Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 May 1890, p. 4

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WEDNESDAY, MAY 7, 1890 F. VAN SliYltli! Editor. rms pa per *:'« gwx t HOW||,T, ft GO.** Newspaper Advertising Hnrmm /W»«nrnce «rr»#tX whfrn advertising Sra-.V'uNEW YORK- vj . H - tf )•. • . ' M *. * J", i « L< « X..4' K jimibllcMi fcmtortri Diatrlot Oenm* tion. (Ww Republican voter* of Bv>n«, t »k* §»d llleHenry Oonntl««, comprising the Kighth Senatorial district, are requested to send del- to the RetMihlinan District Convention »n he held at the C>»nrt House in Woodstock, IfnUenry Oonnty. on Friday.,May 16. 1W0, at <*ia o'clock p. m., fr»r tne purpose .of placing I* nomination candidates for the 3w»nl As­ sembly, and for the transaction of any other Viaine*s that may properly come before it. %he representation will be on the basis of one <i#1fnt« inr every 160 Republican votes cast President in 1888, and one for every frac. tlon above SO; on this basis Boone eonnly will W*n titled to 14 delegates, Lake county, 1# delegates. and MeHenry county , 2< delegates A. O. FAWKTT, l . U W B. BOIWR, V Boone County. tjff* Ww. P. HOTBT, . * J. ̂ Clark, ^-Ltftke Oousty. • Ma R, Webb, fu"? uouniy. F. K. Granger, i T.rdtkb Barber, V MeHenry Oo O K. BL'MKSB, I Senatorial Committee. W Butter waa active on the Elgin Itoard of Trade Monday, with prices nJiout as for several weeks; 4,380 lbs. •old for 18c; 5,400 at 18tfe. Total sales ,*8,253. . " j IV Ex Governer Andrew Shuman, of the Evening Journal, one of the best known of Illinois' statesman editors, died ' shortly before • midnight, Monday, at Wheeler's Hotel, No. 18 Quincy street Chicago. _______ iVTbe New York World does a service {a showing up a class of legal sharks who live by exciting the suspicions of husbands and wives as to each other's fidelity, and by discovering, and where possible, creat­ ing grounds for divorce actions, on whicq t'ley fatten. This class of men,as well as the women, who unscrupulously lend themselves to the diabolical alliance for the purpose of breaking up family life, should be made an example of by some upright judge, for the honor ol the legal profession. Some Republican speakers always think it necessary to enter into a defense of their party against the Democratic «harges that "it is the party of* monop­ oly." and doing so they seem to concede that the Democrats are against mono­ poly. If those weak talkers would only consider the situation they would find that the Democratic party is essentially the agenqy of the monopoly. Coal Oil • Payne, Bryce, Vest, Colquitt, Gorman 4Uid other members of the American "Honse of Lords" are living national yroofs of the fact .--Chicago Tribune. "" """ . ffmjgg} Via. •. 9. Hopkins &*-Nominat«d by Acclimation. The delegates from the five counties of thi« Congressional District met at Elgin on Thursday last. At 1 o'clock they convened in Stewart's Hall where they y>ere called to order by the chairman of the central committee, H. T. Rockwell, of St. Charles. Dr. P. S. Whitman, of Rpone, was made temporary chairman R. W. Coon, of Lake and John Brown, of DeKalbvtemporary secretaries. R. P. Ooodwin, of Kane, J. W. Haw­ thorn, of MeHenry, J. H. Keeler, of Boone, John L. Pratt, of DeKalb, and C. B. Sewell, of Lake, were selected an a committee on permanent organization and credentials. The credentials were found to be all right and the temporary organisation made permanent. Isaac Ellwood, of DeKalb, placed be­ fore the convention for Congressman the name of A. J. Hopkius, of Kane, who was nominated by a rising vote. A letter from Washington accepting and compli­ menting the district was read. A committee on resolutions consisting ot J. C. Cook, of Boone, G. S. Robinson, of DeKalb, A. H. Lowrie, of Kane, H. Cook, of LAke, and J. D. Clark, of MeHen­ ry, reported briefly endorsing Harrison, Hopkins and the position of the party leaders on the tariff. F. S. Whitman, of Boone, A. Ellwood, of DeKalb, Ira Curtis, of MeHenry, G. R. Lamb, of Lake aw H. T. Rockwell, of Kane were «dect^-t the Congressional committee. 1 v x , W. S. Fraiier, of Aurora, was endorsed as member of the state central committee as was the candidacy of Daniel Dustin, of Sycamore, for the sub-treasurerfibip. m I®* When it was stated some weeks since in the newspapers that the building of a milk pipe line from a point in New York State to New York city was pro­ jected, there was a rather general smile, and the matter. was treated as a joke. The projectors were, however, it seems, in sober earnest. A company with a cap ital of f500,0()0 has, it is announced been formed at Middletown, N. Y., for the purjiose of constructing such a line. The proposed method of forwarding the milk is in cylindrical tin cans surrounded and propelled by water, and the promoters of the scheme assert that the time of trans­ portation for a distance of 100 miles will not exceed an hour, while the profit will be about one cent a gallon. Fire and Water thinks if this sort of thing goes on we need not be surprised ere 16ng to find New York the converging point not only of oil, natural gas und milk pipe lines, but of whisky ducts from the blue grass regions, and beer ducts from "St. Louis, Cincinnati, and Milwaukee. The pipe manufacturers may well fori cheerful at the prospect before them. tGPA. bill for the errection of postoffice ^buildings in towns whose postal receipts s $3,000annually has been referred ie House committee of Congress and favorably reported upon. The me involves the expenditure of not more than f2,000,000 annually, under the direction of the Postmaster General. The. chairman of the committe estimates that the number of places entitled to buildings would not be over 2,000. The bill provides that the Postmaster General is authorized to receive free gifts of land where obtainable, and in no case to pay over $5,000 for a site. W"Bradstreets says: Special tele­ grams indicate, except in the lower Miss­ issippi valley, a widespread improvement in the distribution of general merchandise. This has been aided by nearly a fortnight of seasonable weather. Jobbing is fAirly active in dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, throughout the east, the central werft, southwest, west and northwest, and is backed by an increase in the retail and re-assortment demand* Mercantile collections at several western cotters are easier for the first time in some months. Business failures number 147 in the United |State», this week * ag unst 166 laBt week, and 181 this we» k I et year. Canada had thirty-eight this week against twenty-nine last week. The total number of failures in the United States, January 1 to date,4,005, against : 4,245 in a Jike portion in 1889. The re-noiniuution of Hon. A. J Hopkins, to represent the Fifth District, tmo more years in the House of Represen­ tatives, at Washington, is a most de­ served tribute of confidence in an able and honored public servant. Mr. Hopkins has carried with him into official life the 'same high qualities erf mind and charac­ ter that gave hin so conspicous a place in bis profession. He has devoted him­ self with rare assiduity and zeal to his pablic duties. He has now an enviable place among the representatives from ^lis own state, among whom are the lead­ ing men of the party and stands to-day with the men who occupy the front-rank in our National Councils. While he dis­ plays that broad and liberal statesman ' ship that places first the general interest of the entire country, he has been singu­ larly §nd faithfully attentive to the de fhauds of his own constituents. He has endeavored wisely and honestly to recon­ cile all the dissensions in the ranks of bis party in the district and has made recom ueudations for official position with great tact and discretion. His best friends have shown themselves willing to forego and forget their own local preju­ dices and disputes in order to insure har­ mony in the Republican ranks and make ius nomination for another tern as free as possible from all cause of bitterness. Factional contests have been entirely suspended in order that the united voice Ot the whole district might be hoard in , Ids support. We congratulate hitp upon bis re-nomination and we more heartily congratulate the Republicans of the Fifth District for the wisdom of their action.-- A Stanley Book Worthy of the Hams. One of the most entertaining books published for many a day* is "Heroes of the Dark Continent" and complete Pic­ turesque Africa, embracing the history of Africa and its people for more than one thousand years, illustrated with 500 scenes, colored plates and numerous maps.. Also, including the complete life of Henry M. Stanley and all his famous explorations and discoveries, including his last and grandest expedition for the relief of Emin Pasha. The entire work is issued in pne large and beautiful volume of 576 quarto pages, equal to 1,200 octavo pages, at the low price of only $'i,00. The book is having an enormous circulation, over 200,000 copies having been sold the first seven weeks. It ap­ pears to be making a profound impres­ sion upon the Christian world, judging by the editor of the Canada Methodist, and other distinguished persons. The publishers are responsible and well re­ ported by the Commercial agencies of Dun and Bradstreet. This is evidently an unusuallly favorable opportunity for persons desiringa rapidly paying agency. See advertisement in another column. Cueuiubers Contract your eueumbeiu where they will be taken the entire season and no kicking. W. A. Cristy makes contracts that way and takes both sizes. Call be­ fore contracting * A special extra quality cucumber seeds for sale. . ° A. CBBTY. TVest MeHenry, III. NO FAILURE! Choice dried peaches on prunes, 5c a pound, best dried apples, 7c, good brok­ en rice, 4c, sun dried raisins, 7c, very best bulk starch, 5c, sugars at cost, 4 cans corn for 25c. Full standard calico, 5c, good ginghams, 5c, elegant satines, lie, fancy and good jerseys, 50c, large stock of white goods just received, from 8c to 40c, mounted window shades, 85c, 42c, 47c to fl. Great bargains in fine lace curtains and scrim cloths, curtain poles, etc. New, handsome wall paper, 8c, 10c 11c, 13c to fl. per double roll, all trimmed free. See our new carpets, all new designs, good and cheap. Boys' two and three piece suits, 1.70, 1.90, 2.00 to 12.00. Men's good, heavy, durable suits 4.40, 5.00, 6.00, 8.00, etc., to 25.00. Prince Alberts of the finest goods in stock always at Bonslett & Stoffel's. - AN IMPORTANT MATTER. Druggists everywhere report that the sales of the Restorative Nervine a nervine food and inedieine-^are astonishing; ex­ ceeding anything they ever had, while it gives universal satisfaction in headache, nervousness, sleeplessness, sexual debility, backache, poormemory, fits, dizziness, etc. lay lor Hros., of Bryan, O.; Amber & Murphy, of Battle Creek, Mich.; C. B. Woodworth & Co., of Fort Wayne, lud>, and hundreds of others state that thev never handled any medicine which sold so rapidly, or gave kucIi satisfaction. Trial bottles of this great medicine and book on Nervous Diseases free at G. W. BesLy's who guarantees and recommends it. A REMARKABLE LETTER. The following letter from Mr. W A Thomson, of Columbus, Wis., is pecul­ iarly interesting : "My wife," says he, "has been treated for her head, stomach and nervous prostration by three doctors in New York, two in Chicago, one in Phila­ delphia, one in Cincinnati, and at the large institute in Buffalo for sixteen months. They all failed. But one bot­ tle of Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine helped her wonderfully." This should be used in all headaches, backaches, changes of life, nervous disturbance*, fits, rheu­ matism, etc. Ask at Besley's drug store for a free trial bottle and Dr. Miw> Mn. txx& th* Ji«rv«* and Heart. _ ^ |Ws Do With Our World recently, ottered a prize of $20 for the beet brief answer to the above question. A very large num­ ber «f short essays were handed in. The prim Winner prove*! to be Ella Wheeler WHeox, and the fallowing is the induc­ tion: The foundation of society rests on its homes. The success of our homes rests on the wives. Therefore, first of all, teach our girls how to be successful wives. Be­ gin in their infancy to develop their char- acters. Teach them that jealousy is an immorality and gossip a vice. Train .them to keep the smallest promise as sacitodly as an oath, and to speak of Bople only as they would speak to them, 'eaeh them to look for the best quality in every one they meet, and to notice other people's faults only to avoid them. Train them to do small things well and to delight in helping others, and instil constantly into their minds the necessity for sacrifice for others' pleasure as a means of soul development. Once given a firm foundation of character like this, which the poorest as well as the richest of parents can give to their girls, and no matter what necessity arises they will be able t6 rise above it. ANMUAT, STATEMENT of the receipts and expenditures of village funds by the ..v • usury, IIL, for Treasurer of the village of Me! the year ending April ho, 1889. RECEIPTS. Hay 1. BalonUand .41 2, Reed from village clork... •» T B Turner...., II •« villtge olerli.... fines village clerk. licenses... i... ...... fines village clerk... liesaaes fines..\. Jane t. July & Ang 6, 13, Sept 19, 80. Oct M, Nov I, •• *. •' r Dee %••**•- 1*0. Feb 8, *. « Mar IS. * u,; • H " April 9, *XPENDIT0RR«. Paid for printing rcporc.. $ Pd ont 188 to G Boley pumping water.. u " W to G W Beslev aect city hall •• " i:>(! 60 SStoffel insurance " " 191 to C HutsoD s police •» " li»2 to H Thnion e police «• •* 193 to A (' Granger » police .... •* ** 394 to P Lelckeni s police u M 195 to T Murphy care of lamp*. •* ** |!W to W P Mt<>vens nail*.. road and bridge tax.. *• lines . . r KG ranger use of hall >• village clerk ........ sore 770 00 600 00 300 100 962 00 6 00 8 CO 15 00 IS 60 1260 OG SCO 900 a; no 300 M 00 600 137 03 300 10 00 30 76 M 137 10 II A Howard salary *• IS15 to J Vansfvke sal and urt g. •• J99 to T Murphy, jge of election •• 21H> to W A Crlsiy salary . " 201 to F R Granger salary " 2*is to P Pnrker salary • •* 203 to T J Walsh salary... •• 204 to J Mistiop t-alary •• 50$ to P Hauperihs salary *• HOB to G T Howo rcn t •' 207 to Perry & Owen oil.. .... . •• 208 to Stevens & Miller oil... .. «• -\!0» to B GilOe>t oil M 210 to Sioffel & Blake oil " 211 to AUtioff Bros oil ... ** 212 to Jlisten Bros rep on lamp. ===== Paid Order, New ttfries. , •* 1 to r Murphy care of lamps. •• 3 to Wili>iir 1, Oo, lumber .... *• 3 to P Thelen lalor <** 4 to J Van Slyke printing A1. •• • 5 to P Hauperihs salary Ac,., •* • 6 to A C Granger salary to... " 7 to T J W»il8li salary •* 8 to John Miller salary *, M ft to J Bishop salary M 10 to J Simon labor.. ' " 11 to G E Smith salary M 12 to E Lamphere st work..... " 13 to N Bisitop painting .. " 14 to Steven* & Mi?lor oil ** 15 to J Bonslett, hardware ** 16 to Wilbur L Co lumoer..... •• 17 to T B Turner salarv " 18 to Gilles A liohues,"labor... •• 19 to E Wendell labor «• 20 to S McDonald In Mr •• 21 to T Ilalpin 1 tbor M 2i to A Kearns latntr " 2S to D Parker street work.. . " 24 to W A risty salary " 25 to Wilbur L fco lumber... .. •• '3! to 8 Keiley s police ... *• 27 to N li Holmes s police " 2^ to 8 Mi'Donald s police .. .. " 2!) to T II Turner salary ^ 30 to H *imes a iioiice " 31 to J Bonslett spittons . •• 3i to E Lamphern st work..... •* 33 to O Lamphere st work .... •• V 34 te P Srhafer labor •• 35 to T Ilal pin labor -- 36 to W A Cristy gravel •* 37 to Wilbur L Co lumbar. * 38 to Justen Bros screen* H 30 to K Lamphere street work. ** 40 to Perry & Owen bv labor Ifaskina *• 41 to A Kenrns labor.........# , «• 42 to John Simon labor ** 41 to P Schafer lal»or. " 44 to J Brentz latior •• 45 to P Leiekem poets ...» •* 46 to F Wieueman labor ..... . -- 47 to 8 McDonald s |«olicc...... M 48 to S B KHly e police...'.... . •• 49 to J Kt ienil s police * 50 to T Powers s poll •• 61 to H Simes s potire " 52 to PHau perihs exo toOhla'o M to B Gilbert chuunies. eto.. " 54 to T B Turner salary * 55 to T Myers work O Hall •* 56 to K M Owen gravel •* 67 to H V Shepird work •' 612 to J Bonslett nails... 59 to E W Howe, work 0 Hall. " 60 to K Lamphere st work....*. -- 6i to P Jack ley labor •• 62 to N L Holmes salary ...* u 63 to H O Holms e police " 64 to8 McDonald s police " 65 to T Murphy s police., Wt to JKeihe painting ** 67 to Wilbur L Co lumber..... •• 68 to Justcn Bros elixirs " 69 to E R Austin storage •* 70 to John Hi uon salary ' " 71 to N L Holmes salaiy .. .. ' * 7240 John Simon salary '* 78 to E l.auiphere st work •* 74 to L Newman labor " 75 to Wllbnr L Co lumber....t •• 76 to P Thelen work jt. " 77 to J Nelbs work •* 73 to George K<>th< rmel work« •* 79 to S B Kelly s pol'ce -- 80 to H ®imes t> police " 81 te W P Sieveqs hard wars.. -- 82 to N 1, Holmes salary -- S3 to H !.« Holmes s police «• 84 to J V&nSlyfce salary Ac.... •* 85 to Justen Bros glass • " 86 to WilburL Oo lumber •* 87 to E Lamphere st work •• IJM to J Glllea labor M Hi to Nor quoo & Weber irons -- 9o to J Rimon salary Jie M 91 to M Kngeln repairs " 92 to B Gilbert oil M S3 to Atoffel A Blake oil » 94 to 8tevens & Miller oil ..... *• 95 to Althoff Bros oil ...^ " 96 to Perry A Owen oil -- 97 to 'lhomas Walsh salary... •• 98 to J Bishop salary »>. •• 99 to P Hauperihs halary m 100 to Geo G Smith salary " 101 to John Miller salary....,> •• 102 to A C Gianger salary...,,.. •• 103 to W A Cristy salary.... ... " lot to J Thelen oil. " 105 to W A Orlsty water grarsl and tile 1 • ire to Globe H't ALCoI'mpfix •* H'7 to E Lamphere salary * iwtoti 1. Holmes salary •• IflO to ,f Simon salary •* 110 to C V Stevens wood " UJ to Wilbur I. Oo lumber " 112 to Geo W Owen b'd o' h ltll. -- 113 to Geo W Be sly b'd of h'lth. " 114 to O J Howard b'd of h'ith . * 1 6 to E Lamphere st com M 1)6 to II O Holmes 11 bor 117 to N L Holmes salary " 118 to J Simon salary M 119 to Wil our L Co lumber.... . " 120 to J Van Slyke 11 Simes a p. " 131 to FKGranger Stevens h'ie. *• 122 to I* Hauper hs storage " 123 to N L Holmes salary . *• 124 to John Simon salary **. 125 to Wilbur L Cu lumber..... •• 126 to Perry & Owen oil.... M 127 to Stollel & Blake oil •* 12H to B Gilbert oil " IK to Althoff Bros oil •* 130 to Stcreni & Milioroil . .. 131 to J lions tell nails ... . *• 132 to K Lamphere salarv ...... -- 133 to H EWiglitm in S w"k..„.. •* 1-'J4 to O Lamphere st wk....:... •* 135 to O Curtis st wk •* 136 to J Hauperihs at wk " 187 to David Parker st wk ** 138 to WmDavis grav'd at wlr.. * 13# to F Quigley work " 140 to James Comlsky work .t . " 141 to Kred Niek es work " 142 to Andrew Kearna work.... " 143 to J llishop work M 144 to Geo Ourtls work " 145 to M Oleary gravel " - a Gilbert chimney t *• U7 to N L Holmes *<Ury. " :48 to John Simon Mlary 14» to smith A iion lab r Qutgtr 160 to Wilbur 1. Co iumlter. " **' Wl to W A OrUty sundry bills. " " 16* to K L Holmes salary " V* to Jehu Simon salary „w ** loo 32)11 700 »16 54 00 3 00 300 3 76 Sou 3*> 76 146 11 50 3100 800 760 7 60 760 it 00 900 ttOO 10 00 3 35 lfO 340 160 1 48 1»S> 30 83 76 A3 SO 13 00 8 60 7 50 7 5o 9 76 7 67 8 76 06 96 6 90 75 18 48 03 97 „ 40 f O 8 00 62 8 76 18 12 8 62 15 76 600 84* 48 400 300 800 40 CO 4 00 6 77 84 00 900 8 40 8 76 . »H0 7611 9 96 66 10 7 60 663 6%0 625 325 r «o £75 400 400 400 3 00 400 760 13 60 40 00 30 60 10 00 834 6 15 2 6.; 6100 8 76 80 60 300 1 60 4 00 13 40 18 00 8H40 8JH) 30 00 8160 30 00 9838 <6 4 76 336 2 26 600 10 00 14 (Hi 11 79 i.O U 3 Of 13 00 3 16 66.-6 82-76 1 60 16 63 32 00 4 75 3 25 800 4 90 8 76 7 67 7 60 7 50 I 60 7 60 7 50 7 50 860 150 960 34 1000 suoo 3100 40 611 10 00 10 00 1000 14 16 16" 83 00 30»» 46 36 300 86 00 760 8000 2* or 846 8 7d 4 6<< 460 5 76 4 60 32 5<> 34 00 36 60 17 60 18 00 66 80 8 6<> 13 75 1176 13 76 13 75 M 75 1 50 1V76 80 26 38 00 4 40 3 04 8000 00 188 to C Lam pher* street wotk. 167 to J Knox street work . 168 to Wm Davis wk and gravel 160 to T J WalMi st work 161 to K Nieklos labor ... lt>2 to J Bishop lsiK>r 163 to A Kemus labor ... •... M4 to W A right labof ...... ... 106 to K Brewer st work.... .... 164 to XV a Orlsty st work ... ... 167 to A 0 Granger satarV..i*... W9 to If K Grnnger ttvfees.... 170 to K Lamphere st i'oni ...... 171 to P Hauperihs salurv Ac... 172 to Geo uui'lix teaming 178 to I» Nellis tflsmin* 174 to*!' Knox teaming...... ..... 176 to K Walsh teaming....'..... 176 to K Qnigiey teaming Ac.... 177 to A kearns labor -- 178 to O Curtis si work -- 179'toJ Bishop salsry &o. 180 to MhiImoI Sugaieau labor.. 181 to John A<lauis labor 182 t > H Itickler Inbor 184 to M Engcln repairs ]8H to H I) liohues bidg eng hse 187 toN Jiolmes saUry.; 188 to Perry A Owen oti and p't 19C to Althoff llrosoil .: W2 to Stovena & Miller oil 194 lo P Haitperihs »nlarv Ac. . 19? to Lindgren Engine Co...... 197 to J Van Slyke s*l and prtg. IBS to W A Cristy stlaries on hand'to b.ilaaoe.. ,. 6 PO «:a 1« i«,i *w *m 3 <H> 3 7&J 75. 1 27 is m 7 60 5 00 3t 30 I9 60 Irtflft 2v|10 22 oO 22 60 15 21 12 l-Q 6 7S 22 5d 12 00 10 50 150 3 25 17 Oil 31 00' 10 36 3 >0 4 70 29 15 2 75 23 20 32 72 53 83 $3i93 50 JAMES B. PKBRV, Ti&aauc«K, 8TATE OF ILLINOIS, 1 ^ Vss * * i' v ' MeHenry Count v. v : . Jsmes B Perry, being duly sworn, doth da pose and say that the foregoing statement it correct, according to th« best of hts informa. tlou, knowledge an<! belief. Jamra PFRRT Subscribed and «wrn to belore me this StII day of May, A. D., 1890. iticiiAUD BISHOP, N,; P, BEST. A R E 100 styles, prices togsnitall. 'Ww AykksA Sons, PHILADBIiHIP. giud by »ii dealers. 1 FOR GRAIN RAISERS. ---------- Can they mak:^ mon present prices? h YES! j h o v M P . ; • By keeping the soil rich, By cultivating* it wellr Py using the best seed, THEN Have Jtheir Grain and Seeds Threshed, Saved and Cleaned BY THE NICHOLS & SHEPARD j ^VIBRATOR It will handle Grain andS^ds FASTER, VV *^-v- "V lie the others prove look overour immenae stock KT«n» more deeply tu6 soliti foundation of our husi- Jiiess, aa time pusses experience teitchen, and a ltrge trade entt^lcfe li#8 to sunceasfuliy compete with others in the arreat trade of success, huvingf liwht and trijf on,the scules of |mti©|p we say - M I To close, out a few odds we have some big reductions in our Clothing stock and. c.§n give you SEVERAL "BARQA We will continue this week selling 18 lbs. choice whole Sice, $1; 8 bars 5c Soao, 25c; 5 lbs. good Starch, 25c; 3 dox. Clothes Pins, 5c. r » CLEANER, any other Thresher. It will save enough extra grain (which other machines will waste) to pay all thresh­ ing expenses, and often three to five times that amount. It will Clean the Grain and Seed so much better that you can get afl extra price for it. It will, do your work so much QUICKER, so much CLEANER, and so free from WASTE, that you will save money. SuchThreshing Machinery is made only by NICHOLS & SHEPARD BATTLE CREEK, IvIlCHlGAN. At 8c, 10c and 12^c, in beautiful patterns. Call and see us. P E R R Y ACHANGE TO MAKE MONEy <nl:iry and Ex|>«r"e» paid, or Contmis. sl«»») if meftrrid. ?*alo*men M'ntred everywhere. No experience acoded. address, stntfnir nee, H'.W. FOSTER & CO., Nnrneryimn, . Geneva, ^ FRAWK BARKER. - Carap. Sip ana OffljiatJ PAINTER ciHHfmiirt in the rooms Stop. Wnld'iiry, 111., where lie is ready to pUni, your bngKi^H iu I!est class style, at Reasonable llates, and Cuirantie Satisfaction- From lon>r experience in the business I hid conildent I ran plea*e all. Uul! and aco me, inspect'work and learn prices. 'Frank Bar^Hi^ MoHenrr, April 15,1MK). ( . High-Pressure Liring characterizes these modern days. The result is a fearful increase of Brain and Heart Diseases -- General De­ bility, Insomnia, Paralysis, and In­ sanity. Chloral and Morphia augment the evil. The medicine best adapted to do permanent good is Ayer's Sar- saparilla. It purifies, enriches, and vitalizes the blood, and thus strengthens every function and faculty of the body. " I have used AVer's Sarsaparilla, in nay family, for years.- I have found it Invaluable as ; « ..-'-J* A Curd for Nervous Debility cau^l^^itf ifr active liver and a low state of the blood." --Henry Bacon, Xenia, Ohio. "For some time I have been troubled with heart disease. I never found any­ thing to help me until I began using. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I have only used this medicine six months, but it has re­ lieved me from my trouble, and enabled tne to resume work."--J. P. CaraSawett, Perry, 111. '• " * have been a practicing physician for over half a century, and during that time I have never found so powerful and reliable an alterative and blood- purifier as Ayer's Sarsaparilla."--Dr. M. Maxstart,'jLouiaville, Ky. " • / Ayer's Sarsaparilla, ^ *rT**r UttPiHun BY i ) Dr. «l. C. Aysr ft Co., Lowsll, Mast. W"$l i «ls tottlM, ft. Worth 96 a bottl*. iO $n"n a DM Agei its Wanted J (,'lHCtT! ARS FHKK. ]"> vwirter's tsiilw • Jtein liolden way to introdv ce them. Every >rf<* ner huvs from ( to G. Lints iK'ver in der Uorses1 leei. hend 2ft cent® l i to i>av postKi?* and packin* i .r Nickel fampl JlhatsellsforSS E. \V. llLATCJIt'i'RD & < 0., of Chi- brive appoi atw! lionnje; o «!e StofiVl of West MeHenrj , ttgentsfortheirfamous Oil Meal and <.'alf which till farmers should afcor^l & fair trial. Very close prices are aCtred or stnaH or* largo lots ^ GERMAN Paia-Killer and Empire Salve. Is the very lH?st medicine ever introiliKeo Into the country. The following are the names of a few.o*f t!»e many who liave he«n on red hy this arreat mei'ioine: iVi. F. Mailer, (ienr.x. Wis., cured pf asthma of ten yearo' standing. O. u. Dei^yin, of the same pl&ee, cured of a Chronic Roro li nil. Mrs, J. J. HiiiT, Riehmond, 111., cured of lun); trouble of six mouths' standing. Mrs. Huiliurt, N inula III., cured of anthma ind rat'trrh of long standinir. Airs. Wettstein, Harvard, cured of internal triuole of ten years' standing. Mr, llamifHliall. of llarvnrd, cured of ca- .arrh, scrofula, aid varicose veins of tK* years' standing. 'fhfo'lore Horrhold, of Harvard, ciirednot! paralysis of two yeais'staiiiiing. ..This new medirine lias on red bron<"hitis,' •erofiil'i. alisc-eoees1, boils, burn.*,ratarrli, et w ind relieved asthnn and consumption for all who have used it. It is a sure and sale inch une for all troubles and never tails to give taunlaclioit. Try it under a full warrantee Price ot Kuipiresalve haitounce box,25cents;.' two ounce Imj.x, 75 cents, or three imxen fot |100. 1'ainkiller, one.ounce bottle,'>25 cents^ '.wo ounce bottle, 5U cents. Call on your1 Iruggist for it, or send to t*. LENNARD8, Harvard. III. For sal« by i>ao. W. lies ley. West Mclleury, Illinois,....... BIBLE STORIES, Ageuts Wanted! Mil! be ^ivea to introduce our netv book, Bible Brilliants: MO fHER' HOME The p-cfttost success of the year, and some­ thing entirely new in the boon line. Loyal Quarto; si/.o,»?ixll?i; flnest of paper; l:irg< (vpe; &ii> illustrations, f-H full page, two ot them prmteil in nine col>rs; rut.iil price onlj 'I'tH.usanti* will tie sold for Hoii>la\ Presents. Those llrst in the Held will reaps harvest, Act quick or you will miosit. FORSHEE & AJACM A KIN, Cincinna ti, O. TlJC TRCC IMP roves tne Hoineatean. * I Uul I wlr Improve yours b> planting the Hltick "ill* Spruce, a tr»e flrsf discovered near Uear llutie and tiie Iron Hill region of on Mi U.ikojta lirouglit to North Iowa ten • ears s'i ce by Gold Hunt- luwin A Great Success J With line foliage, compact form, gofSit cohir. ease of transplanting perfect n;t>oine*s, •'.fronouneeii by piactic.aI men the VKtt* BESJ LVKHGKKKN tor I'rairie nee.iions. t rajisp anted tre<-», atoll in^iies, stocky, wi'h mood, #•» p«» 6, #4 per >2, by mal'. t re-h trees from lite llili», « to 14 inches, • I- f ir 50, iW tor MKI. Well packed ami prepaid i.ow rates by the leflO Itrdur now yatHlog'ie fre-. Also grower of ail kind* of fr'ift a- d ornamental trees. Kveryr< eus an Suiftll Fruits a specialty. Address it. K. fUXKLEK, General Nurseryman Mapua, l«vii secret ;oi)R • not < ompoF©d of harmleaa roetry, but of the largest and best variety ot *1 Ever shown iu this town any fiim. Our store is ciowdied in (every nook and corner with ^oods if hose high quality praise their owuer-; their small rmrtv gins draw praise from all i>ur« chasers, daily call, Dress Goods \\ ith a full line of the newest, matched Trimmings were mos» cur^lully selected from the bfcst markets, and our nenriettM*,. L ttshmeien. riergen, Brilliautines, etc., >in«l the choicest colorings to be'fuuud, and suitable tor gen­ eral, as well as tor lfttU#, weddings, etc. See them, Shades SMB inch ^ >niV h iHMt, fSS Cental Lawn Satteens, (iTiSghsircs, Tennis, Toile du iNoids, Prints, White Goods., ;We without quest on huve the largest and best*sto<*k ot liib toils, Fabric Glove, Notions, etc. W e offer unusual discounts on our welt seleoted stock ot War- ran It. d i the Harness Shop of Wm. *Valsh, West MeHenry, ^ r 8. SHERMAN. West Mcflenry', May 2d, 1800 l;l!v r , •; ̂ %> '8»fi I if jfe iNo. 9701. Record 2i26. Wl 1 he for service at the hams of George W. Owen, MeHenry, Illinois. TERMS, $50. On* hall payable in Cash, balance hy due bix months from service without interest. Interest after due at 8 per cent. , "tieorureO "was sired by J,aketand Abdullah •151. bv the founder of our trotting wonders, old liysiiykes Hare bit- toman, 10 Dam of George o u i>y Autocrat, a son of '3e«/rge M. I'atchtui, 30, record 2:23,}^. She paced ntKix yeiirnoii a halt mile in liOGJtf, an»l at li yearns full mile in 2:27. "George (> " baa li:ui very iimiied advan­ tages in the stuM, ne\ ur having bred a sian- iani bied mare, but his colts are all very _*peedy and sell tor Imig-prices. »te i»ir»"ft ti t\vo-jeiir.<>M with a record of i.49. trial >tf mile in 1:22 to Road Cart. OEOBOE W 0W£H MeHenry, ilUnoii. gtFORE YOU Buy S T E A M E N C I N E D*FT ;tff' the famous C, H. and Phelan & Y«»rkey manuPic­ ture. « hi Ids Gout Shoes." 50c, i)0c to $1 20; Misses 75c, $1 to $2; Ladies $1.25 to f5; ^ ens fullv wari anted hand pegged plow shoe only $1.25; mens tine shoes, $2, $2.50, $3, etc. -- Beloit Overalls, V",: AND JACKETS. Ma Wir stock of ster'ing: aroods is complete «U round at greatly reduced piic«^. Fally .warrauted^, ; , ' v r- % i New Hats, In great variety of styles and prices. The newest ideas, the prices ' , 4:-w# * Ju!»t received direct from the manufacturers, Thomas & Hay- den. The newest ideas at figures. High Quality 0 LOT HI Of the best fit, cut and wear oau be found at our store in the best variety ever shown in the county selected with a view to satisfy the wants of our patrons, as" we have done in the past. We can fit and please all from our *4apge stock, in style, qui}:ty and pi ice. "M • KAIHSD I0SD8BS, also stock *tr itUm" priceSt Clean,* filtaadarcl C * • . ESy BOILER •CND FOR ouw CATAtOOUC*WD PRICKS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPQUS, IND. Honest A»»e Flour only $1 per sack, delivered to any part .oi toe towu. Dont forget $ Z* ** f y /-r t V '• itfe' "V,.*

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