Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1890, p. 8

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with Dymwpsia and it? SShiloh VitaJuser la to cure you. Bold by J. A. ' Calf Meal! Oil Meal! i Always in stock, at Bonfilett &Stotfel*#, j In email or large lots, at close prices. The quality, styles and prices of our 6«w lino of dreus goods pleases all who jivvfyy tiyetil. , 8t£VEi\s & Miller, West McHenry* ; SEED CORN FOR SALE. StoweH'H Evergreen Sweet Corn and *'K*h1 Cob" Eosila^v Corn. Prices rvasoit- X •&*•. Special prices made oil large lots. - / - ? J own EvanIon & Cofe »fr"T: •VWF BUGGIES! BUGGIES! ife - ii kH - -v \ ̂ • •A 5r »JThe finest line of open and top' buggies •vw brought to McHeury. We are Bett­ ing the same carriage uow for f 100 that •>e got $125 for last year. Prices range 'li oiu #00 up but can get them for less4 f e u t n o t w a r r a n t e d . f ' j " « , E. M. Owes & SoKi"{ TI1E PULPIT AND THE STAGE. Rev F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Breth- Chnrch, Blue Mound, Kaii., ways: "'I it m.y duty to tell what wonders Dr. ling's New Discovery has done for ine. iy Lungs were badly diseased, and my jbarishioners thought I could live only a . lew weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. Iting's New discovery and am sound and l.%ell, gaining 26 lbs. in weight. i ^ Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny iFolks Combination, writes: 'rAfter a •horourfj trial and convincing evidence, I ooua&gut Dr. King's New Discovery r^assmption, beats 'em all, and IMS when everything else fails. The t kindness I can do my many d friends is to urge] theiu to try Free trial bottles at G; W. Beeley'B Store. Regular sizes 50c. and 1.00. FAILURES IN LIFE i f%6ple fail in many ways. In bcnhwss, In morality, in religion, in happiness, . {tad in health. A weak heart is often an •insuspected cause of failure in life. If blood does not circulate properly in lungs there is shortness of breath, jfcsthnia, etc.; in the brain, dizziness, Jbeadache, etc.; in the stomach, wind, |»aiu, indigestion, faint spells, etc.; in the . Jiver. torpidity, congestion, etc. Pain in 'the left side, shoulder and stomach is ;«aused by heart strain. For all these J -Jualadiee Mr. Milles' New Cure for the heart and longs is the best remedy. :8old, gaaianteed and recommended by Treatise free. P&81 PJ RT ANT MATTER. Dhlggists everywhere report that the of the Restorative Nerviue a nervine and medicine-are astonishing; ex deeding anything they ever had, while it universal satisfaction in headache, »8rvouHnes8, sleeplessness, sexual debility, Itackaehe, poormemory, fits, dizziuess, etc. Taylor Bros., of Bryan, 0.; Amber £ Murphy, of Battle Creek, Mich.: C. B. Wood worth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., d hundreds of others state that they w handled any medicine which sold so pidly, or gave such satisfaction. Trial pottles of this great medicine and book 0n Nervous Diseases free at G. W. Besley's who guarantees and recommends it. - ' ' ' 4 ^ % • v*m *•*/* WW fU 45 * f* 6 * V ' v [bunclrymtid jsretty and atout, l^y in iroukle And dou]>f her best counterpanes fad some vary Mack stains $ J ^ & » * fr-1 • . .*; . ^ TO MAKE YOUR "'-i-Vf- < We carry an extra large stock of men's fine and medium priced Suits. Boys black and dark colored Confir­ mation Suits, and boys knee pant Suits at Bottom Prices. :i!r CUUS SOAP--aads Hi) t) N. K. FAIR8AHK & CO., aiMp WEBSTER THE BEST INVESTMENT Fop the Family, School^ or Professional Library. 10HABR!DG£M l JDIGTIONAHITSELF €? m & V. J.BuWaa. 7. ' Sirbiaa IBARBIAN BROS. Whie a xle and 'iff pin CIGARS, McHESBY ILLINOIS, ^ H*ving leased the brick boiUlmg one door Iwuthottbe post office, we burt opened ft Mtail store, where,stall time* can be found lM cigars of oar own manufacture, together With smoking and chewing tobareo of the ferst brands. C Pipes a Specialty, ~ ^JW»ha*e a vary tartre asnortment aM|; alia * WJ ttukdeome pauerns. CALL AND 8KB US. uebiui nor. MeBaarj, XoTMbw*mh, 1*8. mm - ,H«rM*7Cittl«, Sheep & Hogs.< %. - fh , K SI'S? "V nm*4l rapid cure of Hari mm-*':#, HM> Bound, Yellow Water, Fever,' , miUmfU, Sara and Weak Eyu, Lung Fever, jU/ ' ,i#WN, Blatchos, and all dlfBcultlet arlt- W 4a**a t*9nHtiss of the Blood. Will rslleva < " NMi'l aaea. Manufactured by the • w ^ i Mm MMUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y^l tar* Cara tar Ha| Cholera. FULLER & FULLER, tmral WMaraAfaMt, ChtMHi H. Z Has l»een for years Standard Authority in tlie Government Printing Office and U. S. Su­ preme Court. It is highly recommended hy 38 State Suj>*ts of Schools an«l the leading College Presidents. Nearly all the School liooks Eli hi i shed in this country are used upon Webster, as attest­ ed hy the leading School Book Publishers. 3000 more Words and nearly 2000 more Engravings than any other American Dictionary. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Th6 New York World says: Websteriaal- most univt'i'Milly i The Boston Globe jiu-ededto be the be*t. avs: AVebstcr is the ac- knowl--l--< 1 in lexicography. The Atlanta Constitution sayst Webster lias lon^b^r: tic. ia"l authority in our office. The Chicago Inter Ocean Ui»al>riil»rv>l hus ai.\;iy.« 1'cen the rtandard. The New Orleans Times Democrat says •. Webster is standard nuthority in our office. The New York Tribune says: It is recognized as the most UM'fnl existing "word-book" of the English laupuap:.' all over the world. 8old by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. C. * C. MERR1AM A CO., Pab'rs,Springfield, Maa» VIBRATOR Ify i'g;: A A CilTB to unvui fur the eale i^VI Eil« I VP of iour _ Home-Urown Mnreerv Rtwl. WANTED MUM LtftBlUi, l'iKMl fJHKQUALED Facilitikb. One ol thi! largest esiaUiabed,and best kuown NurseriM XO tkf. country. Adtireaa, "m'Tr"'r " 'va Nursery, Geneva, N. Y. tkf. country. A<ldr< W*. T. SMiTH\ Genera Nursery JSstabliijlifid in 184K, !{. Si ' MEN WANTED. •o represent oujr well-known nursery in thie •sooty, for town und ceuntry trade. Qood ^ajr weekly. A «teady position with a nur- aery ot over thirty yenr0' eundinir. an.i a kfiowii res|«or eibility. We want xood, lively. #ortfr», and will »ay well. Good reference* jpenuireu. Ajiiily uwick, stating axe. CHASE BftOTHKHS COMPANY. **••»* Chicaga, 1JL Every Enterprising Thresherman knows that threshing machine V that will the most rapidly, I „ clean perfectly, a&d save all the grain will bring him the best jobs and best prices, and so he will Write now to at once investigate our claim that •«^iVlBBATOlR beats anything heretofore made in all these and other points. • The wide-awake Farmer will also get our circulars and satisfy himself whether he can afford to have his grain wasted by other threshers when he can make money by having his grain threshed with the New Vibrator Our pamphlet giving full information about Threshing Machinery and Traction Engines sent on application. NICHOLS & 3HEPARD BATTLE CREEK, MICHIGAN. 1 BEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE ANO PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS,' r ^PIDIAWAPOLIS, 1NCU TPtrnftpHY iSfA jents Wanted! Cl: (CI) LARS FilEE. itOi* hrewsl. r*» Jafety J'.ein Holder* rrl /enaway • ointro<iucpthem. Kvery ti<» se owner 1: tyf from I to 6. Lines im<-er under h< «8ts' letl. temi25ceut9 in stumpM 10 i civ post&ce a.nd packiQK lot Nickeii'la tod SilnpleUialiieiis lor64 Snimitaik<4^ilWlT«IUik. stock of elegant patterns at 16c, 22c, 35c, 50c, 60c and 75c, which we guarantee cannot be equal­ ed for price or quality.' I N K S 8 1 0 1 S T THU ADVERTISEMENT Say* thaCjanything in the line of COAL Ac FKED Oem he y»»v/hi CHEAPER FOB CASIf--! --*r W. A- CRISTY'S, Than any other place in town. Car Lottt n. speciutfy. Warehouse at the Pickle Factory, in Went McHenry. REMEMBER TI1E PLACE. A CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY Sr.laryand Expanses paid, or Commie, einn if ineferreii. »ale«n>eii Wanted .everywhere No experieuoe Deeded. Address, slalinir a^e, H. W. FOSTER & CO., Nmbftrymeo, . Geneva, N. Y. FRANK BARKER. Carriage. Sip aid Omental PAINTER, Can be found in the rooms over Hauperlirb'a St-<>p, Mi-Henry, III,, wliere he i* ready to paint, vonr tnigjii«R in itr*t clnt:* style, at Reaaon:tbie Ilaies, and Cuarants* Satisfaction. From long experience in th« bu<*inesa 1 am conildent I can plea»e all. OaU and <xe me, inspect work and itarn price*. UcBenry, April U, ••rl,,,r- GERMAN Pain-Kilter aid £119ire Sanre, Is ine very foe«t niedii-ioe ever introdn'-ed int>> the Kiuntry. The following are the •aiuex of a few of the many who nave be«n Hired liy thin irreitt iikedi ine: m P. Mmler, tieno-, Wi»., cured of avtltma of ten yearM* btmi'iing <rrt). IVsigitn, of the vaine plac«», cured of a Chronic »oru II ii. Mia, J. J. Huff, Richmond, III, rured of lung ol hix iuouIIik' rflutiding. Air# Mulburt, Niiinta lll.eureil ot ai>tlim» tad cut ir< h of Ion* xtaridinK. iMrs*. Wt tihiein, llxrvHrd. cured of internal tr iul)li> ol it'ti year*' atitndmg. Mr, llandeMhall. of Harrard, cured of ra> larrh, Hcrofuiu, and varicone vein* of llv« fears'Atandiug. Xheo«(ore Borrhold, of Harvard, cured of pirnl>«it! ot two yeais' BUimtinft Thiti new medicine has cured Uronchlti*, •f,rotu!«. aiiAceoees, boil*, burn*,catnrrlt, e, an l reaeve<l ailinii.t ami ii.nt>i.iii(iiion ftr'nli wtio !ia\c nrcil 11. it is a oure und sale ruedi- ijiiic-ior nh trouble* and never fttiln to K,v* sn'ihiH. U'in. Try it under n full Himinte* Price 01 Kmpiro salve liall box,£A cent* two ounce l»>x, 75 rentK, or three Ooxe» foi fl so. l uinktlitr, one.ounce bottle, "ib cents; two.ounce Ixjttlf, 50 >ent* talf on your Iruggiel for it, or eeud to N. LENNARD8, Harvard. III . For *ale by uao. W. liesiey, Wea(«cM«i>r>, Illinoih. STORIES, Agents Wanted! Kr.h«Tu"°Tli'ti will be viven 10 in (rex luce our new book Bible Brilliants: MOTHER'S rifOT n HOME The p.e.iteiit*ucccH« of the year, and some. i iiiiiK Ot'iirely new in the boo* line. Koyal Quarto; *w\ HJixlIJi; dnestof paper; large tvpe; 3-JU uluatration*. M full pajte, (wo ol Ihein printer in mu« col >r*; rel iil j>ri«-e only (-2S0 will he *oiil for Holiday i'resente. Tlwue llrnt in the Held w'.ll reap a harvest. Act <441 ick or >ou will mini it. FOHHHEE A UACMAKIN, Cincinnati, O. TUC TtlCC |Mprov#atb« Wome»tc»d. Inc. I net llWr 1hivw^ your* by plantirjT tiie 1 • ills Spru<-«, a trre tlrst (iiucovcied nt-ur Hear llutteanu the Jrop Hill r» ffion of .ouin U'ikota i^rouKht to North Iowa ten 'tiv« *'nce by Uola Uu/ot. A Great Success! ^Vlih line foliage. form, good color. «ase ot IrariKplanUnK j>*rfert h;» mneiiN. it 1# 1>ronoun<-e<i iiv piaraicai niMii tlie V t,U * liba'I •.VKltciltKhN tor I'ruirte ion*. i runup anted tree*, rt to liJ lif lie*. stocky, wttta food, %i per «, ti per it, by mall. Fr«bli ireett fiom the llili*. £ to li inches, 48. for .'>0, |6 tor 100. Weil ptcktut and jM-c.paid. i.ow rates by tb« io*y ordersnuw. •Jatnlogne free. Also grower ofHll kind of fruit and urnamepiul trees. Evergreen* »nd bmati fruits a specialty. AddreM M. E. HINKLER, « , General Nurseryman Nobody in the county carries a finer stpek of Boots and Shoes than we. Do not fail to see the extreme Low Prices we make on our medium low priced goods. We buy all our goods for Spot Gash Only, and therefore can sell you at Bottom Prices. Yours Respectfully, J PERRY & OWEN. BONSLET'H OPPOSITE BimpP'S MlTiLi DWALSR Purohapel for ChsI.. will admit and fimiie 1 o< wJHic-h VfTss <fOO»Js. e sold *n low as the maret E OF STATES. > AMD OTIIISU^KINIJN. eo our Gasolene Stoves. Atl SIZES CONSTAMTLY OW HAWP. BEST >*'" ttffovd to dp otherwise when you ft now the 1 ii^**iiK*n»M offered hy tli« Nunda, Woodstock and Dundee M«»re8 oi * . Hall, A^ent. 1 he stores «re filled with a ch»iei» und well-wUcied Mtock of D17 Ootids, Clothing, HoqU >ind ^ tUto imd Oipn, Groceries, etc . ; r ~ Sold for Cash Only »&d Ota* Priet to AIL We are sending out this "ad" to reach the far-otf trade no! Diilurnliy coming to us. The home t.ade knows h ijood thin* when it «ees it, Hii<Liu.turally como to us, but we want more trade, f i n d h o f r a y t o y m : fume aD (l w i l l 1 * Our eanh bought merchandise h give you worth the a routing benefit. ^ w , . - attention of eve*# t*a«n buyer, and we jruarantee u saving on every item o tie rod. \\ e <«<vupy a large .double ttore at Nunda, and with good ffooda' and good ligbt to hhow, you should call and get ,the rules. Parlies coming by rail and buying ten dollar*" worth ot VletchandiM we wo til-1 s»«y we will allow you two railroad fares within a distance ot twenty-five mile^, ind ganranteo sati-taction in all eases. Do you buy for cahb, or do long prict s and long credit suit vou beat? ;L)o you live a month behind or^ month ahead all you live!? Ui»r plan will i>lease you, and our prices, too, for oui's is not to see how much we .an get tor an article but at how small a price we can sell it. \\ ith three large stores under our management we carry tbe mcst complete line o! Dry Goods to be U und in any Motion, at d out ClorLinar otock toi men and hoys is compute. We bell d bovV suit, ag« 4 to 12>>ears. at U8 cents, which is solid and substantial) and it you want something more uoboy our suits at $1.29, $1 $L 01), $1 will be just one-half the rates charged by credit'dealers! V\ e-are making our prices in all lines tell on high credit ratee, and vou shotiM share in the henetiu. Our Gnfceiy htock is always fiesli a-.d inviting, and our rates are mntfh below olir credit ctmfc petitors in all cases. * . W e have i n years past gained the reputation-it£&#|iriraiii and that name will be fully feiistained. ^ I sugurs, why aewn No, I tiott'tMB. lieat No, •* Coffee............ Be*l Bic.e Goo>i 1'ea ... ..... S" cent Ten........ No 1 Bilking Powder tioou I'lu^r Toimri-o tjood 'rolmcco.. Beat I'riutb.£ .... Blue Prliiia.. Mo. 1 XK-.kuig. 80 '2.J ori 44 1.1 30 15 4, 5. 0 10 16 No 2 Tirkiiijr \ .. No l lient . unoy,. Kulai udritril Mnrtx. Uniiiundi io<t Shirt*, beat. VlCDo Uouil* . .... B e « t G i t i j i h i u n * . . . . i . i " i Be«sl isltet'liit•£, 44... .. .... No. i .siieeting... ..A Mens »hoet>. eolld.... ,*. Men'* ohoe* Hue Oiuid ieu'< ^hoea 4., Mifeset Shoet, ..i.iii,! .. 12 0» ..35. w, «to •1, «1 2», <184 -•> 48 We show the most complete stock in all lines in McHenry County Po not pa^s this by as an ordinary advertisement, lor if you acl oaHhe suggestion you Will visit an# get a Niielit at the <*$1 ' -*^(1 Funda, Woodstock and lu&dn Cash Storoa. HALL, In the Market*' at Hot torn Prloe*. JOBBING AND HEPAIRIUG will be done on >-!oit lorcennd Satisfaction Guaranteed A share of public pHh'oitage tt-ppt'ct in]ly solicited, JACOB BON8LCTT GEO. W. BESLEY'S. ist ami Warcws, lcw|f" WEST £>J6ALKR IN--- m Drugs and Medicines, PAINTS, OILS* Toilet Articles, ----ruKE-- WIWI AND I.IQUOK.S, r o n MEDICAIi U8E. Also Buttled ,AJLe an4 I'orter (bi Mjtducal use. The btst bra alwaysou hand PHYSICIAN'S Wft are not going to be under­ sold bv any tir'ui in the county on any of the tarming too <? we handle. We have always on hand such farm machinery and extiaa *8 are -needed. Our Stock is Complete In Spring tools, such as Plows of several makes, the celebrated Norwegian, Skandin, Star, Case, Rock lslaud, Grand Detour, and others which are fully warranted. The Albion, Whipp le and Buckeye SP&IHCr TOOTH 2&BB0WS ( never be beaten. Tho«. in ­ sure a sure crop every year as they cut the ground up fiue and kill all the tine weeds , which gives the corn a start Pulverizers We fyave ali kinds The Key* stone two lever is the leader, as a per. on can do a fiuer job than with one. Also has ball bearing boxes which outwear two of any otner make. W e also ke. p the Daley, Eureka aud Cutaway Har- r«»ws W e handle the Bwrtrand & Sanies, Standard, El I wood, Case, Thompson, Norwegian, GenefK Lake (Jli pper, and others, Rememtier the spriig beats them all for coru. « ^ We carry a fine line of BUGGIES, Ot all classes, combination waaotis, carts in all styles. The Weber lumber wa<?ou is as good as anybody's'wagon, aud a*, priced to suit the times and people. , Call aud see us before yccil agree to.try anything in the lanti machinery l ine A t the Old Stand. M Si £. M. OWEN * JULIA A. 8TOKY, ; (Om Do* Ww of Rlyaralde Hoiim,) V: vsr^> McHENItY, - . lIVLTZNOISfe -DXALSR IN- '•/A DRUGS, MEDICINES -A FULL LINE OF- Brags, Chemicals. Dya Sts&s, Falats, Oili ud Colon. Constantly on hand Also a large line «'t Patent SIMedicines, Toilet Artices, lhe %»*«•«. »«4 Whe»fi>g.Tob«c«. Carefully Compounded. Give me a call. Mctieury, D*ve{PtM»r a}t»tb. J8tJ7. O. W. BESLEY* 3' -AND COMPLETE 8TOCK OF- STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Physicians Prescriptioni • Carefully and acouratey compounded by a Registered Pharnui patroftnge spirited. ^ ^ miA fTW :: '#! Hfc: -A X- 13W: .44. .*:S-"4 • ' 'i! I ' „ * . . &*LUf. ii*-. wSfc.-: iisys-i . -t ii'1 • _ > "CsJ-* * - "W T ?'•'<

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