Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 9 Apr 1890, p. 4

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MB;.! " . «>; >o„ f i ' i "^7 ' <33®; «" " * *?> i' w* " ̂ .' " * Jv % t "» < , s 14 «,<• ii, " !y - fl '•'. J K 'V WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1890. . VAN 8LYKE, Editor. Tins PAPER .Me"aie GKO * p" • OWBIili ft OO.'.S Newspaper Advertising IdiHwvu (10 ^pra«e Street), where advertising TWtSNEW YORK. Witth District Congressional Convention fhe Republicans composing tne Fifth Gott- gr Regional District are requested to sen t del- • gitestoa convention to be held at Elgin. Kane Co., on Thursday, May 1, 1890, at I p. m.* far the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for Representative in Congress for MM District, and to transact such other bus- IMW as will properly come before said con­ vention . • The several counties of the District jjrill be •ttfftled to delegate* as follows : COUNTIES. # DILIOITH. Kane.............. T ..: .............. » .Oelvalte..««. .» ..«»••. • »• .•.....20 * McHenry. 18 Aewi * I; H. T. Rockwkll, Kane. , & w * IltA R. CiTBTtss, McHenry. S t h .. G. H. R OBICRTSOW, DeKalb. * ; * fi " ,W. H. WlLMOT, Lake. oVo. BBGD, Boone. •. , 'Congressional Committee. Fifto District, IfiTWheu Chauncey D«pew, bulbous with classical knowledge, ytt untouched by the present blood poisoning of free t rade, presented himself fresh from Yale, it was a serious question with his father, just what career would be best for his son. Old l'uritan and Presbyterian as lie was, lie caught a suggestion from tlve "Merchant of Venice,".and told Chauncey that, trusting to his ihstiiict, he pur­ posed to be guided by his selection. Placing in an adjoining room three ob jects, he told him that on his choice would depend his future career* The elder Depew had prepared the test in-this way: On a table were placed a Bible, some bank bills and Blackstone. If the former was taken, Chauncey was to be selected for the ministry; if the second, for business; if lie "saddled" Blackstone, •the law» You can imagine the surprise of the senior when he found that his son had captured the whole lot. Bible, bank bills and Blackstone were all gobe, and the old gentleman mused, "My son in­ tends to be a politidan." ¥OU - PLAN 11 ; . . TO MAKE YOUR And you can't afford to do otherwise when you know the in­ ducements offered by the Nundi, Woodstock ami Dundee Cash Stores of C.F. Hall, Agent. Tho stores are tillednvith^a choice and well-selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hoots and Stioes, UUto and Caps, Groceries, etc.; r _.z: m Republican County Convention. 1 'the Republican voters of tfcHenrv county *re.requested to sen<t delegates wa Republi­ can Oountv Convention, to be held in the fjeurt Home in Woodstock, Tuesday, Apri 29 h. H9I, at I o'clock, p. an., fir the purpose •tfele- ting eighteen MS* de'egttes to repre sent Mcllenry county in the Congressional Oonv« ntion, to be held at Klein, Thursday, Way lit; also to elect nine (9) delegates lo represent Mdlenty county in the State Oon venHon. and twenty-four (24) delegate* lo represent the county In the Senatorial and RepresentstiveConmention, the two last here after to be called, and to place in nomination * candidate f>r County Judge, County Clerk Treasurer. Sheriff, and County Superintend at of Schools, and to transact such other tonslness as may properly come before the -convention. Ka<-h town is entitled to the following rep­ resentation- • Kilev .» ........ 5 Greenwood Marengo.......... .. .19 Hebron IfSfe' Dunham Chemung ^Iden . Hartland.... .. 8eneca... ...... Coral tinthn . .(.... Dorr To'al.. 6 . 22 ..8 2 ... 8 . 8 .. 7 ..90 Richmond Burton McHenry Nunda ....... Barreville.... Algonquin.. . Crystal bake .. 7 ..11 ..IS -.11 .. 9 . 5 ... » .. 5 177 6. K. BI KKEK. Cbmrman. B BABCOCK, AVKS B PERKT, *. Yor*G, T. H AMILTON, Committee. I®"Butter was fairly active Monday on the Elgin Board of Trade, though pri­ ces ruled three cents lower. The sales "were 5,760 pounds at 19 cen|&aad 22,- 560 pound* at 20 cent*. pv-, • (@TThe fifth congressional district of W "this state will meet at Elgin May 1 to |fp nominate a candidate for congress from "that district. Hon. Albert J. Hopkins is W;, "the present representative from the glori- fifth. He is one of the very best rep? f-ew-fitatives in congress, and all intelli- Hl republicans throughout the state .wwill '>e glad to see him renominated. He * a credit to the whole state and worthy to represent the fifth district. Nobody can say more than that.--Springfield News. 1889. April ». Paid H W Mead M«y 4, • E K Grover ' !«. H C Faber " 20, •• John Paidaon " 20, " Tom Davis '• 21 •• W V Hyde •* 26. " Will Helm " 31. •« John 1'iiidson ... June ), •• F. P t;rover H He^un .... .=rfs? " 8, John White " 8, •• llert Wol from . . •' 1». •• H<?rt Douglass .. .. ja. Kari Taylor " », • • t»rton Phillips ... " J0. •• Mrs El.en Pier»e - 1SL H C Ksber ' " 14, O Dnrke? " », «• S I, Pierce " 17, •• X S Dyke •• a, " Fred We|ho-n 2i, • • Tom Wnodard.. " 22. •• A U Manley •• 22, • * John Paid son July 1, «• G B ^tone " % " f h tries Bailey .. *' Sb *• G Finch -• 13. H B "Uratton •« W, 44 Frank Rowe... .. - 18, M C HXrvon .. ... •• 18; M Peter Burner ..... " 20, •« George Gilbert. . •• 2a " W Wen tit worth 1. P i" ^ k ' $..k 9STTb« territory, of Wyoming, for whose advance to statehood the House of Representatives has voted, covers an area of nearly 100,000 square niiles. The Governor, in his ennual report for 1889, estimated its population at 95,000 to 105,000. The territory is rich in nat- urafresources and one-fourth of its sur­ face is tillable. Of its 62,645,000 acres," one^ixth is covered with timber. The mineral resources of the domain are varied, and are its greatest single source of wealth. Besides the precious metals its deposits of coal, iron, petroleum, and soda are practically inexhaustible. The area is double that of Pennsylvania, un derlying 30,000 square miles. In' Octo­ ber last Wyoming had $47,752.76 in its treasury, no floating debt and a bonded Indebtedness of only $300,000. Its vis­ ible wealth was estimated at $100,000,- 000. > T: %kj>- if w P-4» :- 4'ssy 0'" • 'To read current history in the sooth in congress and as set forth in the newspapers of the southern standard varieties, will show any candid man that •tM&s an ideal rebellious body Btill ex­ isting, a purely imaginary fiction which possesses over the southern mind an ex traordinary enchantment. It is made high point of honor to be true and loyal •to "the south." It is a social and moral treason to treat that "south" as every northern democrat treats the "north.' That is an offense for which their, appro v ed vocabulary contains no word of par don. They judge of people and estimate their value by their devotion to the "south." And what is the "south ?" It is the southern confederacy sublimated and etherialized into an idea without a body a form or a fixed habitation, yet dwelling in the brain and cherished in the hearts Of millions as strongly as when its seat of government was at Richmond! Of this "south" Jeff Davis was president to the day of his death. 9SP Robert P. Porter sends the follow :i big to the Press regarding the tariff bill '"The McKinley bill will be reported to Hie Committee on Ways and Means on Saturday or Monday next. It is a Re­ publican bill. It expresses in every line the victory of 1888. There is courage in •very schedule. Protective tariff duties have been sacredly preserved. Duties have been reduced when unnecessary «od the Committee on Ways and Means lias been brave enough to increase duties When by so doing they will put great in 'dustries on their feet, and enlarge the de wand for the labor of the country. The interests of agriculture, too, have been scrupulously guarded. Telegrams of ap proval ai-e coming in from all parts Hie country. Republicans who think ) that in some cases the rates have been induced below the danger line, should wait until the full text of the bill is pub- .. lished, which has not at any time been STATE O* ILLINOIS, 1 >«a McHenry County, I . TOWN OF HEBRON. The following is a statement by K. B. Stratton, treasurer of the Board offlixhwav Commissioners of the town of Hebron, In the county and Slate aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him the fiscal ye«r jnst closed, ending on the 25th day ot' March, l^iK). showing the amount of public funds on hand."at the comt mencetnent of said tl«cal year, tiie'amount of public funds received tnd from what sources received, the amount of public, funds expend ed and fo^what pnrpases expended, during said tiscal year ending as'aforesaid The said E. R. Stratton. iieing duly sworn, doth d<;p">se and say, that the following state­ ment by him subscril>ed is a correct state­ ment of the amaunt of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year altove staled, the amount of public funds received and trie sources from which received, and the amount expended, and purposes for which ~xpended. as set forth in said statement. E B. STRATTON. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 3d d»y of April, 1890. N. A. CHASDI.KH. Justice of the Peace. RECEIPTS. Amount of public fnnda on hand at the commencement of the (Heal year commencing 13fi9 tbe 26th day of March, 1889.... June 29, Hec'd from County Treas 1890. Mar 16, •• Total. €62 74 35.9 60 H D Walling, col... 882 13 ! f 190*47 KXPEVDI TURKS. A J Conn.. 24, •« H i'oung.. 24, " E G Seamen ....... 28, **• Charles Durkew....... . . », " CH Stewart . i Sept 2. " O I, Phillips 3, m Mead A Chandler • 3, •* ,-t W Conn Oct % " C Ernest % " C Hawthorn ........ . 23, " BG Pierce ili " tieorge Burgett „ 23. " James BnrgetC Nov 1», *• John \' Seytno&f Dec 6, '« GB Stone 6, " Fre'l Heamen.w... . ** «, " C C Hunt 1890 Jan " A Glass 6, *• Geo Krcanbraek 9, " Win Austin Keb 26, •" Gayloril Mar 7, • •*' <ieo Smith 12i " GHO (i.Mikins 1*. *• Will Seamen .. 25, •• K BiSMralton 25, " Balar.ce to new account. 91904 17 RECAPITULATION. Amt on hand at beginning of fiscal yr,.f 662 74 Amt of fund* ree'd during •• .. HUTS 33 79 a'HO S 25 5 00 12 50 11110 1"> 50 JO 00 V'f1 HO 1 50 3 75 3 75 38 87 3 75 -2 II 12 00 200 3 75 17 00 SO 8 75 5 12 91 60 4<t H<> lOrffi 1 87 660 ts oc 3B4 00 750 60 00 3 00 150 II 00 !•> 50 <5 25 4 50 3 12 10IK1 4 < 62 ]:> iK> i 25 9 3S H 50 6 25 16 20 84 35 I9 60 3 12 10 (HI Sold for Cash Only and the far-off" trade not knows a good thing1 We are sending out this "ad" to reach naturally coming1 to us., The home ttade when it sees it, and naturally come to us, but we want more trade, rind so say to you come and we yvi 11 give you a rousing benefit. Our Millinery stock is worth the attention of the ladies, and is in charge of a very competent lad v, and prices wil l not be Milliners' Rates, In our Merchant Tailoring Department we are prepared to take orders and not take all you«* money for a suit to order. To parties coming by lail and buying ton dollars' worth ot Merchandise we would say we will allow you two railroad fares within 4 distance of twenty-five miles, and guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Do you buy for cash, or do long prices and long credit suit you best? Do you live a month behind or a month ahead all you live*? Our plan will please you, and our prices, too, for our's is not to see how much we can get for an article but at how small a price we can sell it. With three Hrge stores under our management we carry the most complete line of Dry Goods to be found in any section, and our Clothing Stock for men and boys is complete. We sell a boy's suit, age 4 to 12 years, at 1)8 cents, which is solid and substantial, and if you want something more noboy our suits at $1.29, $148, $1.69, $1.98 will be just one-ha It" the rates charged by credit dealers. We are making our prices in all lines tell on high credit rates, and VQU should share in the benefits. Our Grocery ftock is always fresh and inviting, and our rates are much below our credit oom- petitors in all cases. We have in years past gained the reputation of a bargain store and that name will be fully sustained. Sugars, way down No, l Coffee, beat..,-- No, 2 Coflree Best Rice Good Tea 5* cent Tea No 1 Baking Powder .. Good Plug Tobacco... . Good Smoking Tobacco. Best Prints „ Blue Prints No.,J. Ticking *•... 25 23 08 25 44 15 30 15 5. 6 10 JtL No'2 Ticking No. 1 Best-••ani'.r....... . Enlanndried Shirts Unlaundried Shifts, best Dress Goods Best Ginghams, iu. Best Sheetins, *4 No. 2 Sheeting Mens shoes, solid.. Men's shoes fine. Children'* Shoes...... Munletj&hoea.... •... "13 ]!> .... dH .... . ,.4it3 .6, 8, 9,1* .... «7 .r;xi-- 0129 .#• 48 #2 0# 39. 48, 68 tl. Ml 29, *1 84 35, Do not pass this by as an ordinary advertisement, tor if you act on the suggestion you will visit and get a benefit at the Honda, Wsodstsek and Sandse Cash Stsns. C, F. 1IALL, Agent, GEO. w: BESLEY'S. Wlif M HENSYi. DEALER IN- 2! (M) 8iW 38 Total amount 1241 .01904 47 Amt expended during llscal vear »104I 2« Oonunissions at 2 per cent on $121173... n 83 Total amt paid out \. Balancecn hand.. $1066 09 838 38 11904 47 E O •No. 9701. Record 2:26. will be for service at the barns of George W. Owen, M«:Menry, Illinois. TERMS, $50. One half payable in Cash, balance by Note due six months from service without interest. Interest after due at 8 per cent. "Georjre O " was sired by Lakeland Abdallah 351. tty the founder of our trotting * onders old Ry8dyfees Ham bletonian, 10 D*m of George O n by Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchen, 30, record 2:23X. She pa ed at six years ol I a halt n>ile in 1:06J^ and at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. ' "George o " has hail very limited advan. tages in the stud, never having bred a stan­ dard bied mare, but his colts nre all verv speedy and sell tor long prices. He sired a two.year-old with a record of 2:49. trial X mile in 1:22 to Road Oart GEORGE W. 0WE9. McHenry, lUinoix. C. P. B4RNE8» Attorney. CTATK OF IM.INOH, Connty of McHenry. ,Y In l ircuit Court or McHenry county, to the May term, A D , 1«K). ,.^"i.-„ ̂ 11 ^ V6 John C Allen; in Chan­ cery, Kill for Divorce. Affidavit of the non residence ot said John C. Allen, the defend ant abovei named, having be*n tiled in the (Jlerk o! 8*>'l Circuit Court of M<.Henry County, notice is h. reOy ifiven to the said non-re$irtent defendant, that the itafr lnih l >'e<l "er , j i" ot < ornplitint in said v „V V«J 1" l!Hll"erv si( ,e thereof on the 31 thJ™ A ' m"' an<1 that » summon, M?,r l8sued out of said Court againn MAI RS'N"»??J,.RI!LL,RNAWE ON THE 201,1 ,1H.V » r • • as is by l,w required. Now. there t^la.'V yOU lhc 8ii i '1 John C* Atlea. saidde nnnAMr I^!-""'® 1ame '1- Bhall personally be and lVf.nrv (v? ,e 8HUi ( ' i r ui t Court* of Mc-Henrj County on the llrst dav of the nc\ lnrihe tcUv'of w'« at the Conrt Ho1" the2«tho»»«^i o< I stork, in said county on i , v ot Mav ' A- u and plead, an- oT^rn:; l i" ; 8a"' compHinant's bill attain s tHv o u °a/c S " T- 'an<1 * , l fcree ' entered against >ou according to the prayer of said In testimony whereof, r have hereunto set my band and alllxed the seal Of snid Oour~ at A.yD."l890. t l WooU8toob ' lhlB 20th day of Match N P Ri,», r> ,W - P . MORBB. C'.erk. March S° l iClU>r ' Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS, Toilet Articles, PURE WIFIS MB FOR MEDIOAt, U8iS. Also Bottled Ale and i^orter for 'Medical'use. - The best brands of Cigars an! Smoking and Chewing Tobacco alwavson hand PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS. Carefully Compounded," Give tne a call. McHenrv. December 2Kt.h. 18S7 . C. w. BESLEY. PARRY MFG. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Price, $18.00 at Factory, Cash with Order. Strictly First-Class. Wamuiied. All Second Growth Hickory. Steel Axles and Tiros. Low Kent .Seat Arms. I'erfw ilv JiMlanced. Long, Easy Riding. Oil Tetnpe i .1 spring. best Wheels and Best All Over. IF YOU CAN T FIND THBM FOR SALE BY YOUR MERCHANTS, WRITE US. ILSIOABM f23fr Agents Wanted! CIRCULARS FNW 1,000 Brewster's Safety Itein Holder* Klven away to Introduce them. K»cry borse owner buyB from I to 6. Llnfa never under horses' .Scni i&ceuin in stamps to i>av postage and packing for Nickel Plated Sample that Mils for65 cu. Bramter Mfg. Co., Bally, Miefc. Aw. Mae thffv ciitkcitie it." Don't forget that 111 Evanson'H closing out 8<il<i you will find np\v wall pajjer, new lace curtains, new oil nhades, new clothing new *ho*>«--everything new and fivah • no nlfl u+s^nb nf omr Vltwl ****** «iHUi ̂ n Corporation Election. The Annual Village Election for the village of McHenry, will be lield at the Uiiy Uall, ia said village, on Tuesday, the 15 th Day of April, 1890, At which time the following officers will be elected: ONE PRESIDENT, who shall hold his office for the tern, of one year. THREE TRUSTEE®, who shall hold office tor the term of two years. ONE TRUST,EE to fill vaean^y, caused by the Resignation of A. U. Granger, ONE VILLAGE CLEUK. OME POLICE MAGI4TRVTE. The polls of naid election will be open he. tween 8 and » o'clock in the morning and re­ main open until J. o'clock in the evening ol that day. W. A. CRISTY, Village Clerk. McHenry, 111.. March II, 1890. To All Persons Concerned. AICI I KNRV, 111., March IC, JH»O. foUce is hereby given that I havo: been appointed A; signc-e ot William Stoftel and Jouu B. B»ake. (nwrelofore fUtlng bu»me.S8 under tlie^rm name of Stoffol & Blake), and all person&Aholding any claim or demands against sunl Stoffel & Blake, are here notilied to make out and present the same to me un- deroath oraflirinHtion.^witiiin three montbs ot this (late, wlieiiier said' claims arc I'ue or not. All peraons indebted to ea«d itoflel ft Blake are requested to M ike immediate DJV. ment to me. 1 „ JOITH L STOSV, Assignee. J"OUk JP. Baq9v, * t'orner for A««igae*. . ĵ Heee I PERRY A OWEN, Bankers, MCHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Thin Bunk receives d'.ponHs. buys and xelli Foreign and Domestic Ex- chani/e. and <l'>en a General Banking Business, We endeavor to do all buttinesa en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon te:ms fiUire'y satisfactory to our customers wul respectfully solicit the public patrom'///e MONEY TO LOAN, On Heal Extate and other first class security. Special attention given to col• lections, IN SURAINCE In First Class Companies at the Lowest states. , ~ 7 Y o u r s R e s p e c t f u l f / h . PERRY & •5. E. W. BLATCHFOHI) & CO., of Chi- c»w»t have appointed Bonnlott Sc Stoffe! ?»•> 'WntHfor their fatuous Oil Meal and "all' Meal, which all farmers fjnoiild accord a I iir trial. Vwy cluts offered oa small or large lota. * >t c ,v?i K* i * 1 . f • ^ ,v i'i-i -n ' - \ -4, v.V*r: P E R R Y & O W E M - ,,h : ' '\r, 'i ̂ 1 * * While the others are SJSI jI J1 N € } - < O U T J And to prove what wie say eaM aiaa look over our immense .̂. \ i! " * hi . m"8t carefully aelecteu Stock ot high grade Merchandise whim uoea it* prlCM- B,ost ' " and Domestic ; Dreks Goods w Carpets, New Clothing * ' . I i * :T ̂ 1 ̂ f * ' -W " ^ *. , M1 To close out a few odds we have made some big reductions in our Clothing stock and can giVe you . SEVERAL BARGAINS We will continue this week selling 18 lbs. choice whole Rice, $1; 8 bars 5c Soap, 25c; 5 lbs. good Starch, 25c; 3 dox. Clothes Pins, 5c. Megant neW ISatines, worth lBc BHES8 { At 8c, 10c and 12^c, in beautiful patterns. Call and see ust - P E R R Y & O W E N . The undersigned Assignee of the firm of STOFFEL & BLAKE, who were doing business in the Riverside Block is now offering their entire stock, consisting of Groceries, . HATS AHB 'CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, 1TC., t , AT COST ̂ AND L ' f O R O A S This stock is large and comprises everything usually kept in a General Store, and must be sold in the least possible time. IF YOU ARE IN SEARCH This is an opportunity that you should not pass. Remember these Goods must be sold and at once and if you wish to get any of the benefits arising from this sale, you should not delay, but call at once, and save money by. so doing. jJOHN I. STORY, Are now or osir ahelves an' offered in the most fxshionahle shades and fabrics, in price* • rrom 25c. to f!.2." per yard, and especially ap. pmprlate tor Easier or Wedding Outfits. We : o f f e r s g r e a t h a r d t i m e b a r g a i n i n 1 0 j i i e c e s • ; nch Dress ftj»ods at 25c, in the newest shades 1(0 yards stanoard f riata edf Se'TDSf TSfll4' Inspect onr stock ot ' - * - Velvety ^Plushes i 'i v * ' . \ ^ .• , t -S " % at teasonahle prices. Beetled or Silk Pat- ten or section Trimmings. Biw Prints, Itv Singhmi New Sat teens, New Domestics, Rock ford * ^ | Warps. Last-week alone we i>la> ed «I800 wortn of fashionable, new, well made sail most satisfactory wearing, never rip Spring On our tables, including all sizes from age S to sice 48and ranging in price irom #1.66 to per suit, in 2 piece suits, squire cat, sacks Oheateriields, Prince Albert, kor 4 button Cut­ away suita, m a great variety of taking styles and at prices only offered "by those huvinic ongttnd successful experieaee tit.tnty tog attU selUng relit *>le Clothing Wedding Suits a Specialty. < onflrmation Suits our success. Boys? quits * 1.65, 1.00. 2 50. a oo. a SO to 12 00 Mens duits $4.40, 6.00, 6.25, 8.00, 10.00 to WW, ? Spring Overcoats, fancy odd Pant^. .jj- SpriDg sty lea ut bead ware. Wefiave just received an immense out lav of strictly stylish Hats, Caps ind Furnishing / . Goods which we oought verv close and sell'^f 1 he -ame way. See the Bull Dog, Itazzle Dazzle, 'Nobrask and Jim Dandy Hats which represent the latest ideas. Over 1500 Yards Choice, Elegant, New . AND RUGS, Which we carry in good variety and matt h to rooms accurately at very tow prices. New Trunks, new Valises in good assort menfc-M,'#t4endly figure*. •„ .. HATS 13 S0BSEB9, Decorations. Oeiling Papers, Flocks, Flit- tera. etc. Over 20C designs, always trimmed ., ;v,4. tree while yon go to see a man. Borders . from IX to is Inches. Price from 8c to 91 * ,; fi­ ller double roll; elegant styles. " •'* Great drives in all color, 10 ring Onrtaln " Poles, eomplete for only 25c. Also extra -, J} long poles for bay windows and double door*. > LACE CURTAINS* 1 Scrim Oloth, tOil Shades, elegantly deco- 5 • ;':" •ratetl oil shades, mounted oa good fixtures for 1 < "• 850, 420, 470,570 10 850. each complete. See them. • "J \A ; Continue to Buy > The famous Beloit Overalls. Jackets Snirts. Vests. Pants, etalways as repre­ sented, always cheap, always good and war­ rant#!; Oar stock is oompiete. Rubbers, etc. Our Spring stock of ths well known O. H. Fargo iOo. custom mad® footwear is larger than ever, with later style8 more assortment, and a reduction in price all along the line. Wear the Candee bobber Goods • Clean, Staodavd GROCERIES, Are HUvfly B in our house At closest Hrhtff ijtialily cou^hlere Stand*rd orHted Blacfcberriea, 7c; beat dried Apple® 7c; choice Qo'tura ilaisintt, 9; good Hice, 4c; good Codfish, 4c; goo<I roasted Coffee* 44c; good whole (eat tea. goo4 line cutor plissr i'o- oa«co, 25i.;; fully wurrauied uooeat or Ciso.octte Fjlour, $1 per sack delivered fsee in town, i We solicit and "!wi|l All a|t special orders with despatch and experlente, every Thursday, rain or shine. ASSICNEE. filvetal^le 6ldck. Mc «ktv, Hf;

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