•; ^ v •; * #:"«' >: THE McHENKT PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, DEO. 29,1927^ lmMk Mr. and Mjrs. Ben J. Schaefer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schaefer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. John Jerak and children and Peter J. Schaefer and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schaefer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo Miss Kate and Frances Pitzen of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzen and s Peter Pitzen of McHenry visited at : the home of John Pitzen Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Jonn Pitzen visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Schreiner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Michels visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Smith on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lowe of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Nick Berthram and t "VN' ) vj children of Aurora vis%d Mrs. Mary Schmitt Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt and son, Richard, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Smith Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Freund and Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitzen visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schaefer Sunday. M)r. and Mrs. William Stilling and daughter, Rosemary, and son, Mr. an'l Mrs. Joe B. Stillinp and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Hiller and Albert Schmitt visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay and son, Leo. and Mr. and MIrs. John Lay and family of Spring Grove visited with Mrs. Catherine Schmitt Monday, „ S;" W: ' ;:V The Pally Prim Tavern «^ u , {East end of new bridge) MCHENRY, ILLINOIS - Aummm 19X7-1928 NEW YEAR'S EVE CELEBRATION " .. ' • • - - Vhere will be a program of special entertainment by Larry Peltier and his Ten Kings of Syncopation. • • ' •. - •' Dancing will be continuous commencing at -10 p. m., , A special seven course New Tear's supper will be served commencing at 9:30 p. m. at $6.00 the cover, including Favors, Entertainment, Souvenirs and Dancing. For reservations phone McHenry 252. itemember there will be accommodations for a limited number, so make your reservations now. Choice locations will be allotted in the *«*der in wl4^£feyinBftt iw r«a«rv&tiona are received. v^.V.'^y Those' who do not wish to partake of the New Tear's Supper can secure reservations at THREE DOLLARS PER PERSON which includes TABLE, DANCING, SOUVENIRS and PAYORS. Phone McHenry 252. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller apd family visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Stilling of Richmond, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer and daughters, Elizabeth and Marie, and son, Frank, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ackermann of Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hettermann and children and Mrs. Catherine Tonyan visited with Mr. atad Mrs. Peter Blake and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund and Mrs. Frances Freund visited with Mr. adn Mrs. John Hiller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping and daughters, Marie and Lorraine, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann Monday. Mir. and Mrs. Joe Smith and daughter, Irene, visited with Mir. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pepping and Mrs. Joe Michels visited with Mr. and Mrs. Christ Blake Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels and children and Mr. and Mrs. George Justen and son, Bobby, visited "with Mr. and Mr a. Christ Blake Monday. Mrs. Kate Althoff and daughter, Martha, and M!rs. Ray Carany of Kenosha visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mertes Monday. Misses Catherine and Mary Althoff and Henry Althoff of Elgin visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff on Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve King and son, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers and children and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph King and daughters, Mable and Elinor, and son; Leo, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John King of McHenry, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Steve King and son, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Regner and daughter, Betty Jane, and son, James, and Mr. and Mrs. Alex Freund and daughter Lois, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Horick of Woodstock visited witft Mr. and Mk's. Steven H. Smith Monday, Joe B. Hettermann motored to Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann visited with MT. and Mrs. Peter R. Freund Sunday evening. Joe Hiller visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller Thursday. Albert Borissowtie of Chicago and Jake Huemann visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Huemann and children of New York and Misses Rosemary, Ella, Tresa and Margaret Huemann of Chicago visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Huemann over the holidays. Mrs. Frank Kempfer entertained Jolly Eight club Monday evening. Five hundred was played. The lucky ones being Mrs. Henry W. Hettermann, first; Mrs. Joe King, Mrs. William Meyers, third. SPRING GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan and two daughters of Walworth, Wis., Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Behrnes. Mrs. Swain passed away Monday morning at the home of her daughter, Mrs. H. E. Cornish. For many years she has been in feeble health. Grandma was in her 90th year and passed away on her 73rd wedding anniversary. Her husband had passed to the great beyond a number of years ago. The funeral was held at the home of her daughter and interment in the Cole cemetery. The community extends sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Orvis entertained their children on Christmas day at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McAfftery, Mrs. J. C. Furlong, Mrs. Edna Sweet motored to Kenosha Thursday. Mrs. Maggie Feltes had as Christmas guests for dinner on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nett, Mrs» Maggie Nett and children of Johnsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Nett and children and Miss Edith Ellhert of Wilmot. Mrs. William Britz entertained the Euchre club Thursday afternon at her home, with all members present. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Carr mot&red to Terra Cotta Monday to see Mrs. Ina Gracey who is quite sick at this,. .w„ r»i4t 'in ^g . Miss Kathleen Justen of Ringwood is enjoying the holiday vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rauen. Mr. and Mrs. fcenry N Tillie Oxtoby and Mrs. Jennie Oxtoby motored to Waukegan Wednesday. Sir. and Mrs. Math Nimsgrem and children, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Butlat and Mrs. K. Kick are spending ChristmM hrilidayR with relati^io. the , ^ • OSTEND The pupils of Osfend school gave their Christmas program last Frjdajf afternoon and the neighborhood was well represented. The Kaiser family ate Christmas dinner with Mrs. Kaiser's sister an^| family, M¥. and Mrs. Carl Hedric. Mr. and Mrs. Franks, who moved here from Wisconsin a few weeks ago to take possession of the Dalziel farm, moved back to their former residence Monday last. Mr. Franks was running a laundry at that place and sold out to come to care for MV. and Mrs. Dalziel and work the farm. The sale of the laundry proved to be a bad one and he was obliged to take it back, hence the move back to Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart en their childreYi and grandchildren Christmas dinner. Joe Harrer and family were entertained on Christmas, day at the home of Joe's sister, east of McHenry. Roy Hobart and consin. L. S. Liltcoin, motored to Rockford and attended a play in the new play house there. They report a grand play house. Mr. and Mfrs. F.'R. Eppel entertain* ed at Christmas dinner, Mrs. Eppel'* parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sillinien and daughter. Miss Nellie. Mrs. Banister and son of W were Monday guests in the Ks HOME* No school this week and the pt are making good use of vacation. Empire Theatre Off I A>V.FV.V.V-' Ml ; 11 NG JttO ducti&n of m ;iv >.v '•'M Mi W •V:! shirting •$0 i cows charge, the.v JOHN GILBERT •«•** Renee §&.do*e e story by Laurence Stallings "directed by ' KINO VIDOR Jan. 2-3*4 Mon.-Tues.-W ed. •v&-: |• £ AS THE CURTAIN COMES £ r.>! Upon the Acts of the Year :rrrz: #e take much pleasure in thanking our friends for whatever share they bave given us of their business and for anything else they may have done toward making our year the success it has be^Ki We make it our purpose to deal fairly, courteously and promptly with all who patronize us in any way- and solicit future business upon Ibis meritorious basis. j) Let Us Serve You in 1928 Thanks for the Favors of 1927 '.•V.. £ And now we wish for everyone a Happy and Prosperous New Year Lumber West McHenry, Illinois • >1 z. 4-^! '• T. ' ~.V ,: y II '"M in®