Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Oct 1890, p. 8

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wmm h\ >; J * 5 * */*'"# ' ^ > '«' I Articlen anrt Notices under the abovo he«4 Mm famished Uy the Lfi<!i<?s of the W. C T. tj, Mid the Editor elaimi no part or credit the name.] • •' THE Ladies of the W. C. T. U. will meet %ith Mrs. Wentworth, Thursday after- Hoon, at 2:30 o'clock.' >y; MBS. L. K. FTKKNKTT, Pnildnu MKB. T. J. WAL*H, SECROMRY* J" -•'-Sft®* W^-'f |r ••' V'Ki «">A" ; %* ' W€y .w;. '$k t t " iif, * * ftnoul Liberty not Assailed by ths Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic. *,v The right of society to prohibit the *; liittnufacture and sale of liquors is often attuailed as an attack upon personal liberty. This is a mistake- No one " claims the right to compel temperance by ' law. What a man may drink is for his i conscience to decide. The question is h %etween him and his God. Bat drunken- •' aess is a different matter, and affects . pociety. . Put drunkenness before your eyes. See ' *fee victim reeling from the bar, perhaps s."' f>ushe<l into the street, fallen into the gutter, staggering away to accident, „ foiling into pits, lying on the railway i,.' . track, and in a moment a mass -of torn Jtenh and crushed bones--dead! H ?, Look at him in his family--wife and cjhildren fleeing before his brutal rage, ^ i ^lhe knife or pistol in his hand, then the ' ,irife of his bosom bleeding, dying at his • feet. Again, see him on a bed of sickness /Jfchting the devils of the brain-*-mania, delirium, death. Look at its public aspect, not confined \f towm or county lines, but spreading - over an entire State. What scene of /^devastation and ruin, which despoils labor, gluts prisons and hospitals, en­ gulf* taxes, impoverishes families, breaks Hp homes, sends the occupants to alms­ houses, and carries thousands to untime- graves. Does it not destroy property? Hie destruction has no measure, but wages «ff labor, the earnings of industry, the savings of economy, and the inheritance <£ wealth, all, all are engulf in the drunk­ ard's ruin. Having purchased Mrs O. V. Steven's interest ]n the stock for­ merly owned by St*ven«,& vii1l©r, and having creatly reduced our expeiif-ettj we are now better than ever prepared to Hell you arood goods. on a small j^i\)tit. ' >.» a small jjrofit. , j»r for you to buy * , • » - • * - "I Dress Goo BUTTONS feumdrymaid pretty And atout, kfely in ijvuhle And doul£ her best counterpanes ' some yory ila&fc shuns jS57̂ N \̂OA(JSS?4ptook-flicniout CLAWS iW-Mit Mlj H I. K. FAIR8AHK * CO., GUMP. TRIMMINGS, ; j Corsets, Shirting Flannels, Flannels, \ft white and colors. Ail of thefre gnod* must behold iff the shortest, possible "time, and will be fu>»d at absolute cost price and less to close out. and mike room for our stock of " f N O W I S APPOINTED. To mfiRe vour fall purchases from the Ur&eat, «,.<] ;« oualit the bc»t stock ot General Merccandise ever offered under one rc*> n McHenry County. New Cloaks, Stylish, Good & Cheap ^ W.e will have in stock this week eure over 200 carefully select ed garments in all wizes. snd in the pe«^8ible styles, and varietio suitable lor our lar^e Cloak, Wrap and Jacket trade. Cloth striped plain aud plush garments. Jiemeuubar that we »re hetd quarters. I'all anJ cee our uevv SHOE •gi AN IMPORTANT MATTER. • Druggists everywhere report that the " . Hales of the Restorative Nervine a nervine food and medicine-are astonishing: ex- ;.C«3T;,'feeding anything they ever had, while it !, ,|jgive t universal satisfaction in headache, •oervousness, sleeplessness, sexual debility, ? * l>a«kache, poormemory, fits, dizziness, J* i* - *te, Taylor Bros., of Bryan, O.; Amber """"" Murphy, of Battle Creek, Mich.; C. B. . oodworth & Co., of Fort Wayne, Ind., , <md hundreds of others state that they f ' never handled any medicine which sold so ,7 i arapidly, or gave such satisfaction. Trial f-' |>ottles of this great medicine and book J. - . to Nervous Diseases free at G. W. Besley's i ^who guarantees and recommends it. |«L' - D. NEEDHAM'8 SOUS 116-H» Dearborn Street, CHICAGO led Clever Blossom, m eum. AndJFiaiB AMI SUB DTKi Cancer, Catal-rh,B' 'tKhe Bend for lention psseiw iBrtr«M«k,iN|mteOHMii -When tbe was a Child, ah« cried forCurtarit, Wbaa dw bKMne XIot, tfw ciin« to CMrtorte, W>M*»l>«dCtafld»»»,**«M»lh-- OMtnria, Af j"'- ^ ̂ - M to eanvasa for the sale >: Balw I SH of | >ur Home-Grown YOU fILL SAVE By looking over our stock of ('omingr in lor Fall and W inter, in Men's, Women's and Children^ ^Ve shall aim to carry a line ol Hoots and Shoes that in quality and price will not be excelled in the coun-t-y • W"fl will aho offer you a well selected line of Rock ford Overalls, dhirts, Jackets, Duck Coats, etc. A choice line of G B O C s a a z s i Brought in fresh every twof weeks and sold at the clo est li^ng prices. The best brands of Flour a I ways kept on hand at prices- way down, quality considered. 'Thauking you for past favors w respectfully solicit a continuance of your valued patronage. JOHN J# 11 McHenry, 111. -9 I B O B B N Before buying elsewhere. J. W. Cristy & Son o •*^gm zm^SS^U M.sV'JKACTUaED BY TH2 GRAND DETOUR PLOW CIKON, ILLINOIS. Draft U fro v. *M BTAJN LI^C a WNLKLNFLR plow, HLT^ eoa* CO. #iil : Stiad v ,vhe*i R1NGWOOD. ILL. _.i either war perfect!?! f (;muud. Flow it iu front of tod i ftnulc which equalixes til ddft inform width. on the wheel*, there It no «--no bottom -friction. Iu draft it the JACOB BONSLETT, OPPOSITE BISHOP*® MILL, : s tLllNOia McHEi\RY, -DEALER WANTED Nii rse w ^tock jiBEEALi' TJHEQUALED FACILITIES, One of the largest, ?•.; t 'S •"- coldest-established, and best known Nurseriei fa ' • i." ' m the country- Address, fes W. & T. SMITH, Genera Nursery, %,• .. . Established in 1846. Geneva, N. T. ESTABLISHED IN 1860. 100 Cents on the Dollar 1800, m" •Mi f V Yet doing business at the old stand, near the Depot, at West McHenry, 111., WHERE At all times can be found a stock ir ^ n- f %/•* irofiip ai Bomestic Green ant Briei Fruits, , | GROCERIES t : AND "^PKHtis IO K S Of a quality not to be surpaHged in auy market. To show that good goods can be sold at reasonable rates an examina­ tion by those in want of them is cordially invited. No special days ol cheap rates but reasonable prices every day. AJLL BY THE EXCLUSIVE AND ONLY JUNGLE BEN GILBERT S Purchased for Cash, all oi which will be sold as low as the maret will admit and furnish first class goods. L FUX.& liIHE OF STOVES# GARLAND AND OTIIER KINDS. Call and see our Gasolene Stoves. Glass of AH Sizes Constantly on Hand, ™IffiS3W&WBKLROW ill 11BS, If you wish the best. Plow? made come snd see us and exam hie the renolined extra hardened .Norwegian Plows, also the Star Bradley, Grand Detour, Rock Id'ind, Thompson, J. I. Case and others. Also the latent pat­ terns of } Thtee Whwl Sulky Flcvi Above you ran see the Littl Yank ee, considered'equ il to auy on earth. Al?o have the Bigr Injun, New v\ onder tongueless and several others, W A G O N S We keep the Bain wagon, of Kenosha, Wis., also the Weber, of Chicago, at lowest possible prices.- Also a newthing entirely in a wa^on is the Champion, with no front bolster, the front axle being stationary, which insures hay or straw irom ever tipping over and are warranted for five years.. Will give the right parly a trial .ot thirty days on these wagons. Carriages, Buggies, etc. We keep constantly on hand the only Cortland wagons and busies, that have stood the hardest tests here for years. Atso the KiccTcoil apring Buggy, the easiest rider mads, aud other styles Pumps, woodland iron, put in from 10 to 100 leet deep at way down prices and all guaranteed, (rive us a call beioffi you buy anything in our line as it will surely pay you Jb M. OWEN & 80H. •oi-" thv?*»m »0 tl: Hx> nr. IttMfUtto. I'.'T ith-Mit rrtiMUf illv 111 r»vv «•; ivtr/f'l in Wrttlc iu ful! • Fr.p'.t r«.ar wntvlfc nk t At. t :uid frwetvyj a nm«>w oi Tl »• entire wttifrrit oj' t^e pi»»w i j no laruaido pveik< hi *s( Mt. C.°.i be cfitti with 1-1 cr 10 Inrh bottoms, r.nd either two or thro* ' th» dpyrfh, rr.^jpsund Jowart the plow and vj»ii iite and the rer»r lever controls ?..-n u rVl* or or It riglA n Ti* i* Inmt 1w«r wrVi ol:.T. i he 1 vJ w n'ch 1 a siir. be tmc^e 1 ' 'ic Yankee" I* •Now T*t- Titivil •!. J t'-.3 •' • " ' • "•:<» ir.r.<--• u n J i • • • - . . . .n . Xt l-.t ;;v, Eiruplo St?iped and plaid Flannels all shades of real Elo-lish Broad cloth, Jamestown worsteds. Mena^ha and Clear Lake flannels, ran® npr in pi ice from 16c to $1,25. with choice aud appropriate trim ming« to match the same. To look u* over means to convince that oui'goods and prices are right; , ^ Oli Inspect our Ol the very best cut, material ffttll workmanship to be had.l We make special prices on any odd suit or pieces we now have trom 25c for childs knee pants to $4.40 for mens full suits with suspend­ ers to hoi 1 them up thrown in the deal* We offer bargains in In tiie Market; at Bottom Prices. JOBBING A£FD REPAIRING will be done on short notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed A share of public patronage solicited. JACOB BONSLETT. MARK TRADE JULIA BTOB3T f •K* ij, , CONSUMP^0' ^ y:<[' It HU permanently cured THOUSANDS t Vf eases pronounced by doctors hope- 4 :; .less. If you have premonitory symp- i. <, 4. tontt, such, as Cough, Difficulty of -%'•> :Breathing, <fcc., don't delay, but use i»U PISO'S cuaia vo& CONSUMPTION Inaoediately. ByDrnggiste. ~ , §/.. m, . (One Door West of Riverside Housef) McHENItY, TLO^OiS. -DEALER IN- DRUGS , MED IC i NES 9 •A FDLI4LIKC Or- Bngs, Chialctb, Byi Stu&, Paints, Dili and Colon. Constantly on hand. Atso a large line ot Patent Medicines, oilet Artices, The boy may live to be 8o, but the poor horse for want of a blan­ ket in the stable has to die at 20. FREE-- Get from your dealer free, the yh Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about horses. Two or three dollars for a 5A Uoras Blanket will make your horse worth mow and eat less to keep warm. ( 5IA Five Mile ) 5Ik Boss Stable Mtt") 51k Electric ( 5/A Extra Test SO other styles at prices to suit every­ body. If you can't get them from youi dealer, write as. 5/A *ors£ BLANKETS ARE THE STBOrJCSST. NONE GENUINE WITHOUT T W r VA t *nV i b\ A vi *vurS X '*NS. ? rirMl* -*ukKe <ue • | --FOR-- Htrsss, Cattb, Sheep & Hogs. Excels any remedy far tha rapid cure of Hard Colds, Coughs, Hide tloun1, Ye'.lnwV.'ster, Fever, Distemper, Soro end We_k Eyes, Lung Fever, Costivcriess, Blotches, and all diificulltes aris­ ing from im,5urititc cf t!.o Blcod. W!l! relieve Heaves at cnco. Mannf«ct^rcdl>y the JOPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y. Sure Cure for Hcg Cliotern. FULLER & FULLER General Western, Chicago, III. IMPORTANT •AND COMPLETE STOCK OF- V I5/, STATIONARY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES Physicians Prescriptions rnftrma-^ Carefully and aecuratey compounded by a <dst« Tour patronage Is respectfully solicited* ft-.: W> JULIA A STORY, FOB SALE. ' . Short Horn Bulls, Poland Cbma. Boarw and Plymouth Rock Fowls f< r sale, a>t the fewest living prices. ' FRANK ROW. • Spring Grove, Jan. 6,1890. , 20-3in. E. W. BLATCHFORD ft CO., of Chi­ cago, have appointed Bonplett & Stoffel of West McHenry, aj^entHfortheirfftinous I Oil Meal aiul rHlf Moal, which all farmers [«houid accord a fair trial. Very clow pHoen are ottered on small or large wlf That the man^ho eelte his best goods for the LEAST MONEY, la the man that pays cash for his goods, ('all and see him and his prices, . • * ' t22 0C finest Suit, only fit) 75 so oo h «• « )8 00 « Boys Suit ft and Boys Knee Pan1* La lies'Fine Shoes " Common Aenae Shoe "Well* A Farffo Plow Shooa ' ongrcas Shoes ( Hundreds of other goodt> at the sane prices. x 17 80 8 76 138 85 170 175 1 10 150 £ LAWLUS. Oil Cloths, Carpets, Boots, Shoes and Robber Goods- Our tall purchases are a real success in quality, quantity, styles and priccs. Children's shoes 25c 50c to $1.50; Ladies' button shoes, $1, $1.50 to $5; mens boys and childreus - ^ . ;ens, In good variety. threat stacks o* cheap^ Ladies fine heavy merino vests, 25c, 30c. 38c, mens underwear, 25c, 40c to $2.50 each; childrens underwear, 9c, 11c, 16c to 7,5c. SHAWLS, HOSIERY, KNIT GOODS, Cotton, half wool and all wool Flannels, in great variety and at exceptionally low prices. Good, due, heavy Cotton Flannel 5c, 6c. 7c t» 17c; good red Flannel 15c to 65c; some real good sheetin 7c worth i)c; about 300 yards calico for only 3c; 200 ya good shirting, 5c; 30Q yards good gingham. So. .a j life,: At all times at living prices to all. From now on watch oaf advertisement and locals for candid assertions ouly. GEO. W. BESLEY'S, !WBfiWP M MEHMTTi DEALER Drags and Uedici&es, PAINTS, OILV Toilet Articles, -PURE MeHenry,iltll WINES AND' ' IbltyU©Bi) FOR MEDICAL UBM. Also Bottled Ale and Porter for Medical use. The best brands ot Cigars and Smofcing and Chewing Tobacco alwas on hand. PHYSICIAN'S PRESCRIPTIONS, Carefully Compounded, Give me a c*U. McHenrv* .December 28th, 188?. C. w. BE8LEY. STORY & McOMBER --dealers 11*^-- m GENERAL STOVIS, QBASIT1-IB0B AH0 T1SWA&L Barljed Wire, Screen Doors, Window Screens, And Wire Cloth of all Sporting Goods and Cutlery. iOLBSE STOl The Universal and New Process Stoves that by far wlr »nu other Vapor Stoves in the Market. See them. / »" Glass of ikll Sizes. w e make"a specialty of Dairy Supplies, and Jobbing in Tin-*-- Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patrona^ is yes^ecUulljr to * .V STOKY k M'OMBER^ licited. i,MS / >' • -j-i y ' & f : ' -V as s

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