Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1890, p. 10

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7 *rwr~*. ' , A* \ s •*$> ̂ .|R VY> „ * , # c ̂ r^w^F;: j,' I W™ ' > ..f . 1 'I'lDIi 'M-l^l ."Jl'..j,"»">1 " «l , -'-> .» y ' T, 1 -tf*' "<*> ;t- *•*# i * •'Vgi Tivxr. •,?.;• '.5 "jf? J'**« V 4* r\U I ' * - I ^ ; £*5%* k : f * >•?* ' e>*« 7. "*v ">1 ,*•;%$ . f. 1 - . , M '••••!'. "«• -'* • J& ,. J?1- ,. ^ , \ ,r, ' ' ' s*,: * H ' <£ 4J5»& ^ ,'""v ftWfegfc *« //•ii • trl& J", "* ' >- <V 1 -£ !,4' '̂ '•* IV f\ * f* j :*,t <1 ^*" iV |\; ; . w Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Oil Cloths. Underwear, urfoceries, or anything else pertaining to a general store. All of the above lines are full and com­ plete in every department. We ask you one and all to call while the Stock is complete and share in these great «* are all tresh and new, wA. 0i'4-'^A-%: •• ' :Z,W_ ' -„-V £/ " ® i*'";.. Tjji'jfeg : "3|] :: %• J?;. , * d \3< Hoping to see ^ ^ - -- ^ ^ •-- •• ^ ^ ^ *; • "*s^- , as it will surely pay you to come that distance, we remain, as ever! itet WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS. W. C. T. U. DEPARTMENT. it. ¥ • 4$v Tjf -,t-" -- ---- W; :> (Articles and Notices under the above bead $y. ', * Ore fuinished by the Ladies of the W. C T. U. £<,•' »$d the Elitor claims bo part or credit for tie same.} . The Ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet Iftfeh Mrs. Albert Colby, Thursday af- x |«rnooa, at 2:30 o'clock. " ' ^ ' Mhs. l. E. bennbtt, Fmldnt. Mb*. T. J. Waiih, Secretary. hy are so many anwilling to givt total abstinence a trial ? There are thiee obstacles in the way of total abstinence --ignorance, interest,and appetite. Igno- Wtoce is blind and deaf to argument and appeal; interest makes and sells the; poison which causes intemperence; and appetite is an open mouth ready to swal­ low anything from beer to benzine--any- Hiing but water. Education should jein with temperance in enlightening the igno • Mint; piety and law should join with tem- pference in correcting self-interest when it becomes selfishness; philosophy should Join with temperence in patting out the fires of vitiated appetite. 8hut The Door. What I wish to do is to list the temper- . Alice idea to the level of its patriotic sig- |l niticauce. I know that it has two sides. Qne is the Christianity that puts its •jrms ground the drunkard, and enwraps fcim in the warmest sympathy, and tries tf plant in his heart so much resolution as he is capable of. The other side tries to »iake it safe for him to walk in the streetB 5, tuy means of prohibition. In Illinois one Of her richest men said. "Give me resolu Hon to pass that open door," wLi«h !e 1 Into the drinking-saloon, "and I will <(hare my wealth with you to-morrow. He could not do it. Nobody but God v1' ;i , ®an plant in a human soul that vigor of neolutiott which can trample this appe- $y:" un^CT ^oot- ; 'j WEXULE HHH-LIPH. mi MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on „ ^ . _je liver, stomach and bowels through . f < the nerves. A new principle. Thev speed- % . fly cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver ( ^- piles and constipation. Splendid for inen Lv ' > women and children. Smallest, mildent ? ^ forest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples STORY & McOMBER, Successors to W P'StoVen^' West McHenry, Having: purchased the Hardware stock of VV. P. Stevens we have replenished the stock and are now prepared to&bow our friends 'ind he pub Ic generally as complete a stockal' AMI3t HEAVY HARDWARE, Stoves Tin Copper ard Sheet-Iron Ware. As can be found in McHenry County, At BOTTOM fPRICES. JOBBING AlfB BBFAIKIIf© Will he done on short Notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed. A peeialty of Butter Factory work. A share of public patronage especttully solicited. STOKY & M'OMBER, Weet McHenry, Dec. 10,1889. OUR earnestly solicit ais inspecticm ot our new stock of Wall Paper which is complete and worthy of your inspection. ARE THE LOWEST GEO. W. BESLEY'S, m.;' iSp." #t Geo. W. Besley's. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. p| ; The best salve in the world for cut*. I"-'* bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever . *ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, s- corns and all skin eruptions, and posi- | lively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction „• -v.- or money refunded. Price 25 cents per For sale by G. W. Beeley. W ^ • F. K. GRANGER, • fe General Auctioneer. \ -• SaJes of Ileal Estate, Stock, Farming f * / Tools, Household Funiiture, and Goods | Of all kinds attended to on the mostreas- L" V* onable terms Orders b^maU will receive prompt at- v taction. - % . * K Geahgbb Weat McB%i inry |r .. CHICAGO MERCHANT TAILORS Save received from E. Lawlus, tailor, ;|P'! orders for 14 suits up to Nov. 29, 1889. i Good fits, low prices and the best of tyfi> goods is what you all want. Call in and WIST M HINBf. DEALER IN Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS. Toilet Articles, --PURE WINES < AND X^XQIJORSJ . FOK MEDICAL J. W. Cristy & Son, RINGWOOD, ILL. WAUCONDA, ILLINOIS. ArSnow better than ever prepared to offer you GREAT BARGAINS In all inds of Goods. We mean business and will jfive yott Low* er Prices than ever before offered in L'ie County* • -OUR STOCK OF General JACOB BO NS LETT. OPPOSITE BISHOP'S MIL, McHENRY, s s ILLINOIS. -DEALER IN Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. •; The best brands ot Cigars an.l Suit)Ring and Cbiawiiig Tobaeco alwayson hand. PHYSICIAN'® PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me & call. MchLenrv, December 28th, 1887 ^ f r i t / • BK8LEY. , - * • "• Purchase! f »r Cas'«. all of which will be sold as low as the maret will admit and furnish first class ^ooUn. A FUE.1* LINK Of ST-OTKS. . GARLAND AND OTHER KINDS. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. GL&S OF ALL I S3 C)N TANTLY ON HAND. In the Market, at Bottom Priooj#* . JOBB1HQ Alfll HSPAmXHQ Will be done 6a short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed A hareaf i Jtitful jj|r solicited. ' - 'iv-.'"i?'ir < ~V\ ^asnever more complete than t>ow. (3a.ll and get our Price* before purchasing elsewhere Special iuducements for Cash Boy ersin sums from $1 up. , COLDINC BROTHERS, C'l ' i - Highest <€ iPkat PjpIob paid for Farm ProdiuMk JUL.IA A. STOBT, (One Door WestJof Riverside HOUN*) MteHEN llY, -DEALER |#- . . / "VV :'A ||jt. i,' Drugs, Med ic i nes, A PPLL LINE OP -- Dra£3, Chemicals, Dy* Stall,* Faints, OU* tad Colon, • • v, Constantly on hand Also a lar^e line t»f Patent Medicines, Toilet Artices, AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES JP hysieians JPrescrlptioiui , *-"vr vV.^*, ^ , &:j. „jk, P. • '* - .i s » - a t , " y^ji ?>. i. A ,kr* .Carefully and accuratey compounded by a Registered Pharma cist. Your is respectfully solicited.

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