beecher. 4 I * • & • ' J. ALL THE GLADNESS OF THE SEASON That is what we are wishing for our friends and patrons. May the road that lies out before you lead you into new joys. Let us thank you for past favors. And remember--we want to serve you in l928. Stofiel & Reihansperger Insurance West McHenry C5rectfn$$ appy [ear : r- Wattles Drug Store ' Glenn T. Wattles, Prop. West McHenry -n • < • * A <"*i •• • •>• • 4. .j, 4 , 4 . 4 14, • »|« WISHING YOU All the COMPLIMENTS _ OF THE SEASON Claire Beauty Shoppe Main St. West McHenry, ffl. 1027 The Curtain Falls Soon the curtain will fall on the year 1927. It has been a very successful year for us, as we look back over the year, and think of the maiiy happy hours that have passed by. We made many pew friends and custoipers, and we only " the coming year 1928. James Morrow & Son West McHenry--Phone 186 . Dealers in Dodge Bros. Motor Vehicles and Graham Brbp. TlrtkJU . •••• WW." V WW -www "W^WWWWWW WWW -WT^-WW www wwwwww WW WWW WW WVWW% WWW WWW WW WWWWWy^WWWWWWW www WW 1 .•JJ, 1* V'. « "?*•> < • •, 4 * W) JlevJe&r ALL GOOD WISHES For yoa and those you want to see made happy, t We thank you most sincerely for patronage of the past and assure you we will be anxious to serve you in 1928T J Walter j. Freund „ West McHenry Tires and Batteries • ' -- : • -- ^ 1927-1928 As we come to a New Year's beginning we are constrained to say that real pleasure has come to us from serving you. In turn we wish you the happiest and best New Year you have ever known. • : • ' Jos.'T. Miller" Corner Riverside Drive and Pearl St. McHenry V I irtfff 3* ' n>i cr

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