fv^i^wp' ifrk'.^.. V <<*•• ry„ • -* .TOT"" "" 1 6 '"W ^ . ~F* 'Trw* *? v * / ' ' " ' ' * ; } * ' \ ' ^ ,V1Sr*Wflft..'S 'M8P! ••or- "'w^r nr'rr .,. .kVi' " J / . - >v»> - '4 »iji;' .'/ '..,: ->"•*? *ri4^ % 'f ,-+ .>,»*•* - **„#V v '> C ' ,* •C Jn ?J ' *>• $-'y ;'M :v/A: ^7 Is -t t** i, - ¥ , -« . tl 1 r . A'-.' $ ,' ?V, ' &_ v-\ E.!.; *+^ ^1 fC' - ^ , s1, & Owing to the poor health of l^r. Stevens, the Entire Stock of Stevens & Miller will be i*1. ' ? , vt' §1 sip - " r }Jt? V*' •} |* x 'q ,j ^ ;A**: 'k^lyV * yl . " " ' . * % .'<* K* P JL VL- „ • JL JLl^^ J^JL I " *--^h j.'iy _ „ . . . PJ4 Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Oil Cloths. Underwear, Groceries, or anything 6lse pertaining to a general store. All of the above lines are full and com lete in every department. We ask you one and all to call while the Stock is complete and share these great •stt^ / ' t o ^ These goods are all Iresh and new, und will be sold at absolute first cost price. Hoping tfo you all for 20 miles around, as it will surely pay you to come that distance, we remain, as ever, flJ "l IS<•; ' ^v. f"' ^ ^ J.!l . . . byt ' &L... li... = WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. * • : S3K«tc W, C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. , Articles and Notices under the above head •re furnished by the Ladies of the W. C T. U. fnd ttie Editor claims no part or credit for the same.] , M :; _ The Idonue System a Falsehood. | - That our license system restrains in temperance is a falsehood so bald that it excites our special wonder. The very mucliinery of drunkenness not responsi- ; .ble for the products of its movements! Our authorities might as well circulate the virus of the small-pox, and then , claim that their action was designed to remove the infection! Or make the breeding of vipers a lawful business, for ' r the sake of suppressing the reptiles! The intemperance which shadows our land and race, is the legitimate effect of regu lation. None will pretend that illicit whisky is more apt to produce drunken- i ness than that of the licensed dramshop. :; The 500,000 drunkards of this nation are creatures of law. Fifty thousand of : them probably, every twelve months, die ; by law. By these new graves, while look ing upon the beggared hosts of widow- hood and orphanage; upon our squalid j ; paupers and hardened felons; the army of living drunkards; in the midst of wide- / spread violence and litigation; of mur der by day and assassination by night, the friends of this system still advocate ? ; "regulation." Such have been the re sults of more than two • ages o! regula- . > tion. In the name of humanity how many ages more will it need to make a L wrong right, and its effects harmless --Thurlow W. Brown. r i f f i Wrt" •.' Br pj5 ~ • ^ ¥r < y-p :• . SA^- m-'Sm ?! H' isl'v MILES' MiRVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on the liver, stomach and bowels througl the nerves. A new principle. The.v speed ' ilycurebiliousness, bad taste, torpid liver piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples ' at Qeo. W. Besley's. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptions, and posi r tively cures piles, or no pay required. It , is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by 6. W. Besley. F. K. CRAWCER, . General Auctioneer. Sales of Real Estate, Stock, Farming Tools, Household Furniture, and Goods of all kinds attended to on the mostreas onable terms. Orders by mail will receive prompt at tention. Addrem. F K Granges West Mc Henry CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS ij&ve received from E. Lawlus, tailor, orders for 14 suits up to Nov. 29, 1880 Good fits, low prices and the best of goods is what you all want. Gall m.and see the large book of sample. FOR SALE. r > A goou house and two lots situated in this village. House contains five good sized rooms, with necessary closets, pan try, etc. Good well and cistern, wood- died, barn and other outbuildings. House nearly new and all surroundings in good repair. Will be sold cheap if sold at once. For farther particulars inquire ;r, . . . . i I*-*' ' STORY & McOMBER, ® ' j '• Successorg to VV l? Steyon*< West McHenry, Having purchased the Hardware stock of W. P. Stevens we have replenished the stock an l are now prepared to show our friends 'ind he pnh Ic generally as complete a -stockof : SHELF ADTD HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves Tin Copper and Sheet-Iron ^fare. As can be found in McHenry County, -AT BOTTOM PRICES. OrOBBXIfO. AN1 BIFAIUNC; Will be done on short Notice and Satisfaction (Guaranteed. A peciulty of Hutter Factory work. A share of public patronage espdctfully solicited. . We earnestly solicit an inspection oi our new stock of Wall Paper which is complete and worthy of your inspection. OUR PRICES ARE THE Lb WEST WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. kxi&QW better than evf i prepared to ofl^r you ,;.rn GREAT BARGAINS In all inds of Goods. vVeraean business and will Sfiya you Low*, er Prices thau ever before otfered in L ie Couu.ty.< * ^ -OUR STOCK OF-ta- •i*"1 . STOtiY & M'OMBER, West McHenry, Dec. 10, 13^9, GEO. W. BESLEY'S. aid J. . Gristy & Son, RINGWOOD. ILL. General Merchandise ^ as never ^iore complete than now. Call and get our Priots before purchasing elsewhere era in sums from $L up. „ * ^ ! JACOB BONSLETT. OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MIL. MPIIEIWY, : s ILLIIVOIS. KCAI.BR IN wi§t DKALKB IN Brugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS* Toilet Articles, . -i^URR. WIN MS ANB LJ(|UOES, FOB MEDICAL USB. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use1. The best brands ot Cigars and Sniofcing and .Chewing Tobacco always on hand. * ' - • " Purchased f »r Cash, all ol which will be sold as low as the maret m A OF STOTMS COLDINC BROTHERS. (•"HiSfhoat i>clc3t Piriso paid ffoir Farm Prodnee. --» ' ,.j .it....uj I - " * 1 * •' • vi JBUA A. BIOBI, (One Door Westjof Riverside Housef) / » • • " MclIENItY, . {TLMJIOIS. - "t -DEAL BR IN • s'1-fMi. |.K .r - PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, GlVe me a call. McHenry. December 2uth. 1887. • c. W» PUCSUKY-J * - ' ' \ " - k V • 'K Oakland and otiieu kinds. Gall and see our Gasolene Stoves. GL1S OF ALL IJS C3JT TANTLY ON HAND. TBi mmmv miki&m Tii the »la.rl*et, at Bottom Ffiocp* JOSBIWO. AND REPAIRING Will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed A rjj^ejufuU* solicited. , - mmm. i£t~ Dr u g s . Me d i e I n e s • / • w---A tfULL LINK OF -- Drags, Chtmic&ls, Ly« Sto&i, Paista, Dili Constantly on hand Also a large line vf * - * Patent Medicines ̂ Toilet Articedi « ;--w- AND COMPLETE STOCK OF-- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Physicians "-Cfl ill •: > Si.4' ft tj • a* ' , * * ,* ' . . y, t * ' '* * •« \ 'j * 4 Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma "•?; ctaU Toiuj^9|M^i?^Jrctf,%liicited- >: ' JUttAA.ftTCRY ^ » 1 •$§imk A'a ;