Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Apr 1890, p. 1

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Pledged but to Truth, to Liberty avid Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear Shall Awe." . VOL. 15. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23, 1890. §&few*isrv- ft- •; 0P. ' " ! PDRLII>I «I» K V«arBWKDNRRO\ r " BT I -- I . | £ V A 1 * S L Y K K , - JTFHTOFC A SO PUOPR1ETOP. fl _ _ . . , , Ottlce In Bteihep'H Block, 3^ •> ,*•? Si . -WfPOM** * Own*'• TRtiNn OF One ¥ (in A'lvaane) g|,M If Mot Paid within Three Months 140 Snoscrlptiona reo©ive<l for thinM er Biz •Mtbi in the same proportion. • ' - •; •m Kates of Advertising. mm, annennee liberal rates for vWertltfng a the PHIMUE vr,K«, anl enleavor to state he<a st plainly that thev will be readily nn- er st<v> I. They are «s follows: 1 Inch one year ... * #, • so® S Inr.he* one year » v v • io flo * Inches one year & i\\ i * ,v'» » 15 00. if Column one yeaf, ' • « m 80'00 li Ooinmn ̂ ne year- . ~ v ; v R0 00 Ooliimn one year - . . . . 100 00 One inch means the meataremenl of one inAh down the oolamn,single column width. Yearly advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion ef local notices at the rate of S cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 eenls per !ine the first week, and 5 cents per llae for each subsequent, week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 nenta pe line, (nonpareil type, same as thin is set in) the first Issue, and 1 cent* per lino for subsequent issues. Thus, an Inch advertisement will cost #1,00 for one week, 91.50 for two weeks, $8.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PUINDKALIB will be liberal in giving wKtorlal notices, but, as a business rule, it will require a suitable fee from everybody Mektng the use of its oolatnns for peeunlary gain. PESS CARDSr-^ O. J. HOWARD. H. D. Pmr«I0lVN AVD SURG BOX. McHenry, 111. Office at residence, one block east of Public School Building. O. 0. F EG KltS, M, D- IVmiOlAN AND 9UBGEON, MoHenry, Office at Retldence. W*. OSBORHB, M, p. - , PHYHlor\M AVO SlTltaKOX. Office"*! Ueai'lencn, West MoUoury, III. Calls attended to dity an I aiffhi. Livery Stable. f o H«. WIG HTM AN, proprietor, first • class rigs, with or without drivers furnished at reasonable rates. Teaming of itlkindedone on short notice. ̂ •* 'yw? i-.y i, mem, NEAR THE DEPOT: vtest MOHENRY, Mm* Keeps open for the accommodation of the' Public a Ftrst-Olasa Saloon and Restaurant, WHere he will at mil times keep brands of Wines, Liquors and Oli te be found In the market. BUSINESS CARDS. Paul HROWN, ATTORNat LAW. U. «. KXNF«Moo.*s Bulktlng, 87 sri't (W Washington <SW CHICAGO, II.L. . •M. r. ELLSWORTH, ATTOHNKV st Law, and Snti'itor in Chan­cery, Nnnds, 111. ASA W FMITff, ATTORNEY AT LAW and solicitor ta Chancery.--Woodstock, til. . - JOSL.YN A Cl^BY. ATTORWBY3 AT LAW, Woodstock III. All business will receive prompt atten- C. P. BARN Eft, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, and oowHior. Collections a specialty. ' WOODSTOCK, lUWOtl, v.s LUMLBY. ATTORN BY AT LAW, and Solicitor in Chancery, WOODHTOOK, ILL, Office in Park House, first floor. the beat gare Also Agent Por PALK8 Wlw&akN Ltger Bwr. Beer In Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al- grays en hand, oheaper than any other, quail* tgr considered. Oid«rs by mall promptly attended to. GOOD STABLING FOR HOR&BP. fTOallandseeus. Robert •ohleeale. Vest MeSenry. 111. ' i -iy&fij-i "tiff »&• A. Bnglen'a SALOON AMD RESTAUR iNT. MoHKNRV, ILLINOIS. A. M. CHURCH, Watohmaker and Jeweler NO. One HundredTwentv-Pive State St Chi­cago. 111. Special attention given tore, pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. STAFutl Assortment of Goods in his llae Unite! States War Claii Am --or--> r6 WM- H. CO WLIN, Woodstock » ' • Illinois. Prosecutos all clrtsss kt*»t tints of claims agnln«t the United .States for ex-Soldiers, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs A specialty is made in prosecuting old and rejected ciaims. All communications promptly answered If Postage Stamps are enclosed for reply. , WM, H. COW1UN Office at Residence, Madison St., Woods toe s^ Illinois. mm STQFFSL, Affent for Phoenix of. Brooklyn. Rockford Insur'ceCo fir*, I,lifht •!»"»•? inl T irnvlo Insurance placed ssfelv and with" de«pat"li in either of alwve o-jMpunies, Policies cor.ecteii, changes and.transfers made. Call on or adUress Hliuou Stoffel. West Mc.llenry, Illinois. v-„- Life in Southern California. SEm 20 CENTS FOR THE TWa IJOS Angele* « Timet Annvat, 1830. 4H pages; H'eefcty Mirror, 12 pages --ftsndaril pub'ication. Or send #2 tor tho Mirror 52 weeka («24 large pages), Kull and mluahle informllioii about the most famous section of the Union TIMES MIRROR OO.. Los Angeles, C«l. WAVERLY HOUSE, WM. H. liOTXOUR, Prop., W000ST0CK, • - ILL. Stmol* Room on First Floor, Attention Horsemen! MOIIBNRT, III , April 1st, 1398, I would respectfully invite the Public to Mil and examine m 7 stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No bust* nets dene on Sunday; N. a COI-BYf M'HBNKT OX Quintette Orchestra* . McfrSNSr, ILL. Are prepir<vii to fnralshl First Class Mufle to the Darieing Public at ]Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Rotot. Madden. Olarionet, C. Ourtts, Cornet. L, Owen, Trombone. B, Ingails, Itasso and Prompter, Address all communications to Jerry Smith, MoHenry. The Police Gazette, Is the nly illustrate l paper in the world containing all the latest sensational and sporting news No .salo n Keeper, Barber, or Cluu Room can aff>r<i to be wutiout it. It always makes friends wherever it goes. Mitlled to any aUilress in the United States securely wraoped, 13 weeks for fl, £«u4 Five Cents for sample copy. RICHARD K. FOX, rsAKKLiw SQUAKB, New York wwi'ililti *!?""• "pi 1ATTENTI0N! Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking|for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to call at IT premises before purchasing. I can furnish such by the car load or single cow. PORTER iL WOLr&UM, . CHBMUMO. Farm about four alio* northwest of Harvard, Illlnola. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker Sc Jeweler* McHENRY. ILLINOIS. AriNB stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew-elry always on hand. Special lattention given to rerialrlng fine watches. Give m# a call*, • JOHN P. BMITB. , Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, ^MoHenry Lager Beer, ' • ;•%; VAND- J. ScUttz Hilvankee Bottle Beer, In aay quantity from a^Snitz Qlass tb ICO barrels. &T WHOLESALE OR RETAIL Beer in bottles, ke^s or case as iMapastlMi oheapwt. ; r|»t m We bay none bat tell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I you well. ANTONY , IU.a W««a will McHENRY HOUSE, MoHearjr, Illinois. JOHN THELEN Proprietor. This House is situated near the Iron Bridge and opposite the steamboat Lan linc, has l>een newly renovated and painted. Inside and out, and is now prepared to accommodate the traveling public,or - boarders, by da? or weel(, on the most reasonable term a. and guarantee! to give satisfaction. The),public la in­ vited to give me a'cail. GOOD SUBLINS FOR HORSES D. NECDHAM'8 SONS 116-11' Dearborn Street CH10A60 ltd Oner Blossoos. Vancer!^wB?W!tUieiim. Rheumstlsm, Oyspepsi», Sicji Headacbe, ConstipaUon.Piies, Whooplne Coturh, K'JG all •UNMSUSES. Send for elf cuter. Jteuuon paper. NEW YORK HOUSE. 239 tc 243 E. Randofph St. Between Franklin and Market Streets, CHICAGO. $<s*t Accommodation io 'lYawsters wid Boarder«. / E. 0. K0EPPE, Prop. ..m* KR DAT, WOOD SAMP I.K ROOM. A JfirM-ehus Btnue. J he Boy* All Stop There. THE Culver House. RICHMOHP, ILL. Good Livery, Good Sample Room. FREE BUS TO AND FROjf ALL TRAINS FOR PA TROM OF THE BOUSE. I rim a lino of carriages to Twin T,a\ete from tiehmoivl, three fourths of a mile nearer than any other TO*I1, and more level ami pleasant l»v far. If you intend goinir t« Twir l.ake*. slop at Binhinond and inifnire. for CULVER'S Bra It i- aiw&vs there, rain or shine, ttonnd trip pri<'eisas nsua*. C. A. CULVER Prop. WM. 8TOFFEU --Afftni for-- FIRE, - UGHTNINC9 And Ace-dtal^l Icanraaoe. HI n nosofci, Se brisk*, AjbitaHb IM t'auforuia Kai.U>wv|c.-il! on or address WM.STOIFEI,, McHenry, 111. SAL.SS WANTED. Local or Travcliajp. To sell our Nnr*ory Stock. ^*lary. Expenses and Steely Kmmom cuarantee<l. CH&SE BR0T&9&S COMPAlfT. # Rochester. IF. Y. II NO 41. S0LDISS5' DEPA3TKSHT. Edited by WM. H. COWL1H, WOODSTOCK, ItA. *' 7b mm for him who hax bnrne the battle, and for his uriiimv a>ui orphan*."--LINCOLN, " h*rventL\hii\ CAiritfj.*lj>ya Uy-- M'mVttf SCMU ef Patriot Mahers." AGENTS'WANTED. Tola! kWvrn Lift Association OF AlCERlUA, Furnishes the BEST and CHEAPEST in- •(trance for tjtal abatalncre from alcoholic liquors as a bevera^f*. Policies pport­ ing after sc years, terms as men. W«K%en insured on same C. #. ON THANK, Harvard, til.* Oenerai Agent for jl^Ienry County. J PERRY St Bankers, McHENRY, •!'- ILLINOIS. This Bank recwfce* d->po*itx, buy* and «eU» Fbreign |$nd iMneatic I Ex- change, and does a Sp- --•• ^ General Baniitg Business, We endeavor to.jfa all business en­ trusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirety mat) ft factory to our customers and rei&ectfully solicit the public patronage, v MONEY fO LOAN; On Real E*tate aiirl other first class seqitrify. Special at^dm given to col­ lection^ INfsUKANCE v \-A; $tki0trst Clnsa Companies pf Lowest R*ites. , - : ' YomriRiepeittul/jfc 1* E i R Y & OVVEnC C- A. R, Directory. . , M'HKXRY POST M>. 643. C 5 Sle^.te the, .first Thursday evening WIliiBrl mototp. L. E. BKaMKTT, Ooas. « WOTHMTOOK POST. HO 10ft, . Meets Irit anrt third Monday evenings ef *ar,h month. ;w. H, SIOMROK. com* HtTSDA PO»T, MO S26, >4Kee;s the second and fonrth Tuesday -ivenlntrs of each month. * ' * O. F. DIKB, Com.. HABVtKD FOST. NO %&. Meets the seoond ana tourtn Monday e?M tags of each month. ; ~ ; JOHN MARSHALL, Oom. MABBMQO POST, NO. 189, »ie«ts-»vary Seoond and Tonrth Friday evenings of each month. B. R. Mositis, Oom. WAl'CONDA POST, NO. 888. Post meets every second and fourth SUVN day evening in U. A. R. Hall, Main 8t. ARTHUKOOOKB, Oom. V" Pomp Bipbby CEMENTING, The undersigned is prepared to do all Jobs tn the line of Digging Wells. Repairing Pumps, Cementing wells, or vlll put ID XTev PUMPS On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Ia short will do all work in this line. Can furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as okeap as any other man. - Qood references furnished if dealred. If yon want a Well Dug, a Pump Unpaired or a new Pump, give me a oall. cr*Orders by mall promptly attended to, fMMliM, Johnaburgh, 111. L. BANTES. Johnaburgh, 111., May ttth, 1MB. H. FISH, T*jractioal Painter AND DECO KATE R. HEBR01, ILL. Deeortf:n|i Paper-Hanging, CLALCIMININ0, GRAINING, Ac l satisbctioei |suu. 1 am. or addres^ H. FISH. BBKSDBS9 MORGAN HORSES. Short Horn, Bid PolM Aagoii And Jersey Cattle. Hillaida Farm, Wett McHenry, III. Our Morgan stock 1a all pare bred, and originated from the best Morgan sto>k lathe United States. - Old Clifford Morgan, who etanda at the head if our Stock, is one of the best bred Morgan norses in the country, and can show more and tetter all purpose colts than any other horte ia the West. We invite the inspection ef our stock by horsemen and all lovers of Cne animals. A few full blood Morgan Oolte and young aorses for sale. Also one matched team, full •Hoods. tn Uattle we have the full blood Short Horn jrliirh we are crossing with the Red Polled \ngusand therefore instead of saw.r.s off the mms we are breeding them off and with foodsuoeess. A few Heifers and Bnlls, both pure bred 3hore Horns and the cross above mentioned t'nr sale. J. R. layler & Sons. #~>r McHenrv. III.. r>bt 97th. 1*88. L. W. NICHOLS. JR.. bn V/JIJ-CHM. "rfVHB CHfS/"i4j0 AMO RAILWAY Aifbrds unrivilod facilities for' trnnxit be tween the <uoAt important cities and tow s in Illinois, Iowa, Wise .nsln. Northern Mich­ igan, Minnesota, N >rth an i South Dakoto, Nenrasku and Wyoming. The train scrvice i« carefully adjusted to meet, the requirements of through and local travel, and includes FAST VESTIBULED TRAINS Dining Cart. Sleeping Can ft Bay Coaches Sunning Solid between Chicago and ST. PAUL. MINNEAPOLIS* COLNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA. DENVER AND PORTLAND, ORE. PULLMAN A WACKER SLEEPER8 Miteigo to 8an Frarcimito WITHOUT CHANGE. COLONISTS SLEEPERS, Chicago to Portlaml, Ore. AND SAN FRANCISCO. Free Reclining Chair Gsrs CHICAGO TO DENVER AND PORTLAND, ORE, Via Council Bluffs and Omaha. Por the time of tra'ns, tickets snd all infor- mation, apply to Station Agents of Chicago A North-western Itailway, or to the General Pasuenger Agent, at Chicago. W. H NEWMAN, J. M. WR1TMA X 3d I ice PretL Oen'l Manager, E.P. WtLHON, R. JWSS. Oen'l Pass. AgL Agent, McHsnry, 111 JEWELER AND ENGRAVER, RICHMOND ILLINOIS. Alt work in my ltaa neatly aad promptly rise watc h repairing a a.^oiait^. HANLY BROS, BtlKDBII OI Roadster, Draft, AND GBAD£ HORSES. We having the following stallioiis in service for the season of Item. VON LEER. Yo«ng Hambleeonisn Stallion. Foaled June 1st, 1885. ' Stan<ls 15% hands high, weight ll't i pound**, It< bright iiay, black points. Hss tine style and gooil action. As a representa­ tive for getting good roadsters is hard to beat "Von Leer" was sired by George O. (9701\ by .Lakeland Al»iai:ah (351J First dam by Patchen, by Autocrat, Second dam Dolly by GifforJ Morgan. CHANCELLOR, JR. Having purchased a very fine imported Clydesdale tallion, Chancellor Jr., for our own use. will breed A limited nnmbftrof mares outride. Chancellor Jr. is 9 years oi l this spring; is a Cherry Bay with Idack points; MS% hands high and weighs about 1700 pounds; strong, clean limbs, fine anion, mil 1 disiiosi. tion. He was sired iiy Chancellor. (1310;, he i>r. Drew Piince of Wales, (673) •>am li.y iJoft y, ^400); grand-dam by Duke of Welling, ton. (151 f); great-grand-dim by sir William Wallace. (89»). He combines iu his breeding the best oluod Scotland ever had, and has proven his ability to get uniform colts, of gri33Jf size, line form, strong and rugged. CHAMPION, JR. The Perrhon Morgan Horse. He has proven himself a fine stock getter for general pur­ poses, and cannot be leaten in the Northwest. Parties who intend breeding the comin? season, will And it -o their advantage to call and see our stock and get our teims^which wil' be reasonable. Accidents and escapes at owner's risk. Hares from a UJ^Utnce well cored tor. Mmod erateratea, jWS1 Oalt and aee u Y BROS, Alohor the Bkirmish Line. The Secretory of the Interior has de­ cided that soldiers caanot assign home­ stead rights. It is proposed ta have a new ritaa), Or again use the one in use three years ago. Pennsylvania has 153 camps of Sons of Veterans, with a membership of 5,056. It is said that there are nearly 200,- approaching destitution. New Hampshire has thirty-fonr camps of Sons of Veterans with 779 members in good standing. • The Wisconsin encampment of Sons of Veterans will be held at Sheboygan, Wis., June 10,17 and 18. ? = ^ The Canndiuu-Araerteaa society, Chicago, has extended au invitation to l lie Grand Army posts of the city to at­ tend an entertainment, to be given at the inditorium on April 15. ' The department of Vermont, W. R. Ch expended last year $1,011.95 in charity, assisting 315 old soldiers and families of soldiers. The Division of Massachusetts had 101 standing, Jan. li IStfto/ Detj. 31, 1S8'.>, the Michigan Sons of Veterans had 127 cainps and 2,770 mem­ bers in good standing. Nebraska divis­ ion S. of V., Deo. 31, 1889, had 48 camps with 984 members in good standing. The old soldiers of Kansas are almost a unit in their opinion of pension meas­ ures. Thoy rally for a service pension. Relief Corps No. 1, of Rockford, 111., a short time ago sent a memorial quilt to the soldiers' home at Quincy, which net­ ted the corps $100. Also sentcushions for sick comrades with some jelly for spice. After the war was over and ,we came home, the good women continued their hearty care of us. If a poor fellow falls by the wayside* or is sick, these good womei!\are ready to care for him. It is a glorious yf^rk.--General Lucius Fair- child on tite IF. 11. C. While General John B. Gordon, gov Governor of Georgia, was leading an as­ sault at the battle of Seven Pines, a bul­ let raked across his chest, and would have shattered his right arm if he hadn't it uplifted to point with his sword a movement he wanted his command to make. "Since a service pension most, come some time; why not now? What shall we gain by waiting? A few paltry dol­ lars, saved by waiting until the men to whom they shall be paid are dead ? How unworthy such a thought in a great na­ tion, which has profited so immensely by the services of these men? Ont upon such unworthy parsimony 1 Too much cannot be done for the men who took their lives in their hands and went to save the nation. Love for God and love of country are twin duties, and it-is a privilege to endeavoi* to promote truth and loyalty, to teach our children the great principles of free government, to supply the leaven of sincere devotion to the cause of liberty that may eventu­ ally "leaven the whole lump,* even to the overcoming of anarchy and commun­ ism. Let every loyal woman work for Fraternity, Charity, Loyalty.--Secret&ry W. R. C., Tracy, Vt. "Mr. Carlisle is very much afraid that pension legislation will bankrupt the country. A man never'bankrupted him­ self by taking money from one pocket and putting it into another, and a coun­ try cannot be bankrupt by taking idle mon^y out of the treasury and putting it into general circulation by paying just debts to the men who saved its life and made its prosperity." , ~ ' To Viait t'hiokamaaga Battlefield. • The veterans of the Army of the Cum­ berland are making a united effort to get as many men together as possible for the purpose of holding a reunion on Chieka- inauga battlefield on Wednesday, May 21. It is suggested, however, that a pre­ liminary meeting be held on Tuesday evening May 20, in Chattanooga, to pre­ pare for an early start to the field the following morning. Those going by the way of Cincinnati should arrange to be there to take the 8 o'clock, A. M., train I He Kept the Colon. "\ou see I was color sergeant of Com­ pany E, First Michigan cavalry," said on Tuesday, the 20th, for Chattanooga, so as to compare and arrange notes on the way. The 89th Ohio promises to _ have about twenty-five or more members I Veteran Thomas H.°Sheppard7of Ma#- there, and every other command that lette, Sanilac county, jast before he was in that battle should be equally well I boarded the train for Gettysburg last represented. Stir up the boys. G. E. week. "We were recruited and went to Uolton, St. Louis, Mo., will furnish any I Camp Lyon at Hamtramck August 21, information. ; J1861, Col. Brodhead, you know, coin- Work of tha Pmnmk«m % J manded- We mustered in Sept. 13, n . •%#11861, and the regiment did hard service During the week ending Apr. {j, 1890,1 during the whole war after that 7,239 claims were received, of which J According to the veteran's story, Shep- 1,593 were original invalid; 740 widows; I pard took the colors from the camp at 2 war of 1812; 6bounty land; 59navy; I Hamtramck and carried them to the 4 old war; 51 on account of Mexican | front of his regiment. The men saw hot service, and 4,007 applications for in- j service, and many of them, including the crease. Number of rejected claims re-J gallant Colonel, never came back. They opened, 777. The names and postoffiee! fought through the Shenandoah, oa addresses of 5,443 officers and comrades [ Bank's advance and retreat; in the cam- wen furnished for the use of claimants. paigns of Pope and Burnside, and did There were 74,610 pieces of mail mat-1 yeoman service at the battle of Gettys- ter received; 60,817 letters and blanks burg. They were under fire up to May. 11863, twice at Winchester, at Middle- lhe number of cases detailed to special [ town, Strasburg, Harrisonburg, Orange examiners was 741; 883 reports and I Court House, the second JBull Run, Cedar cases from special examiners; cases oh I Mountain, Occoquan, and Thoroughfare hand for special examination, 11,162. I Gap. Certificates issued, 3,167. * I Everywhere the flag of Company G wm Last month the certificate division is-1 carried by Shoppard, aad was torn and sued a larger number of certificates than I rent by hostile bullets. It was fresh iu had ever been issued in the history of the color and sound in texture, when hy bureau. In all, over 16,000 certificates I order oi Col. Brodhead it was hung from were issued. This division is moving in-[ the window of the Court House at to more commodious quarters, and will I Charlestown, near Harper's Ferry, but then turn out a greater amount Of (work l.the women of the town made it a target, than ever. 1 H? Badly Seared. "It was at the battle of Gettysburg, when the bullets were falling like hail, and the shells were shrieking and burst-1 and when, with the movement of the reg­ iment it was taken in, there were five bnl- let holes to show the feeling of the irreo- oncilables in petticoats. So it went until the day of the great ti tag on,our kMd. to a way to nu>k. He I***ttt S'1868' Th« ' 4.u~s. - I *heppard was cut off and saw that them was no escape from capture. He tore the back toward the rear. He was- well un-1 ^ P!rforated by seTeat^- der way, when, unfortunately for him, he bullete from the staff and hid it un- * was met by Gen. Slocum coming to the I ?WT^ ^mg" takea t°ni front. j to Libby, thence to Belle Isle, to Savan- What am yon doing here? Get back °ah' ̂ otte, Andersonville, Goldsboro, to your post!' the General shouted. Ma^n, the government shops in Geor- <• "The poor fellow stopped still and ^ ^ iD the 8am® Stat*' trembled Uke a leaf, but made no reply. Every where he kept the flag with him "'Get hack to your post,you miserable r°me?me8Kh^ u°der ^thing, coward 1 Aren't you ashamed of your- ao™tim*» bUn«d m the sand,but alwaya self to be skulking back here-when you I y own mre and a fortunate ™Wdo- should be in front with your brave com- j rades?" "Still the man made no reply, but com­ menced to cry like a year-old intent. "'You infamous sneaking coward!1 shouted the infuriated General, 'get back s^gpywr postl I'U ridef^n down liJtLa dog. Why, you are nothing but a baby.' " '1-1-1*11 t-t-tell you what, General,' said the blubbering fellow, 'I'd g-give anything just now if was a b-b-baby, and i-i-if 1 had my choice I'd rather be aj g-girl b-b-baby.'Volunteer. Binta to Fenalonera. Congressman Joe Cheadle, of Indiana, | tion of circumstances, safe from the V enemy. At last, after 505 days of im- prisonmeiit, he was exchanged, audi ' "f. brought the flag safely home. It has been in his custody continuously since September, 1861, and received all H« wounds.O^jua. hisasU What wond^f^ that heis proudto<»rryft bact to tysburg? . Mr. ^heppard is now a tanner, and » taking a comfortable ease earned BY hia months of hard fighting and other ^ °>f% months of more terrible prison li&. * How the Comrade was Ioniaati£ . At the annual Encampment of the Con- t ? gives the following suggestions to all necticut Department G. A. R., held in oluimauts for pensions, and reiiuests all [ v- . . ' papers to print them so that they may I Haven recently, Brad Keith waa be generally known. '.There are now I one the delegates from Buckingham ^ Z pending in the office 409,000 unadjudi-1 Post. His fame as an off-hand speaker V oated claims. The law authorizes the em-1 OF power and eloquence prompted Cow- ^ ployment of 1,542 persons M that office. I T»I . I V , . . F . . JS This number includes special examiners I Blank to approach him confided in the field and employees here. Never I tially, with a request that he would get before in the history of the department I up and nominate for delegate-at-large to has the work been expedited as it is now. the National Encampment a comrade Nearly ;».000 claims are allowed weekly, I. , V„J.. „ ^ , , and an effort is being made to reach 900 I Nathan Easterbrook, assuring a day. To secure the best results is the I that Mr, Easterbrook was well qual- • '. ff ] earnest wish of the Commissioner, and I ified to represent the department in that /M claimants and pension attorneys can I capacity, was a good fellow, etc. With , ?|s materially aid the office if they will. To I. • ^ illustrate: Suppose some claimant re-1 characteristic willingness to aecom- quests Senator Voorhees to call up his I modate, Brad, at the proper 'time ad claim and ascertain its status, and then I dressed the chair. ., .' ̂ 4 asks Senator Turpie' Congressman! t<m. , . ' . • -.3 Browne and myself to do the same thing, I comrade whom I am proud to 'u and we each* do it. Wnat is the result? I °^er y°u>" went on tie speaker, "is one 1 ~S; It is found by experience that one clerk J of nature's noblemen, brave, honest and can, on an average, examine eight cases true. He is to me more than a brother. 1 a day and report their status, the claim-1 c,-, . .. . . .. ., , , t" ant has taken the labor of one clerk one | e ^ w® braved the peril? of the ^ half a day instead of eight a day, or he I bloody war. We slept beneath the same has kept three others from learning the I tent; we drank from the same canteen* A^fl status of their claims No wldier can Shoulder to 8houlder we battled on th» therefore afford to ask one Senator or | „ ,, , , ; member to call up his claim. To ask j £>or3r fields; we bound up each oth- ; ̂ more than one to do thisis an imposition Ier'8 wounda; we shared with each other Hi upon claimants, and upon the pension I the same meager crust, and together we' °*A certaiu number ol ctaim8a«Meipred ?he;r„nn°am"1 j: to each examiner, and as each claim is Ir who fell around us. Through all • ^ examined, the claim is either admitted or I the trials and vicissitudes of that bloody • rejected, and it then goes to the board of | struggle, the character of the man shone % that 3: notified, or the attorneys ascertain what |re ee * ® virtues and attributes of the ^ ,*|v; evidence is required to complete the claim. I hero, the soldier and the patriot. Com- , > W hen notice is so given until theevidence [ rades, with pride and pleasure 1 present r! caHed for is furnished, the claim cannot to vou the name of Ck,,lirad. Nathaa 1' be admitted. Thus over and over again !„ , . ^ do the examiners look into and make re- j Easterbrook. . . ^ J port upon all pending cases. I should I The nomination was instantly sees say at a rough guess that once in four I onded by a hundred voices, and tin can- months a case is reached for considera- didate wa8 elocted uuanimou8]y, ^ t tion in the l-egular course of business. I " UU«MUUIUUOVt ouu j if therefore, a claimant has learned the I &lven three cheers and a tiger. status of his claim, say on Dee. 1, hel A comrade leaned over to Brad and ought not to ask the department of its I asked, "What regiment did Easterbrook status again inside of ninety days. It is helonir to^" "Damfino." reolied Rma Jh true that when a claim is submitted to |... .. . £ ^ * the board of review it may be allowed in I never saw him and never heard of him, less than that time, yet it is best not to I to-day, but Comrade Blank assurer , expect it in much less time. I me he is a good fellow." Immediately? -. Every claimant and attorney should thp ..wtion of his candidate R«ul fl* therefore adopt the rule of not calling for I , tlecnon ot Dis candidate Bract | the status of their claim oftener than started to leave the room, and on ap~ p once in three months, and then never, proaching the door he was accosted by under any circumstances, ask more than I a G. A. R. man who was in the center of • ' [ an enthusiastic group of veterans who! » • one persoif to do it. If the comrades knew just how much th&y could expedite, . , .. ... .. . , business by adopting this rule, there Iwere violently shaking his hand and ea.' would not be another one asked oftener j smothering him with copious cougratu- than once in ninety days. ' Nations. You're the man I want to see," »P to BriA m claimant is near unto death, very old ^ extending hiB hand, *1 want to get and feeble, or is in destitute circum- acquainted with the man who drank oulM , i • stances, and is>absolutely in need of its-1 of inv canteen Tind slept in mv bunk, au*i, < distance. It is idle to ask for any claim Ued up my wounds; my name is Easter. to be made special, except upon a sworn I. , • ' v - statement of fa^t^ which will authorize | and I am happy to immediate action. I acquaintance." They shook banda mm% 1 Mr. Cheadle states further that in his [ cordially, and although thev had never & -t. in having their claims considered in order, i rest erf the session, ^orwulk Rtfcofd. if possible, to enable all who are entitled f under the laws to receive paasions tn| If you need a new suit of clothes ia a. have at least partial relief afforded them. I year, youean not aforrf to nii«w f bedtwiiw* --Arnrritxu Trihtim. *'«at sale at STKVKSS £ MHAHUV, Y

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