Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 30 Apr 1890, p. 5

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I1 any are owing us on the old score w*» mold be very much pleaded, and wi know yon would be jaet as much so, to have the account squared up at once*. J, W. CRtVTT & KOH, Klngwood. Shiloh'a Vitalizer is what yon need for Constipation, Lose of Appetite,JDizrinese, and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bcttto. Sold by J. A. Story. Will Ton Suffer with Dyspepsia and liver Complaint,? Shiloh Vitalizer is UFE OF THE GREAT EMANCIPATOR I HERNDON'S LINCOLN. m I km Coal and Feed on a )M margin than ever before and selling for 0Mb only. W. A. CRUSTY, West McHeniy 'its mis Of fo M p • % - ,4r-' Calt Meal! Oil Bf©al'f Always in stock, at Bonslett&Stoilel's, is small or large lots, at close prices. The quality, styles and prices of our new line of dress goods pleases all who see them. & MIIXEII, West McHemry. >i§§ . GENTS. H you want your Goths altered to fit you, and your Cloths Cleaned as good as new, E. Lawlus can do you a neat job. Catarrh Cured, made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the for you. Sold by J. A. Story* A FORTUNATE WOMAN. Mrs. Mary L. Baker, of Ovid, Mich., reason to be very thankful. She was a great sufferer from heart disease for years. Was short of breath, had hungry spells, pain in side, fluttering, faintiiwsH, ®tc. After taking two bottles of Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, she says, "I am better than for twenty years. M.y mind -and eyesight have improved wonderfully.; I advise all personR thus afHicted to UR« this great remedy." (J. W. Besley, drug­ gist, recommends and guarantees it. l)r. jfjgw work on heart disease, containing marvelous testimonials, free. THE PULPIT AND THE STAGE. Rev F. M. Shrout, PastorUnited Breth­ ren Church, Blue Mound, Kan., says: "I feel it rov duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Discovery has dope for me. MyL ujigs were badly diseased, aj)d my parishioners thought f Wild Jive only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New tliscovery aud am sound and i \W#il, gaining 29 lbs, in weight. iirthur Love, Manager Love's Funny |«Wk8 Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I Driving's New Discovery for Consumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything else fails. The Seatest kindness I can do my many ousand friends is Ite urge them to try it." Free trial bottles at G. W. Besley's Prog Store. Regular sixes 50c. and fl.00. - EUPEPSY. ' •^^fPhia is what you ought to have, in fact, must have it, to fully enjoy life. Thousands are searching for it daily, and mourning because they find it not. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are Bpent annually by our people in the hope that they may attain this boon. And yet it may be had by all. We guar­ antee that Electric Bitters, if used ac­ cording to directions aud the use persist­ ed in, will bring you Good Digestion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and install istead Eupepsy. We recommend Elec pic Bitters for dispepsia aud all diseases [Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. Sold at j. and $1.00 per bottle by G. W. Besley Jgist. • j ears oe- p-d your remedy. [Jn- oreathe except through the In a most critical condition. [YOURGROCER SANTA CLAUS SOAP, 5TE*iiixiQ®iy Sells IK 1MAKES WASHING VEW EASY mdVfeigtt. N.KJAIBBANK & Ca-- CHICA6 TIitpe lifle , Maidens W f&cej W&U, A?g crying loud WJ^eyc^i 1 fowl* TIM TrM Mwy •# * (Nil Life. 4:S, MOIMSMI-- f» B RAHAM LINCOLN, .tWtt. H..HWWOOH, Par Titlll; Years his Frieod and Law PuUMT, I JESSE WILLIAM WCIK, A. M. nut luctmum mi tonuns w uwot* tfct»sr»ph»t. --• «*•»» BUWB, IJMOHB'ri ' a5b ncmn or niwn acnai ni aiu un. fn of 3 TOM. Bound in btsl English CtoHi, #iM lap, 3 wis., • J4.50 Bound in Library Sheep, - • - - • 6.00 Bound in Half Morocco, MarMed E4«9S,3vote., • 7.50 Bbund in Halt Calf. ...... 9.00 UTI.IT!\e KEWSFIPFM <XD MKWMKMT I«M ."i'WU"* "* *"**' N U* Bnt I4f» «r TIMS MARTTR rKWIBKM «*l Wrl««m. -- _ * * ' 4 rf AT EVANSON S axe still in the | ^ Ft"W FXTRACTS SELECTED FROM AMONO^ THOUSAND® 'i-Mf. ITerndontias done more <o picture Mr. ; Bft'.n as I fctww fci«i tbr.n anv of the many others who have und<3Tto)>e.i»<o eive histories of his life so fir as I t»«v* ioen ihcri..-t£x-Se*at«r Lyman flrumbuli The I of I incoln vet written.--From '0c hat' J C Arbotier. Tfie best American biography that has ever been written --Hmac* Hr'ktie, Arf. A. K iwtw//w/. i; » • * The v«-rv best A.wiericati biography I have ifver readfames H. H'iUc*. . {his true story of Abrshajn Lincoln ou*nt toes WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT For the Family, School, or Professional Library. JOIGTIONA^ (TSELF, By long odds Mr Hcrndon s Life 'i* tlte beaty«l written.-- C/ttcetgv Timet. - The work opens up a hitherto* it stock of knowledge icgardinn Lincoln -- SiaaUar̂ , X. 1*. In the South, and with Souther* public men, it ought to be more popular than any other biography of Abraham Lincoln.--Afpt ai, Memphis. It will do more to shape the judgment of posterity on Mr. Lincoln's character thun all that has been written or will be hereafter written.--AV/«A/*r, St. Louis, Mo., July so, 16S9. t * n&ffi t f s a s - • - p « » « . « . « . . K & « . • > • » • • All these lovinr adherents «vtil bail Hern- Mr. Herndon's personal recollections of Lincolr fjon-s Liicoln with uninired. unbounded joy.- will doubtless remain the most authentic andI trust 'Triimur i worthy sorce of information. AGENTS WANTED. Far T«r«i« and Territory addma, ^ BELFORO-GURKE C0.f 109 ^ I If Wabash An., Cfclctgi, If). Qeo. W. Has Iseeu for years Staiulard Authority in tl»o Ooveninicnt Printing'Office and U. S. Su­ preme Court. It is highly recomiuendetl uy 38 State Sup'ts of Schools aud the leading; College Presidents. Kearly all the School Books publi.slied in this country are based upon Webster, as attest­ ed by the leading Schpol Book ^ul>! ̂aliflru. SOOO more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American l>ictionary« SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. \V e bsterffS- mm** &aHi6ULTURAL JOURNAL ESTmtSHCO AT CHIC«0,IN IMt. $1.03 PER YEUL M Journal FIRESIDE OFTCHAR »tWTel mil* ntffe ytrnt your Spring outtit for cash _ No need we repeat to take the cash out of your neighborhoodi expecting exchange it for more or better merchandise for the dollar thau we offer jou. course you understand that we are ju*t now trying to convert ISpriuft stock iuto cash, and while this is going on we are the looa while you are saving on every purchase. Not much need of new#f§ papa: blowing to prove yo a cnu. 4^>" better circumstances v ^ Hew York World most universally conceded to be the The Boston Globe toy : Webster id the ac­ knowledged standard In lcxicograpliy,. The Atlanta Constitution pays: Webateihas "™^5n^eerUn^UmdartUuthority in oar officc. The Chicago Inter Ocean says: Webster's Unabridged has always been tho standard. The Hew Orleans Times Democrat «ay* """^P^bSte^9StandarTa»nK)rity iuonrolfleo. The Hew York Tribune says: it ia recognized useful existing "word-book" of * the English language all over the world. Sold by al l Booksellers. Pamphlet free, fi. A C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'rs,Sprin%fie THIS ADVERT1SIUENT 0ny* thai anything It the tine of COAL Ac l'liED Can h> ifHHjhl CHEAPER »-OR CASH ' • : , r , • . -- i w. A. CRISTY'S, Than any other place in town. Car LnU a specuiUy. Warehome at the Pickle /factory* In West McHenry. TUB PLACE. ir.vtlsiiig without relief when Dr, " vised her to buy Clarke's Ex x (Papillon) Catarrh Cure, immediately. She contiui until she is now entirely alth has not been so good ." Price, $1. Wash the Clarke's Flax Soap. 25 cents. Besley, druggist, now has the RE» infcres fo be pi will lie u lUtne country, a Jtabewa's in< hef». on from ii« 25 rent*? LmUefe Atldrese HEH- v- woRLmm*,* ITION I iTUE TO WMM'I Pair, In i892, lliin |Kirti-Mii. Every is mil leftiptl in this iiv i lie women of our i will wnnt it ropy of iei«e Art H< liin|f8. «\9 run only be ot>t lined rruieil ) Hy sending one portrait nn.l tha mil lor Hires un-nibs Flax remedies on han For sale or Rent. The farm known as the James Kittle form, situated one mile north of Burton's Bridge, In the town of Nunda, containing 807 acres, 75 acres of plow land, the re­ mainder pasture ami meadow. A con­ venient house, containing eight rooms, the necessary outbuildings, a good well' Of water, and a fine young orchard. Is within one hundred rods of a good But­ ter and Cheese Factory. The place is well watered, lying as it does on the banks of Fox River, and is, withal, well adapted for a Dairy Farm. For full particulars inquire of Frank Cole, Spring Grove, 111., or of George Walmsby, residing near the premises. 37tf "Thy head is full of quarrels as an emr is foil of meat." "Well, so would any body's bead be, who walked the floor for A week with a horrible face-ache? " "You don't say so; how dreadful! I'll step out and bring you a bottle of quick-cure, oalled Salvation Oil." ^ FAILURES IN LlffB People fail in many ways. In business, In morality, in religion, in happiness, And in health. A weak heart is often an unsuspected cause of failure in life. If the blood does not circulate properly in the luugs jthere is shortness of breath, asthma, etc.; in the brain, dizziness, headache, etc.; in the stomach, wind Sain, indigestion, faint spells, etc.; in the ver, torpidity, congestion, etc. Pain in the left side, shoulder and stomach is caused by heart strain. For all these maladies Mr. Miiletr New Cure for the heart and lungs is the best remedy. Sold, guaranteed and recommended bv fl. W. Besley. Treatise free. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly tor Kay, 1890. Francesco Crispi, the Italian Premier is undoubtedly, since the retirement of Bismarck from the Chancellorship of the German Empire, the most potent and and picturesque figure in European poli­ tics. A striking portrait of the Sicilian statesman is given in Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly for May, with a very interesting article entitled "Signor Crispi and the Italian Chamber." by the Hon* George Makepeace Towle. Douglas Sla- den eloquently describes "Vancouver British Columbia) : A Great Sea-port of the xxth Century." "Elephant-catching in. India, with Prince Albert Victor of Wales." is written about by a British officer, and illustrated with great spirit. "Forest Destruction by fire," by Col. R J. Hinton, is truly an object-lesson to Congress. There are papers on ' 'Chartres and its Cathedral," "Brass-hammering and Repousee-work," etc., together with the usual amount of first-class storys And other literature provided in every number of thi remarkable voluminous and entertaining magazine. .Horses, Cattle, Sheep A Hogs. r Exetla sny remedy for the rapid cure of ntti CeIds,Ceiighs, MM* Bound, Yellow Water, Fever, A DIES Oldest per. Sore and Weak Eyea, Luns Fever, CostlveiMtss, Blotchaa, and all dWcultles arfa- 1*1 fnm impurities of tko Blood. Will rails* Heaves at once. Manufactured iy the t J0PPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. t.l Sure Cure for Hof Cholera. FULLER & FULLOK, General Western Agents, Cklesfo, III. ~- Ai^Pai^rn tomnvARafiir tho Mie Ci I* 1 O of our Hnme.Grown FASHION JOURNAL COMPANY; AUDITORIUM UUII DING, CniCAGO. AGENTS W A NTED. Farm Loans WANTED Nurnorv "took. MMTLiBEk* I'KKJ MADE ON TOM and terms to suit borrowers; no com­ mission or charges for examination of abstracts. Money furniehed st once, without red tape or delay. J:W BANSTEAD. BOOBS land 1 Borden Block, Elgin, 10. UKEQUAI.KD FACILIT ITS. One of UI«> largest, ol<le»i c8(alilish«-<i, HIHI best known Nurseriei in trw r,ou»*r.rv \<*>s» Geneva Nursery, Geneva, jv. Y. Established in 1840. MEN WAttTEO. To represent our well-known nnmery in this reuniy, for town an-l country trade. UO<M1 pay w«eklv. A posiiinn wi»h a nur­ sery of oxer ihnty years' alan.Mxr. nn l a kr.ow.i rcs|>oi sii>ili<y. We warn )TO«KI, Mvelv worker*, nnd will .Mr well (i o«l references require*!. Apply quick, statinir «ite. OilA^K HKOT thR4 COMPAKT. a7 m» Chlrnfro, III. CDRBS NEWSPAPER • ADVERTISING ]7Ath Edition Now IU*a<ly. A book Of over 200 pases, yh irgmoru mf >r- niation <>f value .. ... . »<1verti»er8 than anv publicaiion ever issued It gives the nsnie of e very nnwftpnper p.tlilishe'l, bav- lug a ciro-u(alios rating In the American News­ paper Direcrory of more than 25 (MX) copies each issue, with the cost per line for ail ver- tisins in tnem. A list ot ihc tieul pspTs of local rircuiaiion in everv citv ami lown of than 5,«i0 population with pncea by the in<*h for one month. Special lists of ilaily, country, v'll?ig«-. country an I clans papers. Hnreain offers of value to MUX I! advertisers or those wishing to experiment judiciously with B small amount ot muney. Hhown conclusiire* ly " bow to get thu mo*t service for the money, etc., etc. Sent postpitia to any at?- a'™" ?»r S'L'centt. A.l.irens, UEOBGK F. RO«VELt< A Publlchers anil General York City?* 10 «^uce SUf* t, item DR. B. MINCER, 2SCit For sale „n,"W -81 :> •WWrnmiteidmee paxu jamais pas MIM m ot idniw ui *>--» W Pwg japan jsAsu "•n # Ol | moi.i sinq noac suoq *•** <n «EMB UEA|9 WW'H mi <fJ3|*8 000' I *SB^2 WlfUHlO IfSTOISlil *i J* larUli* J J-Barbian BARSIAN BROS. -THE- EMINENT OPTICIAN, OF DETROIT, Olmtros that Instruments for treating the Rye. r?1ev®r good in the han<ig of one expert In tneir QSC, in the bunds of the ignorant are worse than useless A man must be *fe ihed Iu the treatment ef the Kyeami the pplica. tion of instruments in order to receive an? beneiit. If lie is properly skilleil he can lit the most difficult eye without instruments. ... _ . falssses fltte.l with accuracy so as to preserve Ceo. Besley. *heeJ'e8ight--the delicate construction of the * eyeniHkesu neces ary to use great care «n seleciing spectacles. B. Mincer has made the eye his sped*! siuny, and in his later years has paid his en- tire attention to the adaption of Spectacles to Mie same. Having a thorough experience In making and adapting Speciacles to the eyes, he is erableil to fit accurately in every ca&e of .aLtnormal vision known as PRESAYOPIA, HYPERMATROPIA MYOPIA, ttnr^f'Jiats Wi?k 9|8ht* requiring various tinted glass. Hie improved sprctac rare of a perfect construction, which assist and pre­ serve the eight, rendering frequent changes quite unnecessary. They confer a brilliant- Bees and distinctnes o< ease and comfort not prer>cially enjoyed by persons uptng boecta- i8 tJ?ls 'enees ground on the most scientific principles, rendering the eye as clear as when in the full strength of youth. »h i Mincer has some highly flattering tcstl- ' REMEMBER : He uses no instruments; .. I He tits the eye the first time; ) He made the eye a study tot Of«r twratlr. fears; •••••, irio uses pure crvetal lenses. T1', ' He guarantees saiisfaction; , He treats weak eyes successfully; tie saves eyes injured by using inferior glasses. He fits all kinds of glasses required by de­ fective- glasses He makes every variety .of glasses. 49*Orders can be left ar postoffice and wii receive prompt attention. Ko charges for examinations or visiting patients at their tomes. IJFITOFFIB FO PRACTICA L AND C0RRKCT lKFORMATION 0J» AGRICULTURE, LIVE STOCK, VETERINARY, DAIRY, HORTICULTURE, EHT0V0L0GY, POULTRY, BEES,-- ; GARDEN AND LAWN, SCIENCE, MARKETS. A ••willy Journal for two generations, the ai km wledged favorite, at the flreelGe ol western hdinei. The H€»n«eIiold Dcp«rtmen«t carefully prepared and illustrated delights the ladies. Its mte^ellany, 1» uzxles, and Vonng Folks endesr It to the young members of the v| Filled with Prectlcl Illustrations and Concise, Timely Topics of General IntSKMfc ONLY ONE DOtLAR h YEAR. Do nntfall to rend THB "UAIIUK FARMER during 1890- ITS r.Qth year. Send for a free aaapleMfgr or subectltm at xtice, iMiditn»itig, THI • ^AIRIC FARMER PUB. CO., ISO Monroe St.,CHICAGO, ILL- PARRY MFGK INDIANAPOLIS. IND. CO, Than ^ven ni iip" cash dealers, we name ft ft9W you-comparison, hi Kxtra P. ,4 Good G reen Coffee 1 Ground 1 Roasted v Hne Teas Good Ping Tobioco ' Smoking *4 ]?rinta, ^ood quality r Ginghams Mens Shoes 4 •* fine ^adies ** ** * M coarsfe :< i S-4 1-4 ^ 20 20 25 23 2S 14 % to 5 6 1-2 fl 15 "2 00 ' "2 15 I 25 20 •» 2C •* 16 12 11 cans 5 » Rice P?HK| ' ' Prunes. J Black lieii-iej / . Kaisins Pie Peaches Oil Table Peaches *' " t'herries * ^piicot Tomutooi) Ooru f £... 32 bars Soap W.% Men's Pants J Bo^'s Knee Paats 12 In black and colored Cushmeres and Henrietta Cloths. J# to%n Plaids and plain goods. i#oe Curtain*, Oil Shades, eto» Wall Paper! Everythin rrico, $18.00 at Factory. Cash wltb Order. ftifclly Tfref-Cla^. Warranted. All beeond Growth Hickorj". Steel Axles and Tin*. L«w Bent Seat Arms. Perfectly Balanced. Long, Etsv Ridine. Oil Tempered Bprin*. Begt Wheels ana Best All Over. IT TOIT CAN'T FIND THEM FOE SALS BY TOUR MEKCHAKTSTWRITE Y O U TO MAKE YOUR •SB KIRK'S AMERiCAN F A M I L Y SOAK i for E4- K Huntley & Co.'s [HONE8T Clothing. If our goods are not in the Lands of some STORE-1| KEEPER In I your section, you can PRO* i CUItK THEM ftxjin the bests KNOWN and largest MAJL-| OaiH it Whole-1 •ale CLIOTHING • IlouoE in the world, at prl-. cos that will MAKE YOUK even snap and ICEKP YOU guc'Sfiing- bow I we can afford I TO DO IT. If your DEALER I docs not keep our goods eend to ur- nud we WILu furnish TH* TIBKLE8H TOILER FOR TRADK I" iToura, anxious to pleaae, ED. L. HUNTLT V. fAPouarcM . FantAtSHCRB Wh 1c sale and Retail OBALEBS !N |TNB CIGARS, kMcHBNRY ILLINOIS. ffSvlhg leaaeil the tn-ick building one door i ot l,ie Pt,8t we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found nne cigars of our own manufacture, together Pipes a Specialty. .We have a very large assortment and some |l||?|*inaaoiBe pattern?. ? ; CALL AND E>BB US. ' BA*BIA» BBO*. McBeary, Nov em ber^Uth, MM, It will benefit yon in parse and peace of mind to buy your boots and shoes of J. W. Cnsty & Son, Itingwood. To tiris to prove the above. Keystone two-lever others at E. M. Owen &! )nlveri«w top's. «nd Bead onr new advertisement. STEVENS A MILLER, West AfcHemy. « This is one ot the 5/a Dusters. It is dosely woven andhandsomelyembrotdered.^ Don't get stuck with Dusters which will let the dust through and spoil your clothes. 5/A Lap Dusters mSSSJSS™. 5/A Ironsides Sheet la Stahfe. 501 Clipper Fly Nets "isssv-4 •tulMlMtkir ai Half tki (tort. 100 other styles of S/A Horse Sheets and Fly Nets, at prices to suit everybody. For you a Suit or Overcoat, oxprees or mail paid, on reoeipt of price. V/o will %-in and hold your patronage if you try us with an orderl We have built up this immense buaineae by our painstaking metheds, and by doing by Others as wo would be >'one by. ED. L. IIUKTIjEY & Co., StyJc Originators. ] In ordering'fJuitsor Overcoats o! acrve; strictly followinp- r-ilos for measure­ ment: Breast roetiBure, over vest, elnee up! undt r arms. Wtiist nieasuio. overpauu. in. aide leg measure, from crotch to heel PRICE-LIST. HBAVV-WKTOriT CLOT Hi NO--80119. I Men's Brown A.M-Wool Double and Twist Cassiiuero Sack or Fr»vk Si;it. OOi Men's Fancy Black or Bluo Ki-triish VTorfct- I > eel All-Woo! Back or PYoolc fin:U-. {4 CO1 Men's Brown or Gray Volvot FSniel;, /. !1- ! Wool, Tricot Woavo, Fin< '.Jassi- jero Sack or Frook Suit < 7 CO • Men's Black or Bluo Eng-Jieh. Ali-Wooi Corkscrew, fine worsted, Sfick or Fr.;cfc Busts 19 QQ Mori's Black, Blue, PJ'iin, Lavender or Blate-coior English Wide Wr.le Diagonal Worsted Sack or Frock Suits. 24 OO ^ References--First rational Bank, of Chicago, capital $3,000,000; Continccal Na­ tional Bank, of Chicago, capital $3.^X1,000. ED. la, LL0NTI,KY & Co., Manufsctnrerpand Wholesale Dealers in. Clothinrr 1'<-r Men, Boys and Chil<fren, 132 and l?-4 Market St., Chicaaro, 11L Po^t Office Box, 667. ! by all dealers. vxtie-IMk - If you can't get them, Vt A BLANKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. W'TOOUTTHC m utaci Mannfd BY WM. ATKBS * Sons. Phllada., who Horse Brand Baker Blanket* And yon can't afford to dd otberwfe© tot! knowt infanta niTai*Af1 Kir 4kn XTJ. nr i , • * ducenients offered by the Nunda, Woodstock aud Dundee btoi-es of C. F. Hall, Agent. The stores are filled with a « and well-selected stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Riots and Hats and Caps, Groceries, etc. ' *:-• •• % ;-ra ^ * - r * 4 * * * Sold fbr Cash Only and Out Fries to AIL We are sending out this «£d" to reach the far-off tra< naturally coming to us. The home tiade knows a <*ood when it sees it, and naturally come to us, but we want more and so say to you come and we will giv© you a rousino be* Our cash bought merchandise is worth the attention* of cash buyer, and we guarantee a saving on every item offered. We occupy a large double btore at Nunda, and >vith <rood and good light to show, you should call and get the rates Parties coming by rail and buying ten dollars' worth ot Mercha we would say we will allow you two railroad fares within a< of twenty-five miles, and guarantee satisfaction in all cases, you buy for cash, or do long prices and long credit suit yon Do you live a month behind or a month ahead all you live*? plan will please you, and our prices, too, for our's is not to see much we ran get for an article but at how small a price we canJ it. With three large stores under our management we carnal most complete line of Dry Goods to be found in any section* atdi Clothing Stock for men and boys is complete. We sell A F suit, age 4 to 12 years, at 98 cents, which is solid and substai and if you want something more nobby our suits at $1.29, $1.69, $1.98 will be just one-half the rates charged by credit \ We are making our prices in all lines tell on high credit rat« vou should share in the benefits. Our Grocery ttoek is fresh aud inviting, and our rates are much below our credit! -petitors in all cases. ' | We have in years past gained the reputation ol a and that name will be fully sustained. e C0NSUMPF' It has permanently eared THOUSANDS of eases pronounced by doctors hope­ less. If you have premonitory symp­ toms, such as Cough, Difficulty of Breathing, Ac., don't delay, but use PISO'S CUBE FOB CONSUMPTION Immediately. By Druggists. ~~ Sugars, way down No, 1 Coffee. liMl No, 2 Coffee Best ltice Good Tea &« cent Tea ; No 1 linking Powder Good Plug Tobacco... ..... Good Smoking Tobacco Best Prints Bias Prints...... Mo. 1 Ticking.......... We show the I No 3 Ticking 25 : No. 1 Best 23 : Knlaiimiried Shirts.. •8 ' Uuiaundried SUirls, be«t.... 25 j Dress Goods 14 Best Ginghams.............. 15 BesI Sheeting, < i..„ »i No. 8 Sheeting.... i™.... 13 Meu« shoes, solid. filMou'sSkoiM t... 30, CLJIIDREU-ISMJES 16 Slisset Shoe#. W stock in all lines in McBfti Do not pass this by as an ordinary advertisement* tor : 0^4hQ suggestion you will visit and get a benefit the •>i loads, Woo^toek ud Bute Cuk ^ • €k m HATtfn J

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