Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1890, p. 5

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, r t . , . , L r . t i v J i L . . i m . . - V d « U k . . • Suw*H||||p^ has to inp^jt^mnwpipwtiiH to and:HC, the next term of the McHmrf County Circuit Coort» which converse in Wood stock Monday, Jan. 12th, 188j§: GRANDJURT. mth» Board \ !>«••. 12.189a 11 of the President, ill., Milter, Walsh H«broii Department ban been on the U)DGK FTTRRCTORT HVRRO*MW>«EN.X 604, DAY, DEC. 17, 1890 Time Table. ,P> Taking «flil pMs tbis 7A*" '• 11. IflM, !»!•• taut* wGorm. Depart T-25 A. W. * I*SiM(sg«r -...7:30 «' wVmm»»- t-22 " »|jik« Otam PUMBIW .. eoixo miTi. pail/ WMpt San Ift4 jtraaaysoaiy ^ .RSK'IT^W* A. M. #:10 " ..-..ft 9:56 •« ... ... 4-.IS0P.jK. • #s?te', • B. BOBR, Agsat. MoHttTViSl i ,, -^-=^---- \ HA, + | **'•., MR. BLADE'S subject next Sundav morn- '/J^Bg will be appropriate to Christinas. V.' ̂fins line of pipes just received Rt Y ' fMey's. '? |ij , l^o not fail togo and «#. - „ Tr . . .. |li«ts." at Riverside Hall, on Thureda,y%J ̂on P or '"° ,co- evening. It will pay you. fj- Choice Confectionary, Fine Candies and Nnt* of aH kinds, at the Bakery, Howe's Slock. ,. . \ MOHE.VIIY now has a resident Dentist. See his card in another column, and when In need of work in his line be sure and call on him. WM. WAL»H, who lives near the Mudg- ett Cheese Factory, baa rented his farm to Henry Grabbe, of Wanconda,for three years. , * ̂ -- ON account of publishing the Proceed­ ings of the Board of Supervisors, our Soldiers' Department is unavoidably crowded oat this week. . LOST, Tuesday morning, Black Setter $up, answers to name of Jeff. Anyone returning said pup to G. W. Besley, West IfcHenry, will be suitably rewarded. M lis. L. K. Hi nidt lint the pi Miss 1U KB a it A MILU* was sight-seeing in Chicago on Saturday la*t.. E. L. DAYTON, of Dundee, fma calling opffriends here last week. / MRS. FRANK HANLY is helping nt EvJ Veson k Co's. store during the Holiday ̂ CHAS. KKI»LEV, of Huron, Dak., has been visiting in tbis vicinity the past week. FWANK FISHBECK, of Belvidere, has been calling on friends in this village, the past week* Mns. C. & MOBSB and son, Charles, of Hainesville, were on our streets on Moat day. HOWARD CLAWC, of Evanston, has been spending a short vacation with bis parents, in this village. Mns. NETTIE TAYLOR, of Belvidere, is visiting with her mother, Mrs. L. Stoddard, in tbis village. MITS. I)R. OSBORNK, who baa been visit­ ing in Chicago tbe past two weeks, re­ turned to lier home in tbis village on Toesda^ A. %*. HOWE has purchased a new ha/ (imrinfftbJf a"d wi!l *°°? * epwDared to press Alfred Nelson Wm. N. N orris....-.,. Ralph Chapman ...... E. C. flubbel M. M. To woe Michael Walsh......... Martin Toole. .lames Cooney........ Frank itarnes Wm. O'Otiek, John Hooker. .Mareugo BEAD the new Holidny advertiwment of J. W. Cristy & Son, Ringwood, to be found in another column. "CLEANING THE MISTS," at Rivewide HaJl, on Thursday, to-morrow, evening. It will pay yon to go. SECOND "Demorest. Silver Medal Cm test" at Ringwood, Friday evening, Dec. 19,1890. Admittance, adults, ten cents,• Children and Contestants free. « f1 'Ha 1 Herbert Town r. lnh« THERE will be a social dance at Heimer's Hall in this village, on Friday evening, January 2d, 1891. Mu4c, Smith's Or- frl. M. Prouty Sitytni Tickets, 50 cent«. Howard \ inton Dunham -- .. ...i...Chemung « .Alden Hart land Seneca .Cortil -- Grafton Rush Morse...,. ...Dorr Briggs Still..,.!.......,.„......„...,^ " Thomas ...........-Greenwood Julius Thomas.." Harley Benedict Hebron N. A. Chandler............. " ; Ebeil Weeks Richmond John McConr»ell.....,..«..4........... M Fred Bennett Borton John Janiea .J xckinan...... .Nimda John Johnsou Algoaquin Oney MeKeon Kd Woodworth...««..,....^.. " Z. Lmidenbeck.. Maieigo Thom«8 Bright " P. M. Martin ........Dnnhim P. L. Ku»peU " iiJ. H. Wolfrom .....Cbtmnng A. L. Gardner :w Webber liieh>MtlHon : P. B Dake ..'Alden WillTeepK.,., " John Nolaii " George Goth..'.....,^,..^^;.. Hartland Wm Delhanty ^.. ** Frr d Bi^elow Horner Wilcox... Jatneti Lockwood.i«.( James S<ihneider Charles Helligus.,^ Henry Karsten...«. George Bach man .... John Kennedy....... Frank Bunker....**.,, Charles Willis .Coral * 11 Grafton ^..-.t^Dorr W. Do NOT forget if you want a first class Auctioneer, to call on F. K. Granger, McHenry. Or if more convenient we can fix dates for you at this office. REMEMBER the little ones by calling at ' .the bakery and getting a supply of choice /^WORKMEN are engaged remodeling the •confectionery, fine candies, nnts, etc. Th» J interior of the M. E. Church in this vil- Iftnest stock in town. | lage, adding a Class Room, and Other I pujp,--^t the reei<lenceof his daughter, \needed improvements. > Mrs. F. Brittain, Huron, Dak., at 4 ' " i - - --- -- o'clock, p. m., Friday, Dec. 5tb, 1890, JOSEPH ARNOLD,aged 89 years,8 months and 28 days. « Do NOT go home on Christmas eve un­ til you have called at the bakery and supplied yourself with some of jbho*e atfoioe candies, nuts, etc. ' • f / W. A. CRUSTY has teen patting a [iron roof on his boiler house, at 1 pickle factory. A party from Chicago Vdid the work. 7 larles Bingham.. ...Greenwood M " •- Hebron .....Richmond THE Epworth Lejague meetings at the If. E.Churchare getitingmore interesting. Everybody is invpted to attend these, flteeting, held evew Sunday evening at ? if'cloek. | sa^s: The long«>^•"&&;:ttn id wri?i.' » oot and itis to kc mjjch .every ««|on hr ^ehefi th«» '»rtC«t. ,1- . AN exchani a news; yflPJpaPJICWi •SOME parties have O^ned the store of . Simes, on the West side, and advertise 10 and 25 cent counters, at which can fonnd anything from a tin whistle to cook stove. . • R readers in Ringwood and vicininty should not fail to attend the entertain­ ment by the pupil« a»"l Faculty of Oak Lawn Aaad<»ro,v, at; Band Hall, in that village, on Tinvmday,|fi-t»orroweveuing, ' WF- uitakio to a.' -nd tbe enter- taiuijxwt- l>y the Hartiioniti Quartette on Tuesday >Y«at#g, 6ct:?^^iBarn .Irom those who were pres« ut thatit was a rich rnumeal irmt-. We are sorry they did matte Club, at Overside not havo a better house. )«da eveni.fg of week. ^THE Cniversaliet Sunday Sdkool, as- ("CWWfi.R*. the 1'stated W the older ones, are making ^jroarii^t uThat| tensive preparations for their Christmas entertalnme^t'on• Chi?stmas eve. They will have a tree, and Santa Claus will be on hand to entertain the little ones and that all are remembered. IT Is safe to a*sumo that NOT one per­ son in fifty m acquainted with the legal fe*'t that any one who mails a letter or­ dering a lottery ticket, or sends a postal irdrelaling in any way to a'lottery, is |bii to imprisonment for eighteen %Sptb*, or to. be fined |et exceeding '"%,orbotfa. gy < ' ' \% of the nuwt nseh'sti of all things ie * kc a urai of trouble in providing 1 dangers that never come. How ^jjPj^||p-which they never m- : that neter A •• "»^'iibles that never comfort and the wants .... jfepse to iea. u. W f S M ' " ' ' r> yws • t/ V.> Ai'Jkaik mm. m. • 4%"" il peirsuf \-:S •M fvst * f 1 ̂M I. - ? y- •xce'wme:Mm orb good goods Henfy Hehor8t...M....?........,.t.^. " J oseph Peacock. Burton Wm. Hutson, Jr...... George Merchant4,u.,.^.. .«4»t... *' Charles Salisbury....... ....Nunda W. J. Morey " E . A . F o r d . . . . . . A l g o n q u i n Wm. Morton. ** REPORT of Ringwood School for the week ending Dec. 12. In tbis report 90 means good deport­ ment and good leesone. More than 90 represents extra work, and less than 90 indicates a failure in deportment «>r les­ sons, or in both. Scott Harrison...00 Millie l*awsoti.....9fl Willie French 96 Ruth Barnard 98 Sayler Smith 94 Luella Carr 91 (Claude Thomson.90 Mabel Stevens 93 Bennie French 87 Allie Ilichardson.95 Frank Lawson....90 Stella Lumley 92 'Ralph Kich'dson.Lucy Dodge 96 Floyd Carr 90 Myrtle Stevens....91 Roy Harrison 91 Lena Harrison....92 Joe McCannon....87 Mabel Carr... 91 Toe Lawrence 85 Minnie Walsh......92 Martin Hall 90 Mamie Lawrenee.90 Eddie French 87 Fllen Hall 85 Clayt'n Harrison.95 Fl'r'nce Bald win..92 Eddie Harrison...95 Grace Simpson....93 Dell Noonan 92 Lonnie Lawrence.90 Godfrey Blaser....80 Mike Winkles. 85 Raynard Htencil..04 Tommy Frisby,....®5 Lonnie Bishop....95 H'.v Stephenson...94 Ora Harrison 94 Fritz Blaser 80 WalterBr^ckwayOO Elon Harrison 85 Freddie J&ers 90 John Huston 90 ^ Edwin Dodge 85 1 t Wm. NICKLE, Teacher/ 1 WE learn that the pupils and musical {fart of Faculty of Oak Lawn Academy will give a Literary and Musical enter­ tainment at Band Hall, Ringwood, on Thursday evening, Dec. 18th. Prof. Sears will have charge of the musical part of the programme and Prof, Coe of the Elocutionary, wbiohia a sureguaran* tee of a rich treat in each. We bespeak for them a good attendance. A MAN has been "doing" several towns about here, working the deaf and dumb racket. By means of a paper and pencil he WJs of his hardships and how he lost his family in the-Kansas prairi« fires. His little " tale of woe" is all a He, for the man has an excellent tongue and a tym­ panum equal to any. His lack oi both is a mere deception, and charitably minded people bad better invest their money in some other way and let the dog at the beggar. J ^ 1JKTBCTJV4C BENTHOSES brought in on Saturday last, and locked up in the vil lage lock-up a man supposed to have been the qm who attempted to burglarize the store of Bowiett & Stoffel a week o. He was also suspected to have had hand in burglarising the store of O. 0. , at Nunda, and also one at Elgin, uday morning he took the mam io |r examination there, since which ave heard nothing of the mat- lets no gnitty man escape^ dings of the Illinois Ap- wt notice tbat Herscbel V. I Frank L. ^hgpard have V|0 the bar an^l are now aw, and hare associated .Miles and opened an office ton St., Chicago, under Miles. Siiep&rd & Shep- d Bros, are sons of S. S. . and are young men 1 are sure to make r chosen profession, ir.i this county H'ish n desire* to lvow Mone are read, le»! that is regarded! ersonswhonevw cent. He will I : were in tte There is evi- "sfKjngiaj. hat he might 1 his family ver think it k yon," but leof his wife's mis io with a reoted.---Mx, Mrs. McH lto»)!-i| m*jt. 11H }«ei JWut (• ranger, 111 Weber and Owen. f The object of the meeting was Mated by the President, after which a general disjeussion as to the best means to apply at a small expense in fighting fires was bad which finally resulted in the following motion: Motion by Gi"ang*r nuthoriring the President to pnrcbas# at once; 4 dozen galvaniml iron pails of suitable size, one- third dozen grappling hooks with ropes, one-third dozen pike poles with books or cutting device, al«o one axe for the West side chemical engine; All except the axe to be equally divided between the engine houses. Seconded by Walsh. Vote re­ sulted as follows: Ayes--Granger, Smith, Miller, Walsh and Weber. Carried, Suggestions were made by the Presi­ dent to pass an ordinance compelling all business places to keep constantly two pails of water on each floor which was not acted on as the- board did not feel certain of their rights to pass such an ordinance. Motion made by Owen and seconded by Walsh to eeau# a call or demand on tbe public through the Pi.aindealer to plaoe fire pails filled constantly with water in every building in town and to ask the public to aid the board in better tire protection. Vote resulted as follows: Ayes--Smith, Miller, Granger, Walsh, Owen and Weber. Carried F. K. Granger called the hoard's attenr tion to the Dr. Osborne and John Brents matter in caring for sick party found village street, by offering to pay for half the expenses ifthe village paid the other half: discussion followed which resulted in the following motion by Walsh and eecouded by Granger: That the village pay half the above billout of its treasury. Vote resulted as follows: Ayes--Miller, Smith, Granger, Weber and Walsh. Nayes--Owen. Carried. Motion by Granger to adjourn Walsh and carried by full 'x SIMEON STOFFEL, Pres. Christmas Clears. Barbian Bros, are putting up, in boxes of twenty-five each, a choice brand of Cigars suitable for Christmas presents, and if you have a friend who enjoys a gooff smoke, what would l»e more suita­ ble than a box of these rigar^ and Me them. VmrttoSoiidas*. '-v /• The Chicago & North-western Railway Company will sell excursion tickets at favorable rates. For full information re­ garding rates, dates of sale, limits of tickets, etc, apply to<agents €L & N. W Railway Company. .; 23w8 Dropped from the Clouds. THE MOON, Dec. 8th, 1890. ICfeilRS. Joux EVANHON & Co., West McHenry, III.--Gentlemen .---Pleasenotify the public that I shall hold High Carnival at your establishment during the month of December and if my stock holds out it will be necessary for all good boys and girls to have unusually large stockings hung up on Christmas ere. ^ -fy' ^ 4 f YOU^B asE^R, « ^ FT* ^ SANTA CLAUS. AUCTION 8AX-E. Tha-nndersigned will sell at public auc tion, bn his farm 2% milts southwest of Volo, and % mile east of.(iriswold Lake Factory, on Tuesday, December23,1890, commencing .at 10 o'clock, A. M., sharp, the following property: 28 head of cattle, 1 span of horses, 1 sorrel horse, 1 bay horse, 1 colt eight months old, 14 cows, some new milkers, 8 two-year old beifers, 4 yearlings, 1 yearlinur bull, 1 three-year old bull, 5 brood sow% 15 ehoats, 28 pigs, 1 Sprague mower, 1 Moline sulky plow, 1 fanning mill, 1 set Fairbanks' scales, 1 McCormick binder and trucks, 1 seeder, 1 corn planter, 1 Solid Comfort plow, 2 walking plows, 1 set of harrows, 1 sulky cultivator, 1 walking cultivator, 1 horse hoe, 1 lumber wagon, 1 pair trucks, 1 two-seated buggy, 1 pair bob- sleighs, 2 hay raeks, 1 bog rack, 2 sets double harness, 1 heating stove, 1 cook Btove, 7 milk cans, household furniture &c., also 200 bushels of oats and 15 tons of hay. The usual free lunch at noon. TERMS.-AI1 sums of 110 and;iuder, casb. On all sums ova- $ 10 a credit of one year will be given on approved notes at 7 per cent interest, 2 pen* cent off for cash. JNO, FAIKWEAPIKR. F. K. GRANCER, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE." 'tS' The undersigned will sell at public auc­ tion, on the C. Harvey farm, one mile jsouthwest of Volo, on Thursday, Dec. 18, 1890, commencing at 11 o'clock, A, M., he following property: 8 cows, some w milkers, balance springers, 3 two- ear old heifers, 5 yearling heifers. 2 year- ing bulls. 2 work horses, 1 yearling colt, 1 iking colt, 1000 bushels of corn in crib, and other articles not mentioned. Usual free lunch at noon. TERMS--All sums of HO and under cash. Over th«t sum a credit of one year on approved notes at 7 per cent interest. Two per cent off for cash. No property to be removed until settled for. NICK PITSOH. JFf I£. GRANGER, Auctioneer, V FARM FOR SALE. : > A gOod all-purpose farm consisting1 <of 166 acree situated one mile south-east of Solon in the town of Richmond. Terms reasonable. For further particulars in­ quire on the premises of 20m8 WM. MOORE, Solon, 111. Santa Clans is jrith us and will gladden the hearts of all ye people that will court his friendship. J. If. CRISTY 4k SON, Ringwood. \ Flush Albums and card receiwsre at %e*e3re* ' 1 Sp* ' WHEAT WANTED, t The highest cash price will be paid for W inter or Spring Wheat at, the Wauconda iniil. J. SPENCER, Proprietor. * • 11 s * _ The Mar of Bethl*h«m ^ | Keyer A«Vjie on a Christniae season when t w^rld rejoiced more than it will rejaks this Christmas. Barring a few discos fittes. and badly treated Indians, +it<? < w at peace and enjoys a jwiHisfitJ? i| |p»«m such a strain as the ion cannot disturb. ttt'MH Hnll tbe Jut ttn<l 31 WMneb <i*5B O^ bibbIID . A . CLAKT, W, U. T. O. P".---Hebrew No. 761, meat at Maeonic H»ll every TaewUv niitht. W. B. Wirk.N.G. HKSBOW n. K. <J. meet at MMOOHIC «»*H the M and 4U> Wednofwlnvs of mwh ni»ntb. MKS. E. B. STHATTOW. W. M, M. W. A.--Meet at M isonio Hall tUo and M 8amrda>» M «M>h mtath. r. K. GWATTOI*. V. O. lat :io thw " |p».n tun;? v flmd K vi li 'joy-givers yourlwiacfcioas * I 'f*' •- Co e in secu X mas one week. Splendid wheeling. ^ "Weather fine M silkJ^ Chas. Brown ia home on a Vacation Until spring. Chas. Tryon was in to^a looking for a place to move in the spring. H. J. Vincelette was* in the city last week and has purchased a large stock of Jewelry which he is offering at nearly cost. A. H. Householder is rejoicing over the arrival of a baby. Alvah we smoke. The Woodmen elected the following officers last Saturday evening: H. C,, James Turner: A., N. B. Manor; B., Frank Rowe: Clerk, E. E. Taylor; Escort, Peter Robertson; Watch, H. Crain; Sentry, F. Deline; B. M., C. Weter; Phy., Dr. E. L. Herrick; Delegate, N. B. Manor. .The order is in a prosperous condition having about 50 members According to the new constitution and By Laws of the M. W. A. it is necessary to elect a delegate from each camp to meet at Springfield on the second Tues­ day of January. This is going to be a large expense to the local camps as each has to pay their own expenses and as there will be no other business to come before the meeting but to elect one dele­ gate at large for the State and in each County to elect one delegate to every five hundred members or fraction there off, as a delegate to the head camp. Would it not be a good thing to send the delegates to Woodstock Jan. 3d and select thedelegates to represent the county and let those go to the meeting at Spring­ field, and save the camps of the county about one hundred and fifty ex prase. ALGONQUIN. EDITOR PLAINDEAIER At Chapell and Morton's Auction Sale, of a car load of milch cows, on Wednesday last, cows sold on an average of $34.40 per head. The Fancy Fair and supper given by the ladies of the St. Johns Episcopal Church, at the Morton House, on Wednes­ day evening of last week, was a grand success both socially and financially. D. W. Thomas shipped a car load of Stock to Chicago on Thursday last. W. M. Morton shipped a car load of stock to Chicago on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Chapell are visiting friends in Chicago and Austin. Our young folks have been 4w4ving a fine time the past week, skating on the river. , Geo. E. Smith and wife sj^Brit Sdnday last with Father Tomiskey "fit Carey. Miss Annie Kee is visiting friends at Amboy and Lee Center. ^ Chas. Kublank is building an addition to Fred Duensings town residence. Gene Andrews brother and family,from Carey, spent Sunday here with him, There are some prospects of Algonquin having a milk condensery in the near future. The parties wish to buy 10 acres of land of John Jurs on the hillside, where the old Cheese Factory stood. If built it will be by the same company as the Elgin and Carpentersville are. NORTHERN NUNOA. EDITOR PLAINDEALER:--Good skating Sunday. Everybody is b&gr making Christmas presents. Some were in doubt what C., stood for in the problem which appeared in our itemsiast week. Be in doubt no longer. C. is for Cat. Mrs. T. Knox, of Terra Cotta, spent a few days of last week with her parents in this place. P. J. Murray, of Harvard, spent last week trading horses in this section. Miss Katie Bolger, of Woodstock, has been visiting with friends here the past week. The smiling face of Patrick Feehan is again seen in our midst. Mrs. Walter Bolger visited her mother at Terra Cotta, a part of last week. Richard Loaghlin was the guest of 'Gene Erwin over Sunday. Thomas Frisby went to Elgin Friday to visit friends there, M. Brain has been doingsome masonry work for James Reed the past weeh. James Knox has taken the place va­ cated by his brother Ed, who has gone to the city to run a milk route. abundantly found I it is full of joy for 9t there is oppor- lake otheip happy, ""lar particu- tdid stock and have Call and see our Banquet Lamps, Piano Lamps, Sewing Lamps. Hanging Lamps. A fine assortment cheap at Besley's. Ghriatm&s Locals. Grand holiday sale at J. A. Story's We are showing and selling the finest line of Christinas goods in McHenry county. Largest assortment. Everytbimf in toys. Fresh candies of all kinds. t Our Dolls have arrived, cdri^' Ktfli18# them. They talk,cry, laugh, nod, answer questions, shake their heads and go to sleep, play the finest oi musfe. Don't fail to see them. We are selling every day. Books! Books! every style will arrive thin week, GAMES:- All new games, Fiddledewinks, Home Circles. * Toys, toys, sleds, chairs bedroom sets, tables, stoves; a piano in perfect, tune for fl .00. Everything at J. A. Story's, Lamps lamps; crockery, CliHitman and New Years cards. Don,t buy until you have examined our stock. Com* in, Come in and see for yourself. All the newest novelties ut J. A. Story'it WORTH VARIETY These are the corner stones of our ea> tablishment. Oar holiday goods are on exhibition. JOHN EVANHON & Co. TRUTH SYSTEM DONT SKIP THIS For it is not an advertisement bat ft pointer, that when you want any thing in the line of feed, grain, hard or soft coal it will pay you to call at the Pickle Factory, West McHenry and get my prices. Highest market -price paid for oats. 6 W. A. CRISTY. Christmas Cards and Souvenire at Besley's, BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cnts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi­ tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Geo. W. Beaky, West McHenry. lWy ttanttM*!) Nottrif** if Music with shoes at Evan soft's. Kid body Dolls 35c at Best's. Men's Congress shoes fl.2L at San­ son's. The Buffalo Boots and Shoos, and sheet music with each pair at Evanson's. Chair pillow with one cake of soap for 25c at Besley's. j New dress goods, new eiothing, and new shoes are now arriving at Evanson's. NICE line of Pipes, Barbian Brothers. just received, at "World's Fair" at Besley's. see it. 0&H and "Have you seen the 5-A five mile horst blanket? If not, why not,? If you have a horse vou need it." The finest line of Whitewash and Paint Brushes in town at Besley's West Side Drugstore. ______ Good Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco at 25 cents per pound, at Barbian Bros". Cigar Store. ' Fall Jackets, hew, reasonable in price, and stylish. Also, sheet music with each jacket at Evanson's. Cult Meal I Oil Meal! Always in stock, at Bonslett & Stoffel's, in small or large lota, at close prices. A choice line of Box Paper, cheap, at Besley's West Side. ̂ 11 FARM FOR SALE^Ifc. The undersigned offers for state^fe farm consisting of 240 acres, situated one mile South of McHenry Village, in the town of Nunda. Is all under a good" state of cultivation and one of the most desirable farms in the county. Terms reasonable. MICHAEL DOHBBTY, Dated November 18th, 1890. 19-3m FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his farm, consisting of 124 acres, situated 3% miles east of McHenry. Is in a good state of cultivation and will be sold reasonable. For further particulars inquire of the un­ dersigned on the premises. GEKHART S&ICENEMANN. October 14th, 1890. 14m2 AN INVARIABLE SIGN. Swelling of the ankles or feet when not due to rheumatism, Prof. DeCosta sayB, is always caused by a weak or diseased heart. So is shortness of breath, pain or uneasiness when lying on the left side, smothering spells. Tne only cure is Dr. Miles' New Cure. Sold at Besley's drug S t o c 4 i f j . * , ' • F O R S A L E . • ; v Thfe nfl^fersiglied, Executor of tM Will of Lawrence Dorney, deceased, offers lor sale his entire effects, consisting of his House and two lots, in the village of Mc­ Henry. Also a quantity of Household Furniture, Clothing, Wood, Lumber, etc. For full particulars inquire of the unpbr- gigned. MARTIN W ELSH, Executo^ MILES' NERVE & LIVER PILLS. An important discovery. They act on tbe liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new principle. They speed­ ily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles and constipation. Splendid for men women and children. Smallest, mildest, surest, 30 doses for 25 cents. Samples at Geo. W. Besley's. FOR SALE OR RENT. The house known as the Mrs. L. A. Clark house, situated in the village of McHenry, is offered for sale or rent on reasonable terms. The house is in good repair, good well, cistern and other con­ veniences. Large garden and plenty of small fruit. For terms and other partic­ ulars inquire of IL G. MBAD. Dated January 1st, 1890 Potpori Powder 35 cents an oQnee at Besley's. CONSIDER For a moment when you are planning Christmas gifts that there are places where a barrel of flour will be more useful than a mani­ cure set, and a pound or two of tea will bring more comfort than a volume of bad poetry. We recognize that a grocery stock does not contain many of those "jimcracks" now commonly known as holiday goods, but if you want to send real comfort and gladness into a poor family, please remember that there is nothing more useful or acceptable than will be found in our department of "Things to Eat." What we have for this purpose is of the best and finest. , JOHN EVANHON & Co. NEW MILLINERY AND DRESS-MAK­ ING ROOMS. MRS. GEO. W. BKSLKY, having rented the store lately occupied by Mrs. C. Hutson, West McHenry, will o(>en the same this week with a full line of new and Fashionable Millinery Goods to which she invites the attention of the Ladies of McHenry and the surrounding eouut ry. She has engaged Miss l"n<cm»ii, of Lak*1 Geneva, as Trimmer, ami will guaranUM< satisfaction both in style ami prim She will also pa,v i<M|t»ieial attonllnii tQ Dress tnukiug, ami ha* tmuug"! Mim |1, Granger its Cutler am) I'it lei, ami all orders will mwive |>mni|it alteiiltoa Miss Kntt'inaii will hem on Twe^da* of (tattli wrski WTCall 1« MI4 imr tfttotli MMI. MNH W |W»I MI Went Mu||„H..rNuv ftti imkr Kl*K MWiMiHHtl Ml , TotiMM*!, Hi llmlilHil |I4 "ST Willi Hell* G»« no mil. hit** «u»ii lor lti« tftttfcl* I prim**, I MM it HIM I>AM * "MM MelnU hen>.i ttilMfl| Mm • tmaUtMM iitlM Ho.v* atiM* Ho.v«' I«H piuee •wH* Kt*w plfltlw M•111 M I M* l.«dnw' (He alii** MUU'M Chile hiila NMWTITF faelliM, Milk «h«i'*M lIuiidriHln tt| nood« Ml |ll ill I# ! wW- m FOH DoUs of afikiadBafc Bwtejf%,. Afl'ttuT'lll \ 111 liirm, (Jf the larpMt, IMH1 i>tit4twat stock of plush, leiither or WO«M| bomitl albums, toilet and uiank>ut<«iwif«,^aviitM eases, mirrors, fancy glort, handkerchief ami jewelry bOMk «4«gaitl new jewelry, over 200 mm «Uk tiau.Tker cheifs, mufflers and Mmrls, fta* ui>ektl«<s, perfumery, fine new g!MM ware in new designs, new decorated tea dinner ami chamber pots, fancy night, stand jCnd hanging lamps, silverware, toys, eujw and saucers. The continuous mild winter compels us to offer great reductions on all cloaks, overcoatsdothing, underwear, flannels, blankets, shawls, etc. Head onr new advertisement carefully and then do not fail to give us a timely call. Very respectfully, BoNsu^rr & SXOJTFBLI. Candies leeaived this at JL A. Holiday IN ABUNOAMOE, Both Usefdl and (hn«iiiest|| DOWN. To reduce stoek previous to oar as> naal Inventory, January ltlt we make " . EXTREMtLY LOW PRIOCS Oloakt, Clothing, Overcofttfl and Boots anil Shoes. ^Do not miss seeing oar elegant dls- pl«y of Chrlstmu gooda, eonitsting of Plush Toilet seta, nam Odor oases, Plush and Leather Odiiar and euff aata. Plush manicure tela, with beaatlltoi fittings, card cases, Ac. > • » \ ' ' W , 4 , . . lia1*! ii%avy #zey 1(f&«rw<iir,̂ atf ̂ 51 marked down from 40o. Heavy •!! wool red Bad Blankets si "'§ before tbe rlae.• :.p;j nhriatmna Ladle*' fine Kid Shoes at #3 ed down from and 83.S5. ' » 1/ ) v *« ' 1, « ' - s& Children's Calf Shoes, 5s and 6#*t S0s per pair, marked down from fl. f v'-i down from fl^S. s * " Wo hsve tbe largest aad tmsi llnei Felt and Knit Boots in this aectlt which we are selling very low. and examine before purchasing el where. Remember, we handle »bec__ ebrated " MISHAWAKA " Kntt flbet, which cannot be equaled. IW« ft^'lOl e^ indri Fine Tarns and Zed hyrs. A German Knitting Yarn. Come and Oar large 3tock: of Beaver and bMMry Winter Shawls Is now in. We ksoplt them at eery low dfaree aad can them way down. »4, '!"• Remember we have the 1 of ladles1 white, natural _ Hair and red Wool Undilffwnr found la the county. FHWNI IQQ tloa asd pries. MMltlflH. VlMlHiVMMlIn ritti'm »i.0nm noun HHlllmdi Qoodi. m s ai rilikralai AMHD# #»f Ittf No fara^r A)m IfMMtov we Nyd intrfoewi end asll tssm si many llaee Iswsf ths# lis &«b ilovti. If you wUh lo bay gool goods ohea|i call beiore we take oar asaa&l lawa* corTt lat sf Janaary, We oay tte : aadlgga. !'4; - Perry & Hi ^

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