Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Dec 1890, p. 1

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HT BT W spsiostrvtupt. M follows: nt will cost Mo weeks, fsLOO for iUbe.iltoOil la BUSINESS CARDS. } • O. J. HOWARD, M. D. ? W flHTslOl IS AS CRSTRSESO*. MoHenry. i IIL Office Rt reSMenee, OM block Mat 01 i; A Public 8oboot Building. O. H. TEttERS* M. D- * r>HS"8lCUAN AND StJBdBOK, MeHenry, I Ills. OSm St Kesideaee. WM, O3B0ttttE, H. D. X I»SJ*«0IAN AND 8U ROBOX. Ofieeet T West McHenry, III. 0*11* $v ^llWti3yettended to day and night. NEAR IpMPOf, S AI WE*rr MOBLWWKY. NX, rssr,s£%£* "-f «- AND Rwtaurant, MBSSSAJS"' : ;*JeAA«entFot FRABIAE FALK*» ;; J, Lag* BMT. or Small Kegs or Bottle* *1. ohMpw than any other, <w*U- g Os&meby nail promptly attended to.1 GOOD STABLim rOB JZOASV4C «rOall and^ee us. West MoHenry, Ul- JLm SXXGL6I5.'@K^ SALOON AND RESTAOROT. *oH«HRY, ILLINOIS. IU, J ,'K,|,' 'r^V. > , ir 'ii • S CARDS. • •LI at ft B AW. IJ. 8. Sipre*. Oo.*» ^WaSWagton SW ARenfter ©•*!§ tad the V- - ~W. "" ...„ 1 'IOSLTK;* CtSBT. \ , ITS AT LAW, Woodstock--111. 'sees will receive prompt atten- C. F. HAnn^, A TTORVRY. Solicitor, awl p. Collections a specialty. * WWHH8TOCX, 11X1 WOTS. Oonaeelor, v. «*. I.umley. ;Y AT LAW, as« Solicitor to „ r/OOTWTOOR, ILL. Qfltesta Part House. Hret floor. A. M. CHURCH, Watehwolrcr sa»d Jeweler \TO. <*ee Hundiredf wenty-Five SSateMOtai- I* otsffm. Saittal attention given to re­ pairing Fine and Uhroapiie ter». «sr A Pall Assortment of Oowta in his line States War Cfai Aieitj - ---- #M. m COWWN, Woodstock Illinois. f Proeeeatesall classes and kinds of elates against the United atates tor ex-Soldiers, tfietr Widows, DtwwlnitltitttmsrHws. ilalt# la made la proeeciuutg old aad claim a. , muma'catlons promptly answered 11 Postage ttasaps are enotosedfor reply. WM, H. COW LIS Office at Residence, Madlaon St., Wood e toe a, Illinois. Attention Horsemen! MCHENRY, iix-,;Aprit 1st, 1698, I woald respectfully invite the Public to call and examine aa j stock of Horses before making arrangement* eisevtrbere. No busi­ ness dene on Sunday. It 8. OOLBT J- xinasr tu> | COiPTON, # •; n 4wntforthe j tifiME, OF raw CAPITAL^8.0|LL,100. ETMA. OF HAETFOED, Capital, 010,071,550, Fire tested, time tried Oompaniee. Insures L.tshtntef and wlnd-btonas, at reasonable emm, For insoraae« Mrttenlars apply to J. Om >iiaa been « yea^ia JIM ffjkMwiim f", *ay 20th, 1800. " BEN WANTED, l S » ' i i - l e n o w n n u r s e r y i n t b l s oouoty, for tOWa aBdl country traUe. tiood 'W HWeSy position with a nnr- »ery of orer thtrit* years' sumlinK. and a know* reeboeMMtuy. We «raa»goo<i, ttveljr irorkenu and wilt My well. iiJod references Htiioireo, Apply aiiick, stating age. Af£»&>T d KB j <X>KPA^*f, 8?-m2 Ohieago, IIL The Police Gazette, Is the -nly UUstrate l paper In the world G&uutiuiug all the luteal seanatioiiat ana spsrung news Sfo saio .a Keeper, Barber, er OtueJtoom eaaaiforu to be witaoin it. it aimye aiakee Meads wbererer it goe*. ... Mailed toaayaddress i%th«' llelted States securely wntfiped, It weeks for #1. 8eud rive Uents forsampie oopy. BIOKABO X. FOX, sYAaiuar Bouabk, Kew Yerk no Fear HHlMWNfi 31. 1890. tbon vnd tint .In* %ni T»rn*1o 4nd with desiKitcti In ps. Policies ooriected^ Made. Oallettor addrese Sl»on Stoffol. We«t McHenry, Ililaois. Weat M^IIeniry « Illinois, w.n ^r»p|ire«.AlMsmnsic for the dame; lag pu bUeWr teseeeahle rates. Address all er «m te . ®S»3 ^ ED. NOON AN, West WcHenry, III. Quintette Orchestra, Mh HENRY, ILL, <"Areprepared|tofurolsh|Vir8t01a«e Mask Is the Dancing Public at} Seasonable Sates. J.Sarttti, 1st Violin. Rett. Madden. Otarteaet, Ontaet. L. Oirea, Trotnhoae, S. ^seo aad Prompter, ... _ Ml eommuaioatmu te JenrytRBith, Mcffeary. NEW YOUIC HOUSE. 239 tc 243 E. Randotph SL Franklin and * Market Streets, CHICAGO. Beti Aoeommodalion to , f Boarders. UVawtm and E. 6. K0EP1*K, Prop. IMI #•« DAT. eoou uaru BOOK A.*tr*rctai*B»tt*e Ih^BoyMAUa^pTStra. tS Culver House. RICHMOND, ILL. OoodliiTwy, Good Samplt Jioom. FRSE BUS TO AND FROM ALL TRAINS FOR PATMOJNSOF TBE HOUSE, I run a line of carriages tojTIHa Lakes froin Uichmoad, three-fonrthsefattiileaearer thaa any other road, aad more level aad pleaSant fejr flsr. tiTyoe titead atbtf to f»l» lik«h atop at Kicbmoad aad laqatre for OULVlKt BPS. It t» Always there, rata or SHORT BORN BULLS w POLAND CHINA AND IBKRK8HIRI BOAR8, -AND- ATTENTION! fsrissrs and Dsirymss. tA#ttl pay tho«p looking*for -j ^ CHOICE COWS : fresh milkers or premises before par lead er e^agle eow. iPOBfKK H. WOLFBUM, -CWpirop#. Farm about tear adles aorthwestof fiarrard, Illinois. ^ • JOHN P. SMITH, Wtttchmaker & Jeweler, ftefiENRY. ILLINOIS.. >A; FlWS steek of Clocks, Watches aad Jew- A ei^r atwttya oa hand. Special atteattoa given te repairing line watches. Give me a oall. JOOX PBMITS Prench Bitters, : BnTi Bottle Beer, „ in sny qoantifry from M Suits H, \ QLASS to XCO boiireU. iv.' AT WHOLESALE OS RETAIL Beer in bottles, It AMIS Wanted 1 LJ BK'KAL.N N *T AKHS #tn be liTfs tsiMnMlwe our new hook Bible &illiants: "13FS BIBLS STORIES, The greatest success of the year, aad some- thtef Wtiretjr new in the Itook line. Boyai QttartojjUM,_»MjUlXi paper; large t, two of He only T55^«w»a.:5&|5Bi'. iHMit. Act quick or y«a .«ipiHas it. FOSSMEE & Plymouth Hock Cockorels, e at Living Prices by tile under- Call on or address •r": ' FRANK COI.B, SPRING «SOV«. IU.. SprlagQrevflb HI. Key. is. iseu. Special Announoement. f e u d 2 6 c e n t s L « « J J B f I U « S - XEATED CATALOeVX otZ lySportlnei Athletio and Ormnasium Gtoods,^H The Finest Ever Isaaed, FOX. MBW T«UC Franklin Sqoate.' Traveling and local, to sell oar choice Sor­ cery Stock. Fast-Mlllag apeelalties la hsrdy trrntta, Me. npieadid Outfit Free. Steady empioymeat guaranteed. Tour pay weekly. Write <or terms. Germsitls Rurssry Oo. Soehestsr, N. T. JlSajMSu! --SSB1DKBS OS-- r V" J*» , DBA&bbs m Fnm CIGABS, MeUENRY ILLINOIS, aatd chewing tobaeeo «T the M ssUst Easses*bl« Prices. me sod ! • tfOBOAN HORSES. Short'Btorniilpi -Lt • loi- MM And Jersey Cattle. Hillside * West MoHenry« III. I States. beef^bred'llcwgaB s^-8how ' iiiswwt We Invite the iaspeotWa ef our_stoek by i aad all lovers of ftae aalssala. >OMMkaay oi rmoreead ther horse West icUenrfU 8ead address, oai wtftted ete., et Lsii Oper. iFriees l<lg«Wttrk,1 Ptke natural teeth a * «lven for pataiess k*rrantei. store. 17, IflBO. ;x ipttiL^or any iaA»m IATO8 HOISU. ared promptly. ruscss, kKKftB) ITM>KTDiU PA' Trade-marts, Cei WM' iMHMt eA^redly cooilti perteaee. High Wk. Address, w. /v< vV.,||lpF&tr and Oopvrighta jr-I'AVISBOQK lei lor (tee opta- il hnaiaeae treated Sixteen years* ex- sees. Send ... «W V*ERALB% t *1 Washington, IK CL • ii 'j mi11- **-• j- ;HTNINC, Aloe Iowa, Mint had Uatifbruia LatrfM^l WM. Nebraska, Alabama, "ill on or address PEL, McHenry, ill: s :o. Local not * ivellng. » To sell our Nuriery I and Steady Employ-- OHABS Dalary, Expensss Iran teed.; COKFAHT. Soehester. V. T. I Bankers, ILLINOIS. deposit*, buy* Domestic M» Business, all business *«n~ a manner and torff to FERRY A OI MoHENRY, • This Bank receive* and seU$ JFbreign change* and dote Goneral We endeavor to trusted to our care upon te:ms < MuMaum "I aŜ SSLI?.!̂ ̂ eeeurity. Special attention given to oot> leetion$t INSURANCE In First OUm Companies at the Lom$?Rqtes* 1 Your* Respectful, • PSKRY A THE CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY tlbrdi anrtvale'i facilities for transit be, tweea tie most important cities and towns' ta Illinois, Iowa, Wisotnsln. Northern Mich- ytan, Mlaaeeobk North aad (South Dakota, nebraeka aad Wyomiag. The train service Is carefully adjusted to set the requirements of through and looal travel, andifnclud es FA8T VESTiHILED TRAINS Maiaf Cats, tteeptnf @a» &Day Oea^s , Banning Solid between Ohioago awt. ST, FA UL, MINNEAPOLIS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, DENVER AND PORTLAND, ORE. PULLMAN A WAQRBR SLSKPCRS Ottleago to San FranoiscMl '*< WITHOUT CHANGS. ^ COLONISTS SLSXF£B8i Chicago to Portland, &ut rttAsciaoo. Reclining Chair Coil CHICAGO TO DENVER AND PORTLAND, ORE •la ConneU Bluffs and Omaha. For tbe time of trains, tickets snd all infor­ mation, apply to Station Agents of Ohicago S North-western Railway, or to the General Passenger Agent, at Chicago. W.H.JSKWMAN, M Vice 2n*. W- A. THRALL. JKAM dt 1'k't, AP*- 3 M WHITMAN ttm*t Mbmogtr, & BOSS, AgmU, MeOmm, Jtt 1 CHANCE TO MAKE MONEY a. Salary and Expenses paM, or Commis­ sion »f preferred. Bale, men experience wanted needed. verywheie. No address, statiagage, H. W. FOSTER A CO., Nurserymen, Geneva., N. Y. WANTED A good pnsblnK Salesman here, f'irst- Lclsss pay guaranteed weekly. Oommis- hiton or salarr. Quick gelling new Fruits] l^raj^NIERS can get a go-»d paying] I lobewtto winter. Write ft* fall pavtis. lalara. FSSDS. l'OOSG,Karswynmn. tot Rochester, N. Y. •hwklsea -4n tdltetf sy mm. N, WOODSTOCK, i OOWLIN, "Toeareforhim WiOam Mt* Or * ptum*.n • --Lnwot-w, •J>H«Hlsa^ MJOffimw*-" WonktfSOMof MriM JRNMra' leases on the completed files, so j plif.y and reduce the labor of tb that regard, thfpe new fo Tan. 1,1801, and he has] in accordance with the oi^fep dfl Noble, dated Sept. 2G, that anj^l who babitualiy violates the oi< tive to the complied fllee, by attempt| inp to have cases placed thereon wt art; not oomp!«t«, Bl.aii be disbarment. ipen«K ik«, ,Pfiv# lYc o! C- A. II. Oir*otory« M'nnmtT POST no.ip. ^Meats the First Thursday #W«lng of eaen L, s. BftMnnTT, Coos. rot#, wo M, ^Meets first and third ]|onday evenings of A.S. WRTQHT, Ooet. irau POST, no aas. Meets the aeoend and foarth Tnesdny eveaiacsofeaoh month. , -v; o F. Dntn, Oom. S*BTau> roef,iro IKi. - Meets the second ana tourtn Monday -eves iags^ eaeh month. S. N. AUSTIN, Com. Kinmn POST, NO. mb, Meets every second and Fourth Friday evenings of each month. E. & Monnta, Oom. WAOOONDA POST, HO. 368. Fost meets every second and foortb SKMV day eveaiagln a. A. tt. Hail. Main su " A. L. Pnron, Oom. Along the Skirmish Lins. The Stale Soldiera* Home of Soath Da­ kota is located at Fiot Springe, 8. D. The National Soldiers' Home at Day­ ton, Ohio, has 4,500 inmates. General Lyon Relief Corps, St. lx>aif>, Mo., gave a "lily" ball Nov. 29. The Grand Army Posts in Michigan made Thanksgiving Day ono of jollity and good cheer. Tbe Missouri Commandery of tbe Mil* itary Order ot tJie Loyal Legion has & '̂singing school" of veterans. . ft took forty turkeys to supply the :foldiers*.liome veterans at Grand Rap* ids, with a Thanksgiving dinner. A movement is on foot to organize the Department of Michigan into battalions for the encapHMjgent parade in 1801. City, Mich , gave a fine musical and lit- erary entertainment Tuesday afternoon, Nov. 25. ' The Woman's Soldtera' Monument At- rtociation of Allegan, Mich., is giving a series of hops for the benefit of the mon­ ument fund. Officers etast of Pont No. 236, Nunda, for 1891 are: C., F. E. Cox; S. V. 0., J. 1). Andrun; J. V. C., George Thomp- •h-ii; Surgeorf, W. P. Thompson; Chap­ lain, S. S. Shepard; Q M , I. M. Mallory; O. D., J. H. Colleu; O. G , J. H. Paddock. At a meeting of the Council of Adminis­ tration of the Department of Illinois, Grand Army of the Republic, held at De­ catur, Dec. 4tb, resolutions were passed fixing April 7, fc, and 0 as the time for holding the 25th reunion of the Depart­ ment of Illinois. Th« nffirwr* elect of the Barrington W. R. C. for 1891, are: President, Mrs. RhodaE. Lombard; Senior Vice Presi­ dent, Mrp. Ada Selleck; Junior Vice Pres­ ident, Mrs. Chas. Wool; Chaplain, Mrs. Georgia Seebert; Treasurer, Mrs. Sarah C. Dickinson; Conductor, Mrs. Stuart - Miller. The officers elect of Post No. 247, Barrington, are as iollows: Commander, F. J. Duck; Senior Vice Commander, Robert Pum?ll; Jnnior Vice Commander, Fred Wiseman; Surgeon, L. Krahn; Chaplain, Stuart Miller; Quartermaster, A. Gleaaon; Officer of the Day, A. L. Henderson; Officer of the Guard, Charles Senn. Comrades A. T. Decker and JV L. Ki!- gore, of tbe Prisoners of War Memorial Association, were in Washington last week in the interests of that association. They report the outlook as very en­ couraging. The first public meeting of i he association will be held Jan. 27,1891, nt the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City. Maj. McKinley and Repre­ sentatives J. P. Dolliver and Henry Cabot Lodge have promised to be present and address the meeting. For the third quarter ending Sept. 30, 1890, the corps in the Massachusetts de­ partment. of the Woman's Relief Corps expended in reli».f $1,685, and turned over to "the posts $1,108. The member­ ship of the Department numbered 10,098. There am 1.131 pensioners on the rolls, who receive 3% cents a day; 30,023 who receive cents a day. The officers elect of Nunda Corps, W. R. C., for 1891 are as follows: President, Mrs. Mary Powell ; Senior Vice President, Mrs. Mary Nelson; Jnnior Vice President, Mrs. Mary A. Audrui; Chaplain, Mrs. Martha St. (lair; Treasurer, Mrs. Re­ becca Prickett; Conductor. Mrs. Alma Arps; Gnard, Mrs. Ada Shales. General Robert E. Lee's birthdav, Jan. 19, is now a legal holiday in Virginia. Tbe proper celebration of the day is now under disenwion among the Confederate veterans of Richmond, who expect to have a military parade on the anniver­ sary and make tbe occasion an imposing one generally. A n or ŝr has bf en issued by th» Com- At the annual meeting of J. R. Manser Post. No. 215,G. A. R ,held Dec. 8,18^ the followi »g officers were elected: Colli tnander, E. N. Austin; Senior Vice Cqjili mander, W. H. Ballard; Junior Vies Comm»nder;-E. Travers; Chaplain, J. L. indersony ' Surgeon, J. W, Groesbeck; OffteeFof the Day, S. M. Butts; <$Qftrter- ma«ter, K. R»>ctor; Officer of the G(UM*d, 11. Tracey; Delegates to the Department Gccaropment, J. D. Clark and MBo Vflinger; Alternates, J. W. Groesbeck and Ajsad Udell.--/farran# HemU. k Confaderats Wail. The Charleston News and Courier's rebellions heart is broken over the defeat of Wade Hampton. It sobs out: The war is over in South Carolina. Wade Hampton has been discharged from I he service of the State to make room for a man who was too yonng tobea"rsbe!" Fake the old gray coat out ol ths dtaset aad look at it for the last time before it ft thrown into the rag-ba«--it represented • something and irH-txutsomething20yearn igo. Tlirow tht battered old e&ntsen into the ash-barrel--it meant 20 years ago. Unfold the tattered battle-flag, under wbose ^mce_gtorions folds yon, |>ercIiance, foHawed Hamptott into tiie very jaws of death--look at it for the last time, and let the flames OOB- <^ume it. All tbsse thli^^s are but dust and ashes. Tbe QgOliy Is ••re no longer any "rebets** and The Confederate soldier has outlived his days in South Carolina. "It was all a dream 1" The annual tneeting of. Woodstock Post, No. 108, G. A. R., took plaos MoK- <lay evening. There was a large Bjmber of the comrades present and one wemit. mustered in. Comrade J. D. Clark, of Harvard, Inspecting officer, was preSent and inspected tbe Post. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : V. S. Wright, Commander; W. H. Sher­ man, Senior Vice Commander; B. Ter* williger, Junior Vice Commander; Geo. TTttnaford, Officer of thfe Day; H. Shan­ non, Officer of the Guard; W. P. Morse, Delegate to State Encampment; and John C. Darrell, AJternt-te The appoint- i w officers will be announced at the time of installation. Four applications were received for mmtee.~-SeBtiael. • Work of the Pension Office , Daring the week ending Dec. 6, 1890, ^1,049 claims were received, of which 41# were original invalid; 444 widows; 5 war of 1812; 7 bounty land; 28 navy; 0 old war; 20 on account of Mexican service, 135 accrued pension and 2,891 applications for increase. Number of re­ jected claims reopened 207; act of March 4, 1890, --. Act of June 27, i$£K), 4,700 original, 2,400 widows, and -- navy. The names and postoffice ad­ dresses of 2,967 officers and comrades were furnished for the use of claimants. Total claims receive^ under act June 27,1890,525,960. There were 84,510 pieces of mail mat­ ter received; 159,581 letters and blanks sent out. The number of cases detailed to special examiners was 378 ; 733 reports and cases from special examiners; cases on hand for special examination, 5,829. Report of certificates issued during week ending Dec. 6, 1890; Original, 2,346; of which -- were under act of June 27,1890; increase, Jt,530; reissue, 110; restoration, 41; duplicate, 0; accrued, 52; act of March 4» 1890, 13; act of June 7,1888,0; act of March 3, 1883, 2; total, 5,094. Total number of nfaims pending, 1,048,752. • - . The following general order was issued Nov. 22: It is tbe sad duty of theCumiuander-in- Chief to announce that Comrade Richard E. Tobin, Senior Vice Commander-in- Chief, elected at the Twenty-fourth National Encampment, at Boston, in August, last, died at his home in South tloston, this morning, passing away s'rom this world of shadows before day­ break to the land of cloudless skies and never ending day. "For there shall- be no night there." A gallant young soldier in -the navy under Farragut; an able and accomplishes official of his native State and city; s; worthy comrade from bis entry as a ifcl oruit; a distinguished commander of1Mm department in 1886, and fitly chosen to the high office from which he has b(M mustered out by death, Comrade Tobin was universally and justly loved, trusted and honored, and his mord will be a fair and spotless escntheon to aU coming time. Brave, true, loyal and siBcere, we all mourn hi* death. BoraNov.20,1844, he was yet young for his final bell to strike, to bid farewell to shipmate and comrade. Asa mark of resnect to his memory all National, department and post officers will, for thirty days alter the receipt of this order, when cm duty, wear the usual badge of mourning on the left arm, black crape, five inches wide, and a knot of the material npoa the sword hilt; all colors of the order will be drapNl in mourning for a like period by attsehiug with blacs rihhon two streamers of btauk crape, six neheg wide and four feet long, to thfr t'» rule upon the laoee below «h» Departmewls< 0t posts Htaff colors wit! display tbem at" on tbe day 0T1 MASSSL FOR SALE OB BItfiT. ^ . (jrittol Wnyaf KV I.Ann f >rm Q- >^08^ CrHHm«lwlet fabCto>t . ^ . - ; - - reason of ] such cir a place which of hi«i camp, special greying no service by such j traiy, was acting iijl and in fntheranee of, bheseryieea«4.tbsi ofti||i" cloai^yi year bathing In the natural, reasonable, method of coi pisw'tt appears, soidisrmet his death by t such circumst contributory n« ably be inline of < eridenoe of' decimon, claim, «pp the pwŝ ,iOtoyed. The Sew O iff8™" Having, after yearsol i pe<««iaii as me the G. A.'i felt thai when pr tional Morrill, meat. Th# were justified in This left but one . committee--Comrade R,' sas. In making up Hif^||w ComtnMider-iD'dilei iWpir has! retained him as chairnM^l with him Comrades New York; A. P. Horny, of.U^ Sdden Conner, of Maine, and L. T« ason, of Illinois. This makes an ing»y oa© could not have been found in ranks of the Order. : Comrade H. W. ®«e is a maa, a flasslNqpealnt SfMl'SSi vocate of »<l%i ftafe ' man of high ntawiHiij at hoi Speakw of the House of sentatives, has a wide among the pnblic men the country and his tenceonpM has tboro«M^y iafeftSNA and methods in Congress. He tea cal advocate of service pensions. Comrade WafMpM^<.|^|taprr ablest men in New ~ " " Senator from tlm i ago the Republican nor, his ability and where recogaissd MS:Oi,1 Comrade A. P. known to the * As a soldier he was of the very best the glorious old He made a fine from Indiana, em Governor of the. years an d pensions. Comrade Sgtdea s ccnradu, 1^1 •», civtl career. Ilj£< has Maine, Senior |hfce of the Grand Army of the Repu; Pension Agent. 0oww^eL. T Dickason, is PaS Bepartment uois, aiid waa the choice of tfctfi for a place on the Committee. We congratulate the eoi the admirable pensouuelof' H ess be relied upon' to > (koselbleto be doaefortl» justice to the veterans.--ife ne. INTBLLHJEXT who with the respective «dr-- offered by the lines between Kansas City, aad,;. with the nttDOst s^eed^ -. ,. fort, always take the fM>pnlar\ ble Chicago ft AltOa Baans*^ these points, aadj oomii«tron i" whan goinS^Q of t via Kansas Cl^r, shoa|$i itur tickets that î «4 o««r1 Alton. It Is #e complete aad

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