Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1875, p. 7

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ir oQler day, Snw BMiTei Qraaifotlier. , * v * * / • ! £ t*TJL Yig? **•!** & . W llioi uu fltna street. The i whits Mtdisir a dinA ^ ftthflT (MB6 in with the paper, «»i j asked him to md the President's ! ay*89. It irritated Jackson to break •tj off SB story just where the trapper was |ji flPOtBR to foe scalped, so he made up hi" 5-s zoina to have revenge on his grandfather. ^ JBe took up the papec. and started a& as If foUowsc 1 haemem at the Patent Offioe n 1- KiowB a steady increase. Since 1886 ' over 155,000 patenus h&vn twvm issusd. Officer IJeek, of the station-house, wants F ; it distinctly understood that he is not , ,t- the Iteok confined there a few days since d «•» Innatio. /' " What!" exclaimedthe old man, "is %. that in the message t", ; Bight here, every word of it," re­ ft Jadkson; and he continued: the business of the Agricultural Bu­ reau fct rapidly growing, and tL-.o 2>epatrt- ;mani grounds are being enlarged, and the Mgbesfc prize in a Chinese lottery is twmfy-uine cents, and the wan who (tares it has his name in the paper, and is looked upon as a heap of a man, *e What ! What is that ?" roared the old man. " I never heard of such a menage as that!" "I can't help it," replied Jackson. " Yon asked me to read the message, and I am reading it" And he went on: ^ Draring the year, 5,758 new applica­ tions for army invalid pensions were al­ lowed, at an aggregate annual rate of $89,832; and kerosene oil is the best fur niture oil; it cleanses, adds a polish, and preserves from the ravages of in­ sects. " LOT' save me! but I never beard of the Mkee before!" exclaimed the old mm, " I've read every President's mes­ sage sinoe Jackson's time, bat I never saw anything like this!" Darwg the year 3,161,314 acres of public domain wee certified to railroads, agaunt 6,000,000 acres the preceding year, and you will save money by buying your Christmas presents in the brick block; fine toys of every description at redaeed prices. v "Jackson Green, does that message road that tray ?" asked the old man. " You don't suppose I'd lie to you ?" ssr1 Jacksonf putting on an injured " Well, it seems singular," mused the old man. " I shoulckrt wonder if Grant ww tired when he >rrote that" Jaokson went on: Ifcere are 17,620 survivors of 't&gflfcf of 1812 on the pension rolls, at a total annnal rate of $1,691,520, and still an­ other lot of those 01 felt skirts; they go like hot cakes on a cold morning. "Hold oq, Jackscs--atop r%lii iaereF' Hits old iiian, as he rose up." 44 3Com needn't read another word of that mes­ sage. If (Jen, Grant thinks he can in­ sult the American people with impunity, he will find himself mistaken. Yoti amy throw that paper in the stove, Jaokson, and let tins be an awful ex­ ample to you never to taste intoxicating drinks." Jackson tossed the paper and re­ sumed his dime novel, wmle the old gent leaned back and pondered upon the degradation of men in high places.--r Picnyim*}. • i Fly-Catching Rate. Mr. G. B. Qdell, at his hotel on Front street, is the happy owner of a fly-exter­ minator, which for thorough work is un- sfrrpas&ed by anything we have ever seen. In one of the windows fronting on Front street, where samples of Ms wares are occasionally shown, a rat began several weeks since to make sly visits, and secure a good meal as often as he came, by catching the many flies whioji are on the panes of glass. He grew very expert at it, and though at first quite shy, soon became emboldened when he found he was ngt disturbed in his forag­ ing expedition, and would pursue his business not in the least intimidated by spectators, who were only separated from mm by a pane of glass. He obtained have become the moat popular lamp fnateameniH. There axe nop about two hundred sad fifty ssai&st <±H6SM in && United States, who produce more than forty thousand organs per annum. Most* of these are vary poor instruments. This is naturally BO, because there are few articles in the manufacture of which so much saving OKa be made by the use of inferior, im­ properly prepared material, and inferior workmanship, and yet wlpoh^when fin­ ished, aho* m little difference to the average purohaser. The important parts of fin organ. «*» well as they can be, cost two or three times as much as if made as low as possible. Yet, when the organ is done, it is not easy from oaeraal hearin gs to tell the difference be­ tween the best and a very poor one. Es- ly when shown by one who knows w to cover up defects, to one who has not special skill in such matters, it is uot difficult to make a poor organ appear a good one. The temptation to makers, then, to produce, at a fraction of the cost, a$ or­ gan which will sell almost as well as a good one, is almost irresistible. Henee the fact that so few good organs are made and so many poor ones, and that the country is flooded with peddlers and dealers selling these poor organs, which pay such large profits. The buyer of the poor organ does uot fail to find out his mistake after a while. The thin, reedy tone of his cheap organ soon be­ comes offensive; it works noisily and roughly, is constantly out of order, and becomes useless by the time a really good instrument would have been get­ ting into its prime. A good organ ought to last a generation, at least; a poor one may last five years, with considerable tinkering, or may break down much aooner. There is one safe way. (Jet a genuine production of one of tins very best makers and yon cannot go astray. Among these undoubtedly stands pre-eminent the Mason <fe Hamlin Organ Co., whose organs are so well known that other makers are generally content to claim that they can make as good an organ as the Mason & Hamlift. They invented and introduced the Gabiaet or Parlor Organ in its improved form, started with and have always closely adhered to the policy of making only the best work, have shown such skill as has given their organs the highest reputation, not only in this oountiy but also in Europe. At the Great Exposition at Vienna, in com­ petition with eighty of the best makers m the world they obtained the highest medals. To enumerate the competitions at which they have received similar honors would be to give a list of the fairs at which they have exhibited; and to xueuuKm (i«i0 proMment musicians who. 3cecoiB3a©sd their Oi'ga&s as unequaled, would really be to give a very good list of the must illustrious musical names in the country, with a good representation in Europe. One who obtains a Mason & Hamlin Cabinet Organ need have no doubt that he has the best instrument of its class which can be made.--New York Hade* pendent. ' China's Population, , The Shanghai Courier, which ,ough- to know something about it, says Hie popt nlation of China is a Sphynx-like rid­ dle. The population is said to be im­ mense, and that word seems to be the limit of what can be said about it. All the figures about millions are evasive, and nobody knows anything about it, even the oldest inhabitant hesitating to express an opinion upon the subject. The intelligent hatives know nothing about it, and if there be a death raie there is no record of it. Even in small towns the numbers of families are un­ known, and whatever figures are given, whether they be in the hundred thou­ sands or millions, they must be qualified with the words '* more or less." WELHOFT'S FBVBB AND AGUE TONIC.-- This medicine is used by conHtruetion compa­ nies for the benefit of their empioyow, when en­ gaged in malarial districts. The highest teati- stance to thia window by gnawing a .^C-S wTOugu wuGueii uasc, coming ^ tjto South and We&fc= When men aro ecu * * " " * . - 1 . - . . . . -from below. For weeks he has pmw;r his fly-hunting business undisturbed. One Sunday one of the waiters discov­ ered him in the act of introducing a friend or member, of his ^family to his foraging ground. The new-comqjr was very shy, and only put his head through while the old habitue tried to coax hiifc in the window. He would catch a fly, gravely hand it to his friend, who would as gravely eat it, and look for more. By degrees he lost a little of his fear, walked out, and soon became an expert in the new business. Either one or both may be seen almost any day by any one who may bfe patient enougn to wait for their appearance a short time.--Newburg (N. Y.) Telegraph. A Prehistoric Sotd. Several. • years ago portions of an old macadamized road were discovered on the bank of the Monongahela river, near Fwrmount, in West Virginia, and a re­ cent examination of the place by a gov­ ernment surveying party, has resulted in tracing the road for nearly eleven miles along the bottom land between the hills and the river, though in some places it has been washed away. The atone with which it was constructed ap­ pears to have been burntt and the mate­ rial employed was composed of boulders . of red sandstone; which must have been brought from a distance, there being few if any boulders in the river or adjacent - oountry. It is supposed that they were broken into pieces by first heating and then throwing cold water upon, tfeesL.. The width of the road is about fifteen feet; in depth the broken stone varieto from six to eighteen inches, while it is generally covered by from* two to five feet of alluvial soil. At the crossings of streams there are no traces of bridge abutments, or piers, which leads to the conclusion that the streams were crossed on wooden bridges. At many points the road is covei'ed with trees over 150 years old, which shows that it must havebeen made previous to the advent of the white a in this country. Probably the road the work of the prehistoric race known as the mound-builders. gregatcd in largo numbers in thy neighborhood of swamps sua rivsra, Wilhoft's Tonic will prove a valuable addition to the stock of medi­ cines, and' will amply reward the company in tba saving of timse labor and zaeagj. We ommenti it to all. WHKELOOK, AHUT A Proprietors, New Orleans. FOB SAUE BY ALL DBTOJGJBTS. BISHOP HAKE, of Nebraska, is about to marry a Miss Wolfe, said to be one of the wealthiest young ladies in America. Oi course it was proper that he should get an heiress ; but is it not unusual and unlawful to furnish a Wolfe with a Hare? Of course this Wolfe did not take thir Hare without being asked. HEAVY oats are good for horaee; none will deny that; bat oats can't make a home's ooat look smooth and glossy when he is oat of condition. Sheridan's Cavalry Condition Powder* will do this when all else fails. CBAMFB and pains in the stomach are the result of imperfect indigestion, and ma.y'be immediately relieved by a dose of Johnson's Anodyne Liniment. A teaepoonful in a little sweetened water is a dose. VEGETINE is now acknowledged by our best physicians to be the only sure and sale remedy tot all diseases arising from impure blood, such as scrofula and scrofulous hu­ mors.--Com. HARRIET BEEOHBR STOWE didn't raise any oranges to sell this year. The boys raised them a week in advance of her. How *0 Q«T A HOKE. Bee advertisement. CONSUMPTION CAW 1MB CtTIUUX - SOKXNCK'A PULMONIC SYRUP, gOBkxcx'i SEA WEED TOXIC. SCHXMCK'B MANDHAJUS PlIXt, An ttwqtff medicinal that will cure Palmoaaiy OOA. •nraptl»n. , Freqamitif medicines that will stop a cough will ooo*> •Ion totwtth of the patient; they lock up the liver, stop the circulation of the blood, hemorrhage follow*, and, w fact, the* elog the Mtion of the very organs that cantM the couftb. Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia at® the causes of two- thirds of the cases of Consumption. Many persona oo«- aecompanied with acidity and Betchlnc up of wind. Theae symptoms usually originate from a disoraeMl condition of the stomach or a torpid liver. Penons so affected, if they take one or two heavy oolda, and If the cough in these oases be suddenly checked, will fir.d Jti* rtnmaah and liver el and inactive, and almost before a«j a mass of soreaand fllUflL 8chenck's Polmonio Syrup is an expectorant which *" opium or anything calculated to cheoil ON which aide of the ptotferm is my train? asked a stranger in a Jersey Oity j aravOTooa appetite. Qger in a Jersey 1 depot, the other day. "Well, my friend," replied a gentleman, passing, " If you take the left, you'll be right, friywi taly tke right, yWkhetBft." • When tot otherwise of a biUoos tendenu;*, Sch&mak drake Pills are required. are eostive, akin sallow, or the >qnp- 1 preiwred only iy „ „ J. fiTSCXXMCK * mm. . . If- E. corner Sixth and Arch Streats, FfcQt. AMI W» lor ml» b» m *tmSSm «ad «HOMT Uwhalad*aaHfc '̂ M Veli «s r*ll«r CW»g • Few lleeeief t $io«S2^>i^^£^as >80 me BREAT BI,W»D promini. A** H|«. •1*1 fcdUnyMtMfw-A|e»*awanted. {DoMliMttni VlC fr»o. AddraasTRUK h CO., An»lltl. lKtan. OX 8A(<ARY Milr. A«enti wanted, JMs wad fvmal<r. • Addrwn, O. B, ChziaUaa, Marion. Ohh. <feK tn 4SOII ^dayat home. 8amplM wortb tlMt $0 VO WMI' IIM. STIJ»80!» A Co., Portland, MFT Aorn A SIQKTSE.~A«e»t« muated. 3^ beatn­ ik \MII ln(? articles in the world. One simple fre-5. flhlV Addw*. Jf. pAVfi Make Money at Home, Tmnsfsr. JBU JL Q Scrap Pictwee,Toy»,etc. fiend %atMBpa lorOO p««e Book. J. JAY GOUU). Bo»to»>, Mum. WAN its^ss^: .• TED. IP**ink, l'nb . 6® KaadeSt., New YoA. AGENTS q/" iwr* dvcriptiim. Inttonal it Oil Chromoe mounted. I Novelties and Chromoa Ohromo Co., Phtla., rife. _ , t» Mala swenwhera. AiJ, WAKT rr--'Thousands of lives Milltons oi property saw tunes made with It Add- XOH Bacws,, New York or Chicago. nds of lives Mid THK WHAT IS IT.--Something new. SaUa rt sifht. Bicindnoemants to A«n«te. 8amplM. M •anta and stamp. Amenta wanted. Seed for Ostelmw UTS. SPECIALTY OO.. 11 Central-**.. Boatoa. PER WKBK OUARANTKKD to A«ent» Mate and Female, to their own looalitf r?TTr.~ and OUTFIT FRKK. &£itwi P. O. VICKRRY * OO -Angnata, Maiiis. nee trial bottle of X>r.l<*aM* ' Our® given away with testimony es performed. Sand to Co., 643 B'way, N. Y. $77 RlTftRBUlf1^ trial hot MI nl1llll|Cat«rri: Cure giver CURED or no aedlment 1. Good apHta, diaappeanioce <rf weakneM, haian WwinriBoqr; increase and hMrdMa of flanii and mm 1 Stningth iaoreaBes, appetite Im^ovM, nifch for looks clear and healthf, the i bid and cloudy appearance to a clear oolor; water paaaea freely from tb without pain or scalding , no pain or weaknesa. -v.. c^valmv « pwuiM«t core. incitiMd stromrth es hinted in BMnUnj " _:I; V storedto the several OMM», -V v <$ow tintre on the white of too eyes, AII<| th« sw&r- *W«raMeof the «kto chmugsd to a clear, healthy color. 'pon Wfetk at al«*TOfcw4. I.inys or i I?® wiB radtee gi'oat boneSe in. ®spect©s»ting tbetiwj(h rAkgta'ir miMWfeiiroiu th? SunssTair fr •kb?n>ehi * <* head:dimtofehin^ urwPePcl'r °* °°n«h; (teneial incntane of 'strenath soouWore, eta-, cessation of cold and ohillii, mr^a gy?1, hnproveg to afcrwigth and purity, dfaease will di- WJ^h, and all for^ni and bnjDure depeaHa, nodes, fwnor*, oanoew*, t^iatnna, eteTbe reeolved away and made MandTitod Vatthy; uloen,>w *yphmtto sores, c.feroni.c aoa diseiisna (taaaaUy ^ain csseswherfl the syatem has beerr aabvated, and Hercniy Quicksilver, Corrosiv® Snfclimate, (the princi- pal oongtitaent in the jsdverUsnd ^fir*iT*^rifla< ifitrrriiit' TOlnsoniodiKawfOi**f* M and bMome dntodted to the booaa. Joints, etc., 22f^S oul®'̂ booea, rioketa, spinal curvatures, »Pre^?2S!b.15SJSVy!,SP«,i .^a^poee -veina, etc., tl» • sign «hat the cwreS CLARI Prle CL.A '8 BOOK KEEPING IRK8BQ0 AllAb I post-paid. Send for circular. CO., W Plum street. Cincinnati. Otate. Self-instnMttf*. rt method. W. S. Short ifcrtbeoaze -- i. ' ' i11 _ hoetvw e«uh»afiji or even A MON TH-Agents wanted eveirwhera. (Flffall Buaineu feonoraEle and first olaaa. Pay- AZlllf ticolara sent fra*. Addreaa WORTH 4b VIIVW CO.. St. tools. Mo. OPIUM and Morphia* habit abaolwtely and speedly onred. Painless; no poblcity. Bend stamp for pkrticulars. Pr. Oarl ton, MI Waahington St.. Chicago, 111 AMERICAN FARMER'S HORSE BO, Having paMI 910,000 Author's Hov»lty on tbi* ntsadai THE Having r~. ....wv «-.««• .. ---- work, sod now being royalty ftVP I have irrtuced the pi from 13 60to $9.00 Semi fnrrirctilar*. U. Wm VMIVT, OINOIMNATIiO* 1% ita own, it la a sura sign Ma ttw patient «ttlHr|«a the dlshasn fatnot toacflva; driven from ttw blood, tt will spread m. As soon the patient --• m mvtai yoa wiH gcow beUer and In- Sreaae in heaiKh, strength sadBaah. Tt» great powwr of this remedy is in dlseihee that tkunaten death-aa in OoanmAM of the UAgsaad Tuberculous Phthisis, Sorafnfa^ Syphiloid Diseases, Wasting, DegmeraUon, and Ulceration of the KidneyB, Diabetes. Stoppage of Water (instantaneous relief af­ forded where oatheters have' " with the painful operation oi - dissolving stone in the bladter, flanimation of the Bladder and Kldi>*7*> ir> Chronb eases of I«ucorrfaoa and Uterine diseases. In tumors, nodes, hard lamps and syphikM ulcers; ii ®nd venereal sore throat. uloersTahd in tubercle of the lungs;to (root,dyspepsia, rhecmatism, rickets to mercurial den^V^^TinthsM terrible dtowwe, whare the human body has become wteek, and whete every hour ofexistanoe wherein this great remedy challenges the astonishmon asd admiration of the sick. It Is in such eases, when oil from f he r ami viiwiwihibiwumb ivuoi u* ve to be osetk thus doiaasawac of using tSsae instrteiSente), MMST,aaa M.*H «a«esof In- all the pleastoes of eiistanoe appear unfortunate, and by ita wondermf, almoi>v upereat uw! waoy.a restoras the hopaisssto a new Hie and new AABIITQ C^maka mowy on Sat- | ^huSi "U®d* *,0M iolu AkCSEWI U^,theS^"'ellin<UelW»the$e«ei*cmei»moieor manent cure. a«pmw«ea vnem, work & pet>- Ti^awioied with ' p*«*ss«. «e^taiah« am 'MU Biggest Pay. REKP.WlOMjiWHaM & Co..^hlladeli OMers filled from Boston. BaltL, Pittsburgh i or Chii b pftotod Wtttl Iall mmam tw «.*. «, iUw s>eaite6ia StriWi, Uhioagu &-;ul %»r ml* t7KIOKk 114 Mooros Stmt. Chtoa^, U. ana cheap ran. Sena 143 LaSaU*st, Ohiea«o. IIL I GEO^ P. Rowhi &Cfl-1 11 If C1H N ATI DOLLAR An Independent Family AMmTht "^AE^CO, HMMBto Toil* Name St«cantly Prinl- nSjuV ed on IS TRANSPARENT visinteo CAKDS. for 2S Cents. Each card eontsiai • Msi which Is not visible tiutil held towarda the light Nothing like them ever twfbrc offered in America. Biginduct- 181 HBOAOWAT. New York. !F« J s ]N A.SaA« manufacturer of SOLID tiOLD JKW KlJiY of every description. The stock is large, very choice, and Is offered at retail trade prices to keep our workmen goiiuc. Bills under $15, P.O. ordarlp advance. Over $15, C.O.D. privilege to examine. Catalaguse free. MAPS & CHARTS Agent and Latest, most Ornamental and Correct. Special Agi wanted in each township. Send for/res Catalogue a Terms to E. C. BRIDOMAN, & Barclay StTTlT. Y., IfWW.4thSt.Cincinnati,O. Rar«Cliamoe. m Yon want to makt Sk5lingihe1beet<!̂ ̂ • evor offered to Agents. WKF • vi • 0ns Agent ta*de $13 to three hoars. Try It. Addrsp, HOOD A JOSEPH/ Indlatwpolis. Ind. of the mSBASW RR: part or putt where the pain or afford ease and comfort. Twenty drops to half a tumbler of water will, in a few moments, core CRAMPS, SPASMS, SOUR STOM. ACH, HEARTBURN. S\CK HEADACHE, DIAR- RHEA. DYSENTERY. COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWEfcS. and all INTRfeNAL PAINS, Trnvelets_Bhould always cany a bottle of XIAO- WAY'S REJUEF* with them. A few drops in water will prevent alclmess or pains from change of watar. IT IS BETTER THAN ; 4 f^fTKBS AS . FRENCH BRANDY OB 1 STIMULANT. • QC|rr@> ellinc gives srsneral information and HQCH I O QUIUC. instrnction to scents. I want no agents. I «*r. •« «ods; I js*.!? dsscribs tli« »-•<•«* >n thoeo who do. Now Inventtons. Novelties. New Books, Pairors, Magcsineo, everything that ngenie waiit. I them at ones. Only 10 «it», a tear, postpaid; Botb free. JAHHE P. eco-rr, »L c;., G^sio, I 100 page Book :u:d sampfes of Rubber Hoofing. Complete materials for new roof, 4)tfc. a ft. Fire-proof, diirable,<3heap. Easily >plk-d with positive satisfitctlon. ?rite ®t oiico.ud money. *, ¥. Siate RoOflnKCo. 7 CKDAB ST., N. 1. THE $50,000 BONANZA, r PuUparttenlamsMit me ^DLkTOM & READ, Baakeik es Wall Street, New York. Address PBKD1 wmmr mounted. Revo: With 100 Cartridges, $3.00:90XXI0sold; emjrane warran­ ted , eat i6foCtioit guaranteed. Ilhutretfed Catalogue Fret. WkSTEBW OIN WORKS, Chicago, liU 69 Dearborn^t., (McCormick lUoot). IS* YOU WA NT to know about the standing of H-suranoe companies, subscribe for • THE imiiD. Published by Geo. I. Yeager. 303 La Salient. ChicamL 2rfV!R5!L5ff «nn,n. W-bls in^vaooa Senflk oeats for ssmpis oopy. _ HOW TO IOWA LAN Rich SoiUcood Climi m«ntsvgo'id Schools. BJver kicemnt mwr; iiotifcf offer tha Lands of tb< . and the McGregor and H bt Paul R. R ai r- R. R- at jfA to SS per acre, on easy payments. MM rant wifi buy a farm. Apply to 1 TBAVIDSHS St Calkins, 1 R. R. Land OIBce, Siblei, OSOMI* do., Iowa A NEW BOOK BY M A R K T W A I N D1T is the time to SPLEHDIDLT ItXOTTBATKD. PRESS TO START WITH s to get Territory. Don't stop to eiperi- books. Take one you know will SELL, s. ,-- --„-- JHU give YB« choice of field, and Golden Returns. G«rt.on thecourse at onoeand yoo Will ww. OUTTIT COST* KOTHINO, KTXkTTBINU FCBNiaHKD. Ssad to your names, towm ron wsnt, and for droalare at oooe. Address AMERICAN PtfBLISHUWOO.. Hartford, Conn., or 118 Randolph St., Chicago, IIL menton other Prompt action will lEItililK RK.XDEBED I SEIJB* VHI.TA 'H ELBCTBO Hi.i.Tsairfj Bituoji are iudorsod l>y ttio moat cmiiK'nt physinims lh the world for the curt' ofrbeu* atism, lieu ruljfis. liver com- pittiut, uysp«p«ia. kidsM;v <liii- e»«etacliee.pains.nervouH ais- orders, fits, female comptainta nervous and general debility, •ad other chronic diseases of tliecliest.heail, liver, tttomach m B-_ M i kidneys :iiul blrxul. Book with LIF C. "* foil piirticuliirs free by V01.T* " Bei.t t'ijiriimati, Ohio. me. Have you The Hlnsi-i«t«4 Catalans of Tht MxeetHor Portable Printing Prtmesf |3 FWM now ready. Jfssry SMM» TO MM printer. A few dollars boys a press sad type for printing cards, labels, envelopes, etc., at qnorur pijnttm' prices. Sat money and farnqw tmtmity BwsJwrWi- mg. Send two stamps for catalog?* to the Mamtfaotar* m,m- - " ^iMceSOCcnts. Sold by Dni||l«tfc DR. RADWAYS wiUi<w 9* for thr smcrs of tht> Stomach, Urer, Bowels Kidnoys, Hesdftcbe, Constipation, OostS^onoss, Induft. ?Uloui!ieE6j Bilious Fever, Infhimma" Bladder Nervous lion. tton of the I&terni a % A iWlUBiit/KllDt &iiUUUS 1 "VOij ll!n<lUilU4 welH, Pilos and all Derangements of Ute ra. Warranted to effect a positive cure. tern ill Viscera. Warranted to effect a positive cure, •y Vegetable, oontaining no mercury, minerals, or -- us drugs. IJKjbjjM following symptoms resulting from .-..WlntaM PUesfl^llness of the Blood in Head, Acidity of the Stomach. Nausea, Heartburn, of Food, Fnllnessor Weight in tho Stomach, Knictations, Sinking or Fluttering at tha Pit of i'uc 1*, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difr , _ Jreathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or SunooatinK Sensations when in a Lying Posture; Dtm-Llesa of \ islon, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever sod Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Byes. Puin in tha Sidi Chests. Umlu, and'Hudden Flushes of Heat, Burning i the Flesh. A few doses of RADWAY'S system from all the abow named Cents per Box. PILLS win freeth disorders. Price* •RUGOfSTS. Read! ono lettew SOLD BY DRUC WAImHK AND TRUE.' Seng ono letterstamp,WRADWAY i SSI Warren Street, New York. .worth thousands will be sent you. 816 SHOT GUN. 1 «ssM» TAMINB. tarsr OlssMm MB; vsrawM sas-•kilvM tssisls. Ml a mt skssMr, OS w uu; *M rtsA, h«*»i FU-«W*w, Ibr tlS. _CssJHyi C. p. fc SZ • rSCj^rfeV.'̂ SllSyiss^^s^^ AGENTS" I50 NEW BOuKS ABE XOBT COMPLETELY REPKBSBNTED IN OVH GRAND COM III N ATION PROSPEf'TI's by sample pases, bindings, illustrations. «tc. All are pieltrd, poj'ular woiks on «r«iy entfjeet. Why risk all on one doubtful book, when you Can make success tare by offering customers oholoexif T|{M>* Our Aaenta have tlM %ntMe track, and anMUeligbted With Thair quick •atos. Fai) not to send for partlculam at to F. A. HOTCRIKSON A CO.. Cmfuno. IT.LS. Of Parliamentary Praotloe. Rnl«*of, proceedingand^debatetoddlberativeassem- hHm. This is the standard authority In aH t he United States, ami U M» indispensable Hand-Bttak for every member of a deliberative body, as a ready reference ui se formality and legality of any prooeedin* or debet*. * "The most anthoritative expounder of American par- liamentaqr Uw Price. OS cents. Address THOi BIMFICTMy MD SALESROOM. 23 A2?RANDOLPH It.'oHIOAOO. 1 xeceivee rue GRAND PRIZ MEDM.« /B73 WARRANTED FIVE YEARS! mt X&itruotio&JB to it. It eaa not pet out cf eidat. I It Tin do mry dm tad kind of vork. v It irUl stir from SSism U SuBiM Luther. It Is m far in adrano* of other Soring Itocfclnes la tto su«&ltud« of ite coperlor improvi&enta, y a Steam Oar txo^lli in whimawrts W,,;1 V tilt -->fiT' Prlo* made to suit (1M Times,^. Either for Cash or Credit. - n Sf^Sgfir01 | AGEMT8 WANTED. * s %»*>**? WILSON SEWINQ MACHINE OO: OUmBJJB, 0B0, 0816*00,61, smr oauum, ul, . w. LOOTS, >«. tit t # / • 2ff*WT0BK,ir.Tit i * , k your S«a Fosm for several yeais and unhesitatingly reoommsad it as the beiktBakingPowder in themutot" Smith. G*f« & C«., Grocer*, lytrtlant), fir., »ay:~" We use It to our own families and believe it to be decidedly the best Baking Powder." Its economy is wonderful, It makss «lbs more bread to a barrel of floor, tliliions of cans sold and not a single complaint. Send for circular to GKO, P. UAHTZ A CO..178DuaneBt .N.YI This new Truss is worn 1th perfect comfort night and day. Adapts Itself to with perfect comfort night day. Adapts Itself U motion of the body, rapt ure under the :erclse or severest intll permanently the . perms*] lastirbaiK NO. 383 Sent by stiftii. I Broadway, N. Y. City. Gall or send for Clrouiar and be eared. INFLAMMATI nnllA F TH KIDNEYS ^KERlAti f irm Speedily cured by DR. BKT Ho^Diie&aoii AND IntespM: interest jo hone and breeders. infra gun Cwrs aootir. PRICB .Box98,Cbleeun»,IIk J. P. HORSE flciMitrt**^> ikTrJainwl How to juSe and care for him. 1 nhe requisite requisite point* for speed and en durnnoe fully demon' strntpd. A work of greet IMIe Fbrt.y-flv« years «etabWshed; •"ffy .te new snbacribera." AGENTS. FRBB sample eoMas en 1 ' t: Speedily sure Remedy until cured. Call on or address ,. K'S only known and < lLAtt«K for treatment St. J. 0. BEOS, US J6h& StiCtneinutlfO; IllMtsSe« besut Eublishsd. 10«C sve (mployinsat eddrtis si once f HABY VOBPk V WIFE NO. 19 ^^HVfiwiXSMJSS' v tits w.7*. It Is the bsst srutSt book >0 more AMats, mm and wnmen, can iRMfll. Bentf^ce. Do not delay, but Stove Dealer for our Patent ELBOW. Adjustable. Fits Any "Angle. Sargentj Greenleaf & Brooks ^ o h i o « s o » m . The Ptollosophy ofHeadaclte. The stomach, the bowels end the liver are responsible for every pang; th«t r*uVs tlit. head. Regulate, tone and harmful lee the stitton of these Allied organs with ' Tarranfs Meltzer Aperient* > and you cure the complaint at Its source. 1 ' SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. tti VTIFl'I. intention for marking CUtking and printing Cards, dc. An ariicie Ikmt •*" crybuj':; wants. Type to print any name, butitxism addr<t». Very profitable, atnut • ingand Instructive for theyowig. 59.1,(1 WftA S alphabet* type. Jiu.2, 9t. wit*5 ot- pkabeU. So.8, $8, with 11 alphabet*. So A 9* .with 16 alp. Case, ftti & Pad included. J Delivered by mail free. AgeMt wanted. lOLDINQJkCO."«'k'<|i<*a $10,000 £ mr HT"" ftfli PcestOoorierjoen2< BE8TIN THE WORL Any Shade Adapted All Classes of wmk. wM Scatter Bo sure that onr TRADK-MAAK. (a fao which S« giv«n shove) Is on every package. BBAXCH OFFICES AID 1'ACTOHEST . Veil Street*'New York. Ho. 310 ftoMh 3d St., Sti Louts* 9S*| Mo. 63 Vi'cmt Van Baren St.. ChF PM8IOHS Boornes. HK jhnk sr nfSn ' ! •el«»fowd|*«,)i5»5 Siwasis iftL Is ksai,e<M lfisisi ht iimhii tr kaMUMr Mmtaa sf t t s j Lksa <bs nnHsaSI |«( Mar ilwissi. i iMWM«V IMIMI •)hUta( Wk et sank s* * I IMS «r a «MW nm,<liU]r Htat » WHW laws. All ptr&oftS rtccna Di sccor<lae»'o to their ttonth. Xo charye for aditse^ ate yvTcmuW-a to uav. CM ttWb Wt 4o®*l kSowTt «•" 0icrciiw;ly litirt«r'F»H ;• "I"*" S(i«Mwi fN», •^.»'"^MsJ ror R i»t>ok cf psxes, with slS penston^ toast; snS Uzw IM*. Itfcflatty ©rcrr»oJ',-te? to. It contatng «S sets «f Cwjnwftf 14 WW - ,.:-Addirf F. rriU^r,: WEEKLY sr" ,- ^WISCONSIN 3 Months, Postpaid, Try l l ! Try I t ! f j I t ! fn order that every person mag hsee sn opporta^i iudsing of the superior Merits qf the Weekly WUesesw . trie propn-fotfi will send It to any address for theabo-- Do Your Own Printing firC*t*lofue. Outfits from SI up Golding<t C» - Mont/fs. Washinaton Sg, Boston M Golding & Co., Manuf's. Washington Sq, *BABl Prixiiirtg Press* Self-Mting & Self-Delivering. Steam Power. New improvements. ing cards. hiMeads,l,ibel», circulars, etc.jtkae HO inferior- It it unequalled for eate and ra­ pidity of operation, compactness, beauty oftfe~ sign and merAanieal ro»tfr>'c*i<m. frier*. u.(o 0885. Send 3 cent tlamp/vr Catalogm- . Smith Organ Co.̂ BOSTON, MA8I. These Standard Instrument* by Music Dealer* SttryvlMx* MEWS WAMTE0 IN 6Wi* TWIM. C The great makes this the contains < vsr AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ENTENNIAL HKIfiSJ«'•= U- S- tib# fllttit inltiiif tr 400 & * full MOOI the United INSTALLMENT PLAN I flit to. sb e System of Monthl» Faymsate. history of our coontrr _ t ever published. It fine historical engravings and flOO TjXIOftOO ACEffl?" Missouri Lands. 170 GRAS8E0PFIBS, HO DBOTOHT. The Atlenttcsmd PadAc BiUmd oflfer tor sale, on long time end low prices, sniended forming leoda In Southwest Missouri, whlob possess ell Che re­ quirements ot good and healthy climate, plentr of timber and pore water, long and oool summers, and short and mild winters. Free transportation from St, Louts for land-buy­ ers. Circulars containing map and rnid**, free to any address. Sectional maps, showing lands sold and unsold, 2S cents. Address. A. L. DEANK, I>and Comtuteioner, 29 South rowrtb Street, St. Lonls, Mo. amount. This offer will remain open until I THK W_EKKLY WlSOOMSUTts a Isisi 1 unle--' CHAMUBR, AnUUIA CRAMEKt Hflwstakee, Wis. hcallhy inr'tf bUe i uaTlgerrt- iByttsi st wellt FU- Yino TB£ (tI<OODt glvias toM mm* isalS M the-whole Atacrf) res !wf» eaas® of UlS ilHaHs. mf- feetlng a r»slleal leTLs A FAM ear*. (LT HBVICIHB It ts VHE<|VAL- EB< and la AI<* tr ATS 8AFK, at DR. BAHrORD'S "5iS !̂S8gS5A3Ea»! Fhese CSVMS re* ' ~ "*"• ' move all morMd _ , or baA wsatter ^ KB|4O*« to t>«Ir a-orn the qrilsM, .«pp ly i»s * tUelr place • |k« should adapt g B tdoee to their OO W wlvMwl «M f-H O|tmtioii» Aroaa Itca ipoonMl *| H »taMrapeeal te eordlMK to e*. jfeet. iftellsa* 'thet. IUTEB, ilar Ittee ofSto«a-fes: S3 psatssiss^ X lent on or eaaMd CkrsakM- rritoiMtt*. lag mseAsl abomt theMWjSdt"" -- - Hew York. SOSJS WfU" ©; DEA Wsak- 1 table- ffiSfSrSS TRY ITt F«l aw.o. f DTHBII WRITING TO AOVl» i l uCi r^ r--t* . . i- • i;) • T" . Jet V'..«E i- ., ..Mm

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