1 V J «• - "* m» • : • ?.°: ' '*: __ . \ ! *vr, i^*-'^*' ~ • \v.^ 1890. (NESDAY, APRIL jr. VAN SLYKE, iSclitor* ISIS PAPER Si'X .%r°p" itOWKLL ft CO.y Newspaper Advertising tturenn (10 Spruce Street), where advertising -"•Z-a'KNEW YORK. m: £v.?, vmh*'? •V, s's"*1" 4. COUNTY POLITICS. One week from next Tuesday, the 29 tb, It the time set for holding the Republican County Con vention, and consequently the candidates for the different offices to be filled are more than ever active in their oanvaKH "and their claims are being dis eased pro and con in almost every school district in the county. With two excep tions there are from two to four candi dates for each office to be filled, and con sequently the canvass is spirited all along the line. Where there are so manyj good in en presented, it is sometimes hard to choose, but at the same time each has his -personal preference, and we believe When the convention meets they will not lie long in making their choice, and will yrcsent to the voters of McHenry county, ift ticket composed of solid representative men of the Republican Party, a majority of whom will, be veterans, who done pctive service at the front when oar. flag : . was iu danger. FOB COUNTY TREASURER McHenry presents the name of JAMBS B. FERRY, as a man in every way qualified l&r the position. A man who has filled many places of honor and trust in Ills town, and in not one single instance .•has he been found wanting. Honest imd upright in all his' dealings, $n ardent and enthusiastic Republican, ^ he served his country faithfully at the front during the dark days of the ^Rebellion, and presents a record clean from beginning to end. We believe his -domination and election would be an ; lion or to the County, and if we read the signs of the times aright, he will be notn- : Jtiated on the 29th by an overwhelming .-'Majority. , • * JOHN L. HIBBARD, of Greenwood, Is also a candidate for the office of Treas urer, and we have not one word against Mm. We have known him for several i, and believe him to be an honest, . upright man, an ardent Republican, and wuui who, under other circumstances, ;;;we should be glad to support. He is ' making a clean canvass and whether he wins or not will still be a Republican. F FOR-COCNTY CLERK COL. WM. AVEBY, the present incumbent, has no opposition, and will probably be renominated by acclamation at thecom- I&g Convention. Col. Avery has filled the office in the past with honor to him- •elt, and to the perfect satisfaction of the jHople, and we are pleased ihat his.effi- riiorgy and integrity, and would honor any position to which he might be called* He has hosts of friends throughout the county who wobUl be glad to see hint honored by the nomination which he seeks. HON. IRA K. ITRTIS, Of Marengo, has also announced that he in a candidate for the Judgeship. Mr. Curtis has held the office of State's Attor ney in this county, aud has also repre sented the Eighth Senatorial District in both the upper and lower Houses of our State Legislature. He is a in an of ma ture years, sound judgment, and one of the best Probate Lawyers in this p.trt of the State. How much of a canvass he has made or what his chances are, we are unable to day. M. P. ELLSWORTH, of Nunda, also an nounces himself as an Independent candi date for the office of Judge. See his no tice in another column. FOR SHERIFF. . There are three Candida tew, vi*: Henry Keyes, of Algonquin, Asad Udell, of Har vard, and someone from Marengo. HENRY KEYES is one of Algonquin's honored citizens, an old soldier who did gall Ant service at the front, a sound and consistent Republican mid a man in every way competent t6 fill the office for which he aspires with honor to himself and the people. He will go into the Con vention with a strong following. ASAD UDELL needs no introduction to the voters of McHenry County, having filled the office of Sheriff for one term, and gave such geueral satisfaction that he is frequently alluded to as one of the best Sheriffs McHenry County ever had. He has many friends throughout the county who will do all in their power to aid him in his canvass. He is also an old soldier and counts many warm friends among the old vets. • The Marengo man is a stranger to aa, not even kqowing his name, and as he has not aunounced himself in this part of the county, we are uninformed as to his fitness or unfitness for the place. We doubt not, however, that he is a good man, as Marengo never sends out any other. " 7 FOR SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS. The last but not the least in impor tance is County Superiutenden t of Schools, for which there are three candidates, viz.: Lester Barber, the present incumbent, J, A--Sheldon, of Huntley, and W. E. Wire, ol Hebron. PROF. BARBER, the present Superin tendent, is a candidate for re-election to the office he has so creditably filled, and from all. parts of the county we hear uotbing but words of encouragement in his behalf. Below we give'a few extracts from our exchanges which we think voices the general sentiment: Mr. Lester barber) of Marengo, was in Harvard Friday conducting teachers' ex aminations. Mr. Barber is endeavoring to secure a re-nomination for County Superintendent of Schools. His natural mm mmm. EVANSONS Va> If - t r , i We are still in the Procession ! ^ • I' y-j| No necessity for ynu to travel mihd out of your way to buy your Spring outfit for essh. No need we repeat to take the cash out of your neighborhood, expecting to exchange' it for more or better merchandise for the dollar than we offer >ou. Ol course you understand that we are just now trying- to convert our Spring stock into cash, and while this is going on w* are the loosers while you are saving on every purchase. Not much need of news paper blowing about it, but to prove yoa atn do better under the circumstances # ' : tar otxit Than even at "way tip" cash dealers, tre name a few prices also for your comparison. Standard Gran. Sugar kxtra H " Good Green Coffee •* Ground " •*- Roasted " Fine Teas Good Plug Tobacco " Smoking •* Prints, good quality Ginghams Mens Shoes " " fine Ladies «« " " •• course 6 3-4 6 1-4 20 20 25 23 2H 14 3 l-«lo5 6 1-2 $1 15 2 00 2 15 1 25 20 poun ' rl^\ * vj eacti€« Rice Prunes ' lilicRberiuej Raising *4 < >i 11 cans Pie Peaches 5 5 fi 11 12 Cat Table Peaches " Cherries t: Apricot atoeb In black and colored Otfthfti&es and Herilietta Cloth*, town Plaids and plain goods* Lace Curtain*, Qil Shades, *tc. Wall Paper! f / ' * * * I oupri lutcuucui' ui ̂ uuuio. 1110 ucxuuicu dent services are to btyfp&gnized in such I ability and exceptional experience in this ( __ _ 1_ . *' j * P - - • j T_ * I rwfti ici a u I *• in lua Iiiitt <%n |fel^|he ( ^•I^Bl th< suffi m/ffm re Keput :# maDiier as must be gratifying to him. e Colonel was at the front through the darkest days of the Rebellion, and suffering to-day from wounds inflicted rebel lead. Such are the men that blicans delight to honor, and the Ite-nomination of Col. Avery to the re- ||)onsible office of County Clerk will be , |rat a just recognition of a worthy man. > The Marengo Republican says: Y Col. Wm. Avery, who is both a very and popular County Clerk, will _ doubtless receive a re-nomination at the ^jf\. ; County Convention. His efficiency, Peoopled with the fact that he served hit-v > country faithfully and wears honorable fe- 'jt,(Wounds received in her defense, will in- unre him a place on the County ticket. tM;.' ^ W*e have not learned as there is any op- & • , ' position to his candidacy, from any part 'of the County. FEV COUKFY JUDGE t- - ' ii't The next office of importance is that of County Judge, and we are not sure but of more importance them any of the others. For this office there are three aspirants vis: Chas. P. Barnes and Chas. H. Don nelly, of Woodstock, and Ira R. Curtis, of Marengo, all good men, but as but one can be chosen, the delegates to assemble in County Convention must make the choice. CHAS. P. BARNES, as we have before said in these columns, is a rising young lawyer at the county seat, who ha* worked his way to the top round of the ladder by his own personal exertions, and has shown abilities second to no man of bis age in the profession. He has made a strong and clean canvass and we be lieve stands to-day before the Republi- can voters without a single black mark against him. Just before going to press we received the following from one of his many friends with a request to publish, which we do entire. It originally appear ed in one of our county exchanges: Three candidates for County Judge in the field, each anxious to secure the nom ination. Captains C. P. Barnes and C. H. Donnelly, of Woodstock, and the Hon. Ira R. Curtis, of Marengo. That each one is an able lawyer and well qualified to lilt the position, no one can question. The nearer the time approaches for hold ing the Convention, the stronger the friends of Captain Barnes are in their be lief that he will be the nominee of the Convention. He has a law practice sec ond to no lawyer in McHenry County, and has reached the front ranks of his profession by strict integrity and perse verance, without wealth or influential friends to assist him. He has done good work for his party, and is now and al ways has been, a strong temperance man. His friends in all parts of the county are watching with intense interest the strug gle between him and Mr. Donnelly in the town of Dorr. Mr. Barnes has always been true to his party, in National, State Township and Municipal elections, and we predict that in the approaching con test the Republicans of Dorr will endorse him in such a hearty manner as to show that they prefer true Republicanism to "Mugwumpism," and that a man who has helped theDemocratsandMugwumps to defeat some of the best Republicans ol his town, has no right to call upon Re publicans to endorst him for any office, much lees for the office of County Judge ol McHenry County. CHAS. H; DONNELLY. Also of Woodstock, aspires to the Judgeship, and his friends point with a just pride to his record and ask that he receive due consideration at the hands of the Republican voters of the county. He is well and favorably known throughout young man of ability office is a strong point in his favor. The honest name he bears among his fellow- men is also an important recommenda tion. While not possessing the finesse of: the intriguing politician, he can go' among the people of this county with hi* manly, honest bearing and inspire confi dence, respect and support. Lester Bar ber has made an exceptionally fine Coun- j ty Superintendent aud the schools >/t Mclienry county, which claim his undivid ed attention, will be greatly improved in the next four years by re-nominating. -- him as Superintendent. He is popular with the people and is the choice of the educators of the county.--Harvard Herahl. The above is a very fine compliment to Mr. Barber, but it is not overdrawn. The schools throughout the county have prospered well under Mr. Barber's wise and judicious administration aud present the strongest argument for his fitness for re-election. The office is one of the most important in the county, and it has been so well filled by Mr. Barber that his nom ination in the coming convention should not in any respect be subject to any intri gue for the advancmentof candidates for other offices. The voice of the people ip pronounced for Mr. Barber for County Superintendent of Schools. We sincerely hope and believe that he wiD be re-nomi noted.--Marengo Republican. "Lester Barber, of Marengo, presents his name by announcement iu this paper, for re-election to the office of County Sup erintendent of Schools. Mr. Barber has proved a faithful, conscientious and effic ent officer in looking after the best in terests of Schools throughout McHenry County. No higher commendation than this could be given him in calling atten tion to his candidacy for that responsible position. Mr. Barber's gentlemanly de portment on all occassions has won for him the kindly regards of our citizens The Republican County convention will duly consider his wishes when making the nomina tion."--Harvaivl Independent. J. A. SHELDON, Principal ot the Huntley Public School, has taught successfully in this county for many years, and stands before the people to-day as one of the foremost teachers in McHenry county He has made school work a study, and should he receive the nomination, would fill the office ably and well and to the en tire satisfaction of all. W. E. WIBE, Principal of the Hebron School, is also a gentleman who has spent many years in the school room, is a successful educator and has many friends who will give him theirJiearty support for the position he seeks. W e have thus briefly mentioned all the candidates for the different offices which have come to our knowledge. If any have "got away," we will attempt to capture them before our next issuii. FOB. REPRESENTATIVE. For Representative in the lower House of our State legislature Hon. G. South worth, seems to have no opposition and will undoubtedly be re-nominated by acclamation at the coming Senatorial Convention. It has been customary to return a member a second term,and as is generally conceded that Mr. South worth made a good member, making himself useful as well as ornamental, he has announced himself as a candidate and will "get there" without opposition. Corn 32 bars Soap Men's Pants Boy's Knee Pants •1 00 1 00 I 00 .1 00 *00 1 00 too 100 1 00 I 00 Moo 00 00 25 V".. ' ISfiite • While the others are L. I If OF And to prove what we say call and look over our immense stock of Ne?w^*arpe ts, New Clothing ' ; ,,f i.- . iJiisi" 1 ung1 CrO, BESPECTFCULY, John Evansop & 04 ' , * - f# r , At 8c, 10c and 123^c» in beautiful patterns. Call and see us. P E R R Y & O W E N . DO YOU' PLAN TO MAKE YOIWI And you can't afford to do otherwise when you know the in ducements offered by the Mundu, Woodstock aud Dundee Cash Stofesof C. F. Hall, Agent. The stores are fitted with a choice and well-selected stock of Dry Goods; Clothing, Boots and Saoes, Hats and Caps, Groceries, etc. Sold fbr.Cuh Only ud Gm Ptlct to AIL We are sending out this "ad" to reach the far-off trade not naturally coming to us. The home tiade knows a good thin* when it sees it, and naturally come to us, but we want more trade, and so say to you come and we will give you a rousing benefit. Our cash bought merchandise is worth the attention of every cash buyer, and we guarantee a saving on every item offerod. We occupy a large double store at Nunda, and with good goods and good light to snow, you should call and get the rates. Parties coming by rail and buying ten dollars' worth ot Merchandise we would say we will allow you two railroad fares within a.distance of twenty-five miles, and guarantee satisfaction in all cases. Do you buy for cash, or do long prices and long credit suit you best? Do you live a month behind or a month ahead all you live*? • Our plan will please you, and our prices, too, for our'a is not to see how much we mn get for an article but at how small a price we can sell it. With three large stores under our management we carry the most complete line of Dry Goods to be found in any section, and our Clothing Stock for men and boys is complete. We sell a boyV suit, age 4 to 12 years, at i)8 cents, which is solid and substantial, and if you want something more noboy our suits at $1.29, $148, $1.69, $1.H8 will be just one-half the rates charged by credit dealers. We are making our prices in all lines tell on high credit rates, and vou should share in the benefits. Our Grocery stock is always fresh and inviting, and our rates are much below our credit com- petitors in all cases. o We have in years f>ast gained the reputation of a bargain store and that name will be fully sustained. ^ cloig 6ut a few odds we have made some big reductions in our Clothing stock and can give you SEVERAL BARGAINS. •WStrtrawHttne this waeS selling 18 lbs. choice whole Rice, $1; 8 bars 3c Soap, 25c; 5 lbs. good 11 rch, 25c; 3 dox. Clothes Pins, 5c. Elegant new Satines, worth 15c per yard for 12^0. Pull line new SPRING fi'<v -• • * ty* . , • * * ^- IV v Of* Urge and most carefully a«ioet«D itoek With Merchandise wbi*h «MM 11* blowing to rough clote prioe*, and n,Mt bctorjr coneu g ption. -t % Dress Goods "V - Are now or our shelves an > offered in theS moet finhionahla ahadesand fabrics, in prices ?? from 25<i tof 1.25 per y*ir<i, and especially ap propriate lor Easter or Wedding Outfits. We- offer a great liarrl time bargain in 10 pieces 3C 'nch Dress Goorle at 25c, in the newest shades' 100 yards standard Prints only 5c per yard. • .. u t *• * / , j, ^ -•, *- „ Snrrabs. Silks, Sstteens, to mate* Dress Hoods *f. 4 at toasonahle prices. B«*d«d «r ttlk Ftl. ton or section Trimmings. " Prints, In fiinghat ̂ 1'" ^ ' "• j - New Battcens, New Domestios, Rock ford' Warps. 'LaHt week alone wo placed t'Uuo worth of laRhionaole, new, well madedaa aio«» aatMfactory woartng. noyor ppring; THIS ADVERTISEMENT Soyt that anything in the line of COAL & FEED Can be bought CHEAPER FOR CASH ---AT-- W. A. CRISTY'S, Than any other place in town. Car Lota a specialty. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, in West McHenry. REMEMBER THE PLACE. iSrVThe Elgin butter market was active Monday, prices declining 2 cents. Thesalea were 4,740 pounds at 17 cents, and 40,860 pounds at 18 cents. < r.ii.'ft;" f "• s» .ui , , . ,»i All the late spring-tooth pulverisem and cultivators at E. M. Owen & Son's. .. ' ":^r" Sugars, way dowf No, i Cofl'ee. best;.,.. No, 2 Coffee Best Rice Good Tea 5»cent Tea No 1 Baking Powder Good Plug Tobacco Good Smoking Tobacco Best Prints . Blue Prints No. 1 Ticking a*' 3S 44 .15 8U 1ft 4, ft. « 10 Hi No 2 Ticking . No. I Best .-am;y....... i KnlaiiTnlricrl Shirtsi...... ITnlaundrted Shirts,best. Dicss Goods Best Ginichams Best Sheeting, 4.4.... ... No, 2 Sheeting ... .. Mens shoes, solid Men's Shoes line....,., ,, Ohtldren't .Shoes M.isset Shoea . :4,\ M IB 48 6H », l(i <'7 .. CS *'29 . .»'4« *2()« . 85, 89. 48. •1, *1 33, <1 *4 We show the most complete stock in all lines in McHenry Coitn y Do not pass this by as an ordinary advertisement, tor if y«u act on the suggestion you will visit and get a benefit at the . Yonda, Woodstock and Euadtt Cuh Stom. a-, '4>,' ,1.-* ; *' p.- IT. 11ALL, Agent, . . ' . ' I the family, and with anmrsr-tnniw coolncss related every detail of thG ter rlble tragedy. Your correspondent met the chief ai he was on the way to the girl's cell. "I am going to try and wind up this Newland poisoning case," said he. "I will mane the girl tell all Sue knows this morniug if I remain hero until noon." "Good morning, Emma," said the chief. "How are you feeling?" "Oh, chief, do come and talk with me," said the miserable young woman, *Tm afraid mv timo has come. I an| C. P. B4RNE8, Attorney^1 STATE OF 1LI.IKOH, County Ot McHenry. In Circuit Court ot McHenry county, to the May term, A D , 1890 Bell 8 Allen vs John 0 Allen; in Chan cery, Kill for Divorce. Affidavit of the non. reddence of said John C. Allen, the defend unt above named, having hen riled in the 'dflcc of the Clerk of 8%id Circuit Court of McHenry County, notice Is hereby given to ihe said non-resident defendant, that Ihe com pi unnnt filed tier bill of complaint in said Oourton the Jhancery side thereof on the 3i lay of March, A' I>, ISHo, and that a numnions thereupon issued out of said Court again*t <8id defendant, returnable on the 2(>th day ol Vlay. lHiK), as is by I «w required. Now, there fore, unlens you the said John C. Alien, saiddo fendant aix>ve name*i. s^.ill personalty be ana • npeiir before the sind <Hr uit Court of Mc Henry County on the tirst day of the next term theieof, to be holden at the Court Hout e m the city of W<"Ofistock, in said county on the 2tfth day of May, A. D., and pleail, an swer or demur to the said complainant's bill B O (No. 9701. Record 3)26. .Wl i^e for servir.e at the barns of George W. Owen, McHenry, Illinois. t TERMS, $50. ©i* fell payable in Cash, balance tty WSte due six months from service without interest, Interest after due at 8 per cent. "GeorgeO " svas sired by lakeland AMallah 801. by the founder of our trotting wonders, old Kysdykes Hambletonian, 10 D.iin 01 George O is liy Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchen, 30, record She paced at six years ol I a half mile iu l:08Ji, and at 17 years a full mile in 2:27. "George O " haa had very limited advan tages in the stud, never having bred a stan dard bied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell tor long prices. He sired a two-year-old with a record of 2:49, trial % mile in 1:22 to Road Oart. • GEOBGK W. OWE* McHenry, Illinato. J. Barbian. J- J.8*rbiaa BAR8IAN BROS. Wholesale and Retail DEALEBS IN FINE CIGARS, McHENRY ILLINOIS. Saving leased the brick building one door South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobacco of tike best brands. Pipes a Specialty. We have a very large assortment and some •ery handsome patterns. CALL AND SEE US. BABSlAN BKOflk McHenry, NovemberJ13tb, 1888. 'fp On our tables, including all sizes from agei .' <o size 48and ranging in priee Irom fl.SO to ill Iter suit, in 2 piece suits, squire eat, sacki Ohestertields, Prince Albert, ,or 4 button Cuw. away suits, in a gre.tt variety of taking 8tyle# and at prices only offered "by those having °ns «"'• successful ex^iQacs f J selling reile'iie Clothing Wedding Suitt si Specfatty. « ondrmation Snita onr snccess. BoyC Pnits # 1.65, 1.90, 2 50, 3 00. 3 6C to 12 00 MeMMl Suits J*. 40.6 00, 6,i5, 8.00, 10.00 to Hi 00. . • Spring Overcoats, rancy odd Pants.; Spriiig styles ji)t,bead ware. ' | We have just received an immense ontlaf of Rtrietly stylish Hats, Oaps and Furnisbint ' Geo is which we bought very close and sefl " ihe 'arae way. See the Bull Dog, Razzli Dazzle, 'Nebrask and Jim Dandy Hate which represent the latest ideas. % Over 1500 Yards ..." 1 . - Hoice, Elegant, New ( AND RUGS, Which we carry in good variety and mfttck t-» rooms accurately at very low prices. New Trunks, new Valises In good assort?; mentat fiiend'y iigures, , . ^ N'ur»ery Stock. A P H| TT^£ to canvn9® ft»r fhe sale Km iw I of our Home-Grown WANTED UNEQUALKD FACILITIES. One of the largest, oldest-established, and best kuown Nurseriei in the country Address, IK. ife T. SMITH, Geneva Nursery, Established in 1840. Geneva, N. Y. MEN WANTE0. To represent our well-known nursery in this county, tor town and country trad*. Good pay weekly. A steady position with a nur sery ot over thirty years' standing, ami tt kr.ow.. responsibility. We want good, lively PB?rnir«ri' a", w,'11 , ,a7 well, (iooii references required. Apply quick, stating age. jw™OC AS*! COMPANY. 87 mg Chicago, III. THE TREE IMP roves the Homestead. . . "tC ,mr Improve yours by planting the Black ills Spruce, a tree lirst discovered near Bear Butte and the Iron Mill region of outti Dakota Brought to North uton veara since by Go la Hunt- A Great Success! With fine foliage, compaot form, good color* ease ot transplanting perfect harniness, it is ot complaint, the saine, and tho matters and j^I^r kkmun tll° VKK* BE8X things therein charged ind stateii, will be ' - tor Prairie seouons taken as confcwed. and a dccree entered igitinst you according to the prayer of said bill. in testimony whereof, I have hereunto set oy hand ami afllxcd the eeal of snid (/'our ., at my otlice in Woodstock, this 20th day of March A. !>., Irt90. , W. P. MORSE, Olerk. O. P. BARNEC, Complainant's Solicitor. March 20th, A. D., 1890. . V ? li.Ui. ' iSI E. W. BLATCHFORD & CO., of Chi cago, have appointed Bonelett & Stoffel of W^it MeHeury, agents for their famous Oil Meal and Calf Meal, which all farmers should accord a fair trial. Very close prices are offered oa small or large lots. .i '. ""?< ? h : iranspantcil trees, « to 12 inches, stocky, with good, #2 Oil per 6, #4 00 per 12, by mall. Fresh trees from the Hills, 6 to 12 iucbes, •s.00 for 50, *6 00 for loo. Well parked arid prepaid. i,»w rates by the 1000 Order now cat iloguc t'roo. Also grower of all kinds of fruit and ornaraentai trees. Evergreens and ^al^faults a specialty. Address E. HINKJL.GR, : • General Nurseryman MarcuSy Iowa. Bead our new advertisement. STKVENB & MIULKK, West IftcHwuy. KATBIO BOMBS, Decorations Ceiling Papers, Flocks, FtitT •• ters. etc. Over 20Cdesigns, always trimmell tree while you go to sec a man. Boniorf: from \% to 19 inches. Price from Sc to | | per double roll; elegant styles. _ Grea{. drives in all color, 10 ring CurtalfcT Poles, complete for only 25c, Also «*trj|v long poles for bay windows and double door* LACE CURTAINS, ' Scrim Cloth, lOll Shades; elegantly deoQ»<; rated oil shades, mounted oa good fixtures fop A' ; 35c, 42c, 47c, 57c to 8Sc, them. each complete. (ef Continue to The famous Betott Overalls. Jae^etf Shirts. Vests. Pants, et>„ always as repref.-.:, sented, si ways cheap, always good and 'V < ranted. Our stock is complete. Wubbers, etc. Our Spring stock of th# well known C. H. Fargo A Co. custom madf footwear is larger than ever, with later stylel11- more assortment, ami a reduction in price all Cande«iMubber CTIean* i ; • Standard <' t | £2», Are always in our house at closest prioe8,quaUiy considere d Standard Evap-f orated Black berries, 7c; beat dried Apples 7c 'A 4« e.°n,lura Raisins. 3; good Rice, 4c; goo<^;A«v, Godnsh, 4c; goo<l roasted Coffee, Sic; gcod|s%^ whole leaf tea, 25c; goe-1 fine cut or plua XoJv«H> bacco, 25«; fully warranted nonest Abe or)- »'•»' Ciscoette Flour, il per sack delivered fsee' in town. We solu-it and *wi|t All ajl speciaf. V ': orders with despatch and experience, every, if Thursday, rain or shine. i l8 ^ f fid