Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1890, p. 1

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11 Pled ged but to Truth, to Liberty and Law; No Favors Win us and no Pear 8 hall Awe." VOL. 16. M'HENRY, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1890, PUBLISHED [EVBRr WKDMESDAT .BY --JT . V A.BT iLYK jt soiToa iJtO PBOPKUIVO&. ; Suffice In Bishop's Block* - --OlTONTB PBBBT A OWKK'g • 3irB9oaip*i0ir. One Year (In Advance) .91.50 If Not Paid withip Three Months.. 3.00 Subscriptions received for tkrtl or six months la the same proportion. BUSINESS CARDS. KViariT A BROWN, A TTOUN8YS \T LAW, U, H, Ktprets 0o.*S *V Building, *7 *»vi *• Wellington St. (UilOA«IO, ll.l„ • JOSI.Y* * 01ftICY, A TTORWBT8 AT LAW. Woo*«tB6k III. xx Ali business will recei ve„pronapt stten- tion. ^ C. P. BAUMM, ATTORNEY. ftoilcltor, U4 OiNUMMlor, - Collections a specialty, K ; YOOPETBOK, IIMROW, Kates of Advertising. We announce liberal rates for advertising a the PLvrjfUEAi.KK, and endeavor to state hem si plalnl? that thev will be reailily un- er stool. They are*# follows: 1 Inch one year - - . 5 00 2 Inches one year . • • 10P0 S Inches one year - • 15 0G V Column one year .. • - . 80 00 )i Column one year. ' .... 60 0o Column one year 100 00 One inch means the measurement of one Inch down the column, single column width. Yaarlv advertisers, at the above rates, have the privilege of changing as often as they choose, without extra charge. Regular advertisers (meaning those having standing cards) will be entitled to insertion of local notices fvt the rate of 5 cents per line each week. All others will be charged 10 cents per !ine the first week, and 5 cents per line for each subsequent week. Transient advertisements will be charged at the rate of 10 cents pe line, (nonpareil type, same as this is set in) the first Issue, and 5 oents per line for subsequent issues. Thus, an inch advertisement willoost tl.OOforone week, tl.ofl for two we^Jcs, 92.00 for three weeks, and so on. The PLAINDKALER will be liberal in giving editorial notices, but, as a business rulo, it will require a suitable fee from everybody seeking the use of its columns for pecuniary gain. BUSINESS CARDS. O. J. HOWARD, M. D. pnir«icnN AND 'SURGEON'. McHenry. Office at residence, one block east of Public School Building. O. H. FEGER3, M, D- IVrfSlOlAN AND SURGEON, MoHetiry, I. Ills. Office at Residence. WM, OSBORNE, *. B. PTIYSIOIAX AND SURGEON. Office at Residence, West McHenry, 111. Calls attended to day and night. Liverv Stable. H. class rigs with or furnished at reasonable rates, all kinds done on short notloe. Proprietor, ithout Teamii V. a. I.CMLEY. '*7" ATTORNEY AT LAW, and soiieitpr la Chaneerv, WOODS TOOK, II.L. Office in Park House, first floor. A. M. CHURCH, T^sufeel**«t»lc<eir «*i<l Jeweler NO. One Hundred Twenty-Five State St Chi­cago, 111. Special Attention given to re­ pairing Fine watches and Chronometers. Full Assortment of Goods la his 11M United States War Claim Apcy --or-- WM. H- COWLIN, Woodstock - - Illinois. Prosecutes all classsa and kinds of claims against the United States tor ex-Soldlsrs, their Widows, Dependent Relatives or Heirs. A specialty is made In prosecuting old and Beted clai rejected claims. All co Postage Stamps are eno All communications promptly answered If losed for reply. WM, H. COWLIN Office at Residence, Madison St., Woodstock. Illinois. Attention Horsemen! MOIIENRT, III., April 1st, 1898, I would respectfully Invite the Pabllc to call and examine m/ stock of Horses before making arrangements elsewhere. No busl> MM dene on StUMiay. N. 8. OOLBT M'HBKST 1U, J. C0MPT0N, Atrent for the HOME, OF NEW YORK. Capital, 98,031,1 OO. AHD THI JSTNA, OF HARTFORD, Capital, 910,071,550, File tested, time tried Companies. Insures agalnit F'rc, Lightning and Wind-storms, at' the most reasonable rales. For insurance and further p irticulars apply to J. Compton, Volo. 111., who has boen 3t> years in the uusi- aes4, and gav« eatise s>MjfiinUii>„t^ case of loss. Volo, 111., May 20th, 1890. NEAR THE DEPOT, WEST MoHEJfRY, ILL, Keeps < Public a en for the accommodatlon of the rst-Class Saloon and Restaurant, times keej) the best quo to be found'in tne market. W£ere he will at all times keep brands of Wines, Liquors and Cigars Also Agent For FRANZ PALE'S Eilwaukei Lage? Beer. Beer in Large or Small Kegs or Bottles al­ ways en hand, cheaper than any other, quail- ty considered. Orders by mall promptly attended to. GOOD 8TABL1NQ rOR HOR8BP. WCall and see as. Robert Sahlessle. West MoHenry( 111. A. Englen's SALOON AND EESTADRAUT. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. _ MEN WANTED. To represent our well-known nurswy la this county, for town and country trade. Good pay weekly. A steady position with a nur­ sery of over thirty years' standing, and a known responsibility. We want good, lively workers, and will pay well. Good references required. Apply quick, stating age. CHASE BROTHERS COMPANY, 37-m2 Chicago, IlL The Police Gazette, Is the "nly illustrated paper In the world containing all the latest sensational ana sporting news. No Sato >n Keeper, Barber, or Club Room can afford to be without it. It always makes friends wherever it goes. Mailed to any address in the United States "" weeks for fl, sample copy BICHAKD K. FOX, i mnni SQVAJM, New York securely wrapped, 13 weeks for (1, Send me Cents for ATTENTION! Farmers and Dairymen. It will pay those looking for CHOICE COWS Fresh milkers or springers, to oall at BT premises before purchasing. I can furnish suoh by the ear-load or single cow. PORTKR EL WOLFRUM, OHBMUm, Farm about four miles northwest of Harvard, Illinois. JOHN P. SMITH, Watchmaker & Jeweler, MoHENRY. ILLINOIS. A FINE stock of Clocks, Watches and Jew. elry always on hand. Special attention given to repairing fine a calL watohes. Give me JOHN : P. SMITH. Fine Kentucky Liquors, French Bitters, McHenry Lager Beer, -AND- J, ScMitz Milvautee Bottle Beer, In any quantity from a Snitz Glass to 1C0 barreU. AT WHOLESALEob RETAIL Beer in bottles, kegs or case as eheap as the cheapest. We buy none but the beet'and «ell at Reasonable Prices. Call and see me and I will use feu well. ANTONr ENQiyy. H^a«arV, xil„ W88e r i.m Agents Wanted! LIB*BAI,U,IUTSKM§ will be given to introduce our new book , Bible Brilliants: •Sf BIBLE STORIES, The greatest success of the year, and some, thing entirely new in the book line. Royal Quarto; size, 9?fxll?i; finest of paper; large tvpe; 320 illustrations. 68 full page, two ol them printed in nine cot>rs~, retail price only |2 50 Thousands will be sold for Holiday Presents. Those lirst in the field will reap a harvest. Act quick or you will miss it. FORSHEE A MACMAKIN, Cincinnati, 0. r, J. Barbian. T-B&rblaa BARBIAN BROS. Wholcade and Retail DBJLLKKB ,nr FINE CIGARS, MeHENRY ILLINOIS, Having leased the brick building one door South of the post office, we have opened a retail store, where, at all times can be found fine cigars of our own manufacture, together with smoking and chewing tobaceo of the best brands. Pipes a Specialty. W« have a very large assortment and some very k%ndsome patterns. CALL AND 8KB US. KftVewrs. Apent for SXMOI Phonix of ooktyn. 1 Rockford Insiir'ceCo Fire, l.iifUtnincr and T>rnado Insurance placed ssfelv and with despatch in either of above companies. Policies corrected, changes anditraaafers made. Oall on or address Simon Stoffol. West McHenry, Xllinois. WAVERLY HOUSE , WM. H. HOTNOUK, Prop., WOODSTOCK, . - ILL. ••mole Room on First Floor. Quintette Orchestra, MeHENRY, ILL. Are prepared to furnish First Class Music to the Dancing Public at Reasonable Rates. J, Smith, 1st Violin. Robt, Madden, Clarionet, C, Curtis, Cornet. L, Owen, Trombone, B, Iligaits. Basso and Prompter, Add ress all communications to Jerry Sjpftb, McHenry. NEW YORK HOUSE. 339 Ic 243 E. Randolph St.. Between Franklin and Market Streets, CHICAGO. Rett Accommodation to 'lYavelert and Boarders, E. G. KOEPPE, Prop. U.BriRDAr. GOOD SAMPLH BOOH. A *irst-cla**. Houte. lh^Boyt All Sop Then. the Culver House. RICHMOND, ILL. Good Liyery, Good Sample £oonr. FREE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TB1ANS FOR PA TRON& OF THE HOUSE. II ran a line of carriages to Twin Lakes from uichniond, three-fourths ofamlle nearer than any other road, and more level and pleasant by far. If you intend going to Twin Lakes, stop at Richmond and inquire for OULVER'd BUS. It U always there, rain or shine, ttound trip prices as usuau C. N. CULVER, iVop. Pump CEMENTING, ETC. The undersigned is prepared to do all lobe la the line of Digging Wells, Repairing Pumps, Cementing wells, or will put in 1Tew Pumps On short notice and warrant satisfaction. Xa short will do all work in this line. Cam furnish you a new Pump, either wood or iron, warranted, as cheap as any other man. Qood references furnished if desired. If you want a Well Dug, a Pump Repaired or a new Pump, give me a oall. 49"Orders by mail promptly attended Post office, Jonnsburgn, 111. L. BANTE8. sijtirgh, 111., May 26th, MBS. MORGAN HORSES, Sbort Horn, Bsd Follsd And Jersey Cattle. Hillaido Farm, West McHenry, III. Our Morgan Stock is all pure bred, and originated from ihs bast Morgan stosk in the (Jnlted States. Old Qifford Morgan, who stands at the head >f our Stock, is one of the best bred Morgan dorses in the country, and oan show more and twtter all purpose oolts than any other horse la the West. We Invite the inspection of our stook by horsemen and all lovers of flpe animals, A few full blood Morgan Oolts and young aorses for sale. Also one matched tews, fall Woods. in Cattle we have the full blood Short Horn •vliich we are crossing with the Red Polled ingus and therefore Instead of sawing off the -lorna ^e are breeding them off and with food success, A few Heifers and Bulls, both pure bred Short Horns and the cross above mentioned lor sale. J. *. taylor A Sons, WMt McHenry, 111,. Feb. 37th. 1888, L. W. NICHOLS, JR, in WtfCilcS. JEWELER AND MRAYEB, RICHMOND ILLINOIS* All work la my 11** neatly and neavtty I* watah rapairtag aayeaflH. WM. STOFFEL. --Agent for-- FIRE, - MCHTNINC, And Aeeideiiifci Insuranoe. H,AISQ Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, Alabama, and California Lands. Call on or address WM. STOMrKL, McHenry, ill: s WANTED. Local or IWaveHnjf. N To isll our Nursery St and Steady Employms CHASE BK0T1 salary. Expenses ^guaranteed COMPANY, J&oohester, V.T. FERRY AO C! RY, This Bank rec\ and sella Foreign change, and does a General Banki We endeavor to trusted to our care upon te;ms entirety customers. and re. public patronage. • Bankers, LLINOIS. deposits, buys Domestic Em> I Business, all business en~ a manner and factory to our uMy solicit the MONEY TP LOAN; On Real Estate MMi other first clam tecurity. Special afflttntion, given to cot- lections, t 4 INbURlNOE In First Class Obmp<mics at th$ Lowest Rates. YoursJfespectfulty i FCHllY * OWEN THE CHICAGO AND N0RTH1ESTEIIN R AILWAY Aflbrds uarlraled factlKies for tfanslt be tween the most important cities and towns In Illinois, Iowa, Wise mate. Northern Mich. igan, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming. Tbe train service is carefully adjusted to meet the requirements Of through end local travel, and includes FAST VESTIBULED TRAINS Waif Qsm> H««yiB|*atlfti BayQimfcifr. Running Solid between Chicago a*4J ST. PA UL. MINNEAPOLIS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, DENVER AND PORTLAND, ORE PULLMAN A WAGNER SLEEPERS Chicago to San Franclsoo WITHOUT CHANGE. COLONISTS SLEEPERS* Chicago to Portland* Ore. AND BAN FRANCISCO. Free Reclining Chair Cars CHICAGO TO DENVER AND PORTLAND, ORE\ Yia Couneil Bluffs and Omaha. For the time of trains, tickets and all lnfor> mation, apply to Station Agents of Chicago A North-western Railway, or to the General Passenger Agent, at Chicago. IF. H. NE WMAN, J M. WHITMAN 3c2 Vice Pre*. ' Otn'l Manager. W. A. THRALL. & BUSS, yen. Pent, dc 1'k't, AgL AgerU, McHenry, IU O. Record 2i20. No. 9701. Will be for service at the barns of George W. Owen, McHenry, Illinois. $50. One half payable In Cash, balance by Note due six months from service without interest. Interest after due at 8 per cent. "GeorgeO." was sired by Lakeland Abdallah 351. by the founder of our trotting wonders, old Rysdykea Hambletonian, 10. Dam of George O. i* by Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchen, 30, record 2:23*. She paced at six years oil a half mile in 1:08)t, and M !? years a full mile In 2:27. "George O." has had very limited advan­ tages in tlie stud, never having bred a stan­ dard bied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell tor long prices. He sired a two-year-old with a record of 8:4ft, trial H mile in 1:32 to Road Cart. OEOXffl W. OWE*. McHenry, lllinoit. A good pushing Salesman here. First- class pay guaranteed weekly. Commis­ sion or salary. Quick selling new Fruits arjrj Specialties. FARMERS can get a good paying job for the winter. Write for full partic­ ulars. FRED K. YOUNG. Nurseryman. 8,n2 Rochester, N. V. ft take ehnr/e of IOCHJ H fijrvedi h?i?in8B» ton In m#iM office. In; Fk£E to rlcht par­ ties. Address Treae UASKELi, LITKHA- gr^Cl,ITB. Fnuik- i CUca«o,UL lie; loslbit cn fr usti-' .1 ol State a.'.-wiits. fio can- 1 vaasing, but to teii,u>ry vi^ats re- to ho manaK'-d from i:.:t unj transportation WHAT? BOARD OF SUPERVISOffS. Prooeedln^s of the Regular September Meeting, 1890. [CONCLUDED.] Th«y realise that it may be" possible to ffain a fair knowledge of text books and stay at home, but not possible to become thorough efficient teachers with­ out taking advantage of the opportuni­ ties created for that apecial purpose. Another good indication is the fact that our school officers are becoming more and more interested, and are supplying our schools with helps and conveniences for more practical work. Finally. I take this occasion to thank the board for the generous support they have given me in my work. Certainly it has made it more pleasantto me, and, I trust, more profitable to our schools. •Respectfully submitted, LESTER BAKU Kit, Co, Supt. Schools. Woodstock, Sept. 9, 1890. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of September, 1890. WM. AVERY, CO. Clerk. Office of the County Superintendent of Schools, Sept. 9 1890. STATE OF ILLINOIS,\ McHenry County, J89 To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of McHenry county: As required by law, I herewith present my annual report of disbursements from the institute fund for expenses of the teachers' institute held at Woodstock, commencing Aug. 11, 1890, as per vouchers submitted herewith: Aug 15, M Qtiackenhush, instructor f 40 00 " inn, 1 Ik. trim Anna £ I)«vis, Katherine Grover. " J l< Curts, *1 .... O W Hart, M A3l)unsford, lecture ... ..... Lester Barber, incidentals Geo Hoy, rent of school house. 40 00 40 00 30 00 80 00 15 00 35 78 10 00 Total amount #240 78 To balance Sept 1, 1899 82 02 Totil amount of fees ree'd, as per re. port to county treasure! 273 oo Total |3$5 02 Total disbursements as per this report.. 240 78 By balance on hand ,|ut 24 Respectfully submitted, LESTER BARBER, CO. Supt. The committee on education made further report on the quarterly report of the County Superintendent ol Schools, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS, \ McHenry County, j Board of Supervisors, September term, Sppt. 8, A. D. 1£90. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on education would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters be­ fore thom: That we have examined the quarterly report of County Superintendent of Schools, of time s|)ent from June 30, 1890, to Augumt that we have approved said report and recommend that the bills therein amounting to $228 be allowed. Account as folio we: 16 days visiting schools .i 64 00 16 •' ex " •« 16 oo 8 " Examinations 3200 5 •• Teachers* Institute. 20 00 SO " Office Work . 80 00 4 " other official ;duties 16 00 £» : ' ' •% * • .v Aiilkfc • AiAiSMs Total... All of which is respectfully submitted li. B. RICHARDS, L. T. HOY, W. H. GUOESBECK, , A. BARBER, G. H. GARRISON. The committee on elections made the following report of the names of judges and polliug places in the various pre­ cincts and districts in the county, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,\ ' County of McHenry, f » Board of Supervisors, September term, September 10, A. D., 1890. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors; Your committee to whom was referred the selection of judges and polling places to the ensuing elections in the various precincts and districts in the county of McHenry would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them; and would recommend the selection of the following polliug places and the appointment of the following named persons to act as judges: Polling place of Riley: JTown House; Amory Barbfcr, John Bratzman, Moses Dimon, Judges. Marengo, 1st precinct: E. S. Cad well building; E. S. Cad well, Ira Curtiss, Geo. rego, Judges; 2d precinct: A. R. Park- hurst building; C. P. Wright,Geo. Beldin, Frank Ilhapstock, Judges. Dunham: school house, l)ist. No. 1: R. J. Beck, L. M. LilliUridge, John Galvin, Judges. Chemung, 1st precinct: Ayer's Hotel, sample room; H. S. Williams, W. S. Wakely, P. E. Saunders, Judges; 2d precinct: E. O'Connor's office; S. H. Cal- lenar, Eugene O'Connor, Ezra Smith, Judges. Alden: Town Clerk's office; W. H. Groesbeck, H. F. Manley, James Scott, Judges. Hartland: Deep Cut school house; D. H. Flavin, Wm. Desmond, Dennis Kane, Judges. Seneca: Town House, Franklinville; G. B. Richards, Thomas M. Cook, Frank Silliman, Judges. Coral: old school house, Village Union; F. E. Stevens, I. N. Muzzy, A. S. Peak, Judges. Grafton: J. S. Cumming's office; John Weltzein, B. F. Ellis, A. R. O ikley, Judges. Dorr, 1st Precinct, room under County Clerk's office; L. T. Hoy, C. D. Judd, D. A. King, Judges; 2d Precinct: room un­ der Sheriff's office: H. H. Monroe, E. E. Thomas, C. A. Lemmers, Judge?. Greenwood: town house; G. H. Garri­ son, Henry Freeman, Alex. Gibbon, Judges Hebron: C. A. Stone's hardware store; G. W. Conn, M. S. Goodsell, H. D. Wall­ ing, J udges. Richmond: Burton's Opera House; A. R. Alexander, Wm. L. Turner, A. S. Wright, Judges. Burton: Spring Grove village, Old Ho­ tel; Fred Hatch, John Nett, Robt. Thompson, Judges. McHenry, 1st precinct: Congregational Church Building, Ringwood: J. W. Cris- ty, Richard Lawson, Carl Richardson, Judges; 2d precinct: City Hall, village of McHenry: F. K. Granger, John Hue- man, Wm. Schreiner, Judges. Nunda, 1st precirrt: store of the late Chester Shales, J. H.Graey, Louis Munch, S. S. Shepherd, Judges; 2d precinct: Office of W. T. Hamilton; O. M. Hale, James Wtaatoo* Aena Prtttbooe^ Jadgts. Algonquin, 1st precinct: Ed Morton's hotel; W. P.Thompson, WiUet Phillips James Philps, Judges; 2d precinct: W B. Fitch's store; Wm. Hill, James Rob­ inson, J. P. Smith, Judges. All of which is respectfully submitted. • F. E. STEVENS, W. P. THOMPSON, C. P. WRIGHT, G. H. GARRISON. ^ Conimitfee on Poor Farm made the' following report, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: » STATE OF ILLINOIS,! , McHenry County, J Board of Supervisors, September term, September 8th, A. I)., 1891). Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Committe fflet at 1 oor Farm on August 15th. Present, Chairman, Lake, Granger and Woodard. Committee proceeded to estimate cost per week of inmatees since March 19, 1890. The following bills for running expenses were examined and approved: C T Donovan * qao CL, Douglas. v 3^50 K P. Bradley J.. " .* J, TJDacy ^ Whitson Bros Hfcgley & (Jtsker ..." Bunker Bros A S Wright Douglas & son, Aug 15V. County Goods. E A Murphy...."".""."' Harvesting N 3 Rob I) Supplies on hand March'w".".""^"" Amount,of aifferonce A White bill'..'..' Total Bills deducted fi 50 1H 23 . &> S3 75 71 13 05 33 00 k> 15 Poo 435 23 240 50 152 00 11001 SO 27511 t 816 69 • 95 71 . 63 86 . 95 80 . 19 74 IK88--BILLS DBDUOTBD. Inyolce Groceries Aug 15 , For board of Miss Lawson .« •« white Proceeds of calves sold..., Total.. rrTrr.16875 ii Whole number of weeks board, 888. CoBt, 92 cents per week. The foilowiug bills were sent to the towns and pereoa* liable for same : itiley Marengo Dun nam Uhotnung \lden .... .... Hartland. , Seneca Coral #. rat ton Greenwood llebron Mcnenry Nundii Vlgonquln K lticli irds Dorr, Perry Spooner. Dorr # 25 41 99 21 19 59 .....i . (JO 97 . ..... 49 03 91) 33 47 02 41 #0 15 ao 19 19 59 68 48 68 77 167 5ft 64 43 2466 .... ... 4387 26 00 8177 8 87 12 Ou 7 00 The following bills were presented for permanent improvements: T J Dacy, cultivator W i> Hall, lumber Whitson Bros, hardware.. Henry Hogan..i MiloMunger Total till (54 It was moved that Supt. Iiobb be in- Conn, t o build a «uital)le hog house and corn crib on the farm. All of which is respectfully submitted. G. W. CONN, D. H. FLAVIN, F. K. G BANGER. The committee on fees and salaries pre­ sented the lollowing report, which on motion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,! Mcllenry County, J -- Board of Supervisors, September term, September 10, A. 1>., 1890. Mr. Chairman and gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee ou fees and salaries would beg leave to submit the following report and recom­ mend ; That there be paid to the Sheriff as salary, the sum of t welve hundred dol­ lars per year. That there be allowed the service of a man who shall receive the same compensation, be subject to the same conditions, perform all duties and fulfill all requirements of this Board as expressed in resolut ion passed at the De­ cember meeting in the year 188<>. Your committee would further recommend that the Sheriff be allowed 50 cents per day for dieting prisoners. That there be paid the County Treas­ urer the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per year as salary and a further sum not exceeding two hundred dollars per year for necessary clerk hire. That there be paid the Couuty J udge the sum of one thousand dollars per year as salary. That there be paid the County Clerk the sum of fifteen hundred dollars per year as salary, and that there be allowed to him the further sum of fourteen hun­ dred dollars as necessary clerk hire. Your committee would further report that each of the couuty ottioers be al­ lowed needed stationery, fuel and other expenses necessary to the proper ruuniug of their respective offices, and the cost ol which, together with the cost of clerk hire for their respective ofliers shall be fully stated in detail in their several semi-an­ nual statements to the couuty Board. W H GKOESBECK, C. P. WltlUHT, A. R. ALEXANDER. The committee on town accounts pre­ sented the following report, which on mo­ tion was adopted, to-wit: STATE OF ILLINOIS,XGG McHenry County, | Board of Supervisors, September term, September 9, A. D., 18U0. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on town accounts to whom was referred the matter of tax levies would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: We would recommend that taxes be levied for the ensuing year, as per certifi­ cates from the several towns, as follows: v~* m Ritey Marengo Dunbaiu Cheinung Harvard village Alden Hartland , deueca Coral. jrafton Huntley village Dorr Greenwood Hebron Richmond Burton McHenry Nunda Algonquin Vil Crystal Lake ....... t 1700 » 2UUU 2«N All o£ whieh m respectfully fUSmitted. 1. A." BARHEK, J. H. GuAeY, E. STEVENS, Wwuur. •The committee on roads and bridges made the following report, « motion was adopted, to-wfl? < \ | STATE OF ILLINOIS,) , r':i County of McHenry, j88 = • fr* . ^ Board of Supervisors, September Safe- '%! sion, A. D. 1890. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the ' s Board of Supervisors: Your Committee to whom was referred the various road district warranto would beg leave t» submit the following report on the mat­ ters before them. They have examined ; all warrants filed with the Clerk and fi«^| % the following towns as follows: From A town of' '.vV? Marengo 12 war'ats carpect, . J Hebron 18 «» * . - .&S Richmond 14 w f , Alden 23. , • 1 incorrecU 'if •' Burton 3 ." • " $ Mclleury 15 " " VJ Your Committee deprecate tb# lack ol <*! compliance with the law by the various ' 1 road authorities of the county and would suggest the propriety of this Board .. taking some action requiring the various officers in charge of the road warrants -J being more punctual iu returning their v ^ warrants to the County Clerk. Your Committee would recommend ^ that delinquents be requested to retura the outstanding warrants as soon aa ^ Oct. 15th next. All of which is respectfully submitted. S this 10th day of September, A. D. 1890. ^ JOHN WELTZIEN, A. BARBER, F. K. GRANGER. ^ The committee on claims presented the \ -f; following report, which oa jig|pi.«a» adopted, to-wit: •' v. £3, STATE OF ILNlNOIS,\ * • -;4 County of McHenry, j88 0 t Boaixi of Suiwrvisors, SeptemberTerm, -I September, A. I). 1890. Mr t'hainnan and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your Committee { ou claims would beg leave to report that ' \t they have examined all claims presented " tl to them, and recommend the payment of5 the following, and that the Clerk I* directed to issue orders on the County , Treasurer to the Claimants for the eral amounts allowed, as follows, to-wit: [% • '. *• I^ester Barber, Supt. office exp. , to date $32 64 .John Gibbons, rep. tile drain 1 00 c Total All of which fi t"e8pe<*tfaH.v rttifttaittedj . this 9th day of September, A. D. 1890. * * ^4 1). L. FLAVIN, , ! JOHN WKLTWEN, . FRANK STEVENS, G. H. GARRISON, «. 4 G. B. RICHARDS. / The committee on finance presented the * /< following report, which ou motion was ^ adopted, to-wit: t STATE OF ILLINOIS,Y County of McHenry, f September t>th A. 1). 1890. ! '* Mr. Chainuau and Gentlemen of tho Board of Supervisors: Your committer <&} \l\i on Finanw would beg leave to submits . \| the following report on the mattery. before them: # » < The County Treasurer reports a balance ^ | in his hands on the first day of Septem- ber, 1890, of $12,272.25. '<%. We recommend that the sum of «lev«wi. • i'l ^ thousand dollars be raised by tax to pay contiugent expenses of the County w ' {M for the ensuing year. * t All of which is respectfully submitted. FHKI» HATI U, ^ 1). II. FLAVIN, * . . „ J A. R. ALEXANDER. ' (LJ . H The report of the special committee) '!m which was appointed to settle the claim 1 of McHenry couuty against James White \ ' f for the care and keepiug of the son said James White at the county poor ^ liouse was read to the Board and ou , ^ motion was adopted and committeekvr-:Spp discharged, to-wit": 1 ,'jfc To the Chairman of the Board of Super- visors of McHenry County: ^ Your special committee to whom waa referred the matter of the claim of Mc- : Heury County against James White for , -v|j the care and keeping of the son of saidk - *10 if •lames White at the poor house, Ihit* * . couuty, with instructions to try and/ K / V| procure an adjustment and settlement ol( J said claim, would beg leave to report. ^ J? * Your committee visited Mr. White in -i,5'! M Marengo, aud after prolonged discussioit "* ^ . I of the questions involved iu said case,;- arrived at the following conclusions: * M Mr. White had paid nothing to tbe *'m "m •ounty for said care and keeping sinew m , March 20th, 1888, and the lollowingr '--M - pn>positiou was made by the committer $ ,*J$ and accepted by Mr. White: :..^S 'i.m Mr. White should pay to the county ^ ' tor and iu full set tlement for said claim ,1|j *|| at the rate of $4.50 per week for the term jf| of two and one-half years from said - V,}: I'l March 20th, 1888, up to aud including ^ Sept. 20th, 1890, said sum amounting 1 to §5S5, was duly paid by Mr. White to .N '-jJ !<aid committee, aud a receipt in full ~ ii satisfaction for said bill was executed by said committee. Said money was by your committee', paid over to the County Treasurer. -:; || All ot which is i-espectfully submitted. . F. K. GRANOER, , % I). 11. FLAVIN. ] The following will show the cost ol tl»» ^ several towns of the county for support-r , ing the poor for year eudiug March 31«t»5> '7 1890, to-wit: v » 'f Ri'ey Marengo Dunhatn Cheinung .... Alden Hartland Seneca Coral Grafton Dorr Greenwood Hebron Richmond Burton Mcllenry Nunda Algonquin The committee on finance, to whom was referred the several dog liceusebonds of the several supervisors report all eor- ^ ivct and recommend their approval. On % motion report of committee approved. Sup. Flaviu moved that the special committees, members of the board of Supervisors and clerk be allowed their usual j>er diem and mileage. Motion . carried. > Sup. Granger moved that the Bowl adjourn to meet at the call of tbe Clerk. Motion carried. R. J. BECK, Ch&irmam. Attest--WM. AVKKV. Clerk. SMIoh'S Vitalizer is what JPWR !»*"' CSonstipation, Loss of Apatite, Dizsiuwis and all symptoms ot Dyspejisia. Pri<« 1ft anil 75 j*mtn n»>p hivltk. isiUil hy A-Sto^y. • ^ 31 li ; . ...U-- 411 17" ...... 129 60 474 47 125 OO 54; l,it! 20 5a 25 420 19 SS 13 i .. A.. $ JLF.. . J'.-LIW.,!

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