Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Nov 1875, p. 5

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trwMrmm ZZL- WEDNESDAT, NOV, 24th, 1875. Ra!!rcad Time Table. GOISO BOOT* Geneva lake Passenger 7:25 A- x Qeaen Lake Freight 1:8Br. *. GGTriG AUKXIb «ENE«* t.ake Freight...HM># A. *. Geneva Lake Pa88enarer...............7:05*'. X. MASONIC. MCHKVKYCHAPTERNO.SIR. I. sr.-tofn- lar Convocation* held on the second and fourth Fridays in each month. H. a IRISH H. P. Q. W. OVIN Sec.. CHURCH DIRECTOR*. METHODIST.--Rev. J. T. Cooper, Pastor. Services every Sunday morn In sf at 10>f A. M. Sunday School at 12 A. M. H-C. Irish, Snper- : intendent. Services at Ringwood at 2 P. M. WE tools a vote the other day'in our family on buckwheat pancakes, anfl ft V was decided unanimously .to lay them \'tr .on the table, ,, y A*-f^ it h® 'tb*4; ' subscribers to the PLAINDEAIJBB "be­ tween now and New Year's wfflTe- oeive the paper free until January 1st. A THANKSGIVING Party is advertised to come off at the McHenry Housa, on Thursday evening. Good Music In attendance. Tickets, including Supper $1.50. - ' WE are now prepared to do all kinds of GERMAN PRINTING on short notice and at reasonable rate?. Bring your orders to the PLAINQEALER, and we guarantee satisfaction. TO-MORROW being Thanksgiving-we shall, of necessity, be compelled,to work all day, and can therefore, be found at this office from 7. A, M. to 6. P.M. .No cards. ! : ' WE leam that the Rev, J!.T. Cooper, Pastor of the SI. E; Church, in this village, has rented the new house of Hinton Wheeler, and will moveiutoilt as soon as- it IfT^ttiished. M. ENGELN has removed his Gun Shop to his residence, just North of the McHenry' House, where lie will be pleased to see all his customers and friends, WE are under obligations t» Sam McDonald for another old Country p*nf>r called the Ga llaway Gaznti*'., trader date of October 23d, lii ^hii^i |Pf4 found many Items of interest. , A new Cooper Shop has been started In the building formerly used as a Paint Shop, opposite Owen's Mill, and farmers and others wishing anything In that line can be accommodated on short notice, and at living prices. ' THE walk near the new bridge South of Owen's Mill is being rebuilt, and when completed it will be more safe for pedestrians in that locality after dark. The walks in that section lmve been In a bad shape ever since the bridge was washed away early in the Fall. M AMONG other Improvements we notice this week, that Jos. Wiedemann Us putting up a large lev House in which ito store a sufficient amount of the ceongealed article to supply his Board* 4ng House aud Restaurant the coming Summer. In other words he is prepar­ ing to "keep coor in the future. Now that winter i« eotning and fires are In order, we wish to caution mar­ ked gentlemen against the danger of getting up early and building the Are. "Tbelr constitutions were not made for r&uch work, and If persisted in It will "lead to certain death. Women stand that sort of thing much better. Dr. A; A. BICE, Dentist, ofNunda, who visits this place every Saturday, is meeting with good success, his bwrt- ^hess increasing at each visit, as fee becomes better known. The Doctor has few equals in his profession, and those needing his services can rest assured of being satisfied when be is through. We wish he could be persuaded to looste permanently in this village. . O; BISHOP, the enterprising dealer In Agricultural Implements,has bought the lot next West of the Post Office, on which he proposes to build this Fall or early in the Spring. a large Agricultu­ ral Warehouse. The signs of the times now Indicate that business in McHenry for the next year will be livelier than it was ever known before in the history of the town. AN exchange speaks of a man who had a mitten on his left hand caught In the rollers of a corn husking machine, and his hand was drawn in and so badly crushed, ^amputation of three * fingers at the carpo-metacarpai articu­ lation, the Index finger at the metacar­ pophalangeal articulation.* We sym­ pathize with the man, ad it is the worst .case of "articulation" we ever heard 4>f. ' • :•••• . ; • •; * ; • IT lias been published, LA <* large ^ntjhur of papers that when a mouse makes its appearance in a ladies' sewing circle, the women with striped stock­ ings on always jump the highest. Why will people continue to make such ridiculous mistakes? The striped ^stockings don'.t have half so much to do .with the bight of the jump as the shapeliness, as it were, of the--of the •M well--of that portion of the female 4 form divine which the stockings are supposed to cover. We mean, £%>urse | the--but never mh*d, - < As w|H be seen by notices elsewhere, the PLAINDEALER IS being clubbed with "the leading Chicago Dailies and Weeklies, the Agricultural papers. &e., at tttttisally low rates. Before making up your list of Winter's reading, read the liberal offers made by J. M. Smith, Postmaster of this village,! Garrison, of Greenwood. *4 ,.K ON the first page of our paper can be found the Programme of the . Illinois State Dairy mens Association, which farmers and Dairymen would do well to read. These meetings cannot help but be highly beneficial to Dairymen, as all matters partaining to making Batter and Cheese, care of Cows, man­ ner of selling products, Ac,, are discuss­ ed, and by comparing notes great good must result therefrom. It certain­ ly-must well repay any matt to. attend their meetings. • W. S. DENNIS, who represents the Cigar Manufactory of E. M. Dennis, Waskegan, was in town on Monday. The brand of Cigars at ihis Fac­ tory are now the most popular of any sold in the Northwest, and their pop­ ularity is justly deserved, as ail cigars sent out by them are just as represented, and do not vary from one years end to the other, unless It may be for the better. His "E. M. D's " are the smo­ kers delight, and his other brands are not taehiud them. Mr Dennis Is work­ ing up a big trade in this county. OUR readers are reminded thfft we now have one of the most complete Job Printing offices in the county, furnished with new Presses, the newest style of type, In fact everything necessary to turn out the very best work at short notice. We also have the latest style of Stationery, for Weddings^ receptions, dancing parties, Ac., which we can' furnish equal in appearance to en­ graved work, at a small part of the cost. We guarantee our work to be satisfactory In every particular, and our prices as low as the same quality ot work can be <done *r.ywl.m\ Est! mates cheerfully furnished; -•* • AN exchange says: "It maynotl»e generally known, but It Is a fact never­ theless*^ that corn husks are the best article that #an be* used for filling matt rasses for Iseds. This t8 the time of year when husking eorn is just the tiii«g to do-, ana no better time could, be found than now to pick and save the husk*. Take the clean, inside husks, spread then! out on boards and dry them, and some rainy day when you have nothing else to do. piek tlicm to pieces, tearing the husks into strips You will be stirprlsed to find what a delicious bed ybu will have. Or, if you do not want to use them yourself, bale them up and send them to Chicago, where if your husks are clean and bright, you will get $40 $50 a ton for, them-- more than they are worth fi>r fodder by a good «ray*. Try^it^ ^ > WE hear of late considerable talk of the Union Fair, of which we spoke several weeks ago, and all are of the same opinion, viz.. that it is just what we want, and every man has signified his willingness to do his share towards; having it pushed forward at once. We are also informed that the people lilthe West end of Lake County are ready to take hold a\id do their share in the matter. \ With this state of thlugs we see no necessity for delay. Let a meeting be Vailed, the matter talked over, the stock raised, the ground purchased, am then a* soon as Spring opens work can be commenced, and J>y September next we will be able to hold the first Fair of the Mc- Ifcttry Union Agriculturial Sooietv. Will not some of our citizens take the responsibility to call a meeting. De­ lays lire dangerou®. The people are In earnest, aud all it needs is for souie one to set -tlie ball rolling. THE Woodstock Dramatic Society, of which we spoke lant week, are we learn, hard at work rehearsing for their entertainment, which is now definitely set down for Friday evening of this week the 26th, at National liail, Wood­ stock* at winuh time they will present the beautiful Drama of 4'Dora,*" and ftha Fofoe of k,Turn Hitn Out.*' These plays are both good ones, and no one who attends can fail to be pleased* Mr Earlie, the Manager, has been veryj for.tumkte so far iu his selection of playsj! and-as he is emphatically a worker when he starts out to rehearse there is no such word a? fail, and therefore when a play is announced the public can rest assured that an evening of real enjoyment is before them. The success of their former entertainments have been unprecedented, and we predict that thi* will be equal if «ot superior to any of them. Those of our readers who fall to go will miss a rare treat. Below we give the cast of char­ acters for the two plays: i ' THE DBAMA--DORA. Farmer Alien..,,. 0. JaWwrf, W illiam Allen.... H. HA YS. C. H. MIIRET. of this village, betng desirous of forming a Wiitii^vpi^|R, wlllmeet those who wish to attend at the School House, on Firday evening at 7 o'clock, for the purpose of making arrangements to ope n the school at oncte, Mr.Morey is a No. i Teacher in this most us«fui branch of education, and every young man and woma* In Me* Hanrv shmiia avail Of this op|)ortnnlty. He Is a splendid penman, and with hfs experience as a Teacher of penmanship, no one who attends «»r» fail to receive lasting benefit. We hope to be able to announce next week that Mr. Morey has been successful In organizing a larga class. Remember, Friday evening, at the Sdieol House. v I • ' fi"?* .n'„. Luke Blonjfleld F. FIKLO Jem T. GLENNOX. WiiUe (chll<|)....>,.:,.,* ..BOBBIK EARLIE Dora Allen. ANNA GIBBONS Mary Morrison., ..,..IpA WHJTSOX #A»CB--TDRLR HIM OUT, tficodemtta Noblw.r,.,., .D. p. BLAKESLEK Mackintosh AKNOLO Eglatine Roaoleaf,..^..'...,....^ C. JEWETT Jula (Moke's wi&J.... .U>.. .NIKA BLAKESLKE Su«an (a Maid of all «rork)..LBTTiE CDKixce Remember the time; Friday evening of this week, November 26th. . / Good Rubber Boots for &3, »t P. W. Blake's, #j)posito Perry £ Martin's stojre. WE now claim to he famishing our readers with the most complete and reliable Market Reports to be found in any weekly paper in the country. We give them each week a carefhlly revised McHenry Market, the late Dairy 5lar~ ket, besides market rc-pOi-'rum Chica­ go, Jjfew York, Milwaukee, St. Kouis, Cleveland, Toledo, Detroit, Ac., Ottr home report Is carefully revised each week," and made up from sales actually made on Tuesday of each week, .and as McHenry Is now handling as much if not more Produce than any other village in the county, these Market Reports can not help but be of interest to farmers aud others. We are sparing neither time uor expense in trying to make the PLAINDEALER meet the wants of the people of McHenry C6nitty, and that our efforts are appreciated Is evidenced by our rapidly increasing subscription list. If you have anything to sell or buy you will find our market,reports correct every time. « Seal Estate fmnafer*. Conveyances filed in the Recorder's Office of McHenry County, Illinois, for the week commencing November 15th, aud ending November 20th, A. D, 1875: United Stales to Margarefc Gillilan. South east half, sw quarter, 22, 43,8. Patent. Same to same. Nw fraction one fourth, southwest fraction one fourth, 2 6 , 4 3 , 8 . P a t e n t . » / " v j Same to same. JT# fraction tte ftrac 1,26,43,8. Patent. Same to same. W fraction e| andw} mv fraction 26, 43, 8. Patent. Msrgni'fii !«> IJlchSTd 1L. "23111= 1aii. W 44-100 acres 1n-22, 43, S. ^03. Richard II. Gillian ,Jo Margaret Gll- Hlau. 16 32^-100 acres iu tic cor ne| 37, 43,8, $331. ' Almond A l?ider and wife to Sha- drack Harris. 46 acras .in 32.44. 5, 8700. .lohn Omacht and wife to Silas If. Jpyws. M i 11 property iu sec 10,29 and 30, 43, & $400. Fred Rejik'h and wife to Anna Welter 8 pt lot D blk 14, Nunda, $100. Win G Timrnefl -an^l *1fe it© Warren D Wilson. &?^10Oaera»£u«et *^4M, nm Warren T>. "Wilson to Diiniiej S Sifeeer Sat»e4 $1000. Chas McCartf to .Tohn MeCartv.v fJift- divi ded 83i acres sec 9, 45, (>; $350. I.ansing D Hale'and wife to John and and Chas McCurty. 127 acrps in 9, 45, 6,*um ' ^' stT»|i<ed States to Wl'Jlam Tafner.-- n4y se^ 13, 4B, t>,Patfent,'. Same to same, sej sej 13,46,8,Patent Same to same,sw sej 13,46.^. Patent $«me to George Turner, liei s»i IB, 46.8, Patent, .fobII Turner and wife to William Turner, sw *te| 13, 46,8, $500. Same to same. 160 acres iu sections 12 and 13. 46, $3000. ^ Eliza Williams Edwards to Joseph C Johnson, si nj ni ei nwj- 18,45,6, $1, Jacob Zuuan and Jas Kothba and wife to Frank Nesbour, 43 acres ml £4,43, 8, M • ( Cl»»s.15 Frtsble .guid wtlfe to A G Johnson, lot 0 blk 1,' Friable'* addition to Crystal Lake, $150, James T Pierson and wife to Wm Henry, lot 8, sw{ 27, 43,8, $30. John Wolf aud wife to A 8 Martin, Part lot 4 blk S, Richmond,^72^ ' Henry K Bay and wife to Clara T Bay. w 60 acres sej 1, 43, 7, $4000. Chester C Briggs and wife to Joel B Dot v. 202 acres in see 13 and S3,44,6, $12000, ^ John W Langdon and wife to Rufns M Hooker, undivided $ part lot 3 blkl, SpejicerS* addition to Marengo, $460. RufusM Hooker and wife to Edgar B Skinner, undivided half of same,$350. Will Hopkinson and wife to Franklin H Boswortli, 300 #cres sec 7,45.5, $10,- 000. Samuel Q Paul to William Da v. Ei lot 20 bk 1 all in ne\ 4, 45, 5, $3735. • READ! READj ' • I have' now commenced to form my Clubs for the Chicago Weekly Times and Inter-Qoean, and those wfshjng these papers can hft^e them a^ tite following rates:, ? v' Chicago Weekly Times and MaHenry Plaindeajer $2^0 ^ Chicago Weekly Inter-Ocean and McHenry Plaindealer $2.40 As I wish to send in my. Club at as early a day as possible, thosa who wish the papers should sepd in their names At ; 5 " ' JOHN M, SMITH. Postmaster, McHenry HI. ELECTION NOTICE, t The McHenry County Agricultural Board will hold its annual meeting at the Court House, in Woodstock, oh the first Monday of Dec, next at 1 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of electing the following officers for the ensuing year viz: President, 2 Vice Presidents, Sec­ retary, Superintendent, Marshal, and 17 members of the Executive Commit­ tee, viz: one from each town in the county, and for the transaction of such other business as lawfully comes before the meeting. All who hold member­ ship tickets for 1875, and all life mem­ bers, are entitled each to one vote. . ^ JAMES CROW Pre, ASA W. SMITH SeeretaS§| W., ' Woodstock, Nov. 15,1875, «!ii Richmond Department. Bun!]*m», Jfottees. SEE Buck 11a & vertlsemenr I). At POTTER, Emwm. Ui Buy your lieady-Made Clothing of F.G. Mayes. TioliM. *M Tim, at o. tr. oww'i. iioi'SEKEEFRRS DEtlftHT*--Enquire at Bncklln & Stevens, near the Depot, RKAII Eoftoit KlwoK^»f- ferson expects to: mov» into hit new house next week, " hat whithwwe are to have the ciistoniftff kHrni^«!ng" remains to b^ seeu, aW oni* neighbor .is not remarkable as a fashionable man. Still if we should receive att invitatloD to eat ejysters and drink water In the new hmUto U«# Pt •f f i One of the employeesHeinz Noble & Co. Veiii, to Harvard and run bis face for a Suit of clothes, which brought about the day of judgment for him. This was followed by a garnishee ad­ dressed to the Woodstock Pickling and C.mnfng Co. The constable served the paper on Mr. Noble, hut that gentle­ man not representing, or being, the Woodstock Pickling and Canning Co. paid the man his wages on demand, and he, concluding that he'had worked there long eftough, took ap his bundle and walked, leaving the Harvard gen­ tleman to blow tip the const&bio or justice, whichever it might be for his stupidity, ; , "There Is nothing constant but change,5* and now Madam Humors busy tongue has it that Frame, not far from this town.Js to be turned into a SHU. not for the manufacture of spirits that intoxicates, but that the person may put money Into his purse, and there may be but one bed to make where at present there are two. A Chicago artist' named Darling has engaged and occupies rooms at Judge Joslyn's for the winder, and several of our townsmen and women tired of viewing themselves on pasteboard ex­ pect to take a square look at their counterparts on canvass. Well, at least, there will be a chance for the unlucky ones to find Yault, Two accidents are to he recorded. A. Churchill in some way unknown to your correspondent, broke his wrist and ankle, while Mr. Gibbons, on Saturday evening fell from a straw stack hurting himself severley. Hurd Brothers, of Aurora have several peddlars out with wagons, collecting rags, etc., and as one of them named Frazier, has not reported for three months, one of the Hurds was in the county looking for him. There are others who would like to see that- m«n, bat probably he w laid up somewhere with the epizootic, unless he went to Chicago to witness the walking match. The proprietor of National Ha J having informed the W. D. A. that the use of the Hall on Thanksgiving eve would cost them twenty fire dollars, and by the terms of their leane they, are to have it for five dollars wlaea they wish to bring out a play, they hav$ .elumged the time one day and the play will come off on the evening pf Friday the 2Cth, The Association have put in new foot lights and new furniture m they will no longer be oentpelled ttft tx»rrowth« latter. The Jouncing Club had a very agrees- Me time at their late daw* aud gay they will do so more, Miss Cora Smith, recently assistant Postmaster of this city, has changed her vocation and gone into the school iu^^ndlptpn district, • .4&trr .:t U. it" • • « EI« DBY GOODS MERCHANTS. McHenry can boast of as enterprising Dry Goods merchants as any town In the oounty, who keep their stores well filled with goods of the latest patterns, and especially adapted to the wants of this community. PKRRT it ^JEAHTIN are i-ccelving new- goods weekly, and from the crowd con­ stantly thronging their store it is evidenced that they are selling goods in quality &n<t * prtae to ple» e their customers, BUC'KUN 4FC<§TFCVEN*S, near the Depot, have a store jamed full of everything in their und are constantly obliged to put In new goods to meet thel wants of their tnereaslng trade, O, J. HOWARD & SON, have a large and well selected stopk of goods for the Fall and Winter trade, and are pleasing their many customers both Jp quality of goods and prloes. SMITH BROS, A Co, are determined to close out their entire stock, and the way goods are going off at their store of late It frill not take them long to do it. They have puteverything ('own to bed-roek^end are bouftd to make a clean sweep, . PHILIP GIESELKR, in his new store, keeps his usual stoek of goods, and is now ready to show a good assortment in his line and at prices as low as the lowest, . Time and space necessarily makes our notices brief, but enough to show that our merchants are doing a good busi­ ness, notwithstanding the tight times in the money market, and we doubt much If there are any merchants In the county who are doing a better business or keep better stooks pf goods. Our Groccrymen and other places of business are doing equally as well, and we shall speak of them hereafter, In short, in point of business, McHenry Is not behiud any town in J^Henry County. ^ .# PARTICULAR NOTICE, All persons knowing themselves In­ debted to me are hereby notified to call and settle the same' on or before the 15th of Depember, as my bpgks must be closed. This means business, and those interested will please bear It in mind. ^ ' JOHNM, SMITH JJcHonry, Hov Wb, 1879 timtos |»8R Ricbmoad as ', UnMiMinit • '*j.-: /i WlfO KO«fU;'. /Genera I^akfl Freisrht-- m. Geneva Lake l'assepger.....7rfj I*, x. CHf'WH DIRHCXOKT. „ CXMORROATT«» A It :~R«r^ *. j; fina^KM Pastor. Serv!«•<•!» at 8 P. M. MBTHonifiT: --R?v. 8am 1. ICarnrwr FMtar. Services 10:30 A. If. Babbath School A. X. J. L, Diwninjr, Supti' It.inrisrEldsr Wheeler Pastor. Serrieea 10:89 A. M. S«W*th gobool 12 M. ' ' 1 M "• The weather continuoa cold snow on the ground. Farmers are boay corn hMklng and threshing, Repair# am h«l«fg madfe and new buildings being built in Ridur^ond Some of ^nr sidewalks need repairs «r#M^ ones.- built. Kh*W onr City Fathers^ '• .* ' j.ti ,, - Union Thanksgiving W ' the M. E. Church. Sermon by Rev. S. Earngey at 11 o'clock A. M. Richmond Post. Office will be. closed on Thanksgiving from |1 o'clock A. M. to S o'clock P. M, ! » Machine rspsirs ana all leading machines kept by E.M.Owen. If you want any kind of Farm Imple­ ments or repairs call on E. M. Owen. Ready-Made Clothing figures at F. G. Mayes. Beaver Cloths for Cloaks antd the Trimmings, at Bucklin & Steven's, The Belle City Feed Cotter beata the world. For sale by O. Bishop, Mc­ Henry. MARMED.--November I8lh, it Sdlbh Mills, by Rev. S, Earngey, Major Town to Miss Eliza Cropley all Qf , S>^Pagc County HUnoIsi , PW>, Our Stock and Produce buyers are shipping large quantities of cattle, hogs and sheep, from this station* which makes business quite lively, -- . f • : . George W. Eldridge la receiving * larger amount of Poultry this season^ than ever before so early In the season, and has already shipped several tons. The School Directors of School District No. 5, village of Richmond, advertise for 22 cords of wood. See advertisement at Post Office and other public places; , The Epizootic is still hovering "round, though in a very light type and horses need the kindest treatment and mueh care about standing in cold wlisds and storms. With a little extra care horses will come out all right from present appearances. J. C. Smith, of the Ururof Aldrleh Smith, is in the city buying Goods far the winter demand, and Increase of trade. All of our merchant* are re­ ceiving large stocks of desirable Goods which they are selling at lower figures tha»J8tt»njr aim#. si«& I861t bofpr« the srer, v- y ' f« - ^ ; Farmers and others want-lug safe, reliable Insurance against less by Are or d.ania^e by lightnings<can^et their property insured at fair rates, prompt payment of losses guaranteed. Notwo-> third clause or »o<her clap trap in poficiea of Home, of New York, Hartford or Phoenix, of Hartford. Losses paid in fhll to imount Of Insurance, Al«» Insurance against Accidents with weekly indemnity. Call on Postmaster at Richmond who Is agent for above companies and issues policies and pays all losses promptljr. The Flaxseed moves slow# Those who contracted seed of the farmers the past season fall to furnish bags to put the seed in as they agreed, or at least *re exceeding dilatory. Apparent pause contract i>rltte from 90 to 30 rents per bushel above market price. It looks as though if seed toad advanced In proportion as it has fell there wotild be no complaint that manufacturers fall to supply the demnnd for bags or Uncle Sam the greenbacks. Stand up to the rack boys. Square dealing, stwdbyyour e^traet*. 1 , DIED,--Nov, 1$, 187&, Mrti Betsey Wilson, wife of Harvey Wilson, Esq., of Palsy, aged 71 years. She was In her usual health until about 6 or 7 o'clock Tuesday evening when ^he received a 6hot k aud died at 9 o'clock the same evening. Squire Harvey Wilson moved into this county 37 years ago and has Jived ^inoe that time in Burton and Richmond.- Mrs, Wilson died beloved and monrnedx by all that knew her, She leaves her aged husband in very poor health to mourn her loss, who has the heartful sympathy of a large circle of friends who sym­ pathise vfith him and the family. DIED.--NOV, 1#, at the residence of Sydney Gavltt, In the town of Rich­ mond, of Inflamation of the. Lung#* J&mes Connel, aged 51 j'ear*, , t •• . . -i1"-,*2 OVER $1000 WORTH. Of Holiday Goods, at J. S. Medlar's Photograph GallerV. Woodstock, con­ sisting in part of Frames, Wall Brack­ ets, Music Stands. Match Sates, Ac., and In short everything in the Bracket Line, just received from the celebrated Variety Bracket Works, Sooth Htr.d Indian;!, which Will be sold as low a* the lowest. 11 is 110 old s tock, but e very, thing new and of the choicest patterns, Cail in and we will show you the finest Stock of Brackets and Frames over brought to Woodstock, We also have a tine stock of Albums, Chromos &o., which will be sold cheap. We can al­ ways be found at our Ropms ready to take Photographs of any style, ttpd are willing that ourwork should speak rcr itself, JS, Woodstock, Kov.tJSth 1815, A large assortment of Stereoscope* and Stereoscopic views for sale at Ford's Gallery. „ Ton can Hixxe nome happy by ealj- ing at Ford** Gallery and pur%aslisg one of those splendid Stereoscopes. DONT fail to see the Star and Bell City FeedCntters at O. Bishop's Agri­ cultural Warehouse, before purchasing. If you want ttfget the latest style an best- quality of Photographs cajlldr Ford's Fine Art Gallery, McIIenry,al It Still they come and cent dark colored Bucklin 4k Steven's. go. those Priata e* at Heavy Standard Brown SheGttlftgf only Teu cents per yard at Bucklin & Steven's. '1 One Two Seated Buggy, Just finished WIH be sold cheap for cash or good paper. P. BISHOP. Organs and Melodceus to rent at very low figures. ' "'•! • :c^5, • i& Tr.owa^r. 1 have the eefebrated 'Ben City Feed Cutter for sale.and challenge the world to produce its equal, O. BISHOP. The Bottom lias fallen out. Prices way down low. Dry Goods never so low. Consult Bucklin & Stevens, near the Depot. \ All kind of Harnesses made by Hem^-- Madden and H. S. Gregorv. for sale bv J • A w. OWKX." 1 F. G. MATES is offering bed rock price In Sssdy-M®i|H Clothing* Call and see. The best assortment of Dress Goods in McHenry and cheap too. To be found at Bucklin A Steven's, McHenry, near the Depot. NOVELTIES NOVELTIES.--Every day brings something new from the "Hub" from ^Gotham"* or elsewhere, t# Bucklin & SteTens, near the Depol^ • Bucklin & Stevens near the Detest, { liave tilled their Store, cramiuen, jam­ med full of Fall and Winter Goods. Go <MMi Mi tiMN» a»«d note prifi«k(^4 / LAST CALL. •'n The affairs of the late firm of Owen & Bros, are being closed, and we warn k aU pefaene Indebted to us to pay«p at once, or we shall make them mt; ^ K. M. OWEN. Serviving lfa^MtTftSfor. »th, 1SJ5. ^ h\\s-mf0:' . -- ^ ' * ' • CLOTHES ("LEANBUs- -lo.,;. Gents Clothing Cleaned and I' paired on shoi t notice, at Mrs. L. A* % <"] Ark's Boarding House, opposite itu* S Brewery. McHenry. lit Nor, lst.'187B. I nm selling a watch named Owen which I have made at Springfield „ 111. that I am selling for the most acurate J j timepiece I can get. J hav^ void forty- three of which I^ n tr"thfnlly. *ay that evory of them are giving perfect Come and see them. • ' '• O. W, OvrxKf • m 'P. W, BLAKE, at his store oppotffte* s j; Perry & Martin's, has 'ust received a . full stock of Boots a.nd Shoes for the Fall and Winter trade, among which la a full stock of Rubber goods of all kinds Good Rublier Boots for $3, Call aud examine hiis stock. v . j, 4U>( -'j •4-f 5 •I ,> I1EAB T«,t F. G. MAYES has just returned from the City with a choice stftcs of READY MADE CLOTHING, which you will do well to examine before mtrtfupiug elsewhere, REAR YEI For 90 days, commencing December 'J\ 4 1st, my books will be closed, and all persons knowing themselves indebted r"' tome are requested to callatid settle J at once, as I imn?h desire to get my books balanced, • During that time I will sell all goods ' in my line, consisting of Grc^erle-. / \ Crm^kry, &cM 7tight Jh>utn Lowfoi & Call and I will convince you that it u " 1 for your Interest to buy of me. ' •-Jfejjfim-TJ, Ifov. ^ I8f5, CiILBE»T, Sear tt ~ ** * HAIR WORK. „ Mrs. C. Richard, Woodstock, would respectfully inform the public that she Is now prepared to do all kinds of fain cy hair work, consisting of frizzes. Braids, curls.and switches, Sjhe has a Rooter, with the aid of which she can take combings aud make them up Into Switches as nice as cut hair. From her e:£jj)6rience In the business ?he can guarantee satisfaction in all eases and would solicit the liberal patronage of the public. Her room* are one dqor above Diesel's Furniture Store, where she will at all times be la reiwUuesa to attend to her customers, - " I - MoUKNRY MARKETS. • «£?«; ^ \ * -4KXSFTKOTSP TCESOAV OF EACH W h e a t , . , . . . • . V . . O a t s , . . . . . . . . " H Oorn, (i>erSSAl) **«•.»>».»»... ISafitt Butter, (tnb»).....................f tt liuttOK, (lolli)><*• > S3 E g g 8 , . , w , . f , « r Hogs,.. Cattle Beans..... m Wool, (waeliei) ..,....,><.4...,....;...., M Wool, (unwashed) M. These weekly reports are oorreetedi tmm the actual porcbases ofthat 4*7, »»4 BKIT if relied upon, *' < ; im .A'.SiJS'V > ; < / M,1 'A

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