Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Apr 1890, p. 8

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• v.*, >•' w*- . , $ • ' rats "'-.r ii ,„•-.. Articles and Notices under the sboyehea^ in fiu 11 i«lioil by the I ji«Iie» of Ihe W 0 t. II, •"M'l the Kditor claim•» no part or credit fop lh-> same.] do pi<£ ̂ Thk Ladies of the W. C. T. II. will mce$ mWith Mrs. T. 0.Turner, Thursday a| leraoon, at 2:30 o'clock 1188. L. li. ItEKNETtfj : ••:.XicK T!?e Girls &i?d Boys . , . . all l? ll?eir choice. •IRS. T. J. WalpH, Secretary •x3&££fe*r«io» The Relation of Alcohol to Crime. Dr. Elisha Harris, who ia not only tt- phynidfta, but also corresponding seem* •|f;:• tary of the New York Prison Association, ^ and the most thorough student of crimif |? nai matters in our country--shows botlfc physiologically and statistically that al- " f oohol directly intensifies t.J»e tendencies of men to steal, set fire to buildings, violate !' chastity, and destroy life. v - I)r. Harris tells us that "about eighty- ! two per cent, of the convicts in the United' ; % States privately confess their frequent in­ dulgence in strong drink, and give ovi- deuce of having in some large degree beeii prepared or enticed to do criminal acta because of the physical and distracting i effects produced upon the human organ- j imn by alcohol." This effect is recognized even by the Mayors of rum-ruled cities who in time of r§ot*and excitement send forth absolute prohibitory law in regard to the sale of ' alcoholics. This direct connection of rum and crime as cause and effect has been declared hundreds of time by every grade Of Judges, from our police justices to s Judge Davis of New York, and others of equal fame iu Fngland and America, who unitedly testify that alcohol is the root of more than three-fourths of the crime recorded in their courts. . ?, '! *;"v ' II ORsnsTiNa We have sealed up a quart fruit can which we first filled with Iteuns and we make this ofler: To the pers >11 who. guesses the exact num'ier the ein contains, we wil 1 give P îrbaHK,S SAI4TACLAI^»SQAR ' t h e b e s t i n t h e w o ^ FOR ALL HOUSEHOLD AND LAUNDRY PURPOSES. ̂ MADE ONLY BY r fAiRBANK'5 SANTACLAUS N.K. FAIRBANK & CO.--CHICASO. 11 Mfnifeim I 'f 1 ^ ijiil iiifiiiiljijpiiifii W / */' • Mi S T ORY & M c O M B E R, Snoeo88or8 to W P Stevens. West McHenry, flavins purchased the Hardware slnfk of W, P. Stevens we '^rtve replenished the stock atfdf hi-« now prepared to show out* friends *iud he pa^lc generally as complete a stocbtol' HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves Tin Copper and Sheet-Iron 4fare. As eata be found in McHeury Count}, AT PQTTOM PRICES. JOBBING AND EiPAIlI^© Seeto it that your dollar* bring: you one hundred cents worth in value when you part witu thorn, but don't e^poct it if you aie buying on credit. There is whore the leakage 0011139 in. It costs money to care for and look utter accounts and that cost must cowe-put Qt you. w JA* • - tT'SFM , ... ,, T- r 't*. ^ » * 'j ;: ffhey are the great levers that move merchandise rapidly and profitably. We are using the # ' r day. Whifeh is your choice, 0A9B OS GSRDIT. The Shoe Stock was never so complete as now* The j Saj/8 that anything in Ike Une ltf Will be douo on short Notic a a ad peciulty of Kutter Victory . work* «4* =-• i" it ' I: J It the exict number is no Ac XT-EEI> I guessed, we will give the person I aspectfully solicited, who guesses nearest to the exact number, tislaotiou (Tuarauteed. A share ot public patronage Om b6 bought CHEAPER FOR CASH • . AT" > " ' * $50 in Gold! JWOttYJ& M'OMBER. Weet McHenry, Dec. 10, 1889. W- A.GRISTY'S, • a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry. ..REMEMBER THE PLACE. C. J. BRILL, It two or mor^ persons guess the exict number the premium .. ' . . | will be divided pro *ata» and this Than any other place in town. Cart w good on the premium in the second case also The beans were poured into the can without being counted, and will uot be counted until they are opened by three disinterested persons ilig January 1, The last week of December, 1890, will be the week you are toj make your guess. - WKLfliiP?: SaOtlH You to ft Bttin? RICHMOND. ILLINOIS. t' K foli line of Cloths, of the latest styles IM»d patterns alwavfl on hand.1 •INGLE GAKM KNT8, | OR FULL SUITS, •f! Made on short notice anil a lit puaranteed. i - , ; .. rrom our experience and practical fcnowl- | yOU baV6. IU tne meantime W6 idgeof vhe business #e are confident we can | m<il?A if mr V>it«inpaa In anil ; »lea»e the moot tastidious, and respectfully • mase 11 Wlr DUSineSS lO 8611 Invite all in want of Clothing ot any kind to j|ivemeacalL , _ Prices as low as the same quality of goods !ltt,,e m°"Cy ^ ^ ̂ thPm ean be purchased any where. -- A /* * We earnestly solicit an inspection of our new stock of Wall Paper which is complete and worthy of your ittei i •ft' W z* m*,'. OUR 'Wb' ili If you buy a pair of Boots or Shoes from us trom Jan 1, 1890 to Jan 1, 1891, you will be entitled to a guess; if two pairs I illSDGCtlOIl» two guesses, etc. The more' ^ * pairs you "buy the more guesses ARE THE LOWEST C. J. BBILL. KiehiMMMf, October 15th, 1898. i "ORSt Wt- • BLANKETS fA ARE THE STRONGEST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUTTHE 5/A LABEt If - KanuTd by W*. Anita & SONS, Pbiiada.. who . wtake the famous Horse Brand Baker Blanketa. m , MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS." ~ |J;! An important discovery. They act on |j|V' ^ie liver, stomach and bowels through y- ' the nerves. A new principle. They speed- ; illy cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, , jjiles and constipation. Splendid for men •women and children. Smallest, mildest,' in the State. Our store is now being filled with |New Prints, New Ginghams, I New Dress Goods Rigbt in style and price, and we shall try to keep a line of GROCERIES J. W. Cristy & Son, RINGWOOD, ILL. JACOB BONSLETT. IH^POSITB BISHOP'S Mil* McHEiVRY, : : IIXtNOIS. That will always 'please you. Yours as ever. -DEALER IN I «ure«t, 30 doses for 25 ceuts. at Geo. W. Besley's. ^tuples I Purchase! f.#r Cash, all of which will be sold as low as the mare - will admit and furnish first class goods. A FORTUNATE WOMAN. ^ . ^rB- Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich., i 'j,A & „* ^ reason to be very thankful. She was 1 j, " a great sufferer from heart disease for & years. Was short of breath, had hungry I a •' spells, pain in side, fluttering, faintness, if t- etc. After taking two bottles of Dr. A FUM* JuINU Of STOVES m if Miles' New Heart Cure, she says, "I am better than for twenty years. My mind ilIld eyesiglit have improved wonderfully. ff, 1 advise all persons thus aftiicted to use | S T E V E N S this great remedy." G. \V. Besley, drug- *'% +%>;• Ifist, recommends and guarantees it. Dr. fef ' <• M'1®8 work on heart disease, containing 1^---' marvelous testimonials, free. BDCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best saive in. the world for cats, "-if*"" brnises, sores, ulcers, salt rhoum, fever ^ Bores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and posi-1 *i" tively cores pil«s, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction' orstioney{refunded. Price 2f> cents perl tym. Wm mfa hy 0- ^ <fe GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. GLASS OF ALL SIZES CONSTANTLY ON HAND. THE BEST BA8B WXEtJ In th« Market, at Bottom JOBBllfQ AITD HEFAXRIiTQ Guaranteed • ^tfblic <*»*<** fully aolivited* For Spring and Summer wear is here. m t HiLTS Nobby and stylish, stiff JOT soft aft you preler. Prices are always correct. Come in, -vr- RESP John Evanson Sc Ca WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. Arenow better than ever prepared to offer'you GREAT BARGAINS In all inds of Goods. er Prices thau ever before offered in Lae County. --OUR STOCK OF General Merchandise * as never more complete than now. Call and get our Prices before purchasing elsewhere. Special inducements for Cash Buy ers in sums from $1 up. COLDINC BROTHERS. (VHI^heit )fi|rkot Prioa paid for Farm Prodnee. JUIjIA A. STOBT, (One Door Westjof Riverside House,) MoHENitY, . ^ILLINOIS. • " -- DEALER IN---- Drugs, Medicines, A FULL LINE OF Brass, Chuaietlf, Dyt StaSa, Flints, {fib udjColors. Constantly on hand Also a large line of Patent Medicined, Toilet Artices, -----AMD COMPLETE STOCK OF KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAK , T1 -'V H,V, "~\JM ^4 - ^ ^ HANLY BROS --^BKEE&CBS OT- AND G&AB£ H0BSE8. We having the following stalIioi>8 in eervlc# , „ for Ihc season of l&to. 4 VON LEER." Stallion.- FoBlcd Jbiki ^ 1st, 1885. Stunds hands high, weight ll'.# ; ountis. Is bright iiay. black points. ne sty le and pood action^ As a representa. ', live for getting good roadsters is hard bent. "Von t,eer" was sired bv George O. {97011- bjr Lakeland Abdallah (351). First dam l>* * / Patchen, by Autocrat, second dam Dollr bjr Giffota Morgan. rr- j CHANCELLOR, JR. ' ; Having purchased a verv fine imported Ulydesdale -tallion, Chancellor Jr., for on? [f-li own use. will breed a limited number of maref.- " ' * on.ttide. Chancellor Jr. is 9 years old thii ^ i apring; is a Cherry Bay with black points; '>• 1(1% hands high Hnd weighs about 1700 pounds; ^ strong, clean limbs, fine astion, milj disposl*' 'i tlon. He was sired by Onancellor, (1310:, h# ' by Drew Piince of Wales, (673) Oam b# Loft y, ^CO); grand-dam by Duke of Wellinjf. ton. (I51'J); great-grand.dam by Sir William v Wallace, (894). He combines in his breedinlf • the best blood Scotland ever had, and hn|f< proven his ability to ge.t uniform colts, of- great sire, fine form, strong and rugged. ^ CHAMPION, JR. ^ The Pevchon >1 organ Horse. He has provell ;;"i nlmself a line stock getter for general poses, and cannot be oeaten in the Northwest. Parties who intend breeding the comin.C ? season, will And it -o their advantage to calf > s And sec our stock aud get our teimscwhicl| --iM be reasonable. Accidents and escapes at owner's risk* Mares from a distance well cored tor, at mod* Call and see us HANLY BROS, 38-Sm. v AGENTS WANTED. IHE OF AMERICA, Furnishes the BEST and CHEAPEST li*' ~ -„i •trance for total abstainers from alcohol?*' '•! liquors as a beverage. Policies self-support? ing after 20 years. Women insured on sam*n >• terms as men. • , a W. O* THANK, v v Harvard, III., ; for McHenry County. 4l». THE BEST INVESTMENT For the Family, School, or Professional Library. ONABRlDQcJ/ L'SnASY t fOlOTlONA/fyf ITSELF, Has been for years Standard Authority in the Government j l»riiitingr Office and U. S. Su* , fcv preme Court. It is highly recommended bf, ^ 88 State Sup'ttf ot' Schools and --i the leading College Presidents. /*< Nearly all the School Book# published in this country ar« based, upon Webster, as attest*' / ed by tho leading School Bool| *' i .publishers. . ' ; 3000 more Words and nearly 5JOOO more Engravings thai 1; Uny other Ameru-un l>ictionary| SPECIMIEN TESTIMONIALS. ' ? | The Hew York World fays: Webster is &L> ^ most univetsally ooiic^dedto ho the bett. ;.n The Boston Globe Fays: Webster is thp ao> •'/% knowh-dged stan«lar<l in lexicography. The Atlanta Coustitutioa says: Webster ha#; long beeu'the standard authority in our officii. The Chicago inter Ocean says: Websterp- Unabridged has always been the standard. ^ The New Orleans Times Democrat eayst; > J "'"^Webster'iTstandanrn™"h"™!t^^ou^ffice., the New York Tribnne say^: it is recognised ^ as the most useful existing "word-book" of v'fffe '* the English language all over the world. ^ Sold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. -,t'; • 4*C. MERR1AM A CO., Pub'rs,Springfield, Mastr ? gtfORE YOU Buy STEAM ENGINE OR BOILER SEND FOR OUR C>T»tOaUI*NQ PRICKS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS,] INDIANAPOLIS, INO. < CURES*- uGEGstcf *\ ifcii 'Sim' t:>s " fj4t - i ^ A C o p o o w t t i r 5TATit)NAHY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES P hysiclans Prescriptions Carefully And accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist. Tour putroimge l» rogpectfullj solioited. * ' ^ JULIA A. STOItY For»aie by; Geo.iiW. \n:-. • MEN WANTED. To represent our well-known nursery in thii :r"Wii county, for town and countfy trade. Good p»y weekly. A steady position with % known respocaibility. We want goo<t, workers, and will nay well. <ioo.| p, Vi > * 2 / ̂ j b\K

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