Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1890, p. 1

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* • ) * = • /: -. S, -v;. v • ' • • . - ; • > . • ' *" ' •' " Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law 1 No Favors Win us and no Fear 8hal1 Awe." 1 VOL. 15.:;-": M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 1890. NO 27. H^rarj flaiMffli V E m T |«riDIISDAr BT ,\> \ -*J. V AN S JLJY K Sr. •^\ \r KOITOR AKD PROPRIETOR *' r*r \ • , Office in Bishop's Block* •. Pa»«ir«LO TKRX* or SffBJO&IPYIOW. flhte rear (In Advance) ii an If Not Paid within Three Months...... . .3.00 •3a ascriptions received for three or til months ia the same proportion. Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising B the I'L.MHOBAj.ER, and endeavor to state nam so plainly that they will be readily un- er stool. They ar«*«&U»wa} f 1 loch one year . '. ' * • 5 06 ft Inches one year < « »-n moo I Inches one year - .< ^ 1800 K Column one year . ' . " , * . so 00 X Oolumn one year- . . 60 00 Oolumn one yen* . . . 10000 •ne inch moan.* the moainremftiit of one laeb down the column, single column width. Yearly advertisers, ac the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they Choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (moaning those having Standing curds) will be entitled to insertion •f local noticos at the rate of S cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per !ine the flrst week, and 0 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents po line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and ft cents per line for su bsequent issues. Tins, an Inch advertisement will cost $ L00 far one week, $1.50 for two weeks, 92.00 for three . weeks, and so on. The Fl.vinoka.lbb will be liberal in giving editorial notices, buft, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of ita columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. a J. HOWARD. M. D. " PIIY'IOIVN ASO SURGEON'. McHenry, 111. Office it resilience, one block east of Public School Building. PSS? O. H. KKUKItS, M. I*. lot AIT AND SURG BON. McHenry, Ills. Office at Residence. WM. OSBOltVE, M. I>. PHYSlOIiS AND aURGKO*. Office at Residence, West McHenry, IlL Calls atteo lo l to day ami night. BAUBIAN BROS. CIGAR Manufacturers, McIlenry, 111. Or­ders solicited. Shop, is Old McHenry, in Keiter Block, third door west of Riverside' House. Livery Stable. >*g. WIGHTMAN, .proprietor, JU«»I class rigs,, with or without drivers H. - ... furnished at reasonable rates, all kinds done on short notice Teaming of WEAR THE DEPOT, J^E»T BfoHENRY, ILL Keep* open for the aocommodatkm of the' Public a First-Class Saloon and Restaurant, Store he will at all times fceep thsbaat brands of Wines, Mquors and Gigiura , to be found in the market. Also Agent For FBANZ FALK*S V ilLWOAKEE LAGER BEES. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottle* al- jraj e an liHnd, cheaper than any other. (Uli- ty considered. Orders by mail promptly attended to. , ' „ ' GOOD STABLING 0OB HOR8B8. UrOall and see us. Robert Sohiessle. m&mt McHenry, III. v^r It. _ A. Englea'a SALOON AND RESTAURANT. V, MoHENRY, ILLINOIS, Fine Kentucky Liquors, French, Bitters, McHenxy Lager Be*, --AND-- S&i .: y k,: ... J. Schlltz Hilvaakee Bottle Beer, la any quantity fronfil » Snits GHass to ICO barrels. A.r W»i )CjE ALB ok RETAIL Beer ia bottles, kegs or race 36 Cheap as the cheapest. " We buy aone but the beat aot» 1 at ^i^H^on.ible Prices. Call ami see me and I idlt u«*e *7" ANTONY ENQELN. W% BUSINESS CARDS. Paul brown, TTORNBr AT LAW, TT.*8. Express Oo.*S L Building, 87 and m Washington,iSt. CHICAGO, ILL. |M. F. ELtSWORTU. ATTORNEY at Law, and Solicitor w Chan­cery, Nunda, 111. SQIOV STOfflL, A«.nt tor| PhBBix of Brooklyn. ASA W SMITH, TTORNET AT LAW and tolieitor I* L Ohaneery.--Woodetook, IlL 4£«LYN A OASKr, A TTORNETS AT LAW. I Wood Stock m ia. All business will receive prompt at ten- tion. 5 f. Borne* JOl I. SmUtif. BARNES * SUILEt. Attorneys, solicitors land Counselor^ Oollections a specialty. WOODSTOCK, ILLIKOTg. V. S LUMLET. Attorney at law, and Soiicitot la Chanoerv, WOODSTOOK, ILL. Office in Park House, first floor. A. M. CHURCH, S Watchmaker and Jeweler NO. One HundredTwenty-Flve State St Chi­cago, 111. Special attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. ^A Full Assortment of Goods in hie line Rockford Insur'ce Co Pire,"Lfghtnlng and T>rn*do Insurance placed snfolv and with despatch in either of above companies. Policies conected, changes and I transfers made. Call on or address Simon Stoffel. West IfcHenrf, Illinois. WAVERLY HOUSE , WM. II. RUTNOUB, Prop., WOODSTOCK, - . Sample Room on First Floor.' United States War Cliii Apicv OP ' • WM- H- COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois. Prosecutes all class98 and kinds of claims against the United states tor ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and rejected claims. All commun^atlons promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enoiosed for reply. WM, H. CO WHH Offloeatjiealilwioe,MAdiaoft at„ Wpgatocs. Attention Horsemen! McHenrt, III April 1st, 1898. I would respectfully invite the Public to call and examine m 7 stock of Horses before maklog arrangements elsewhere. No busi- & COLBY M'binkt IU, E. Livery, ~w-- R. AUSTIN; At Parker House Barn. First class rigs, with or without Drivers, Furnished at Reasonable Rates. Bus and Hacks run ti«-and fr»m all Trains.-- Orders for Baggage PronvMy West MoHenry, III. • nrrrrrr Quintette Orchestra, Mc HENRY, ILL. Are preparedi to furuishl t irst Class MuM<> to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J.Smith, 1st Violin. Robt. Madden. Clarionet, C, Curtis, Cornet. L, Oiven, Trombone, E. Ingalls, Basso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith, McHenry. SI for 13 Weeks. The POLICE GAZETTE will be mailed, seeurely wrapped, to any address In the Uiited Stales for three mouths on receipt of ONE DOLLAR. Liberal discount allowed to postmasters agent*and clubs. Sample copies mailed free Address all orders to BICHAKD K- VOX, Fkanklin squabs, X»w York ATTENTION I Farmers and Dairymen. j call 1 It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS resh milkers or springers, to call at *T remises before purchasing. I can furnish such by the car load or single cow. PORTER H. WOLFRUM, CHBMUWO. Farm stoat four milee northwest of Harvard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH Watchmaker Sc Jeweler, mil* If. ILLINOIS. AriNE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew­elry always on hand. Special lattention given to repairing line watches. Give me *°*IL JOHN P. SMITH. 43. G ANDREWS, GENERAL ' kicTim SPRING GROVE ILL. Sales ot Stock, Farming Tools and Goods of all kinds attended to on the most * msosABLi nm G. C. Andrews, Spring Grovey IU Spring Strove, Sevt ttk, IMS, fl-U-ta •Naff* He FISli Practical Painter AND DECORATER. HEBROH, ILL, , Decorating, Paper-Manging, CALGIMMMQ, GRAINING, Ac OonB im short notice and satlsfiietiM gmaraa- oalleaeraddress^ ; H. FIStt. iflf * . ** • 'I NEW YORK HOUSE. 239 tc 343 E. Randolph St* Between Franklin and Market Streets* CHICAGO. Beat Accommodation to Ttavder* and Boarder«, E. G. K0EPPE, Prop. fl.SOPKB DAY, GOOD SAMPLE BOOM. A Hrtt-ckuu Haute, the Boy* All Stop There. THE Culver House. RICHMOND, ILL. GoodMvery. ; Good Sample Boom. , ] " FRE&'itrS TO AND FftOtf ALL TRAINS FOR PATRONS OF THE HOUSE. I rnn a line of carriages to Twin Lakes from i.ichmond, three-fourths of a mile nearer than any other road, and more level and pleasant l»v far. If you intend going to Twin Lake*, Htop at Richmond and inquire for CULVER'S BUS It i- always there, rain or shine, ttound trip prices as usuai. C. N. CULVER, sProp. Gifford Owned organ » A# " 'I'll!11"!!.!'.!" *' ..'J' tifmi SALESMEN to sell ffnrsery stock MI Goo«ls Warranted FIRST-OLASS, Permanent pleasant, profitable positions tor the right men. Good salaries and expenses paid week ly Liberal inducements to beginners, So previous experience necessary. ' Outfit free. Write for terms, giving age. CHARLES H. CHASE. Nurseryman, Rochester, N. T. Mention this paper. 11.2m* Prop Bspabing, CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all ioba Is line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing will put 11 Wells, Hew Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Is short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or Iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Good references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a call. WOrders attended to. by mail promptly Post Office, Johnsburgn, 111. L. BANTES. Johnstmrrfh, IlL, May 25th, 1885. -BREEDER8 MORGAN HORSES, Short Horn, Bid Pohi imgu, And Jersey Cattle. Hillside West McHenry, III, Our Morgan Stock is all Lfr " bred, and itu aiuvt in an purs urvu. •*« >rlginateci from the best Morgan stoik in the United States. Old Gilford Morgan, who stands at the head >f our Stock, Is one of the best bred Morgan torses in the country, and can show more and tetter all purpote colts than any other horse in the West. We invite the Inspection of our stock by horsemen and all lovers of fine animals. A. few full blood Morgan Colts and young Also one matched team, fall torses for iloodP. tie. In Oat tie we have the full blood Short Horn vtnch wo are crossing with the Red Polled vngus and therefore instead of eawing off the tarns •ve are breeding them off and with rood success. A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred 4bort Horns and the cross above mentioned for sale. J. R. Saylor A Sons, WMt Mefffmrv. IlL. Feb. 27tb. 1M, GERMAN . Paii-Killer aid lip ire Salve, Is the very best medicine ever introduced into the country. The following are the names of a few of the many who have been oured by this great medicine: M. P. Mader, Genoa, Wis., cured of asthma if ten years'standing. O. C. Deigan, of the same place, cared of a chronic sore li.ut>. Mrs. J. J. Huff, Richmond, III, cared of :ung trouble of six mouths' standing. Mrs. Hulburt, Numia III., cured of asthma ind catarrh of rong standing. Mrs. Wetistein, Harvard, cured of Internal trouble of ten years' standing. Mr, Hanrteshall. of Harvard, cured of ca­ tarrh, scrofula, and varicose veins of five jrearts'standing. Theodore Borrhold, of Harvard, eared of paralysis of two yeai s* standing. This new medicine has cured bronchitis, scrofula, abscesses, boils, burns,catarrh, eta., *n't relieved asthm 1 and consumption for all who have used it. It is a sure and sate medi jine for all troubles and never fails to give aaUslaction. Try it under a full warrantee Priv'e ot Empire Salve halfounce box,'25 cents; two ounce box, 75 cents, or three boxes for 1150 Painkiller, one-ounce bottle, 25 rents; two-ounce bottle, 50 cents. Call on your drnnrlst for It, or send to H« LENNARDS, Harvard. Ilia Saylor, West McHenry, Illinois. JIFFORD MOIUiAN" was sired by Hanly'a Morgan Black Hawk, by General Gifford, b\ by Justin Motrin. Grand-dam of Hanly's by Black Hawk, by Sherman by Justin A Gifford by Trm Britton, sire of Justin Morgan. His dam was a Claybank Mare. Gifford, Hy Woodbury |p [organ. Grand-dam of M WM. 8TOFFEL,. J '* --Ag^.nii for-- FIRE, - LIGHTNING, And Accidental Insurance. Also Iowa. Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabama, and California .Lands. Call on or address • WM-STOFrBL, McHenry, 111. RAYMOND & MUDGCTT BR ITT, JUaneock Co., IO WA KEAL ESTATE DEAEKS, 1 * Improved Farms, and wild lands for sale or trade. Also some farms to rent Correspond- am e solicited. Reference, Farmers' Bank of Brltt, Iowa.: iUVMOMD, McHENRY HOUSE, McHenry, lllinoi**. JOHN THELEN Proprietor. This House is situated near the Iron Bridge and opitosite the Steamboat Lan ling, has been newly renovated and painted, inside anil out, and is now prepared to accommodate the traveling public, or bparders, by dav or week, on the most reasonable terms, and guarantee, to give .satisfaction. Thei^puMlC vlted to give me a^call. SOOD S ABLINS HBHOESSS Farm Loans HADE OH TIHB and terms to unit borrowers; no com­ mission or charges for examination of abstracts. Honey forniehsd at oooe, withoutred tape or delay. J.W KANSTEAD, Booms 1 and 2 Borden Block, Elgin, 111, THE CHICAGO*"0 MORTH- ra WESTERN 11 RAILWAY. p*n«trat«s the {Centers oft Population: lit Illinois, IoT.r Viscora, [isiesota, Mela, NgMajMVyoniii|[. Its train service is carefully arranged to meet reqbirements of local travel, as well as to furnish the most attractive routes for through travel between important Tr&do Centres. Its equipment of day and parlor cars, din­ ing and place sleeping cars is without rival. its road-bed is perfection, of stone ballast­ ed steel. The Northwestern is the favorite route for the commercial tiaveler, the tourist and the teekers after new homes In the golden Northwest. information oheerfully furnished BERNARD BUSS. Agent, McHenry, III* Om, Manager. H. C', WICKER, Tracks McmafTi M. J». WILWir, Antral Auamwir Aa»»L h W A N T E D ! A L E S M E N co canvass for the stie of Xwrsery Stock. A full line of leading specialties, SALARY AND EXPENSES paidtosuccessfnl men No experience necessarv. Write for terms rciyî 'Ŝ 'r- BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. Proceedings of the Special December Xeetinar. 1(M)0. The honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry eouuty met iu special session at the Court House in Woodstock, on Mon­ day, December 16, 1889, for the tran­ saction of such business as might proper­ ly come before them. Sup. R. J. Beck, chairman, called the meeting to order. Sups. Amory Barber, A. J. Shurtliff, L. Woodard, R. J. Beck, H. S. Williams, E. M. Titcoinl), W. H. Groesbeck, D. H. Fla­ vin, G. B. Richards, F. E. Stevens, Luman T. Hoy, Sam'l E. Clark, G. W. Conn. A. R. Alexander, Fred Hatch, F. K. Granger, John H. Gra*iy, W. P. Thompson* were present and answered at roll call. ,, ^Various bills were referred to the com- mifteeoiTclaims. ' The Hoini aiuiaal reports of the circuit clerk, sheriff and eouuty clerk were refer­ red to the committee on fees and salaries. The semi-annual report of county treasurer was referred to the committee to settle with the treasurer. The report of Thos McD Richards, pur­ chasing agent, for the live months enaing Dec. 2, 1889, was referred to the com­ mittee on claims. The quarterly report of Lester Barber, county Superintendent of schools, was re­ ferred to the committee oneducation. ; The bond of Wm. H. Stewart, county treasurer and ex-officio collector, was re­ ferred to committee on finance. A communication from Lester Barber, county Superintendent of schools, in rela­ tion to the county purchasing classifica­ tion registers for the different school dis­ tricts of the county, was read to the Board, and on motion of Sup. Flavin Mr. Barber was given the privilege of speak­ ing to the board concerning its merits. Sup. Flavin moved that the matter of the classification register be referred to the committee on education, to report at this meeting of the board. Motion car­ ried. MONDAY, 1:30 O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present except Sup. Welt- zien. A communication form the chairman of the board of supervisors of LaSalle county, asking this board to pass resolu­ tions praying the next general assembly to enlarge the capacity of the insane asylums so that better accommodations could be had for the insane, was read to the board and on motion was referred to the committee on poor house and farm. Letter from the county clerk of Mcl^ean county, III., stating that the annual state meeting of supervisors oi Illinois would be held in the city of Bloomington on the second Tuesday in January, 1890, and requesting the names and postoffice address of any members of this board that wished to attend, was read to the board. Sup. Groesbeck moved that this board send one delegate to the state meeting of supervisors at Bloomington at the ex­ pense of the county. Motion carried. Sup. Thompson moved that the dele­ gate be selected by the chairman. Mo­ tion carried. Sup. Grangre moved that the Board adjourn until 10 o'clock tomorrow morn­ ing. Motion carried. TUESDAY, DEC. 17,1889. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present except Sup. Welt- zien. Minutes of yesterday's session read and approved. Sup. Granger moved that thechairman of the poor house and farm be instructed to take out $15,000 insurance on the poor house, to be distributed among the various insurance companies of the county. Motion carried. Sup. Granger moved that thechairman ot public buildings be instructed to take out insurance on the county buildings at? the countyseat--$15,000 on the court house and $5,000 on the jail and sheriff's residence--insurance to be divided up be­ tween four companies in different parts of the county. Motion carried. The following resolution offered by Sup. Hoy was read to the board, and on ms motion was adopted, to-wit: _ Whereas, It appears from information which has come to the board, that the farm known as the Evans farm, in the town of Hartland, is soon to be sold at forced sale; Resolved, That the matter be referred to the committee on poor farm, with in­ structions to consider the matter and make report to this meeting of the board as to the needs of the county and the ad­ visability of taking &uy action in this On motion of Sup. Granger the board adjourned until 2 o'clock p. m. TWO O'CLOCK P. M. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Members all present except Sup. Welt- zien. Sup. Granger-moved to reconsider the motion to send a delegate to the nimiml state meeting of supervisors of Illinois, 1890. Motion prevailed. The original motion being before the house and put to vote, was lost. The committee on poor farm made the following report, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: s?,"'*5' ^ STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, / , ; *'• < Board of Supervisors, Dweint>er term, Dec. 17. A. I). 1889. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--'Your committee to whom was referred fehe matter of pur­ chasing more land for the poor farm and the communication from LaSalle county in reference to insane asylums, would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: 1st--We con­ sider the purchase of more land at pre­ sent for poor farm as inexpedient; 2nd-- We recommend that the communication from LaSalle be laid on the table. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. W. Conn, •J#. WOODARD, i F. K. Guanoes, Phed Hatch. Committee to settle with the treasurer made the following report, which on mo­ tion was adopted, to-wife*. { STATE OF ILLINOIS,O ; McHenry County, /j*' Board of Supervisors, December term, Dec. 17, A. D. 1889. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committee to settle with the county treasurer would beg leave to submit the following report on the matter before them: That we have examined the various book accounts and vouchers and find the same correct, showing as follows: Total receipts from all sources. .|84,S71 SB Total disbur8emciits 77.78® 05 sewer, also to the jail and ki sheriff's residence, with 1 for a one-inch hose in the in the corridor of the jail, and kitchen, all of which is comoleted at of $1,004.15. We have aiaoeoarti ed, by direction of the board, a Boiler house 12x20 feet and 10 feet hig*/ «rHti an eight-inch wall, ceiled on the ImM* with matched flooring and tarred mmt, and covered with a tin roof, with * eftMNh and cement floor, double door* awl dows, and all complete, except oat matr oi paint, for the snm of 1846.05, ghfafc , includes the expose of putting the yattf Mad iron fence in good shape aftar boHag tiie well and putting up the building. We have thoroughly tested the apparatus and find that it works to the entire and complete satisfaction of the committee. All of which is respectfully submitted, L. T, Hor, V , 1- WoODJUtD, .!-> " vc ̂ - w. P. Tmmrm*, "% ••• ' / RM.Trro*MBT^ • * G. W.Cokn. The committee on education made Ilk* following report, which was read to board Mid on motion wit. STATE OF ILLINOIS,! McHenry County, / Board of Supervisors, December In. December 17, A. D. 1889, Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen 4# the Board of Supervisors .•--Your oomadttee on education would beg leave ewfimft the following report on thematterabefore them: That we have examined tits quarterly report of the county mnwriii tendent of schools of time speat flrom Aug. 31 to Nov. 80,1889; that we have approved said report and incninimmil that the bills therein, enomit^g to fBMO be allowed. Account as follows: 48 days spent in visiting snhnSIs 48 " expenses •* «« U " spent In examinations .... M •' " office work S •« « ether official duties.. -ju-aVft:: Balance on hand Dec 18.1880 18,314 84 We also submit the treasurer's semi­ annual report showing official fees re­ ceived and disbursements made during the last half year, vis: Earnings fSM 7# Expenses--Clerk hire ..$ 50 00 Postage.... 3 00 Salaiy, half year 750 00 To£al tm » We would further recommend that the treasurer's salary($750), clerkhire(f50), postage ($3), be paid. All of which is respectfully submitted. J. H. Ghacy, Samuel. E. Clark, Geo. B. Richards, W. H. Groesbeck. The committee on finance presented the following report, which was read and on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,\-- McHenry County, / Board of Supervisors, December term, December 17, A. D. 1889. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the bond of Win. H Stewart as county collector of said county would beg leave to submit the fol­ lowing report on the matters before them That we have examined said bond and find it in usual form and duly signed and acknowledged in accordiance with the statute made and provided. Your com­ mittee believe said bonds to be good and amply security for the purposes for which it was given and recommend that it be accepted. All of which is respectfully submitted. Fred Hatch, A. R. Alexander, A. J. Shi rtleff, . ? v* D. H. Flavin, ri;,v J. H. Gracy. The report of the committee on public buildings and grounds was read to the board and on motion was adopted, to- wit. STATE OF ILLINOIS,) „ McHenry County, / Board of Supervisors, December term, December 16, A. D. 1889. " Mr. Chairman and Gentleman of the Board of Supervisors:-- Your committee to whom was referred the completion of the water works and the erection of a boiler house at the court house would beg leave to submit the following report on the matter before them: We have erect­ ed, in accordance with the instructions erf the board at the July meeting, a steam p<unp,"boiler, and frost proof tank, and tanfctotl* - Total.. AM Geo. A. Babbobb, ! " -.>• L.T.HOY, „ - V. W.Gboesbw*. t The report of the committee on edoea- S0. tion, to whom was referred the matter of /' I Superintendent of Schools, L. Barber re­ lating to the purchase of ̂ registers for the different schools of the J county, also the matter of refunding cer­ tain moneys to the town of Hartlaad, . was read to the board, to-wit: T" STATE OF ILLINOIS, McHenry County, J Board of Supervisors, Deoeanber • December 17, A. D. 1889. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors:--Your committee on education, to whom was referred the communication from Supt. Barber relat­ ing to classification register would leave to submit the follow" fore them: That we have register, that we deem it a and an advance stept ia the ~Your wnBnttto ' ommehd that County Barder be instructed to _ quired number of said registers as in this communication, and that the be instructed to draw an order on lbs county treasurer to pay for the name. Your committee would farther report in regard to the matter of refunding cer­ tain money to the town of Haiiead, that we consider we have no jurisdto#oe in the matter, and recommend that the county superintendent be instructed to lay the matter before the state sopsrtfc» tuutieiii tor adjustment. , ; All of which is respectfully submitted. •; Geo. B. RiCHARDeL: "• , A. BKABKR, l,. • L. T. HOY, t < : ̂ ̂ -j W. H.Grobsb*X» "#gp Qfang«r Billed that the two m&P*7"- contained in the report be voted O# separately. Motion carried. The ayes and nayes being called for resulted as follows: Ayes: Sups Barber. Shurtleff, Woodard, Williams, Titcomb, Groes beck, Flavin, Richards, Stevens, Hoy, and Thompson--11; nayes Sups. Clark, Conn, Alexander, Hatch, Granger and Gracy--6. Report adopted. The report of the committee on fees and salaries was read to the board on motion was adopted tc^pfc » STATE OF ILLINOIS,*, , ̂ McHenry County, /"* j Board of Supervisors, A. D.1889. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the reports of Wm. Avery, County Clerk, W P Morse, Circuit Clerk and Geo Eeker® Sheriff, would beg leave to submit As following report on the matter before them: That we have examined the report of the Circuit Clerk and the records in his office and find the same correct. We find amounts of fees received from June 1, '89 to December 2,1889, as per book ?eg|s> ter, exhibit A. #607.93, amount erf foes earned and unpaid from June 1,1889, to to Dec. 2,1889, as per register $157.45, amount of earnings as per exhibit Bfrom June the 1st to Dec. 2,1889, $2300.41, total #3005.79, less amountJof previous earnings included #88.03, <4 office for half year, $2,977.77. Salary fer half year «»»« / Clerk hire 70(00 MV# reee received fsr halt year....* esret Balance due clerk.....--...*. etset And we recommend that an order be drawn for that amount in favor of the County Clerk. That we have examined the annual im­ port of the Circuit Clerk and the records in his department and find the sans correct. 0WCU1T CUU'I BSrORT. ern'S IWM That he hasreod forveeerdtag..1783 S» tMil Clerk's fees in suits in court.. . KS17 Htm Miscellaneous services 117# Ills Tot earnings and rec'ts % yr...$1470SB |MMM Receipts during current half for s«n vices performed in previoas half ^ear and heretofore reported as Mt received. "A' Recording Court Mats s^soallaneous Total receipta. • - Clerk hire Miscellaneous Clerk taiary tor X year... ..... Bat due county on last X yeer. «' first " Reed trow fees «tmi «« N Skariff Udell Total due'emtntr And we recommend that the liwiel, $412.77, be paid into the covat? *mm> ary. nuarr's Serifs fees ta sutu in ' other than e*rt coats MS ««j« fear...JJ»3Sr ••S - :ii

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