Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Mar 1890, p. 8

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O.T. W. H1 AltfAtM And Notice* under the above hewt *r« fwtntaheil Uy Hie l.a«lieaof theW C T U. %>t»l Hie K>ltu>r claim* no part or credit for Thk Ladies of the W.& T, U. will m«wfc ; Wi Mm. T. J. Walsh, Thtfwday Iw.toou, at 2:JK> o'clock. <. ; ' Mm*. L.. c- BKNHKTT, Prmldent. * * Mko. T. J. W *i>H, Secretary. v,1 _______ 4 There in a law against cigarette nmok-i tilK at West Point. The cadet who vio­ late* it is obliged to carry a munket for1 t wive cousecutive hours, pacing his boatf back and forth, rain or shine, for that of time. No user of ttibauoo has ever, taken thef T&nk and highest honors of Harvard; the' oldest and largest university iu America.^ It has been observed iu the Boston, «c!>ools that scholarship declines when boys begin to use tobacco. . Two Million Boys Wanted. .?fThe saloon must have boys or it must up shop. Can't you furnish it one? ' .It is a great factory and unless it can get about 2,000,000 bbys from each genera­ tion for raw material, some of these fac­ tories mast close out and its operatives must be thrown on a cold world, and the public revenue will dwindle. Wanted, 8,000,000 boys, is the notice. One fam­ ily out of every five must contribute a boy to keep up the supply. Will you help? Which of your boys will it be? The' Old Doctors Drew blood, modern doctors cleanse it; hence the increased demand tor Altera­ tives. It is now well known that most diseases are due, not to over-abundance, ljut to impurity, of the Blood; and it iB equally well attested that no blood - Medicine is so efficacious as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. _/ " One of my children had a large sore break out on the leg. We applied Simple remedies, for a while, thinking the sore would shortly heal. But it grew Worse. We sought medical advice, and Were told that an alterative medicine Was necessary. Ayer's Sarsaparilla #: Recommended H above all others, we used it, with mar­ velous results. The sore healed and health and strength rapidly returned." , '--J. J. Armstrong, Weimar, Texas, r- "I find Ayer's Sarsaparilla to he an Mmirabla remedy for the cure of blood jflueue*. I prescribe it, and it does the 3|rork every time."--K. L. Pater, M. D., Manhattan, Kansas. " We have sold Ayer's Sarsaparilla here tor over thirty years and always recommend it when asked to name the hest blood-purifier." -- W. T. McLean, , Druggist, Augusta, Ohio- "Ayer's medicines continue to be the Standard remedies in spite of all com­ petition."--T. W» Richmond). Bear Cake, Mich. jr. ̂ „ Ayer's Sarsaparilla, •*#*&-' «iy»«D BY „ Or. <1. C. Aysr & Co., LowsO, Mâ > «Vttwflf **MUMi9k WOTtkfiaMte. O MIL -f*;' GREETING. We huVe sealed up a quart fruit e:in which we first. tilled with I leans aud we make this oiler: To I he pers m who guesses the exact nuui'jer toe run contain*, we will give Sioo Sayt that anything in the line of &;• .• iDO-AJLi & FEED Gem be bought CHEAPER FOR CASH M ' AT ?:W. * A* CRISTY'S, Than any other place in town. Car \XttiU a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory. In West Mc Henry. REMEMBER THE PLACE. ISti; BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST %OHe GENUINE WITHOUT THE 6'A LA BE I 9laaufd by Wm. Awes & SONS. Phlinda. who 'Wake the famous Horse Brand Kaker Blanket.* It tin ex t:t nittxr is n o guessed, wo will jj.vo flu person who grosses linarest to the exact uuinber, _____ $60 in Gold! If two or mor j persons ^fuess the exict number the premium will be divided pro rata, and thh will hold pood on the premium in the second case also The beans were poured into the can without being: counted, and will not he counted until they arf opened by three di>intere>ter! persons on January 1, 1891. The last week of December, 1890, will be the week you are to make your guess. WHAT Entitles You to a Gum? If you buy a pair of Boots or Shoes from us trom Jan 1, 1890 to Jan 1..1891, you will be entitled to a guess; if two pairs two guesses, etc. The more pairs you buy the more guesses* you have. in the meantime we shall make it our business to sell you good Boots and Shoes for a? little money as you can buy them in the :State. Our store is now )eing filled 'with New Prints, New Ginghams, New Dress Goods Right in style and price, and we shall try to keep a line of GROCERIES m-::. f M I L E S ' N E R V E & L I V E R P I L L S . An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels through tht* nerves. A new principle. They speed " ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, '? i piles and constipation. Spleudid for men - t\ -fromen and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples ? «,t Geo. ,W. Besley's. w A FORTUNATE WOMAN. i' , Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich., v lias reason to be very thankful. She was : - sA great sufferer from heart disease for Jeers. Was short of breath, had hungry f. iSpells, pain in side, fluttering, faintness, <' -etc. After taking two bottles of Dr Miles' New Heart Cure, she says, "I am better than for twenty years. My mind * • And eyesight have improved wonderfully J I advise all persons thus afflicted to use *^bis great remedy." G. W. Besley, drug i' recommends and guarantees it. Dr, V MileB' work on heart disease, containing t,. imarvelous testimonials, free. , |fe BOCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVR The best salve in the world for cute ' ; • 'bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever :-ifores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, •corns and all skin eruptions, and posi- tively cores piles, or no pay required. It lit guaranteed to give |>erfect satisfaction #ranon«y .refunded. For sale by G.W. mmtm K»W;- bondiyniaidis nope s f iSlhe-S/llM JSf it saves Botfi her time and her kbor, y^nd s«yU her clothes with a brilliancy ^)ows r thin those of her SANTA CLAUS SOAP Manufactured only by . K. FSIRBSRK 4 CO., CHICAGO. ,! 18 lbs. good plump Riee, worth 8c per lb. for $1. 8 bars 5c Soap for 25c. 4 cans choice Corn for 25c. 5 lbs. best lump Starch, 25c, as good as you t>ay 10c per pound, for. 2 doz. Clothes Pins, 5c. v ' Mens Rubbers, 49c. Women's Rubbere, New Holland KIRK'S AMERICAN RFAMIL Y - m: •m; & I-icOMBER, " Successors to W P Stevens, West ^ Mc Henry, Havinsr pun t h e Il'»r«5\y;»ro stock <»f ^V. P . Stevens we have replenis'ie*! the >T.oc-k an I IKJW prepireti tosho^v our tViends and 'io > it; sf«fi^rnllv as coiu:)lete a stocnof HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves Tin Copper a^cl Sheet-Iron <Vare. As can be found in Mc Henry County, At UOTTOM l?KICG.S JTOBBufa 4LWO Will -lo'ie on shoi't 'Nr.»tioe ail J SitrstUotiou Criia ran teed. A pwia'tv ot K utter b'acrory work. A. share of pu!i,ic patronage expect I u! I v Me Henry, Dee. fO, 18X9. SfOMBER," J. BRILL, ' BSW STOCK or ALL SQT03 OF White Fish, Columbia River Sal­ mon, Codfish, salt and smoked Her­ ring, spiced Herring, at lowest prices. 2800 Rolls Wall Paper, In the latest designs at 8c per. dou­ ble roll and up. Beautiful B<>RDEKN TO >1 Arcu. Trimmed free while waiting. Our papers are all gaaranteed full meas­ ure. Twenty-one pieces 25 cent. . GOODS, RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. ik&XU-lk. 1 * educed to 1 O cent** per yard, to make room our large Spring n.tock comiug iu every week, for We earnestly solicit an inspection oi our new stock of Wall Paper which is complete and worthy of your inspection. OUR That will always Yours as ever. please you "'ARE THE LOWEST J. W. Cristy & Son, RINGWOOD. ILL. JACOB BONSLETT. OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MIL, WCHE5HY, IT- L LIVOIS. 25 c«ut» por S T E V E N S & MILLER. DEALER Purchase! f.r Cash, all ol which will be ,$ol<i aa low a# the maret will admit and turnish first class goodfl v A FlJldL IiINK OF GARLAND A 2ND OTHER KINDS. Call and see our Gasolene. Stoves. GL^S3 OF ALL SIZES CONSrANTLY ON HAND. Iu the Market, at Bottom I?rieejg», JOBBING A17S Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Quarantegi a areof publ'c patronage respectfully solicited, 4ACOB BON8LITT New Carpets, New Clothing And new Boots, an<3 Shoes arriving dailj L .sweat Cash Pricew. and at PERRY & OWEN, WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Arenow better than ever prepared to offer you GREAT BARGAINS III all indt} of Goods. vVe m0*111 business and will arive yoa Low­ er Prices thau ever before offered iu Lae County. -OUR STOCK OF---- General iMerchandise as never more complete than now. Call and get our Prio^ betore purchasing elsewhere Special inducement* to** Cash Buy ers iu sums from $L up. COLDINC BROTHERS. )C Prla^ piiid lor Farm Produce. JTTIJA A. STORY,- (One Door West of Riverside House,) MCcHEPJ .IY, ILLINOIS. -DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES •A FULL LIMB OF- 3 Drags, Chimicals, Dyt Sts&s, Poiats, Oils o&d Colors.' Constantly on hand Also a large line < f Patent Medicines, Toilet Articesy --*rwAlTD COMPLETE STOCK Of---- STATIONAEY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES FhT(siolaii8 Prescriptio Carefully and accuratey compounded by a ResisteredPharma cist. Your patronage Is respectfully solicited. JULIA A. STORY r-. • ' •< O", >•' - ,. . ,Jv •« »• >, t • 2< « % , * >. • /v v \ ' 51- K < y ^ J , Jk'-W v JS iMMM smm ^4V' A fnlt.Mno of Olotha. of the latitat itTlM met patterns alwava on hood. - S1NGLK GARMENTS,,/:' OR FUU SUITS, MR.IC on short notion anil H fit «ruarant«nrt. From our experience awl practical kr.owl.' eil^eof he business we are ronUacnt we can - pleune the most t»B'Klio»i8, and respectfully invite nil in want of Clothing of any kind to give me a call. Prices as low as the name quality of can be pnreliaae<l anywhere. c. J. B&iLXi. binhmoni). Ootoher 15th, I8«L AGENTS WANTED. riiK . _ ,.,v ; ^ Total Abstineace Life Association OF AMERICA, Varntohes the BK->T and OIIK \PE«T* •*. SHrance lor Ijtftl abstaiuers from alcoholic liquors as n be vera ire. Policies self-support. Inj? after 20 years. Women in.sure t on same terms as men. C.W,OMl'H*NK, Harvard, lit., , General Agont for MoHenry County ' " • M 1 " if »i.'wfrvj • WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT For the Family, School, cr Professional Library. | mrwmfyh;' itself ^ &£*.£' 4 . . ts-i Has been t'»r years Standard Authority in tlio Governmeut Printing-Gflico tiistl U. S. Su­ preme Covix-t; It is recommended by 38 State i < i' tichools and the lending Presidents. Nearly all tl:^ School Books published in thi^ country are based upon Wo-lister, as attest­ ed by the leading' School Book Publishers. 8000 more Words and nearly 2000 more • Knyra-ving-s than any otlier American Dictionary. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Tho New Tork^HToria : Webster ia«t(- most univt rsally conceded to WJ the beft. The Boston Globe tnys: Webster is the ao- kuowiedgod standard in loxloography. The Atlanta Consiiioiioil S!*VK : Webster has ^long been tho s-tiuiuurd authority in our office. The Chicago Inter 0coan says ̂ Webster's Unabriliiv<• il li;is nlwiivs been tlic standard. The Wew Orleans Times Democrat aaya: stui'iilaiM' utitiiorivy'iu oui ofcoe. The New York Tribnne says: it is recognised as the most useful existing "word-book" of the English language all over the world. • Sold by al 1 Booksellers. Pamphlet free. 6.4k C. MERR1AM & CO., Pub'rs,8pringfleld, Maa» • J ptfORt B(jy STEAM ENGINE OR B O I L E R SEND FOR OUR CATALOQUCtwo PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. 25CT&V For sale by] Cao.ll W, Besley. IS CONSUMPTION INCURABLE? . Bead the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with abscess oi luugu, and friends and physi­ cians pronounced me an incnrable con­ sumptive. Began taking Dr. King's Npw Discovery for Consumption, am now : on my third bottle, and able to overeec> , the work on my farm. It is the finest * fnediclue ever made." ; Jesse Middlewart, Decatnr, Ohio, says: - "Had it. not been for Dr. King's New Die-, aovery for Consumption, 1 would have ' died of luug troubles. Was giveu up by ? doctors. Am now in best of health." ; Try it. Sample bottles free at u. W« • "m" 7 s ,.i;.

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