Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Aug 1875, p. 8

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1 W- 5 KSEfefj Twm*f» *f* ' I f , - W 3P3f,r Sf#, U-'- ^ th« Comity financial Policy. H. mEIY & SONS, S T O . „ , 4 # * • * • « . Hi * , € ^ •V -iitf.V 4*if '*4 .;;-'<-^r„.f •> #&»>'. *J h • *i', •';*&*>'• ^<4' '^•'vj;:"'?f~xfeALEB $**: ̂ VI4"»- • IP.J'JB LIAPK' i-T- a ', v/." A4"J» |"i „' «. fy*Ch / if • *MV V -,J'i <?:/ msm " f f i E ' t ' • ' § ^ *< U/Ht'!* ,'iil ,".'/ Sfi , IV <* t» - ! r »i'. ; ».i *?. ^ {'• • ..i'rfs "A# ij'f"fy-; *,..* y* f-nl* > i, -^"" " ' V4js •' t\- Cheapest si .-•$fe We are aleady in the financial year " letfv we know something already off J,Sf yhat will characterize it. We are sure /f large crops and of a pretty fair mar- cat for them--a better market thJRi [there has beetle fpr years, Exports will be heavier than they have been, this lyear^bpth our raw materials and our I maa&facturers commanding to an un4 rpreccdcnted degree the markets of the world. Imports and our internal com­ merce will certainly be no less than they J W have been, the past year, and the nation- ® al f-evenues, both tariff and internal, are Jf likely to expand considerably. The siir- § \ plus of revenlie, which has been adei| r ?imiate this year, to meet less than half; 4'« A of the sinking fund contribution, wilfe Z*J L$ Pr°kably meet the whole of it the pres V , , ent year. Congress ought to be force cf f to retrench the margin of deficit, If ? ^ there Is any, or in any event retreneh- 3 •* ment is in order, No revemie legisla- •}%}', tton will be necessarv. and we trust! ' *} f j . '** ' 'k-'ir*'-" Vl; ' ^BOPBIETQBS O*TBM > •***#?< x * * * f' ^ « - , - A* ' lrone will be asked for, Mr. Bristow's plain duty and wisest" policy, therefore, is to keep on flmdrag^ --ftmd the Old 6 per cents in 5 per cents, and if possible in 4 per,cents; fund the Sl|lfl bank capita! oyer again at a lower^rate ' * 'iof interest ahd abolish the bank tax, tlppl saving more in. Interests .than he sacri-; ; fc -if fioes in tax; fund the fractional curren- ,<-"1 cy in bonds and replace it with silvery i--finally, fund the greenbacks themselves in bonds until those left in the pockets of the people are worth par in gold. 'Re­ sumption will then be a mere formality over the counter of the Treasury. With this simple policy Mr. Bristow can let p >ll • » great many other questions alone. A L , ^ great many people are worried about the Treasury gold reserves--let them take care of themsolves. Specie payj meets may be resumed without dis~ turbing a single gold eagle--a pocket­ ful is e nough.--Springfield, Republican. I A. B. GILBERT, r t o l l U G G U S T , Is rappHeA with ̂fali line of ^ ̂ ^ • "IRUSS, MEDICINES! m* m 1.: t o / ' J I "TVi !,.• r- >?*,**}br >4'<\ * \ fl >u\i Headquarters for a!! Kinds efa ,, u4 »,t-j f .fJ4 , v .^i "T:*. • /cmk^e" InM ; 4f- W lift - t 'i Shelf and Heai Ki'rLf^;£.- . S.:'!C . W ,;'t: "4, Boots and Shoes, '.Mi,. • ' Ha^dwar©|^ large stock of the v&fy v - ' -* FINEST FLOUR ! Bolted 3feal> Feed, &£., . We have unnsnal facilities for Msanftcto ing and are well prepared to do CvlU^tOXUL ftUf •'• •: With all possible neatness and rtispatch. We are e-onfldent that no Mill in the North. w£$t ctMKBurpass us either in the promptness orworktteae for customers, In Qiiantlty or Quality. In addition we would 'inform the we make tbe justly ( . CELEBRATED f,r 4' . £\ * oils, PTE SfUFFa, . . :'f /̂ / . Z"~\ '7/: ' • BEtfSnES, • ' I" ' TOILET AFTICLES,. ^ ; •} '•• .-r.r; onHftnd all tfce 1 ' PATEn T MEDICINES! OF THE DAY. Phystciahi prefecripfioW, •• . • ' - % • ' , ' ja ftunily Becipes Carefully^Cpmpounde^# | -A. B. . • * • T- FRAI*FILSCO, •*k m-t: Of a kind and Quality •'..M ^|# ̂ OBTHERJf ILLimMp. '.r. \» ,n ;.A f,;f ii 'b$(- \ J •kJSite? Kinds •iflhiftVsiiiii£'%. TINWAREi vC /mi -v.;,.. /'; FRTJIT CANS, CARPETS, TRUNKS, And in short, a First C(|s| StqcK of .general MerchKndjze. •i"iy' '0- MECHABIG&TOQ FARMING IMPNEMPTFTS, - CLOTHES WRINGERS, wg soLi> LOWER We are constantly receiving new Goods of all kinds, acid buying them for Cash Down are thereby enabled to offer special bargains in all classes of goods, We know that talk is cheap, but the party or parties who can undersell us don't live in thi^ neck of the woods.- Our'LARGE AND CONSTANTLY IN­ CREASING TRADE testifies better than anything we can say that ' • *< OUR CLAIMS ARE NOT UNFOUNDED. We always guarantee our goods to be what they are represented to be and are always ready to make good Our word. We are here to get a livelihood apd hence cannot affbrd to be undersold or to deceive the public, nor to aak enormous profits on o^u^gooda. We intend to ' * /< "Live' and Let Live!" And while Wp are grateful to a generous public for their patronage in time past, we hope to merit the same in the future. jj^fGtlVE US A CALL ipid We will show you ouj- Goods aud use you well whether you buy of us or not. :"THAlt DSffil. PBICSS! Now is the time to purchase, and save mon­ ey. I believe that I can furnish good goods at M low prices, as anyone in the county* . v .. . sep BUILDING PAPER, such as Plain Board, Water Proof, Iron Coated and Tarred Felt. Also Moth Proof Carpet Lining. KAWL pepalring PERRY & MARTIN. At the Old Stand of Owen & Brother* McHenry* HI., July 27th, 1875. NEAR THE DEPOT,. M'HENRF. / 81»of> opposite the Parker Hoa«e, MCHENRY- - - - - - - ILLINOIS. The subscriber would inform the public that lip is now prepared to furnish them with any- thing in bis line from a common Farm Wagon to the nicest Top Carriage, on short notice and at reasonable rates. Using none but the best of timber and employing none but SKILLED WORKMEN ! Ifei Warrants his work to give satisfaction, and for good pay will be as low as can possi­ bly be afforded. ' . HE "MAKES • • ' ° - ^ TELorse Hhoeing- !>•-- f "»;v" • - *•'. ; b' JUIPBCIALTT. RBPAIRIN E Ofall kinds promptly attended to. Call and see for yoursell . s • . L - F R A N C I S C O . McHenry, IlLv^July 28th 1875. siiii MOUNT"!1* ROOT '•'['WW- BtTTiM, fbr fts fififtWasic prtfj Js known as one of the Be es, -Df Ot'B- CHAMPION 4».. A3 Brick Yard ! We havfe constantly o^ hand.a large quantity of I'RKSMEI) --AND-- New Store! New Goods! Prices to Suit the Times, FOB CASH OR READY PAY. Our Stock consists of a general assortment of DRY GOODS, GROCE­ RIES, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, GLASS-WAKE, &c., selected to MEET THE WANTS OF THE COMMUNITY. TU HDV -nnnno We have a lul1 line Of Domestic*, DriMM Goods, Sllki, III UliX IrUUUO Pongrees, Popling, Alpacas, Luttre, White Goods, Sack ings, Hosiery, Gloves, &c. lw Notions, We have Drcsn Trimmings, Buttons, Edgings, Parasols^Perfume-" - OUR . A full line of BOOTS AND SHOES, warranted work, and at Lowest Prices. j^sT'The Highest Market Price paid for Butter, Eggs and Poultry. \ Oall and see us and we will endeavor, by SQUARE DEALING and LO PL'IOES to merit a share of your patronage. jfe^German spoken. BUCKLIN & STEVENS. , McHenry, III., Jtdy 27th, 1875. Will be, choice and offered at bottom priees. NOT BELOW COST.. Made of the most superior quality of Clay, and fully equal if not superior to the celebrated Milwaukee Brit ^•jSPBUYEJ ine, and we ist Tonics of the Age. J& a laxative J,iver Cleaninp, Blood Purify, fag Medicine, it has not its superior. It should be tate» in ouantities front a Tablesjioon full to a small wine glass fulf three time» a day, according to the strength and age of the Inva­ lid or the degree of sickness* For Sal# by the Case or Bottle, . -BY-- L. KAPPLEE, Patentee, "Woodstock, 111. »•?« r : '-vSs®* PMt&W.. " ^ - * r , please call and exam- give you » A GOOD BABO^JIt E . M . O W E N , ^cHENRY, - - - - - " - ILLInOIS, General Dealer and Manufacturers Agent in the Leading Farm Machinery. Aniong -\vldeji I represent the following: The Celebrated NICHOLS, SPAKT) & CO. "Vibrator Threshers and Mounted Powers. Also the AULT- MAN «a CO. Sweepstake Thresher. All the leading make of PLOWS. The unrivaleVl'Vandiver and Quincy CORN PLANTERS. In READERS and MOWERS COMBINED will be found the PEERLESS TMid BUQKEYE TABLE RAKE, the EMPIRE MOWER and LABOR SAV­ ING MAIISH HARVESTER. BERTRAND & SAMES ROCKFORT) SUT.KY CULTIVATOR, IIOLLINGSWORTH .Sulky Rakes, HAMILTON Sulky Rakes, Hollow Tadjtli Harrows-, Garden and Railroad Wheelbarrows, Lumber Wagons, -Ae., &c. <r Prices Low and Favorable Terms. I^JBASH.etlacl CLOSE BITYERS are invited to inspect stock and compare ality and prices,OA I will not bf undersold in the same quality of Mgc^ineiy. Orders Respectfully Solicited. . ;' •HSi.p H, l^ANLiJY: & ' ' ' • ' - . - 4 ' | McHenry, 111., July 20th, '• rirj i--/~ E. M. OWEN. McHenryf, 111., 2Xth, 1876. J ;"f •* hz'i %> , i1" »1 ' Dry Good s, BROCERIESI tffc fe:'; y,"f"'VX: ' ' >*'& •" \ Hki • » *• Cnckerv. •Glaaiare,JtG., etc. ' i' 5 T?* \ OR *. < READY PAY, v ' •<>" , And CAN AN I* WILL eelliQooda as low a» any Sou se in McHonry PMMipfiy 8tt«ad«&fcv J. STORY. : 'Opposite (V\\ thn Mills, If efT«t»r 3n1y Sfc, -DEALERS IN-- BLAKE & BRO., r Furniture! Of all Grade* and Piieea. tVareroom Nearly Opposite the Post Office; MoHenry, HI. ; ' _4 . Warepom Crammed Full ! Where will be found jniything from Common Kitchen Stylei4o the finest Parlor Sets, In Hair, Cloth and Reps. They have Chamber Sets, and can suit everybody. Marble Top Center Tables, ELEGANT EASY CHAIRS, LOOKING GLASSES* AND PICTURE FRAMES, Of all kinds and sizes. Whatnots.,. Rockers, Hair, Moss and Spring Mattrasses, etc., etc. In short everything you want. We make a specialty of ' UNDERTAKING ! A very large stock of Burial Cases and Collins constantly on hand, and made to erdex on abort notice. PICTURES FRAMED In all styles at the LO?/iiST PRICES. IYING All Goods Warranted Of the verv best qualftv and sold as LOW AS tHE LOWEST. BLAKE & BRO. McHenry, 111., Aug. 2d, 1875, \ * • " ' " • ; • - Pay tlie Highest IKarket Price BUTTER, „ POULTRY, etc ASH OR IN GOODS ! piye us a Call mean what we say. HOWABD & SON. McIIe^*y, 111., July F. W. MEAD WACOM AND RINCWOOD, ILL. I am making all kindaVf WAGONS, BUGGIES, ' 1 and 2 SEATED CAHRIAGE8, And PLATFOKM SPRING WAGONS of tbo Latest Style. I have now on hand a splendtft Jump Seat Carriage LEATHER TOP, which I offer Very Cheap Anyone wishing a Carriage of that fiind will do well to call aad gee it before buying else, where, Z also have on hand ONE SINGLE BUGGY^ * ONE DOUBLE BUGGY, AND A DEMOCRAT, Which I will Sell VERY CHEAP FOR CASH, OK GOOD PAPER. Iwill Warrant aN my Work To be as represented, to be made of the best material aiid bv the best workmen In the i^TBUNAW^ "OT WAB8AKT I ALSO DO ALL ;KINDS OF repairing AND General Blacksmithlng. Special attention given to Repairing Reapers and Mowers. I am also Agent for the new Two Wheeled JOHN P. MANNY REAPER AND MOWER, which is tho very best in the market. Also the celebrated DIAMOND PLOW, warranted to Scour in any soil. The SEARS GANG AND SULKY PLOWS, RICH­ ARDSON'S SlILKEY ATTACHMENT for "•>y n?«-. The FORREST CITY TURF and STl HRl.E PLOW; the T. DEUWKNT * TUIfKMLNTOKD PL0W and IlIDIXG AT. Anyone wishing anything in this line I will he happy, to show tliein iny stock. I also kee» V1® Hepjurs for the Ji P. Manny and Waiter A >\ ood's Reapers and Mowers. My Motto is to Live and Let Live. JL tender to the trtde my sincere thanks for tnCir patronage in the past, and solicit a con­ tinuance of the same for the future,, asa^rinff tkem autisfaetion in every respect. Keapectfuily, .. F. W. MEAD. Riagwood, July 26th, 1875. 1

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