Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Jan 1890, p. 5

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MRfSSS rjr:r.: -yt '* f * fe\.v...Ww6i mmh HUHM I ;;*>t tvV'; . :mv: / v^ir k,m - -«* lit -f • , k£c& . • 1 ' 4 7 Jf̂ earj pititietk*. WEDNESDAY, JAN. 15, 1890. Railroad Time Table. Taking effect Sept. M-t, train® will pass MeHenry station daily, except Sumlity, as follows: OOIJTQ BOUTH.: Lake Oenm PII««eBger....,..., T£hM.M Lake Geneva ExprnSB ...8:W Lake Geneva Freight ........ Lake Geneva Passenger.. QOTXO NORTH* Lake Geneva Freight *• II A. * Lake 3cneva Passenger .......... 9:86 • Lake Jeneva Express 4*60 P. M Uaketieeur* P»eeeneer.....U.". ... 8:81 " B. BUM, Agent. MeHenry, 111 mi KODKRNT WOODMEN OK AMEKICA. . Meet at tiie new City Hall, every Second »n<l Last Tues-lav evening of each month. Neighbors cortlally invited. •DON'T forget the Lecture at the City Hall on Saturday evening of this week. CIRCUIT COURT is in session at Wood- f stock this week. ' | i DIARIES for 1890, at Besley's Drug! for the past few weeks, is now reported PERSONAL. Miss ^LICE BKNNETT who has been sick for the past few weeks, is reported better. MASTER DICK WALSH, whom we noticed as sick last week, is gaining slowly. Miss MABEL FORD returned on Monday from a two weeks' visit in Chicago. MRS. E. LAMPHERK has been visiting with friends in Elgin the past two weeks. CAPT. DOMINY, the "all 'round" Life Insurance man, is in town this week. Miss BESSIE GOING returned to her home in Chicago OQ Saturday last. T MRS. JAY VAN SLYKK has been quite sick for the past week but is now slowly improving. MASTER WILLIE BISHOP, who has been under the doctor's care for some time, is reported better. A. L. PATTERSON and wife, of Chicago, were the guests of E. M. Owen and family over Sunday. ^ MRS. C. H. BVKN (neeAnnaNordqueet),' of Chicago, is visiting with her parents, in this village, this week. H. E. WIOHTMAN was at Palatine on Monday, called there on account Mfl^he sickness of his daughter, May. Miss ADDIE HOLMES, who has been sick at the home of her mother, in this village, Store, W^st Side. ^ NICE line of Pipes, just received, at V| Barbian Brothers. "Have you seen the 5-A five mile horse blanket? If not, why not,? if you &r have a horse you need it." , MONEY TO LOAN on farm land, on time U. and in amounts to suit borrowers. In- »:: quire at this office for further particulars. READ carefully the new advertisement •i£ of Bonslett & Stoffel, West MeHenry, to If; be found in another place in this paper. G,' J r ' THIRTEEN cars of stock vtefo shipped i^lgi/from this station last week, the 1 irger |gj • || part being by F. K. Granger & Son. THE Rev Mr. Schindler of Whitewater, Wis. will preach in the Universalist church next Sunday morning and even­ ing. ; A SUPPER of boiled onions and an onion plaster on the chest are prescribed as a sure cure for influenza. The strong­ est grip is not as strong as the onion. ON account of sickness, Prof. Cameron has been unable to attend his dancing lessons in this village for the past two weeks. Cf:\: •ilv m Jaetter. OWEN started for Oakland,Cel., on Tuesday morning. He expects to be gone until spring, and Madam Rumor says when he* returns he m not come aloiffi. '""Miss MAY WIOHTMAN, who was visiting at Palatine, was taken dangerously sick one day last week and her mother was telegraphed for, and has been with her ever since. She is now reported as slowly improving. « Everybody Spell. The Willing Workers will hold an Old Fashioned Spelling School, at City Hall, on Friday evening, of next week Ja n. 24th. Let everybody come. A prize will he given to the best speller. Admission Free, Re- reshment will be served. • ^. A LOCAL .Board of the Security Building ndLoan Association was organized in this village on Tuesday evening, andthe following officers were elected. President--Dr. A. S, Childs. . - .• / Secretary--Geo. W< Owen. Treasurer--Geo. W. Besley. Board of Directors--W.A. Cristy, Geo. W. Besley, H. C. Mead, John Evanson, iSimon Stoffel, Dr. A. S. Childs. ON account of publishing the proceed- TVIE MeHenry County Teachers' Asso- s. ing of the Board of Supervisors our Soldiers Department is unavoidably crowded out this week. . YENI ! Vidi! Vici! This is said of Salva­ tion Oil, for it Couquers the worst cases * of rheumatism and neuralgia at once, ifiJ4 Price 25 cents a bottle. ^ L- REMEMBER that the lecture will be Sat- urday evemng of this week. Prof. Schin­ dler is a fluent speaker, and promises us a i :|i sujSfMisft. Mrs. Schindler jjtill Jm present i^^^land give a recitation. •••• -- K. -W5 t- c • j - ' ~ - THE PLAINDEALER and the Breeder's Guide one year for f 1.50. Call at this office and get a sample copy of the Guide, one of the best agricultural papers published in the West. THE lecture next Saturday by Prof. Schindler entitled "Everybody's Book" is expected to be one of the besj^of the course. Mrs. Schindler assiStstfy giving appropriate recitations. LA GRIPPE has a strong grip on many of our citizens, and the number who "just don't feel good" is astonishing. The best medicine we know of is to have grit enough to stand the grip, but many fail in that particular and send for the doctor. OCR citizens should not fail to attend tbe Teachers' Meeting which is to be held in this village on Saturday next. The program is a very interesting one and we hope that all of our citizens who can will show their interest in the cause of educa­ tion "by their presence at this meeting. ANXIOUS Wife--"Doctor, how is my hus­ band?" Doctor--"He will come around all right. What he needs now is quiet. I have here a couple of opiates." "When shall I them to him ?" "Give them to him*? They are for you, madame. Your husband needs rest." IT Is reported that famine threatens northern Russia, but it is a certainty that millions of colds will be bothering Ameri­ can people this winter. Against famine there is no,.protection, but for every cold there is a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. . AN exchange says that among the duties of a justice of the peace is one requiring him to post up in his office, at least once in three months, a list of all witness fees iu his hands, and names of persons to whom they belong, and for a failure to comply with, this provision a Justice of the Peace shall be liable to a fine of $50. Says a prominent writer: "Good roads are a national benefit. All bus­ iness originates in natural product which must find-its way over a common high­ way before it cap reach a market and at­ tain its full value. Smooth, hard roads, well drained and easy traversable through a large part of the year, furnish the out­ let, and alone can furnish it. To neglect the highways is worse than to neglect fences and wood-piles and weeds." RUMOR is one of the most contagious and dangerous diseases. It often starts from nothing, travels with the speed of the wind, and the faster and further it goes the more it increases in volume and fatality. It never kills those who spread it, else the disease would die out. Vac cination, fumigation and disinfectants are of no avail. It will con tBljp to exist white there are people who care for sensa­ tion more than truth, and it will be "catching" so long as there are suscepti­ ble fools willing to believe and repeat everything they hear. • 1 V •- That Hacking Cough can be ao quickly enrwd by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee ft. Sold by J. A. Story. ciation will meet in this village on Satur­ day of this week, Jan. 18th, for which the following program has been prepared by the President : 10-30-Y OPENING. " T ID :40-VJ| IUIC,. taw 1:15 -- Pbysloiofy ; Circulation. H Miss M. K. Hotfgman 11:15 tj 11:45-- Oaeo in Gratum*r.... .. J. P. Browne 11:46 to Di«cu8i»iou. * Ii:«o 10 1:30-- In'.ermiseioB. 1:30 to 1:40--Musi<-, 1:40 to 2:40--A'lilrea*...;. Co. Supt M Qas-kenbush 2:40 to 3.00-- Business. f' * T*ke recHrrts fbr railaord f*.re at place of starting' Efforts will be marie to ootatn re­ duced return rjtea O. W llart, Pres. Our citizens are earnestly urged to at- nend this meeting, and by their presence show that they take a deep interest in the educational work "being done throughout the county. THE scholars of our public schools will be interested in an offer made by the Youth's Companion in its issue January 9. Its purpose is to stimulate them in a commendable competition and at the same time increase their love for their country. The publishers of the Youth's Companion offer to present a fine l^rge buuting flag, 9 by 15 feet, with forty-two stars, to that public school in each one of the forty-two States and Territories, which shall send to them the best essay on "The Patriotic Influence of the Ameri­ can Flag When Raised over Our Public Schools." These essays will be received by the publishers of the Youth's Com­ panion until April | 1890. The award of the flag will be i/ide as near J une 1 as possible, in ordea^hat the successful school may float the^Stars and Stripes" over its building upon the Fourth of July, next. - This movement to interest the young people of the present generation in secur­ ing a flag for the school house, is one that should be heartily commended and encouraged. Why cannot one of our own schools secure the Companion Flag for this State? IT will be pleasant news to theatre go­ ers to know that Stuart Robson will fill an engagement at the Chicago Opera House, commencing Sunday, Jan. 12J Jor two weeks, with Branson Hoard's great American comedy, The Henrietta. It has lias been nearly two years since this comedy, which is conceded to be the brightest comedy ever writtep by an American author, was seen at the Chi­ cago Opera House, and at that time it was played by the old combination of Robson & Crane. Since that time Mr. Crane, as is well known has retired from the firm and The Henrietta became the prop­ erty of Mr. Robson. Mr. Robson has had the properties and scenery of the piece entirely rejuvenated, and it will be put upon the stage at the Chicago Opera House on a scale exceeding any similar production which has been seen in Clu- eago for some time. The part that has *been previously played by Mr. Crane is now in the hands of Mr. Frank Mor- daunt, who gives an excellent delineation of the character. While his humor is not so unctious as Mr. Crane's, still in the more dramatic parts he has received a great deal more praise from the critics than was awarded the character of Nich­ olas Vanalstyne when played by Mr. Crane. Miss May Waldron, for so many years with Robson & Crane, will play the part of the Widow. Opdyke, and. the Cal­ ifornia and western papers where she has been playing the part say that it is the only time the widow has been prop­ erly played. Miss Helen Mar is the Lady Mary of the cast, and all the characters are in the hands of the most competent people. Of The Henrietta itself, little need be said, excepting that it is recog­ nized as the leading American comedy of to-day and the most successful ooe of a decade. Hebron Department American's Leading Musical Journal. With the January issue, now out, the Philadelphia Musical Journal inaugurates its fifth volume. It has steadily improved during the past four years until it now stands at the head of American magazines devoted to the art of music. Literary portions of this issue include «i series of articles on "Open Questions" from some of American's leadinginstructors; a musi­ cal romance; musical news; educational articles, by Hugh A. Clarke, Mus. Doc.; j protrait. and sketch of an American hoy pianist; portrait of Arthur Xikisch, the new director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra; report of 'the first annual meeting of the Penn's State Music Teach­ ers' Association and various other features of interest to musicians and musical people. As usual there are four musical selections "Fauns and Fairies Polka," "Little Favorite March," "Bud of Promise Schottische," and "Where the Sea Breaks on the Shore," the latter a charming vocal nnmber. This music is alone worth the price of a year's subscrip­ tion and is only a sample of that publish­ ed in the Journal mery month. To those who subscribe before the close of this month, the publishers also will give a (54 page Folio of Music free. Subscriptions only f l.OOayear; sample copy, 10 Cents. GOI;LD & WOOLLEY, Publishers, 1416 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. TAXES I TAXES! The undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the Town of MeHenry, hereby gives notice that he will be at tbe following places, on the dates named for the purpose of re­ ceiving Taxes, commencing January 6th, 1890. Mondays at the store of Lay & Adams, Johnsburgh. Tuesdays at the store of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood. • „ Wednesdays at the store of Perry & Owen, MeHenry. Saturdays at the store of Stevens & Miller, West MeHenry. WM. SCHIIEINER, Collector. NUNDA TAXES. The undersigned, Collector of Taxes for the Town of Nunda, here by gives no­ tice that he will be at the following places, on the days named, until March 1st, for the purpose of receiving the Taxes of said town: « Tuesdays, at the store of Fitzsimmons & Henderson, West MeHenry. Thursdays, at Barreville, Saturdays, at the store or Huffman & Barney, in the village of Nunda. *" ^ F, BRYANT, Collector. WEAK eyes and inflamed lids indicate an iiqpure condition of the blood. The best remedy is Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It vitalizes the blood, regulates the secre­ tions, and expels all scrofulous humors from the system. Try it: Price $1. Worth $5 a bottle. Overcoats for Boys 8 to 12 years old. Fancy Scotch Plaid with Capes, $5,85. Cheaper coats $1,85 and $3,50. The Plaid is cheap at $8. John Evansoa & Co. LODGE DIRECTOR*. MASOWTO,--A. P. and A, II. meet at Maaonie Hall on every 1st and 3d Wednesday even- la„'8 of each vuonih. MODERN WOODMBH OF AMKPTCA.--Meet at Masonic Hall every M and 4th Thursday even­ ings of each month, neighbor* cordially in­ vited. Dairymen, Attention! ^ The annual meeting of the Illinois State Dairymen's Association will beheld at Belvidere the 22nd, 23rd and 24th inst. In connection with it, the show of dairy implements will be of unusual interest. The premiums offered on butter and cheese aggregate $2,100. All Illinois railroads will make reduced rates. The Secretary of the association, Mr. R. Lespinasse, 26 Lake street, Chicago, will furnish pre­ mium lists and programs to all who ap­ ply for them, We hope that many of our dairymen may attend and exhibit their products, January 22, 23 and 24, 1890. AUCTION SALE. The undersigned will sell at Public Auc­ tion on the Grimolby farm, one mile southwest of Ringwood, on Monday, Jan. 27, 1890, commencing at ten o'clock the following property: 18 cows, new milch and springers, 1 span work mares, 2geld­ ings coming three years old, 2 sucking colts, 4 sows, 15 pigs, 1 lumber wagon, nearly new, 1 sulky riding plow, 1 Tiger cultivator, 1 mower, 1 horse rake, 2 har­ rows, 1 diamond tooth cultivator, 500 bushels barley, 400 bushels corn, about 30 tons hay in barn, potatoes and other articles'not mentioned. TKKMS:--All sums of $10 and under cash. Over that sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 pdr cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. Free lunch at noon. JOHN WALSH. D. G. NELLIS, Auctioneer. "Bonslett it Stoffel. West MeHenry, 111., are offering very interesting reductions on all classes of winter goods and now will not be carried over if low prices will sell sell them, xiz.: Cloaks, overcoats, clothing, flannels, blankets, gloves, mit­ tens, caps, robes, horse blankets etc. Just received 200 sacks each of the famous Ciscoette and Honest Abe flour, at $ 1, delivered to any part of town; a No. 1 article of plug and fine cut tobacco only 25c per pound. Good wool leather faced mittens only 38c. Wholesome tea dust 10c pound, 11 pounds for $1. Men's good long ulster overcoats$3.50. Boys' suits, 1.70 to 4.50. Good cotton flannel 5c; good all wool red flannel 15c, 25c, to •60c. Great drives are offered in ail kinde of underwear. 50 sacks choicest buck­ wheat flour, 65c. Elegant red all wool blankets 2.75 pair. Lowest prices possi­ ble on standard goods at all times, and no beans to count. FOB SALE. ShoH Horn Bulls, Poland China Boars and Plymouth Rock Fowls for sale, at the lowest living prices. FRAXK COLE. Spring Grove, Jan. 6,1889. 26-3m. „EVANSON'S CUT PRICES. Drees Flannels must be closed out. Our 25 cent Flannels now 16 cents. " 35 " " " 26 " " 50 " " " 37 " " 50 " Waterproof" 35 " Supply yourself while the assortment is complete. JOHN EYA.NSON &CO, ROOMS TO RENT. The Rooms over Bonslett's Hardware Store and also over 0. W. Otven's Jewelry Store, are for Rent. Well aranged for two families. Also for Rent the Rooms over the Post Office. Inquire of E. M. OWEN 4b SON. A choice line of Box Paper, dhe«H?» at Besley's WeBt Side. •: •<. • \v:i v-v •. ! yyiiii w'i And now appears * mod>»n Byron. With his modest rhyme, To be a poet he should Try-on To the end of time. Yet some hie sanity may doubt, ^ ' And say lie's but a "take;" ' ** Yet for burlesqueinc the latest erMii» South Hebron "takes the cake." Ktl *' Will Stearns fctts been quite sick, Collector Walling is ready to receive taxes*, * John F. Brown is visiting the scenes of his childhood at Dover Plaines, Duchess Co., N. Y. " Mr. Groesbeck, otShavou, was In town on Thursday. ' ; Fred Perry's new house looms up in the south part of town. The W . C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. C. F. Prouty on Wednesday evening of this week. Taxes in district number eight m(• somewhat lower than a year ago. v Dick Gates was ill last week with fever. Will Helm has engaged to work for Mr. Morgan for the next year. Have you received one of those nobby invitations for the dance next week? John Baraltine's sister has been visit­ ing him from WatertOwn, Wis. .Several children in town have been fin­ der the doctor's care for a week past. I. W. Webster's death was the first to occur in Hebron lodge of Modem Wood­ men. E. Buchanan's factory in the southwest .part of town paid f 1.10 per hundred for November milk. Mrs. P. S. Lines, and Mrs. E. B. Strat- ton returned on Saturday from a few days' sojourn at Woodstock. Frank Rotnour and S. (). Bough ton have been numbered among tbe sick of the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Mrs. Sherman were visitors to school on Fri­ day. Wray and I). L. Rowe are visiting with friends in Chicago and Elgin this week. A number will graduate from the high­ er department of our public school tills year. C. F. Prouty is attending court at Woodstock this week as one of the Grand Jurors. On account of sickness Prof. Cameron was unable to attend to his dancing school on Friday evening, and all were disappointed. At the meeting of the Alden Insurance Company last week the old officers were re-elected with the exception of three di­ rectors for the ensuing ̂ ear, G. B, Stone, Mr. Teeple and Mr. Disbrow. Norris Chandler. M. W. Merry, Frank Rowe, C. A. Stone and Heury Turner, from this place, and Frank Torrence, from Genoa, acted as bearers at the burial of I. W. Webster at Kenosha on Monday. * * The people of the Glass district I having more than their share of* trouble with the scho'ol this term. A paper was in circulation on Saturday to expel the present teacher. . Prentiss Bowman was a caller in town the last of the week. He came to attend the funeral of Judge Knickerbocker at Chicago. Mr. B. was once a r&ident of Hebron and is now a banker at LaPorte. Mr. Kirk the elocutionist will give one of his readings at Rowe's Hall on Tues­ day evening ot next week. A part of the proceeds will be for the benefit of the school. Tickets are for sale by the pupils The following is the program for the Ladies' Aid Society at the residence of Rollo Phillips on Wednesday edging of next week. ' ^ Song: ... Prayer Recitation Song Recitation *ong Select Reading ... Mus\c.* Charades. .. ...... Society Puslor . . . . . . . W E Wire ..MliM Minnie Hodge . . . . . .Bessie Stone Lett(e Phillips . n. A. Clmvl ler Geo Conn,Jr ..Henry Turner & Oo Program to commence at eight o'clock sharp. The news received here Saturday morn­ ing of the death of I. W. Webster at Genoa Junction cast a gloom over this community. Mr. Webster was for a number of years agent at this station, and his friends and acquaintances were many. Although his death was hourly expected, it was never-the-less startling. The sorrowing wife and mother have the sympathy of all in their loss of hus­ band and son. Our friend's short earthly career is ended, while his wondering eyes are opened to the mysteries of the Beyond. ALGONQUIN.' EDITOR PLAINDEALER:---Miss Ida Mor­ ton spent a part of last week with friends at Elgin. Mrs. W. R. Hencli spent a couple of days with relatives and friends in Chica­ go last week. C. E. Chapell came in with a carload of milch cows on Saturday last. He is billed for an anction sale for Wednesday of this week. E. L. Benson returned on Monday of this week to Beloit., Wis., to resume his study at the Beloit College. Robie Phillips returned homp'Oft Sun­ day last from his Western trip. Active preparations are being made for a grand musicale in the near future. Mrs. James Hubbard, of Chicago, is the guest of her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. S. Seeber. C. W. Hart returned from his week's vacation on Sunday last. Miss Florence Miller, of Elgin, spent Sunday here with her parents. Alvin Hartouest returned to his Ne­ braska home on Wednesday of last week, after makiug his relatives and friends a two weeks'visit. We had a very sodden change in the weather on Sunday night last. It changed from summer to winter in a very few hours. D. W. Thomas is having a great strug­ gle with the Grippe. D. W. Thomas shipped ^ carload of stock on Monday of this week. Henry Keyes went in with them. Our tax collector will be at tbe follow­ ing places on the following days .: Wednes­ days, at Tomisky's store, at Cary. Tues­ days at the post office in Crystal Lake, and all other days in the week at the drug store in Algonquin, from Jan. 15, to March 1st. Geo. E. Smith deputy collector. The following is a list of the sick re­ ported by Dr. Nason: Cora and Libby Jaynes, Joe Wandrack,.Mrs. H. Keyes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Helm, Mrs. J. Nickles, Lois Chandler, Mrs. E. H. Geister, Mary Kattray, Mary and George Leesburg, a daughter of Joe Gadka's, Jame Stehlick, Geo. Morton, John Lobeck, Geo. Kuedera, Mrs. Geo. Dodd, Bertha Dodd, Mrs. T. Chriten and daughter, Joe Wrinke and two children, Kitty Doig,, Walter John­ ston, Walter Keyes, Mrs. Rattray, Mr. and Mrs. P. Eckstrom. Bnsiness^ffotlces. Fresh OAtnges, Lemons, Dates, Figs etc., at J. A. Story's drug store. ' Read our new advertisement. 1 * STEVENS & MILLER, West McHenryf Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee, It cures Consumption. Sold by J. A. Story. The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drugstore. If you want to see the finest stock of Fine Shoes at the lowest prices call at Althoff Bros. If you need a need a new overcoat call and see our new and stylish garments. STEVENS & MILLER, West MeHenry. Croup, Whooping Cough and Bron­ chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure. Sold by J. A. Story. We have the best makes of Barb Wire and our prices are on the spot cash basis; very low. J. FF. OAISTY FT Sow, Ringwood. The finest line of Boots and Shoes for Gent's wear to be found in town. Also, in ladies foot-wear, a fine assortment, at Althoff Bros. It will benefit you in purse and peace of mind to buy your boots and shoes of J. W. Cristy & Son ̂Ringwood. To is to prove the above. ; v • % Remember I can save you money on Coal, Corn and Millstuffs. Can deliver in any quantity at rock bottom prices. W. A. CiosTy, West MeHenry. To catch close buyers I have deter­ mined on selling Coal and Feed on a less margin than ever before and selling for Cash only. W. A. CRISTY, West MeHenry If any are owing us on the old score we would be very much pleased, and wt know you would be just as much so, to have the account squared up at once. J. W. ORI8TT & SOH, lilngwood. GENTS. • „ want your Cloths altered to fit you, and your Cloths Cleaned as good as new, E. Lawlus can do you a neat job. Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shiloh Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by J. A. Story. Shiloh's Yitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Artpetite, Dizziness, * Dyspepsia. Price and all symptoms of 10 and 75 cents per bottle A. Story. ^ .. Sold by J. The following set of resolutions was adopted by Lone Tree Camp, M. W. A Hebron, 1)1. Jan., 11,1890, on tlie death of Neighbor I. W. Webbter: "There is a Reaper whose name is Death, And, with his sickle keen, be reaps the bearded eratn with a breath. And the flovers that grow between " WHKREAH, It has seemed fit by Divine Providence to call from among us by his Reaper, Death, our much esteemed ex- citizen and Neighbor I. W. Webster and, W'HKREAH, That in recognition of his passed virtues as a worthy eitizen|iinong his fellow men, andthehigh appreciation by which he was held as a Neighbor by the members of the M. W. A. in Hebron, 111. Therefore be it. , Resolved, That we as Neighbors, ex­ tend, to the bereaved family our heart­ felt sympathies, and that the clerk be in­ structed to communicate, for publication, a copy of these resolutions to the local correspondents in Hebron; that they be spread upon the journal of this camp; that a copy be transmitted to the family of the deceased. "Rest on. rest on, in peaceful rest, Eterna' life God gave ; Here mortali yet unborn will Maad S Beside your lonely grave ; Nor shall your goodness be forgot, l While time its record keeps ; But. Neighbors, mark tbe sacred Where tse Modern Woodman *ieepc," "" H. B Bkouk, W. E. WlBB. Committee. (Kmonh* and Harvard papers phtaee . f k , • Calf Meal! Oil Meal S Always in stock, at Bonslett & Stoffel's, in small or large lots, at close prices. The quality, styles and prices of our new line of dress goods pleases all who see them. STEVENS & MILLER, West MeHenry. E. W. BLATCHFORD & CO., of Chi­ cago, have appointed Bonslett & Stoffel of West Mcllenry, agents for their famous Oil Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmers should accord a fair trial. Very close prices are Offered on small or large lots. PIANO TUNING. , R. H. Owen is now prepared to tune Pianos and Organs on short notice and guarantee satisfaction. All orders left at the store of O. W. Owen will receive prompt attention. Charges reasonable. Catarrh Cured, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the Remedy for you. Sold by J. A. Story. Have you spen the grand Piano Lamp, at Besley's on the west side. The finest and handiest Lamp ever sold in this market. Don't fail to call and see it whether you want to buy or not. CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS Have received from E. Lawlus, tailor, orders for 14 suits up to Nov. 29, 1889. Good fits, low prices and the best of goods is what you all want. Call in and see the large book of samples. ESTRAY NOTICE.. Came into the inclosure of th« Under­ signed, on S. Sherman's farm, on or about December 25th, 1889, two Heifer Calves. The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take them away. A. M. BROWN. MeHenry, Dec. 31st, 1889. WHAT DO YOU WANT? Are you in doubt what to buy for Christmas presents? If so, call at J. A. Story's and examine her stock just re­ ceived, consisting of books, albums, toilet sets, bronze goods, plush sets, and many other things for the older people, and dolls, games, toys, sleds, etc., for the children. Call and select early. STATIONERY. J. A. Story is constantly adding new and unique designs to her fine assort­ ment of stationery, among which may be found wedding invitations, regret, vis­ iting and condolence cards; latest de­ signs in letter paper, tablets, papeteries, and a complete assortment of teachers reward cards, bithday souvenirs, etc. r»n nmi examine. • _ FOR SALE. ^ 'A good house and two lots flMnwfcted in this village. House contains five good sized rooms, with necessary closets, pan­ try, etc. Good well and cistern, wood­ shed, barn and other outbuildings. House nearly new and all surroundings in good repair. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. For further particulars inquire of JAMES B. PERRY. ( FOR $ALE OR RENT. Tho house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village of MeHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of. n n uGin Dated January 1st, 1889. THE NEW DISCOVERY. 1 You have heard your " friends, and neighbors talking about it. You may yourself be one of the many who know from personal experience justj how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, you are one df its staunch friends, because the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it, and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any throat, lung or chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded. Trial bottles free at G. W Besley's Drugstore. THE vocal organs are strengthened by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Clergy­ men, lawyers, singers, rictors and public speakers find this preparation the most effective remedy for irritation and weak­ ness of the throat and lungs, apil tor all effections of the vocal organs. VILLAGE LOTS FOR SALE. For sale, two very desirable village lots in West MeHenry. Centrally located. For further particulars inquire at this office. WHAT A FORTUNE ^ la & good healthy, pearly skin.' Few are aware of the short time it takes for a disordered liver to cause blotches on the face, and a dark, greasy skin. One bot­ tle of Beggs' Blood Purifier and Blood Maker will restore this organ to its nat­ ural and healthy state, and cleanse the blood of all impurities. It is meeting with wonderful success. We guarantee every bottle. G. W. Besley, Druggist. Worth makes the bargain, and want of it the cheat, Cristy's prices and his goods are never to be beat. The blood will follow where the knife is driven; » The flesh will quiver where the pincers tear; And trade will follow where the merchant's striven, As Cristy & Son to make their prices fair. To trade at Cristy's, means wealth and health:-- Wealth from our cheapness, from oar goodness, health. DR. B. MINCER, Thaold reliable Dr. B. Mincer, the Eye Specialist will visit this place occasion­ ally, the time of which will be duly noticed. Defective vision from congen- tal or acquired cause, successfully reme­ died, when in the skill of the optician to remedy. Dr. M. has devoted his life to his work and invites those who may have had trouble in having the eyes fitted, or all in need of glasses, to investigate his method of adapting glasses to the human eye. Call on him. Consultation and ex­ amination free. Orders left at the Post Office will receive prompt attention. Don't fail to see our Holiday Goods. PERRY & OWBK. M. B. THROOP, AUCTIONEER, Algonquin, 111. Particular attention paid to the sale of Stock, Farming Tools, Merchandise, Real Estate, etc. All orders promptly filled I make this my exclusive business and guarantee satisfaction. Address or tele­ graph me at Algonquin, 111. HAPPY HOOSIERS. Wm. Timmons, postmaster of IdavOle, Ind., writes: "Electric Bittere has done more for me than all other medicnes com­ bined, for that bad feeling arising from kidney trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware mer­ chant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run down and don't care whether he Jives or dies; he found new strength, goud appe­ tite, and felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 50c a bottle at G. W. Bes­ ley's drug store. N J." A. STORY is just receiving a large as­ sortment of lamps, china and glassware, among which may be found many new designs in hand-painted plates, cups and saucers, tea sets, water sets, also a com­ plete line in plain and colored dinner sets. Call and examine. A letter from S. P. WardweU, Boston, says: "I used Clarke's Extract of Flax (Papillon) Catarrh Cure in June last for Hay Fever with great satisfaction, and find it the only thing I have seen which would allay, without irritation, the in­ flammation of the nostrils and throat. Its soothing and healing properties were marked and immediate." Large bottle $1. Clarke's Flax Soap is the latest and best. Try it. 25 cents. Ask for them at Geo. W. Besley's drug store, West MeHenry, Dl. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi­ tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by G. W. Besley. If tlw fcxiet mkrnmt k guessed, we will give the persoik 'M $50 ill Gold! • BEGGS' CHERRY COUGH SYRUP. Is giving splendid satisfaction to the trade and the sales are positively mar­ velous, which can be accounted for in no other way except that it isv without doubt the best on the market. Ask lor and be sure you get the geuuMSv W» keep it. G. iW.'Besley, Druggist f , ,.V | ::3 \ * A , t *;T n ib muc,., QRBOBTma ̂ WV hay# seiM ftp sqtrart frnft can which we first filled with' beans and we make this offer; To-the person who guesses th* exact number the can contains, wewillgiy# - ,„y ,.r-. -- • 1 o o • ir iwo iw wore • t , the exact number the premii will be divided pro rata, and will hold good on the premium in the second case also T! ~ beans were poured into the without being counted, and not be counted until they opened by three disinterested persons on • • • . • * ! January I, 1891. j The last week of December*, - I ^ 1890, w ill be the week you are t+ ;; make your guess. WHAT ZntttlM Yra to t thunf If you buy a pair of Boots or Shoes from us from Jan ly 1890 to Jan 1,1891, you will b* entitled to a guess; ii two pain two guesses, etc. The moi* pairs you buy the more guessci you have. _ in the meantime we shall make it our business to sell you good Boots and Shoes for as little money as you can buy then in the State. Our store is noif.".: being filled with New Prints! New Ginghams ̂ New Dress Goods Bight in style and price, and we snail try to keep a line of GROCERIES S That will *!*<!$« pl<*tfe you. Yours as ever. ?, . * V. . i '*£§1. v. 4 .iir J t -*'• in • - 'V -f H v f * v* i t *•, ' &, ,1 n.V

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