8^3' '• k? •, l orlvent on plm»- ;om of - the .great mr Jaurupy is at Nowihew elr»e cam be w*n of ^aterjaii*} and American vim an in Chicago or Krtn««H rit.v, and b# invftw lovers of ek^ance and beauty like tfti. Louri*. In going further into the W«*»fcM there are various routes tie tourist in *y select, tint supposing the afcart m made from Chicago the great Starting point of weMtero travel, no line 4io tw foand more desirable than the Chic;tgo & Alton, the great "Three Link" twite, and it* unsurpassed connection*, it earn, comteous train men, a. first trad;, and every convenience that jtooderii railroading employs is here found for safety aud comfort. The coun- tty traversed is unexcelled for beauty of scenery--the vertiblo garden of the conti nent. Be sure and secure tickets of the Chicago & Alton if yon would have a pleasant journey. ' A SVPK INVESTMENT, f '"Which is guaranteed tobringyon tntirfartory results, or in case of failure • return of purebate price On this safe plan yon can buy from our advertised l>n>ggiKt a bottle o' Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. It is guaranteed brimc relief in every c»«e, when used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, . Such as Consumption, Inflamation of twangs, Bronchitis, Asthma, Whooping Cough. Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant : an agreeable to taste, perfectly safe and • can always be depended upon. Trial Imttlee free atGeo. W. Beeley'a Drugstore. 19-lm to eanr&as for the sale I of oar Home-Growr Nnraerv Stock WAHTXS CnWiUiD rACiLtTiKft. On* of the lu|Mt, 4M<n.«U»bllilwdl Mid beat known Nurseries tatiweooBtry^ feMiwg, 'in 1846. A T. SMITH, Geneva Nursery, Geneva, if. T. W" 'hi' • WEBSTER , •*, THE BEST INVESTMENT tfeft Family, School, or Profession*! LUararj. i/f. - <i: % JtWi W lie?, [il« aHiUni to pt, ««» prbJst HADE ONLVfiy Fairbanks. Co. CHICASO. WHEN YOU WAKT J| , i/teA » • iSh^ • > » V' > • ,/ <«!.<& HEATING STOVE, Or anything in that ̂ line oa.ll S T O R Y & M c O M B E R , DKAX.KRS I|§ b«en for yeftn Standard liar In the Government igOmo * " " " ie Court. Pri utlng; Office and TJ. 8. Su- Court. [{ Is highly recommended by kte Sup'ts of Schools and 38 State »up'ts or acnoois ana the leading College Presidents, Ke^rly au the Hehool Books published in this country are based upon Webster, as attest ed bv the leading School Book JOOOmomWerds and nearly 2DOO more Engrravingrs than any other American Dictionary. ~ SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Ifce Hew Twfc ¥«rld Bays: Webster is •!- SnS|rmi3^re«Bcededto be the but. M^fs: VTehater is the ao- ta'lexioographjr. •ays: Webster has ' • r-*, *t * t Stoves, Granite-Ira, Tinware, SPORTING : GOODS, Cutlery* Barb Wiref Etc. Glass sjg| AJJ Sizes, We mike a specialty of Dairy Supplies, "aud Jobbia g in Tin Copper and Sheet-Iron. Your patronage is respecttully bo licited. • * , , , ,:v i STORY « M'OMBER, Weat McHenry, Dec, 23d, 1890. fO^jPOSlj?® BISHOPS M1LJU , * : t imr^_ . Wi.'Uli'M'a . Ti;t • L f • ; \ '(-d3 .Ml • U- I \ • X FULL LINE OF iiEATINfl - STOVES, Of4he Bett Makes, on hand at att times. Anything not in *tock ordered and de* Uvered inside of 34 hours. The Celetmated; ACOBV zm ST07I, The Beat in the Market and every one warran|ed. Prices as Low as the Lowest Pleas© call and examine our Stoves before purchasing. «la»s of All Sizes Con- on Hand. THE BIST BARB WIRE la the Market, at Bottom Prices. ZNQ AXTD Will be done on f-hort notice and Satisfaction Guaranteed, share of public patronage respectfully solicited, MoHenry, til., Nov. 12, 1890,1 JACOB BONSLETT. WHAT!NEVER? ' • Well, Hardly Ever! Have the people of McHenry and adjoining counties had so t'avor- able an opportunity to purchase •ii'/•':••• i aathority in our office, •ays: Webster's «» standard. anoerst saye- Mtttkorlty in our office. : It is recognized ftStfni15 word-'hook " of •II over the world.«% rallBoaknllen. Pamphlet froe. " " l*C0^ IWi^8prmgfieJd,.lto«i 1^" I • ' , Aw o«s*:g M*r. It Uta» bat Mttto additional powraad No Extra L^bor. Write far UliatntodOata^^i foil daaoiipUuB and tMtimoniaU; also of our AMVRICAN A HERO FEED MILLS, WOOD SAWS, HOR8E POWERS, CORN SHELLERSl HOBLERW SELF- FEED BAR CORN CUTTERS, «tt» SHELL OPERATION In/LLt GUARANTEED n r IB t d|> ATPLCTON MFC. CO., 10 and 2l»3outtl Canal it., CHICAGO, IIMk On account of the great demand for our Peck's Husking- and Sheltlng Machines, others may tnr to In. fnnm on oar patents, ami we take this tuetliod of iniorralim the public that we lmvo a very Btrontr patent on tM method of cutting the corn stulk, and nt the fame time liusklni? and shellinK the corn. This patent we wiartgklly protect, and anyone found iislriB such machines, unless manufactured by the Armleton MannCacturiiiK Co. and so mafked, and stamped "Patent Goadard Process, Dec. ISSi. will be »ro»e<nited aaconltnK to law. v We shall at all times keep a lar*e stock of these machfnen, and will ftll all orders promptly, givlm with each machine a lioenne to use, thus relieving every one from a possibility of litigation. We sell tbeM ma chines at so low a price that no one can afford to run any risk by buying any other machine whioh may be made. We are a large and responsible arm and send our machine* out on a strong guarantee, and make it a animportant 6ofnt000 8aUs°ed'Blld c&f fornish any needed repairs at a momeafs nottoe, which Is often Weglve this notice because we do not desire litgation, nor do wo desire to bother any farmer using these machines without our license, and we trust that evervone will save themselves any trouble hi the matter by purchasing direct of us, or of our authorized agents. Your* truly, APPUITON MANUFACTURING COMPANY. AS IS NOW SOUND AT ENJJY, ILL 1 * \ y, < ; A <i;li . Vs j . I*ta»«i r̂ SH 'TiniTwni Imp you 4ry la iiMraHBBAin>ajonBiawsrrMitad tiMi hardest itef- llsMvMEKKLfl enrnttaotlnitMh, IvmolMMhii. Koo*nnnln.wltboultk* I, a imrf«« rldlnc cut, art _ Dn*f«naln,wltlMnitlka*VM BrMd" tntoMrt Hiuaiialsd C»Wo«a» fwa. A. i. Toww(lMto«, >m BUY YOUR • AND #RAIN.;. •••' Where you can do the bast. .?vs ' *i" JL. Oristy, KIRK'S AMERICAN FAMILY SOAB C A N D E E -to1-' It'-?*1 D. NEEDHAM'S IONS TM*^ • , ft • f mMfi- Factory, Wstt HdcHenry, till amiiiofalll^lwiw^ud |t wilt ^03 to caH snd «esp«otfuiiy» > ' e-; An CRIBTY la a name that abotdd be familiar to every man, woman and child in the land. Why P JJecause that ia the brand on the soles of the best RTJBBKB BOOTS AND SHOES made* Aik your dealer for them and if he does not keep them send to us for a Descriptive 11- luBtrated Price List and -we will send you a pair through a dealer in your >***• ®1I tan TO M( FOR GANOEE. C. H. FARCO ft CO., EnlnlmWhalMaleAgnta, • CHirtcn tt.t. RUBBERS Bonslett & Stoffel f.:; • ' , Agents for MoHenry, III. FRANK D. THOMASON, DATCIITC Attorney at Law, rA I tlv losa TO $|fl A DM JT Agent* Wsntedl Circioums Pun. 1 Bi ewrter*s Salety Elv&pt away t® introducetb««a. Iwwf horse owner bays ftom I to e. UlWi never under bonta* feet. tfta. Srmui 1(|. «Z58LS$jBtiB8i SEND ros OUR CATALOGUE and PA!'!*-* ATLAS EN6INE WORt^fi INDIANAPOLIS, IND. W. BLATCHFORD & CO., of ttl eago, have appointed Bonslett & Stoffel of West McHeniy, agemtsfortheirfamouH Oil Meal and CaH Ifaal, which all farmers should accord a fair trial. Very clos driers an offered aa, mail or lo With Two Stores, One on the West and one on the East side, they presfnttp the buying puWfc^ i"V ^ -/I • - rvi *' ; Xargier Stock of all kinds of Furniture this Fall than ever before, which wis are offering at greatly DEDUCES PRICES. NOW X3.TEE TIME IU BUY. Iff# have taken great ptins in selecting our Undertaking Supplies, Coffins, Caskets & Trimmings, Cf the latest designs. Every thing New and Elegant. We keep nothing but the best. Do not fail to call and see us when in want of anything in our line. A Splendid New Hearse In connection, which will fur nished at KeuSonable Bates* JUSTEN BROS. McHenry, 111,, Qct. 14,1890. Oattle, 8heep i Hom. Excel* any rtmedy for the rapid curt of Hard Cold*,Coughs, Hid* Bound, Y*llowWat«r, Fever, Dl*t«mp*r, Sort and Weak Ey**, Lung Fever, CmUmrm*, Blotches, and all dHfecltl** arts* lag from Impurities of th* Blood. Will roll*** Heaves at onco. Manufactured by the JOPPA MANUFACTURING CO., LYONS, N. Y. Sure Care for Hog Cholora. FULLER * FULLER, fioaoral W*st*rn Agents, Ckieago, III. oxoaos o, No. 07OI. Record 2i96. Will be for service at the baraa of George W. Owen, MoHenry, Illinois. TERM8, $50. One half payable tn Casta, balance by Note due aix months from service without interest, Interest after due at 8 per eent. "GeorgeO." was sired by Lakeland Altdallab 861. by the founder of oar trotting w onders, old Rysdykes Haabletoman, 10. Dam of George O. I* by Autocrat, a son of George M. Patchen, 30, record 2:28#, Sbe paced a t s ix years o i l a ha l f mi le in 1 M X , •and at I? years a full mile la 2:27. "George o." has had very limited advanA tages in the 8tud, never having bred % atan- dard bied mare, but his colts are all very speedy and sell tor long prices. He sired a two-year-old with a record of 2:49. trial X mile in 1:22 to Boad Oavt. MaHmmry, llUmoU. exo&exw. own. MIf pop had blanketed you in tile stdt>le you would be fa^ too," Wf-Qet from your dealer free, the 94 Book. It has handsome pictures and valuable information about hones. Two or three dollars for a $/A Hont Blanket will make yoar hone worth mors and eat less to keep warm. 5IA Rve Mile 5/A BossStablfV P"*! 5/A Electric ^ , 5AI Extra Test mher styles at prices to ,. body. If jou can't get them from yoar dealer, write us. C 0 N S U M p f It has permanently cured tboosammt of cases pronoasftea by doctors hope* less. If you have premonitory symp toms. such as Cough, Difficulty of •j y BLANKETS ARC THE STRONGEST. HONC oTN'jim MNthovtthc 6W usri XaftoT'i by «V* t*ks * Sosn. miWda whe tiign Band Lakar iUMUkiita. j - f ] r'i • «j,"' Vi, - ' s „ ' ' j,?' J ,. wV. • ,j *'• 'A' 'iiii •fir • 't \ , j 1 v" ' Commencing Honday, Dec. And t® conlinoe until March 1st, 189L I will sell ay entire e t ^ c k , c o n t » i 6 t i n g ^ ^ '-ik :tkl Rubber Goods Robes, Blankets, Halters. " *"V rt, "1 Whips, Family Groceries, Chins Ware, Glassware, igarp, Tolacco, Pipes, etc. ' •f.,. ^ f ' J*/'*"* ^ H ENTIRE «yi <J~ J ^ _ V. JtAx- .5 i r -> Forks, Hoes, Spades, Axes, Mallets, Picks, Mattocks, Bolts, Tin- ware, Oarpenter's Tools, Pnmna hnfh imn ami nnmi ukoH n»uL itsre, etc. , ~ my < fwogto^ull ingsV"t acres o near iowj, one JDiweUing House, and one-half interest in 3 Steamboats, and steamboat line between McHenry and Fox Lake. ' r - " " ! " " 4 I ' AND AT COST* » ' This is no humbug, but a genuine bona fide sale, as I am bound toelosemjr busiiMss. C 2 m m-'-'iCd •• • v S.: ^All persons kr>owing tbemselves indebted tfif ine are to call and settle at their ̂ arliest convenience. customers tor past favors, I remain YfNtm Respectfully. M. KM T«E WEST SIDE Wy. At the above place we mean to givo yon niore and better good#,1 ' for the dollar than you can get elsewhere. The season for Felt\ Boots and Rubbers is &*. hand and we are selling th* best Rubber Goods there is made to-day. All we ask when in need of a pair ot; Felts and Overs is for you to call in and get our prices, and wej. know the goods will please you for tin price we ask We starter them at $1.50 for the outfit. Also everything else ia the Boot sn#'%.u ̂ dhoe line correspondingly cheap. ' Remem'ier, that we are not taking second place in the Clothing. Trade here. We are offering to the trade this fall a well selected ; line oi Men's and Boys' Overcoats that are got up right in style and' ^• made ot good material at prices guaranteed to be correct. We ask;;'t< you when in need of a suit of clothes for yourself or boys to hall in* and look our btock over;we can fit you from a four year oil boy'ef suit up to largemen's wear, in cheap or fine all wool clothing* - f ... Underwear, Gloves and Mittens, Scotch and Plush Cape. $ A good assortment always on hand, * t , We are headquarters tor Fresh Groceries. Best 0if©(f "\'£ ways to be found here. Always ready to figure with you on prices of Sugar and will give you the most for the dollar of pure sugar. Choice brands of Flour, Graham, Buckwheat and Corn Meal al-v? ways on hand* , Yours respsctfully, / , ̂ ̂ ̂ Wast McHenry, HI. JOHN J. MILLER ,• ' j-;'1 ' <s M v'Vv;"r'. v//.1:. >s -•>, r JULIA A. gTOBY, McHBNItY, *•* f •" "" - - : " "f ! ... \-y. COne Door Wost of «|4v*rslde House,) - T DKALKR t 'Af . t >$k: DRUGS,? MEDICINES^ s-v :h 'frr--A FULL LIMB L.! .l-t! r' */ i vnew«w«iS| »/• Stnffii, Palais, Ofls a&d ColMia Constantly on hanll, j^}dl.!so a large line o( v.- Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, AND COMPLETE STOCK OPi . • f i f ' • h C Sp'ft - 1** * " STATIONERY & DRUGGISTS SUNDRIES, Fhysiolaiu Preaorlptlona GwefuHj ttd aoouratey oompotm^M by t I «sk Tour patronage is respectfully solicited. / . "tfi-'i •% : /J • ^ * (s£ ^ ^ ^ x ^ { J* * * ^ ^ * (?v v «0r&>?f 4MUA A. STORY,